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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=MrCanada;188932]T-Zone has no relation to Grey Dog... its like buying a hot dog from a street vendor, then expecting someone else 4 doors away to give you the ketchup out of their fridge. There is no relation. This is a hobby forlan and his helpers have and people who like real world benefit from their unselflessness. Pay Forlan $10 then your arguement has merrit, right now you just sound greedy and ignorant.[/QUOTE] That cannot happened because that would be Forlan making money off the names and trademarks owned by their respective wrestling promotions. My problem is that he announces he has a file to be tested and he opens it to a select few. A select few when this game has thousands of workers, hundreds of promotions, hundreds of events, multiple game regions. It would've made more sense to have asked certain users privately to test the file for him because he already had preconceived opinions of who he wanted to have the file anyways.
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[QUOTE=MrCanada;188932]T-Zone has no relation to Grey Dog... its like buying a hot dog from a street vendor, then expecting someone else 4 doors away to give you the ketchup out of their fridge. There is no relation. This is a hobby forlan and his helpers have and people who like real world benefit from their unselflessness. Pay Forlan [b]$100[/b] then your arguement has merrit, right now you just sound greedy and ignorant.[/QUOTE] I couldnt of put it better myself. Plus what all of you need to consider is that i love playing the game as much as the next man and so no one in the whole world wants the whole thing finished more than me so i can start a long career(maybe a new diary) game
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RockStar, please just stop. He chose testers based on who he knew would do the better job of finding issues. For example... he chose me because I asked him if he wanted the world simmed for a few years to see how things would develop. Thus far I've found that as soon as forlan fixes the Overness of the TNA workers... they will end up doing a spectacular job and could be Global within a couple of years. I made my own adjustments to the TNA roster's Overness and thus far they are puttin on the most superior shows in the US. How ever with WWE it doesn't seem as though they CAN stay Global, but that's the engine of the game and not the mod itself. After making some personal adjustments on my end I've found the WWE is capable of staying Global but with the real life choices the McMahons make... it simply isn't possible for the AI to put on quality shows. As for you thinking forlan should release a beta to everyone... its far from completed. There needs to be a lot done before it's ready to go. Why not go ask Atari or Sony to release copies of their games to the general public for beta testing? It won't happen, neither will this and with a very good reason; The vast majority will simply play the mod and not share their thoughts on it at all... which is why a small group were given what's done that WOULD make reports. My main thing right now is trying to figure out any way possible for the WWE to stay afloat. My main project yesterday was trying to figure out how to keep the WWE from raping TNA's roster and I founf by setting workers to "Loyal to TNA" they will keep turning down the WWE until they feel like leaving NWA on their own. We're all doing our best to make sure this mod is crisp and as good as it can get by helping forlan figure out the things he doesn't have time to do because he's updating stats. And like was said... should've waited until a few mods were out before spending the money, I did.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188936]That cannot happened because that would be Forlan making money off the names and trademarks owned by their respective wrestling promotions. My problem is that he announces he has a file to be tested and he opens it to a select few. A select few when this game has thousands of workers, hundreds of promotions, hundreds of events, multiple game regions. It would've made more sense to have asked certain users privately to test the file for him because he already had preconceived opinions of who he wanted to have the file anyways.[/QUOTE] Dude, Im not usually one to get involved, but quit your bitching already. If you have a problem with who Forlan gave the data to to test, then PM him and stop cluttering up this thread with pointless whining. If you dont like how long its taking or are not happy with how its going, feel free to make your own mod and open up a beta and do everything else that you want to do. If not, let Forlan do his thing. Forlan, sorry I added another usless post to this already out of control thread so to put it back on somewhat I was just wondering if you got my last PM.
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[QUOTE=forlan;188925]wathcing shimmer volume 6 as i worked[/QUOTE] Excellent choice, my friend. EXCELLENT choice. Actually I only have SHIMMER Vols 1-5, (Volume 5 was signed by Allison Danger at War of the Wire II in Dayton :D ) but I'm sure Vol. 6 is every bit as good. Don't burn yourself out or put any undue pressure on yourself with T-Zone. I appreciate the work you are doing on this mod and am very much looking forward to playing it.
