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A Pure Struggle-Local to Global in the C-Verse

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An envelope. A manila envelope What was neatly staked in it's construction paper like prison walls? I wondered this as I climbed the stairs to my rundown apartment. The complex had no elevator, yet still better than being an 18 year old freelance writing living with his parents. The envelope seemed weighty. Through my head ran possibilities. If I was lucky it may be the documentation to get 8 Dragons ([URL="http://www.freewebs.com/8dragons/index.htm"]http://www.freewebs.com/8dragons/index.htm[/URL], my fantasy novel, published. I searched for an address to show who may have picked me up. Yet I found none. I unlocked my door and plopped onto the mattress on the floor, The only furniture in the Minneapolis apartment. I ripped off the top of the envelope rather than open the tabs like you are always told to do in grade school. A stack of papers stilled out across the happenstance of blankets used on cold Minnesota nights. This was no letter from a publisher. As the top sheet flew down from it's manila confines and onto the place of my slumber. I saw the word wrestling listed multiple times. Wrestling. My forgotten dream. I had hoped to be a wrestling from the day I first watched a telecast at the age of 12. Yet my parents told me I had no chance. They told me it was a waste. They said to rely on my strait A's and become an engineer, scientist, even chef. I laughed look where that go me. It got me a job at Blockbuster. Only good part about that was I worked with 'Sick' Nick Mondo. The legendary hardcore extremest. Until he go killed. But that was a road trip that I couldn't take. It was a toll road and I had no cash. I started looking over the documents. Something about the deed to a company. After minutes of skimming I stopped and looked up. I had just received a wrestling promotion...as an anonymous gift. I had no idea about the source. The only clue I had was some documents that were in some other language. I think Japanese. Yet who knows. All that matters is that I have a company to run. I had some work to do.
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Well there you go. The myserious backstory. And lucky you, no phone calls. So you gave me a wrestling promotion? We will see in the future. Only time will tell. So on to the basics. -I am doing this with the TEW 2007 demo. I will go 1 month and then continue once the demo comes out. -The company is FSW, Five star wrestling and is a pure fed based in the Mid west US. -We are at 0% everywhere but have $100,000 American, and 4 yen that was in the bottom of the envolope. Go figure. I beleve that is the basics. I gave myself good psycology and announcing so I will be going announcer and road agent but that is it for me. More on hiring possibly soon.
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So here is my first roster. A group of 10 active wrestliers and 2 other personalities. It has been 3 and a half weeks and the demo is almost over, but neverless here they are. -[B]Air Attack Weasel[/B]-[I]A favorite of mine.[/I] -[B]Bob Casey[/B]-[I]Never heard of him, but he does have so good proformance numbers.[/I] -[B]Dean Daniels[/B]-[I]Better known as Deano Machino but he doesn't want to go by that anymore.[/I] -[B]Julian Watson[/B]-[I]Known as the Maverick. Out for another week with a brokedn collar bone.[/I] -[B]Kashmir Sighn[/B]-[I]Not much to say here but good stamina.[/I] -[B]Maxx Hero[/B]-[I]My choice for the Hiedenriech challenge.[/I] -[B]Mikey James[/B]-[I]I want the FSW world title round his waste before he goes to the big 3.[/I] -[B]Phenominal E[/B]-[I]Just taking up space. But shhh, don't tell him I said that.[/I] [B]-Rafael Ruiz[/B]-[I]Pretty good hispanic wrestler.[/I] -[B]Trent Shaffer[/B]-[I]Known as Young Leo.[/I] -[B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B]-[I]Back in the Us and better than ever.[/I] Also I have Rock Downpour announcing while I do some commentary and Dewey Libertine is on referee duties. My first show is FSW Birth Of A New Era. It will feature two tournaments for both my tournament titles in both singles and tag and the winner of both of those will be my first champs. Since my roster had no made teams I drew names for the pairings and I als drew names for the matchups in the singles tournament. [U][B][COLOR="Blue"]Tag Bracket[/COLOR][/B][/U] Dean Daniels and Mikey James vs. Air Attack Weasel and Bob Casey [COLOR="red"][B]E- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Trent Shaffer and Kashmir Sighn vs. Rafael Ruiz and Ultimate Phoenix [COLOR="red"][B]F+ Heat[/B][/COLOR] Winners face for the cup and the titles. [U][B][COLOR="Blue"]Singles Bracket[/COLOR][/B][/U] Trent Shaffer vs. Mikey James [COLOR="Red"][B]E- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Ultimate Phoenix vs. Bob Casey [COLOR="red"][B]E Heat[/B][/COLOR] Air Attack Weasel vs. Rafael Ruiz [COLOR="red"][B]F+ Heat[/B][/COLOR] Dean Daniels vs. Kashmir Sighn [COLOR="red"][B]F Heat[/B][/COLOR] Winners continue on in the tourny. Please make prediction on the tourny. Results up tommarow sometime.
