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Oh Canada!

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I could spend hours telling you how I, Jack Avatar, went from being a promising rookie with a decent look to the booker of one of Canada's biggest feds overnight, but I'm not sure even *I* believe it. I think I'll just tell you all what I did when I got the job. No, not about me running round my apartment screaming "Go me!" at the top of my voice... I mean what I did in the company. You have to understand, the sum total of my knowledge of the current state of CGC came from the below article on a popular wrestling website... and all of a sudden, I was being asked to help them overtake NOTBPW as the country's biggest federation. Far out, huh? CGC - State of the Company. Top 10: 1. Steve DeColt. 3 time World Champion, 4 time tag champion, the eldest DeColt brother seems content to be eased off to the side slightly now. There's very little chance of him moving out of the main event picture completely though, as he's the most talented wrestler the fed have. 2. Jack DeColt. With one more World reign and one more tag reign than his eldest brother, Jack has just hit the ten year anniversary of his first title win. 3. Alex DeColt. The third brother rounds out our top 3, despite concentrating more on booking than wrestling now. 4. Dan DaLay. Best friend of owner's son Alex DeColt off-screen, and leader of heel stable Elite on it, DaLay has made a great career despite not being one of the fed's most skilful grapplers. 5. Eddie Chandler. 9 years after one of the most famous heel turns in Canadian history, it's easy to forget that Chandler came into the fed as a fairly bland babyface who was completely overshadowed by his friends the DeColts. That all changed in 1997, when he shockingly turned on Jack after they lost the tag titles, and then brought in Dan DaLay as a bodyguard. The two went on to form the heel stable Elite, and are still two of the key workers in the federation. 6. John Maverick. Bizarrely, Maverick's stock was higher 2 years ago, BEFORE his incredible 16 month World title reign. As a 3 time tag champion with Chandler (twice) and DaLay, and a two time Canadian champion, the Elite enforcer was a major threat to any babyface in the promotion. However, his title reign and long feud with Steve DeColt showed his weaknesses, mainly due to the necessity of Chandler having to do all the talking for him. It's no coincidence that his reign at the top coincided with the promotion's lowest ratings since the turn of the century. His position in Elite means he shouldn't be leaving the main event anytime soon, but we'd have to bet against him ever getting a second run with the belt. 7. Ricky DeColt. The youngest and smallest of the DeColt's, Ricky is a relative rookie, having only wrestled for 3 years. Still, he's brought his high-flying style to the main event scene, and the fast pace of his matches and his youth and good looks possibly give him the potential to overtake his brothers' popularity in the next few years. 8. Ryan Powell. If anyone is going to break the DeColt/Elite 'glass ceiling', you'd have to say Powell is a prime contender. The Shooting Star's blend of high-flying skills and decent mic work have got him firmly entrenched as the top star outside the 'Big Seven', and he'll be looking to break into the main event scene this year and establish himself. Is there a spot in Elite spare? Apart from anything else, he'd seem tailor-made for a feud with Ricky, allowing some great eight-man tags. 9. Ed Monton. It's cruel to Monton to say we're plumbing the depths now, but there's no doubt that Powell is the only guy outside of the big two factions who has "can't miss star" written over him. At 45, there's little chance of Ed ever breaking back into the main event, but he's a dependable veteran, even 12 years after his last World title reign. Lately we've heard rumours that he's thinking of finally leaving CGC to work in the States - if nothing else, he'd be a worthwhile pick-up for any company trying to expand into Canada. 10. Whippy the Clown. This is almost picking a name out of the air, but we respect Whippy for his ability to combine good mic skills, an entertaining gimmick, and a decent high-flying style. A run with the Canadian belt, at least, is surely overdue. Tag Teams: 1. The Specialists. No surprises here, as the Specialists and Youth Energy fought it out for the number one ranking as they've fought in the ring for years. As much as we like the Energy's style, the Specialists consistency and experience gives it to them for at least one more year. 2. Youth Energy. Slightly younger than the Specialists, the Energy have arguably higher potential - as long as Lee Rivera doesn't cut short his career with his Thriller Killer crossbody from the top rope to ringside. 3. The Gilbert Brothers. Their big return to Canada appears to have sputtered a bit, as the two top teams are so firmly entrenched. Candidates for a face turn, and a feud with the new Soldiers of Fortune? Rising Stars: Grimm Quibble - The worst news for American indie fans this year was probably the death of the Puma Boy character, as Stuart Little changed his name and gimmick completely. It paid off, with a move to CGC, but he's stuck in the opening matches there with no sign of getting any higher any time soon. Sean Deeley - The former amateur star is a few years to late to be a natural opponent for Jack DeColt, but we'd still love to see the two hook it up, just to see whether Jack can go back to the catch-as-catch-can style he had so much success with early in his career. Trent Shaffer - There have been a hell of a lot of pretty boy heel turns this year, and Shaffer's isn't really up there with guys like Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado. Still, he's settling into his new evil ways, and is young enough to have a decent future ahead of him. I read the article. Then I read it again. Then I read it once more, trying to work out who I wanted to put in the main event picture. Then I decided it might be a good idea to wait until I'd actually met these guys, before deciding. So I picked up a phone, and started trying to track down a number.
