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Vanderbilt Boys go Promoting (Indy)

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I had just finished a short discussion with Miss Kristi about the changes to my duties due to the passing of her father. I know its not quite proper to think of her that way, but I had been her father’s butler and right hand man since before she was born and its hard to be formal with someone you used to read Dr. Seuss books to. However, my thoughts were interrupted when Allan and Thaddeus started up an old argument in the drawing room. Oh, perhaps I should give you a bit more background before I continue. My name is Charlton Remington. I served as butler, accountant and occasional foil to real estate magnate Thurston Vanderbilt. Sadly, just a week ago Thurston passed away after a short illness, and I find myself now employed by his real estate trust, which disburses funds to his heirs. His heirs include Miss Kristi, his daughter who just turned twenty, but already showed signs of being as good a businessman as her father. She was going to return to the university to complete classes, but wanted the company presidents to report to her about changes. I expect that the company will continue to do well. Her older brother Richard is in Singapore, running a subsidiary. He had insisted that Vanderbilt Real Estate needed to expand into the far east and had with his father’s blessing created an office there. It wasn’t as profitable as the main office, but he seemed happy, even if he did avoid visiting his father over the last few years. Finally we get to the last two heirs, the half brothers Allan Rabb and Thaddeus Tuttle. Neither is actually Thurston’s son. From what I understand Allan is the son of Thurston’s second wife Millie. Thaddeus was fathered by Millie’s first husband during an affair he had. Millie admits she was extremely upset when some unknown woman pounded on the door to her house and then shoved a baby Thaddeus into her arms saying, “your husband created this, you can have it!” only 2 months after Allan was born, but that was twenty-four years ago, and they had grown up as brothers. After Millie’s husband had died and she met Mr. Vanderbilt, he never treated them as anything other than sons, although his natural born children did come first in his heart. Well, enough history. I was talking about the argument that Allan and Thaddeus were having. They had been fans of wrestling since before they’d moved into the mansion, and remained fans for the fourteen years they’d lived here. I never quite understood the excitement, but since they’d turned twenty-one they’d talked about either becoming wrestlers or about how they could run a promotion better than the any currently running. At the time they were arguing about a Tommy Cornell, and how he was destroying the integrity of the old Hollyweird Grappling Company. Allan: I tell you that anyone can run a promotion and make it big! Tommy is proving it. Thaddeus: Sure, but you want to run a show of just women. Why not grab a few independent wrestlers and start a promotion? There are plenty of good wrestlers in the states looking for work. Allan: And have to compete with Coastal Zone, US, MAW and DaVE? If you stick with just women there are only two companies to compete with and one is in Japan. Thaddeus: You’ll go bankrupt looking for an audience. You need to have wrestlers, not eye candy!. I’ll admit that I’d heard all this before, but the argument tonight was unusually heated. And I’ll admit I was surprised when nearly an hour later it came to a very abrupt end. Allan: Fine! Go and promote a bunch of men. I’m sure I can have enough money to start my own promotion! Just don’t compete with me on show dates. Thaddeus: You take weeks one and three, I’ll take the even weeks, but once the American Wrestling League is on TV, I’ll have to do shows those weeks too. Allan: Fine. Women of Wrestling can do weeks two and four. I’ll open in the Great Lakes region. Thaddeus: No problem, I’d rather set up in the Tri-states area The two stormed from the room, and I assume off to find their notes about wrestling and promoting. Little did I realize that with my duty to Mr. Vanderbilt that I’d become part of their promotions and watch over them as they attempted to climb to greatness. OOC – This is my first attempt at any kind of dynasty, so I hope I can keep it entertaining. I’ve set up a 2 player game in the basic CornellVerse with only 2 changes. Adding in the promotions Women of Wrestling (WOW) and American Wrestling League (AWL). The game is setup as Free Style with the characters Allan Rabb and Thaddeus Tuttle being owner/head booker for their promotions. The promotions start with nothing except a supply of cash.
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Well, the next morning Allan and Thaddeus came to my office. They explained that they wanted me to serve as accountant and controller for both promotions as well as a business advisor. I soon found myself in a room reviewing stacks of pictures and articles for Allan. Carlton: What am I looking for again? Allan: I need women who can wrestle, but who can also interest an audience. We have to tell a story with the wrestling? Carlton: A story? Allan: Yes, this is Women of Wrestling, not Hustler’s Hunnies. The audience will expect wrestling, but with a storyline behind it. Good vs Evil. The Cheerleader vs the Teacher, that kind of story. It takes a special wrestler to do it well. I guess I was confused, but eventually he came up with a list of ladies he wanted to contact. As well as a couple of experience referees who were currently unemployed. The afternoon proved to be a near repeat as Thaddeus asked me to view stacks of information and even watch video of some of the wrestlers perform. Both ne and Allan would spend most of the afternoon on the phone trying to contact various individuals to negotiate for them to work with them. I must confess I’m interested in seeing who they hire.