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Tag Bracket Dean Daniels and Mikey James vs. [B]Air Attack Weasel and Bob Casey[/B] E- Heat Trent Shaffer and Kashmir Sighn vs. [B]Rafael Ruiz and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] F+ Heat Winners face for the cup and the titles. Singles Bracket Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Mikey James [/B]E- Heat [B]Ultimate Phoenix [/B]vs. Bob Casey E Heat [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs. Rafael Ruiz F+ Heat [B]Dean Daniels [/B]vs. Kashmir Sighn F Heat Winners continue on in the tourny. Please make prediction on the tourny. Results up tommarow sometime.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][U][B]FSW Birth Of A New Era[/B][/U][/COLOR] Thursday, Week 4, 2007 [I]Held in front of 71 at Hunter's Town Hall[/I][/CENTER] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] defeated Mikey James in 25:08 by pinfall with a Heart Burn-[COLOR="Red"][B]D-[/B] [/COLOR] [I]This match dragged in the middle but I had to have it go a little long as I booked a 4 hour show when it hould have been 3 and a half hours. This match wasn't a good sign, esspesially if the mysterious donor was present.[/I] [B]Bob Casey[/B] defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 5:57 by pinfall with a Roll Up-[COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [I]They didn't click yet it still was ok. I blame Casey and his D- stamina for the shoes length problem.[/I] [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] defeated Rafael Ruiz in 25:29 by submission-[COLOR="Red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [I]Only note was that color commentary was good. I wnated better from these two. Oh well.[/I] [B]Dean Daniels[/B] defeated Kashmir Singh in 21:09 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver-[COLOR="red"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Same note as last time. Better match than I had annticapated. Kashmir is saving me cash with $325 a show and is getting me good ratings.[/I] [B]Air Attack Weasel and Bob Casey[/B] defeated The Well Oiled Machine (Mikey James and Dean Daniels) in 15:44 when Air Attack Weasel defeated Mikey James by submission.-[COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Old Bob Casey was exhusted by the end. This furthers my point I made earlier. I cringed when I saw the red rating for this match.[/I] [B]Los Latinos[/B] (Ultimate Phoenix and Rafael Ruiz) defeated Trent Shaffer and Kashmir Singh in 26:03 when Rafael Ruiz defeated Kashmir Singh by pinfall-[COLOR="red"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Another good one from Kashmir. Him and Trent have 0 chemistry as a team. Good thing they arn't advancing.[/I] [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] defeated Dean Daniels in 23:46 by submission-[COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] [I]I am not happy with Air Attack. He isn't getting the ratings I hopped for and at $1,125 a pop he should be doing much better than E+.[/I] [B]Bob Casey[/B] defeated Trent Shaffer in 8:35 by pinfall with a Roll Up-[COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]Same ending as Casey's other match. At least he isn't complaining he is tired. Report said Bob Casey inproved frying. If you count taking a break every five minutes due to exahustion 'flying' then I agree.[/I] [B]Maxx Hero[/B] defeated Julian Watson in 40:41 by submission with a To The Maxx-[COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] [I]This was the filler to make up for Bob's lake of stamina. Alittle long for the Maverick who just got back from injury. Bad rating also as they don't click.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]It's Finals Time![/B][/COLOR] [B]Los Latinos[/B] defeated Air Attack Weasel and Bob Casey in 13:34 when Ultimate Phoenix defeated Air Attack Weasel by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash-[COLOR="Red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [I]Los Latinos win the FSW Tag Challenge Trophy and the FSW Tag Team Championships. Bob was breathing hard at the end, we all saw that coming.[/I] Bob Casey goes and slaps Air Attack Weasel for the loss. The last match of the night is on! [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] defeated Bob Casey in 10:58 by pinfall-[COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] [I]I don't know what to do with the attacking rodent known as Air Attack Weasel about his bad ratings. I do know that I am going to take Bob Casey of the company health insurance policy before he has a heart attack, because he was even tired in this ten minute match. Air Attack Weasel wins the FSW Heavyweight Championship and the FSW Anniversary Cup.[/I] More on the show later.
