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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June, 2009. Week 1, Monday Live from the Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Hype video for the 6-man Xtreme Ladder Match (E) Xtreme Lader Match Angel de Mexico(c) vs Alica Strong vs Rod Remus vs El Leon vs El Combatiente vs P-Dawg II Winner: Angel de Mexico in seventeen minutes (D) Fast Money cut a promo on Air Force One (E+) Air Force One responds with a promo of their own (E) Tidal Tag Titles Match Fast Money (Marc Speed & Nathanial Casino)(C) vs Air Force One (Flyin' Jimmy Foxx & Snap Dragon) Winner: Air Force One in eleven minutes (D) Hype video for Nemesis II vs El Bandito (E) Fox Mask is interviewed about the main event (D) Challenge Match Nemesis II vs El Bandito Winner: Double Countout at sixteen minutes (D) Masked Cougar is interviewed about the main event. (D+) Plague comes out to complain about how he doesn't have a match. Out comes Jeremiah Moose, saying it's time the Zone's Zoo Crew got a new dominant member, and what better way to begin than by beating Plague? (E+) Challenge Match Jeremiah Moose vs Plague Winner: Plague in ten minutes (D-) Hype video for Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar (D+) CZCW Title Match Fox Mask(c) vs Masked Cougar Winner: Masked Cougar in twenty minutes (C-) Although it was a fluke win (Fox went a bit too far on a cross-body and Cougar rolled with it), Fox offers Cougar a handshake to go with his new title (D+) Show rating: D
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You don't wanna know where this update is being made from. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Niiiice. Three Ds, a short D-, and a C- main event. We're starting to do better. "Hey, Cliff... I've got some ideas for changes around here." "I told you, no! People come to the Zone looking for certain things. I don't want you changing them all around. Last person wanted to do that, back in the 90's, make this place a hardcore promotion. It would've been terrible. You're not changing the Zone." "You're right. I'm more... amplifying it. Here, read this plan..." (For those who don't speak Dynasty, we're altering the product a little bit. Okay, maybe a lot. Our Key Feature of Modern is now joined by a Key Feature of Daredevil and a higher Match Danger.) June, 2009. Week 1, Thursday Coastal Tour From the Gutierez Community Center, Southern Mexico El Leon and Fox Mask get into an arguement in the ring as to who the best luchadore in the Zone it, and Leon insults Fox's wrestling style. Fox can't let that sit, so the two decide to a lucha match tonight (D-) --Zeshin Makioka def. El Combatiente in eight minutes (E) Mark Smart cays he's ready to prove himself as a singles star, and challenged Angel de Mexico to an Xtreme Title Match (E-) --Xtreme Title Match: Angel de Mexico(c) def. Mark Smart in thirteen minutes (D-). Angel lays in the beatdown afterwards (F+) --Lucha Libre Match: Fox Mask def. El Leon in nineteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D- Fox and Leon could bring it when needed. Good. And since we're back to one show a week... that's right, two weeks per post! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! June, week 2, Tuesday (Yeah, we're messing around with days) Coastal Tour Live from Club X, Northwest USA Nemesis and El Bandito brawl through the crowd before being seperated, where they continue to verbally tear into each other, continuing their feud from Surf Slam's draw. The rematch is tonight (E) --Nathanial Casino def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx in 15 minutes (D-) --Ashley Grover def. Randy Matravers in seven minutes (D-) --Nemesis II and El Bandito go to a 20-minute time limit draw (D+) Show rating: D While we tried to figure out what to do with Ashley, we learned she had good chemistry with our favorite jobber. Who knew? And we should probably keep Nem and Bandito to about fifteen minutes in the future. But we'd completely given up on people arriving late. As long as they showed up, hey, we didn't mind. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We've got a big event to prepare for, so it's time to hit the Southwest to announce matches for Battle at the Beach. Who will challenge for the titles?
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Where darkness turns to light: It ends tonight, it ends tonight... wait, what're we talking about? It doesn't end at all! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! June, 2009. Week 3, Tuesday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit We start with Masked Cougar about to announce who he'll face at Battle at the Beach... when Plague comes out. "No, Cougar, you're announcing who the -champion- will face. After tonight? -I- will be the champion." (D-) --Marc Speed def. Snap Dragon with a brass knuckle shot (D) We have a bunch of match announcements for Battle at the Beach: Masked Cougar OR Plague defend against: Rod Remus (D-), Alicia Strong vs Ashley Grover (E), Air Force One defends against Fast Money (E-), Angel de Mexico defend against: Rod Remus??? (D-), and El Bandito and Nemesis II in a one fall to a finish match (E+) --CZCW Title: Masked Cougar(c) def. Plague in twenty-eight minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ Yeah, we were planning on a women's match. Hey, first time for everything. And we have no idea how Rod wound up in there twice... Interestingly enough, the match with the most heat off the bat was Nemesis/Bandito III. It's official: TCW had competition, as NOTBPW hit Global size. Nobody else was past National; they were the official two biggest boys on the block. June 2009, Week 4, Tuesday Coastal Tour From the Ohio Jewish Center, Great Lakes, USA --El Combatiente def. Zeshin Makioka in seven minutes (E) --Rod Remus def. P-Dawg in eleven minutes (D-) Hype video for Alicia/Ashley (E) --Fox Mask def. Cal Sanders in ten (D-) Hype video for Nemesis/Bandito (E) --Rod Remus def. Mark Smart in ten minutes (E) Remus explains that if he can beat two people tonight, he can beat two at BatB. (E-) Show rating: E+ That was odd... we didn't intend the show to go in that order at all. Maybe we shouldn't book at two in the morning... and apparently, neither should EWF or KP1, as they both joined The List Of The Departed. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Battle at the Beach!