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[I] I read the article. Then I read it again. Then I read it once more, trying to work out who I wanted to put in the main event picture. Then I decided it might be a good idea to wait until I'd actually met these guys, before deciding. So I picked up a phone, and started trying to track down a number.[/I] Two hours later, I found it, and made the call. “Hello?” Not a promising start. The voice on the other end of the phone was gruff, and I got the feeling that it was about to get slammed down on me if I didn’t talk fast. “Hi, this is Jack Avatar – you won’t have heard of me. Just to let you know, I’m the new booker of Canadian Gold Combat…” “That’s nice, congratulations. Could you explain to me why I should care?” “Yes! Just give me two minutes, sir. I’m sure you’ve been following Sam Strong’s takeover of USPW with interest, and you’ve noticed the impact it’s had on DAVE.” “To be honest, not really. You have two minutes left to get me interested.” “Okay… basically, I’m ambitious. That number three spot in America is there for the taking, and I intend to take it. Of course, it won’t happen straight away. But it will happen, if I have anything to say about it. I’m planning on getting such a buzz going in Canada that America will be BEGGING to see my guys, and I’m also going to be throwing some of our stuff up on the internet to allow them to take a look.” “It’s an interesting idea. Just one thing, kid. If you’re planning on taking over Canada, you might not want to go out and tell all your rivals how you’re going to do it. I think that’s called Bond Villain Syndrome, or something.” “Very funny. I’m not telling you this to boast. I’m telling you this because I want you to help me.” “Help you? Kid, that’s the strangest suggestion since someone suggested I put my top title on Alyssian Scottsfield. Why the hell should I help you?” “Simple. I’ll help you as well, and between us, we could be the third and fourth biggest companies in the US.” “That simple?” “Yup. You in?” “Against my better judgment, I’m intrigued. Just what do you actually want from me?” “Not what. Who?” “Who?” “I want your sons, Mr Stone!” I just choked back a ‘bwahaha’, thankfully, as I think that would have ruined my chances of the agreement going ahead. “And I get?” “Whoever you want. Just think of the potential for the publicity… Canada’s two biggest families collide in the ring.” “I’ll think about it. Goodbye, Mr Avatar.” And with that, he put the phone down. I sighed. I wasn’t sure I’d been convincing enough… but you never knew unless you tried. Nothing I could do now except wait for his response, anyway. Meanwhile, I was already thinking about other things. Firstly, I was going to get rid of our crappy generic music. From now on, we would be assaulting our viewers’ ears with Canada’s hippest new metal, rock and punk groups. Secondly, as I’d told Dan Stone, I was putting our shows on the internet instead of on DVD. Yes, it seemed like a crazy idea which would cost us a fortune. But it would also be the quickest way to get a lot more people watching us, and we could consider the costs and benefits after a few months before deciding whether to carry on with it. Thirdly, I scrolled over to the Babes of Wrestling website. I decided that one way to boost our viewing figures was to put some hot girls into the product, and that there’d be a lot more skin shown soon. Obviously, it would all be done in the best possible taste… now, just need to find some more girls to join Marie, Jenny and Farrah. That done, time to get a good night’s sleep before jetting up to Canada, ready to meet my roster for the first time.
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[U]Tuesday[/U] Well, I’ve met my roster, and I can see why the DeColts have been at the top for so long. To put it bluntly, a lot of the other guys are damn bad. On the other hand, there’s at least a decent tag scene, and a couple of promising rookies like Grimm Quibble, the former Puma Boy. He’s actually the first person I meet, and within 5 minutes of talking to him, I’m already starting to convince myself I shouldn’t have taken the job. “No.” His first response, to a perfectly reasonable suggestion. “But Grimm,” I’m practically begging already – not a great start. “I am NOT going to be Puma Boy again. I left that gimmick behind me.” “And look what that’s done for your career!” He scowls. Well, if you can’t take the truth… “ANY other gimmick you can think of, just not Puma Boy.” I smile now. I’ve just had an idea… I break off from my conversation with him when I hear a shout for me from the office. It’s a phonecall… from Dan Stone! Stone sounds wary, but agrees to work with me over the next few months, and says we can get into the details of talent trades soon! Emboldened by my success there, I make two more phone calls – and get similar agreements from Phil Vibert and Rip Chord! Prepare to see a huge influx of new guys and one-shot deals… You can’t build a fed on talent trades, though, so I decide to take a look at some more wrestlers. And, of course, to try and get hold of some of the women I was checking out yesterday. DeColt stops me as I’m about to make a few calls, muttering about avoiding injury prone guys and signing some decent athletes. A small part of me wonders whether he’d not be better off just saying “Don’t push anyone who’s not related to me”, but I’m sure I can grab some worthwhile guys. A bunch of offers are sent out, and I sit back waiting to hear from anyone who feels like responding. As I’m thinking, I look over to a popular wrestling site to read reviews of the DAVE show last night – depressingly good, from my point of view. The last thing I need is a revival all of a sudden. My deal with them is a calculated risk… I’m hoping that by bringing in some well-known American workers I can boost our popularity; I just hope it doesn’t backfire on me by helping them get better. A three-way between Scout, Sammy Bach, and Alex Braun is reported to have stolen the show, although Eddie Peak’s main event defense of the Unified title against Jack Giedroyc is also getting rave reviews. [U]Thursday[/U] The talent agreement with NOTBPW comes into place today, and with luck, this is the beginning of a huge angle. In return for Dan DaLay and John Maverick working a show for them, we get the McWade Brothers on Sunday. Let’s see what we can do with the big brawlers… [U]Friday[/U] More bad news from DAVE, as they get more great feedback for Danger Zone TV. I was tempted to watch it myself, but I went to Vegas for a couple of days yesterday, and scored tickets to the Babes of Sin City show – now THERE’S a fed we could talent share with! Dharma Gregg’s Super Soaker match with Charlize Angelle is a strong contender for my favourite match of the past five years. I don’t care what the netheads are saying, I refuse to believe Peak vs Brandon came near it for excitement. I get back just in time to take in our first house show under my reign – I’ve stuck to the tried and trusted main event combinations of Elite vs the DeColts, simply because we don’t have many others on written contracts. $3,365 made on the night, which can’t be too bad. [U]Sunday[/U] 7 pm, and it’s SHOWTIME. The sold-out Victoria Royal Athletic Park is the venue of choice for my first ever show, and I’m petrified as I look out there. I’ll certainly be using myself on camera in the future, but thankfully I’m sticking to watching tonight. My first segment ever is an interview, as Jenny Playmate hypes up new client Whippy The Clown’s pre-show match against Jesse Gilbert. It’s not a classic by any means – I’m glad this one’s not going out on TV! [COLOR="Red"](D-)[/COLOR] The match itself is reasonable, [B]Whippy[/B] going over at the eight minute mark with The Joke’s On You. The two don’t really click, but put on a solid enough bout. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] The show proper starts, and the fans get their first glimpse of the new direction the women in the company are taking. They also get a glimpse of a fair bit of skin, as AK Garcia hosts a bikini contest between Hotstuff Marie and Jenny Playmate, which Marie wins. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B]Ricky DeColt [/B]takes on Ryan Powell in our first televised match, and beats him in a little under 10 minutes, in a decent contest. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] Up next… the biggest surprise of the night, and one of the biggest surprises in Canada for a while. With Youth Energy in the ring awaiting a match, they’re blindsided by the McWades, who wipe the floor with them then cut a promo claiming that they’re here to take over for NOTBPW! They challenge any team from CGC to come out and accept a match against them – and the challenge is answered by the Specialists! Bobby Thomas angrily announces that while Youth Energy may be a pair of bland crowd-pleasing morons, they’re OUR bland crowd-pleasing morons, and he’s damned if some pair of hicks from the Maritimes are going to go beating up on CGC guys! The crowd are solidly behind the Specialists here, and my first turn has gone surprisingly well. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] [B]The Specialists[/B] go on to win the match and uphold CGC’s honour, Bobby Thomas hitting the Special Delivery on Dallas. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Backstage, we cut to Whippy the Clown and Jenny Playmate celebrating Whippy’s win. Impulsively, he asks her out on a date – and she accepts! [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Our main event sees [B]Alex DeColt[/B] take on Destiny in a non-title match. DeColt wins, carrying Destiny through the match, although the youngster is still tiring towards the end, but it’s fairly well received as a welcome change from all the Elite main events. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] I’m criticized post-show for using Jenny Playmate far too much, and apparently the show may have hurt our popularity overall. Ouch! Still, not to worry – that was just the start of the biggest angle in Canadian history! Deluded, moi?! We draw a 3.34 rating, by the way. Post-show, we start celebrating. So intensely so, in my case, that I stretch my ankle. I won’t go into details, just in case any of you believe the rumour we posted on the internet that I’d done it while gardening… Over in NOTBPW, Stone’s brought in Frankie Perez, a decent signing.
