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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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[QUOTE=Beeker;236006]Ya know infinity... I'm still not really digging the sparse characterization, mainly because the real storylines and drama and interest is in how CZCW somehow manages to limp along yet survive. That's why I read this, I don't feel much for the characters but watching what you're being forced to do and constantly trying to regroom stars is fascinating in a train wreck sort of way.[/QUOTE] ... Dude, if this board had .sigs, this would -so- be mine from this moment out.
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Welcome to CZCW March to Glory! March 2011, week 1, Sunday From the sadly-not-sold-out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy Televised Pre-Show Short announcement: On the pre-show, it's Fast Money vs Los Lunas, Tidal Booking, winner gets a tag shot tonight. Opening Match Nathan Casino vs Luna Obscura Result: Squash. Casino wins with the one-armed bandit in seven minutes (D-) Hype video: due to a last-minute change, March to Glory will now feature Snap Dragon vs Alicia Strong (D+) Other Opening Match Marc Speed vs Luna Ligera Result: Also a squash. Speedball gets the pin in eight (D-), and then offers to give Los Lunas a shot and have the tag match anyway. Hype video: Plague vs Nick Randal in a ladder match for the Xtreme Title (D-) Last Chance for Los Lunas Match Los Lunas vs Fast Money Result: Yeap, still a squash. Los Lunas are hurting and go down quickly, Speedball getting the pin in four minutes (E+) Hype video for Fox Mask vs Rod Remus (D+) Main Event El Leon vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Leon's too expensive to keep around, so sure enough, he does the J.O.B. to the P.O.T.head, and amazingly they don't click at all... so we get fifteen minutes of amazingly sub-par match before Moose gets his top-rope High Velocity Headbutt for the pin (E+) Backstage, we find Fast Money knocked out in the locker room, next to an also-knocked-out Los Lunas. Maybe there won't be a title defense after all... (D-) Show rating: D-, 0.05 TV March to Glory We open with Nick Randal attempting to hype his match against Plague (D) Opening Match William Crash vs Zeshin Makioka Result: We used to be able to rely on these two for a D-. But at least we can say these two did just as good as an El Leon match... Zeshin gets the pinfall in eight minutes (E+) Rod Remus hypes his title match (D) Emergency 'let us have one good match on the card' Match Alicia Strong vs Snap Dragon Result: We give these two eighteen minutes and to just go at it. They deliver. Alicia wins with the Strong Takedown (C-) Plague hypes his ... no, really, he doesn't. Plague makes fun of Nick for thinking he can hang with him. (D-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Plague(c) vs Nick Randal Result: Well, Nick tries. But he and Plague just didn't click, and Nick apparently needs to work on his stamina... fifteen minutes in and he's exhausted, basicly collapsing against the ropes and allowing Plague to climb and win (D) Fox Mask rants about how Rod Remus is nothing, he is the Zone and when he leaves, the Zone leaves with him (D+) Main Event Championship Match Fox Mask(c) vs Rod Remus Result: We were hoping these two could not stink up the joint, and they don't. A good seventeen minutes go by before Rod gets a close near-fall off a Remus Slam, then kicks out of the Foxhunter. Fox gets fed up and chairs Rod, drawing the DQ (C-) And just when the show seems over... music starts playing. "This... Is Extreme." (???) Five youngsters all run out and begin a massive beatdown of Fox... wait, some of them are familiar... Daredevil Aero! Super Sonic! Fearless Blue! Aero and Sonic are... wearing the Tidal Tag Titles? With them are Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe, and each of the five takes turns beating down Fox as Rod shakes his head and walks away. Extreme Deluxe grabs the CZCW Championship from ringside, and the group stands tall over Fox in the middle of the ring. (E) XDW is here. Show rating: D+
