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PWA: Ending with everything

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Honestly Clarity, I have no idea what you can do with an 800lb gorilla staring you in the face. It seems to me like you'll have many of the same kinds of problems now that American promotions have to deal with (that is, a "big dog" stealing all the bones you manage to dig up). Since I know you'll always have Jamie Anderson (since, really, who the heck else but you would want him? :p), he's going to factor heavily into my predictions. [QUOTE=Clarity;171525]Just who will finally get the belt off Adam Matravers,[/QUOTE] Adam B (with an assist from Jamie Anderson) [QUOTE=Clarity;171525]Who is going to be pushed up into the main event,[/QUOTE] Jamie Anderson and Rod 'The God' Todd [QUOTE=Clarity;171525]The Mr Evilness storyline.[/QUOTE] I honestly haven't a clue on this one. Your booking style has always vexed me greatly (which isn't a bad thing since it makes me look at things from another angle/perspective). His debut and subsequent appearance have seemed fractured to me but maybe that's because I don't see the full picture. Taking out the champion and the owner....and then chasing the secondary title seems off to me. I think he'll get into a feud with Rod and if it goes well, they'll both be elevated to main event status. Of course, this is going to depend on you being able to find decent people to replace them in the midcard. [QUOTE=Clarity;171525]Location of Adam B[/QUOTE] He's at home shagging a different woman every night and barely managing to get a show booked in time? :p I'm assuming you're playing with 'Restrictions On' so you don't have access to much of the talent that, while not as obviously great as it was in 05, is still very much worth developing (mostly in North America and Japan, as usual). But, between April and September, you should see a few good workers debut that you could use.
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I liked your last prediction. I few posts ago i mentioned the departure of The Phoenix (my last Heidenreich challenge). In 07 Adam B is gonna be the challenge as he's kinda me.. While not booked yet i already know who is going to take the belt off Adam Matravers. As long as no flaming companies steal them in the time being. I wanted Mr Evilness to make an impact. Which i think he did. But i didn't want to elevate him straight to main event so i developed his storyline. Anderson is 37 now so may well get dropped for some new blood. Plus he has already spent time in the limelight. But i still have 4 people on my roster that you guys know nothing about Only time will tell though
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Thanks. PWA is losing the dark red and flames that its been using the last few years. Its going purple from now on. And that demo is great for learning the cornellverse but nothing does it better than having your own company.. "He's all A's. I'll have him.. Hey Mr Wrestler dont laugh at me. Im serious" I like to think i have learnt who to rely on
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/img] [SIZE="5"]"Episode 24 - In Labour"[/SIZE] [COLOR="Plum"](The last show before Birth Of Retribution)[/COLOR] Filmed at Parliament Square Tuesday 23rd November Attendance: 736 IVR: 0.00 [/CENTER] The Preshow ends [COLOR="Purple"][B]Ratings: F+ & D+[/B][/COLOR] Main: A video plays showing wrestling footage of Barry Griffin, Menace, Walter Morgan, and Tim Reed. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BarryGriffin.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TerryAllen.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TimReed.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/WalterMorgan.jpg[/img] Match 1: Barry Griffin Vs Menace Vs Tim Reed Vs Walter Morgan [COLOR="Purple"]Fatal 4 Way[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] To keep everyone sweet before the PPV i booked in this match. Not a bad rating and Barry Griffin regained some momentum by pinning Menace [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Barry Griffin Length: 13:33 Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MissInformation.jpg[/img] Match 2: Jamie Anderson Vs Miss Information[/CENTER][/B] A match made for Remianen who i think it was ages ago that said that Miss Information worked well with male workers. So i put him against the guy he really doesn't like. Told them to have a good match and i dont care who wins. And Remianen wont like the outcome. Anderson got Information in a submission and she tapped. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Jamie Anderson Length: 5:56 Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KeithAdams.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/img] Match 3: Keith Adams Vs Rod 'The God' Todd[/CENTER][/B] A suprisingly good match between the pair. Rod 'The God' Todd catches Keith Adams with a Praise Be followed by a God Complex. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Rod 'The God' Todd Length: 9:29 Ratings: C-[/COLOR][/B]
