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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach! July 2010, week 1, Sunday From the SOLD OUT Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Rod Remus comes out to talk about how his old 'partner', Jeremiah Moose, is planning on interfering in his match tonight. So Rod is going to do something he's famous for... tonight, he'll be in two matches. But tonight, he -will- win the title on his second match (D) Opening Match Rod Remus vs Jeremiah Moose Result: These two pour their frustrations with each other over the last few months into the match, but both men were off their game and the match suffered. Moose taps to the Remus Clutch in sixteen minutes (D-) Hype for the Tidal Tag Title match (E-) Tidal Tag Title Match Mexican Revolution(c) vs Air Force One Result: The Lucha Push continues as Fire Fly pins Foxx after a top-rope rana in thirteen minutes (D+) Masked Cougar comes out and challenges El Leon to defend his title tonight (E+) Hype video telling us that Fox and Nemesis have decided that The Latino Kings have been losing too much lately, and it's time for them to prove they deserve to stay here. (D-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match El Leon(c) vs Masked Cougar Result: As usual, these two bring the goods, going a full twenty minutes before Leon grabs his belt from the top of the ladder (C) Alicia hypes the main event (D+) DAVE EXPLODES! Tag Match The Partners (Fox Mask & Nemesis II) vs The Latino Kings Result: Heel/Heel matches are great when you have no face/heel divide, and this one sees the Latino Kings sent packing in fifteen minutes after a Fox Hunter on Hector (C-). Afterwards, the Kings get beaten down (D-) Hype video for the main event (D) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Rod Remus Result: Rod woke up during the night, as these two decide they need to up their game to compete with the ladder match. It's a seventeen-minute match that has the crowd wondering if Alicia can retain or if Remus can finally pull off two matches in one night, and in the end it's a Strong Takedown that leads to a title retention for Alicia (C) Show rating: C-
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Heel vs Heel main event? Yeap, must be Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, that was one of our better shows. But we were having a problem scheduling shows without people having somewhere else to be. So since Sunday seemed to be the only place we could get everyone together, we moved Coastal Tour to Sundays. Hopefully it would work out; the wrestling industry had hit A* and was still growing, and we wanted to take advantage of it. July 2010, week 2, Sunday Coastal Tour Live from Club X, Northwest USA We open with Hector and Rudy in the ring, having an arguement about the outcome of their match at Battle at the Beach. It looks like the Latino Kings are over as the two come to blows and Pee-Wee tells them to save it for the main event (E) Opening Match Zeshin Makioka vs Nathanial Casino Result: Extended squash match ending with a One-Armed Bandit (AKA Sliced Bread #2) in eleven minutes (E+) Hype video for the Mexican Revolution (F) Possible Tidal-Related Match Amazing Fire Fly vs Mark Smart Result: Not as squashie as the last match, this one sees Fire Fly get the win with a huricanrana in fourteen minutes (D-) Hype video for Fox Mask & Nemesis II (D) Main Event Hector Galindo vs Rudy Vasquez Result: Lesse. One guy's more popular, the other guy's an actual high-flier. Who do we push? That's right... Hector gets the win after a brass knuckle shot at eighteen minutes (D-) Show rating: D- Hey, good enough for where we were. There was always the dream of getting the Northwest high enough for us to score a west-coast TV show. But what we needed to do was have an actual card booked in advance for Wave of Fury, and we had two weeks for it... so, what do we do? And juuuuust to complicate things, Cougar was now part of MPWF. Joy. Oh, well... at least we were still commanding more loyalty than they were... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Let's run with this, shall we? The DAVE implosion continues, Operation "Push Fire Fly" continues, and... well, I don't know yet, I'm out of pre-simmed material.
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone will be on hiatus until... sometime this weekend or next week. The desktop's dead and the wife's been using my laptop (the one with TEW on it) to play WoW, so... yeah, haven't been able to get anywhere. It's not dead, just taking a nap.