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Where the solution to budget problems is obvious: Hire crap workers. Welcome to the Coasta... hey, wait, come back! We promise, they won't suck in the ring! Once you get used to them, you'll love them! Cougar and Ryland were both working for someone having shows on Sundays. Annoying... but it meant we didn't have to put them on shows ourselves. Can't complain if you aren't around to work, right? March 2011, Sunday, week 2 XDW Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy We get a replay of the end of March to Glory, and some taped-afterwards comments from XDW, saying that they're taking over... the took out Los Lunas, the took out Fast Money, and while nobody was watching, they took out the Mexican Revolution and took their belts. And they did it so well, nobody even knew they were taking out Fox Mask until afte they'd grabbed the title from him. And if Fox wants it back, tonight, he reuns the XDW Gauntlet. (F+) Opening Match Simon Ice vs Remmy Honeyman Result: We let Simon get a win over the experienced jobber with a Black Ice Driver in ten minutes (E+) Backstage, XDW states that Fox has accepted their challenge... and so, he gets a chance to get his belt back. If the Mexican Revolution wants their belts back, well, they can answer the challenge, too. (E-) Championship Gauntlet, Part One Fox Mask(c) vs Xavier Reckless & Fearless Blue Result: It looks like we're letting Fox go out as a face, as he gets the cheers as he brings the fight to XDW's leader and highest flier. It takes him eleven minutes, but a Fox Hunter on Xavier allows him to continue the gauntlet (D-) Championship Gauntlet, Part Two Fox Mask(c) vs Daredevil Areo & Super Sonic Result: Fox is full of fire as he keeps his momentum going, and the Backyarders realize it. With their friends at ringside, the pair says "The hell with it" and get the chairs, drawing a DQ as Fox ties to fight them off... only to be chaired from behind by Xavier. (D-) As Pee-Wee checks on Fox, we announce next week will be Plague vs El LEon for the Xtreme Title. (D+) Championship Gauntlet, Part Three Fox Mask(c) vs Extreme Deluxe Result: Nobody knows who this guy is. Regardless, Fox has been going for twenty minutes and been beaten down with chairs. Somewhere, he finds the energy to go ten more, with XDW taking evey shot at him they can... and finally, the Zone's figurehead falls. Your wine, nd new CZCW Champion, Extreme Deluxe. God help us all. (E+) Show rating: E+, 0.05 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Cheap workers? Check. Now, to find a way to put on hows that don't suck more than the indys...
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Yeah, we did it. We went from Fox Mask to a dang-near-unknown who hasn't worked in years. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Deciding that we needed a mouthpiece for the XDW boys, we did a quick look for someone athletic who could talk... wrestling was optional. Preferably, someone who worked cheap. We think we found them. March 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with XDW in the ring, and with them is apparently their newest member... Dharma Gregg? Yeap, the backyard boys hired a stripper. She restates their challenge to the Mexican Revolution... if they want the belts, they need to put them on the line. And it'll happen tonight (E-) Opening Match Los Lunas vs Xavier Reckless & Fearless Blue Result: Might as well get people some tag time, since they're relatively cheap now. Eight minutes of, admittedly, sub-par action leads to Luna LIgera reluctantly doing to J-O-B to Blue (E-) Plague and El Leon hype the main event, with Leon going so far as to say if he doesn't have a title by the time his contract is up, he'll leave (D, D) Tidal Tag Title Match Mexican Revolution(x) vs The Backyarders (Aero & Sonic) Result: Eight minutes of overbooked, choreographed 'one distracts the ref, the other three aid their friends in the ring in a 5-on-2 situation' ugliness, leading up to Angel eating the Aero Dynamic for the pinfall (E+) Hype video for the main event. Maybe we're over-hyping it? (D+) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match Plague(c) vs El Leon Result: Seventeen minutes of pure goodness to hopefully offset the rest of the night, with two fliers who know what they're doing, and ending with a spectacular sunset-flip powerbomb off the ladder that allows Plague to retain his title (C) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Watch the budget, man, watch the budget...
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Loving the diary at the moment, infinitywpi. Although it's turned into complete crisis management and meant almost a complete regeneration of the entire promotion, the fact that it seems genuinely on a knife-edge whether you'll be able to survive or not makes this the must-read diary of the moment.