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Well, I have to be impressed with how quickly the two brothers managed to get rosters together. Both are in the process of setting up their first events and coming up with storylines. (I have no idea what they mean, but I’m sure I’ll learn over time.) I guess I should give you some idea of who was hired. They talked about pushes and face/heel, so I’ll put it here, but I honestly don’t know what they are talking about. Signed by WOW (I used the red font to indicate the ones they say are “heel” Main Eventers Eve Grunge Kristabel Plum [COLOR="Red"]Suzi Slam Nina the Psycho Ballerina Emma Bitch[/COLOR] Upper Midcarders Principessa Melody Cuthill [COLOR="Red"]Mary Beth Chase Stephanie Wade[/COLOR] Midcarders Ginko Kuroda [COLOR="Red"]Roz Larren[/COLOR] Lower Midcarders Kinuye Mushashibo Non-Wrestling Staff Julie Forletta – Announcer David Poker - Referee Signed by AWL (again, the red font indicates the “heels”) Main Eventers American Elemental Gentleman Jim King [COLOR="Red"]Aristocrat Nevada Nuclear Dermot O’Logical[/COLOR] Upper Midcarders Ben Williams Brendan Idol [COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart Flemmy Lemming[/COLOR] Midcarders Raphael [COLOR="Red"]Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] Lower Midcarders [COLOR="Red"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] Non-Wrestling Staff Bret Graveson – Referee Abi Romanov – Announcer I guess after this I’ll be splitting my posts up. Allan and Thaddeus are keeping to their promise with WOW having its first event in week 3 and AWL following up in week 4. It will be nice since I can be backstage at both events and report faithfully the twists and turns this new venture brings.
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[B]Thursday, Week 3, December 2005 WOW Happy Holi-Daze [/B] Well, I’m not sure what to expect, but I find myself backstage in some small Ohio Gym watching as Allan talks to Eve Grunge and Principessa, I noticed that Julie was quietly taking notes herself, so I guess this had to do with the show. Once he finished talking to them he headed out to be part of the massive crowd of 10 people, muttering something about needing “Road Agents” [B] Kinuye Mushashibo v Roz Larren[/B] I’ll admit I was surprised by how much energy was being expended as these two ladies jumped onto the ropes and used every part of the ring. Finally Roz did a leap off the top rope and leveled Kinuye in the center of the ring. The referee counted a pin. [B]F[/B] As Roz was walking back to the locker room Melody Cuthill appeared at the entrance and said she was embarrassed that the first ever match in WOW was that sloppy. Roz took offence and the two exchanged insults at the entrance until Julie announced over the loudspeaker that Melody and Roz would be facing each other at WOW Entering the Year in January [B]D[/B] [B]Emma Bitch v Kristabel Plum[/B] Before this match started Julie announced that it was part of the 8 woman tournament to determine the first ever womens tournament. Emma looked good paired with Kristabel and the two exchanged flurries of punches. If Nina hadn’t whispered in my ear that it was all fake I think I might have run out to break up the fight. It ended when Krista missed a punch and Emma tossed her into the ropes, clotheslining her when she bounced back to the center of the ring. David Poker was in position to give the count. [B]E[/B] As Emma and Kristabel returned to the back Eve stepped out to brag that her match against Suzi Slam later in the evening would be dominated by her. [B]E[/B] [B]Principessa v Mary Beth Chase[/B] I must say that I was still trying to figure out how this worked. But at least I understood a bit more as I watched this match. Like the last one, this match didn’t seem to have much grappling as I expected. (sorry but the only wrestling I’d seen before was at the Olympics.) However, it did end with Principessa somehow tieing up Mary Beth’s legs and then leaning back. Mary Beth started slapping the ring and David signaled Julie to ring the bell and end the match. I don’t understand it, but without a pin Principessa won that match. [B]E[/B] Eve then headed down to the ring to prepare for her match. Suzi walked to the entrance and was about to walk down when Nina walked up and starter telling Suzi that beating Eve would be easy. She did a rather artistic twirl and then headed back as Suzi went to the ring [B]E[/B] [B] Suzi Slam v Eve Grunge[/B] This happen to be the longest match and it definitely had an effect. Both Suzi and Eve started strong, but the energy seemed to disappear and when Eve trapped Suzi’s arm in a grapple both ladies seemed relieved when Suzi started hitting the ring with her free hand. [B]F[/B] After the match Suzi tried to play a bit to the crowd, and Eve pushed her starting an argument that they carried on until they reached the locker room. At first I thought it was over the match, but I guess it was scripted because once they were out of sight of the crowd they hugged before Eve kicked over a traffic cone with a curse [B]F[/B] [B]Nina the Psycho Ballerina v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Even I could tell that this match just didn’t click. Ginko and Nina never seemed to be in sync and all the crowd seemed relieved when David Poker gave the three count after Nina used some strange pirouette kick to knock over Ginko. [B]F[/B] After the match Nina played to the crowd, acting like a top ballerina just finishing performing The Nutcracker Suite. The audience clapped politely. [B]E[/B] [B]overall grade F[/B]