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Where computer upgrades are great... but when the wife's gotten used to you not using the laptop for so long, she doesn't like it when you try to Welcome people to the Coastal Zone! Now... where were we? July 2010, week 3, Sunday Coastal Tour Ohio Jewish Center, Great Lakes, USA We open with Hector Galindo in the ring, talking about his clean break from Rudy last week, and this week, he wants to keep his momentum going... so he's challenging Alicia to a title match tonight. Out comes Alicia, who says Hector doesn't have momentum... he's got luck. But he's also got guts, so challenge accepted. (D-) Opening Match Rudy Velasquez vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Rudy hits the Street Cutter in ten minutes after trying to show off some of his more brawl-oriented roots, but he and Moose just never clicked (E) Hype video for The Mexican Revolution (F) Tag Match Air Force One vs The Partners Result: An extended squash match, Fox and Nemesis spend the first half the match wearing AF1 down, and the second half playing with them before a Fox Hunter finishes at thirteen minutes (D) The Partners head backstage, where they run into Rudy. Rudy has no hard feelings about the loss at Battle at the Beach, and he's welcomed back into the DAVE fold with open arms (D) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Hector Galindo Result: Take a wild guess... yeap, they go back and forth for about thirteen minutes and show some pretty good chemistry before Rudy, Fox, and Nemesis run in for the double-DQ (D) and the post-match beatdown (E+) Show rating: D-. That's some chemistry we weren't expecting, but would make good use of later... if we remembered it. Meanwhile, we'd re-sign Angel de Mexico and Masked Cougar would win the MPWH Campeon de Lucha tile. On the next Coastal Zone: It's a "People who're unhappy they're not being used" show... and hey, don't we have Wave of Fury coming up soon? We'd better make some matches...
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And we're back in the saddle again! "But ma'am, Indians ride bareback." Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Can we just tell the punchlines to dirty jokes as long as we don't actually tell the joke? July 2010, week 4, Sunday Coastal Tour Colorado Springs Bar We open with Hugh de Aske and Plague in the ring (Yes, I know that's gotten repetative), joke, argue, insult, brawl, will meet later, yadda yadda (E+) Opening Match El Combatiente vs Marc Speed Result: Speedball gets the win in seven minutes with a Speed Trap (sorta like the Rings of Saturn, only different) (E) Hype video for Wave of Fury: El Leon defends the Xtreme Title against Rudy Velasquez (E) Midcard Match Ben Williams vs Masked Cougar Result: Never in question, Cougar eats Williams for lunch. Surprisingly, Williams lasts ten minutes before falling tho (D-) Hype video for Wave of Fury: Alicia Strong & Hector Galindo take on The Partners (E+) Main Event Hugh de Aske vs Plague Result: Hugh holds the upper hand for much of the match, getting several near falls and driving Plague to cheat, eventually using the ropes for leverage to prevent Hugh from kicking out of the New Jersey Turnpike before the time limit (D-) Show rating: E+. But the Midwest didn't like us much, so that was an improvement. SOTBPW got another show... hrm, maybe the Mexican market is warming up enough for us to try it again... we also took the time to sign someone new, Remmy Honeyman, who seems to exist to put people over. Well... we need people put over, so... ARGH! OLLIE got a pay-per-view deal. Now we felt really small. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: El Leon wants one more defense before Wave of Fury. Who answers the call?
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Where we're all strung out on NyQuil and other meds and watching Rescue Rangers with a three-year-old. Welcome to... uh... wherever the heck we are... Oh, right. Welcome to CZCW Wave of Fury! 2010, August, Week 2, Sunday .... erm, wait, that's not right... lemme see... hey, I've got a show in between. Okay. Here we go. August 2010, week 1, Sunday Coastal Tour Biker's Paradise, New England USA We open with El Leon in the ring, making an open challenge for his last title defense before Wave of Fury. And oddly enough... nobody answers. For the first time in a long time, we don't set up our main event (E+) Opening Tag Match Los Lunas vs Ashley Grover & William Crash Result: Boy, has Ashley been depushed... the two teams try their best to put on a good match, but they're all relatively unknown in New England. The Lunas get the win in eight minutes in a match that didn't -totally- suck. (E-) Hype video for Los Lunas vs The Mexican Revolution at Wave of Fury (F-) Rod Remus comes out for an interview, and goes on a barely-entertaining rant against Snap Dragon (E-) Filler Match Rod Remus vs Snap Dragon Result: Relatively decent match from these two, with a Remus Clutch forcing Dragon to tap out thirteen minutes in (D-) El Leon comes out to declare the show over, when Nathanial Casino stops him. Nathan's considered the odds, and even though it's in the house's favor... well, that's when you win the big jackpots. (E) Main Event Xtreme Title Match El Leon(c) vs Nathanial Casino Result: Casino puts up a good fight, but he made a losing bet and falls to El Leon's Spilt-Second Justice in fifteen minutes (D-) Show rating: E+ ... freakin' BPW hit Regional size. We were, officially, sucking. But maybe we had another shot at growth... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Wave of Fury! And the week after: Sunday nights at 11, it's Welcome to the Coastal Zone, live on Los Despotes Hoy! We promise not to suck this time!