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Peers-tested, Ryland-approved. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Looks like we picked the right girl... or at least, not the wrong one. CGC's Jenny Playmate overdosed last night. It has nothing to do with the dynasty, really, it's just something to break up the monotony. Fox left for TCW, where he was left off the next show and given an Enhancement Talent push. If he's a tag champ fighting for the world title inside of a year, then the game is -so- ripping off my first (and only) Wrestling Spirit dynasty. El Leon was gone now, too, now solely working for OLLIE's upper-midcard. So, with the loss of two main eventers, what did our pushes look like now? Main Event: Alicia, Rod Remus, Plague, Angel de Mexico, and Snap Dragon. Upper Midcard: Moose, Casino, Yasujiro, Cougar, Honeyman Midcard: Speed, Dharma Gregg (She insisted), Aero, FireFly, Crash, Sonic, Blue, Randall Lower Midcard: Zenshin, Xavier, Williams, Deluxe Openers: Los Lunas, Simon Ice Enhancement: Alan Ryland Not exactly the Coastal Zone we'd had in mind when we started. But it's what we had, so we'd have to go with it, and hopefully, Angel wouldn't want too much more money. March 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy We open the show backstage, as Simon Ice finds Dharma and asks for a title shot against Extreme Deluxe tonight. Dharma gives Ice the once-over and agrees (F+) Opening Title Match Extreme Deluxe(c) vs Simon Ice Result: Wow... the crowd hated Extreme Deluxe. Maybe we're getting that cult audience we always wanted. Of course, that could be a bad thing. Deluxe retains in seven minutes. (F+) Amazing FireFly and Angel de Mexico have an arguement, blaming each other for not watching out last week and costing them the Tidal Tag Titles. Neither of them seems willing to admit "Hey, it was nobody's fault", so they're going to settle this in the ring tonight. Looks like, with Cougar working on Sundays and Leon gone, the Mexican Revolution is over. (D) Emergency 'workrate' Match Snap Dragon vs Nathan Casino Result: Good, long match that might've been a bit too long for Casino, ending with our newest Main Eventer getting the win with a Dragon's Breath (D+) Announcement: Plague defends the Xtreme Title against Fearless Blue at Spring Break Bash. Oh, that'll be a train wreck (E+) Main Event Lucha Match Angel de Mexico vs Amazing FireFly Result: Another good, long match seeing Angel control most of it, ending with a fluke roll-up by FireFly for the victory. (D+) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Snatch & Grab.
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What do you mean, we have a big event this weekend? Awwww, crud. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. April saw two new additions to the Conellverse... Jericho and Funaki. Sara Jericho and Katsuyuki Funaki, that is. Still, interesting. To me, at least. It's official... Fox Mask is something special for some reason. Not only did his written deal with TCW start up -and- he's gotten bumped up to Opener... he was -still- working for 4C and DAVE. He must know a good contact lawyer... oh, nope, just hadn't really kicked in his contract yet. We thought he'd showed up there earlier... turns out it had nothing to do with his leaving us. So, in other news... yeap, we'd forgotten Spring Break Bash was this weekend. So not only did we have our usual cruddy pre-show to put on, we had to put on another hour and a half of wrestling. We were still trying to figure out how to get one-hour shows not to suck. Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash!!! April 2011, week 1, Sunday From the sold-out Snake Pit Welcome to the Coastal Zone, on Los Desportes Hoy Quick-Results Version --Nathan Casino over Super Sonic by pinfall in nine minutes (D-) --Hype for Alicia v Remus at SBB (I have no idea how that got booked last year) (C-) --Announce for SBB: Extreme Deluxe defends against Snap Dragon (E+) --Daredevil Aero over Marc Speed due to interference in seven minutes (D) --Hype for Plague vs Fearless Blue (and after those last two matches, maybe it has potential) (D-) --Announce for SBB: Jeremiah Moose vs Amazing FireFly (E) --Tidal Tag Titles: The Backyarders def. Fast Money via multiple interference in nine minutes (D-) --Hype for Snap Dragon vs Extreme Deluxe (E+) --Announce for SBB: Angel de Mexico vs Yasujiro (D-) --Main Event: Zeshin Makioka def. William Crash in eleven (E+) Show rating: D-, 0.05 TV CZCW Spring Break Bash We open with Snap Dragon hyping his title match, saying he's not going to let the Zone turn into someone's backyard garbage-fest (E) Opening Title Match Extreme Deluxe(c) vs Snap Dragon Result: The crowd boos Deluxe, and it throws him off a bit. The typical XDW multi-interference allows Extreme to retain in seven minutes (E+) Hype video: Alicia Strong vs Rod Remus, apparently booked waaaay back in June 2010. (C-) Hype video: Jeremiah Moose vs Amazing FireFly, booked waaaay back 30 minutes ago. (E) Regular Match Jeremiah Moose vs Amazing FireFly Result: Turns out these two have good chemistry, even if FireFly wasn't used to wrestling single. A cradle roll-up allows FireFly to get the pin in thirteen minutes (D+) Angel de Mexico cuts a promo on Yasujiro, using the old 'Lucha vs Puro style' debate the Zone has become (not-so-)famous for (D). Styles Match Yasujiro vs Angel de Mexico Result: Decent match between these two, not much of note, leading to Yasujiro's Unique Japanese Submission getting the tap-out at fifteen minutes (D+) Rod Remus cuts a promo on Alicia (C-) Hype video: XDW (E) Filler Match Xavier Reckless vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Remmy doesn't get paid enough for the jobs we make him do. Multi-interference lets Xavier pick up the win in seven minutes (E) Fearless Blue taunts Plague, reminding him that in a ladder match, there's no reason to bother distracting the ref... XDW can just go right after him (E+) Long-Term Booking Match Rod Remus vs Alicia Strong Result: Looong match that is probably going to be match of the night, seeing a Strong Takedown get countered and reversed into a Remus Clutch at the nineteen minute mark for the submission victory (C-) Plague rants on Fearless Blue and XDW. (D-) Main Event Xtreme Title Match Plague(c) vs Fearless Blue Result: The expected XDW multi-interference starts early, but Plague isn't without friends, as Snap Dragon lends a hand in keeping the punks under control. The ladder helps, too... nothing like being able to hit multiple guys at once. Horribly overbooked chaos leads to Plague taking advantage of a lull to scramble up the ladder and get his title back in thirteen minutes (D) Show rating: D On the next Coastal Zone: Well... that didn't suck. Can we keep it up?
