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PWA: Ending with everything

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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER]Episode 35 [SIZE="6"]"Dad Is Home"[/SIZE] Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall Monday 15th February Attendance: 1,000 IVR: 0.21[/CENTER] [RIGHT][B]Preshow Ratings: E+ & E+[/B][/RIGHT]
A "Previously" showing the return of Adam B and his words at the end of the show "PWA is being sold" [B][RIGHT]Rating: E[/RIGHT][/B]
The show starts with Adam B in the ring with Mr Samurai: [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"You have some explaining to do [B]MR[/B] Samurai. I called you up months ago and get you to cover for me while i take a break but instead of telling people im on holiday, you fabricate this story about my disappearance, rename [B]MY[/B] championships and just badly book my show"[/I] [B]Samurai[/B]: [I]"Was i really booking things [B]THAT[/B] badly compared to you."[/I] [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"You know you were. You are hearby stripped of your GM status and im tempted to fire you before i sell this company on"[/I] [B]Samurai[/B]: [I]"Before you do that and leave wrestling behind, how about we end this feud between us once and for all"[/I] [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"Feud?? Oh come on. Are you still pissed about the way i booked your company"[/I] [B]Samurai[/B]: [I]"More the way you systematically picked away at Ring Of Fires workers until the whole company crumpled. You even had the balls to pretend you would adhere to a ceasefire"[/I] [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"That was business. Im sure anyone would have done the same thing"[/I] [B][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/B] [B]Samurai[/B]: [I]"What im suggesting is that we settle the matter in the ring. And finally see just who is superior"[/I] [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"You know what.. Your on"[/I] [B][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/B]
[CENTER][B]Match 1:[/B] (Finally) Rod Todd Vs Ryu Willis[/CENTER] Quite possibly Ryu Willis' finest match to date although he was slacking a little compared to Rod Todd. A fairly short match made significant by Todd's lack of religious finishers. He works Willis down and gets a pinfall at 6:50 [B][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/B]
Adam B heads back to the ring: [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"Right time to get things back on track. Been looking at some workers recent performances lately. And have decided just who will be the #1 contender for Ancalagons Hardass Championship. That man is Menace & they shall meet in a Hardcore match at Still Standing"[/I] [B][RIGHT]Rating: E+[/RIGHT][/B]
[CENTER][B]Match 2:[/B] Jamie Anderson Vs Joey Beauchamp[/CENTER] I think this match was <--> this close to hitting C- territory. Joey Beauchamp wins by hitting the Breezeblock in 7:44 [B][RIGHT]Rating: D+[/RIGHT][/B]
It appears to be Mr. Evilness' turn to be in the ring. I mean seriously are people taking a number back there or something. [B]Evilness[/B]: [I]"I am not having what happened last month to happen again this month. Stevie Stoat. You got in my face and at Still Standing, i shall crush you like so many others"[/I] [B][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/B]
[CENTER][B]Match 3:[/B] Laura McKenna Vs Stephanie Hazel[/CENTER] The womens match of the night turned out to be THE match of the night. It was kept rather short due to the large amount of testosterone that was flying around earlier. It ended when Laura McKenna hit her mentors finisher, the Samurai Slice in 5:33 [B][RIGHT]Rating: C+[/RIGHT][/B] Laura McKenna celebrates by firing some T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][RIGHT]Rating: C+[/RIGHT][/B]
[CENTER][B]Match 4:[/B] Adam Matravers Vs Tim Reed[/CENTER] A match booked solely due to the fact that i knew it would get close to a C- rating. And it didn't dissapoint. Matravers once again connects with a Mile High Moonsault for the win in 7:57. [B][RIGHT]Rating: D+[/RIGHT][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: D+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Current Line-Up for Still Standing 3[/SIZE][/B]Sunday 28th February[/CENTER] Mr Evilness Vs Stevie Stoat Ancalagon (c) Vs Menace [I]Hardcore Match for the Hardass Championship[/I] Adam B Vs Mr Samurai [I]Bookers Grudge Match[/I] Laura Mckenna (c) Vs Stephanie Hazel [I]for the Womens Championship[/I] Adam Matravers (c) Vs Rod Todd [I]for the PWA Ironman Championship[/I][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] Responses appriciated. Hopefully this is the start of an upward trend in PWA shows