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Welcome to CZCW Wave Of Fury! August 2010, Week 2, Sunday Live from Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Tidal Tag Title Match -- Lucha Libre Rules Mexican Revolution(c) vs Los Lunas Result: A dose of almost pure lucha, Los Lunas display some great teamwork but we learn that teamwork is no replacement for pure skill, as Angel de Mexico and Amazing Fire Fly both score a pinfall to retain the titles at eleven minutes (D-) Plague is backstage, announcing that tonight is the first ever 'All In' match. He's putting up a night's paycheck; anyone else who wants to go hard or go broke is welcome to join him tonight (D-) Rude Velasquez talks about how El Leon took the Xtreme Title from Fox Mask, and tonight, he's taking it back for DAVE. (D-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match El Leon(c) vs Rudy Velasquez Result: Awkward match between Leon's high-flying luchaness and Rudy's more brawl-based DAVE style. Still a good match as the two try to compensate, with Leon toedropping Rudy face-first into a stack of chairs to buy enough time to climb the ladder and retrieve his title at eighteen minutes (C-) Hugh de Aske holds up a small chest of golden one-dollar coins and says he's in for the All In match. Tonight, he's gonna make off with the plunder. (D-) Snap Dragon comes out to complain about how he doesn't have a match tonight. Out comes the newest member of the Zone, Remmy Honeyman, to say he'd love to get an introduction to the ring. (E) Random Filler Match Snap Dragon vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Remmy tries to put on a decent show, but the lack of crowd reaction makes it hard. Dragon gets the win with a Dragon's Tail submission at thirteen minutes (D-) Rod Remus says he's not going to let Plague and Hugh hog the spotlight, so he's putting his paycheck for the night on the line as well. All In is not a triple-threat match (D)... and Masked Cougar butts into the scene, saying he's got some pesos to add to the pot. Make it a four-way. (D-) All In Match Plague vs Hugh de Aske vs Masked Cougar vs Rod Remus Result: Good showing all around for something thrown together at the last minute, giving twenty minutes of entertainment before Plague hits a New Jersey Turnpike on Cougar for the win, and celebrates with the four paychecks (C-) Hype video for the main event (D) Main Event Tag Match Alicia Strong & Hector Galindo vs Fox Mask & Nemesis II Result: Some back and forth between the two teams, Alicia clearly not trusting Hector and a teased turn, Fox and Nemesis trying to use their teamwork to their advantage, isolating Alicia, before Hector gets the hot tag annnnd gets clobbered. Alicia back in for the save, clotheslines Nemesis out of the ring, Fox Hunter to the back of the head, Blind tag by Hector, rollup, grabs the tights, and the faces win at seventeen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: We take a break until our TV show starts... and wonder if we'll ever learn how many people showed up at Wave of Fury... and why nobody seemed to pay...
