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TCW: What Am I Doing?

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(OOC Note: Alright this works much better with how my game as turned out - so here is my backstory). The Date: December 30, 2005 The Place: Nevada State Armory It's the night before TCW Presents: Genesis and Tommy Cornell stands in the middle of the TCW ring - the four sides of steel that make up the steel cage he will wrestle within tomorrow night surround him. Joe Roche, the young TCW employee who writes for tcwrestling.com stands on the outside of the ring looking in at the TCW World Champion. Cornell: So there is a lot of talk in the back about how I'm too powerful - imagine that, too powerful? It's my goddamn company. But I understand what they're talking about - so here's the plan. Roche is a bit nervous about the "plan" as he isn't sure that becoming the Head Booker of TCW is the best move for a writer. He would never tell Cornell that he doesn't think he can undertake the job - but in the back of his mind he doesn't have a clue as to what it takes to be in charge of one of the biggest wrestling promotions in North America. But Cornell is right - there is a huge conflict of interest. He's the TCW World Champion and already the guys in the back think it's impossible to get the belt off of him, due to the fact that he signs the checks and writes the show. So young Joe Roche that night, sitting in the empty arena the night before a year end PPV event accepts the job as Head Booker of TCW - his job starts immediately. He's left with the Genesis card already determined and he spends the entire night looking it over. -------------- TCW Presents: Genesis Live from the Nevada State Armory TCW Hardcore Title: Sadistic Hardcore Match Madman Boone(c) -vs- Samoan Machine Youth Gone Wild -vs- The Darkness Warriors TCW All Action Title Match: Ladder Match Freddy Huggins(c) -vs- Chance Fortune Ronnie V. Pain -vs- Ghengis Rahn TCW Tag Team Title Match Painful Procedure(c) -vs- The Demons of Rage TCW International Title Match Rick Law(c) -vs- Giant Tana MAIN EVENT: Steel Cage Match (TCW World Title) Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- BLZ Bubb -vs- Liberty -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson
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[CENTER]TCW Presents: Genesis (Results) Live from the Nevada State Armory Attendence: 22,945[/CENTER] [B]Pre Show[/B] Joey Minnesota d. Ice Man C.A. (B-) The Security Force (Charlie Thatcher/Hell's Bouncer) d. Nation of Filth (C+) [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Samoan Machine d. Madman Boone (C) After a brutal back and forth affair Samoan Machine was able to gain a 10 count pinfall over Madman Boone to become the new TCW Hardcore Champion Youth Gone Wild d. The Darkness Warriors (C+) In a classic speed vs. side match it was the speed that came out on top when Wolf Hawkins gained a pinfall over Jay Darkness. Chance Fortune d. Freddy Huggins (C) In a ladder match that was probably not the best ladder match in the history of professional wrestling but still delivered the goods the TCW crowned a new All Action Champion in Chance Fortune. Ronnie V. Pain d. Ghengis Rahn (B-) Talk about a match that won't win any awards for gracefulness - Ronnie and Ghengis just beat the snot out of each other for about 6 minutes until the bass player for Painful Procedure finally put Rahn down for the three count. The Demons of Rage d. Painful Procedure (B) New champions seemed to be the flavor of the night as The Demons of Rage became the new TCW Tag Team Champions with their win over Painful Procedure. Rick Law d. Giant Tana (B+) A great match between two men who clearly respected one another as evidenced by their handshake when the match finished. Rick Law was the better man on this night and he retained his International Championship Main Event: Tommy Cornell d. RDJ, BLZ Bubb and Liberty (A) The biggest news of the night came from the Main Event when RDJ escaped the cage first but was not awarded the victory as the official had been knocked out cold by Tommy Cornell. The out cold official gave BLZ Bubb enough time to get RDJ back into the ring and by the time the official came back around it was Cornell who had escaped the cage to retain his World Championship. Final Show Rating: A (note: The segments were omitted to go along with the idea that Roche does not become the booker until following the PPV - the only thing of note that happened during the segments was BLZ Bubb gave a beatdown to RDJ which almost caused RDJ to miss the Main Event.)
