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PWA: Ending with everything

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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/img] [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="5"]"Episode 25 - Absence"[/SIZE][/COLOR] Filmed at Parliment square Tuesday 2nd December Attendance: 1,000 [COLOR="Purple"](Sellout)[/COLOR] IVR: 0.10[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Preshow ratings: D- & C-[/COLOR][/B]
A video plays highlighting some of the events from Birth of Retribution finishing with the Main Event match between Adam Matravers & Stevie Stoat. [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][B][COLOR="Purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Welcome everyone to PWA, Its a jam packed show tonight so we can waste no time talking"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Thats right. But im pysched to see just how order is gonna be restored this month"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"But first. Fresh from his win against Rod 'The God' Todd, Young Glen Ward will be taking on Kelly Martin"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"And that starts now"[/I][/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: F+[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][COLOR="Purple"][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/GlenWard.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] Match 1: Glen Ward Vs Kelly Martin[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Im sure sure which one of the two were dragging that match down but the crowd hated it. Thankfully it ended soon. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Glen Ward Length: 8:21 Rating: F+[/COLOR][/B]
The screen lights up and words flash across the screen [B][COLOR="Purple"]Screen:[/COLOR][/B] [I][B]"The rumors are true. Adam B is missing and PWA is ownerless. The PWA board has decided that in his place, a general manager will run the show. The GM has been decided and will make their presence known next week."[/B][/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: D+[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MissInformation.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Nina.jpg[/IMG] Match 2: Miss Information Vs Nina[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Something seems to have clicked between these two. They looked amazing together. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Miss Information Length: 7:58 Ratings: C-[/COLOR][/B] Having picked up the victory, Miss Information celebrates in the ring. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: E-[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MrEvilness.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the break Mr Evilness is in the ring. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Mr Evilness[/COLOR][/B]: [B][I]"Destruction is all that follows in my wake. And Ali Bloxsome is the first of many to fall before me. I dont want his piece of tin that he cherishes. My sights are set much higher. To the total domination of PWA"[/I][/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AliBloxsome.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG] Match 3: Ali Bloxsome Vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] If his defeat at Birth of Retribution effected him, Ali Bloxsome certainly never showed it. He despatched Rolling Johnny Stones quite easily [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Ali Bloxsome Length: 7:49 Ratings: D+[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs DJ Reason PWA Championship Match[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] DJ Reason comes out sporting his new gimmick and almost had Adam Matravers a few times. But out came the Mile High Moonsault for the win [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner & STILL Champion: Adam Matravers Length: 15:25 Ratings: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: D[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]O.o.c. I know thats not DJ Reasons real picture but i couldn't find it on the site i use. A fairly easy going show today as its been a little while since the last show and i need to get swinging again. But dont worry. I have a plan As usual, any thoughts, opinions and predictions welcome[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/img] [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="5"]"Episode 26 - Eastern Influence"[/SIZE][/COLOR] Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall Tuesday 9th December Attendance: 900 IVR: 0.10[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Preshow Ratings: D-, D & D+[/COLOR][/B]