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[SIZE="2"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]PWA: The TV Show Report[/B] [I]Port-South Wrestling Association held PWA: The TV Show last night in Broxbourne Civic Hall, and drew 1,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been excellent, the show went down really well.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[B]Injury For Adam Matravers[/B] [I]Early reports have come in saying that Adam Matravers was injured during a match last night. No confirmation has come through yet, but it is reported that he left the ring under his own power, which indicates that he probably will not miss any time with this injury[/I] [QUOTE]Checked his match history. I had him monday and 21CW used him tuesday & wednesday before he broke his wrist in a match against DJ reason [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Logo.png[/IMG] Episode 36 [SIZE="6"]"Falling"[/SIZE] Filmed at Parliment Square Monday Wk 4 Feb 2011 Attendance: 1,000 [COLOR="Plum"](Sellout)[/COLOR] IVR: 0.21[/CENTER] [RIGHT][B][COLOR="Indigo"]Preshow Ratings: F+, F+ & D-[/COLOR][/B][/RIGHT]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/AdamMatravers.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Adam Matravers starts the show by coming down the to ring with his arm in a cast: [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Matravers[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"You know. I knew that this moment was gonna happen one day. Another wrestlers sloppiness in the ring causing injury. We saw it months ago with Jamie Anderson's injury and just a few nights ago with mine. And with 6 days to go till Still Standing as well. Well the doctors have advised me not to wrestle tonight but i will be defending against Rod Todd on Sunday"[/I] [B][COLOR="Indigo"][RIGHT]Rating: C-[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER]Match 1: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/LauraMcKenna.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PhoebePlumridge.png[/IMG] Laura Mckenna Vs Phoebe Plumridge[/CENTER] The ladies get bumped down the show tonight because i was unsure how Phoebe would perform. Not as bad as i thought though. Laura McKenna hits the Samurai Slice in 5:11. [B][COLOR="Indigo"][RIGHT]Rating: D+[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B]
Adam B hits the ring and grabs a mike: [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Adam[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"You know, i came back two weeks ago and dropped a bombshell on everyone when i said that PWA was being sold. Rumours on the internet claim that im selling the company off and getting the hell out of Dodge. Well let me go on the record and say this. Its not so much a sale, more someone entering into partnership with me. If this partnership goes through, then PWA would still be the same company but with a sizable cash injection so that i can look into some new workers and possible get rid of some who thought they were managerial"[/I] [B][COLOR="Indigo"][RIGHT]Rating: D[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER]Match 2: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Menace.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JohnnyStones.png[/IMG] Menace Vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/CENTER] Menace continues his winning ways by defeating Rolling Johnny Stones in 9:50. [B][COLOR="Indigo"][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B] Menace grabs a mike: [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Menace[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"I guess it pays to be the boss' friend. I have been out here working for my #1 contendership and i havn't seen Ancalagon for weeks. Well at Still Standing, im gonna take his reason for appearing at the shows, his Hardass Championship away from him"[/I] [B][COLOR="indigo"][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER]Match 3: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/ArthurTTurtle.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JoeyBeauchamp.png[/IMG] Arthur T Turtle Vs Joey Beauchamp[/CENTER] A surprisingly good match won by Arthur T. Turtle following a Shell Shock at 9:57 [B][RIGHT][COLOR="Indigo"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/RIGHT][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/MrEvilness.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/StevieStoat.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Stevie Stoat is backstage (oddly at the buffet table) when Mr Evilness comes from behind at beats the hell out of him. [RIGHT][COLOR="Indigo"][B]Rating: E+[/B] [I](E for Evilness i wonder. Its the only rating he seems to get)[/I][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[CENTER]Match 4: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/RodTodd.