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T-Zone 2007

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Where does that mean I won't be able to bring back Isaac Yankem? Damn straight he's going to be Yankem no matter what you say! :) Just because the character was sooooo stupid, and since Kane (a very good character) is being treated like Jobber of the Year, he might as well go back to a ****ty gimmick.
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;179559]Will you be including alter egos for people like, say, Christian Cage? Just so that he'll be renamed Christian if he's ever picked up by the in the game.[/QUOTE] I think it would be the other way around. The Christian name is owned by the WWE. Therefore his alter ego would be as Christian in the WWE only. Edit: Disregard. I misunderstood your post due to the typo.
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No matter how good the mod is, and I hope it will be, there will be people who have suggestions and corrections, as they should. 100 set of eyes are better then a few. So I don't see a reason either that the process of that should be slowed down a week.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;179574]But the thing is that he doesn't feel like it's done, yet. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear the suggestions AFTER he feels its done, rather than know that it ISN'T done, and having people get on him for it. You know?[/QUOTE] Yeah. It's just too bad if people take suggestions and corrections are "getting on" someone. From everything I've seen that's not the case.
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"Getting on" someone is when they're giving him pointers on something he already knows is a problem. Why would he want to give you something with stuff that he knows are problems? For that matter, if you already knew something was wrong, would you want to give that to someone just so they can toss the exact thing you know is wrong right back in your face? I wouldn't. I understand you want it now, hell, I want it now. But I don't want to have to have something to complain about that is blatant enough for him to know about. At the same time, I don't think you do either. Just because it's constructive criticism doesn't always mean it's welcome criticism. Besides, most of the people who will criticise will not fix the problem themselves and help out by giving him their info, they'll just complain and wait for a fix. Even Adam Ryland himself goes through this type of criticism a LOT. I'm not technically able to help fix things, and I don't want to complain about a problem unless it's REALLY a problem, and it's REALLY something they never noticed.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;179535]Now I have not had a whole lot of time with the game (I just have a hard time getting into C-Verse-sorry Adam), but does that mean we can just select someone and make them a user character? Or do we have to go in and create the whole character and then delete them from the database so we dont have 2 Jeff Jarretts (lord forbid!) By the way Forlan, thank you very much for putting all this effort into this mod for us. Also dont go to hard on all the guys who keep asking for the release of this mod (this goes out to everybody), we are al just anxiously awaiting the opportunity to play with the sure to be great mod. You all know damn well that everyday you check the Greydog TEW07 Mod section in hopes of seeing [COLOR="Blue"][U]T-Zone 07 Released[/U][/COLOR]. Just cut these guys some slack and know that we all cant wait to play this mod you are working so hard on for us. Thanks again Forlan![/QUOTE] Just wanted to re-up this question as I think it was missed.
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[QUOTE=forlan;179577]exactly MrKain[/QUOTE] It's unfortunate, though. I decided to buy the game anyways. I downloaded a converted file but that probably isn't the same. It'd be nice to use a TEW07 file and make any edits necessary from that file, instead of a converted file...Unless there is no differences.
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Yup, no kidding Forlan .. I have tried adjusting your T-Zone 05 mod to 2007 and basically gave up, scrapping all my changes. Major kudos to ya for sticking to it and making this happen, and especially big thanks for sharing with all of us. There is one thing I am curious about as I am sure you had test runs in the meantime .. I am playing a 2 player game with the data I converted and its not really giving a lot of satisfying results .. I have yet to see even an AI fed, whatever level it may be on, do better than a C+ show .. can you tell a little how things go with your updated mod?
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Dont forget, this game is DESIGNED to be harder to get those B - A+ shows everybody was knocking out left and right after just a few shows. With the whole new "Perfect Show" therory where you have to take the crowd threw highs and lows it makes it harder to get those high scores. If you compare that to most wrestling shows today and if look really hard at yur favorite promotion, try giving even the best cards that thy have had anything over a B (certainly the WWE has not done very many C+ shows in recent memory, and the PPV' are at the most C-). Its not going to be a easy time getting those ratings again, but therein lies the challange and I cant wait for it (I know that there are gramatical errors and misspellings in this but it is late and I am getting ready to watch Impact - most likly a C show tonight:D )
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[QUOTE=Harmor;179838]Yup, no kidding Forlan .. I have tried adjusting your T-Zone 05 mod to 2007 and basically gave up, scrapping all my changes. Major kudos to ya for sticking to it and making this happen, and especially big thanks for sharing with all of us. There is one thing I am curious about as I am sure you had test runs in the meantime .. I am playing a 2 player game with the data I converted and its not really giving a lot of satisfying results .. I have yet to see even an AI fed, whatever level it may be on, do better than a C+ show .. can you tell a little how things go with your updated mod?[/QUOTE] Isn't that because Adam adjusted the grading scale? In TEW 05 the A grade level covered a greater percentage range then B, C etc. So while it's harder to get a good show rating the change in the grading system makes it look worse then it really is.
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True enough. It is something you have to get used to at first for sure. But yah, some things are just weird when I compare the converted real life data I use to my humble attempts at getting accustomed to the Cornellverse (which, sadly, I cannot get into although I tried). For example, I had no trouble doing C+ or better shows with TCW using the Cornellverse, but didn't manage to go over D shows with WWE in my T-Zone 05-->07 set (1RC being even slightly worse actually), which is why I was asking Forlan if he could tell a little bit of his testing experiences with his new mod. I also found it fairly funny that when I didn't change gimmicks after converting the data, everybody from Team Canada in TNA would use a Failed Ballerina gimmick ... :p Another thing I would like to know if you will keep regular 1v1 match ups at 3 minutes non wrestling time and minimum 5 minutes in ring time or if you will go back to what it was in TEW 05 (2 mins/1 min).
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Maybe there just shouldn't be many over C+ shows booked by the AI in reality though. Other then Ring of Honor, which promotion is consistantly putting on good shows? Or good shows at all? If there were such an abundence of good to great shows all around, wrestling wouldn't be as stagnant as it is right now.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;179865]Maybe there just shouldn't be many over C+ shows booked by the AI in reality though. Other then Ring of Honor, which promotion is consistantly putting on good shows? Or good shows at all? If there were such an abundence of good to great shows all around, wrestling wouldn't be as stagnant as it is right now.[/QUOTE] CHIKARA and IWA-MS(so i hear) and the smaller 2CW in Upstate NY all put on good shows at a pretty consistent rate. still not a lot of places though.
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