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Tuesday, Week 4. December 2005 (AWL) AWL Season’s Beatings This time I had to fly out to Pennsylvania and again found myself watching a crew set up a ring in a small gymnasium. I decided to follow Thaddeus and I noticed that he met with each wrestler as they arrived and then had a rather long discussion with American Elemental and Nevada Nuclear. The conversation was clearly concerning the order of the matches and who was going to win each match. I have to confess I wasn’t too surprised, as I remembered how the WOW event had gone. I felt like at least I’d have a better idea of what was happening as I found a spot backstage to stand. [B]Raphael v Kashmir Singh[/B] Raphael and Kashmir seemed to fit well, and they battled with a number of impressive throws early on. It ended with Raphael applying some kind of neck lock and Kashmir appearing to fall asleep in the middle of the ring. Raphael turned to wave to the crowd once the referee called for the bell. E While Raphael was still accepting the cheers from the small crowd Kashmir got to his feet and slammed into Raphael from behind appearing to knock him out. [B]Dermot O’Logical v Ben Williams[/B] This was a short match, but Ben clearly didn’t feel comfortable facing Dermot. It ended after Dermot used a grapple and fall to pin Ben Williams shoulders to the mat. E As Ben was walking back to the locker room Mark Smart was standing by the entrance and insulted his effort in the match. Ben said if he thought he was so strong, he’d happily face him at the AWL Annual Party in January F [B]Gentleman Jim King v Aristocrat[/B] Another match that just didn’t seem to work. Aristocrat seemed to be looking for certain things to happen for him to act, and there obviously was a lack of flow. It ended after Jim bumped into the referee and knocked him down. While the referee was out Aristocrat went into the crowd and grabbed a chair. Aristocrat reentered the ring just as the referee got back up and was ruled the loser by disqualification. E After the match American Elemental came down to the ring and talked about how he was happy to be with AWL and was going to reward the audience by defeating Flemmy Lemming in the next match. F [B]Flemmy Lemming v American Elemental[/B] I’m beginning to wonder if Thaddeus had really done his homework, because this was another match that just seemed awkward. However American Elemental managed to roll up Flemmy for the pin. E As Flemmy walked out he ran into Brendan Idol who was walking to the ring for the last match of the night. They exchanged words, with Brendan taunting Flemmy for his loss. F [B]Nevada Nuclear v Brendan Idol[/B] The crowd seemed to find this match much better as they lustily booed Nevada as he pushed Brendan around the ring. Finally in an act of desperation Brendan grabbed the referee and pushed him towards Nevada. A very upset Bret Graveson signaled Abi Romanov to ring the bell and then raised Nevada’s arms in victory. D Overall Rating E
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Thursday, Week 4, December 2005 (AWL) Well its official. Abi Romonov signed a written deal with NOTBPW. She thanked Thaddeus for hiring her, but felt she had more opportunity with the larger company. Thaddeus was on the phone looking for a new announcer later.
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Friday, Week 3, January 2006 (WOW) WOW Entering the Year Melody came out to the ring and hyped her upcoming match with Roz Larren, before going backstage. E [B]Ginko Kuroda v Stephanie Wade (bra and panties match)[/B] This match was surprising because it seemed that Ginko and Stephanie were more interested in grappling than I’d seen before. It ended after Stephanie appeared to slip and Ginko ripped her blouse open. E After the match Emma Bitch came out to call Principessa a beauty queen who’s afraid to break her nails in the ring, and swore she’d crush her in their match later in the evening. C- [B]Roz Larren v Melody Cuthill[/B] Melody and Roz were playing up to the crowd and performing moves that frightened me. Nina whispered in my ear that the two ladies knew what they were doing and they’d be fine, but I was still worried. Finally, Roz performed some strange leap from the top rope and landed in such a way as to cause Melody to fall to the ring. Gregory Chapman counted the pin, not noticing that Roz was holding on to the waistband of Melody’s ring attire. The crowd seemed to feel the win tainted and booed the result. E After the match Eve and Kristabel came out to mock the Harry Potter movies joking about how they’d use magic if they had any. D [B]Emma Bitch v Principessa[/B] I was a bit surprised to watch this match. Emma seemed willing to use any trick to try to disrupt Principessa’s offense, and definitely liked using chops. It was a brutal fight and ended after Emma lifted Principessa and slammed her down. E Roz came out and bragged about how easy it was to pin Melody. She seemed ready to go on for a while but Julie rang the bell and summoned the wrestlers for the next match D [B]Kristabel Plum v Suzi Slam[/B] It was a fun match to watch. Kristabel and Suzi both came out ready to brawl, although in some ways it was very similar to the previous match. However, this one ended after Kristabel caught Suzi overextending on a chop and dragged her to the mat to apply some kind of arm hold. Suzi tapped out quickly. E Julie announced a bikini contest and brought down Principessa, Melody Cuthill and Emma Bitch. The crowd really enjoyed this event which was won by Principessa. Emma seemed extremely upset by this. C+ [B]Eve Grunge v Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/B] If I hadn’t seen Eve and Nina laughing backstage just before the match started I would have believed they hated each other the way the attacked each other in the ring. Eve kept trying to get an offense going, only to have Nina disrupt it with variations on ballet dance moves. However, Nina tried the same trick once to often and Eve rushed her to bring her to the mat and apply the pin. E Overall Rating: E
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Saturday, Week 3, January 2006 (WOW) Allan was complaining that he'd forgotten to hype the Melody v Roz match and that he was going to have to have it again. Something about a storyline he was using to try to interest fans. I thought the idea was to wrestle.