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/RyuWillis.png[/IMG] Rod Todd Vs Ryu Willis[/CENTER] Rod Todd started off the match well against Ryu Willis until Adam Matravers ran and hit him straight in the face with his cast busting todd open. The referee sends Matravers backstage and Willis looked to captivate. However Todd soon recovered and locked in a submission for the win in 9:35. [B][COLOR="Indigo"][RIGHT]Rating: D[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B] Rod Todd celebrates in the ring and is oblivious to Adam Matravers returning ringside and only realises when he gets a cast to the back of his head. Matravers & Willis beat Todd down as the show ends [B][RIGHT][COLOR="Indigo"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/RIGHT][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: D[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Still Standing 3[/SIZE][/B] 28th February 2011 Its that time of year again. The biggest PWA show of the year and the biggest matches. [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Mr Evilness Vs Stevie Stoat[/COLOR][/B] [I]Mr Evilness has been undefeated since joining PWA in October of last year. But has recently got unsettled about being left of last months PPV. Has his latest target Stevie Stoat managed to get under his skin or will evil conquer once more.[/I] [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Ancalagon (c) Vs Menace[/B] Hardcore Match for the Hardass Championship[/COLOR] [I]Its apparently good to be friends with the boss, thats Menace's claim. Ancalagon won the Hardass Championship at Critical Mass and hasn't really been seen on TV since. Menace however has fought every week to get his #1 contendership status and the chance at Still Standing. But does Menace have enough left in the tank to face the fresh Ancalagon in a hardcore match.[/I] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Adam B Vs Mr Samurai[/B] Bookers Grudge Match[/COLOR] [I]Its PWA vs ROF. After Uprising in October, Adam B went on vacation leaving Mr Samurai in charge. What followed was Samurai's attempts at derailing PWA for what he feels was an unfair talent raid of Ring Of Fire. He vacated and renamed championships, and forgot to mention that the boss was just on holiday leaving most workers thinking he was missing. Adam B has returned and very angry considering he had a viable partner lined up to join PWA. It's time to settle the score and find out just which company was better.[/I] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Laura Mckenna (c) Vs Stephanie Hazel[/B] for the Womens Championship[/COLOR] [I]Stephanie Hazel won the chance to face the champion by defeating Nina in a triple threat match mid month. But Laura McKenna has been on a massive streak as of late. Does Stephanie have the momentum enough to topple the champ.[/I] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Adam Matravers (c) Vs Rod Todd[/B] for the PWA Ironman Championship[/COLOR] Rod Todd has returned, shunning his religious gimmick and ready to kick some ass. He is going up against Mr PWA himself Adam Matravers, the man who has held the belt longer than anyone else in history. But questions remain about the fitness of Adam Matravers who suffered a broken wrist recently. Will this swing the result or was the beating Todd took at the last show enough to keep him down. [B]Still Standing 3 is available ONLY on Pay-Per-View from TWC. Order now to avoid missing this amazing event.[/B][/CENTER]
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Mr Evilness Vs [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] Ancalagon (c) Vs [B]Menace[/B] Hardcore Match for the Hardass Championship [B]Adam B[/B] Vs Mr Samurai Bookers Grudge Match [B] Laura Mckenna[/B] (c) Vs Stephanie Hazel for the Womens Championship Adam Matravers (c) Vs [B]Rod Todd[/B] for the PWA Ironman Championship
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]TCW TV Problems[/B] [I]Could TCW Presents Total Wrestling be about to be axed? It is understood that GNN Total Sports are extremely unhappy with the performance of the show, and have told TCW that if things don’t improve soon, the show is history. [/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][SIZE="6"]"Still Standing III"[/SIZE] A PWA Pay-Per-View Live from Edgeware Hall Sun 28th February Attendance: 1,900 PPV Buyrate: 0.02[/CENTER] [B][RIGHT]Preshow Ratings: D- & D[/RIGHT][/B]
