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PWA: Ending with everything

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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER]The Very First TEW07 Diary [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/newpwa.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Southern UK, November 2010:[/B] A lot can happen in 4 years. And a single mistake can change things forever. For Ring Of Fire, that mistake was firing their head booker. Upon his departure he vowed to take them down anyway he could. He formed his own company named Port-South Wrestling Association or PWA as it came to be called. Putting on bi-monthly shows at first, PWA slowly built up a fanbase and scored themselves a television deal. Using cheap workers the likes of Brilliant White, Arthur T Turtle, and Bullet Bob Cronin, the money flowed in and PWA expanded. Soon PWA began to sign bigger name stars to the roster. Names like Adam Matravers, Jack Giedroyc, Stevie Stoat and Jeff Nova graced the show and marvelled the crowds building PWA's name. And soon PWA was a contender for number one UK promotion. And when that happened it was time for payback. PWA began a talent raid on Ring Of Fire, stealing away the likes of Joss Thompson, Rolling Johnny Stones, Walter Morgan. Even Adam Matravers, Stevie Stoat and Jeff Nova were taken right from under Ring Of Fires nose. They began hiring new workers to try to recover but the damage was done. The shows became less frequent and eventually halted. Ring Of Fire soon closed there doors for good. Things looked good for PWA but like i said earlier; a single mistake can change things forever[/FONT]
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Previously (taken from TEW05): [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Man of Excellence" Adam Matravers.[/COLOR][/B] Jack Giedroyc was teaming with the PWA Champion Adam Matravers in a series of matches to showcase a new tag division. However he missed his intended target and hit Matravers instead. Matravers took offense to this and spoke out about the slopiness involved in Giedroyc's matches. He enlists his former rival Jamie Anderson and forms the Matravers School of Excellence, and proceeds to train Anderson whilst interfering with Jack Giedroyc's matches. Giedroyc seeked revenge and joins with Stevie Stoat to fight back. Things escalate and spill into the TV title fight. TV Champion Donny Damage joins Matravers whilst Jeff Nova sides with Giedroyc. And both sides continue to clash. Jack Giedroyc tries to put an end to it at Honour Be Damned when he proposes that both sides meet in a Lethal Lock Down match. Adam Matravers agrees and the stage is set. However tragedy strikes when Jeff Nova manhandles Jamie Anderson in the match and Anderson goes down. Medical teams are called and Jamie Anderson is taken away to hospital. The match is declared a draw. Matravers School is then joined by PWA Womens champion Stephanie Hazel while Jack Giedroyc enlists the help of Matravers ex-fiancee Phoebe Plumridge. Both stables clash again over the newly formed Tag Team Cage Titles. With Matravers stealing a victory and claiming all the PWA titles for his stable. Finally PWA Owner Adam B has enough and decides to have one last match at Down at the Docks for the gold. This time however all stable members are banned from ringside. But Matravers had a plan. His "school" abduct Giedroyc's friend Phoebe Plumridge and threaten to beat her on screen. Jack Giedroyc rushes to save her only to get ambushed and beaten down. The match is called a draw. Finally PWA Owner Adam B has enough. He calls Adam Matravers out and vacates the PWA Championship sending Matravers over the edge. He beats the owner down followed by friend Jamie Anderson when he tries to calm Matravers down. Adam Matravers heads to Adam B's house and beats him down again prompting the owner to make the declaration "even if i have to give up my position for a match" Upon hearing this Adam Matravers comes on air and accepts the match at Uprising. He even says that he will put up "his" Championship belt on the line. Finally the main event at Uprising. Its Owner Vs "Champion". Only to be interupted by a man, decked top to toe in black and white. He takes a chair to Adam Matravers head splitting it open and sending him down to the mat outside. He then takes the same chair straight to Adam B's knee before announcing to the world: [B]????: "He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done."[/B][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B]*knock knock*[/B] [I]"You there boss.."[/I] The man pushed open the door and entered the room. It was an hour after Uprising had finished and most of the workers had started heading off for some rest and relaxation. And quite frankly they deserved it. The man went up to the desk and saw the briefcase sitting on the top. "He hadn't left yet.. Thats good" he thought. He reached into his jacket pocket and took an envelope out, laying it on top of the briefcase. He then left the room and closed the door [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"]Adam. I have some news for you that i dont think your going to like. I could beat around the bush but im just gonna come out and say it. Im leaving PWA. I have been saving my cash since i started here and added it to what i got from before and im investing in a company. You must of heard of 21st Century Wrestling. I want to take 21CW and shape them into an english version of SWF. I even have a meeting next week about getting them a TV deal. We have new logos and a new direction. Its gonna work im sure of it. And i think i have you to thank for that. All those evenings we just rambled on about stuff at the pub. Some of it must have sunk in. I wanted to tell you this in person but nobody has seen you since the main event tonight. Can you give me a call when you get this as i want to talk to you about things. I dont just want to walk away from here. Thanks for everything Jeff Nova[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]To be continued.....[/B][/FONT]