After the break Ali Bloxsome is in the ring: [B]Bloxsome[/B]: [I]"People have been talking about Mr. Evilness in whispers like he is some kind of Boogyman. He stands around at the top of a ramp and few times and he is mysterious apparently. Maybe he was just looking for the loos and got lost. Then he charges in and beats down two guys that are midway through a match and people think he is unstoppable. Well i dont think that. I accept your challenge, and will see you at the PPV"[/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: D-[/COLOR][/B] Ali Bloxsome heads to the back after making his speech. Just as he reaches the curtains, Mr Evilness charges out and beats him down. Evilness slams Bloxsome into the barricade and stalks off out back [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E+[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JohnnyStones.jpg[/img] Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] [COLOR="Purple"][B]PWA Championship[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] I think im getting my pairings right now (compared to my first show in 07) and these two looked good out there. However Adam Matravers connected with his tradmark Moonsault and scored yet another win [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: Adam Matravers Length: 14:13 Ratings: C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Stoat[/B]: [I]"Before you disappear for an evening of clapping yourself on the back, i wanted to say that i want you at Birth Of Retribution. What do you say"[/I] [B]Matravers[/B]: [I]"Beaten you once. I'l do it again. Your on"[/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Final Rating D[/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="5"][CENTER][COLOR="purple"]Confirmed for Birth Of Retribution:[/COLOR][/SIZE] Miss Information (C) Vs Nina Vs Stephanie Hazel [I][COLOR="purple"]for the Womens Championship[/COLOR][/I] Glen Ward Vs Rod 'The God' Todd Ali Bloxsome (C) Vs Mr Evilness [I][COLOR="Purple"]for the TV Championship[/COLOR][/I] Adam Matravers (C) Vs Stevie Stoat [I][COLOR="purple"]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I] And a surprise announcement at the finale... [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]Coming this sunday[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Oh and just to make Remianen feel better. Just loaded the demo onto my laptop (whilst playing it on my 48" screen) and Jamie Anderson took control of MOSC as Head Booker. Looks like im not the only one that wants him :) Thats in no way related to this game though
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[QUOTE=Clarity;171938]Oh and just to make Remianen feel better. Just loaded the demo onto my laptop (whilst playing it on my 48" screen) and Jamie Anderson took control of MOSC as Head Booker. Looks like im not the only one that wants him :) Thats in no way related to this game though[/QUOTE] bah, I said Miss Information works well with men [B][I]in 05[/I][/B]. All bets are off for 07! And I just checked Jamie's 'business skills' and he sucks. No wonder MoSC can't gain any ground. Wanna see something really odd? Look at Farrah Hesketh's 'Business' skills. :eek: But one thing you have taught me, reading through your diary, is the UK scene is pretty sparse on talent. S'why (in my mind) Cliff & Harry Wilson opened up a school in your neck of the woods, as did Uppercut Bailey and a few others. ;)
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Miss Information (C) Vs[B] Nina [/B]Vs Stephanie Hazel for the Womens Championship Glen Ward Vs [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B] [B]Ali Bloxsome [/B](C) Vs Mr Evilness for the TV Championship [B]Adam Matravers[/B] (C) Vs Stevie Stoat for the PWA Championship
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It was a plug for [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=171840&postcount=6"]my dojo mod[/URL]. Won't help for your game, I'm afraid. :( I just felt that it might be a good idea to increase the number of schools, which might increase the overall quality of workers introduced into the game. And since the AI automatically regulates how many workers debut at any given time, seemed like a good idea to get some in those areas that are generally underserved (UK and Europe, mainly). Wilson Brothers Combat Training Center should turn out some pretty decent rookies, if the system works like I think it might.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/img] [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="5"]"Birth Of Retribution"[/SIZE][/COLOR] Sunday 28th November Broxbourne Civic Hall Attendance: 697[/CENTER] The PPV preshow ends [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: D & E+[/COLOR][/B]