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[U]Monday[/U] Finally, some contact from guys who I was trying to bring in! I meet with Harry Wilson to discuss a possible return to the big time, but within five minutes or so, I can see why NOTBPW let him go – serious attitude problems. Alan Parent is altogether pleasanter, and we agree that he’s going to wrestle a couple of try-out matches for us. Matty Phatty has a reputation for being a joker, and he lives up to it – asking for a contract which would have put him in the top six or seven earners in the company! I have more luck with the women, signing Geena the Warrior Princess and Tracy Brendon up on short-term contracts. [U]Tuesday[/U] SWF are really pushing hard to improve their roster, calling up hot developmental prospects Nevada Nuclear and Valiant, and resigning former colour commentator Queen Emily. I do a little bit more signing myself, pulling in rising star Cherry Bomb, who is one of the best all-round women’s prospects in the business today. I also offer Thomas Morgan a trial, signing him for two dates. A couple of my guys let me know they’re signing PPA deals with NOTBPW – notably Whippy the Clown and Sean Deeley. Looks like Stone may be taking my advice about trying to boost his fed even higher… [U]Wednesday[/U] I decide to scout out the competition… there’s an NOTBPW show on TV, and I figure it might be worth checking out. I’m impressed… highlights see Sean Deeley come close to upsetting Johnny Bloodstone on his debut [COLOR="Red"](B-)[/COLOR], and a 45 minute classic time limit draw between Jeremy Stone and brother-in-law Sean McFly. [COLOR="red"](A)[/COLOR] [U]Friday[/U] I’ve seen a hell of a lot of weird booking in my life, but the Underwater Union in a PPV main event? Thank God I didn’t buy When Hell Freezes Over… DAVE put on another great show, Peak defeating Brandon and Chris Caulfield in a triple threat main. [U]Saturday[/U] Unlike last week, this time I remember to plug some matches for tomorrow’s show! Well, one match – I’m keeping the majority of it a surprise, but we will be seeing Steve DeColt vs Sean Deeley, and I announce it on our website. The next stage of the deal with NOTBPW has gone through, and there’s a huge surprise tonight at their Big City Brawl pay-per-view. Not only do Steve DeColt and Ricky go up against each other in a showcase for our best talent, Steve winning [COLOR="red"](B-) [/COLOR]but Elite take on the top faces, with Chandler and Maverick jobbing to the Flying Stones, and Dan DaLay losing a title shot against Sean McFly. There’s a real buzz at the arena, apparently, seeing top stars from CGC in there against the best of NOTBPW. Well, if there’s a buzz now, just wait until tomorrow! [U]Sunday[/U] Our second show – can it improve on the first one? There’s surprises galore, so hopefully… First up, before the cameras start rolling, Alex DeColt issues a challenge to any wrestler from Pengrowth, where tonight’s show is being held, to come out and have a shot at him in a non-title match. Alan Parent accepts, and it’s his chance to impress me. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] A lot of the crowd REALLY don’t like Alan Parent – this much heat on your debut has to be good! [B]Alex DeColt[/B] wins an impressive bout in 10 minutes or so.[COLOR="red"] (C+)[/COLOR] [B]Lee Rivera[/B] kicks off the show proper, defeating Ryan Powell by submission in about 8 minutes. This is the first time we’ve managed to get entrance music going, as Finding Core’s Freaking Out welcomes Powell in and Juke’s Moxy plays for the Youth Energy man. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] And this is where the good stuff starts… Edd Stone comes out, to a shocked pop from the crowd, and asks for one of the DeColts to join him in the ring so that he can apologise face to face for the actions of the McWade Brothers last week. Alex walks out, and we have an incredible moment as we see members of the two biggest families in Canadian wrestling shake hands! The fans cheer them to the hilt – and then it happens. Duane Stone comes up to the ring as well, and the two Stones raise Alex’s hands up… before nailing him with a double superkick! Duane drops an elbow, and the two brutally attack him! Steve and Jack charge out to make the save, but the damage is made, as the Stones disappear through the crowd. The DeColt Brothers are furious, and are screaming to the Stones to get back and face them. [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] [B]Steve [/B]stays out for his match, next, going over Shooter Sean Deeley with a pinfall after the DeColt Stampede. [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] Backstage, Jack and Ricky DeColt are looking for the Stones, and instead come across Jenny Playmate. She can’t help them find the NOTBPW guys, and they walk off – just too soon to see her get attacked by Cherry Bomb, debuting with her new biker gimmick! Bomb throws Playmate into the showers, and switches them on, soaking her tight white T-shirt, much to the crowd’s pleasure as they watch on the big screen.[COLOR="red"] (D+)[/COLOR] Finally, Jack and Ricky catch up with the Stones, who accept their challenge! A historic moment here, as the two families fight… [B]Duane[/B] picks up the win, rolling up Jack and grabbing the ropes for leverage! Jack and Edd look tired towards the end of the match. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] The Stones leave through the crowd again, as Alex and Steve DeColt run out. Steve furiously tells the Stone Brothers that they may have got a cheap victory today, but they’re not the better family – and if they think they can beat Steve and Alex, to turn up at next week’s pay-per-view to prove it! [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] C+, and THIS was a successful show! Although also a damn expensive one, since the Stones cost about $17,000. There’s also a phenomenal increase in ratings, getting 4.49 this week!