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach! July, 2009, Week 1, Monday Live from the Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Curse you, DAVE! Fox Mask working Day 2 of the Wrestlefest, we could handle. But Nemesis II was working their show too, and that was our most-looked-forward-to match! Well, we could always replace him with Fox... oh, wait. Dammit... As the show starts, we make up a bull**** reason for Nemesis not being here, but someone else volunteered to take his place. Cover-Our-Butt Match El Bandito vs Captain USA Result: El Bandito squashed Cap in six minutes (D-) Out comes Plague, insulting Bandito for trading in a fight with someone who was his equal and, instead, taking on an old man. Plague says that if Bandito has Coastal Zone Cajones like, say, Rod Remus, then Bandito will take two matches tonight, too... and his second one will be against Plague! Bandito claims nobody talks about his cajones, and he's going to kick Plague's ass. (E) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Angel de Mexico(c) vs Roderick Remus Result: Rod Remus in eighteen minutes after being very battered during the match (D+) Hype video for Tidal Tag Title match (E-) Tidal Tag Title House-Of-Fun Match Air Force One(c) (Snap Dragon & Flying Jimmy Foxx) vs Fast Money (Marc Speed & Nathanial Casino) Result: Air Force One retains in fourteen minutes, Dragon pins Casino (D-) Challenge Match El Bandito vs Plague Result: El Bandito in eighteen minutes, using the ropes for leverage (D+) Hype video for the women's match (E) "Don't call it a women's title" match Alicia Strong vs Ashley Grover Result: Alicia in thirteen minutes (D) Hype for the main event: Can Remus do something never done in the Zone before and win two titles in one night? (D+) CZCW Title Match Masked Cougar(c) vs Roderick Remus Result: Masked Cougar after a very competitive twetny-one minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ And only seventy people away from setting a record attendance...
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I spent two hours at Best Buy and all I got was this lousy t-shirt... but making a fool of yourself playing kareoke and singing "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" for your wife? Priceless. Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Free earbuds for the first one hundred customers! We decided to start something new... as soon as Battle at the Beach was done, we announced title matches for the two singles titles for Wave of Fury... if the title holders lasted that long. Cougar would defend against the man who won two matches at BatB: El Bandito. And the Xtreme Title would be defended in a four-way ladder match, Rod Remus against Angel de Mexico, Plague, and El Leon. July, 2009. Week 1, Tuesday Coastal Tour Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico Hype for the Xtreme match at WoF (E+) --Angel de Mexico def. Jeremiah Moose in twelve minutes (D). He then hypes the WoF match (E+) --Fast Money def. X-Factor in ten minutes, Casino pins Smart (D-). The two teams then argue over who should get the next shot at Air Force One (F+) --CZCW Title: Masked Cougar def. Snap Dragon in twenty-three minutes when X-Factor runs in and drops Dragon (D+). Show rating: D Well, better than we were expecting... either our new devil-may-care style of match was catching on, or people expected less from non-TV-tapings. Either way, it was working out for us. July, 2009. Week 2, Tuesday Coastal Tour Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Hype video for Tidal Tag Champions, Air Force One (F) --Flyin' Jimmy Foxx def. P-Dawg II in thirteen minutes by DQ when X-Factor attacked him with chairs (E+). They continue the beatdown afterwards, demanding a title shot (F) --Zeshin Makioka def. William Crash in seven minutes (D-) Hype for the Xtreme Four-Way match (E-) Hype for the CZCW Title Match (F+) --El Leon def. Nemesis II in eighteen minutes after breaking a pinata over Ash's head. (D-) Show rating: E+ E+? Ow. Well, didn't matter when you're in an E- area... interesting note, our jobbers had chemistry together. Hey, if they can turn out a D- where they're not known... we might have to add that to Wave of Fury. Ooooo, decisions... SWF was once more looking for a head booker... should we? Nah.... maybe 4C? They had an opening... nah. MHW? Nope. El Leon seemed to be popular, as both OLLIE and MPW wanted him... and former Zoner Citizen X was now a part of the SWF roster, as well as DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion. And congrats are in order! After a long relationship, Plague has announced his engagement to Raven Nightfall! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks to Wave of Fury. Will we get closure on Nemesis/Bandito? What's Fox Mask and Alicia Strong up to? And will we ever bother to get another tag team in the mix?