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From The Desk of Joe Roche provided by: tcwrestling.com As many people have already heard, Tommy Cornell is no longer the Head Booker of TCW and I have taken over. I don't think I need to spend much time with introductions - you'll all have plenty of time to get to know me as we move along so let's get to business. First and foremost I would like to congratulate everyone involved with TCW Presents: Genesis as our PPV buy rate was an impressive 119,686 buys. Second off I know there is some concern in the backstage area and with the TCW fans concerning the end of the TCW World Championship match and the apparent victory by RDJ that was not awarded. I have decided that this can be settled in only one manner and that is why the main event for the upcoming episode of TCW Presents Total Wrestling will be a TCW World Championship match between RDJ and Tommy Cornell. Also on the show: BLZ Bubb was also involved in the RDJ screwjob - this week he will have to deal with Ronnie V. Pain who beat Genghis Rahn at the PPV. We'll also have the on screen debut of Evolution (Minnesota/Security Force) Samoan Machine has been in TCW for two weeks and already holds the Hardcore Championship - will Madman Boone come looking for the Samoan Wrecking Machine or will someone else? We're going to find the next challenger to the Tag Team Titles between Youth Gone Wild, The Tag Team Specialists, the Darkness Warriors and the former TCW Tag Team Champions Painful Procedure. All of this and much...much more - so tune in for the very first event booked without Tommy Cornell on TCW Presents Total Wrestling.
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Source: tcwrestling.com [B]Official TCW Presents Total Wrestling Lineup[/B] [QUOTE]Jan (Week 1) - TCW Presents Total Wrestling Live: From Irvine Hall in Kansas The Young Guns and Ice Man C.A. -vs- Evolution Joey Minnesota and his Security Force have been winning preshow matches the last couple of weeks and now it's time for their on air debut. Minnesota claims to be the evolution of professional wrestling and now he has a chance to prove exactly how great he could be - or will it be the imposing Security Force doing all the dirty work. TCW Hardcore Title: Open Challenge Samoan Machine(c) -vs- ???? Word from the locker room area is that Samoan Machine has thrown down the gauntlet to anyone who wishes to step into the ring with him. Putting the TCW Hardcore Title on the line against anyone who dares challenge the new champion could be an invitation for Madman Boone or anyone else in the locker room to take their chance against the Machine. Liberty -vs- Troy Tornado Troy Tornado has been off the air for the past couple of weeks and the lead singer of Painful Procedure has decided that it's time to get back into the ring. Fresh off losing in the Main Event at Gensis Liberty must take on the exciting Tornado in what promises to be a great bout. BLZ Bubb -vs- Ronnie V. Pain BLZ Bubb was everyone at Genesis - attacking RDJ backstage before the steel cage match, and then hoisting Johnson back into the ring before the official regained his composure to notice that RDJ should have won the match. The main cause of the Nevada screwjob has to pay the piper this week and it'll be in the form of Ronnie V. Pain. Tag Team Turmoil: For #1 Contender to Tag Titles Youth Gone Wild -vs- Painful Procedure -vs- The Darkness Warriors -vs- Tag Team Specialists New booker Joe Roche would not permit Painful Procedure to invoke their rematch clause after losing the Tag Team Titles to the Demons of Rage at Genesis and instead the former champions must overcome three of the top tag teams in the TCW to get a chance to regain their belts. Main Event: TCW World Title Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson The Nevada screwjob as it is being called in the backstage area cost Rick Dale Johnson the TCW World Championship. Rumors on the internet have been floating that RDJ feels some backstage politics cost him the World Title but new Head Booker Joe Roche has signed this match to give RDJ a second chance to become the top dog in TCW.[/QUOTE]
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I'm getting into it too but you just started so we'll see how it goes. All the descriptions are simple which is nice, I can't do it I like to be wordy but it is a nice change. The one thing is everything looks the same so it is a little difficult to read you don't really have to bold all the segement titles but you could underline them or put a line break between each segment.