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August 2010 Wave of Fury was a decent show... and we were fairly sure we had sold out the Grissom Auditorium. But during the main event, someone had robbed the ticket office and made off with the entire night's take... an estimated twenty-four thousand dollars. That was going to hurt our bottom line... So, we decided to take the rest of the month off. We needed to shake off the effects of medication on the player, and make a few changes to the roster. ROSTER CUTS: CZCW.COM has announced the following talent has been informed we no longer have a role for them: Ashley Grover, Cal Sanders, Mark Smart, Flyin' Jimmy Foxx, and El Combatiente. This has, of course, lead to a roster reshuffle. Main Event: Alicia, Fox, Nemesis, Hugh Upper Midcard: Leon, Hector, Plague, Rudy Midcard: Rod Remus, Snap Dragon, Remmy Honeyman, Masked Cougar, Mark Speed, Angel de Mexico, Jeremiah Moose Lower Midcard: Ben Williams, Amazing Fire Fly, William Crash, Nathaniel Casino Openers: Los Lunas Enhancement: Zeshin Makioka For the record, some salaries: Over $2,000: Nemesis II Over $1,500: Fox Mask, El Leon Over $1,000: Hugh, Alicia, Rudy, Plague, Rod, Cougar, Hector Over $500: Angel, Dragon, Honeyman, Speed, Moose, Casino Cheap: Williams, Zenshin, Crash, Los Lunas, Fire Fly, and the new guy. Remus and Cougar couldn't possibly be happy with their pushes, being former main events. We'd have to prepare a few things to get them elevated. The problem was, we had too many big names and not enough of a fanbase to afford to spread them around. Hopefully our new TV show would work out -- we had no competition on Sunday nights, so hopefully we could show our stuff... although our popularity had tumbled in Mexico since we had been avoiding it lately. And it looks like we get in two shows before El Dia National De Lucha, so it was time to set up a boffo, socko show... we hoped. On the next Coastal Zone: We're back on TV! I've got a bad feeling about this...
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Where we're still medicated, but we're not letting that... or a three-year-old insisting on watching all three discs of the first Rescue Rangers boxed set... in a row... get to us. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September 2010, Week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Grissom Auditorium, on Los Despotes Hoy Your announce team is the same as for the internet feed for the normal shows, Remmington Remus on play-by-play, Cliff Anderson on color commentary. We open with the CZCW's own wrestling pirate, Hugh de Aske. He's upset that he didn't get his booty at Wave of Fury, but mainly because he wanted the Xtreme Title but didn't get a match... and the man who did, lost. Out comes Rudy Velasquez, who tries to defend his loss to El Leon. Hugh isn't buying it, insulting the DAVE scrapper, until Rudy invites Hugh to find out just what it means to be in a match with him... tonight. (D) Opening Tag Match Los Lunas vs Fast Money Result: Extended jobber match, with the Lunas playing the jobbers, trying to get Speed and Casino back over again. Casino lands a One-Armed Bandit on Obscura for the win in nine minutes (E) We're introduced to the new guy, KC Glenn, as he tells us how proud he is to be in the Zone, and he'll work his way up the ladder... starting with the other new guy. (E+) New Guy Match KC Glenn vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Decent match with little reaction from the crowd, as they're still getting to know both men. KC wins with a painful-looking roundhouse to the head (D-) Hype video for Alicia Strong, announcing she'll be here next week (C+) Main Event Hugh de Aske vs Rudy Velasquez Result: Hugh can hold his own brawling with the DAVE upstart, but Rudy can't fly like Hugh can and gets simply out-paced, falling to a Plankwalker in fifteen minutes (D) Show rating: D On the next Coastal Zone: Alicia defends her title the week before El Dia National De Lucha, and we aim for a D+ show. Baby steps...