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More fun than debugging Java Server Pages in IE7: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! July, 2009. Week 3, Tuesday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit, Southwest USA We start with Fox and Alicia in the ring, unable to decide which of them should receive a title shot tonight. Fox reminds Alicia that he's always beaten her, and she suggests making it a triple-threat match tonight... and at Wave of Fury, they face each other again with the title on the line. (C-) --William Crash def. El Combatiente in six minutes (E-). Afterwards, Crash challenged Zenshin to a rematch at Wave of FUry (E) --Angel de Mexico and Plague fight to a double-DQ as they both accidently hit Pee-Wee around twelve, thirteen minutes or so (D+) Hype for the Xtreme match (E) Masked tells El Bandito not to worry, they match at Wave of Fury will still be for the title because he doesn't plan on losing here tonight. (D-) --CZCW Title: Masked Cougar(c) def. Fox Mask and Alicia Strong in seventeen minutes by pinning Fox, using an injured Alicia Strong for a distraction (C-) Show rating: D+ Our string of good Southwest shows continued. Always good to see, as those are the ones that brought in the money... Well, whaddya know... Ashy 'Nemesis II' Campbell wanted a downside on his new contract. He'd been improving, sure... but that much? His time in DAVE must be doing him wonders... was this another Citizen X waiting to happen? July, 2009. Week 4, Tuesday Coastal Tour Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico --Jeremiah Moose def. Ashley Grover in nine minutes (E+) El Bandito cuts a promo to hype Wave of Fury (D-) Rod Remus does likewise (D-) --Xtreme Title: Rod Remus def. Snap Dragon in ten minutes due to X-Factor's interference (D). Afterwards, Dragon tells them that's two title matches they've cost him... if he has to put the Tidal Titles on the line to get his hands on the two punks, he will. He'll see them at Wave of Fury (F+) Hype video for Zenshin vs Crash (F) One for Bandito vs Cougar (D) --Nemesis II Def El Bandito in eighteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ Nemesis and Bandito could still go together... so, do we give Bandito the title next week, and let him and Nemesis (Coincidently, our two highest-paid guys) feud over it? Or can they turn out good enough matches without the belt getting in the way? On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Wave of F... wait, we have one more week? Oh, yeah, we re-scheduled a year or two back to avoid DAVE's show. Forgot. Well, okay, one more show, and -then- Wave of Fury.
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Laundry room? Flooded. Father-in-law? Emergency room. Checking account? Overdrawn. Must be Monday (Well, it was when I simmed this). Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, since we were getting ready for a big show, we decided to update a few gimmicks to go with it and see how things went... along with a few turns that we'd completely forgotten about due to the lack of face/heel division here... August, 2009. Week 1, Tuesday Coastal Tour Biker's Paradise, New England, USA Rod Remus and Fox Mask hype up Wave of Fury (Available online for those who can't fly out there), and snide comments turn into a match tonight (D-) --The Mexican Revolution (Angel de Mexico & El Leon) def. Fast Money in nineteen minutes (D). The beatdown continues afterwards (F+) Hype videos for AF1 vs X-Factor (F) and Cougar vs Bandito (F+) --Xtreme Title: Rod Remus def. Fox Mask after a low blow while Pee-Wee dealt with a planted distraction in the crowd (D+) Remus beats down Fox afterwards (E) Show rating: D+ Good way to lead into a big show. Let's see how the gimmick changing worked out for people... given we were only changing people at E/F level, it definately shouldn't -hurt-... Anyway, a few quick words... I haven't been enjoying parts of this dynasty as much as I did previous ones. And I've finally figured out why. There will be some minor-at-first changes coming, starting with Wave of Fury. Hopefully, everyone else will enjoy them, too.
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Welcome to CZCW Wave of Fury! August, 2009. Week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA SON OF A.... COUGAR AND EL LEON WERE WORKING ELSEWHERE?????? We open the show with El Bandito claiming that, once more, his opponent at a major event has fled rather than face him. He is truly the biggest badass in the Zone. Out comes Nemesis II, blaming car trouble for last time's no-show... but he's here now, tonight, so how about it? No titles, no contendership, just pride. Bandito gets goaded into accepting by the crowd (D) Random Match El Combatiente vs P-Dawg II Result: P-Dawg in seven minutes (E) Old Grudge Reopened Match Alicia Strong vs Fox Mask Result: Fox Mask in nineteen minutes (C-) Afterwards, Alicia rants and raves about how she should be able to beat Fox, but can't... and finally gets down on her knees, saying, "Teach me." (D+) Jobber Match Zenshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: William Crash in eight minutes (D-) El Bandito cuts a promo in the back about how screwed up this promotion is, when the champion won't even show up to shows (F+) Tidal Tag Title match Air Force One(c) (Flyin' Jimmy Foxx & Snap Dragon) vs X-Factor (Ben Williams & Mark Smart) Result: Air Force One in eleven minutes, Foxx pins Smart (D-) Nemesis hypes up the main event (D) Xtreme Four-Way Ladder Match Rod Remus(c) vs Angel de Mexico vs Plague vs last-minute substitution Jeremiah Moose Result: Rod Remus retains in sixteen minutes (D-) Hype video for the main event (D) Main Event Nemesis II vs El Bandito Result: Nemesis II in eighteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D
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Ok infinity, I've read your stuff for a long time, longer than I realized and I see what it is I don't like about your TEW diaries. In my humble opinion you do one character very well (indeed, your Wrestling Spirit Fox Mask Diary was very good) but when in 18 pages I don't feel I know any of your characters at all. I don't mind the one line (or less) summaries of matches, but you don't even give the finishing move! But the real issue for me is that from the angles and interviews I have *no* better understanding of the gimmicks or personalities. And it makes this diary read a lot like a fast food meal. It's easy, it's quick, but it isn't overly nourishing. You can write when you want to, but I'm just not feeling enough in this diary. Still, you're dedicated to this and I hope you continue with it.