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Where it takes waaaaay too much effort to stay on the front page: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, we re-signed Remmy Honeyman, as he didn't suck and didn't ask for more money. We figure those are good guidelines to follow. We also added a new contract to our list of Zoners. And we'd get right to using him. Meanwhile, in DAVE, the tag titles had just been won by... Citizen X and Remmy Skye. ... They must like the Zone there. Or at least our old workers. April 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Dharma Gregg and Extreme Deluxe in the ring, discussing possible title challengers. One of them is... Yasujiro. The two decide that YAsujiro is definately a challenger... so if anyone wants a title shot, they have to pin Yasujiro, and if they can't, he'll get a shot at the next big show. Yasujiro likes the idea... until the bar goes dark, and a screen lights up. "Some people say, no risk, no reward. No pain, no gain. Well I say... screw the gain, screw the reward. Give me the pain, and give me the risk. Tonight, I remind you all why I am... The Insane Machine." (E+) Opening Match Ben Williams vs Fearless Blue Result: We were hoping for more from these two, but let's face it, the crowd still thinks they're jobbers. Nine minutes in, the most amazing thing happens: An XDW member wins without interference. (E) Hype video for Insane Machine (D) Filler Match Daredevil Aero vs Nick Randall Result: Aero's not supposed to have better matches than Blue... oh, well. Randall taps out in our second no-interference match of the night (E+) Hype video for the main event (D) Main Event Yasujiro vs Insane Machine Result: Our longest match in quite a while, going over the twenty-minute mark (and nobody cares, as it's our best match in quite a while). These two perform great together, and it's not until twenty-two minutes in that Aero, Blue, and Deluxe run in and cause the DQ ending, preventing Machine from pinning Yasujiro. (C) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: He's baaaaack... Insane Machine's Return Tour continues. And why is Yasujio helping a bunch of backyard punks?
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The only thing better than a marathon of the entire season's run of Heroes? Why, having something to ready during the commercials! Welcome to Something To Read During The Commercials! Fox Mask update: He lost his debut match to Stevie Grayson. It ranked a B-, higher than anything we've thrown together. April 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Alicia Strong confronting the Backyarders backstage, demanding to know why Yasujiro would work with them. They reveal that they've struck a deal with Yasujiro... as long as he goes along with the plan, he gets a title shot. If he doesn't... they beat Alicia out of the Zone the same way they beat Fox out. So maybe she has a reason to make sure Insane Machine doesn't get another shot at him.(D-) Opening Tidal Tag Title match Backyarders(c) vs Los Lunas Result: Short, sweet, to the point, and the Backyarders don't even need help to retain in six (E+) Backstage, Angel de Mexico claims that Insane Machine is all hype... and he'll fall before a real luchadore (D-) "We want to be used more" Match Alicia Strong vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Surprisingly long match, with Alicia eventually getting the win -- but showing Honeyman can hang with the big dogs when he needs to. Strong Takedown finishes in seventeen minutes (C-) Alicia stays at ringside to watch the main event. Insane Machine comes out and eyes her warily... and what a match that would be... (C-) Main Event Insane Machine vs Angel de Mexico Result: We nearly hit twenty minutes, with Angel's lucha offense against Machine's blend of American flying and Puro technique adding up to a fun combination, and despite Alicia distracting Machine by getting up and walking out, he still gets the pinfall with a Welcome To The Machine (C-) We announce Machine v Yasujiro II for next week (D-) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Does Machine have to watch his back? And who's going to challenge for the Xtreme Title? Five or six weeks until Surf Slam... is this a record for us to start building for it?