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Tuesday, Week 4, January 2006 (AWL) AWL Annual Party Another week, another event. I must admit its becoming interesting to see the wrestlers compete. I just wish I understood what they were doing. [B]Aristocrat v Raphael[/B] This match proved to be rather short as Raphael looked fierce for a moment, but was thrown into the ropes and floored by the extended arm of Aristocrat. F Thomas Morgan came out after the match to complain that he was the only member of the roster to not be in a match either at Season’s Beatings or tonight, and that it was a sign that the other wrestlers feared him. He issued an open challenge to the wrestlers for someone to take him on at AWL Hearts Breaking in February. D [B]Brendan Idol v Kashmir Singh[/B] Brendan and Kashmir seemed to flow from move to move, and the match seemed very even, then Raphael ran from the back and grabbed at Kashmir’s legs when he drifted near the edge of the ring. Brendan pounced and pinned the surprised Kashmir. E Ben Williams came down to the ring to get ready for his match, but he stopped at the announcers table and used the microphone there to let Thomas Morgan know that his challenge was answered and that he’d be happy to face him at AWL Hearts Breaking F [B]Ben Williams v Mark Smart[/B] Ben is much bigger than Mark, but Mark seemed to live up to his name, using quick moves to stay out of Ben’s reach and then rolling him up after a dive from the corner of the ring. F Kashmir then came out and taunted Raphael for his cowardly attack during his match. He said any good wrestler would come to the ring and say to his face what the issue was. As Raphael walked out from the locker room and down to the ring Aristocrat came charging out to tackle him from behind, with Kashmir quickly joining in until Bret Graveson chased them back to the locker room. F [B]Dermot O’Logical v Gentleman Jim King[/B] I’ll admit my commentary is short, but I just don’t understand much of what’s going on. Occasionally one of the wrestlers who’s standing with me backstage will name a move, but how does anyone remember all the different variations? At least this match stayed mostly in the ring, and Dermot ended it with what Raphael told me was a DDT followed by a figure-four leglock. All I knew is that Gentleman Jim started slapping the ring and Bret Graveson called for the bell. E Monique then too a moment to throw a few AWL t-shirts into the crowd. I was hoping the t-shirts might increase interest in later matches, but it seemed the wrestlers were just hoping to keep the crowd unterested. B [B]American Elemental v Nevada Nuclear [/B] Now this was definitely a match. Thaddeus had mentioned earlier that he wanted a big finish and these two did all they could to get the audience to cheer. It ended with Nevada going out of the ring and trying to take the ring bell to hit American Elemental with it. At this point Bret Graveson waved his hands and raised American Elemental’s arms. D Nevada didn’t stop though and as used Elemental’s head to ring the bell, and as the lights faded Elemental lay in the center of the ring as if out cold. F [B]Overall Rating: D[/B]
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Friday, Week 3, February 2006 (WOW) WOW HateFest The event opened with Roz standing at the entrance to the locker room and bragging that she beat Melody at Entering the Year, and she would win again tonight. [B]F Kinuye Mushashibo v Stephanie Wade (bra and panties match)[/B] I’ll admit I was a bit disappointed when I heard that this was a bra and panties match. I’ve grown to like watching two wrestlers working hard in the ring. I was surprised though. Kinuye put out a great effort attempting to defend against the more powerful Stephanie, but finally was trapped in a corner and stunned by a forearm leading to her losing her ring tights. [B]F[/B] After the match Eve came out to talk about how tonight in the finals for the WOW Gold Title she was going to defeat Emma Bitch and become the first ever champion. [B]C- Melody Cuthill v Roz Larren[/B] This match was definitely different from last week. Melody dominated all through the match, but eventually threw Roz from the ring, and while the referee was looking over to the scorers table, Roz grabbed a chair and hit Melody over the head as she attempted to exit the ring. A quick cover followed. [B]F[/B] After this Principessa was show tightening her ring shoes and getting her outfit just right at the locker room entrance before wlaking to the ring. [B]A Principessa v Mary Beth Chase [/B] Principessa seemed to trade her usual smile for a look of concentration as she used a variety of grapples and lifts to try to slow Mary Beth who seemed determined to use chops and power. In the end Principessa ducked a clothesline and then used the ropes to come back and bulldog Mary Beth. Or at least that’s the description Melody gave me as I watched. [B]F[/B] After this Roz returned to the entrance of the locker room to brag about how weak Melody had proved to be in the ring. [B]E Kristabel Plum v Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/B] Nina seemed to have a great time using a variety of modified ballet dance moves to compose most of her offense. Kristabel tried to keep up, but eventually ended up pinned. [B]E[/B] After the match Nina took a moment to brag about how she was the top wrestler in WOW, over even Eve [B]C- Emma