Kev Jordan and Manny Morhan are on announcing duty: [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Welcome everybody to Birth Of Retribution, and what a blockbuster show we have for you tonight."[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Thats right. We have a rematch from last months PPV, Rod 'The God' Vs Glen Ward and Ali Bloxsome defends his TV Title against Mr Evilness"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"And the top it off, we have Adam Matravers defending his title against Stevie Stoat. But before all of that, we have tonights first match. Its Miss Information, Nina and Stephanie Hazel in triple threat action"[/I] [COLOR="purple"][B]Ratings: F+[/B][/COLOR]
[B][CENTER][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MissInformation.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Nina.jpg[/img][COLOR="white"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Principessa.jpg[/img] Match 1: Miss Information Vs Nina Vs Stephanie Hazel [COLOR="Purple"]Triple Threat for the Womens Championship[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] A good eye candy beginning for the PPV that got the crowd going. Miss Information gets the pinfall over Stephanie Hazel for her first title defence [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner & STILL Champion: Miss Information Length 8:47 Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B]
A video plays showing Mr Evilness' debut in PWA and the events that led up to his match tonight. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Im not sure why they are showing that now. The next match is Glen Ward Vs Rod 'The God' Todd. I think the technicians made a mix up"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"It happens. This grudge match just doesn't seem to end. Todds sermons have been annoying but we all have the freedom of speech. But Glen Ward was fed up with all the religious ramblings and these two meet again"[/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/GlenWard.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/img] Match 2: Glen Ward Vs Rod 'The God' Todd[/CENTER][/B] There hearts just were not in it tonight. It was obvious to all out back. Thankfully the crowd didn't pick up on it although im sure all the internet nitpickers will be complaining. Glen Ward finally pins Rod 'The God' Todd and ends the match [COLOR="Purple"][B]Winner: Glen Ward Length: 8:01 Rating: E[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"I wouldn't want to be in Ali Bloxsomes shoes right now"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Sorry.. Was still thinking about the girls heading out back. Boy do they wiggle"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Manny.. Concentrate please. Mr Evilness debuted just before Uprising but thats when he really made he presence known. He came down and took out both the champion and owner in 2 shots. His next target is strangly enough Ali Bloxsome."[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Is there a plan in Mr Evilness' mind or what"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"More importantly. Will Ali Bloxsome be able to defeat Evil"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AliBloxsome.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MrEvilness.jpg[/img] Match 3: Ali Bloxsome Vs Mr Evilness [COLOR="Purple"]PWA TV Title[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] After the event my road agents told me that they thought Ali Bloxsome looked great out there, and i had to agree. He didn't however have enough to put away Mr. Evilness who hit his finisher and pinned him. Mr Evilness raised his arms in victory as the referee brought over the TV Championship Belt. Evilness looked at it, spat on it and threw it onto Bloxsomes chest and stalked off [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Mr Evilness Length: 11:50 Ratings: E+ & E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Ok. Im confused. He wanted a match against Bloxsome but then didn't want the belt"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Maybe its a statement. Like he's saying he is too good for it"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Time will tell i guess. On now to our final match. In one corner we have a man who has taken on pretty much everyone that has gone before him. And the other we have a man finally released from a stable and ready to forge his own destiny"[/I] [B]Manny[/B]: [I]"Thats rather dramatic dont you think"[/I] [B]Kevin[/B]: [I]"Regardless. Adam Matravers thinks that he will wipe the floor with Stevie Stoat. Is he right. Lets find out"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/StevieStoat.jpg[/img] Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Stevie Stoat [COLOR="Purple"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] The crowd seemed to have settled until this match came which sent them cheering. Adam Matravers had Stevie Stoat early on but Stoat came back getting 3 close falls. Matravers finally swung things around by jumping onto the top rope landing on the turnbuckle and connecting with a Mile High Moonsault for the win. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner & STILL Champion: Adam Matravers Length: 12:46 Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] The screen crackles and comes to life. On it are the words: [I]"With the owner gone and things getting chaotic, order will be restored next month on PWA"[/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Rating: D-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE]And thats the end of the demo. The full game comes out on the 29th which is the day im going away for new year so i should hopefully get the next show up around the 3rd-4th January. As usual, any comments, opinions, suggestions welcomed (even if they are about my getting the Mr Evilness video in the wrong place) [/QUOTE] *Edit* 3 out of 4 Remianen. Not bad there