The show starts quite abruptly, skipping its usual opening credits. The cameras are all aimed at the entrance ramp. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Announcer: [/COLOR] "Ladies and Gentleman. Please give a warm round of applause to the NEW General Manager of PWA" [/B] The British National Anthem plays and a man walks out into view [B][COLOR="Purple"]????: [/COLOR][/B]"[I]Alright then. Cut the music and lets get down to business. My name is MR Samurai and im in charge. I spoke to Adam B a few months back just before Ring Of Fire closed and he spoke to me about a potential threat. I was apparently too late but nonetheless, i intend to find out what happened to him. But first. An announcement. Starting this week we have the qualifiers for New Blood. And the entry conditions are simply. You have to be under 25 and not working for another company...."[/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: D [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Matravers[/COLOR]:[/B] [I]"Whoa hold it right there MR Samurai. You come out here and expect us all to leap to attention just because your the boss. Well i worked with you at Ring Of Fire and i saw just how you "ran" things"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Mr Samurai[/COLOR]: [/B][I]"Im surprised you saw anything at all. You normally had your head up your own arse most of the time"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Matravers[/COLOR]: [/B][I]"Well just in case your not up to speed. Im the PWA Champion and no-one in this company can keep up with me. You best realise that now"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Mr Samurai[/COLOR]: [/B][I]"Dont you worry. I have plans for you and your belt. Now sod off and let me get a match started"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/TEW2007/282.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RipperLeStat.jpg[/IMG] Match 1: Ancalagon Vs Ripper LeStat [SIZE="3"]New Blood Qualifier[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Having graced the Pre Shows for a few weeks we finally see the debut of Ancalagon. Been waiting for New Blood to bring him out. Ancalagon locks in the submission and Ripper taps [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Ancalagon Length: 7:56 Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B]
Mr Samurai had been at ringside the whole time and heads back into the ring with a microphone [B][COLOR="purple"]Mr Samurai:[/COLOR][/B] [I]"Not bad. Could have used guys like you a few years back. Onto my second announcement of the night. Those of you that saw Birth Of Retribution will have seen the TV Title match between Ali Bloxsome and Mr Evilness. Evilness won the title and threw it away therefore vacating the title. It appears to me that a TV title is not what PWA needs so i am hereby retiring it. That and the Tag Team Cage Titles. No need for Adam Matravers to have more than one belt. However in place of the TV Title, we have a new championship. The PWA Hardass Title. And we will be crowning our first champion at New Blood"[/I] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/StevieStoat.jpg[/IMG] Match 2: Jamie Anderson Vs Stevie Stoat[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] An easy going match between two wrestlers with a little history. Stevie Stoat puts Anderson away for the win [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Stevie Stoat Length: 8:09 Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B]
After the break Rod 'The God' Todd is in the ring. Looks like its sermon time [COLOR="Purple"][B]Todd[/B][/COLOR]: [I]"I know you all expect me to get all holy and praise the lord, all my usual stuff. But tonight i come before you as a man having a crisis of faith. I used to believe wholeheartedly in God but i fear i no longer feel him."[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]"So i come before you all to thank you all for trying to support me but again i must leave PWA to do some soul searching and find my place. But i will be back"[/I] Todd wipes a tear and leaves the ring heading out back [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="Purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Quite a rollercoaster show we are having tonight. Mr Samurai's arrival, Todds departure and we are only half way through"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"I wonder what Mr Samurai has in store. He has already vacated Championships and created new ones within half hour of taking position"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Plus he apparently has plans for Adam Matravers."[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Good luck Adam. I get the feeling you may need it"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Onto our next match then. Its Joey Beauchamp Vs DJ Reason"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EddieHoward.jpg[/img] Match 3: Joey Beauchamp Vs DJ Reason[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Some TV exposure for both guys. Joey Beauchamp sporting a new look hits his finisher (The Breezeblock) and gets the win [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner: Joey Beauchamp Length: 7:53 Ratings: D+[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="Purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"An impressive finish. I wonder if we are going to see that young mans rise starting right there"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Or he could just have been lucky today"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"Next up. Adam Matravers defends his title against Tim Reed"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"How many defenses has he made now. 13...14"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"I have lost count. Lets see if he can do it again"[/I] [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TimReed.jpg[/img] Main Event: Adam Matravers (C) Vs Tim Reed [SIZE="3"]PWA Championship Match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] I thought that this would have been a total mismatch but boy was i wrong. These two looked amazing together. Adam Matravers finally hit his trademark Mile High Moonsault for the win. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Winner & STILL Champion: Adam Matravers Length: 7:42 Ratings: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Purple"]Final Show Rating: D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/B] [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Tahoma"][B]O.o.c...[/B] A fair amount of talking this week but the crowd were still ok with that. I think it was needed. Also slowly easing into a few stories, hopefully slow enough for people not to realise straight away that there is one going on. Im hoping for penny drop moments when they twig As usual, comments, criticism and predictions on the future welcome [SIZE="1"]PWA Management[/SIZE] [/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] *Edit* Thanks Trell. Im ok with a D rating. With the new grades its about what i was getting before
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From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] [QUOTE][FONT="tahoma"][SIZE="3"]A PWA spokesman has been forced to defend the companies high ticket prices after a wave of complaints. The greedy promotion have claimed that they are forced into the high prices by the venues in question, although industry insiders have commented that this is ‘completely false’.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/img] [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="5"]"Episode 27 - Threes a crowd"[/SIZE][/COLOR] Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall Wednesday 17th December Attendance: 1000 [COLOR="Purple"](Sellout)[/COLOR] IVR: 0.10[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="purple"]Preshow Ratings: E & C-[/COLOR][/B]
Kev Jordan and Manny Morhan are on announcing duty: [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: "Welcome everybody to another edition of PWA. Im Kevin Jordan along with Manny Morham and what a show we have tonight" [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: "Thats right. Last week we met our new General Manager... Mr Samurai. He stripped and vacated titles and told Adam Matravers that he had plans for him." [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: "Will we see the start of those plans tonight. I hope so. Our first match tonight is Merle O'Curle against Kelly Martin. Both men requested this match for the new Hardass Championship but Mr Samurai apparently has an announcement abaout that tonight" [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KellyMartin.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MerleOCurle.jpg[/img] Match 1: Kelly Martin Vs Merle O'Curle [/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Both men seemed to have a bit of ring rust as neither man is used often on TV. A mercifully short match that Merle O'Curle won via a Celtic Wreath. [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: Merle O'Curle Length: 6:19 Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B]
Miss Information is in the ring and about to address the crows. Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes down the aisle, carrying a bucket of water. She enters and teases throwing it over Miss Information, getting the crowd to react. Eventually, she dumps the entire bucket over her, drenching her, and leaving her humiliated in front of the entire crowd before scarpering towards the back. [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: You think Miss Information needs a hand getting dry [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: I dont think your able to stand up right now though are you. Onto our next match. Its the second and final qualifier for the New Blood Tournament at the PPV. And we have a surprise entry for you. Our first challenger is Daniel Black Francis, a potential wildcard who worked for another company in the UK that involves time" [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: "Im not sure which one you mean there...." [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: "And our second contender surely needs no introduction. One of the founding members of PWA and a former Champion, we have managed to secure his services for the time being. Ladies and gentleman.. Arthur T Turtle returns..." [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][COLOR="purple"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/ArthurTTurtle-1.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DanielFrancis.jpg[/img] Match 2: Arthur T Turtle Vs Daniel Black Francis [SIZE="4"]New Blood Qualifier[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Arthur T. Turtle is back with a new longer hair style and a new attitude. He takes it to DBF to secure the win [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: Arthur T Turtle Length: 9:42 Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B]