The PPV starts off with a video hyping Mr. Evilness vs. Stevie Stoat. [B][RIGHT]Rating: E+[/RIGHT][/B] [CENTER]Match 1: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/MrEvilness.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/StevieStoat.png[/IMG] Mr Evilness [B]Vs[/B] Stevie Stoat[/CENTER] Stoat looked great off the bat but Mr. Evilness eventually caught him and started the wearing down. He finally took Stoat down enough to get a pinfall in 12:37. [B][RIGHT]Rating: E+[/RIGHT][/B]
A video plays showcasing Menaces #1 contender battle and last weeks rant about Ancalagon. [B][RIGHT]Rating: E+[/RIGHT][/B] [CENTER]Match 2: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/ancalagon.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Menace.png[/IMG] Ancalagon [B]Vs[/B] Menace [I]Hardass Championship Hardcore Match[/I][/CENTER] Theres always one isn't there. A dud match. Weapons and blood ahoy but the crowd were a little bored. Ancalagon ran circles around Menace until Menace took a chair to Ancalagons head. That slowed him down a bit. He then proceeded to beat Ancalagon with everything to hand until he got the pinfall 13:33 minutes in to claim the Hardass Championship. [B][RIGHT]Rating: F+[/RIGHT][/B]
Adam B is in the ring with a mike: [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"Not going to be out here long. Just have one thing to say and then beat Samurai down and then im off to the pub. The deal with PWA has fallen through. Looks like it stays in my hands"[/I] [B][RIGHT]Rating: D-[/RIGHT][/B] [CENTER]Match 3: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/AdamB.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/BritishSamurai.png[/IMG] Adam B [B]Vs[/B] Mr Samurai[/CENTER] Adam B comes out first looking more muscular than before and with longer hair. (Amazing what a vacation can do. That and transporting to TEW07). He takes it to Samurai before hitting the Phoenix Down but can only manage a two count. Samurai starts mounting an offence until Adam B connects with a second Phoenix Down and this time keeps him down at 5:50. [B][RIGHT]Rating: E+[/RIGHT][/B]
A video that shows off the best parts of Laura McKenna & Stephanie Hazel plays hyping the next match. [B][RIGHT]Rating: D[/RIGHT][/B] [CENTER]Match 4: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/LauraMcKenna.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/StephanieHazel.png[/IMG] Laura McKenna [B]Vs[/B] Stephanie Hazel [I]Womens Championship Match[/I][/CENTER] In total contrast to the previous match. These two really know how to put on a show. McKenna has Hazel on the ropes for most of the match, but Hazel counters with a Princess Drop. McKenna is stunned and Hazel hits the second Princess Drop to steal the Womens Championship at 7:07. [B][RIGHT]Rating: C+[/RIGHT][/B]
Rod Todd is having an interview backstage: [B]Todd[/B]: [I]"You know what. I think i have Adam Matravers pegged. Thats why he set Willis on me last week. But let me tell you. Its not gonna stop me. I am gonna be the next PWA Champion"[/I] [B][RIGHT]Rating: C-[/RIGHT][/B]
[CENTER]Match 5: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/AdamMatravers.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/RodTodd.png[/IMG] Adam Matravers [B]Vs[/B] Rodd Todd [I]PWA Ironman Championship 30 Minute Ironman Match[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers picked up the first pinfall fifteen minutes in with a Mile High Moonsault, however upon landing he was seen clutching his wrist. Todd to his credit tried to avoid any unneccessary contact with Matravers wrist. Rod Todd levelled the pinfalls at twenty four minutes but accidently landed on Matravers wrist. With six minutes to go both men struggled to gain the upper hand, all the while Matravers kept gritting his teeth as pain surged through his wrist. With two minutes to go, Todd connected with his [B]BRAND NEW[/B] finisher, the Todd Drop to collect his second pinfall. As the last few minutes ticked by Matravers tried once more for a moonsault only for Todd to move and Matrvers landed on his wrist. The buzzer went and we had a new champion. [B][RIGHT]Rating: C-[/RIGHT][/B] The match is over, and Rod Todd is celebrating. Adam Matravers walks over and offers his uncasted hand as a sign of respect, and the two competitors shake hands. [B][RIGHT]Rating: D+[/RIGHT][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="6"]Final PPV Rating: D+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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[SIZE="6"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][CENTER]PWA: Behind The Scenes Special Still Standing III[/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/SIZE] I couldn't think of a better place to end some storylines than at my Still Standing PPV. Its basically my Wrestlemania. And boy did it have some planning. It started with the transition to TEW07, which was November 2010 in my game but upon learning that half my talent had joined 21CW and Jack