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Where history repeats itself. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Where history repeats itself. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, bad joke. So, we'd been considering our same fix we used last time we had budget problems and a TV show. Cancel the show, and we can make twice as much in ticket sales... we wouldn't have to worry about cash. But on the downside, it would severely cost us in popularity, plus we'd have to run shows in areas we weren't big in to retain our popularity in Mexico. Where history repeats itself. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our other options? Dump Remmy Remus, let Cliff do the announcing on his own, let the workers act as road agents for other matches. Find a cheaper ref, as Pee-Wee's contract was coming up. Quit using our main eventers and accept bad shows. Pretty much none of that was doable. April 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out San Louis Potosi Hall, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with a hype video for XDW. Can't hurt to try to get them more popular here. (F+) Opening Matches, Quickie-Result Style --Fearless Blue def. William Crash via interference in eight minutes (E) --Xavier Reckless def. Zeshin Makioka via interference in seven minutes (E-) --Extreme Deluxe over Simon ICe via pinfall in six minutes (F+) Insane Machine cuts a promo on Yasujiro, claiming that it doesn't matter how many friends he has, you can't defeat someone too Insane to know when it's over. (D-) Main Event Yasujiro vs Insane Machine Result: These two go even longer this time, although without the hot crowd behind them they don't seem as into it. Twenty-three minutes in, Alicia Strong's music starts playing, and Insane Machine turns to stop her... but she doesn't show up, and Yasujiro takes advantage to clock Machine pside the head and roll him up for the win (D+) Show rating: D-, 0.05 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Where history repeats itself. Welcome to the Coastal Zone!
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Where we're trying to get a post buffer built up again. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Early-May retirements: Stuart Ferdinand, more popular in Japan than his native USA. Umeko Karube, Could have been a star, retired a nobody. Jeremy Stone, and NOTBPW fans mourn their loss. The man jobbed to Sean McFly twice on the way out... both rated A/A*. In TCW News: They sell out a 15,000-person building. On the card is Hugh de Aske defeating Fox Mask. It never got a B- when we did anything like that! Maybe... maybe the fans don't want our product. But does that mean we have to become clones of TCW to succeed? We were down to $34,000. We had lost out on six grand in ticket sales by not having a big event this month; but our sponsors came through with an extra three grand to make up for it. If we could just shave a grand off each show, we could almost be breaking even... and we had to. At the rate we were losing money, we had three months before Cliff kicked us out... possibly less, given we lost money during the month and only got sponsorship cash at the end. Odd news of the week: Alicia Strong and Daredevil Aero had made friends. Interesting pairing there. Also, we didn't realize this, but XDW's spokeswoman Dharma was also the BSC Queen of the Ring, and was putting on D- matches there. May 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Plague in the ring, issuing an open challenge for any of the 'backyard punks' to try and take his title out. Instead, out comes Amazing FireFly, saying he's not a backyarder... but he wants the Xtreme Title. And tonight, it looks like he gets his shot (D+) Opening Match Insane Machine vs Simon Ice Result: Young kid vs insane vet, who do you think it goes? Machine dominates and plays with the youngster for thirteen minutes before putting him out of his misery (D) Machine then issues a challenge to Yasujiro. Next week, just the two of them, inside the House of Fun with the doors locked. No interference, no distractions, just them. (D+) Filler Match Super Sonic vs Marc Speed Result: We go a bit long for Sonic's tastes, but we've got to get him to build up some stamina somehow. We're even nice enough to let him get the pin without help, around the eleven minute mark (D-) Hype video for the main event (D+) Main Event Xtreme Match Plague(c) vs Amazine Fire Fly Result: Fifteen minutes of decent, not good, action, as these two just don't seem to cli... wait, I've written that before, haven't I? Oh, well. FireFly tries hard, but Plague retains with the New Jersey Turnpike (D+) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: No, wait, that was a thousand in the other direction. No problem... next week should make up for it.
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Save the Coastal Zone; Save the World. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our plan for the next show should help the budget quite a bit... well, hopefully. We also took the time to re-sign Marc Speed and said goodbye to someone... two someones. We weren't going to renew Jeremiah Moose's contract, and after a few months of working for CGC instead of us, Alan Ryland took a developmental deal with RIPW. Well... we hadn't really gotten to know him. No big loss there, except maybe for the future. We were too hung up on the future, perhaps. We shouldn't be training the next generation of wrestlers... we should be exploiting the current one. May 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with an Insane Machine promo, tearing Yasujiro and the XDW a new one, saying tonight, it will just be two men. No backyard punks to interfere, and even Alicia Strong herself won't be able to get inside the House of Fun once the doors are locked. (D) Opening Match Jeremiah Moose vs Dharma Gregg Result: The internet's got rumors that Gregg could be our next big thing. Well, she needs to learn to work first. And since Moose is leaving, well... you can do math, right? Gregg wins with a roll-up in six minutes, and it turns out they have good chemistry, so... (E+) Hype video for the main event (D+) Main Event House of Fun Grudge Match Insane Machine vs Yasujiro Result: Just as good as the first pairing, and somehow it manages to leave our announcers in the dust as the two break out every high-spot they can arrange inside the cage, tearing up the House of Fun for over half an hour before Insane Machine drops Yasujiro on his head from a platform four feet up and gets the pinfall. (C) Announcement: Insane Machine vs Extreme Deluxe at Surf Slam (D-) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Ch-ch-ch-changes...