Mr Samurai comes out to the podium: [B][COLOR="purple"]Mr Samurai[/COLOR][/B]: "Im sure some of you read the internet report about our ticket prices. Im here to address that. The issue was caused by an intern at PWA Head Office and has since been fired. We have put the prices back to what they should be and will refund the difference on any already booked tickets. With that out of the way, I have a couple of announcements. The first is that after the match we just saw, Arthur T Turtle will be facing Ancalagon at New Blood for the promised contract opportunity. The second announcement is about the Hardass Championship. Both Merle O'Curle and Kelly Martin reckoned that they should be the champion. I have other plans. At New Blood im gonna introduce you all to a new championship with a first in PWA history. 6 Men are gonna face off in an Elimination Chamber and the winner will be PWA's first Hardass" [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D- x2[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MrEvilness.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TimReed.jpg[/img] Match 3: Mr Evilness Vs Tim Reed[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] SPLAT!!! Mr. Evilness squashed Tim Reed [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: Mr Evilness Length: 6:44 Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B]
Mr Samurai comes back out again: [B][COLOR="purple"]Mr Samurai[/COLOR][/B]: "And finally because im sure your all fed up with me by now. I said last week i had plans for Adam Matravers. Well tonight i want to see just how good a champion he is. Tonight he is going to face Stevie Stoat & Barry Griffin for the PWA Championship. [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][COLOR="purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BarryGriffin.jpg[/img][COLOR="white"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/StevieStoat.jpg[/img] Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Barry Griffin Vs Stevie Stoat [SIZE="4"]PWA Championship Match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] A decent match up between the three. Adam Matravers stayed defensive for most of the match before seizing the chance to pin Stevie Stoat whilst using the ropes for an advantage. [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner & STILL Champion: Adam Matravers Length: 11:47 Ratings: C-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="purple"]Final Show Rating: D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Current Card for New Blood[/B][/SIZE] Ancalagon [B]Vs[/B] Arthur T Turtle [COLOR="Purple"][B]New Blood Tournament[/B][/COLOR] [B]Elimination Chamber[/B] ???? [B]Vs[/B] ???? [B]Vs[/B] ???? [B]Vs[/B] ???? [B]Vs[/B] ???? [B]Vs[/B] ???? [COLOR="purple"][B]PWA Hardass Championship[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"]From [U]totalexremewrestling.com[/U] Reports indicate that PWA management are very keen to make Menace the focal point of the promotion. Their belief is that he is ideal to build the company around as he is on the verge of being a massive break-out star, and his popularity will mean big business to them.[/FONT][/QUOTE][/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/updatedlogo.png[/img] [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="5"]"Episode 28 - Foursome"[/SIZE][/COLOR] Filmed at Parliament Square Monday 22nd December Attendance: 1000 IVR: 0.10[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="purple"]Preshow Ratings: E & D+:[/COLOR][/B]
The show opens to the sound of Menace's entrance theme as Menace himself walks out onto the stage. [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: "Welcome to PWA. We have another jam packed show today as we gear up towards New Blood. The stage is set for Sunday as former PWA Champion Arthur T Turtle returns to face rookie Ancalagon" [B][COLOR="purple"]Manny[/COLOR][/B]: "Ancalagon has been widely rumoured on the internet to be a superstar in the making. Some say that he could be better than Adam Matravers himself" [B][COLOR="purple"]Kevin[/COLOR][/B]: "God i hope so. We have no time for credits, no time for announcements. Its Menace Vs Kelly Martin" [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E-[/COLOR][/B]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TerryAllen.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KellyMartin.jpg[/img] Match 1: Kelly Martin Vs Menace[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Wrestling sites state that Menace is on the rise in PWA. Not with matches like that. A poor match won by Menace [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: Menace Length: 7:06 Ratinfs: F+[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][COLOR="Purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MrEvilness.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MinorAnnoyance.jpg[/img] Match 2: Mr Evilness Vs The Minor Annoyance[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Hello... I think Annoyance has learnt a trick or two. I thought that this would have surely been a F. Mr. Evilness carries on his undeafeated streak by putting Annoyance down for three [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: Mr Evilness Length: 4:40 Ratings: E[/COLOR][/B] Glen Ward comes to the ring: [B][COLOR="purple"]Ward[/COLOR][/B]: "Some call me a sucker for punishment but i like to think that i face any challenge. Mr Evilness.. I challenge you at New Blood so that i can end your undefeated streak [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: E+[/COLOR][/B]