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[U]Tuesday[/U] I’ve screwed up… and won’t be able to get Edd Stone for the PPV. Ah well, one Stone’s as good as another – in fact, you could argue that one Stone is BETTER than another. I proudly put up on my website the massive news: [CENTER][B]ELIMINATION MAIN EVENT ANNOUNCED:[/B] [B]Alex and Steve DeColt vs Duane Stone and DAN STONE JR![/B][/CENTER] We’ll also see the Specialists vs the Soldiers of Fortune, Jack DeColt vs Ryan Powell, and Whippy the Clown vs Sean Deeley for the Canadian title. [U]Friday[/U] I’m taking a risk here – we’re holding the event at the 30,000 capacity Kelowna Stadium. If you’re going to do one of the biggest dream matches in Canadian history, you want to make sure as many people as possible are watching it… I take a seat at ringside, and get ready to panic. Today is a MASSIVE day for me, the biggest of my career by far. Pre-show [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] goes over Parent in a fairly good bout, and I’m starting to be less convinced by Alan Parent’s heat – it reminds me of a guy called X-Pac who was in some weird fantasy world on a wrestling game a few years ago. Thank God it was just a 2-match contract. Still, Morgan looks good, and I’ll be trying to sign him to a longer deal. [COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] [B]Eddie Chandler [/B]is up next, beating Shane Nelson (yes, I had nothing else for Youth Energy to do) in a good match. Damn, maybe I should’ve let these two wrestle on the actual PPV. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] Finally, to pop the crowd before the actual pay-per-view start, Steve DeColt comes out to hype the tag match. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Main show First match of the show itself sees the promised title match, and we get a change, as [B]Whippy[/B] beats Sean Deeley to win the Canadian belt! Unfortunately, there’s no real chemistry between the pair. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Post match, Whippy’s celebrations are cut short as Deeley gets up, and attacks the clown – aided by Duane Stone! A weeping Jenny Playmate can only look on helplessly. There’s no chemistry between Whippy and Weepy (sorry, Jenny) either – does this guy work well with ANYONE? [COLOR="red"](C-) [/COLOR] The Shooting Star, Ryan Powell, comes out next, leading a pair of men in white robes. He tells us, “You once knew them as the Soldiers of Fortune… but they have seen the light, and they have become the Followers of the Star!” [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] [B]The Specialists[/B] go over the Soldiers of Fortune… sorry, the Followers of the Star! [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Post-match, we get another attack, as Thug Life, of 4C, nail the Specialists! I think I REALLY overrated the number of guys who’d know who this pair were, as there’ virtually no heat. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] wins a four-way match, otherwise known as a battle of the guys I didn’t book anything worthwhile for, against Lee Rivera, Nathan Blake, and Jesse Gilbert by pinning Blake after a Heart Burn. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] AK Garcia hosts another bikini contest, where Hotstuff Marie beats Tracy Brendon. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Dan Stone Jr makes his first ever appearance on a CGC show, promising that he and his brother will emerge victorious against the DeColts! [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B]Jack DeColt [/B]goes over Ryan Powell, forcing him to submit to the End of Days. Unfortunately, the pair don’t click. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] As Whippy and Jenny are talking to each other, we see a fan wander up to them. Completely ignoring Jenny, she asks Whippy out! The stunned clown points out that he’s with his girlfriend, and she snarls at the rejection. Those of us who follow European feds recognize her as Geena the Warrior Princess… [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Geena appears to leave, but quickly returns after Whippy kisses Jenny goodbye! She attacks Playmate, and then Cherry Bomb joins in the fun. The pair drag Jenny to the ring and strip her down to her underwear, leaving her in tears. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] Up next, our first ever gimmick match as we see a hardcore bout. [B]Captain Charisma[/B] (the repackaged Ed Monton, now doing a comic book hero gimmick) beats Dan DaLay, fighting off interference from Eddie Chandler. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Post match, John Maverick comes down to join his stable mates in Elite, and announce they have a new member. Christian Price swaggers down to ringside – and tells the crowd that he’s replacing Eddie Chandler! A shocked Chandler can’t believe it, but Maverick says it’s official – he’s out! Eddie manages to get out of the way before the new-look Elite get physical to convince him they mean business. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] A hype video plugs our big main event. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Pre-match, George DeColt, the legendary patriarch of the family, comes down to ringside and jaws with Dan Stone Jr. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] The match is an even one for all of 15 minutes, until the hometown team finally get the advantage, isolating Duane Stone and double teaming him. The ref takes a bump, though, and Dan Jr charges in with a chair, throwing it at Steve DeColt – who catches it, and in one fluid motion, turns around and nails his brother!! The crowd go into shock as he drapes [B]Duane[/B] over his KO’d sibling, then allows Dan to wake up the ref to make the count. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post-match, George DeColt angrily gets into the ring, demanding to know exactly what the hell Steve is doing. Steve goes to reply, and instead, spits in his father’s face! This is my cue… Steve hits his old man with a hard right, staggering him, and gets him into position for a powerbomb – but as he gets ready for the move, I leap over the barrier, jump up to the apron, and nail him with the sweetest missile dropkick I’ve ever pulled off! (Hey, if you can’t give yourself a great debut, what can you do?) [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] The show ends with myself and Alex challenging Steve and anyone he can find to take us on tomorrow night. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] C- overall. We pull in about 22,000 fans, most of whom seem fairly happy with the show. Still, it’s barely the dream main event I was going for – let’s just hope the upcoming DeColt family feud takes off.
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Thats good, I have also been playing with CGC but I never had the idea of trying to get a working agreement with NOTBPW instead I just continued the DeColt vs Elite storyline with Eddie Chandler challenging for the title. I've lost so many people due to NOTBPW signing them to exclusive deals! [QUOTE]And, of course, to try and get hold of some of the women I was checking out yesterday.[/QUOTE] That was my favourite line!
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My first comment - whoo! Thanks Manimal :) Next show, featuring me superpushing myself to the main event with the DeColts, should be out in an hour or two (accompanied by me banging my head against the keyboard if the fans turn on me, which is probably extremely likely!)