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Dean Daniels and Mikey James vs. [b]Air Attack Weasel and Bob Casey[/b] E- Heat Trent Shaffer and Kashmir Sighn vs. [b]Rafael Ruiz and Ultimate Phoenix[/b] F+ Heat Winners face for the cup and the titles. Singles Bracket Trent Shaffer vs. [b]Mikey James[/b] E- Heat Ultimate Phoenix vs. [b]Bob Casey[/b] E Heat [b]Air Attack Weasel[/b] vs. Rafael Ruiz F+ Heat Dean Daniels vs. [b]Kashmir Sighn[/b] F Heat Edit - lol, oops. I was posting these as you were :D Interesting show, and okay ratings for a local showl. I'll be keeping a close eye on this. I say just keep giving Weasal more talented opponets and protect him.
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Thanks Nick for guessing. You did pretty good with 4 out of 6 correct. Also thanks to KaySeeDubya dispite posting it 2 minutes after I posted the results, though I am sure his 4 out of 6 was due to time spent deciding the results. On to other news; -The show got an [COLOR="Red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR]. -Fans complaned that there wasn't enough intense enough and that the show lacked dangerous spots. I need to check what my product is. -I am happy at the 71 fans. I only expected 35-50. This show raised my promotion to 10.4% and made me a small promotion. -The internet says that the show was better than you would expect from a company of mines size. -5 stars needed some time off. Including Air Attack Weasel and Bob Casey. They are at D+ stamina due to each being in 5 matches. My worry is for Air Attack who is also contracted by 4C. I hope they don't injure my champ. -The show lost $6,000. Once the sponsors paid up It only lost $3,689. So in reality not that bad. -I fixed my product to have less dare devil tactics and lowered intensity a bit. -I am very happy in what Kashmir has done. He will be getting a title shot in Febuary. -I have two solid teams in Los Latinos (Rafael Ruiz and Ultimate Pheonix) and The Well Oiled Machine (Dean Daniels and Mikey James) and so they are that divisions staples. -In other news my closest compitition MAW raised themselves to small with their yearly tournament the day after mine. -This is as far as I will get until the game comes out on the 29th, unless I announce my next shows matches. Which as I think about it I will do that. This is what I planned on booking for [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Break Zone[/COLOR][/B], see page two for details. Air Attack Weasel (c) vs. Kashmir Singh [B]FSW Heavyweight Title[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]F Heat[/B][/COLOR] Los Latinos (c) vs. The Well Oiled Machine [B]FSW Tag Team Titles[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]F+ Heat[/B][/COLOR] Dean Daniels vs. Rafael Ruiz [COLOR="red"][B]F Heat[/B][/COLOR] Mikey James vs. Ultimate Phoenix [COLOR="red"][B]E- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Maxx Hero vs. Trent Shaffer [COLOR="red"][B]F- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Bob Casey vs. Julian Watson vs. Phenominal E [COLOR="Red"][B]F- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Make some picks guys (Or not since this is no longer the card) and [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Merry[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Christmas[/B][/COLOR]!