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From PWA.co.uk [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"]Departures: Following on from last nights breaking news that Jeff Nova would be leaving PWA to take over the reigns at 21CW, PWA would like to announce two more departures from PWA. Joss Thompson & Leo Price have both requested time away from PWA, and try there hand in 21CW. We would like to wish them the best of luck and the door is always open for there return[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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From TotalExtremeWrestlingRumors.com [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"][B]Oh Boss, Where Art Thou??[/B] Rumors are abound about the location of PWA Owner Adam B following the end of Uprising on Sunday. The Main Event ended with chairshots to both Adam Matravers and Adam B before all the lights in the arena went out. Our "sources" from the arena inform us that when the lights came back on, Adam Matravers was still standing there but both Adam B and PWA's "Mystery" man were gone. Since then, our "sources" inside PWA say that Adam B has not been seen or heard from. The match stipulation for Uprising was that if Adam B lost then he would have to abdicate his position. However we contacted the referee from the match who said he ruled it a draw. We were unable to contact Adam B to confirm or deny his disappearance. More when we get it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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From PWA.co.uk [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]Time for the Damage to End![/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"]Donny Damage let it known today that he is stepping down from in-ring activities for a more backstage role "[I]Its been a great year for me, holding the TV title and all my time in the limelight with Adam Matravers & Jack Giedoryc, but after Uprising i realised that i couldn't keep this up much longer. If i do i may wind up crippling myself[/I]" He later added that a return to the ring for special occasions would not be impossible in the future. The PWA TV Title will now go up for grabs at the next show[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="Sienna"][QUOTE]O.o.c note I suppose i could have just kept my original data and not upgraded it to 07, but i thought it would be fun to try cope with the changes that have been made. With the new popularity percentages, the shows arnt viewed by as many anymore and the loss of Jeff Nova and a few others could kinda go some way to explaining a drop.. I have a few more backstory segments to put up which should be done over christmas and maybe the first show will go up before i head off for new year. I have an invite from my gorgeous female friend to spend it with her so no contest really there[/QUOTE][/COLOR]...
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From [COLOR="Blue"][U]TotalExtremeWrestlingRumors.com[/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"][B]More trouble at PWA[/B] PWA just cant seem to cut a break this week. Following Uprising, PWA stars Jeff Nova, Joss Thompson & Leo Price have left for 21CW. Today PWA announced the departure of Jack Giedroyc and Adam (The) Phoenix from PWA. Jack Giedroyc is heading towards TCW and Adam Phoenix is leaving the business for personal reasons. We would like to wish them both the best of luck.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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From [COLOR="Blue"][U]PWA.co.uk[/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"]PWA are pleased to announce the revised PPV listings for 2010-11 Sunday 28th November - Birth Of Retribution (New Years Eve) Sunday 28th December - New Blood Sunday 28th January - Critical Mass Sunday 28th February - Still Standing III Sunday 28th March - Lay Down The Gauntlet Sunday 28th April - Overcoming All Odds Sunday 28th May - Your Choice Sunday 28th June - Damnation Sunday 28th July - Evolution Sunday 28th August - Honour Be Damned Sunday 28th September - Ends Of The Earth Sunday 28th October - Uprising The PWA New Blood Tournament has been moved to the final day of December. This allows the New Blood winners to start the new year with a contract with PWA. Returning this year are fan favorites Your Choice and Honour Be Damned along with the anniversary show Still Standing (Now in its 3rd year) Tickets go on sale at the beginning of each month. From all of us at PWA, we hope to see you there.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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I think i shuffled a few shows around and changed the names around on 3 Blood Showers, Putting out the fire, and Down at the docks were dropped. However i do like Septembers name.. Ends of the Earth Im gonna have so much fun when that PPV comes round The first 07 show should hopefully be up soon. Im just trying to get all the data straight
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/newpwa.png[/img] [SIZE="5"]"Episode 21 - " A New Dawn"[/SIZE] Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall Tuesday 2nd November Attendance: 752 IVR Rating: 0.00[/CENTER] The first Preshow of 07 ends and the crowd get settled into their seats [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Rating for this segment: D+[/B][/COLOR]
A video plays showing the ending from Uprising. It shows PWA Owner Adam B & Champion Adam Matravers going at each other only to be interupted by the Black & White man. It fades to black and you hear the words: ????: "He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." [COLOR="darkred"][B]Rating for this segment: E-[/B][/COLOR]
