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T-Zone 2007

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Actually, I do have a question for the people testing... How long is load time between days? From what I've seen with the War's End 2001 mod is that it's a short amount of time, but that's with far less amounts of federations and workers...
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Depends on your processor and RAM. No clue what my processor is but with 512 MB of RAM it takes about 75 seconds after the first week.
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15-25 seconds sounds fairly nice. I have a similar machine to yours Forlan, P4 3.6 Ghz, 2 GB Ram (ATI 1900 XTX w/512 MB Video Ram.. had to add that while we are measuring e-peen size ^^) so it'll be good :p ... how many workers in total are there going to be in the mod?
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[QUOTE=The Gaz;196158]I get those times with AMD64 3800+ 2.6ghz & 1gb ram. AMD will always rule in game processing. AMD 4 life.[/QUOTE] It's because the AMD processors are alot better built, dual core versions too. Intel's first attempt at dual cores (like the one Forlan is using) was quite terrible, it had "power" (higher clock speeds) numerically but couldn't use it properly, that's why you'll see the newer Core 2 Duo chips have lower clock speeds but run alot faster. They're also more durable and can overclock by quite alot (One in particular (a fan favourite) has been known to remain stable while being overclocked by 40%). I'd still choose AMD any day though. I'm running with 2gb RAM and have never experienced any jitteryness in video games, despite this I'll be upgrading to 4gb RAM very soon and I expect to cut through TEW07 like a warm knife through butter.
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[QUOTE=HHUK;196242]It's because the AMD processors are alot better built, dual core versions too. Intel's first attempt at dual cores (like the one Forlan is using) was quite terrible, it had "power" (higher clock speeds) numerically but couldn't use it properly, that's why you'll see the newer Core 2 Duo chips have lower clock speeds but run alot faster. They're also more durable and can overclock by quite alot (One in particular (a fan favourite) has been known to remain stable while being overclocked by 40%). I'd still choose AMD any day though. I'm running with 2gb RAM and have never experienced any jitteryness in video games, despite this I'll be upgrading to 4gb RAM very soon and I expect to cut through TEW07 like a warm knife through butter.[/QUOTE] Well, i've never had problems with mine to be honest, whereas my friend has got a Core 2 Duo and it overheats A LOT. I'm happy with my Pentium 4 Dual Core to be honest. But the main point, for all the supercomputer you might have, you do not have the data so in that respect i win. Now can people get this more on topic rather than useles posts like the above that belong in the dog pound.
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[QUOTE=forlan;196259]Well, i've never had problems with mine to be honest, whereas my friend has got a Core 2 Duo and it overheats A LOT. I'm happy with my Pentium 4 Dual Core to be honest. But the main point, for all the supercomputer you might have, you do not have the data so in that respect i win. Now can people get this more on topic rather than useles posts like the above that belong in the dog pound.[/QUOTE] this is what awaits you when we stay on topic lol.. [QUOTE=sportsfan77;196264]when will this be relased[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;196092]If he's removing WWE, TNA and ROH and playing the Indys then I think T-Zone is right. [/QUOTE] ya know. that's really interesting. is there a way for me to "customize" this mod when it comes out, dropping WWE and TNA, and basically letting ROH, Chikara, CZW, and all the other indies compete for supremecy?
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My God... after watching ECW tonight I can see why the game data can't do a single thing to save the WWE from dropping to Cult. I've only read ECW results for several months and only seen 2 matches since August and I sat down and watched the entire program tonight. Hour wasted where I could've been playing TEW or Roller Coaster Tycoon. I've never seen announcers and McMahon try to hype up so many green rookies and gyus who can't draw a dime (like Holly) like incredible threats and big stars. If I went to a small Indy show that was booked like this I would've left before intermission, God awful... Pertaining to the mod... I honestly don't even know forlan can change enough stats on WWE guys enough so the company doesn't flounder from what I witnessed tonight... more so I don't understand why people always get on my case about ECW being entertaining. Bah... I think when the data is officially released if I ever play as WWE I'll just trash the ECW brand and it's TV slots.
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;195994]Just curious, but are you cutting it down to just WWE, TNA and ROH? Or something more sinister? If so I'm sure one of the other mods is more to your liking. I thought people liked T-Zone for it's completeness and accuracy[/QUOTE] true, but imo and like you said, others like it, personally, I'm not fond of having every little nook and kranny fed in the game. Anything more than 15 - 20 is too much between North America and Canada. Even 20 is stretching it. As for the workers, I'm talking mainly complete unknowns with an overness <10 or no skills at all. Not only does it increase my loading times, but it's an overall database clutter. The AI never hires half the deadbeat unemployeds anyways, so what's the real point? It sounds like I'm complaining about a lot, but it's really minor nuicences. And one of the things I had fun with in 04' was importing the Cornellverse data in the real world data and lettin' the "chaos begin".
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[QUOTE=Ransik;196350]My God... after watching ECW tonight I can see why the game data can't do a single thing to save the WWE from dropping to Cult. I've only read ECW results for several months and only seen 2 matches since August and I sat down and watched the entire program tonight. Hour wasted where I could've been playing TEW or Roller Coaster Tycoon. I've never seen announcers and McMahon try to hype up so many green rookies and gyus who can't draw a dime (like Holly) like incredible threats and big stars. If I went to a small Indy show that was booked like this I would've left before intermission, God awful... Pertaining to the mod... I honestly don't even know forlan can change enough stats on WWE guys enough so the company doesn't flounder from what I witnessed tonight... more so I don't understand why people always get on my case about ECW being entertaining. Bah... I think when the data is officially released if I ever play as WWE I'll just trash the ECW brand and it's TV slots.[/QUOTE] lol I'm going to trash most of the guys on the ECW roster and just steal guys from other companies to be on the ECW brand.
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