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Yeah I agree with the segment titles and that's going to be changed - I just quick posted those previous things in order to set up the beginning of the year which in the story is where things really take off. Thanks for the input - every little bit helps, but I do agree that having all the text the same makes for some strange reading. Doesn't give the eyes anywhere to focus.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Live: From Irvine Hall in Kansas[/CENTER] [B]Genesis Recap Video[/B] (A) The crowd in attendence at Irvine Hall got to witness a recap video from Gensis. The focus of the video was mainly the three new champions that TCW now has - and most importantly the infamous Nevada Screwjob. The crowd loudly booed the final clip of Tommy Cornell with the TCW World Title. [B] Paul Steadyfast -vs- Paul Valentine -vs- Genghis Rahn[/B] This match was booked in an attempt to get these guys some extra work - the crowd was very hyped for the beginning of the show and the match was probably good enough to keep them interested. Rahn wins with a pinfall over Steadyfast when Rahn hit Rahn To The Hills @ 5:24 (B-) [B] Huggins/Fortune Showdown[/B] (C) Chance Fortune is in the ring talking to the fans about becoming the TCW All Action Champion - probably killing time before the main show begins when Freddy Huggins comes out to the ring. The two men stare each other down for a few minutes as Huggins claims that Fortune is holding the belt for him. [B]Cornell Arrives[/B] (A*) The camera in the backstage parking lot area witness Tommy Cornell with the TCW World Title over his shoulder walking into the wrestlers entrance to Irvine Hall. The crowd boos loudly. [B][CENTER](BEGIN MAIN SHOW)[/CENTER][/B] [B]Cornell Interview[/B] (A*) As the show begins Tommy Cornell comes to the ring to a chorus of boos. Cornell tells everyone how he overcame the odds beating 3 men to retain his title at Gensis and how no matter how much RDJ complains - it won't change the outcome. Tonight RDJ gets his do-over but the result will be the same because Cornell is...just...that...good. [B]Evolution Hype Video[/B] (C+) As the show comes back from commercial there is a video running hyping the newest faction to enter TCW - Evolution made up of Joey Minnesota and his two bodyguards Hell's Bouncer and Charlie Thatcher. [B]Evolution -vs- Ice Man C.A. and The Young Guns[/B] This match seemed to run a little long as The Security Force looked beat when it ended - but Joey Minnesota got the pinfall over Ice Man C.A. with a handful of tights @ 8:36 (B-) [B]Samoan Machine Open Challenge[/B] (C-) The Hardcore Champion is standing in the ring as we return from commercial and he claims that after brutalizing Madman Boone at Genesis he is willing to put his belt on the line against anyone in the back. [B]Stink Answers Challenege[/B] (C-) The music for the Nation of Filth hits the speakers and Stink comes out to the ring with a steel chair in hand. [B]Samoan Machine -vs- Stink[/B] Brutal match which finally ended after a vicious DDT on a steel chair and then the Unbreakable Sleeper applied by Machine @ 5:46 (C) [B]Liberty Interview[/B] (A) Liberty is backstage and the crowd pops pretty well for him as he begins to talk about his failure to win the TCW World Title at Genesis. He won't let it get him down though and the road back to the championship begins tonight against Troy Tornado. [B]Liberty -vs- Troy Tornado[/B] These two put on a pretty well paced match that the crowd was totally into. When you get two good guys facing one another it usually splits the crowd but the Irvine Center was live for this one and it ended when Liberty won with the Liberation Slam @ 11:45 (A) [B] Backstage: Stately and BLZ Bubb[/B] (C) Herb Stately talks about the role that BLZ Bubb played in denying RDJ the World Championship at Genesis. They also talk about how Ronnie V. Pain will attempt to gain some revenge for Johnson tonight but it will just result in defeat. The blood of Ronnie V. Pain will be on the hands of RDJ. [B]BLZ Bubb -vs- Ronnie V. Pain[/B] BLZ Bubb and Pain put on the complete opposite of a wrestling clinic but it was BLZ Bubb with his foot on the ropes who secured the pinfall @ 4:54 (B) [B]RDJ Backstage (A*)[/B] RDJ in a calm and collected voice that sounded about ready to explode in violence talks about Genesis. He claims that BLZ Bubb will pay for his actions, and Tommy Cornell better have slept with the TCW World