After a quick commercial break we return to see Adam Matravers in the ring and still carrying the PWA Championship around his waist. Adam: [I]"You may have heard the rumors circulating around on the internet about the disapearance of Adam B after Uprising. A lot of people are blaming me for it after what happened to Phoebe Plumridge but let me just state for the record that i had nothing to do with what happened to him. I mean chances are that he was just too scared of the arse kicking i was giving him and is hiding somewhere. But the reason i came out here tonight was to address the "boss". You didn't beat me at Uprising, and since you have vanished you wont mind me claiming it again as my own."[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: E[/COLOR][/B]
Manny Morhan and Kevin Jordan are on announcing duties: [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Its with a heavy heart that i take the lead announcing duties at PWA. Taking my position will be Manny Morham, one time annoucer here returning to action."[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Thank you, Its good to be back. Tonights first match is new Womens Champion Nina Vs former champion Stephanie Hazel"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Stephanie lost her title at Uprising on sunday and has asked for her rematch tonight."[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating for this segment: F[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER]Match 1: Nina (C) Vs Stephanie Hazel PWA Womens Championship[/CENTER][/B] Hmmm not sure whats happened here. With the new ratings i thought this would have got a D or an E. But both delighted the fans with some decent moves. Nina caught Stephanie about to attempt a Princess Drop and counters allowing Nina to get the pinfall [B][COLOR="darkred"]Winner & STILL Champion: Nina Match Length: 7:33 Match Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"What a match. I dont think i have seen those two as focused as they were tonight."[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Even i was impressed. Coming up next, we have a match for TV Title. If you havn't read pwa.co.uk news, Donny Damage is retiring from in-ring action and is handing over his championship tonight"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Speaking of. He's coming out now"[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]"There comes a time on every wrestlers life where he passes the torch to the next generation, and thats what i hope to do tonight. With the passing of the TV Title tonight, i hope that i at least made it look respectable in the eyes of the fans. Whoever of you two win this, respect it, otherwise i may come back to claim it"[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Match 2: Ali Bloxsome Vs Stevie Stoat PWA TV Title[/CENTER][/B] Stevie Stoat looked good out there tonight. Ali Bloxsome not so much. However from out of nowhere Bloxsome gains some momentum and gets Stoat for a 3 count [B][COLOR="darkred"]Winner: Ali Bloxsome Match Length: 8:48 Match Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B]
The break ends and we see Rod 'The God' in the ring. [I]"And the lord provides for those that seem his salvation, and Glen Ward must seek salvation. For i am the chosen and Gods will be done"[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER]Match 3: Barry Griffin Vs Keith Adams[/CENTER][/B] Not a bad match between the two. Barry Griffin seems to be developing a bit of a streak putting away Keith Adams. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Winner: Barry Griffin Match Length: 8:37 Match Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B]
Adam Matravers is back in the ring: Adam: "There has been no answer from the boss yet so as of now i claim the PWA Championship as my own. Which means tonights match against Joey Beauchamp my first defence" [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Joey Beauchamp PWA Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] The first championship match in 07. I hope that it would go ok. Luckily both men put in decent performances and the crowd came away happy. Adam Matravers hit his Mile High Moonsault to score the win. [B][COLOR="darkred"]Winner & STILL Champion: Adam Matravers Match Length: 8:40 Match Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Final Rating: D[/CENTER][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"]A fairly basic show today mainly due to time restrictions here. But hang tight. There will be more plot coming soon[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/newpwa.png[/img] [SIZE="5"]"Episode 22 - The Spread Of Evil"[/SIZE] Filmed at Parliament Square Tuesday 9th November Attendance: 727 IVR: 0.00[/CENTER] The Preshow ends. [B][COLOR="darkred"]Preshow Ratings: F- & D[/COLOR][/B]
Kevin Jordan and Manny Morhan are on annoucing duty: [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Welcome everybody to another edition of PWA. Im Kevin Jordan, filling in for Adam B along with Manny Morham and tonights show looks like its gonna raise the roof"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Thats right. Not only do we have 3 beautiful divas fighting for the womens championship, we also have tag action featuring Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin Vs Jamie Anderson and Joey Beauchamp"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"And if thats not enough for you, we have our mysterious new arrival at PWA. For weeks we have just called him the black and white man, but tonight Mr Evilness will be going up against Keith Adams"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"And finally we have Adam Matravers defending him gold against a member of Jack Giedroycs former stable, Stevie Stoat"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"But first lets see some action as Nina squares up against Miss Information & Stephanie Hazel in triple threat rules"[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating for this segment: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Match 1: Miss Information Vs Nina Vs Stephanie Hazel [COLOR="darkred"]PWA Womens Championship[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] The crowd seemed to dig this match which made me feel better. And Miss Information did a lot better than i thought. However she couldn't stand up against Nina and stayed down for this 3 count [B][COLOR="darkred"]Match Winner and STILL Champion: Nina Match Length: 5:49 Match Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B]