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Where cash is king, and Xi'an Coy Mahn is queen. And if you get that reference, you're as big a geek as I am. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. In an effort to recoup some cash, we decided to declare "Screw the Internet." We were moving to DVDs of our events, and hopefully that would bring in more money. We also announced our card for Surf Slam, which would be on a Wednesday... hopefully, that would work. The Backyarders face Fast Money again; Fearless Blue gets Snap Dragon; Xavier Reckless gets Plague; and Rod Remus gets Angel de Mexico 'cause we need him to do something so he doesn't feel bad. We'll need to work him into our post-Surf Slam plans, too, or we'll risk him getting really upset. With the leading of Ryland and Moose, Simon Ice got bumped down to Enhancement Talent, and... well, I'm not sure who got moved where to cover for Moose, but it's not that extreme. But people were getting seriously torqued off at us for not using them... hopefully we could make some cash to placate them... and hopefully this "Keep them happy" show won't cost too much... May 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio del Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Match Nathan Casino vs Nick Randall Result: Casino gets the submission in nine minutes, and the too obviously don't have chemistry (D-) We then have several people hit the ring... Angel de Mexico, Alicia Strong, Rod Remus, and Remmy Honeyman. They all bicker about not having any matches, and eventually settle on pairings for tonight. (D) Random Match Rod Remus vs Remmy Moneyman Result: Decent enough match, resulting in a Remus Clutch getting the submission in eighteen minutes (D) Main Event Alicia Strong vs Angel de Mexico Result: Doesn't go as well as we'd hoped given that we're in Mexico, but these two don't click at all. Strong Takedown in fifteen minutes ends things (D+) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One week before Surf Slam -- what the heck will we do?
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Where we should have better things to do at two-thirty in the morning. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! 4C dumped their head booker. We didn't even really consider the job... tho we did wonder, if their booker was gone, exactly who over there made William Crash a job offer? May 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy Semi-quickie-style as it's late and I'm tired. --Daredevil Aero dev. Luna Ligera in seven minutes (E) Hype for Rod Remus vs Angel de Mexico (D+) --Super Sonic def. Luna Obscura in seven minutes (E-) Hype for Machine vs Deluxe (E) --The old standby, William Crash def. Zeshin Makioka in ten minutes (E) Hype for Dragon vs Blue (E+) Snap Dragon def. Nick Randal in fifteen minutes (D-) Show rating: E+, 0.05 TV Demon Anger has retired... doesn't affect us much. Miss Mexico has as well... so much for recreating the famous J-Ro/MissMex feud. But the best news... thanks in part to the last week's birt-cheap show, and thanks to selling DVDs instead of putting footage on the Internet... we made four grand last month, our first profit in over a year. We were going to be okay... provided nothing stupid happened. What were the odds?
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June 2011, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, southwest USA We open with Snap Dragon ranting about the XDW and Fearless Blue in particular. (E+) Fearless Blue def. Snap Dragon in eight minutes via multi-interference (D-) Plague cuts a promo on Xavier Reckless, who isn't even a flier, and says, "You bring your friends. I'll bring my ladder. We'll see who wins." (D-) Xtreme Title: Plague(c) def. Xavier Reckless after XDW comes out to interfere... but so does Snap Dragon, using a spare ladder to clear an opening for Plague to grab his title just five minutes in (D+) Hype video for the Tidal Tag Title match (E+) Tidal Tag Titles: Backyarders def. Fast Money in nine minutes via multi-inteference... tho they're banged up (D-) Hype for the title match (E+) CZCW Title Match: Extreme Deluxe def. Insane Machine via countout when XDW runs in, but fails to do anything when Snap Dragon, Plague, and Fast Money all run in to even the odds. Highly overbooked non-match (D+) The faces confer quickly, and challenge XDW to a five-on-five match. If XDW loses, then no more interference... if they win, hey, whatever. If they refuse? It's open season. XDW reluctantly accepts (D) Huge Ten-Man Match: CZCW def. XDW in fifteen minutes when Machine hits the Welcome To The Machine on Deluxe, knocking him senseless for the pin. Machine holds the CZCW title high before throwing it down on Deluxe's body. (D-) Hype video for Remus vs Angel as we clear the ring and get things fixed up (D) Main Event: Rod Remus def. Angel de Mexico in twenty-five minutes via submission to Remus Clutch (C-) Show rating: D+ Next time, on the Coastal Zone: No more interference? Are we going to see title changes now? And, um... do we have money anymore?