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hey MaxxHexx you should make a contest outta predictions. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] (c) vs. Kashmir Singh FSW Heavyweight Title F Heat [B]Los Latinos[/B] (c) vs. The Well Oiled Machine FSW Tag Team Titles F+ Heat Dean Daniels vs. [B]Rafael Ruiz[/B] F Heat [B]Mikey James[/B] vs. Ultimate Phoenix E- Heat Maxx Hero vs. [B]Trent Shaffer [/B]F- Heat [B]Bob Casey [/B]vs. Julian Watson vs. Phenominal E F- Heat
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Air Attack Weasel (c) vs. [b]Kashmir Singh[/b] FSW Heavyweight Title F Heat [b]Los Latinos[/b] (c) vs. The Well Oiled Machine FSW Tag Team Titles F+ Heat Dean Daniels vs. [b]Rafael Ruiz[/b] F Heat Mikey James vs. [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] E- Heat Maxx Hero vs. [b]Trent Shaffer[/b] F- Heat [b]Bob Casey[/b] vs. Julian Watson vs. Phenominal E F- Heat Hopefully the show isn't posted by the time I post this, hehe :P
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As cool as the poster is it is becauming obsolete as the card is about to change. Check back on page two for details. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/MaxxHexx/BreakZonePoster.jpg[/IMG] Made this with 'Paint'. Anyone know where I can get photoshop or something like it cheap or free?
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;170963] Booked for my Febuary show, [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Break Zone[/COLOR][/B]; [B]Air Attack Weasel (c)[/B] vs. Kashmir Singh [B]FSW Heavyweight Title[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]F Heat[/B][/COLOR] [B]Los Latinos (c)[/B] vs. The Well Oiled Machine [B]FSW Tag Team Titles[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]F+ Heat[/B][/COLOR] [B]Dean Daniels [/B]vs. Rafael Ruiz [COLOR="red"][B]F Heat[/B][/COLOR] Mikey James vs. [B]Ultimate Phoenix [/B][COLOR="red"][B]E- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Maxx Hero vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]F- Heat[/B][/COLOR] Bob Casey vs. Julian Watson vs. [B]Phenominal E [/B][COLOR="Red"][B]F- Heat[/B][/COLOR] [/QUOTE] Great stuff so far, keep it up!
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;171346]Anyone know where I can get photoshop or something like it cheap or free?[/QUOTE] I think GIMP is free, both Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro (if that's still around), cost a fair bit to obtain legally.They might have demo versions on their official sites, Photoshop is an Adobe program, can't remember what PSP is. For GIMP (I think that's what it is called) look for the pic cutting tutorial in the 05 section I think it has a link in it. Of course every program under the sun is available for free illegally but I'm not gonna get into that.
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So due to requests for a contest I made a system for scoring. Here are the standings. Name/Percent/Correct-Incorrect [COLOR="Red"]KaySeeDubya[/COLOR]/[COLOR="blue"]66%[/COLOR]/[COLOR="Red"]4[/COLOR]-[COLOR="Blue"]2[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]NickC13573[/COLOR].../[COLOR="Blue"]66%[/COLOR]/[COLOR="red"]4[/COLOR]-[COLOR="blue"]2[/COLOR] I have it scored by percent so that anyone can join in at anytime. Ties will be scored by who has more wins.
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The leader at the end of each in game year gets a grandprize 4 ringside tickets and backstage passes to FSW A New Era or whatever the January show is called, quite possibly FSW The Era Continues or something along those lines, and enterance into the banquet the night before which includes atograughs from all stars present for the show. 2 First prizes for 2nd and 3rd place each include 4 second row tickets each and include tickets to the autograph banquet. 4 Second prizes for 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th all will be mailed an autographed DVD of the event. All prizes are non-refundable and and non-transferable. Winners must provide own lodging and transpertation if needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But in all seriousness you should feel good that you are better than the rest of us and have won. While on the topic of picks the picks made and the poster for FSW Break Down don't matter anymore as I sent out requests to some new workers as I want to expand the roster. So don't make more picks till I give the final card.
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Here are some of those who I have sent requests to to add to the roster. Feel free to leave opinions on who I sould go for most and who is a waste; -The New Jersey Devils -Black Eagle (a.k.a Plague) -Burning Exile -Darryl Devine -Donnie J. -Hell Monkey -JD Morgan -Joey Beauchamp -Joshua Taylor -Joss Thompson -Steve Flash -The Natural -UK Dragon I won't be posting in here on the 29th and the 30th because I will be out of town but will type up posts in word about what happens as I run the game on my lap top. Thanks again to all those reading and making picks.
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