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T-Zone 2007

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gotta agree forlan, where the macth reports where good on EWR they did get tedious and i skipped them 90% of the time, any way, how far are you along with this forlan? if you dont have any scottish feds for us scottish peeps i can do 1-2 of them that are pretty close to where i stay one of them is kinda affiliated with the nwa?
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Yup i agree 100% Forlan. I also think that TEW allows more creativity for the user. I'm looking forward to this mod Forlan, i'm currently making do with my WWE v Cornellverse after importing your 2005 WWE into my default database. I'm not doing too great so far but good news is old man Vince died 6 months into my game and Paul hayman now owns WWE. its one thing overcoming SWF in the cornellverse with TCW but overcoming 2 giants is another. Especially when WWE basically rape the free agents and indys of any decent talent.
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I always thought TNM > TEW because of the match simulator. I remember the first time I tried EWR, I was so hyped because this game had so much more information, wrestlers and promotion than TNM. I booked a show, then nothing.. I was so bummed out. Now.. it's the other way around. I even contributed to an excel program that would simulate a promotion's finances in TNM, gave me a much better playing experience. I would quickly scroll through the match simulations and pretty much make up the match recap myself, regardless of what it said. So when TEW 07 came out and I actually played it for several days in a row without getting bored, I was extremely pleased. I don't really think the match simulator is very repetetive, and it's possibly as realistic as you can get it. But Oliver doesn't work on it much more, and it could really be improved by bringing it to a Windows platform. 65 bucks? I had no idea I had shelled out that much over the years... guess it seems a little less when you spread it out over many years. OK, sorry to derail the thread even more, but I guess it's better than us nagging about when you're releasing it, right? :D
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Like i said before i about release, sort of his a birck wall thanks to this Uni portfolio i've gotta do, damn the Harvard Essay System :( Anyways, Scotland guy, if you want to make a Scottish fed or two then by all means go on and do it :D
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[QUOTE=forlan;180742]Like i said before i about release, sort of his a birck wall thanks to this Uni portfolio i've gotta do, damn the Harvard Essay System :( Anyways, Scotland guy, if you want to make a Scottish fed or two then by all means go on and do it :D[/QUOTE] I'll do SWA and BCW for you if you like? But i'm not too great on stats and what not. So if I do the basics for the Promotions and workers would you correct the stats and make them more life like? Both are local sized promotions.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180754]Yeah, no problem, some of their roster may already be in the data, like doesn't Darkside and Wolfgang and possibly Eric Canyon work for at least one of them for starters?[/QUOTE] Wolfgang and Darkside definately do, as T2K and in singles competition. Not sure about Canyon.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180777]I answered that question about 4 times in this thread already FWA, IPW:UK, ASW, wZw and posibly adding 3CW, thatll be all for release 1 i think[/QUOTE] Ah, sorry - didn't see it. You planning on adding RQW for future released as they're becoming a fairly big player in the UK scene, LDN would also be a worthwhile addition
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With SWA MUST come Greenock town hall! The only live wrestling I've yet seen was there, I even saw Earthquake and Yokozuna :) It'd be tiny and definitely no hotspot (unless you count the neds that attend to cause trouble...). Although, in saying that, nobody's come here in a while... :( Oh and bigjabbadudley, a mate of mine was considering joining their trainnig too. You'll need to let us know how you get on!
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Blasphemy this is what id like done if possible I need the following SWA people made Abraxas Adam Shame Aidan Corrigan BT Gunn Cav Chris Charizma Chris Renfrew CJ Hunter Damien O'Conor Darren Lewis Dean Davis Dr Laandstrom Draevyn Falcon GC Mac Glen Dunbar Grant Dunbar Hatred Jamie Walker Johnny Darko Jonny Milla Kaos KG Tyler Kolobos Micken Pete O'Neil Sabotage Shiv Stevie Aaron The Butcher William Grange White Tiger For BCW I need the following made Charles Boddington Brad Fusion Colossal Powers Fight Club Jack Jester Kolobus Liam Thompson Lionheart Red Lightning Tex Benedict Seamous oh Shanusey (sp) And if you want to note down arenas or whatever for the people then do that too, thanks
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I saw him live once, beat D'lo Brown and some other guy for the IWW title at Main Event wrestling in Newcastle. Since im back on the bio trail for a little bit, here is another couple of teaser bios, you may want them, you may not, im just doing it cos i can XD "Canadian Dynamite" Maxime Boyer is a trainee of many people including Marc Le Grizzly and Jacques Rougeau who works a style similar to that of Chris Benoit and The Dynamite Kid which earned him the nickname he holds. He wrestles primarily in the Quebec area for many promotions including the International Wrestling Syndicate and also in the North East for CHIKARA. He recently became the CHIKARA Young Lions Cup champion defeating Arik Cannon at Cibernetico Forever. "Sexy Chucky T" Chuck Taylor is a Mid-West sensation who broke out into the mainstream independent promotions in 2006 and has never looked back since. After only a short time he managed to capture the IWA Mid South World Title and has defended it with pride since. He has also recently began working more in the North East area for promotions including Combat Zone Wrestling and CHIKARA. "The 8 Bit Lucha" Player Uno is a very interesting character originating in the Quebec region. Trained by Rick Sterling and Tommy Blade he is billed as coming from "Mushroom Kingdom" and his gimmick revolves around video games as evidenced in such moves as The Game Genie, The Bubble Bobble Buster and the Goomba Stomp. He has recently became a fixture on the North East United States scene for CHIKARA where his gimmick fits in perfectly with their over the top antics. "The Future of the Future of the Sambo Style" Andy Sumner is a graduate of the CZW/CHIKARA wrestle factory. Sumner specialises in several MMA styles, formerly competing in several professional MMA bouts before turning his hand to pro wrestling. Sumner is a well rounded ground worker who still trains week in, week out attempting to better himself in ability in the hope of achieving regular working status in the North-East. Bryce Remsburg is regarded by many fans and workers within the business as the best referee on the independents today and not many could argue with such a statement. Working all over from Florida to Pennsylvania to Illinois and more he also often is found on commentary offering his opinion on matches. Outside of the ring he is a part of the "Secret Pants" comedy sketch group. Thers 5 to wet your appetite
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Lucky you going to see MUTA *Green-eyed Monster* I was planning on going to see the 1PW show with him on but saving for wrestling training put pay to those plans (thank God!) It'd be cool to see Charles Boddington in the game :) I saw him live once, managing "Thee" Drew Galloway (is he in the mod?)
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