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Where we've started building up a post-buffer: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The return episode of Welcome to the Coastal Zone made a small impact overall, but a huge one for us personally, scoring a record-high 0.06 rating. Financially, of course, it was a hit, but we could solve that problem by going back to the Snake Pit for shows... and possibly holding some in Mexico. Northern Mexico was still our second-strongest territory, but the rest of the country had fallen to the levels of the rest of the world... except for the Midwest, Midsouth, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the USA, which just plain seemed to hate us for some reason. We were also pleased, but not impressed, by KC Glenn. We were hoping for something a bit more from him. We'd give him a different opponent and see how he did. Out of curiosity, we decided to see how our first episode stacked up to the other Mexican promotions. MHW had no TV, but their events were averaging C/C-. MPWF had been climbing from C- to C, but still had the occasional D+ 'bad show'. OLLIE had two TV shows, and they varied wildly in quality; they averaged a C, but they ranged from D+ to B-. Finally, SOTBPW was averaging B/B- shows. We were, quite obviously, dead last in this race. We needed to improve, and we needed to do it fairly quicky; our goal was to be having C/C- shows by the end of the year. Hopefully, without breaking the bank. September 2010, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, Northern Mexico, on Los Despotes Hoy We open with Zenshin Makioka getting mic time... possibly not our best idea. He's decided that, as the #1 Puro Wrestler in the Zone, he should get a Tidal Tag Title shot with a partner of his choice. Out comes Amazing Fire Fly to tell Zenshin that if he wants a shot, he gets it like anyone else... he earns it. (E) Opening Match Zenshin Makioka vs Amazing Fire Fly Result: Fly was a little off his game tonight, but Makioka upped his game and showed he can have a good match with someone other than William Crash. Still, Zenshin wasn't able to pull off the win, falling to a Burning Superfly Splash in nine minutes (D) Hype video for Alicia Strong (D+) KC Glenn talks about his win last week, and how tonight, he's going for someone a little higher on the totem pole: Snap Dragon. (E-) Midcard Match KC Glenn vs Snap Dragon Result: Decent but not great match again, with Dragon doing a bit of carrying for the youngster before falling to that roundhouse kick in eleven minutes (D) Masked Cougar gets some mic time, promising that at El Dia National De Lucha, it'll be him defending the CZCW Title, not Alicia. (D) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Masked Cougar Result: Good match that basicly was the Zone in a nutshell, a mix of standard American, Puro, and Lucha styles ending with Alicia having to resort to Strong Arm Tactics to put Cougar down and get the pin to retain in seventeen minutes (C-) Show rating: D, 0.05 On the next Coastal Zone: El Dia National De Lucha. Okay... who on the roster is working for a lucha fed? Um... crud.
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Where Comedy Central claims that their late-night block is uncut and uncensored... but man, just because you don't bleep the swears, it doesn't count if you blur the screen. Welcome to the uncut and uncensored Coastal Zone! Proving how much we really did suck, MOSC hit Regional size before we made it out of Regional. Annnnd our list of people not available for El Dia National De Lucha... Los Lunas, Masked Cougar, El Leon, Angel de Mexico, Plague, Nemesis, and Fox Mask. That's... a lot of talent down for the night. Let's see if we can put on a 90-minute show... CZCW El Dia National De Lucha September 2010, week 3, Friday Live from the Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Opening Match, Lucha Libre Rules Jeremiah Moose vs KC Glenn Result: Moose hasn't lost a step, keeping up with Glenn easily, but Glenn manages to out-wrestle him easily. The first fall is won by submission to a leg grapevine, the second to the nasty roundhouse that we've yet to come up with a name for in twelve minutes (D). Alicia is interviewed, revealing that she's chosen as tonight's contender... Hugh de Aske. (D+) Filler Match, Lucha Libre Rules Zenshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: They try, but chemistry can only do so much, and Zenshin picks up the win in two falls, both with unseen low-blows to aid him, finishing in eight minutes (D-) Backstage, Hector and Rudy are face to face, yelling at each other. Hector finally tells Rudy that, since his friends aren't here tonight, maybe it's time to settle this once and for all. Rudy agrees, but they'll do it DAVE style, not 'Lucha style'... it'll be a table match. (E) "You took my brother's name" match, Lucha Libre Rules Rod Remus vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Pretty much thrown together, and it shows. Honeyman isn't doing as good at putting our people over as we'd hoped. Remus gets the win via Remus Clutch in thirteen minutes (D-) Short hype video for Rudy vs Hector (E) Tables Match Hector Galindo vs Rudy Velasquez Result: These two know each other well, but the contrast to the rest of the show is evident... the audience can't decide if it sucked or if it was cool, and just settles on apathy as Hector puts Rudy on a table and lands a Shooting Star Press for the win in thirteen. (D) Hugh de Aske is interviewed about the main event. He's faced Alicia plenty this year, and he's confident that tonight, it all comes together, and he makes the steal of the year. (C-) Main Event Championship Match, Lucha Libre Rules Alicia Strong(c) vs Hugh de Aske Result: As the commentary team points out that Alicia is now the longest-reigning champion in Zone history, these two go at a somewhat formulaic match, very close to how their previous encounters have gone. As a result, it's good, but lacks drama, and nobody is surprised when a Plankwalker is dodged and a Strong Takedown gets the pin and retention at nineteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ The other Dia National De Lucha shows: SOTBPW hits a B, and a sellout crowd of 10,000, with a main event of Marcos Flores over El Demonico. OLLIE gets a C- and a 2,000-strong sellout on a main event of Spanish Superfly and Magnifico doing to a double DQ. And MPWF gets a C-, 2000-strong sellout on a main event of Black Eagle and Inca Jr beating the Death Squad. We... got beat. Not by much. But we got beat. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Now that the big-money people are back, how do we use them? Should we even bother to try and cut costs?
