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Guest TAFKA cjt4ever
Ok, haven't been on this thread for a couple days. I don't post much but I've always lurked the boards. And when you have released this mod I've always posted and said thanks. Been a buyer of all TEW games since the first one. And I don't have 100 posts. So why, just because I don't have 100 posts doesn't give me the rights to download and play the mod that someone with over 100 posts would have? Sorry, but to lead so many people on and than come out and say, have 100 posts or else you don't get it just reeks of arrogance. Many people haven't bought TEW and won't buy it until they can play your mod. How is that helping Adam Ryland and the game?
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[QUOTE=TAFKA cjt4ever;196862]Ok, haven't been on this thread for a couple days. I don't post much but I've always lurked the boards. And when you have released this mod I've always posted and said thanks. Been a buyer of all TEW games since the first one. And I don't have 100 posts. So why, just because I don't have 100 posts doesn't give me the rights to download and play the mod that someone with over 100 posts would have? Sorry, but to lead so many people on and than come out and say, have 100 posts or else you don't get it just reeks of arrogance. Many people haven't bought TEW and won't buy it until they can play your mod. How is that helping Adam Ryland and the game?[/QUOTE] Suggest a file-sharing site!!!!
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Guest TAFKA cjt4ever
[QUOTE=TCP1;196866][url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/f0n3kf[/url] Enjoy![/QUOTE] Thankyou sexy man! And now I'll say thank-you to Forlan and his team of testers.: Thank-you for your hard work. EDIT: Lol, there isn't anything in the file. :P :( EDIT 2: Niiice.
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So the mods 'complete' and ready for 100+ posters... but is it actually 'complete' or just a tweaked beta version that will still need more stuff changing? I'm just asking because i hate starting games... getting into them and really getting going then finding a ton of stuff needed changing and then having to start again.
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The link on the page before this is fake (or so someone said it was empty, and its (checks) 3kb's in size so....!) Seems a bit strange to do it that way, to lead people on and then later say 'oh the mod? well ive had the general public help, add suggestions, sing my praises, ask questions and wait for the mod... and the testers (at least from some of what was posted here - there may have been some great feedback through PM's) didn't seem up to scratch. But now its ready - it's only for us elite memebers... not for you noobs' - doesnt exactly fill me with confidence. But Forlan says its ready for 100+ poster people so i guess post, spam whatever you like and get to 100 and you'll get it. -
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come on people, i know there are not a lot of brits on here, but surely you all understand the concept of sarcasm right? Forlan is just teasing because hes tired of having to reply to tons of posts asking when the release will be! The data isnt ready yet and if you go to page 1 and read his 1st post you will see he has given exclusive hosting rights to Accbiggs. So please stop filling the thread with nonsense and trying to raise you post counts by posting garbage. And if you still feel the need to post a lot, start a cornellverse diary or something, diary writing increases your post count like its going out of fashion.
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simply put, no need for increased spamming (like asking the release every page isn't, right?) simply put, it was a joke. Which if you downloaded the file and saw the size, you'd know that's not the right file size for the data. Now if you installed it, and went into the database, you'd see it was INDEED a joke. There is no 100 post count, there is no data. The only ones posting screens are the actual testers.
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:D I may have brought this upon the thread, whoops. I'm sure Forlan would get a giggle out of it. I particularly like the only character 'Mug.' So in conclusion, the data is not ready so stop asking and stop spamming! Just be patient. OR, start making one yourself, that's what I did last time.
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I think it's time mod makers had "ebay contribution" links or something along those lines. Reading post after post from some whinging cry baby only serves to make me want to do LESS testing. For example, I'm still to bother my backside running single shows for a number of promotions. I did do a few SWA shows with the first test set and it is possible to pull a profit each month. I can say though that the UK promotions probably need popularity bumped higher than they should be just to survive. Either that, or you start modifying stats to suit wage levels instead of to suit actual ability etc. The UK TV networks need looked at also, probably needs a very simple spreadsheet knocked up to tackle the size problem. This week was a write off anyway, as I was based out of Inverness for 3 days and can't install anything my company laptop. I intend getting onto everything and, hopefully, nailing the UK side of things over this weekend. 1PW, though, will NEVER feature and I may look into setting up RQW as a test to see how it runs...Only needs enough overness to hit the 1,000 levels just now and it can have a working agreement with the FWA and IPW...maybe even a working agreement with all promotions in the King of Europe Cup.
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