Bitch v Eve Grunge (for the WOW Gold Title)[/B] These two did their best to put on a great show with Eve finally applying an armbar submission to secure the win. I heard Julie Forletta trying to come up with a name for it, and asked Roz why. She told me that the fans like it when a wrestler can be identified with a move they often use to win. I guess I’ll have a new task to complete soon, coming up with names for various moves. [B]D[/B] After this Eve held the title up to the fans and celebrated. [B]F Overall Rating E[/B] ---------------------- [B]Tuesday, Week 4, February 2006 (AWL) AWL Breaking Hearts[/B] Another week, another show in some small gymnasium in Pennsylvania. I had taken some time to do research and noticed that the larger promotions like SWF were performing in sports arenas which a much more professional looking ring, but Thaddeus told me he’d be happen to see 20 people in the audience. I guess that we still hadn’t gotten much notice, although he did say that the last show had done very well. The evening started when Kashmir Singh came out escorted by Nevada Nuclear. He said that Raphael might have been able to ruin his match at the Annual Party, but that was because he made it a two on one situation, and dared Raphael to find another wrestler to do a tag match later tonight. [B]F Ben Williams v Thomas Morgan[/B] Ben looked good early, but Thomas recovered and with a quick flurry rolled up his bigger opponent for the pin. [B]E[/B] After this Raphael came out escorted by Gentleman Jim King, The two made comments about Kashmir being only the hired help and Nevada sounding like he was mad from spending all his time in the desert heat. Kashmir and Nevada came running to the ring as Bret Graveson called for the bell to start a match. [B]F Tag Kashmir Singh/Nevada Nuclear v Raphael/Gentleman Jim King[/B] Considering that I’d never seen a tag match, and none of these wrestlers was very familiar I was surprised that this match went as well as it did. It ended after Raphael went to tag Gentleman Jim King only to find his partner not ready. Before Jim could turn Nevada had grabbed Raphael’s tights and rolled him up for the 3 count E After this there was a short video to hype the main event of American Elemental v Dermot O’logical. The crowd got restless during this. I think they wanted more wrestling. [B]F Brendan Idol v Mark Smart[/B] Mark and Brendan kept the energy high for this quick match. I did noticed that Mark had a leg in the ropes as he applied the pin, but referee Bret Graveson was only watching Brendan’s shoulders. Brendan looked extremely upset as he walked back to the dressing room. [B]E[/B] After the match American Elemental made some comments about how Nevada took an easy match tonight. Nevada wasn’t happy and came out to get in American Elemental’s face. They promised that they’d meet next month at AWL Bring on the Pain. [B]D Flemmy Lemming v Aristocrat[/B] This match seemed to go well, ending after Aristocrat decided to bring one of the chairs from the audience into the ring. [B]E American Elemental v Dermot O’Logical[/B] Definitely the best match of the night. Monique really couldn’t keep up with the action though and the audience clearly was disappointed. The two wrestlers were in a titanic struggle when Nevada came down and hit American Elemental from behind. His timing was off, and the shove caused American to knock down Dermot and pin him to the canvas. Bret Graveson did a very fast 3 count to declare American the winner as the nights show ended [B]D[/B] [B] Overall Show D [/B]
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[B]Thursday, Week 3, March 2006 (WOW) WOW March Madness[/B] Allan told me to expect some changes for this weeks show, saying that ending the tournament will open up new opportunities for storylines. The match started with Nina going through Eve’s bag and taking the title belt before returning the bag to the locker room. She played up her character of frustrated failed ballerina. [B]F Ginko Kuroda v Roz Larren[/B] Ginko and Roz did a fast moving match filled with a lot of leaps from the ropes. It ended after Roz managed to use a back flip from the ropes to bring Ginko to the canvas and get the threecount [B]E[/B] Emma then came out arguing with Principessa. She said Principessa was just a pretty face and couldn’t win in the ring. Principessa said she could and demanded that they face off. Since Principessa was already scheduled to face Mary Beth Chase they agreed to face off at WOW April Duels [B]C- Suzi Slam v Kinuye Mushashibo[/B] Kinuye did what she could to avoid getting trapped, but Suzi threw her around the ring almost like she was a ragdoll. Finally seeming to tire of the play she suplexed Kinuye in the center of the ring and then held her down for the three count. [B]F[/B] After the match Suzi started slapping Kinuye saying that such a weak girl should return to Japan and stop playing with the women. [B]F Principessa v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Principessa looked good in this match, but her offense vanished as Emma came running down to the ring and got the referees attention. While Gregory Chapman was trying to get Emma Bitch to leave ringside, Mary Beth used an elbow to knock Principessa to the ring and get the three count. [B]F[/B] After the match Eve walked through the audience searching for her title belt and reading a note she was carrying. [B]E Kristabel