Giedroyc would leave me no matter what i needed to change my plans a little. [B]Matravers Vs Todd[/B] Originally Giedroyc was to play Todds role at Still Standing. Todd was going to come back as Rod 'The Go(o)d' Todd and feud with Mr Evilness for a little while. Once that was finished, Todd was going to have a go at the belt. Guess he got there a little earlier than originally planned. [B]Adam B Vs Mr Samurai[/B] This story was radically altered from how it began. The original concept behind this would have lasted about 4 more months but bad booking on my part and a desire for something new forced my hand a little. At the end of TEW05, Adam B went missing. I thought it was better that way considering i didn't know what changes were in store for the user characters in 07. I hinted at the fact that British Samurai was coming which i think one person picked up on in the question the stars section. The original idea behind this story was that Adam B was being held by Mr Evilness somewhere for months (something that would have happened in the Evilness Vs Todd feud) and Samurai comes in a GM. He would have ran it for about 3 months before Adam B was hinted at returning who would have been a little paranoid and thinking that Samurai was trying to ressurect Ring Of Fire from within PWA eventually leading up to Adam B Vs Samurai a few months down the line. [B]Adam Matravers[/B] While it was probably painfully obvious that Todd would win at Still Standing, i think it was Adam Matravers hogging of the title that made it all worth while at the end. He picked it up off Jamie Anderson in April 2010 and held it for 10 months and went from lovable babyface to quite a hated heel in the process. Like i said earlier Matravers was always going to lose it at Still Standing but in a way i was given an out by 21CW. His broken wrist. I smell a feud coming soon once he recovers. [B]Ancalagon Vs Menace[/B] There are a few reasons why this match took place the way it did. When i hired both Ancalagon & Willis, the automatic push section said they were both main eventers. So i took Willis and used him as Matravers enforcer and put Ancalagon in the Hardass Championship shot. Little did i know that they both just are not very good. And the crowd HATE them both. DJ Reason was being looked at by other companies so they plan had to get the title off him quickly hence the loss at Critical Mass. After that i learnt that he signed a PPA and all was alright anyway. Thats when i got the idea of using Menace. The internet seemed to think that he was destined for big things so i thought, why not a title shot. [B]Stoat Vs Evilness / Womens Championship Matches.[/B] With Mr Evilness' story ruined i needed something to fill what should have been a run against Rod Todd. Enter Stevie Stoat, a man i just cant decide whether to push or bury. I booked on the fly some angles against Mr Evilness to fill space up to Still Standing. And finally the women. I really need to find more to do with them. I have 4 women in PWA, Laura McKenna, Nina, Phoebe Plumridge & Stephanie Hazel. Its just hard to book something other than McKenna Vs Hazel for its C rating. Now that i have Still Standing out the way, im gonna try give the womens division some more attention. *Edit* And it was almost all here: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/list.png[/img] Many months ago in the 05 version of this diary
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Logo.png[/IMG] Episode 37 [SIZE="6"]"Changing Of The Guard"[/SIZE] Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall Monday 1st March Attendance: 1,000 IVR:[/CENTER] [B]Preshow Ratings: D x2[/B]
A video plays showcasing the Main Event of Still Standing and the crowning of a new champion in Rod Todd [B]Rating: C-[/B]
Walter Morgan bursts into Adam B's Office: [B]Morgan[/B]: [I]"Look. I have had enough. I havent had a match now in god knows how long. I have been patient long enough. I want one now or so help me...."[/I] [B]Adam[/B]: [I]"So help you what. Just what will you do. I was just working through the roster deciding matches and your name was pencilled in for a few, but you know what. I dont liked being bullied into anything. Get out my office. YOUR FIRED!!!!"[/I] [B]Rating: F+[/B]
[CENTER]Match 1: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/KellyMartin.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/TimReed.png[/IMG] Kelly Martin Vs Tim Reed[/CENTER] These two kicked off the show quite well and you could see the chemistry between them. It ended when Tim Reed got the pinfall. [B]Winner: Tim Reed Rating: E-[/B] Tim Reed celebrates in the ring when Kelly Martin attacks, beating Tim Reed down into the mat. [B]Rating: E-[/B]