We come back from a commercial and Rod 'The God' Todd is in the ring: [B]Todd[/B]: [I]"The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. At his command the oceans and rivers dry up, the lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wilt. In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed. Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence. The LORD is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him. But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night."[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER]Match 2: Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin Vs Jamie Anderson & Joey Beauchamp [COLOR="darkred"]Tag Team Action[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] New TV Champ Ali Bloxsome and Kelly Martin were looking good out there tonight, as were Jamie Anderson and Joey Beauchamp. However it was Kelly Martin that pinned Joey Beauchamp for the win [B][COLOR="darkred"]Match Winners: Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin Match Length: 11:52 Match Rating: D[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Why these 4 are not in tag teams together, i shall never know. Coming up. We see Mr Evilness make his debut match against Keith Adams"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Since his arrival in PWA, Mr Evilness has made quite an impact. From his one eyed stares from the entrance way to his assault at Uprising, he has become someone that the wrestlers in the back whisper about."[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"And tonight, we get to see if he is just all talk"[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating for this segment: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Keith Adams Vs Mr. Evilness [COLOR="DarkRed"]Evilness' Debut Match[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Normally debut matches seem to be squashes but Keith Adams seems to have held his own even looking like he was going to win. But Mr Evilness puts him away cleanly. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Winner: Mr Evilness Match Length: 11:44 Match Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Well im sure they all believe the hype now"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Coming up next. PWA's "Champion" faces a man who fought with Jack Giedroyc to take him down. Its Adam Matravers Vs Stevie Stoat"[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating for this segment: E[/COLOR][/B] Stephanie Hazel comes out with Adam Matravers and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating for this segment: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Stevie Stoat [COLOR="darkred"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Stoat looked fired up and took it to Adam Matravers for the first few minutes without Matravers being able to muster up a defence. Slowly the tide turned and Matravers connected with the Mile High Moonsault for the win. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Match Winner and STILL "Champion": Adam Matravers Match Length: 13:37 Match Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] The match is over, and Stevie Stoat is left down. Adam Matravers is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas. [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating for this segment: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Rating D[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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I must say I am concerned about the apparent loosing streak of one Stevie Stoat, but other than that the first couple of shows are looking good, all things considered. I'm looking forward to seeing how you end up doing in the long run, after the big blow your roster took with the new 21CW setting their sights on your stars. I'm sure you'll realize, like I realized, that the salvation of your roster and your promotion lies in Stoat. He is salvation, salvation is he, he is it, and it is he. So yeah... push Stevie Stoat... :p
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My road agents seem to disagree with you on that one. But he had some great chemisty with someone and i may feud them soon. I had plans for feuds leading right up until march which needs some holes plugging, Im sure i can stick him in somewhere. I just need to get into his mind. I know how to use Matravers, Anderson, Todd & Evilness so i can book them easily. Same with Jack Giedroyc when i had him Stoat however i havent quite formed yet
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For those that have read this from the 05 version, im wondering just what you think is in store over the next year Examples: Just who will finally get the belt off Adam Matravers, Who is going to be pushed up into the main event, The Mr Evilness storyline. Location of Adam B Things like that
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]"Episode 23 - Gearing Up"[/SIZE] Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall Tuesday 16th November Attendance: 705 IVR: 0.00[/CENTER] The Preshow ends [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ratings: E- & D[/COLOR][/B]