Plum v Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/B] These two put out a full effort, but when Kristabel tried to throw Nina into the ropes, Nina reversed the move and then used a clothesline to knock down Kristabel and get the win. [B]E[/B] Eve then went out to the ring to get ready for her match. While there she said she wanted her belt back and would put her title up against the thief if they would face her in the ring. [B]C- Eve Grunge [C] v Stephanie Wade - Gold Title Match[/B] Eve clearly was attempting to get rid of some frustration and used all her skills to throw the more powerful Stephanie Wade around the ring. Even having Nina come down to taunt her from ringside didn’t slow her assault and Stephanie was soon taping out to an armbar submission. I heard a couple men in the audience trying to think of a guitar based name for it, but other than the Guitar Neck Strain, which didn’t seem to ring, nothing came out. [B]E[/B] After the match Nina taunted Eve as the title was lowered from the ceiling towards the center of the ring. Accepting the challenge and making it a ladder match for WOW April Duels. [B]D Overall Rating E[/B]
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[B]Tuesday, week 4, March 2006 (AWL) AWL Bring on the Pain[/B] American Elemental came out with his title belt and celebrated for the crowd. [B]F Raphael v Thomas Morgan[/B] Raphael and Thomas went out and put on a hard fought match with Raphael winning after hitting a DDT [B]D[/B] After the match Raphael took a moment to demand that Kashmir face him at AWL Showers of Rage in April [B]F Brendan Idol v Flemmy Lemming[/B] Flemmy did all he could to keep Brendan off balance using a lot of flashy jumps, but finally missed a move and Brendan used a powerslam to plant Flemmy in the ring, finishing with a figure four leglock to get the submission. [B]E[/B] As Brendan and Flemmy returned to the back Monique threw a few t-shirts into the crowd. [B]B Aristocrat v Ben Williams[/B] Aristocrat’s first win in a while. He used his agility to keep Ben off balance and after knocking him to the mat went to the top rope to land an elbow drop and get the pin. [B]F[/B] After the match Flemmy called out from the locker room entrance that Aristocrat looked weak and demanded that he get to face him at AWL Showers of Rage. Aristocrat agreed. [B]F Mark Smart v Gentleman Jim King[/B] Mark’s speed clearly confused the gentleman wrestler a bit, and finally he exited the ring to recover. Unfortunately his attempt to recover by taking a sip of tea didn’t impress the referee and he was declared the loser by count out before he could return to the ring. [B]E[/B] Kashmir came out and said he’d happily face Raphael at Showers of Rage [B]F[/B] [B]Nevada Nuclear v American Elemental[/B] Another wild match that ended after American Elemental wore Nevada down and got a roll up pinfall in the middle of the ring. [B]C- Overall Rating D[/B]
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[B]Friday, Week 3, April 2006 (WOW) WOW April Duels Kinuye Mushashibo v Stephanie Wade (bra and panties match)[/B] Stephanie was dominating and pushing the smaller Kinuye around the ring, but Kinuye pulled a reverse of an irish whip to throw Stephanie into the corner. While Stephanie was trying to recover she hung Stephanie upside-down from the ropes and quickly stripped her to win the match [B]F[/B] Melody Cuthill came out to say that she was embarrassed to see any wrestler lose that way. Stephanie started screaming at her and by the time they returned to the locker room they were signed to wrestler at WOW School’s Out in May. [B]D Kristabel Plum v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Nothing overly exciting. The match ended after Mary Beth used a Samoan Drop followed by a cover to win. I’m noticing that some of the small crowd has been here before and they are calling out suggested names for finishers, but nothing seems to be catching on. [B]E[/B] After the match the screen showed Ginko Kuroda and Kinuye Mushashibo talking backstage when Suzi Slam came in and started beating down on Kinuye. Ginko quickly came to the defense of her fellow wrestler and after a moment Suzi retreated from the locker room. [B]F Melody Cuthill v Suzi Slam[/B] Melody came out with mayhem on her mind and Suzi was happy to oblige. The two traded move for move until Melody managed to hit a bulldog and followed up with a camel clutch to force Suzi to tap out. [B]E[/B] After this the lights were dimmed and the title belt was lowered from the ceiling to ladder level to remind the fans about the main event. [B]E Emma Bitch v Principessa[/B] Emma dominated this match often using Principessa’s hair to throw her around the ring. She finally seemed to get bored and used the ropes for leverage as she rolled up Principessa for the pin. [B]E[/B] After this Roz decided to come out and comment that Kristabel looked horrible tonight in her match and that she’d prove that she wasn’t anything special at WOW Schools Out. [B]E Eve Grunge [c] v Nina the Psycho Ballerina – Gold Title – Ladder Match[/B] A huge match for WOW, Nina and Eve gave their best effort. Eve seems a bit uncomfortable with the ladders, but she finally managed to throw Nina from the ring and scramble up the ladder before the crazy one could return, grabbing her belt and winning the match. [B]D[/B] Her belt returned Eve went into the crowd to celebrate. [B]E Overall Rating E [/B]