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Season 1 coming on DVD in August! In 'odd Zone news', apparently Ben Williams and Snap Dragon had gotten friendly. Maybe he can mentor him? So, everyone wants to know... are we going to survive? Well, financially... we've got a shot. Thanks to some seat-of-our-pants booking tricks, we did okay last month... and this month, we were off to a huge leap. Now to see if we could repeat that trick for another month and keep making a profit... without sucking. And we had an eight-grand cushion to work with. Which means we could put a little more star-power behind our shows. Always a good thing. Especially since, seeing our success with him, MPWF made a play for Insane Machine. June 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Insane Machine in the ring, demanding a rematch with Extreme Machine. Out comes Yasujiro, claiming that because of his contract with XDW, he gets the next title shot. At least, that's what the subtitles say. Rod Remus comes out, laying claim to having put on the best performances lately, and so he should be the next in line for a shot. Out comes Extreme Deluxe to say they're going to settle this the only fair way... they all pick opponents for each other. Whoever gets the shortest win, gets a title shot. Yasujiro looks at Machine and chooses his opponent, Snap Dragon. Machine looks at Remus and sets him against another young rising star, FireFly. And Remus looks at Yasujiro and pits him against a man he knows is hard to win against... Angel de Mexico. (E+, D-, D, D+) Opening Match Yasujiro vs Angel de Mexico Result: What is this thing we have with pitting luchas and puros against each other? Oh, well. These two put on a good match for not being familiar with each other, and Yasujiro nearly loses it off a bad moonsault, but he recovers to put Angel away in 13:33. (D+) Amazing FireFly takes a moment to say how honored he is to be chosen for this match, and he vows to make this an upset and launch himself into the title scene. (D) Middle Match Rod Remus vs Amazing FireFly Result: These two GO AT IT! Someone told FireFly this is his shot at the big time, and he DELIVERS. The match is nonstop action, and the clock slowly ticks down... and passes 13:33... and FireFly and Remus are both refusing to end the match, as FireFly wants to prove he can win, and Remus now feels he has to win as a matter of pride. Three minutes later, FireFly is passed out in the Remus Clutch, losing... but not submitting... and turning in the best Zone match in years (C+!!!) Insane Machine hypes his match with Snape Dragon. "Dragon... I respect the hell out of you. We've got history. But tonight? You're. In. My. Way." (D) Main Event Insane Machine vs Snap Dragon Result: A bit of a letdown, both for having to follow that last match and because, for some reason, these two don't seem to click. It's not a -bad- match, but y'know... the last one was hard to follow. The crowd isn't surprised when a Termination Kick gets Machine the pin in 10:28. (D+) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Well, there goes half our cash cushion. And it looks like we've got a rising star on our hands... will he burn us?
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Just wanted to post and tell you I recently started reading, though I still need to go back and hit the beginning. I am really enjoying this. The constant flux and how you deal with it-great stuff. I really enjoyed the premise behind Aftermath and it got me interested in checking this out. I love the simplistic approach that you take in this diary. Very entertaining. Great job on the Remus/Firefly match! Keep up the great job!