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[U]Sunday[/U] We’re back to Victoria Royal Athletic Park, and I’m getting ready for my in-ring debut! How much heat can I leech from the Canada’s first (or second, depending where you rank the Stones) family? Pre-show First up, I give Thomas Morgan the chance to impress me on the mic. He calls out Bobby Thomas for a match, boasting that he’s sure he can win. Pretty good, and assuming the match goes well, I’ll definitely be offering him a job. [COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR] [B]Bobby Thomas[/B] comes out, accepts the challenge, and goes over in 6 minutes or so with a Specialist Touch. The two work pretty well together, and Morgan’s job offer is confirmed by me as soon as he reaches the back. Now just to hope he accepts… [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Before the show proper starts, we have a high-octane four-way match. [B]Ricky DeColt [/B]goes over Trent Shaffer, Nate Johnson and… the Space Knight of the Puma Order! Strangely, Grimm Quibble is less that enthusiastic about his new sci-fi gimmick… should’ve stuck to Puma Boy, Grimmy! Bwahaha… [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] The show itself starts, and we go straight to Steve DeColt. He angrily announces that he’s fed up of playing a backseat to his brothers, pointing out that in the 2 years or so since he lost the title, he’s NEVER had another shot at it, and that he’s going to prove to everyone that he’s the most talented in the family. He also introduces the man who will be helping him tonight… Shooter Sean Deeley! [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] We go to a graphic hyping a new segment, Million to the Max, in which Max Million (formerly known as Zeus Maxmillion) will be interviewing The Space Knight. [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] We then get brief footage of a date between Whippy and Jenny, at a fun fayre. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Whippy is in the ring next, defending his belt against Ryan Powell. The two go at it for 10 minutes, and Whippy hits a superplex before going up top and coming off with a moonsault – just as the ref gets to 2 in the count, though, Destiny runs in and blasts [B]Whippy [/B]with a chair shot, giving him the win by DQ. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post-match, Cherry Bomb again attacks Jenny Playmate – but this time she doesn’t strip her, just brutally nails her with a series of hard right hands, before hitting a DVD onto the steel chair! [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] Eddie Chandler introduces the men who he’s picked to help him tonight take on Elite – Youth Energy! [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Despite Rivera seeming off his game in the six-man, Youth Energy, Chandler, and Elite give us a decent match. It ends with [B]Christian Price [/B]trapping Chandler in a figure-four, and Eddie having no choice but to tap out. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] We get Million to the Max, and the interview quickly deteriorates into a brawl after Grimm takes offence at a few shots at his gimmick by Max, leading to him yelling at Million, who drops him with a lariat. [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] Million announces that he’ll take on Quibble next week, and will win easily. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] Finally, we have Team NOTBPW vs Team CGC! (Who says it’s not a dream match just because the heel team have got 3 appearances for NOTBPW between them?!) I resist the temptation to put myself over, and instead have [B]Sean Deeley[/B] pinning Alex after using the ropes to assist with a roll-up. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Overall show rating is a [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR], which may have hurt our popularity overall… things are NOT looking good, are they? Still, we draw a 3.90 – not up to last week’s rating, but still over half a point up on my first show.
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Thanks Remianen! I'm sorta throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks at the moment... anyone got any requests for guys to be pushed, or anyone you want to see me give a tryout to? I'm frantically trying to get out of the Whippy/Jenny angle ASAP at the moment, there has to be SOMEONE who Whippy has decent chemistry with!!
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Now that I'm looking at it again, you've been taking tips from Russo, haven't ya? :p Kidding! With a promotion as staid and dyed in the wool as CGC, they could use a little 'Crash TV' to pump some life into them. What I don't understand is, you have a working agreement with NOTBPW.....will Dan Stone not let you have Sean McFly? :) McFly-Steve or Jack would probably get you some serious buzz.
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[U]Tuesday[/U] Okay, I thought *I* had things bad! ROF have just produced a show called, somewhat optimistically, Live! Sold Out! with just 59 people watching. It sucks to be in the UK if you aren’t working for 21CW… I catch that news as I’m busy packing up to go to Ontario for a few days – there’s an independent show on Thursday, and I figure it might be a good way to scout some talent. [U]Thursday[/U] I drag 3 friends along to see the independent show – which means fans just about outnumber wrestlers, although only by 2! It’s not the most useful journey of all-time, but I do see a few people with potential, and ask them to get in touch with me if they’re interested in trying out. One of the most interesting is Zoe Ammis, a female worker playing a bizarre spy gimmick (Agent 69) and doing it extremely well. [U]Friday[/U] In Europe, a new federation opens – Junge Europaeische Federalisten are advertising themselves as more realistic than the established UCR. [U]Sunday[/U] Back to the Prairies tonight, for another sold out show at Pengrowth Place. Pre-show I give Sayeed Ali a tryout, using him to put [B]Captain Charisma[/B] over in a quick match. Ali is impressive, and I’ll be looking to bring him in to join the Thug Life tag team once I finalise negotiations with Slim. [COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] Next up, a special triple elimination tag match, as DaLay and Price of Elite take on The Specialists and Youth Energy. Price pins Nelson to eliminate him, but is quickly caught in a submission hold by [B]Bobby Thomas [/B]for the win. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Show Backstage, I’m warming up. Rumor has hit the internet that I have a stretched angle, and I’ve decided to make the most of it. Alex comes to try and talk me out of a match later on against his brother Steve, but I refuse to be put off. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Whippy the Clown comes out for his match, showing a video of himself giving flowers to Jenny in hospital after her brutal attack by Cherry Bomb last week. He dedicates his match today to the poor girl. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] [B]Whippy [/B]beats Trent Shaffer to defend his Canadian title, hitting the Joke’s On You. The spotfest is a good spotfest, but in the end, it’s still a spotfest… [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Backstage, Max Million nails The Space Knight, since we didn’t have room for their match this week. (This is one of the rare occasions when my complete failure to promote anything may have helped us, although I’m doubting anyone would have complained anyway.) [COLOR="red"](F+)[/COLOR] Me and Steve go 12 minutes, and it’s a good match, considering I’m working through a slight injury. It ends with all hell breaking loose, as Sean Deeley attacks me, Alex runs to my defence, and [B]Steve [/B]gets a roll up during the confusion. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] As Alex is about to leave the ring, AK Garcia comes in and points out that with all the arguments between the DeColt family, his Elite stable are feeling left out. In fact, he says, he’s starting to think it’s all a ploy to deny his three guys title shots… Alex angrily grabs the mic and says if he’s calling him a chicken, he can go to hell! Garcia tells DeColt to put his gold where his mouth is, and we have a match TONIGHT IN THIS VERY RING, as Alex will defend against John Maverick! [COLOR="red"](B+)[/COLOR] As Alex goes backstage to prepare, Garcia suggests that we pass the time with a bikini contest. (He’s onto a REALLY good thing here, y’know…) Farrah Hesketh volunteers for it, and beats Hotstuff Marie and Tracy Brendon. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] We then have the promised title match, with what seems like millions of onlookers. Ricky and Jack DeColt go out to protect their brother, and I join them, while Price and DaLay are watching their man. Alex seems to spend the entire match anticipating interference, either from his brother or from Elite – and it costs him! He’s continually distracted, and [B]Maverick [/B]takes advantage, to lock on a Silent Threat for the submission victory to start his second World title reign![COLOR="red"] (C)[/COLOR] Maverick seems barely able to believe it (which may well be genuine, I only told him half an hour ago that he was about to be given another chance to run with the belt), and celebrates in the ring, joined by Garcia and the other 2 members of Elite. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] As the DeColts are taking themselves backstage, shaking their head at the loss, Cherry Bomb comes out of nowhere and attacks Jack’s girlfriend, Hotstuff Marie! She cuts her face open with a couple of hard shots, and as the DeColt Brothers drag her off, screams abuse at them, ending with an instruction to them to tell their father she won’t stop until she gets what she wants! [COLOR="red"](D) [/COLOR]and [COLOR="red"](D+) (C)[/COLOR] overall, although I hear fans moaning about Garcia’s continued presence on the show – maybe next week I’ll host the bikini contest myself… still, a decent show all told, and I have the major storylines for the next few months in place now. We also improve our ratings again, getting 4.11! Now, for the next show, I’m actually going to promote some stuff on the website and see if that helps increase it even more…
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Nice, I like where your going with this but I guess there'll be no more shows untill after Friday since you've finshed the month. I've restarted playing with CGC with working agreements. I'd do a diary but it some of things I'm doing may look like I'm copying you!
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You should do a diary of your own, Manimal - some of my plans are so bizarre, it'll be a real shock if anyone copies them! (Intentionally OR unintentionally...) Pretty much finished until the game itself comes out now, although there may be one more post, providing an update on March/April's DeColt Wrestle Festival and some news about what'll be going on there...
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In a bizarre spurt of pre-planning, I start advertising for my March and April PPVs already... (Please God, don't let Rip Chord sue me...) [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]DECOLT INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]The cream of CGC vs the cream of the world! [/SIZE] Coming in March and April... 8 of CGC's top stars will take on other stars from Canada, Mexico, Japan, the US, and Europe! PLUS... one unemployed wrestler will be given the opportunity to shoot to fame overnight, in the biggest 2 day tournament of all time! Entrants to be confirmed over the coming weeks... Fans are invited to contact CGC Staff with details of any wrestlers they think deserve a place in the competition. CGC, where [B]YOUR[/B] opinion matters!
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[U]Monday[/U] Coming up next week, I tell the website guys – John Maverick defends his title, against Jack DeColt! Also, the Specialists in action against Trent Shaffer and a mystery partner… [U][U]Wednesday[/U][/U] NOW things are coming together! I get my hands on Agent 69… (not like that, but I’m working on it!) And I have the perfect gimmick planned for her, as well… oh yeah! Stone’s signings worry me, though… he’s brought in Joey Poison, Jacob Jett, Frankie Perez, and Kashmir Singh, everyone except Poison on written contracts. I think he may be taking my advice and really pushing for expansion into the US in the near future… Having said that, there’s a slight benefit, as our own Sean Deeley goes over the muscular Singh in his debut match, making him look great. Now, he’ll have more momentum for when I put myself over him… [U]Thursday[/U] Huge day of signings! I bring in Suzanne Brazzle, who will be a major player in the future for me, along with Danny Rushmore, both on PPA contracts. The big deal, however, is another PPA signing – Cameron Vessey, from the famous Vessey family! He already has a sound grasp of the fundamentals of wrestling, after extensive training from his uncle, and is hotly touted to be a major star in the future. I also bring in a bunch of guys on short-term contracts, with most of them planned for a try-out or two, as well as probably appearing in our battle royal at this month’s Luck of the Draw pay-per-view. Most notable there is Carlos Gonzalez, brother of Shawn Gonzalez, the Lone Wolf. The biggest news of the day, however, is a blow for us – USPW have triumphantly signed a pay-per-view deal with American Option! That will definitely knock our chances of breaking into the States… still, we’ll get there, I’m sure! [U]Sunday[/U] Okay, this could be an expensive month! There’s a bunch of guys I want to try out, and on short-term PPV agreements, it could cost a fair bit – still, if I get some decent people out of it, then it’ll be a good investment. More worryingly, Eddie Chandler has just a month left on his contract – here’s hoping he’ll do what most of my targets want, and commit to a written contract again. Back to Victoria Royal Athletic Park – as much as I want to expand, I’m concentrating on shows here and at Pengrowth for the moment. Pre-show First up, I debut a new stable I’ll be trying out for a month or so – the Teen Idols. They consist of Marc Cool (formerly Marc Speed), Shayne Style (better known as Nomad) and Cameron Vessey. And they’re going up tonight against Youth Energy, and Whippy The Clown. [B]Whippy[/B] gets the Joke’s On You to beat Marc at the five-minute… mark. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Suzanne Brazzle has the opportunity to impress me on the mic, telling the fans that Cherry Bomb will be stopped, eventually. She doesn’t![COLOR="red"] (E)[/COLOR] I give myself a run-out as the tag team partner of Eddie Chandler. We take on the Elite pairing of Dan DaLay and Christian Price, and I put [B]myself [/B]over Price, in a good bout.[COLOR="red"] (C)[/COLOR] Show We finally get to the Space Knight vs Million match, and they don’t stink up the place too badly! [B]The Space Knight[/B] wins it, getting a roll-up. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Post match, Million beats up the Space Knight. Most of our fans fall asleep. [COLOR="red"](F+)[/COLOR] Geena Garrett (the former Geena the Warrior Princess) comes out next, accompanying Trent Shaffer. She sneers at the misfortune of Whippy the Clown losing his girlfriend to an injury, praising Cherry Bomb. This brings Whippy out to confront her, and she challenges him to another match against Shaffer for the Canadian belt next week. The Clown accepts. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] Shaffer’s partner is the returning K-Squared, as they reform the Varsity Boys! However, they can’t quite beat the Specialists, [B]Bobby Thomas [/B]going over with a Special Delivery. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Backstage, Cherry Bomb’s attacks continue, as Suzanne Brazzle falls victim to a DDT on the unforgiving concrete floor! [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] [B]Sean Deeley [/B]takes on Captain Charisma, and goes over by submission with a front choke lock. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] As Charisma leaves the ring, champion John Maverick walks past him and sneers at the loss, pointing to his belt to show how much more successful he is than the Captain. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] As Jack DeColt comes out for his match, Steve taps him on the shoulder from behind. Jack turns around and immediately leaps for his brother, leaving me and Sean Deeley to tear them apart – I’m concerned about Jack’s focus being thrown from his title match, and Deeley seems to be smiling about something… [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] Jack takes on John Maverick, but is obviously shaken by the confrontation with his brother. After 10 minutes, [B]Maverick[/B] locks on the Deadly Silence, and gets the submission win. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Overall show rating a [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR]! Definitely one of our top cards so far, and it’s another fairly big jump in ratings, taking us to 4.45. Immediately after the show, I announce that Luck of the Draw will feature a 20 man battle royal, with stars including Jack and Ricky DeColt, Dan DaLay, and Eddie Chandler. I also confirm that next week’s TV show will see the Whippy/Trent rematch.