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Where we're one again updating two dynasties on a regular basis: Welcome to the overworked Coastal Zone! September 2010, Week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, live on Los Despotes Hoy We open with El Leon coming out to the ring, Xtreme Title around his waist. He talks about how he's tired of defending the Xtreme Title against DAVE and that 'style', so tonight, it's an open challenge to anyone who wrestles in the lucha tradition. Out to accept the challenge comes... Snap Dragon, mentioning how he's never held the Xtreme Title, and there'd be no better night to change that than tonight. Leon considers that request, and tells Dragon that it's time to start climbing the ladder again... so tonight, it's a ladder match (D-) Opening Match Angel de Mexico vs Zeshin Makioka Result: Zeshin's hopes of a Tidal Tag Title shot are dashed as the other half of the champions defeats him handily in seven minutes (D). Angel then taunts Zeshin some, pointing out how nobody will take him as a partner if he can't beat either one of the champs (D+) Random Match KC Glenn vs "Speedball" Marc Speed Result: Glenn continues to climb the ladder without really turning in a good match, winning with the roundhouse kick in twelve minutes (D-) Glenn then makes an open challenge, saying he wants to take on a big name next week. (E) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match El Leon(c) vs Snap Dragon Result: Better than expected, although really, Dragon can bring it when he wants to, and Leon's always good in this sort of match. We get a good sixteen minutes from these two before... Dragon DDT's Leon from the top of the ladder, then gets up in time to grab the belt? We have a new champion! (C-) Show rating: D+, 0.05 TV. Glenn was starting to worry us; we were expecting much better from him. We would have to give him a few shots with higher-level guys to see how he could hang with them... maybe he just needed motivation. And our title change got the Xtreme title on someone who got half the paycheck; matches wouldn't be -quite- as exciting, but our budget would thank us... and Dragon deserved a push for putting up with us and all those years tagging with Jimmy Foxx. We didn't have a big show until Year in Review, so we had some time to play around with things. We still weren't sure if we wanted Alicia to reach the one-year mark as champion, or if we should save that for later... she'd already set the record, the question was just how long we wanted that record to last. .... wow. Now we knew we were doing poorly. We had talked to the Gilberts about coming in so we had another inexpensive, yet experienced, tag team on the roster... and they rejected us. The freakin' Gilbert Brothers rejected us. That's... wow, we've sunk low. On the next Coastal Zone: KC Glenn's challenge becomes bigger than he imagined.
