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[U]Monday[/U] TCW bring in Stevie Grayson, Nathan Coleman and Fumihiro Ota. SWF must be looking over their shoulders… [U]Wednesday[/U] I take in another independent show, but this time it’s even worse attended – I’m not superstitious, but even I know that 13 people isn’t a good crowd! Not much talent to be seen, although Harry Wilson and Tom Morgan have a good match (that reminds me, I REALLY need to try and get Morgan back!) and Matty Phatty and Jon Jetson also have a good contest. [U]Sunday[/U] Pre-show The Teen Idols pairing of Vessey and Styles take on the Warriors, and the [B]Idols [/B]go over, Vessey getting the pinfall win on Ongpatonga with a crucifix cradle.[COLOR="Red"] (D+)[/COLOR] Space to fill, so we have a bikini contest! Garcia hosts, Agent 69 beats Jenny Playmate and Tracy Brendon. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Myself and Alex DeColt team up to take on the Followers of the Star, winning in 4 minutes with [B]Alex[/B] hitting the DeColt Driver on Fate. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Show Kicking the show off, I challenge Steve to a match next week. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] With the first match, [B]Whippy the Clown [/B]beats Barry Kingman, trying out today, who falls victim to a Joke’s On You. Kingman looks pretty decent. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post-match, Cherry Bomb attacks referee Francis Long. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] Bomb grabs a microphone, and screams that she wants to see a women’s division in this promotion, and will keep on causing chaos until she does. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] In a close match, [B]Christian Price[/B] gets an upset win over Eddie Chandler, thanks to interference from Dan DaLay. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] [B]Shane Nelson [/B]takes on Trent Shaffer, in a non-title DeColt Invitational qualifier, and beats the Canadian champion by submission. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Tracy Brendon comes out to celebrate with Shane, and suggests to Trent that Nelson deserves a title match next week now. Shaffer accepts! [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] George DeColt says that despite Cherry Bomb’s actions, there’s no place in wrestling for women. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Eddie Chandler challenges John Maverick to a World title match, saying he’d never have lost to Price if not for DaLay’s interference, and tells Maverick if he can’t beat him, he’ll quit! [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Maverick accepts, and Chandler comes up short, [B]John[/B] locking on the Silent Threat for the submission victory. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Eddie... (He's signed a developmental deal with SWF, dammit!) [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] overall, and our popularity may have been hurt again. Things are not looking good here… 3.69 rating though, slightly up. Jack DeColt turned up late for the show – does he think he can come and go as he likes, just because he’s the owner’s son and I can’t find a spot on the show for him?! Screw you Jack, I give him an official warning.
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Trying to improve my write-ups of the angles a bit here, any feedback welcomed! [U]Sunday[/U] The industry’s falling, the economy’s falling, my shows are getting worse – but what the hell, I can still sell out Pengrowth Place, thankfully! Pre-show We kick things off with a 3-way tag match, as Cool and Styles take on the Specialists, and the Followers of the Star. Johnson gets a submission from Cool, before [B]Fate[/B] plants Bobby Thomas with a huge superplex to win the match. [COLOR="Red"](D+)[/COLOR] Next up, the DeColt family (apart from Steve, obviously) come out. Ricky grabs the mic. “You know, in all the uproar about our treacherous brother, seems there’s some old enemies who’ve been pretty much forgotten. We saw you were up to your old tricks last week, getting rid of Eddie Chandler – wanna go two for two? Because if you can beat us in a three vs three match, with no interference, I’ll quit as well!” [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B]Sean Deeley[/B] beats Captain Charisma in just three minutes, finishing him with a German Suplex. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Trent Shaffer and Ryan Powell come out together. Trent calls out to Youth Energy. “I never realized how much me and Ryan had in common. We’re both cool… we’re both DAMN hot… and we’re both gonna be kicking the ass of Youth Energy tonight! Are you out in the back, you pair of cowards? If you are, come out, come out, because we’re ready for ya!” As Nelson and Rivera charge out, they’re immediately jumped by the Followers of the Star! A brutal four-on-two beatdown follows! [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] [B]Ryan Powell [/B]goes over a battered Lee Rivera in their qualifier for the DeColt Invitational. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] The Teen Idols come down to ringside. Vessey speaks for the group. “Good to see you all, ladies. I know some of you thought you were lucky when Powell and Shaffer came out earlier – well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Teen Idols are here to show you what a group of really sexy men looks like. We got the hair, we got the bodies, we got the muscles – all we need now are some accessories. Like some belts – nice gold ones!” [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] [B]Trent Shaffer [/B]beats Shane Nelson, who obviously hasn’t recovered from the earlier attack, with a Heart Burn. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Cherry Bomb attacks Farrah Hesketh, leaving our scheduled referee for the main event out cold! [COLOR="red"](F+)[/COLOR] In our match, which is another DeColt qualifier, [B]Steve[/B] beats me with a DeColt stampede. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] Roger Rogers, who hasn’t been seen since I took over, sees Cherry Bomb backstage. “Hey, Cherry!” he calls out. “I like what you’re doing here, girl… but you ain’t gonna get what you want. Not without some advice, anyway.” [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer see George DeColt backstage. Ryan taps him on the shoulder. “See our matches tonight? We took the best tag team in this federation, supposedly, apart with ease. How’s about giving us the chance to do it next week, but this time for the titles, boss?” George shrugs. “Whatever, kid. I got other worries.” Trent. “So it’s on?” George nods. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] In the main, [B]Alex, Jack and Ricky[/B] go over Elite, Ricky pinning DaLay with a DeColt 45. (B-) C+, one of our best shows! Nelson was overused, but apart from that, very good feedback. Big increase in viewers as well, getting 4.26 – perhaps advertising the 2 DeColt Invitational matches and the Canadian title belt helped! While we’re still struggling slightly, other federations are getting better and better – 21CW, of the UK, and the States’ CZCW are both looking to expand, with overwhelmingly positive feedback to the Coastal Zone’s Counterpunch show last night, headlined by Donnie J’s victory over Darryl Devine.
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[U]Sunday[/U] It’s time… as an experiment, we are tonight presenting our first EVER show in America! We hit the famous Portland Centre, capacity 1000, to try and impress the citizens of the North West. Pre-show Debutant Bulldozer Brandon Smith teams up with Whippy the Clown, and the two go over the Teen Idols pairing of Cool and Styles when [B]Whippy [/B]pins Style after the Joke’s on You. [COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR] Steve DeColt cuts a good promo “Look at my brothers now! They all said they were wrestling’s most talented family – damn straight they were! Because they had ME! And when you look how easily I’ve beaten them all, that shows who had all of the talent!”[COLOR="red"] (C-)[/COLOR] [B]The Warriors[/B] beat Hardcore Killah and The Monster (a repackaged Tribal Warrior, accompanied by Roger Rogers at ringside) in just 3 minutes, Pteh going over Killah. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Show In a DeColt Invitational Qualifier, [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] pulls off an upset win over Captain Charisma, thanks to help from the other pair of Teen Idols. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] AK Garcia challenges the DeColts to a rematch. “I gotta admit, you guys were pretty good last week. But you weren’t facing ALL of Elite. I’d like you to meet our newest full member, Danny Rushmore!” Rushmore scowls, looking pretty damn scary. “So why don’t you hook up with your buddy Jackie Avatar, and take on the four of us, tonight, in the ring! And just to give you an incentive… if you beat us again, my man John Maverick will give each and every one of your team a title shot!” [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] In another qualifier for the tournament, [B]Jack DeColt [/B]beats Sayeed Ali with an End of Days.[COLOR="red"] (C+)[/COLOR] Cherry Bomb hosts a Tracy Brendon/Suzanne Brazzle/Hotstuff Marie bikini contest, won by Tracy. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Post-contest, we have shenanigans! Let’s hear the commentary by Jerome Turner. “The two losers walking away, Tracy Brendon celebrating in the ring… oh no! Cherry Bomb has snapped, and it’s another attack! Cherry Bomb with a vicious clothesline here, and Tracy Brendon is down! Someone’s coming through the crowd… it’s Geena! Things are only getting worse for Tracy, as Cherry and Geena have her down outside the ring… what the hell? Cherry Bomb and Tracy Brendon are now UNDER the ring, out of sight – no, Cherry’s back… holding Tracy Brendon’s bikini in her hands! Tracy Brendon must be naked under the ring!! Cherry gets a mic. “Bikini contest host? You have to be kidding, George. I told you I wanted a women’s division, and that’s the job you give me?” She rips Tracy’s bikini to shreds. “Looks like someone needs to rescue that poor little girl from under the ring, where she’s shivering naked. Bad things happen when I get pissed off, George. Screw the eye candy, get me some real wrestling here, before I get REALLY nasty.” [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Youth Energy beat the team of Powell and Shaffer, [B]Rivera[/B] pinning Shaffer after a moonsault. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] The Monster charges in and wipes out Youth Energy. [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] Backstage, [B]Dean McWade[/B] jumps Jack DeColt, leaving him down and out, and reducing our match to a 3 vs 4 handicap. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] In the handicap match, we hold our own until Steve DeColt interferes – his superkick on me after a ref bump allows [B]Danny Rushmore [/B]to pin me. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] overall, not bad for our first ever show across the border. 793 attend. We get a 3.73 rating on TV. Saturday Somehow we make nearly $30,000 from a house show! Normal takings tend to be less than half of that, things are looking up, maybe! I also announce the brackets, and confirmed matches so far, for the DeColt Invitational – predictions welcome! Sean Deeley vs Harry Wilson (appearing by special invitation) Nate Johnson vs Simon Flemingway (representing PGHW) Shane Nelson vs ??? Ryan Powell vs Frankie Dee (appearing by special invitation) Steve DeColt vs Whistler (representing NYCW) ??? vs Dallas McWade (representing NOTBPW) Cameron Vessey vs Warlord Pain (representing USPW) Jack DeColt vs Larry Wood (representing WEXXV)
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[U]Sunday[/U] A sold-out Pengrowth Place, for the final show before next week’s double header Sunday of the TV show AND PPV on the same day. Pre show [B]Youth Energy[/B] made their 3rd defence of the tag titles, with Lee Rivera beating K-Squared by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] Agent 69 cuts a promo. “I see Comrade Cherry Bomb is trying to get us a women’s division here – sounding like I will soon be beating on girls like Suzanne Brazzle, ja!” [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] [B]Whippy the Clown [/B]beats Henry Lee, of DAVE, in just 3 minutes. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Farrah Hesketh referees a bikini contest, in which Suzanne Brazzle beats Hotstuff Marie. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Henry Lee is walking out for a match, when he gets jumped from behind. Garcia: “Hey! That’s Cherry Bomb! Bomb just leapt on Henry Lee’s back, and she has a set of chains with her – one, two, three shots to the head, and Lee is staggering! And now Cherry’s wrapping those chains around his head… Henry Lee is down and she’s choking the life outta him!” [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] In a three-way DeColt Invitational qualifier for the spot against Shane Nelson, [B]Danny Patterson[/B] pins both Al Coleman and Burning EXILE. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] The Monster attacks Lee Rivera. [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] Roger Rogers speaks out for the Monster. “Look at this man here, this perfect specimen of 350 pounds of pure menace! The man wants a contract, and are you going to be responsible for what he does if he doesn’t get one, George?” [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] [B]John Maverick [/B]beats Nate Johnson, locking on a Deadly Silence for the submission.[COLOR="red"] (C+)[/COLOR] K-Squared and Trent Shaffer argue. Trent: “What the hell was that out there, man? You didn’t do [BLEEP] in that pre-show match!” K-Squared “I didn’t do [BLEEP]? You’re saying that to me, Mr Big Shot Canadian Champion? You lost us that damn match cause you were too busy checking out that front row chick to tag me in!” [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] George DeColt comes out with a special announcement. “First Cherry Bomb, now this Monster… I’m sick and tired of seeing roster members wiped out by people I don’t employ! Miss Bomb, you may have severely damaged our chances of getting another loan signing from WEXXV – but you get want you want. I’ll give you a women’s division… if you can beat the Monster at the pay-per-view! If he beats you, he gets a contract – but the loser gets the hell out of my federation FOREVER!” Cherry comes out. “Me beat the Monster? Sure thing, Georgie… and then I’ll take on all the useless eye candy hanging around, and you’ll see why you should be BEGGING to have me in this women’s division!” As she was speaking, Tracy Brendon interrupted. “Whoa… George, you’re not giving us a women’s division unless this useless sack beats the Monster? Damn, man, I was looking forward to nailing her at a pay-per-view soon!” DeColt is obviously at the end of his tether. “Fine! Join her against the Monster then, in a handicap match!” [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] In a four way tag match, myself and Alex take on Steve & Deeley, Jack and Ricky, and Rushmore and DaLay. Alex pins Rushmore, Steve pins me, and [B]Deeley[/B] forces a submission to a Boston Crab from Ricky. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post-match, a massive brawl breaks out between the 8 in the main event as we fade. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] C overall, woot! K-Squared used too much though. Worryingly, Jack and Ricky BOTH arrived late to the show… come on guys, if your family doesn’t support me, who the hell will?!