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[U]Thursday[/U] Dammit! Eddie Chandler won’t sign a written deal, and wants $2500 or so a month with a downside of well over half of that, plus 20% of his merchandise revenue! I’m not keen on the idea of throwing so much money at him – yeah, he’s one of my top guys, but I’ve got others who could fill the gap in a few months for MUCH less money. I get him on a short-term 3 month deal, thinking that at least I can use him to put over some younger talent. Looking at my other written contracts, Bobby Thomas only has 32 days left – things aren’t looking good for getting a written deal out of him, either. I’ve been planning on releasing the Gilberts, but it might be a bad idea until I wait and see whether Thomas signs on again. On the plus side, the Teen Idols stable look hugely promising – all A* gimmick ratings! [U]Sunday[/U] Last show before our Luck of the Draw pay-per-view on Friday, time to try and set up a few more matches… Pre-show First up, I put myself and Captain Charisma in a match, taking on the thrown together team of Sayeed Ali and Danny Rushmore. AK Garcia is at ringside, since Rushmore is being lined up for a spot as Elite’s enforcer, and the pairing have good chemistry. I put [B]myself[/B] over, pinning Rushmore after a hurricanrana. [COLOR="Red"](C+)[/COLOR] I give the Teen Idols an interview spot, as they hype up a six-man tag against Youth Energy and the Space Knight, which will be on the main show. [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] In a debut match, I introduce the new Native American team of the Warriors, Pteh and Ongpatonga. (The repackaged Mainstream Hernandez and Erik Strong, who’ve teamed in MAW.) In a shock, they completely steamroll the Gilbert Brothers, beatings them in just 3 minutes.[COLOR="red"] (D)[/COLOR] Okay… the next debut doesn’t go to plan. The idea was that Carlos Gonzalez would bump a little for Ricky DeColt, just to see how he’d get on. Unfortunately, the crowd HATED Carlos… so much so that I frantically signal to them to cut the match short, and have [B]Ricky[/B] go over in a squash. There’s one guy who won’t be coming back… [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] Show [B]Whippy the Clown [/B]successfully defends his title against Trent Shaffer, but only due to the 15 minute time-limit running out just as Shaffer makes the cover after a senton bomb! [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post-match, Shaffer is furious, screaming that the Clown got lucky and the result was a joke! Whippy tells him he’ll take him on at Luck of the Draw – but it will be his LAST title shot! Shaffer tells Whippy that if that’s the case, he wants it to be in a match of his choosing – and Whippy accepts! [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] I give myself the pleasure of hosting a bikini contest, in which Tracy Brendon beats out Hotstuff Marie, Suzanne Brazzle, and Agent 69. I love being the booker! [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] In a six-man tag, [B]Youth Energy and The Space Knight [/B]go over the Teen Idols, Rivera pinning Nelson. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Post-match, Cherry Bomb appears out of nowhere, and blasts Rivera with a chair, then runs away before his partners have a chance to catch her! [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] Steve DeColt goes to see his father, complaining about the ‘unprovoked attack’ by his brother Jack last week. He demands a shot against Jack tonight, and George accepts! [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] [B]Steve [/B]goes over Jack, hitting the DeColt Stampede for the win.[COLOR="red"] (B-)[/COLOR] As Steve is celebrating, George comes out and tells him next week, he’ll be taking on Alex at Luck of the Draw – in a special match! [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH! I screw up by messing the Steve/Jack/George angle up, meaning fans are annoyed not to see Steve against his father. C- overall. Damn Damn DAMN!! I also take a massive ratings hit, going down to 3.85.
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Jaded, you're doing fine. Some of the angles in the default DB have roles mixed up. I don't think it would be a stretch to say some of the storylines might have errors as well. Then again, if the error was with you, I have one word for you: 'n00blet'! Kidding! The diary is really entertaining so far. I wouldn't worry too much about losing Chandler and/or Thomas though. Cameron Vessey is going to be HUGE and even beyond him, there are several talented young workers still in the free agent pool. Ya just gotta look for 'em. :)
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Thanks Rem - the Teen Idols are looking MASSIVE, with Vessey the star but the other two potentially having hot futures as well. And I have a lot more plans for the next few months - by the end of the DeColt Invitational, there'll have been some MAJOR shake-ups.
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Thanks Jehovah, always great to get feedback! Luck of the Draw will be up tomorrow (trying to post a show a day, and build up a bit of a backlog in case I struggle for time when I go back to work on Wednesday.) After that, HOPEFULLY Dan will let me bring in some NOTBPW guys again, and we'll see some of them in the DeColt Invitational...