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Please pardon the mess. We're undergoing renovation. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Looks like I wasn't the only one to figure out what I was doing differently this time around. So it's not going to be an overnight change... but we're going to gradually going back to a bit more character, more detail in interviews, etc. Hopefully it'll work out well. If not, well, maybe it'll get people to post about how it sucks so I can stop feeling like I'm just egobloggin' here, eh? August, 2009. Week 2, Tuesday Coastal Tour San Louis Potosi Hall, Western Mexico Fast Money come out and talk about how the tag division is messed up... you're either the champ, the chump, or in between, and they're obviously in between. And they want to be the champs. Out come Air Force One, usual insults, etc, etc, etc, cue match (E) Tidal Tag Title Match Air Force One(c) vs Fast Money Result: AF1 retains in sixteen minutes, Snap Dragon pins Marc Speed. (D) El Bandito comes out to rant and rail about how he was cheated out of a title match yesterday, how he was cheated out of a win, yadda yadda. Here comes Masked Cougar to say he's here tonight, so how about he give Bandito a reason to shut up? (D-) CZCW Title Masked Cougar(c) vs El Bandito Result: Masked Cougar retains in twenty-three minutes after avoiding a low blow... and responding with one of his own while Pee-Wee was warning Bandito.(C-) Show rating: D+ CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH CZCW has come to terms on the release of Captain USA. We hope he'll be happy somewhere that doesn't want him to be a road agent. And our replacement road agent... Buttercup. Hey, she's cheap. Cheaper than Beach Babe Bunnie was, for that matter... August, 2009, week 3, Tuesday Coastal Tour Weston Gymnasium, Tristate USA We start with Alicia Strong issuing a challenge to Rod Remus, saying she wants to hold gold in the CZCW, and he's the target she's selected. He comes out to laugh at her, saying she couldn't beat Fox Mask... so why should she beat him? He'll gladly prove her wrong (D-) Random Match Plague vs Fox Mask Result: Fox Mask via Foxhunter in twenty-four minutes (C-) We announce Masked Cougar vs Nemesis II at Dia Nationale de Lucha, despite knowing that Cougar will probably be working elsewhere. (E-) Backstage, Alicia and Fox talk. Apparently, this challenge is part of her 'Coastal Zone Training', with Fox making her select someone to face. As she leaves for her match, Fox smiles slightly and says, "But I never said the challenge was to win..." (D) Xtreme Title Match Rod Remus(c) vs Alicia Strong Result: Rod Remus retains in seventeen minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Did you ever think you'd see the day when the Snake Pit was under half-full for a Zone show? The tag scene gets beefed up a little, and we make good on a match promised for Wave of Fury.
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I'm still reading, just can't reply much while at work. Quick question... Did you give your user character any skills at all? I'm currently playing CZCW and use my user character a good bit. He's not amazing by any stretch, but decent enough to use in a match and save $$$.
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August, 2009, week 4, Tuesday Coastal Tour Live from the ... scarily over-half-empty Snake Pit, Southwest USA Masked Cougar comes out to announce that he will, in fact, be working elsewhere at Dia National De Lucha, and so the title match is off. Out comes Nemesis, really torqued off, and he demands his title match tonight! Cougar protests, as he wasn't ready for a match tonight, but the crowd wants to see it, so the match is on (C-... wait, a C- angle??? That's a first, I think...) "We're upset we haven't been used lately" match Ashley Grover vs Cal Sanders Result: Ashley in seven minutes (D-) Fast Money comes out, talking once more about how, since they're not at the bottom of the division, that makes them the #1 Contenders. And then music plays... the Mexican National Anthem? Angel de Mexico and El Leon are here, and dressed for business! (E) Tidal Contendership Match Fast Money (Speed & Casino) vs Mexican Revolution (Angel de Mexico & El Leon) Result: Revolution in fifteen, Angel pins Speed with some move with a Spanish name(D+) CZCW Title Match Masked Cougar(c) vs Nemesis II Result: Nemesis in twenty minutes with a Second Generation Hurricanrana to begin his second CZCW Title reign. (C-) Show rating: D+ Yeah, we'd just taken one Mexican-commitment-heavy worker out of the title scene, and put two more into another one. Were we crazy? Maybe. Especially as SOTBPW had just hit National level and were looking to take away some of our workers. Specificly, they were aiming for El Bandito... and he was our first choice to feud with Nemesis. Figures. Naturally, they got him. We had one more week with him... so, one more show. That was going to be very, very bad for us, as Bandito had been instrumental in reminding Ash that he could pull off decent matches still. Well, nothing like rushing into a money match. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Nemesis II v Bandito IV... erm, I mean... nevermind.
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Now having simmed out three weeks in advance... and boy, do we sort of wish we hadn't. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September, 2009. Week 1, Tuesday Coastal Tour From the sold-out Gutierrez Community Center, Southern Mexico Backstage, Alicia complains to Fox about her loss two weeks ago, and how she knows she's better than that. Fox responds by telling her to stop living in the past, and focus on the present. Tonight, she has her next challenge... a handicap match. (D-) Handicap Match Alicia Strong vs X-Factor (Ben Williams & Mark Smart) Result: Alicia Strong in eleven minutes with a Strong Clothesline on Williams (E+) Backstage again, Alicia grumbles at Fox about how that didn't prove anything. Fox tells her, "If the only wins that matter are big ones, but every loss hurts, then you won't enjoy the Zone. This is your first lesson... win or lose, you need to relax, or you'll eat yourself up with your own self-loathing." (D) Elsewhere backstage, Nemesis II cuts a promo. "Bandito, you've been dodging me ever since you realized you couldn't beat me. I had to track you down to show the world I could pin you to the mat. And now, as soon as I win the CZCW Title... you're picking up and running, because you know you'll never get it off me. Well surprise, amigo, I know you weren't expecting me here tonight. Before you leave, I'm giving you a title shot... to prove once and for all that I'm the better man!" (D+) Someone Wants More Wins Match Fox Mask vs P-Dawg II Result: Fox Mask in thirteen minutes via Foxhunter (D-) Hype video recapping previous Nemesis/Bandito encounters (D) CZCW Title Match Nemesis II(c) vs El Bandito Result: Nemesis II retains in eighteen minutes with a Next Generation Hurricanrana. (C-) Show rating: D El Bandito left us this week; and we were going to miss him, as his presence lent a sort of legitimacy to the Mexican Revolution. We'd have to make do with what we had, or consider bringing in someone else. We were begining to see the reasoning behind Cliff's "Don't hire anyone who works elsewhere" reasoning... it was a pain to have them work other shows, and they got popular too fast and got too much attention. But damn, it's nice to have popular workers... Which was why we were giving in to Alicia's Nemesis-II-like contract demands. The odd thing was, she wasn't working anywhere else... Ash could point to his DAVE work as a reason for more pay, but Alicia couldn't... although she did provide good name recognition. We also made plans to contact a couple more names that might help in that department. On the next Coastal Zone: A nefarious plot to win the Tidal Tag Titles, and we learn the newest contender for the CZCW Title!
