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Worn Out Idea

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I'm starting my next diary in a phone shop. That'll teach you :p Actually, I'm going to have to think of a new backstory sometime soon. I've already got a few important things covered in my head but nowhere near enough for the start of the diary. Damn, you've started me thinking already! Derek B
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I have the answer to solve all problems....the phone didn't ring...why cause it was set on vibrate! BRILLIANT! If I say so myself. I expect every new diary in the next week to begin with "As I was walking down the street, I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and answered it"
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[QUOTE=kadekash1983;168823]From now on I refuse to read any diaries that start off with a phone ringing..... Seems that no one can come up with an original idea... Just thought Id let everyone know that. :p[/QUOTE] almost cried until I realized that the first phone call was phil talking on a cell a month into the game. but wait I don't have an original idea because I am just copying other diaries that have people in them. great post though, made me laugh
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