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[U]Tuesday[/U] In preparation for the DeColt tourney, I get a working agreement in place with TCW, ready for a couple of guest appearances. [U]Wednesday[/U] TCW rise to international size, making yesterday’s agreement look like pretty damn fantastic timing! [U]Friday[/U] Here we are, at Luck of the Draw! I’m a little bit worried… apparently our website guys have been advertising Jack and Ricky DeColt, Dan DaLay, and Eddie Chandler, as I told them to, plus 16 major stars! Personally, I think the Gilberts, Max Million, and the Space Knight ALL count as huge stars – I’m just hoping our audience does. Pre-show Pre-show? We don’t need no stinkin’ pre-show! More to the point, have no-one LEFT for a pre-show – I’m using virtually my entire roster here, plus anyone I could trade for! Show The Teen Idols kick things off, boasting that they’ve been given a title shot already! They call out Youth Energy for their match – and as Rivera and Nelson come out, Dan DaLay and John Maverick jump the champions from behind! The four men quickly attack the champions! [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] The mystery of how the hell Cool and Styles got a title shot clears slightly, as we find out it’s a four-way match. Youth Energy vs Teen Idols vs Followers of the Star vs Specialists. The [B]Energy [/B]somehow win it despite the pre-match beatdown, waiting for Johnson to force Cool and Destiny to submit, before getting a spiked piledriver on him for the win. [COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR] Farrah Hesketh tells the crowd that she’s taking a break from refereeing matches… to referee a bikin contest! Jenny Playmate, on her return from injury, beats Hotstuff Marie. As her boyfriend Whippy The Clown comes out for his match, Whippy tells her to go to the back to keep safe there. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Trent announces the rules to the Canadian title match – a ladder match! The two go at it for 12 minutes, hitting some great spots, until Geena leaps in and holds onto Whippy’s leg, allowing[B] Trent [/B]to climb up the ladder to take the belt! [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] Sliding in from the crowd, Cherry Bomb attacks the beaten clown! She drives the ladder into his midsection, before climbing up it and coming off with a senton bomb.[COLOR="red"] (E+)[/COLOR] Pteh, of the Warriors, comes out and says that he’d love to appear tonight but hasn’t been given a spot in the battle royal, asking if anyone will take him on. Hardcore Killah accepts. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] [B]Pteh [/B]debuts his Tomahawk Lariat finisher, squashing Killah in 2 and a half minutes! [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Backstage, Jenny Playmate is walking along – when Cherry Bomb leaps out of a closet! Playmate cowers… but instead of attacking, Cherry grabs her from behind, and kisses her neck. A shocked Playmate seems to be enjoying it. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Max Million tells the Space Knight that he’ll kick his ass in the battle royal. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] A staggered entrance battle royal, with entrances every 1 minute, starts with Barry Kingman and Cameron Vessey. Vessey goes through Kingman, and next entrant Christian Price, before being eliminated by the returning McWade brothers! DaLay and Rushmore enter, and we see the Elite guys square off against the McWades, before all four attack Eddie Chandler! Chandler holds on for a while, eliminating Dallss, and the Space Knight runs to the rescue. I’m next in, evening up the sides, and Jack DeColt joins us. The Gilberts come and go extremely quickly, and Jack DeColt eliminates Dean McWade, then DaLay gets rid of Chandler. K-Squared is in and out very quickly, falling victim to me, and then Max Million hits the ring to chase the Space Knight – only to be backdropped over by the Knight straight away! Nathan Black is also in, and we now have me, Jack, DaLay, Rushmore, Black, and the Space Knight. Ricky DeColt is next in, combines with his brother to take out Rushmore and Black, but the Shooting Star Ryan Powell comes in quickly, and eiminates me and the Knight! Sayeed Ali is in, and he teams up with Powell and DaLay, then Sean Deeley is the final entrant. Deeley falls to Ricky, Ali falls to Jack, and then Powell and DaLay manage to team up to dump out both of the DeColts, before [B]Powell[/B] superkicks DaLay out for the win! [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] As we get to the back, me and Jack DeColt warn the McWades that if they’re here to look after Steve, they can stay the hell away from the main event. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] Sean Deeley bursts into George DeColt’s office and boasts about Steve steamrolling through the DeColt family, telling him he’ll take out Alex tonight and have gone through all of his brothers! [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] [B]Maverick [/B]defends the World title, beating Captain Charisma in a good match – the pair have got great chemistry together, and I may have to move them into a more extended programme. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Ricky, Hotstuff Marie, and George accompany Alex out to ringside for his match. They come face to face with Steve, Deeley, and the McWades… and glare, but avoid fighting. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] In a steel cell match, [B]Steve[/B] beats Alex in 14 minutes, with a DeColt Stampede.[COLOR="red"] (B)[/COLOR] Post-match, Steve taunts his brother. [COLOR="red"](B+)[/COLOR] Woot! C+, despite Marc Cool, Marie, and George being out there too long. Even better, no-one bitches about our ‘stars’. Life is good!!
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[U]Saturday[/U] TCW make a big signing, bringing in former SWF star and USPW World champion Freddie Datsun, the American Everyman. [U]Sunday [/U] Back to Pengrowth Place (I’m sticking to the 2 venues for now!) and I’m LOADING the pre-show here, to try and make the live crowd as happy as possible. Pre-show First up is a six-man match, as the DeColts (Alex, Jack and Ricky) take on their brother Steve, along with DaLay and Price of Elite. [B]Ricky[/B] sends the crowd into raptures by pinning his brother with a DeColt .45 [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] We also give the crowd a World title defense, [B]John Maverick [/B]forcing Whippy the Clown to submit to the Deadly Silence. [COLOR="Red"](B+)[/COLOR] Show In the first qualifier for the DeColt Invitational, we see Nate Johnson take on Nathan Black. [B]Johnson [/B]gets the win, hitting the Natural Order. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Post match, Johnson becomes Cherry Bomb’s latest victim! [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] Bomb grabs a mic and screams “Give me what I want, old man! George DeColt, you can end this NOW!” [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] The Teen Idols, [B]Cool and Styles[/B], beats the Warriors in a decent match. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Backstage, Jenny Playmate sees Whippy the Clown – and tells him it’s over between them![COLOR="red"] (D+)[/COLOR] Max Million challenges the Space Knight, who’s nowhere to be found. [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] In a decent match, [B]Ryan Powell [/B]beats Lee Rivera.[COLOR="red"] (C+)[/COLOR] Powell celebrates, along with his Acolytes, who kneel before him. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] George DeColt responds to Cherry, claiming he doesn’t know what she’s talking about and that she needs to stop attacking people and put her demands reasonably if she wants something. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] In the second DeColt qualifier, [B]Sean Deeley[/B] goes over Eddie Chandler, forcing him to submit to the Front Choke Lock. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]D+! D+?![/COLOR] The crowd wanted more angles… it wasn’t THAT far off 40% angles, dammit!!
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