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Where two jobbers with the right chemistry can outperform main events... wait, is that good for the jobbers, or bad for the main event? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September, 2009. Week 2, Tuesday Coastal Tour From the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico Jobber Match William Crash vs Zeshin Makioka Result: William Crash in eight minutes using the ropes for leverage. (D-) Plague is interviewed, and he reveals that he's looking forward to facing Nemesis at Dia National de Lucha (D-) Warm-Up Match Plague vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Plague in sixteen minutes... ten of which are simply playing around with Moose as he's obviously beaten (D) Hype video for Plague v Nemesis (D-) Fast Money hit the ring, and call out Air Force One. Tonight, they say, is the night they get the titles. Tonight, they have a plan that can't fail. Here comes Air Force One... and X-Factor jumps them from behind with chairs! Fast Money says tonight, it's a triple-threat tag match. And with Air Force One taking a few shots to the collective head, the titles have to change! (E-) Tidal Tag Triple-Threat Match Air Force One(c) vs X-Factor vs Fast Money Result: Air Force One in fourteen minutes when Speed and Smart get into an arguement over who should get to pin Foxx, and their teammates get involved, and in the resulting brawl Snap Dragon manages to roll up Williams by surprise to retain. (E+) Show rating: E+. Whoopsie. We were hoping the main would be better than that. Dangit, MPWF had a new show on Tuesdays... we had to move our shows. We picked... erm... Monday looked good. Nobody in Mexico held shows on Mondays. We just had to make sure our month-starting shows didn't fall prey to DAVE's first-monday-of-the-month brawls. Plague ensured a spot in our hearts for a while, as he did an interview on a Lucha radio show and took shots at El Leon for not putting the Zone first. Okay... Plague's growing on us. Two new contracts, signed for nine months. People who've never had Zone contracts before... but have appeared here... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: A revelation from Fox Mask as the build to El Dia National De Lucha concludes!
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One of the biggest events in CZCW history is coming up, and you have front-row seat! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September, 2009. Week 3, Monday Coastal Tour From the sold-out San Louis Potosi Hall, Western Mexico Tidal Tag Titles Air Force One(c) vs The Mexican Revolution (Angel de Mexico & El Leon) Result: AF1 retains in a surprising eleven minutes, as Angel and Leon prove they have little experience teaming together (D+) Foxx and Dragon state that they've beaten every tag team in the Zone... so this weekend, at El Dia National De Lucha, they're making an open challenge to any team they haven't faced before. And yes, the titles will be on the line, because they are the dominant tag team in the Zone (E) Random BIG EVENT QUALITY match Alicia Strong vs Masked Cougar Result: Alicia gets the Strong Clothesline in fifteen minutes (C!!!) Backstage, Fox tells Alicia that she's done well., and that she's almost ready. "Ready for what?" "There are dark times for the Zone ahead. A time when we will all be tested... where we will have to choose from two paths. You are almost ready. You have done something vital... beaten the former CZCW Champion. Which means, you deserve a title match." "But... Plague has the next title shot." "Yes... he does, doesn't he? And how do you feel about that?" "... it should be mine. I should take it from him." "The Zone will look after it's own." (D+) Xtreme Title Match Rod Remus(c) vs Fox Mask Result: Rod Remus retains via DQ when Fox just tees off on a series of vicious kicks to the face of the Xtreme Champion, continuing despite Pee-Wee telling him to stop. (D) Show rating: D So, AF1 beats their obvious challengers -before- the big event. Why? Well, we figure they won't be there, since they both prefer working for their respective lucha feds. And an open challenge is always a good way to introduce a new team at an event. And yes, the Fox/Alicia storyline will be evolving into something much, much bigger at El Dia National De Lucha... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW El Dia National De Lucha! Air Force One in an open challenge for the Tidal Tag Titles! William Crash and Zenshin Makioka put on another jobberific match! Fox Mask vs Rod Remus for the Xtreme Title in a ladder match! Alicia Strong vs Plague, with the winner facing Nemesis for the CZCW Title! And everything will change based on one shocking turn of events...