Title after Genesis because it's going home with R-D-J tonight. [B] Tag Team Turmoil Video[/B] (C+) A video hyping the four teams involved in the Tag Team Turmoil match is shown. The announcers reiterate that this match will determine who the new #1 Contender to the Tag Team Titles will be. [B]Tag Team Turmoil Match[/B] (B) The order of elimination was Youth Gone Wild after Stevie Grayson was caught unexpectedly with a rollup by Jay Darkness, followed by Paul Oxford gaining a submission over that very same Jay Darkness and Randall Hopkirk getting the pinfall over Joel Bryant @ 9:46 for a Painful Procedure victory and they will get a rematch for their TCW Tag Team Titles. [B]Tommy Cornell -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] This match ended while RDJ and Cornell fought on the outside - it's almost like the fans could feel the hatred between these two men as neither even made an attempt to get back into the ring and @ 9:40 the contest was called a draw as Cornell hit RDJ in the back with a steel chair on the outside. [B]Brawl To End Show[/B] (A*) As Tommy Cornell celebrated outsmarting RDJ with the World Title in his hand he turned his back to RDJ who tackled Cornell to the ground and began pounding away on the World Champion. As we went off the air Tommy Cornell and RDJ brawled to the backstage area. Show Rating: B+ Attendence: 5,000
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[SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]TCW Newswire[/CENTER][/B] [/SIZE][QUOTE] Credit: tcwrestling.com Apprently Liberty was very late arriving to Irvine Hall and Head Booker Joe Roche was not happy. Rumor has it that Roche had a talk with Liberty about being late and hopefully that will be the last run in the two have. After wrestling Tommy Cornell to a draw on Total Wrestling it seems RDJ went to Head Booker Joe Roche and asked for a match against BLZ Bubb. Apparently RDJ has decided that BLZ will not get away with his role in the Nevada Screwjob. If you weren't present for the pre-show on Tuesday night Freddy Huggins and Chance Fortune had a staredown which has lead Joe Roche to book a TCW All Action Title rematch for next Tuesday. This week the TCW will do a swing through Mexico with their house shows which will be the first time TCW has done the Mexican swing in some time. Hopefully all goes well as Joe Roche attempts to increase the North American/Mexican popularity of TCW. Caught up with International Champion Rick Law after the show as he was leaving and asked if anyone was looking for a title shot since Genesis and he just laughed and smiled. Stay tuned for next week's TCW Presents Total Wrestling lineup.[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]TCW NEWSWIRE[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Jan (Week 2) TCW Presents: Total Wrestling Lineup[/B] Live from Centerpiece Bridge in South Carolina[/CENTER] [B]Chance Fortune(c) -vs- Freddy Huggins[/B] Freddy Huggins lost the All Action Title to Chance Fortune at Genesis and now he has invoked his rematch clause. Last week during the preshow Chance thanked the fans for their support but Huggins was having none of that - the tension has built up between these two rising stars and it'll boil over on Total Wrestling this week. [B]Samoan Machine Open Challenge[/B] Last week Stink of the Nation of Filth answered the Open Challenge and got tapped out. This week Samoan Machine promises to continue putting his title up against anyone who dares step in the ring with him - will anyone challenge for the TCW Hardcore Title after seeing what Machine did to Stink last week? [B]Joey Minnesota -vs- Liberty[/B] How did this happen? Joey Minnesota has appeared on exactly one episode of Total Wrestling and suddenly he is facing the man who had a chance to become TCW World Champion at Genesis. Liberty is on the road back to the top of the TCW but this week he has to take on the "Evolution of Professional Wrestling" and maybe more importantly - the Security Force. [B]The Demons of Rage(c) -vs- Painful Procedure[/B] Painful Procedure weren't given a rematch clause to exercise so they had to regain their shot at the TCW Tag Team Titles the old fashioned way - by winning a Tag Team Turmoil match against Youth Gone Wild, Darkness Warriors and The Hit Men. The legendary Demons of Rage will put their TCW Tag Team belts on the line against the bandmates who the crowd goes crazy for. [B] Troy Tornado -vs- Genghis Rahn[/B] The lead singer of Painful