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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;180039]Any chance of you adding Ricky Knight's WAW promotion?[/QUOTE] I agree with this as most updates I played last time had the UK Pitbulls (Big Dave & Bulk) in it but no WAW who trained them! Seen a few updates with Sweet Saraya, Ricky Knight (owners) and The Zebra Kid in who are also involved in WAW.
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From testing, TNA Impact pulled a B in the same week as RAW pulled a C+ and Smackdown pulled a B-. Many promotions ar epulling C-C+ at the moment with D's and such the further down the indy scale you go. AI booking seems fairly decent too, Angle v Joe main evented impact for example. One thing i cant really stop as i dont know how is WWE canning many staff members then signing a lot of the indy darlings like Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, AJ styles and such to fill out the brands, although in most cases they sign them on PPA's so they can still work elsewhere too, kind of strange.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180119]although in most cases they sign them on PPA's so they can still work elsewhere too, kind of strange.[/QUOTE] When their popularity is too far down the list, and they're already signed to a PPA, WWE will sign them to a PPA to steal their popularity from the other companies. Since TNA is on a PPA agreement, and the WWE doesn't want to pay more for them, they signed them to a PPA agreement, and try to ruin their careers. It did that in '04 and '05, too. Pain in the ass, that WWE.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180140]Wouldnt know since they arent at war in the game because they arent in real life, as much as TNA would like to think they are WWE dont acknowledge them[/QUOTE] I see this as a possible problem then. It could happen that AJ (for example), could end up working on Raw and then on Impact that same week.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;180148]I see this as a possible problem then. It could happen that AJ (for example), could end up working on Raw and then on Impact that same week.[/QUOTE] Since they are both taped on the same day he couldnt :p
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Sigh. The whole point of 'at war' in TEW is so that workers work for one promotion at a time. In reality, they can't work for TNA and WWE, unless they're both using them for one appearance. Therefore, as much as the companies aren't officially 'at war', it still applies in the game.
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This is true, forlan. Not trying to sound like an ass, but WWE will not hire wrestlers that are on a rival televised company. Neither will TNA, even if the wrestlers were on PPA contracts. So indirectly, they're at war. Just because they aren't at ratings war, or personal war, doesn't mean they aren't at war.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180119]From testing, TNA Impact pulled a B in the same week as RAW pulled a C+ and Smackdown pulled a B-. Many promotions ar epulling C-C+ at the moment with D's and such the further down the indy scale you go. AI booking seems fairly decent too, Angle v Joe main evented impact for example. One thing i cant really stop as i dont know how is WWE canning many staff members then signing a lot of the indy darlings like Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, AJ styles and such to fill out the brands, although in most cases they sign them on PPA's so they can still work elsewhere too, kind of strange.[/QUOTE] Could this not be sorted out by editing Vince's preferences? [QUOTE=forlan;180155]Since they are both taped on the same day he couldnt :p[/QUOTE] But that's the whole point, they're not. Raw is taped on a Monday whereas iMPACT! is taped on a Tuesday.
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[QUOTE=gingarob;180161]But that's the whole point, they're not. Raw is taped on a Monday whereas iMPACT! is taped on a Tuesday.[/QUOTE] Its been months since impact was taped ona tuesday, since about Nov. its been taped two episodes on a monday every two weeks
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[QUOTE=forlan;180164]Well you could either have this or WWE will just snap them all up and TNA will be left with a shell of a roster and die? Now i hate TNA so id be happy with that[/QUOTE] That makes sense. I've never had a company try to sign my workers from under me while at war, but I've onlyplayed the demo for 07.
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It is a problem with mods where as TNA will be nicked of alot of talent, which in real life is not the case. The only way I can see of changing this is changing to written contracts for the people like Joe and Killings ect. ect. and/or loyalty to TNA.
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[QUOTE=misfit103;180167]That makes sense. I've never had a company try to sign my workers from under me while at war, but I've onlyplayed the demo for 07.[/QUOTE] On 05 (using FOTORC) I've had WWE swoop in and sign my most over guys (ie. Samoa Joe...who was my champ at the time :mad: ) but on 07 I'm not so sure.
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Forlan, how can you hate TNA...but I feel yeah..TNA has been lacking some things as of late. I wish they would use the X-Division more...but I am happy Lynn is returning to the TNA ring. Joe/Angle fued is good...but what pisses me off. They have been doing main events for two PPV's the same...I hate Abyss and I with Christian was World Champion again. AND I WANT TO SEE MORE ALEX SHELLEY AND JAY LETHAL! :D
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