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Welcome to CZCW Dia National De Lu.... ARGH!!!!!! SONOFAGODDAMNDAVE!!!!!!! Working elsewhere tonight: Masked Cougar (why we took the title off him), Angel & Leon (why they got their title shot and lost)... Fox Mask (There goes that plan)... and NEMESIS????? ARGH!!!!! DAVE must've been holding a show tonight, too! That just... that... ... if it wouldn't cost me two of my favorite workers, I'd declare war on them. Seriously. They're just pissin' me off now. CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH We regret to announce the cancellation of CZCW Dia National De Lucha. Go watch one of the other shows. Sorry. Fox Mask wanted an obscene amount of money to re-sign. We gave it to him, if only because, well... without him, our one major storyline went bye-bye. We even offered him extra to try and get him to put us first, but that plan failed. The only bright spot of the month was Masked Cougar leaving OLLIE to become Zone-exclusive again. Argh. Other results from National Dia De Lucha: SOTBPW (C show) has El Bandito pick up a win in the curtain jerker and Ultimate Phoenix as part of the winning side in a six-man match. OLLIE (C show) has DeCipher lose a shot at the Campeon de Mexico title and Masked Cougar as part of the wining side of a six-man... with El Leon on the losing side, as well as Sam Keith booking himself a title retention. MPWF (D+ show) has... nobody we know. DAVE, meanwhile, didn't use either of the two men who decided to leave us to work there. Sonova... We had had plans for EDNDL, too! Huge plans! Plans that would have re-defined the Zone! But now we didn't have another show until Year In Review... looks like we'd have to rely on the tried-and-true Internet Distribution Method to get the word out. And hopefully this would work out okay... because our big names were quickly pricing themselves out of our ability to rely on them. On the next Coastal Zone: I dunno. I'll think of something...
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Our best-laid plans ruined. Our promotion failing to get any momentum. Our workers outdistancing us. Let the recovery begin! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September 2009, Week 4, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit We open with an interview with Alicia Strong, where she runs down her reasons for challenging Plague to the #1 Contendership, coming off a bit egotistical... but she knows she can back it up. (D-) Jobber Match William Crash vs Zenshin Makioka Result: William Crash via countout in eight minutes (E+) Plague gets a mic and responds to Alicia, telling her she should've waited her turn like a good little daddy's girl. (E+) Tidal Tag Title Match Air Force One(c) vs The Blood Brothers (Randy Matravers & P-Dawg II) Result: AF1 retains in thirteen minutes when Foxx pins Matravers. (D-) Hype video for the main event (E+) Main Event #1 Contender's Match Alicia Strong vs Plague Result: Alicia Strong in eighteen minutes after hitting Plague from behind with a piece of Fox Mask merchandice (C-) Show rating: D Well, the jobbers weren't doing as good a job as usual... was this a fluke, or were their D- matches flukes? We'd give them another chance and see. At least we were slowly getting to do some of our plans from before that got disrupted. Now to hope nobody else decided to no-show when they were scheduled... Money-wise, we were starting to worry. Before, we'd had one guy asking a grand a show, and that was the max. Now? Seven people between one and two grand. If we couldn't find a way to afford that... we might have to let some of our best people go work for bigger companies. And that was a frightening prospect.
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It's a double-shot weekend here on Rock 93.1, playing your favorite hits of the Welcome to the Coastal Zone! It had taken some setup, but we were all ready to put our 'grand plan' into effect tonight. Annnnnnd, sure enough, Fox and Nemesis were working the DAVE show again, so we had to stal^N^N^N^Nimprovise something for this show. October, 2009. Week 1, Monday Coastal Tour From the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico Alicia Strong comes down, ready for her title match... but out comes Plague, demanding a rematch. The two biker back and forth, and finally Alicia says, "I beat you once, Plague, I'll beat you again, you little wimp." (D) Rematch Alicia Strong vs Plague Result: Alicia Strong in twenty-one minutes with a Strong Clothesline (C) Afterwards, Alicia celebrates her win by making Plague swear off rematches until she gets her shot (D-) Out come Air Force One, making jokes and Plague leaves, and they restate their open challenge... and say that the show's over, folks, because there's no tag teams left in the zone. Music hits, and it's... DAVE's theme music? Out come The Latino Kings, Hector Gallindo and Rudy Velasquez, saying that there's one team left AF1 hasn't faced... and tonight, they take the freakin' title and hold onto it until the end of days, esse! (E) Main Event Tidal Tag Title match Air Force One(c) vs The Latino Kings Result: Your new Tidal Tag Champions win in seventeen minutes when Hector drops a Shooting Star Press on Foxx (D) Show rating: D Wow, a C match... we'd have to keep that pairing in mind for a later rivalry. Sometimes, improvising is a good thing. We made another signing for the midcard, gaining the services of Hugh de Aske, wrestling pirate. He'd fit right in. And that's not sarcasm. We'd have to wait a little bit before using him though, as the Storyline was more important at this point. Hopefully, the people we wanted to use would be available this time... yes, they are! Time to pull the trigger on this whole thing! October, 2009, week 2, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit, Southern USA, with a bigger crowd than the last couple times We open with a few words from Alicia about her match tonight, promising to win, because it's in her bloodline to be the Strongest One There Is. (C-) Random Opener Jeremiah Moose vs 'Speedball' Marc Speed Result: Marc Speed in eight minutes (D-) Fox Mask tells us that the time has come for change. Tonight, the Zone's new guard begins their watch. Tonight, two title matches, two title holders who deserve their belts. Tonight, the Zone calls out for a new path to be followed! (D+) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Roderick Remus(c) vs Fox Mask Result: Fox Mask in fourteen minutes after building a 'ladder bridge' with smaller ladders to reach the title(C-) Nemesis II comes out with words for Alicia, saying that yes, she's strong and tough... but tonight, she'll learn that the Nemesis bloodline is Stronger than hers (D+) Main Event CZCW Title Match Nemesis II (c) vs Alicia Strong Result: Nemesis retains in eighteen minutes when Fox Mask runs out and... tosses Nemesis a chair, then distracts Pee-Wee? (C-) Together, Nemesis and Fox beat down Alicia, then raise their title belts in celebration as DAVE's music plays. We've been betrayed. (D+) Show rating: C- There. It took us an extra three weeks, but... we got where we were going. Now... how do we run an invasion angle when half the invaders can work elsewhere at a moment's notice? Well... play it by ear, of course! P-Dawg had decided not to renew his CZCW contract, as he still held a grudge from eight months ago when we warned him about being late and he blew it out of proportion. Well, it's not like we hadn't just signed a new midcarder. Hugh would be making an appearance soon. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: DAVE takes over. Two and a half months until Year In Review... will we last that long?