After the break Miss Information is in the ring. From her blindside, Nina The Psycho Ballerina hits the ring and attacks. After knocking her down, she proceeds to strip her to her underwear, humiliating her in front of the entire crowd. Nina starts heading towards the back when Miss Information grabs a mike: Info: "STOP!!! Just what exactly are you trying to do. Embaress me into giving up my belt. That just ain't gonna happen. How about this. At New Blood, you can try take this belt off me.. In an EVENING GOWN MATCH!!!" [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D+ & F[/COLOR][/B] (Yet somehow im not surprised)
[B][CENTER][COLOR="purple"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/DJReason.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] Match 3: DJ Reason Vs Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] A nice easy match won by DJ Reason following an Edge Of Reason [B][COLOR="purple"]Winner: DJ Reason Length: 6:43 Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][B][COLOR="purple"][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/TEW2007/282.jpg[/img][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TimReed.jpg[/img] Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Ancalagon Vs Jamie Anderson Vs Tim Reed [SIZE="4"]PWA Championship - Fatal 4 Way[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] An attempt to inject some new life into the main event but the ratings suggest that its too soon. Adam Matravers pins Jamie Anderson, with the help of the ropes. [COLOR="Purple"][B]Winner & STILL Champion: Adam Matravers Length: 10:44 Ratings: D[/B][/COLOR]
Mr Samurai comes to the ring: [B][COLOR="Purple"]Samurai[/COLOR][/B]: "Well i do have to admit that you know how to keep it around your waist. By blatently cheating while the referee cant see. However i told you that i had plans for you and that belt. Well here is a BIG change. Our beloved PWA Championship is going to be gaining a new stipulation, and with just so you remember that stipulation, Im going to add it to the championships name. So at New Blood this Sunday, You will be defending the PWA Ironman Championship against Stevie Stoat" Samurai laughs while Matravers fumes [B][COLOR="purple"]Ratings: D[/COLOR][/B]
The camera cuts away and a video plays to hype the matches at New Blood. [B][CENTER]Miss Information (c) vs. Nina The Psycho Ballerina [I][COLOR="Purple"] for the Womens Championship[/COLOR][/I] (F) Mr. Evilness vs. Glen Ward. (E-) Arthur T. Turtle vs. Ancalagon. (E) [I][COLOR="Purple"]New Blood Final[/COLOR][/I] Elimination Chamber [I][COLOR="purple"] for the PWA Hardass Championship[/COLOR][/I] (D-) Adam Matravers (c) vs. Stevie Stoat [I][COLOR="purple"] for the PWA Ironman Championship[/COLOR][/I] (D-)[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="purple"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]Final Show Rating D[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER]Contenders to the Elimination Chamber match at New Blood will be announced before the PPV[/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/QUOTE][/FONT]
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From [U]pwa.co.uk[/U] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"]PWA are pleased to announce the participants of the Elimination Chamber this Sunday at New Blood DJ Reason, Joey Beauchamp, Rolling Johnny Stones, Ali Bloxsome, Tim Reed and Kelly Martin have all impressed PWA Officials and have been selected to compete We wish them all the best of luck on sunday[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]The Growth of PWA[/SIZE][/B] PWA have expansion in mind! The popular promotion have recently grown to even greater proportions, and it is heavily rumoured that they are about to splash out and bring in some brand new talent to consolidate their position. There are also reports that they have several new target markets that they will be agressively looking to break into.[/QUOTE][/FONT]
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Dude, please. Jamie Anderson vs Adam Matravers, Japanese Barbed Wire Death Match. PLEASE??! And I think I see where you're going with this. [COLOR="White"]Ancalagon isn't ready for prime time yet so Mr. Evilness is squashing everyone to build momentum for his confrontation with Adam Matravers?[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Remianen;180345]Dude, please. Jamie Anderson vs Adam Matravers, Japanese Barbed Wire Death Match. PLEASE??! And I think I see where you're going with this. [COLOR="White"]Ancalagon isn't ready for prime time yet so Mr. Evilness is squashing everyone to build momentum for his confrontation with Adam Matravers?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm now convinced that Remianen wants Jamie Anderson, to actually die in the ring.
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