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Vol6 rocks so much, Danger and Knox in the pure rules is worth the price alone, and then of course Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew vs. MArtinez/DelRey and The Whole Last Woman Standing between Melissa and Ms. Chif make this arguabley the best of the six volumes currently available.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;188948]Dude, Im not usually one to get involved, but quit your bitching already. If you have a problem with who Forlan gave the data to to test, then PM him and stop cluttering up this thread with pointless whining. If you dont like how long its taking or are not happy with how its going, feel free to make your own mod and open up a beta and do everything else that you want to do. If not, let Forlan do his thing. Forlan, sorry I added another usless post to this already out of control thread so to put it back on somewhat I was just wondering if you got my last PM.[/QUOTE] You mean the one about gimmicks and such if so yeah im pretty sure i replied, if its anything else then no it didnt arrive lol
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Every game that can be modified usually will have a beta release of a mod. So I don't see how it would be different with this mod of TEW07. Opening it up to a select few only, especially those who aren't going to improve the quality of the overall release, is just not a smart idea." Then make your own mod and release it whenever you want. Otherwise shut up and wait with the rest of us.
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Ok...... to mateywhosnameIforgot..... saying that every moddible game releases a beta... Yes, maybe But you know that there is such thing as private beta's, and public beta's Big difference, and alot of the major game modders (esp for Half-Life2, Unreal Tournament etc) will only do private beta's for quite a while before releasing a public one Why? So then theyve got more control over who has access to it, they dont have thousands of people repeating the same error they know... the public beta is then usually the last one to be released before the official release, usually more to test if they work online ok with a vast majority of players. But then again, some may never release a public beta, and use the same people that have tested before because they know these people are knowledgeble of the product and realible... Same goes with the big companies.... untill someone leaks it!
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Forlan didn't change Finlay's Overness, I changed it on the data he sent me. He's constantly in Main Events (even though he's only what... 1) so the same kind of starting push would be in the data. Honestly I think 65% is alright... he's a Midcard worker and that Overness sets him there. Whether forlan puts him in that spot as well I dunno. But so far in the new test run I'm doing his only wins are over jobbers like Funaki and Scotty so it's staying true to form.
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[QUOTE=RIsk2005;188981]See people who whine and complain should just be banned. But then again on this board, there's diffrent rules. So maybe if we all ignore Rockstar maybe he will go away and hide under his rock, maybe even mod his own game![/QUOTE] Obviously you haven't read my posts. This isn't Hitler's Germany. I can voice my opinions. By the way, why are you wasting a post to whine about me supposedly whining? Seriously, just get over it. You're not coming off like the good guy; more like a hypocrite. If you want to ignore someone with wrestling knowledge that can actually contribute to a mod like this, do it. Just don't complain when you're not getting the kind of results from this mod like you could've been getting it. As for making my own mod, that is possible. It would also be opened up to plenty of people because I believe in including people, not excluding people. The more ideas and inputs someone can get makes for a better product. Otherwise, for a real world example, you get the kind of product the WWE puts out.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188989]As for making my own mod, that is possible. It would also be opened up to plenty of people because I believe in including people, not excluding people. The more ideas and inputs someone can get makes for a better product. Otherwise, for a real world example, you get the kind of product the WWE puts out.[/QUOTE] By all means please do. Variety is never a bad thing after all :)
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[QUOTE=CM Punk;188949]Excellent choice, my friend. EXCELLENT choice. Actually I only have SHIMMER Vols 1-5, (Volume 5 was signed by Allison Danger at War of the Wire II in Dayton :D ) but I'm sure Vol. 6 is every bit as good. [/QUOTE] did Allison yell at you and badger you until you bought it? man, i LOVE when she does that.
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[QUOTE=Tree;189007]did Allison yell at you and badger you until you bought it? man, i LOVE when she does that.[/QUOTE] Well, since I had already planned on getting it anyway, she never had the chance to. :) But I did get to witness her working on several other people (Including calling an eleven or twelve year old kid a "hump" :) ) and yes, it was funny. And one correction, it was Volume 4 she signed, not 5 (I remember because Jimmy Jacobs would only sign DVDs in which Lacey appeared on :D )
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[I]I've never said anything but opinion[/I] [I]Suggestion to you is to get over it too. Maybe when you get out of high school you'll realize there are people who are independent thinkers.[/I] [I]I'm 27[/I] 1 your opinion? basically 'why didn't you pick me' 2 independant thinking doesn't = intelligent thinking, the 1 and only right way of thinking. 3 You 27 and moaning about the selection process because it wasn't done how you liked. For crap sake. -- The WWE/TNA situation seems a bit of an ass doesn't it. It seems if you tweak 2 things 6 more problems pop up. But i think for everything that pops up... i guess in some weird universe its all possible. If people play as the WWE the rest of the game seems to take care of itself. TNA doesnt sign or release anyone and puts on good cards. One quick thing - i read on 411mania that if/when TNA extend into a 2 hour show they will be adding to the roster... so is there any way of testing that on the game? Maybe starting the game with Impact as 2 hours? Glad you guys are playing around with it though ... hopefully something will come out from it.
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