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[B]Tuesday, Week 4, April 2006 (AWL) AWL Showers of Rage [/B] Kashmir sneaks out and attacks Raphael right at the beginning of rhe match, beating him down. Near the end he then taunts Raphael about how he is going to win the match between them tonight. [B]F Mark Smart v Gentleman Jim King[/B] Mark came out angry and threw Gentleman Jim around the ring using a variety of dirty tactics and low blows on the gentleman wrestler. He then used the ropes to assist in the pin. [B]F Kashmir Singh v Raphael[/B] Raphael tried his best, but it was clear that the previous attack had definitely thrown off his game. He never got an offense going and Kashmir rolled him up for the pin. [B]E[/B] Kashmir then celebrated in the ring, going completely overboard. [B]F Ben Williams v Dermot O’Logical[/B] I know that Ben Williams isn’t all that popular with the fans, but Dermot went out and took him apart in a short match that ended with a pin. [B]F[/B] With Ben out in the ring Dermot takes the time to smear some of his skin care cream over the face of the unconscious wrestler. [B]F Flemmy Lemming v Aristocrat[/B] The suicidal one used a number of flashy and energetic moves that Aristocrat tried to match. He won using a fisherman’s suplex after Aristocrat missed a moonsault to get the pin. [B]E[/B] After the match Monique threw a few more t-shirts into the audience. I had noticed a couple of the fans wearing shirts from previous events, so I hoped the company was starting to get attention. [B]B Brendan Idol v Nevada Nuclear[/B] Nevada clearly wanted to be the #1 contender as he was strong and pushed the smaller Brendan around during the match. However Nevada was leaving nothing to chance and when he had Brendan trapped in the corner he used a low blow to stun his opponent and secure the pin. [B]E Overall Rating: E[/B] Definitely not as good as previous events, but the 19 person crowd still seemed happy.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, May 2006 (WOW) WOW Schools Out[/B] The night began with a short video showing Melody Cuthill and Stephanie Wade in previous matches and hyping their match later tonight. [B]F Kinuye Mushashibo v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Kinuye did her best to avoid getting trapped by the more powerful Mary Beth and was actually beginning to turn the tide when Suzi Slam ran down to to attack her. Gregory Chapman called for the bell and disqualified Mary Beth. [B]F[/B] As the ring was clearing Nina and Principessa started arguing about who was more popular with the fans. Nina seemed incensed that Principessa thought she was the tops in the promotion and demanded a match in the ring for WOW Summer Haze in June. [B]D Ginko Kuroda v Suzi Slam[/B] Suzi looked dominant and was looking strong when Kinuye ran down and attempted a sneak attack on her. An Enraged Suzi chased Kinuye backstage and was declared the loser by countout. [B]F[/B] Emma demanded a bikini contest with Principessa and she agreed. Julie would host this to the roars of the fans as Principessa easily won. [B]C+[/B] Emma then beat down Principessa in the ring before storming off. [B]F Kristabel Plum v Roz Larren[/B] Roz might be a young lion, but she failed to gain the momentum and when she tried her leap from the top rope Kristabel casually caught her and powerslammed her to the mat, getting the easy pin. [B]E Melody Cuthill v Stephanie Wade[/B] Melody and Stephanie were told to go out and put on a great show and they did. The two wrestlers worked well together and the match ended with Stephanie using a surprise elbow to stun Melody and then lock in a figure-four leg lock. [B]E[/B] Stephanie would celebrate in the ring as the crowd booed her. [B]F Eve Grunge v Emma Bitch[/B] Eve and Emma fought a brutal and rough match that was looking good when Nina the Psycho Ballerina came down to attack Eve. As Gregory Chapman turned to call for the bell Principessa came down to save Eve and the night ended with the four wrestlers brawling in the ring. [B]D for the match F for the brawl afterwards Overall Rating: E[/B]
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[B]Tuesday, Week 4, May 2006 (AWL) AWL Unbridled Mayhem[/B] The match started with Gentleman Jim King coming out and stating that Thomas Morgan was a primitive pirate who shouldn’t be in polite company. [B]F Gentleman Jim King v Flemmy Lemming[/B] Flemmy looked good for a short time, but Jim began to use a series of high risk moves to disrupt Flemmy’s offense. When Flemmy decided to bring in a chair, referee Bret Graveson called for the bell and declared Jim the winner. [B]F[/B] Next the view turned backstage where American was walking the halls with his belt over his shoulder. Nevada stepped into his way and the two started at each over for a few moments as the rest of the wrestlers gathered attempting to prevent a fight from starting. [B]F Raphael v Thomas Morgan[/B] Raphael looked good, but Kashmir Singh came down to the ring and distacted Raphael long enough to allow Thomas to score a pinfall [B]E[/B] After the match Kashmir climbed into the ring and beatdown Raphael, who had to be carried from the arena. [B]F Ben Williams v Kashmir Singh[/B] Kashmir definitely was overconfident going in and Ben Williams was able to throw him around and finish him off with a Camel Clutch. [B]F[/B] After the match Thomas Morgan came out