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Where we've got more rising stars than the sky at twilight... pity they all leave us... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! For the record, that FireFly/Remus match did -not- break the previous 'best Zone match' record set by Insane Machine and Matt Sparrow back in February 2007. But man, did it give us ideas... June 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Xtreme Title Match Plague(c) vs Simon Ice Result: .... it's a title match vs a jobber. Plague plays with him long enough to put on a decent match before ending it with the New Jersey Turnpike in eight minutes (D+) Announcement for Battle on the Beach: The Backyarders defend their Tidal Tag Titles against Fast Money (E+), followed by a hype video focusing on the past interference and the 'no interference allowed anymore' stipulation from Surf Slam (E+) Announcement for Battle on the Beach: It's official, Extreme Deluxe vs Insane Machine, no interference (E+) Random Match Alicia Strong vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Decent match, basicly serving the same purpose as the first only higher up the card. Strong Takedown finishes in twelve (D+) Afterwards, Alicia gets on the mic to discuss last week. She's not upset that Machine just shows up and gets title shots... she's not upset that Yasujiro tried to get a shot by acting like she needed to be protected... she's not even upset that Remus feels entitled to a shot. She's upset that she, who held the title just a few minutes short of an entire year, has never gotten a chance to reclaim in. No rematch, no shots, not even a contendership match. So it's time to remind people just who is the Strongest One There Is. At Battle On The Beach, she wants Yasujiro... and Remus... in a triple-threat match. (C) Backstage, Amazing FireFly is getting ready... when Plague walks in. "Nice show last week, kid. Tell you what... you pull out a win here? Then you've got a date with a ladder in two weeks." (D+) Main Event Amazing FireFly vs... the returning Masked Cougar Result: FireFly looks a little worried to see who his opponent is. His timing's a bit off... the announcers sell it as nerves at being in the ring with one of modern Lucha's best, but he's definately nervous for some reason. Good match, not great, sees FireFly botch the timing on a roll-up, barely kick out of it when it's reversed, and hit a leaping DDT for the win (D+) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Battle On The Beach continues! With two weeks left, we've got three title matches and a huge three-way match on the books. Will we add anything else?
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Where we've had a boring week: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah. No news this week. Um... let's look at what Zoners hold titles in other promotions, shall we? Amazing FireFly: MPWF Tag Champ w/ The Amazing Mark, MHW Tag Champ w/Heavy Metal Anarchy. Dharma Gregg: BSC Queen of the Ring Masked Cougar: MPWF Champion de Herencia de Mundo Snap Dragon: MPWF Champion, MPWF Trios Champion w/Daniel Cano and Heavy Metal Anarchy Hrm. Looks like we have a lot in common with MPWF. June 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Handicap Match Rod Remus vs Fearless Blue & Xavier Reckless Result: Your basic 'put the star over' match, Remus Clutch on Blue ends it in ten minutes (D-) Remus then accepts Alicia's challenge for the triple threat match (D+) Hype: Plague v FireFly (D+) Filler Match Snap Dragon v Ben Williams Result: We go too long, but they do well with each other... considering Williams is all blown up by the ten minute mark (D-) Hype: Tidal Tag Titles at BotB (E) Hype: Insane Machine v Extreme Deluxe (E+) Main Event Masked Cougar v Nick Randall Result: Yeap, we felt bad about jobbing Cougar on his first match back in a while. We give him a win in fourteen minutes. (D-) Show rating: D-, 0.05 TV On the next Coastal Zone: One more week, will we overdo the hype?
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Where we're happy we TiVo'd the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour... and wish we could get away with telling some of these jokes but, let's face it, I'm whiter than white bread in a snowstorm. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Now celebrating 9500 views and 400 posts! Another ultra-slow week. We've hit the period of the year where we don't have a lot going on, not even resignings. Um... let's take a look at what some former Zoners are up to. Ultimate Phoenix: Upper-midcarder for SOTBPW, surprisingly ranked #42 on the Top 100 last year. Matt Sparrow: Lower-midcarder for TCW, currently on his sixth TCW All Action Title. Frankie Perez: Midcarder for RIPW on a development deal. Held the RIPW Tag Titles for a year and a half with Aristocrat. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx: Unemployed. Citizen X: Working for 4C, DAVE, and SWF. Currently holds DAVE Tag Titles with Remmy Skye and SWF North American title. Fox Mask: Opener for TCW. Currently 0-11 there. June 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Backstage, Angel de Mexico tracks down Yasujiro and demands a match tonight; if he wins, he gets Yasujiro's spot at the triple threat. (E+) Opening Match Daredevil Aero vs Marc Speed Result: Nice, simple, by-the-numbers hype for the tag match. Amazingly, Aero gets the win without any help, and even he seems shocked (D) Afterwards, Speed tries to psyche Aero out, saying he let him win... because Wednesday, he's taking the Tidal Tag Titles (D-) Midcard Match Amazing FireFly vs Snap Dragon Result: Someone dissapointing as these two don't click, and as a result FireFly doesn't look as good as he should going into a title match, even though he gets the win over the Zone vet (D) Hype for the triple threat (C) Main Event Yasujiro v Angel de Mexico Result: Well, match of the night, but that's not saying much. Innoffensive wrestling designed to hype Yasujiro, since he can't speak English or Spanish yet, and he gets the win in thirteen (D+) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Lots of retirements... Thunder Hike, Jon Jetson, Black Hat Bailey, Suze Katayama, and Captain USA. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Battle On The Beach!
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