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;229634]Do they even like the Latino Kings in Mexico? I mean, really?[/QUOTE] An impromptu Coastal Zone Data-Dump! Coastal Zone Rankings by Popularity in Mexico as of October-ish 2010 C+: El Leon C: Plague, Cougar, Angel C-: Fox Mask D+: Nemesis, Alicia, Rod Remus D: None D-: Fire Fly, Hugh de Aske E+: Snap Dragon E: KC Glenn E-: Los Lunas, Latino Kings, Casino F+ to F-: The rest. Coastal Zone Members more popular in Mexico than the USA: .... actually, it's easier to do it this way. Coastal Zone Members more popular in the USA than Mexico: Hugh de Aske, Fox Mask, Nemesis II, Rudy Velasquez, Hector Galindo, Jeremiah Moose, Speedball, Remmy Honnyman
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Where talent trades can be a sneaky way to see just how much the opposition is paying your guys... and man, DAVE can afford to pay a lot. Welcome to the Coastal Zone on a budget! September 2010, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Snake Pit, live on Los Despotes Hoy Opening Match Nathanial Casino vs Ben Williams Result: We get right to the action this week, reminding Casino we haven't forgotten about him, and introducing Williams to his new 'jobber' role now that his partner's been set loose. One-armed Bandit ends it in six minutes (D-) Rudy Velasquez comes out, and he tears into KC Glenn. First insulting the kid himself, and then his choice of place to break into the business. So tonight, he's got a deal for KC. He'll accept the challenge... but if Rudy wins, KC has to quit the Zone and join DAVE. (E+) Open Challenge Match KC Glenn vs Rudy Velasquez Result: These two give it a good, long match, and KC is starting to get some recognition after showing up week after week. Rudy tries to throw down dirty, but KC manages to match him move for move and finishes him with the KCick to the Head in sixteen minutes (D+) After the match, Plague comes out, saying that he had requested a match with either Fox Mask or Nemesis tonight for the Number One Contendership. They told him they'd think about it, and send someone from DAVE to face him... but neither of them are in the building. So he wants to know what's up. DAVE's theme starts, and out comes... Mainstream Hernandez??? Mainstream tells Plague that DAVE has sent him to personally take Alicia Strong down... and if he has to go through Plague to do so, well, so much the better. (D) Main Event Contendership Match Plague vs Mainstream Hernandez Result: You've got to expect a good match from these two... although we were hoping for slightly better. The two go eighteen minutes before Hernandez sneaks in a chairshot to get the pinfall (C-) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV So, KC could have decent matches... now, we'd see if he could have a good one. And Mainstream/Alicia should give us a good match, even tho an expensive one. We also entered into negotiations with a youngster just entering the scene, a Canadian who showed some promise in flying, but had charisma and a look like we couldn't believe. In exchange for Mainstream, we'd given DAVE the use of Hugh de Aske for a couple days; they jobbed him to Nemesis the first night, and gave him a win over Jay Darkness the second. We'll say this... DAVE may just be us as a place to grab new talent from (Fox, Nemesis, Citizen X, Remmy Skye, etc) but they were willing to play fair. On the next Coastal Zone: Alicia vs Hernandez, and someone gets put in their place... hard.
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So, you're sitting on your laptop at two in the morning, watching movies on cable, and it hits you... the only possible way Girls Gone Wild can stay in business is if the people they sell to don't have internet access. Welcome to the Coastal Zone Gone Wild! October 2010, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Gutierez Community Center, Live on Los Despotes Hoy We open the show with a long segment between Alicia and Mainstream, as they trash each other's style and each other, trying to get the psychological edge before their match (D-) Jobber Match William Crash vs Alan Ryland Result: Crash gets the victory over the new guy in his first professional match, and despite having good chemestry, it's obvious the kid has a way to go before he can be in the big time... or at least go seven minutes. (E-) KC Glenn comes out, boasting about how he's beaten one of DAVE's big names, and is undeniably the hottest prospect to hit the Zone in, well, a long time. DAVE's music hits... and here comes Fox Mask, getting in KC's face, knocking the mic out of his hands... and there's the bell (D-) Know Your Role Match KC Glenn vs Fox Mask Result: Glenn shows he can, in fact, hang with the big boys in the ring, turning out a better performance than he has been. These two go a good thirteen minutes before KC goes up for a moonsault, but instead gets hit with the Fox Flipoff DDT for the first loss of his career (C-) Hype video for Alicia vs Hernandez (E) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Mainstream Hernandez Result: Not that there was ever any doubt, but these two tease several near-falls just to et some suspense built up -- after all, we could always have Mainstream stick around for a while. But no, after sixteen minutes of action, a Strong Takedown ends things and Alicia retains. (C-) Show rating: D, 0.05 TV Wow, those few minutes of jobber action brought the whole show down a few notches, despite two other good (for us) matches. We'd have to give Ryland some dark matches instead... we're fairly sure he's got a bright future, and he can talk a good talk... and a good grasp of the basics. He just... didn't have much beyond the basics. We would have to train him. The question is... could we? This plan hadn't worked well with El Combatiente, William Crash, or Zenshin Makioka... but we felt we had more to work with here. Could we shake our reputation as a place where you went to get noticed, not to get better? On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, who's complaining about not being used, and can we get a good show out of them? And so much for my buffer of pre-simmed shows...