Rolling Johnny Stones and Merle O'Curle are backstage: [B]Stones[/B]: [I]"Look, I dont care what you say. 23 is better than Lost & Found"[/I] [B]O'Curle[/B]: [I]"Your kidding. Lost & Found is amazing. Im mean, just who are The Others Ones and are they actually all dead"[/I] [B]Stones[/B]: [I]"Yeah but Jock Bauser kicks ass. He cut off somebodies head once just to get in undercover. Plus his daughters hot"[/I] [B]O'Curle[/B]: [I]"You keep going on about 23 and im gonna shove that DVD boxset up where they sun doesn't shine"[/I] Things start heating up but the cameras cut away [B]Rating: E+[/B]
[CENTER]Match 2: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JamieAnderson.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JoeyBeauchamp.png[/IMG] Jamie Anderson Vs Joey Beauchamp[/CENTER] Hardass Championship #1 Contenders Match Anderson keeps surprising me. He manages to pull off a C- rating which is the best i have seen out of Joey Beauchamp. Beauchamp hits the Breezeblock for the win. [B]Winner: Joey Beauchamp Rating: C-[/B]
A music video is shown in tribute to Adam Matravers, who is taking some time off to rest his wrist. [B]Rating: D+[/B]
The cameras take us to the ring, where Rod Todd is with a mike: [B]Todd[/B]: [I]"The last time i came out like this i was giving religious sermons and generally bugging the hell out of people. All that is behind me now"[/I] He lifts the PWA Championship high in the air [I]"For 10 months now, Adam Matravers has carried this, dragging the name of PWA through the mud in his attempts to keep his mitts on this. But you guys gave me the strength to beat him last night. That victory is down to you. Thank you"[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B]
[CENTER]Match 3: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/LauraMcKenna.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Nina.png[/IMG][COLOR="white"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PhoebePlumridge.png[/IMG] Laura McKenna Vs Nina Vs Phoebe Plumridge Womens Championship #1 Contenders Match[/CENTER] A fairly decent match considering Phoebe was in the ring with them. It ended when Nina pinned Phoebe Plumridge [B]Winner: Nina Rating: D+[/B] Having picked up the victory, Nina The Psycho Ballerina celebrates in the ring. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: D[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]PWA Releases[/B][/SIZE] Following Mondays TV Show, PWA would like to announce the departure of 3 PWA Workers. Jamie Anderson, Ripper LeStat and Walter Morgan were all given a release last night. PWA feels that creatively there is nothing to be done with these 3 but the door is open if anything can be done later on[/QUOTE]
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From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/StephanieHazel.png[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"]Principess Touring With 5SSW[/CENTER][/B] A 5SSW spokesman last night confirmed that Principessa had indeed signed a contract, and would be taking part in their next tour. It is common practise for companies to bring in new people on the eve of new tours, and Principessa was understood to be a major target of theirs. Local women Farrah Whitworth-Rahn was overhead saying that she 'didn't care, really'[/FONT][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"]The Politics Of Giant Redwood[/CENTER][/B] Giant Redwood appears to be living up to his reputation, as inside sources say that he is very carefully forming political alliances within USPW. He is renowned amongst other workers as a master of company politics. 'Thats crazy', said area resident Jason Warholic.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"]Incoming For PWA[/CENTER][/B] Sources inside PWA have informed us that Geena The Warrior Princess, has just signed a pay-per-appearance deal with them and will be debuting at a show soon.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;188939]Who knows Anderson may come back. Once he realises that he wanted too much and i find something for him to do. First 2 Time Champion maybe???[/QUOTE] If you bring Jamie Anderson back, I will pray that PWA goes the same way ROF did......because you'd deserve it! :p But seriously, I can't see a point to bringing him back. Eventually, Ancalagon will be carrying the company and I'm sure he's working pretty cheap at the moment. It would do you far more good to shortlist everyone on 21CW's roster and steal some folks from them (at least they're likely to have overness AND skills) when they choose not to re-sign them. I'm only guessing here but you're pretty much on par with 21CW at the moment, aren't you (both Cult level)? Jamie was great when you were holding shows out of the back of your garage (relatively speaking) but now?
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