Procedure is trying to get recognized in the title hunt and the best way to do that would be to start winning some matches. This week he steps into the ring against the veteren Genghis Rahn. Will Tornado take that next step towards title town, or will it be Rahn lining up a shot at a belt? [B]MAIN EVENT: BLZ Bubb -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] He asked for it - he got it. RDJ asked Joe Roche for this match following the double count out finish to his TCW World Title rematch. It's the beginning of what RDJ is calling retribution for what happened in Nevada. The Nevada Screwjob is on the minds of everyone in the back and BLZ Bubb was a huge factor in the screwjob. RDJ looks to take out his anger and frustration on the monster before setting his sights back on Tommy Cornell. [B]Also:[/B] - We're two weeks out from the next PPV event TCW Presents: Winter Warfare will the show start taking shape? - The lockerroom has been walking on eggshells since Genesis, without being booked it is almost certain that Tommy Cornell will be in attendence, will there be more fallout from the Nevada Screwjob? - All this and much, much more so don't forget to tune in! [B]Source:[/B]tcwrestling.com[/QUOTE]
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OOC Note: Just wanted to update I just got to be a month ahead in my game - I've been a bit busy with finals (law student) so that slowed me also but today I'll have at least one show probably two posted and for those of you interested in the diary I really think you'll find some good stuff coming up. Thanks for reading. -J
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]TCW PRESENTS: TOTAL WRESTLING[/SIZE][/B] Live from the Centerpiece Bridge[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Rick Law d. Ronnie V. Pain (B)[/B] Rick Law wins this one by pinfall after Squad Car Slam. This match was one that had to be cut due to time constraints from the main show but the crowd at the Centerpiece Bridge loved the action. Rick Law was incredibly athletic around the bigger Ronnie V. Pain and in the end the quickness and power of Law was just too much. The International Champion retains. [B] Video: Recap of the Darkness Warriors and Youth Gone Wild feud (C)[/B] [B]The Security Force d. The Hitmen (B)[/B] Hell's Bouncer got the pinfall after using a roll of quarters that was thrown to him by Charlie Thatcher @ 6:28 [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]MAIN SHOW[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Hype/Recap Video (B)[/B] The show opens once again this week with a recap of last week. Video flashes in front of the screen we see Samoan Machine with the Unbreakable Sleeper applied to Stink, Liberty hitting the Liberation Slam on Troy Tornado, the members of the Tag Team Turmoil Match zoom bye as Painful Procedure stand victorious in the middle of the ring, and finally RDJ and Tommy Cornell exchange blows in the middle of the ring as the logo for TCW Presents Total Wrestling materializes. [B]Freddy Huggins is in the ring (C+)[/B] The show opens with Freddy Huggins the former TCW All Action Champion in the middle of the ring - he talks about being the real All Action Champion and how the people are here to see him, so it's time for Chance Fortune to get out here and give him his belt back. [I]TCW All Action Title Match[/I] [B]Chance Fortune d. Freddy Huggins (C+)[/B] Chance wastes no time in accepting the challenge coming out with the All Action Title around his waist. This match was very fast paced with both men getting in a lot of good offense until Chance Fortune got the pinfall @ 11:55 after the Stroke of Luck [B] Post Match (C+)[/B] As Fortune holds the TCW All Action Title over his head the crowd starts booing loudly as Joey Minnesota and his Security Force comes through the crowd and into the ring. With Hell's Bouncer, Charlie Thatcher and Minnesota surrounding Chance he has no way out of the ring and after a few seconds of fighting Evolution has put Fortune down. Joey Minnesota drapes the All Action Title over the prone body of Chance Fortune and points to his own chest as if to say "That's my belt." [B]Samoan Machine Open Challenge (C)[/B] Once again we return from commercial with Samoan Machine in the ring - he shoots on the mic about being an unstoppable wrecking ball and Stink felt his wrath last week. This week he opens the challenge to anyone - he knows a bunch of guys are back there who think they can handle Samoan