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Where we've had a horrible day... but we love you so much, we just had to give you another edition of Welcome to the Coastal Zone! But that means this'll be short and sweet. It's basicly a really expensive show, as we've got five guys with thousand-plus-dollar paychecks unhappy they're not getting paid. October 2010, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold out Club X, Northwest USA on Los Despotes Hoy Dark match: Nathanial Casino def. Alan Ryland (E+). We open the TV show with Hector Galindo talking about his Zone career, when Nemesis comes out and we get the customary war of words, with Nemesis claiming credit for everything Hector has done since he got to the Zone, since DAVE didn't want him around anymore. Hector vows to show Nemesis that the only one responsible for Hector's career is Hector.(E+) Opening Triple Threat Match Hugh de Aske vs Rod Remus vs Masked Cougar Result: Loooong match with some good action, especially given nobody's especially over here. We wind things up with Hugh landing a Plankwalker on Cougar, only to get caught up in a Remus Clutch and forced to tap out after twenty-two minutes (D+) Hype video for Alicia Strong. (D-) Main Event Hector Galindo vs Nemesis II Result: Not nearly as good as expected, using more of a DAVE-style match than a Zone-style match, ending with Pee-Wee getting fed up with the style, and DQing Nemesis after a particularly blatant low blow (D-) Show rating: D-, 0.05 TV On the next Coastal Zone: The Zone participates in Jim Force Month! Sort of.
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Well, see, that's why I don't let you name my finishers. :) (Tho this is coming from the guy who once gave Fox a signature weapon of a bat with 'Mig-24' carved into it... I've got no right to make fun of anyone's finisher names...) My other runner-up was 'The Casem'. So the announcers could talk about KC's Casem, and where it would rank on a list of Top 40 Finishers...
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;231349]Well, see, that's why I don't let you name my finishers. :) (Tho this is coming from the guy who once gave Fox a signature weapon of a bat with 'Mig-24' carved into it... I've got no right to make fun of anyone's finisher names...) My other runner-up was 'The Casem'. So the announcers could talk about KC's Casem, and where it would rank on a list of Top 40 Finishers...[/QUOTE] like everyone else not on the list, you'll have finnished at 41 :)
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In the words of Samuel L Jackson, "Feel the Force, mutha"-- wait... I don't want to be banned. In the words of Samuel L Jackson, "Welcome to the Coastal Zone, mutha"-- wait, that's just as bad... And now, we take a break from your regularly scheduled Coastal Zone to give you... the Welcome to the Coastal Zone Guide to Jim Force! Jim Force is currently thirty-six years old and works for three promotions. In CGC he works sporadicly as a midcarder, working three matches in three months, teaming with Freddie Huggins and Robbie Retro. In SWF, we works just as rarely, but usually gets the win. His greatest success has come in USPW, where he co-holds the tag titles with Puerto Rican Power but has been on a losing streak, facing the Warlords. He averages a D match. October 2010, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Remmy Honetman def. Alan Ryland via submission (12 min, E+) We open with Fox Mask and Nemesis in the ring, saying that tonight marks their return to greatness, their return to domination of the Zone. Tonight, they take out the only other real tag team that doesn't hold the Tidal Tag Titles... and then, they'll get their titles back (C-) Opening Lucha Match El Leon vs Hector Galindo Result: Decent match that goes fifteen minutes, Hector struggling after his recent losses before falling to Leon (D+). After the match, Leon refuses to let Hector leave... and insists on shaking the man's hand and raising it in the middle of the ring. (D-) Oooooo, this is gonna be a painful squash match The Partners vs Los Lunas Result: Yeah, short and painful as The Partners steamroller Los Lunas in six minutes (D) Xtreme Title Match Snap Dragon(c) vs KC Glenn Result: KC tries his best, and we get a decent match out of him, but Dragon retains with a Dragon's Breath in just nine minutes. (D+) Alicia Strong hypes the main event against... Jeremiah Moose? "Nevermind. Even I can't hype this one." (D-) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Moose fails to hang in the main event, despite being given time to try. Alicia wins in fouteen with a simple moonsault. (D) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Fox Mask and Nemesis go for the Tidal Tag Titles, and you won't believe what happens in our main event...
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