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Desktop? Kaput. Work? Busy. Son? Brat. Money? Gone. Apartment? Mess. It's one of those Coastal Zone weeks. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! October, 2009. Week 3, Monday Coastal Tour Club X, Northwest USA We open with a long promo with Fox Mask and the Latin Kings, with Fox revealing that the whole thing was his idea, ever since he started working for DAVE and teaming with Ash Campbell there as The Partners. Together, the convinced DAVE to 'fire' the Kings, and convinced the Zone to hire them... and now, the Zone is no more. The CZCW Title, Xtreme Title, and Tidal Tag Titles all belong... to DAVE. And they run the show. (D-) Jobber Match William Crash vs Zeshin Makioka Result: Zeshin Makioka in nine minutes (E+) Randy Matravers and P-Dwag II do a really short promo about how there's no better time for them to make their mark on Zone history than tonight (F+) Tidal Tag Title Match The Latin Kings(c) vs The Blood Brothers Result: Kings retain in thirteen minutes when Hector gets the dominating pinfall on P-Dawg (E+) We're introduced to Hugh de Aske, Wrestling Pirate. He tells us he recognizes mutiny when he sees it, and quite honestly, he doesn't care which side wins out... and in the meantime, he's going to plunder as much booty as he can, starting with the Xtreme Title. (E+) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs Hugh de Aske Result: Fox in sixteen minutes, landing a Foxhunter after a surprisingly competitive match (D+) Show rating: D- Well, the jobbers weren't doing their usual bang-up job; we'd have to stop using them as the filler match for a while. Too bad, as the reliable D- was nice. Especially as we now had more competition, with Mexican Hardcore Wrestling hitting regional size. We needed something to keep us endeared to the Mexican audience, but not turn off the American audience we were hoping to gain. Well, we've got an idea. On the next Coastal Zone: Opening Shots.
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Where men are [i]real[/i] men, women are [i]real[/i] women, and small furry things from Alpha Centauri are [i]real[/i] small furry things from Alpha Centauri. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! ... okay, mad props to anyone who gets that reference. Now that DAVE's taken over as heel group du jour, what's the obvious storyline to go with? That's right... heel war! October, 2009. Week 4, Monday Coastal Tour Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Fox and Nemesis in the ring, talking about how they run things now... but we're in Mexico, so out come Angel de Mexico and El Leon. They remind The Partners that things work differently in Mexico... so tonight, how about a tag match? If the Revolution wins, they get to name contenders to all of DAVE's titles... if they lose, they don't get a title shot until someone else. Fox and Ash debate quickly, and accept the match (D) Opening Match Hugh de Aske vs El Combatiente Result: Hugh in six minutes with a Plankwalker (top-rope hurricanrana) (E+) Backstage, Alicia tries to apologize to Plague, saying she should have known better. Plague gets angry, telling her that she's right, she should have known better. And she wants to make amends, she can do it in the ring. (D) Revenge Match Alicia Strong vs Plague Result: 20-minute draw, as Strong refuses to pin Plague, but refuses to lose, either. (D+) Main Event Tag The Partners (Fox & Nemesis) vs The Mexican Revolution (Angel de Mexico & El Leon) Result: After many dirty tricks from both sides, Angel hits a low blow on Nemesis, rolls him up with a handful of tights, and gets the pinfall at eighteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ Yeap. DAVE vs The Mexican Revolution while Alicia tries to organize some sort of babyface opposition to both groups. This storyline can't possibly go wrong, can it? (Don't answer that.) El Leon re-signed after the show... for double what he had been paying. We began to see the drawback of that TV show we were so glad to have... our workers got more popular than we did. And worse, they realized it. Luckily, there were some very decently-priced workers available, and some of them fit perfectly in our new storyline. Oh, great. -More- competition. Mid-Atlantic Wrestling just hit Regional as well. Everyone and their brother would be going for TV shows now... and a little less competition, as EEWW went kaput. Of course, by an amazing coincidence, all four of our big players weren't around tonight... luckily, we hadn't pre-announced any matches, so... November, 2009. Week 1, Monday Coastal Tour The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Alicia asking Masked Cougar to join her in an attempt to take back the Zone. Cougar is unimpressed, and instead insults Alicia for her part in all this. The two decide to meet later in a match (D+) Opening Tag Match The Blood Brothers vs Los Lunas (debut, Luna Ligera & Luna Obscura) Result: Los Lunas with a sweet double-team paired moonsault in five minutes (E) We get an interview with Ashley Grover. She's not sure why they're having a four-way match tonight... it's not like it can be for contendership if DAVE really has taken over... but she'll still try hard to win (E) Four-Way Match Ashley Grover vs Jeremiah Moose vs Snap Dragon vs Nathaniel Casino Result: Dragon pins Moose in seventeen minutes with a Dragon's Breath (D). Main Event Alicia Strong vs Masked Cougar Result: Alicia Strong in almost twenty minutes with a Strong Clothesline. Afterwards, Cougar accepts Alicia's hand up... but just shakes his head at her and leaves(C-). Show rating: D+ Nice, full crowd. That's nice. We're slowly losing less money than previous months... although we hadn't made money in over a year. Eventually, we would have to worry about money again... and then we'd be in trouble. P-Dawg II left the company this week, with no new employer lined up. Well, say la vie. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The Revolution has chosen the opponents for DAVE's titles. Who gets the shots?