The previously plays showing last weeks main event match up featuring Adam Matravers vs. Stevie Stoat and the end match beatdown [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MissInformation.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Nina.jpg[/IMG] Match 1: Miss Information Vs Nina [COLOR="DarkRed"]PWA Womens Championship[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] I pretty much forgot to add any booking notes for this match. And surprisingly it turned out ok. However the crowd was stunned when Miss Information defeated Nina The Psycho Ballerina. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Winner & NEW Champion: Miss Information Length: 5:51 Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"What a surprising turn of events. I was sure that Stephanie Hazel would regain the Womens Championship, but Miss Information was the one to steal it away"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"And doesn't she look good wearing it.. Well she just looks good"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Our next match is for the PWA TV Title with Champion Ali Bloxsome goes up against Joey Beauchamp."[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AliBloxsome.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] Match 2: Ali Bloxsome Vs Joey Beauchamp [COLOR="DarkRed"]PWA TV Championship[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] A fairly decent match between both men. Joey Beauchamp constantly catches Ali Bloxsome off guard and gets the submission. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Winner & NEW Champion: Joey Beauchamp Length: 9:35 Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] Mr Evilness is at the top of the ramp: [B]Mr. Evilness[/B]: [I]"Tonight i have decided my first challenge here at PWA. At Birth of Retribution, i want you, Joey Beauchamp and your TV Title"[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B]
After the break Rod 'The God' Todd is in the ring: [B]Todd[/B]: [I]"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell..."[/I] When suddenly... [B]????: [/B][I]"Oh my god, will you please just shut the hell up"[/I] And out walks Glen Ward [B]Ward[/B]: [I]"How many weeks now have you come out here gushing about how much you love God and you want to marry him and have his babies. Well you see, here's the thing. NOBODY CARES!!!!"[/I] [B]Todd[/B]: [I]"Seems like its time to give you another taste of Gods Wrath"[/I] [B]Ward[/B]: [I]"Not tonight thanks. I have a match tonight with Barry Grifffin"[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ratings: D & E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BarryGriffin.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/GlenWard.jpg[/IMG] Match 3: Barry Griffin Vs Glen Ward[/CENTER][/B] Barry Griffin has been on a slight roll at the moment but i think Glen Ward's encounter with Todd before hand spurred him on as well. The winner stunned the crowd when Glen Ward got the pinfall. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Winner: Glen Ward Length: 7:51 Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B]
Adam Matravers is in the ring with a microphone: [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"In the last few weeks, i have beaten everyone that PWA has thrown at me, and tonight i come before you and offer a match to anyone that thinks they can beat me. So come on people, backstage and crowd members alike. Who thinks they can beat me!"[/I] [B]????: [/B] [I]"I will"[/I] Over the barricade springs Billy Robinson. [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"What a minute. I know you. Your Billy Robinson right. Jeez your not even working in the business right now. Ok your on. Get in the ring and lets see what you got"[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Ratings: D+ & E-[/COLOR][/B]
We come back from a commercial break to catch the end of Stephanie Hazel firing T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][COLOR="darkred"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BillyRobinson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Billy Robinson [COLOR="DarkRed"]Open Challenge[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Adam Matravers started off and took Billy Robinson to the mat. However Billy Robinson took the initiative and started gaining momentum. Matravers counters, sends Robinson to the mat and goes for the Mile High Moonsault. But misses. Billy Robinson rolled at the last second and quickly covered Matravers for the win [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Winner: Billy Robinson Length: 10:06 Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final D-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"]From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] Port-South Wrestling Association held PWA: The TV Show last night at Broxbourne Civic Hall, and drew 705 fans. The feedback from viewers has been pretty good, especially for a promotion of that size. An area women, known simply as Ana, was quoted as saying "I'm stunned".[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;171637] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"What a surprising turn of events. I was sure that Stephanie Hazel would regain the Womens Championship, but Miss Information was the one to steal it away"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"And doesn't she look good wearing it.. Well she just looks good"[/I][/QUOTE] I have to agree. Good grief, that may be the saddest post I've EVER made on a forum. But still, you CAN'T argue with Manny there. Speaking about looking good, the graphic for Episode 23 is AWESOME :)
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