and said that beating Raphael proved he was worthy of taking on anyone on the roster and he wanted to face Gentleman Jim King next month at AWL Solstice Slam [B]E Brendan Idol v Aristocrat[/B] These two went all out and tried to put on a great show, but Aristo’s one dimensional offense meant that Brendan eventually was able to secure a pin. [B]E[/B] After the match Monique once again threw a few t-shirts to the audience of sixteen people. If the audiences don’t start to grow soon the whole audience will have AWL t-shirts.. [B]B[/B] Then the screen displayed a short video of American Elemental winning each match that led to his becoming champion. [B]F American Elemental [c] v Dermot O’Logical[/B] This was a wild and energetic bout as both wrestlers gave it their best. It ended after Brendan Idol ran down and started arguing with Dermot O’Logical. In the end Dermot exited the ring to deal with the interfering Brendan and was declared the loser by countout. [B]C- Overall Rating D[/B]
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Friday, Week 3, June 2006 (WOW) WOW Summer Haze The Match opened with Principessa bragging about how she was going to defeat Nina when she faced her later in the evening. E During the interview Emma came up behind her and started beating on her eventually leaving her face down in the locker room. F Melody Cuthill v Roz Larren These two put on a good solid opening match, with Melody finally getting a pin after using a Stunner. F After the match Stephanie came out to brag about how she’d defeating Melody the previous month, and that Melody could only defeat the “girls” D Tag – Ginko Kuroda/Kinuye Mushashibo v Mary Beth Chase/Suzi Slam One of the matches set up by events from the previous few shows. This one seemed to take a lot of discussion backstage before they were confident. It ended after Suzi dragged Kinuye out of the ring, allowing Mary Beth to hit a Samoan Drop for the pin. E After the match Kristabel Plum and Emma Bitch walked over to the announcers table to complain that they weren’t in the tile bout, both believed they deserved to be competing for the title. Julie announced that the winner of their match would get a shot at the title at WOW Independence Ball in July. D Principessa v Nina the Psycho Ballerina This match was going well for Principessa when Emma Bitch came down and distracted her enough to give the win to Nina. E After the match Emm and Nina started beating on Principessa until Eve came down and cleared the ring. D Kristabel Plum v Emma Bitch Emma dominated early and often, but couldn’t seem to get the win. Kristabel tried to leave the ring in order to recover, but Emma followed and the two would end up fighting outside the ring until referee Gregory Chapman called a double countout ending. E Melody then came out and demanded that Stephanie face her in a rematch, that she was good enough to beat her D After that Julie announced that due to the double countout, the title match at WOW Independence Ball would be a three way bout, with Kristabel, Emma and the winner of tonight’s main even between Eve Grunge and Stephanie Wade. E Eve Grunge [c] v Stephanie Wade – Gold Title Match This was a wild match. Eve looked good, but Nina and Emma decided to come charging down and get involved, both trying to cause Eve to lose. Eve managed the victory. E Overall Rating: E
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Tuesday, Week 4, June 2006 (AWL) AWL Solstice Slam The match opened with Kashmir Singh down in the ring and demanding that Raphael face him. As soon as Raphael appeared and started charging to the ring Kashmir bolted, leading Raphael back to the locker room entrance where Flemmy Lemming and Nevada Nuclear beat him down. F Ben Williams v Mark Smart This time Ben managed to ground Mark and obtain the win by pinfall. F Thomas then appeared to issue another challenge to Gentleman Jim King F Raphael v Flemmy Lemming Raphael fought hard, but clearly hadn’t recovered from the ambush. However Kashmir’s hate was too great and he came down to add to the pain and referee Bret Graveson called for the DQ. E Afterwards Flemmy and Kashmir started arguing about the failure to defeat Raphael. Kashmir would stalk off. F Dermot O’Logical v Gentleman Jim King Dermot managed to get the upper hand and roll up the gentleman wrestler for the pin. E Afterwards Dermot smeared more of his skin care cream on Gentleman Jim’s face and then told the crowd it would help his complexion. F Brendan Idol v Nevada Nuclear In a while rematch, Nevada used every trick he knew. Finally palming some brass knuckles and using them to stun Brendan and get the pin. D Afterwards Monique stood up and reminded the crowd that AWL was going to feature her on the cover of the program at AWL Declarations of Hate B- American Elemental v Aristocrat This final match was a non-title bout and Aristocrat just never managed to look strong. American would go on to score the pinfall and the win. E Overall Rating: E
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I don't mind the brutal ratings so much. As long as the promotions are going up in overness I figure things are going well. As for adding pictures. I actually play the game on a different computer than the one I'm using to post. I'll try to figure out how I can add them by editing the posts, but I'm not very good at that kind of post.
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