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More annoying than a radio station playing "Tie me kangaroo down, sport" on 24/7 repeat... no, wait... I experienced that today... we're not that annoying. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, so, The Revolution gets to call challengers for all the titles. Now, given that they were, until recently, our #1 heels... it makes sense for them to do something heelish here, right? Well, booking doesn't have to make sense. :) November, 2009. Week 2, Monday Coastal Tour The Snake Pit, Southwest USA (in an attempt to get our popularity there up a bit) The show opens with Fox Mask in the ring, acting ****y and wondering who he'll face tonight, Angel or Leon. But it's not their music that hits... out comes Rod Remus, to tell us that the Revolution has decided they will face the Latin Kings... and tonight, Fox is all his! (D) Opening Match Los Lunas vs X-Factor Result: Los Lunas in six with that double-moonsault move (E). The pair celebrate afterwards (F) The Mexican Revolution cut a promo on the Kings (E) Tidal Tag Title Match Latin Kings(c) vs The Mexican Revolution Result: The Kings in twelve when Rudy uses the ropes for leverage while pinning Angel (D) Xtreme Title Match Fox Mask(c) vs Roderick Remus Result: Fox Mask in just under twenty minutes when the Latin Kings distract Pee-Wee and he's able to chair Rod in the face (C-) Afterwards, it's announced who Nemesis' opponent will be: Alicia Strong (C-) Show rating: D And our popularity stays solid. Next week should be good, though... we'll do one more in the Southwest and see what happens, then go back to touring. Although we had no hope of reaching USPW-level popularity anytime soon, so our only hope for a TV show was back on Los Desportes Hoy... We weren't sure if we wanted to do that again. In fact, we were certain of it. November, 2009. Week 3, Monday Coastal Tour The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Opening Match Zenshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: William Crash with a Crash & Burn in eight minutes (D-). Alicia Strong cuts a fired-up promo on Nemesis, saying that once she gets rid of him, she's going for payback on Fox. (C-) Hugh de Aske comes out and says that it's ironic. He, a pirate, was robbed in his Xtreme Match against Fox. So if Fox be a real man, he be comin' out here now, in a match with no scurvy ladders, just good, ol' fashioned action (D-). Xtreme Title Match Fox Mask(c) vs Hugh de Aske Result: Fox Mask in thirteen minutes, by turning a Plankwalker attempt into a Fox Flipoff DDT (C-) Nemesis rants about how Alicia should learn to accept defeat; they beat her once, they'll continue to beat her (D+) CZCW Title Main Event Nemesis II(c) vs Alicia Strong Result: Alicia Strong by DQ in nineteen minutes when Fox Mask runs out to attack her (C-) Show rating: D+ Amazingly, our attendance was going -up- with each additional show in the Southwest. That was... hrm. Interesting. So the economy and wrestling industry were rising fast enough to offset our burn-out rate. If we kept this up, we could break even this month. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: A storyline-free week as we try to generate some good matches and begin the build towards Year In Review... hrm. We should make sure nobody else has a show that night, shouldn't we...
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Where entire weekends are spent figuring out why Vista crashes your router so the wife'll be happy: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! STRANGE NEWS ALERT! Angry Gilmore joined OLLIE. Now -there's- a pairing that most people would say makes no sense... Until you remember that Sam Keith is booking... wait, spoke too soon, he was kicked out of the head job a day later and the position was open. Yeah, somehow we know that one wouldn't last. Pity about Gilmore tho. Wonder how he'll be used by the new booker. November, 2009. Week 4, Monday Coastal Tour Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Cougar and Plague in the ring, ribbing each other over having lost to Alicia. The good-natured jokes get personal, and soon the two are deciding on a match to settle who's better (D-) Opening Match Cal Sanders vs Ashley Grover Result: Ashley in eleven minutes after faking a Bronco Buster and doing a double-foot dropkick to the face instead (E+) We announce the first match for next month's Year In Review: A rematch between Nemesis II and Alicia Strong for the CZCW Title, inside a steel cage to prevent interference (D-) Tag Match Air Force One vs Fast Money Result: Fast Money in twelve minutes when Speed pins Foxx with a Speedball (D-) Hype video for Plague v Cougar (D-) Main Event Masked Cougar vs Plague Result: Plague in nineteen minutes with the New Jersey Turnpike (D+) Show rating: D Okay, so, a quick show in Mexico so we don't do -too- much in the Southwest. Just to be safe. We still ended the month four grand out of the hole, for the first time in a year. And that was while using expensive people in some matches. We also had two people needing new contracts... Ben Williams, one half of X-Factor, would be getting it. Randy Matravers hadn't been improving and, with P-Dawg II gone, didn't have a partner anymore, so... Now, to build up Year In Review a bit... we needed opponents for Fox and the Kings... and we knew we wanted our big names all on the show... so, how to do it... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Hrm. I've gone through all my pre-simmed stuff. Guess it's time to get some playing done...
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