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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=Ransik;189412]True, but doesn't the game automatically set gimmick rankings after the first appearance of the worker? I know the companies will automatically set their Product after the first show. Edit: Before I forget... forlan I was wondering if you would like me to make a whole ton of New Promotions and do some research to do some New Workers as well.[/QUOTE] It won't do that for workers that are already in the company at the start of the game, just ones that subsequently join. I noticed this myself in a converted data and ended up having to change everyone's gimmicks. As it is, unless the gimmick rating is adjusted beforehand they will all be at the bottom of the scale until the debut elsewhere or change.
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Okay this is just not good news at all. Forlan you can still release the real mod anyways even if things can't be fixed right? all that damn work and all of these posters waiting for the mod to come out and then you decide not to release it? Hopefully Adam can look into this, this is a huge problem.:mad:
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Well that was a waste of $35.00. I'll gladly be selling my license if this data doesn't come out because I understand why RL people aren't on TEW to begin with but the Cornellverse sucks. It's uninteresting and unplayable. This is why I never downloaded any of those patches because as soon as I heard about this changing promotion size I knew it'd screw something up MAKE A DAMNED PATCH TO UNDO 1.3!!!!!!! Some of us would actually like to play this game and get some kind of enjoyment out of it!
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I think Adam will sort it in some way shape or form but can i ask people stop getting so angry as im sure Adam would rather read reasoning and come to a decision or whatever than read people threatening to sell the game, cursing him and his cornellverse to hell etc....get my drift?
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Okay I know I came off as heated but this is a great dissappointment. Is it possible for there to be a version of a 1.3a patch which would all the other stuff which I'm sure is good but leave the promotion sizes alone? I truly love how much detail there is in this game and its worth the $35.00 undoubtedly but again personally I find no desire for the CV.
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[QUOTE=forlan;189482]I think Adam will sort it in some way shape or form but can i ask people stop getting so angry as im sure Adam would rather read reasoning and come to a decision or whatever than read people threatening to sell the game, cursing him and his cornellverse to hell etc....get my drift?[/QUOTE] I second this plea for sanity. Jeez Louise folks! I'm curious Forlan, were any substantial changes made from the '05 mod to this? Rosters and new stat categories aside. I ask only because I'm playing a convert of the '05 data with the 1.3 patch and, although not brilliant due to the documented conversion problems, it doesn't seem to be having the same problems that the data you guys are working on does.
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obviously some things were tweaked, i dont just sit there and "pretend" to do stuff, loads of stuff done and loads still to do I also made the US wrestling inudstry average and rising like it is as it seems to be somewhat coming out of its lull these days. If problems are that rapid at average and rising id hate to see low and falling, every promotion would die on day 1 ffs so i doubt its that
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Well I'm now in November of 2008 and almost 20 companies have gone out of business... they just can't support themselves with the difficulty being up. I'll work on the New Promotions file.
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[QUOTE=forlan;189495]obviously some things were tweaked, i dont just sit there and "pretend" to do stuff, loads of stuff done and loads still to do I also made the US wrestling inudstry average and rising like it is as it seems to be somewhat coming out of its lull these days. If problems are that rapid at average and rising id hate to see low and falling, every promotion would die on day 1 ffs so i doubt its that[/QUOTE] Hey, I'm not saying you're slacking off or anything! :p I know your putting in a lot of effort (which doesn't always get the appreciation it deserves). Just trying to help out and see if maybe there is something that's been changed that can account for how badly the world plays out. As I said, I'm not having the same level of difficulty using a conversion of your '05 mod so just wondered what the difference was that was accounting for it.
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Unless there's something in the hidden coding you're not able to access forlan, I don't think its the data that is the problem. I looked in the Montreal Aftermath file and while the stats of the workers reflect the time... like Chavo having an 87% in Flying that fits the timeframe when not many workers did that kind of thing except in WCW and ECW... unless he carries those stats to T-Zone he can't put on good matches with the AI running the way it is I don't believe. I mean it's not a knock on the person who made the Montreal Aftermath data, but it's why the companies stay in the Global limelight. Hulk Hogan has 95-100% in everything related to entertainment skills, a 90% in Basics and a 98% in Psychology. I can only attribute it to the AI difficulty being too high.
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I would wait and see if Adam Ryland might do anything about it. I can tell you right now I've seen TNA and WWE put on shows that should've gotten B+ ratings... only get C+ with a maximum of B-. If you're using a popular fed you have no chance of succeeding.
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Forlan's right. if you can't have a playable mod don't release it. you have to realize that these mods take a great deal of time. if you just purchased the game JUST for a "Real world" mod then that IS a wast of money. enjoy the Cornell verse and the "Montreal Aftermath" mod for the time being.
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