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[QUOTE=Clarity;172105]A good eye candy beginning for the PPV that got the crowd going. Miss Information gets the pinfall over Stephanie Hazel for [B]his[/B] first title defence[/QUOTE] *eye* [QUOTE=Clarity;172105]*Edit* 3 out of 4 Remianen. Not bad there[/QUOTE] I'm gettin' the hang of your booking. Yeah, that's it. And for an IWS interlude... "lol PWA sux, they booked stuff wrong and all outta order n stuff. 21CW pwns them!" etc etc :rolleyes:
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Following Birth of Retribution, PWA would like to announce a brand new part of their website; Ask The Stars The new segment allows you, the viewers a chance to ask the stars about all aspect of the business. For instance what Phoebe Plumridge is really like, or there opinion on a certain star. To ask a question, PM PWA with the following details. [I]Your Name Location Your question[/I] And we will try and answer (Gives me something to do whilst i wait for the full game)
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From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="5"]Ask The Stars[/SIZE] Todays question comes from Nikk currently residing in Hell, Connecticut. And he asks this: "This is to Adam M. Do you think that the abilites of the PWA has gone up since you started your school?" We contacted Adam Matravers and his reply was this: [I]"You know. I think that anybody that gets in the ring with me comes away with something. Why do you think Jack Giedroyc went to TCW. He took what he learnt from me and wants to apply it somewhere that he wont get his arse kicked by me. Whilst my school was going my students were improving in leaps and bounds and that scared him. So my answer to the question. Yes i think PWA improved. That why 21CW has got in touch with so many of us."[/I][/FONT] [/QUOTE]
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From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][FONT="Tahoma"]Ask The Stars[/SIZE] Todays question comes from Jonfun currently residing in Wales. He has questions for Miss Information & Stevie Stoat [B]Miss Information:[/B] Q: How do you and the other girls get on with the guys? A: We get on well with most of the guys. We had a little trouble with a "popular" worker but its all been sorted now. But we still get all the "Whens your mud wrestling match" or "You should be in a lesbian angle" but we laugh it off and tell them that they will never have a chance. Q: Many of the fans think you are the best looking Diva in PWA, how do you feel about that? A: Really? Me! Wow. Its quite a compliment. When your working with the likes of Phoebe, Stephanie & Nina, its hard to think of yourself as the best looking. They are all gorgeous [B]Stevie Stoat:[/B] Q: How do you feel about your current role in the PWA? A: The recent stable wars with Adam Matravers was amazing in a way. On one hand i was in a main event feud, but on the other Matravers kept cheating us out of wins. Q: Do you think you will renew your contract? A: I still have some time left on this contract at the moment, but im keeping my options open. Would love to win more though Q:Who is your idol? A: I grey up watching Major WG Reginald III, Ed Henson, Wild Man Sullivan & Iron Michael Milligan so i must say that they were my idols. I just wish they were alive to see us today[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="5"]Ask The Stars[/SIZE] Todays question comes from Bill in Manchester For the owner or someone who knows (we got one of Adam B's friends who helps out backstage to answer) Q: Would you ever hire British Samurai? A: Since ROF collapsed people have been asking us that. But never say never. If we can find a place for him then we might just ask him to join us. Q: Who is the worker who left who you would MOST like to have back? A: It would either have to be Jack Giedroyc or Jeff Nova. Both were slowly being groomed for title runs. Q: Do you pay attention to other wrestling shows (for example watch SWF Supream TV)? A: I dont watch as much of the american stuff as i used to due to declining quality but i used to watched ROF's shows (used to make me laugh seeing them book the same matches each show)[/FONT] [/QUOTE] Thats me out of here till the 3rd. Have a blast playing 07 guys and i will see you when i get back.. From Manchester actually
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