Machine but who has the guts to try. [B]Grunt Accepts (C-)[/B] Grunt comes out to some boos, but some cheers - he has a fire in his eyes after watching his partner Stink get decimated last week and he is looking for revenge. [B]Samoan Machine d. Grunt (C-)[/B] Samoan Machine attacks Grunt the minute he steps into the ring and just pounds him into the ground. Grunt is able to get some fight back with the use of a steel chair and the ring steps, but Samoan Machine is able to shrug off (no sell) a stiff chair shot, kick Grunt in the stomach and apply the Unbreakable Sleeper @ 4:49 for the win. [B]RDJ is backstage (A)[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson is backstage in the dark - he talks about BLZ Bubb who he will face tonight. He talks about how BLZ Bubb is the one responsible for the Nevada Screwjob just as much as Tommy Cornell and tonight it's up to R-D-J to finally put an end to Bubb's reign of terror in the TCW. RDJ is focused and he knows that he'll get his shot at Cornell again, but tonight it's all about ending the career of BLZ Bubb and nothing more. [B]Liberty d. Joey Minnesota (A)[/B] This was a great back and forth match as the youngster Joey Minnesota really held his own in the ring against an established vet like Liberty. At one point Hell's Bouncer pulled Liberty to the outside and put a pretty good beating on him, but once back in the ring Liberty was able to regain some momentum and as he setting Minnesota up for the Liberation Slam, Joey was pulled out of the ring by the Security Force and instead of coming back in, he just left the ringside area and got counted out - not popular with the crowd @ 9:42. [B]Backstage Herb Stately (B-)[/B] The hulking BLZ Bubb stands behind Herb Stately who talks to the camera about RDJ and his mission to end the career of BLZ Bubb. Stately talks about how Bubb and Cornell took from RDJ the only thing that mattered to him - the TCW World Title and because of that Bubb has already ended the career of RDJ. RDJ has become consumed with rage and anger and tonight those emotions will blind him, before BLZ Bubb destroys him once and for all. [I]TCW Tag Team Title Match[/I] [B]Demons of Rage d. Painful Procedure (B)[/B] Demon Spite used a foreign object to knock out BJ Shearer during this match and gain the pinfall victory @ 6:45. The Demons of Rage looked in trouble near the end of this match but they were able to use a foreign object against Shearer and get the pinfall to retain their TCW Tag Team Titles as Painful Procedure were left in the ring without answers. [B]Troy Tornado Hypes his upcoming match (B-)[/B] In the ring first Troy Tornado talks about his drive to get to the top of the mountain in TCW. He talks about the responsibility of being the lead singer of Painful Procedure, and how much pressure has been on him to succeed. He says that tonight he will prove against Genghis Rahn that he is the future of this industry. [B]Genghis Rahn d. Troy Tornado (B-)[/B] Rahn defeated Tornado after the turnbuckle was removed by Rahn and he smashed Tornado's head into it @ 4:57. A brutal match and these two did not click at all. Tornado tried to use quickness while Rahn wanted to just pound it out and these two just did not fell each other out very well. Rahn exposed the turnbuckle and used it to his advantage and Tornado was left prone in the ring. [B]Tommy Cornell comes to the ring as guest commentator (A*)[/B] The theme song for the TCW World Champion hits the PA as Tommy Cornell comes to the ring to be the guest commentator for the main event tonight. Cornell has the belt slung over his shoulder as he joins the announcers booth and awaits RDJ and BLZ Bubb. [B]BLZ Bubb d. RDJ after interference by Cornell (B+)[/B] RDJ had BLZ Bubb right where he wanted him and was setting him up for some power move that might have put the monster down when Herb Stately distracted the official as Tommy Cornell smashed the TCW World Title over the head of RDJ. BLZ Bubb got the easy pinfall after that @ 6:55. [B]Post Match: Cornell shoots on RDJ (A*)[/B] With RDJ down on his back, BLZ Bubb and Herb Stately stood behind Tommy Cornell as he yelled in the face of RDJ that he would never take the TCW World Title from off his waist. Cornell pats BLZ Bubb on the back and says that if RDJ so much as thinks about becoming the TCW World Champion again than the monster will end his career, and his life. Overall Rating: B Attendence: 5,000
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