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TPB Forums?

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I don't think that the condescending tone is necessary since you have not read the intent of the original post. :) I'm of the understanding that Singularity was looking for draft files that were originally posted at the TPB board [I]here[/I]. The TPB board at Wolverine has its first post in October 2006 and I'm guessing that the draft files in question pre-date that time. Your best bet is the Internet Wayback Machine. I came up with these dates in the past [url]http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum[/url] and randomly chose August 2005 as a starting point. That led me to this: [url]http://web.archive.org/web/20061224022841/http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=9&page=1&pp=20&sort=lastpost&order=desc&daysprune=-1[/url] You may need to select the "Show Threads - From Beginning" option down the bottom of the page. I'm not sure if that helps or not but it may get you started.
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Thanks 21C. You'd think company representatives would at least make the effort to think before posting. Actually, they aren't even correct. The old TPB forums were not moved to Wolverine Studios boards. Strike One. Neither were the old TPB forums removed from the GDS forums. Strike Two. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&f=11&page=1&pp=20&sort=lastpost&order=desc&daysprune=-1[/url]
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Actually Singularity don't speak without knowledge. Just because you can't access posts doesn't mean they aren't gone. As a matter of fact the forums were moved. We chose not to put them back up and instead Bryan gathered all the ideas and useful posts internally for Gary and GDS does not host the forums they just exist in cyberspace. Why you would post here for a game you acknowledge has moved is beyond me. The mods were never hosted, supported, sponsored or stored on GDS servers so if you wanted files to a game where the developer has moved and you no longer see a place to post about the game on GDS why not post at Wolverine and ask about draft files. So strike three and you're out.
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[QUOTE]Actually Singularity don't speak without knowledge. Just because you can't access posts doesn't mean they aren't gone.[/QUOTE] What does this even mean? I never claimed that because I could not locate the posts that the posts "weren't" gone [?] - whatever that means. [QUOTE]As a matter of fact the forums were moved. We chose not to put them back up and instead Bryan gathered all the ideas and useful posts internally for Gary and GDS does not host the forums they just exist in cyberspace.[/QUOTE] The boards are still here and I can still access the posts. The claim was "the TPB forums here were removed when ownership of the game was transferred." That is not true. They are still here. [QUOTE]Why you would post here for a game you acknowledge has moved is beyond me. [/QUOTE] Its not a very subtle concept to figure out. But given the post you put together maybe you legitimately are having difficulty. If you were read my initial post - I was looking for the location of the roster and draft files various TPB (and GDS) customers had developed - nothing more. Why such a simple and innocent request has resulted in such a show of GDS representatives (displaying an alarming inability to parse simple English and general lack of discretion) is beyond me. [QUOTE]The mods were never hosted, supported, sponsored or stored on GDS servers so if you wanted files to a game where the developer has moved and you no longer see a place to post about the game on GDS why not post at Wolverine and ask about draft files. So strike three and you're out.[/QUOTE] Let me make sure I understand your "logic." You are perturbed I asked about a forum that used to be hosted (and still is hosted here actually) about a game I bought from this company and then dubiously claim "strike three and you're out" when the first two strikes were on others ill-advised postings. Further, the thought of a customer posing a question as I did should hardly be considered a "strike" - if it is then you might want to educate yourself on how to run a company. This entire thread has devolved into sheer lunacy on the part of GDS.
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My apologies - in part - to GDS. I have learned that only TC Dale is affiliated with GDS and his response was probably the least problematic of the three "officials" who posted here. Bryan Swartz and Tim Plum are apparently representatives of Wolverine Studios. Of course, their posts are only more absurd in that light. People from another company come to the GDS boards are show how completely unobservant and ignorant they can be by accosting a customer who simply wanted to get some information about a game he purchased.
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[quote=Singularity;171413]My apologies - in part - to GDS. I have learned that only TC Dale is affiliated with GDS and his response was probably the least problematic of the three "officials" who posted here. Bryan Swartz and Tim Plum are apparently representatives of Wolverine Studios. Of course, their posts are only more absurd in that light. People from another company come to the GDS boards are show how completely unobservant and ignorant they can be by accosting a customer who simply wanted to get some information about a game he purchased.[/quote] Actually I haven't been affliated with GDS since they came into creation. They moved from .400 and while I helped with forum setup, I haven't been working for GDS since they opened. Sorry Singularity. You need to read the forums in more detail, as both Gary and I are working on games with our own separate entities. A simple read thru of articles about TPB and it's past/future would have given you more information, and even posting at Wolverine Studios would have garnered you more information than you would get here, since Gary was the programmer of the TPB/TCB series, it would be the first place to search for more information about the old forums and links, since GDS let the series go to WS.
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My apologies for apparently misunderstanding your request, Singularity. I 'accosted' no-one: I was trying to help, and apparently I failed at that(I was indeed incorrect that the forums have been merely closed, not removed). Nevertheless, I'm sorry that in answering your original post, I wasn't able to give you the answers you were looking for.
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