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[U]Sunday[/U] It may be an exaggeration to say that these next 2 days will make or break CGC, but it’s probably not far off. The TV show, plus two pay-per-views on consecutive days, have massive significance for us – I’m praying we put on three great shows. No pre-show tonight, given the 3 events, I’d be worried about burning people out… All shows are in Kamloops Royal Athletic Park [B]Pteh[/B] wins a 10 man battle royal for the last DCIT spot, beating Brandon Smith, Christian Price, Jesse Gilbert, Joe Gilbert, Marc Cool, Max Million, Ongpatonga, the Space Knight, and Shayne Style. The Space Knight is the last out, eliminating Million with a flying head scissors but then walking straight into a dropkick from Pteh. [COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] AK Garcia leaves the announce table to host another bikini contest. “Hey, this could be the last one – maybe after today, we’ll have a women’s division! Cherry Bomb and Tracy Brendon could beat the monster… WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER!” Hotstuff Marie beats Agent 69, Farrah Hesketh, and Tracy Brendon. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Danny Patterson is walking down a corridor. “OH YEAH!” He throws himself into a set of lockers. Jerome: “What the heck? Patterson smashing into those lockers, and he’s grabbing a mirror… he just headbutted that mirror! Patterson bleeding, and he now has a steel chair – he just blasted HIMSELF with that chair! Get him some medical attention, stat!” AK: “Get him a psychiatrist, STAT! Crazy bastard.” [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] beats Whippy the Clown in a Canadian title match, retaining the belt. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] George DeColt comes out. ”After seeking medical advice from our doctors, I have decided that Danny Patterson is not in a fit state to wrestle tonight. Therefore, we have arranged a special replacement for him in the DeColt Invitational Tournament… on his way to the arena at the moment, ‘Jungle’ Jack Marlowe!” [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] AK: “Jungle Jack vs Shane Nelson? Hey, you gotta love that! Big improvement on Patterson, and Georgie must’ve been pretty damn persuasive to get him in that quickly.” [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Steve DeColt comes out. “The DeColt Invitational Tournament obviously needs a DeColt to win it, and it sure as hell isn’t gonna be my worthless brother Jack. So Whistler, bring your A-game, but don’t expect to get anything out of Canada’s finest.” [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B]Dan DaLay[/B] beats me, hitting the DaLay Down. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Garcia finishes off hyping the tourney. “Don’t miss it! As soon as this show finishes, hot on PPV, the first ever DeColt invitational tournament.” [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] overall, one successful show – 2 more to go! 3.72 rating.
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The DeColt WrestleFestival, Day 1 Cherry Bomb and Tracy Brendon open things up, taking on the Monster! As expected, the Monster is dominant, tossing Cherry around like a ragdoll – until he goes for a powerbomb. As he lifts Bomb up, Roger Rogers throws her some brass knuckles, and she blasts the Monster in the head with them! Brendon schoolgirls him as he staggers, Rogers gets outta dodge, pushing his wheelchair as fast as he can up the entrance ramp, and [B]Tracy[/B] gets the sensational 3-count! [COLOR="Red"](E+)[/COLOR] Tracy grabs a mic. “So, we got the women’s division – now all we need is a belt! You and me tomorrow night, Cherry.” Cherry groggily nods.[COLOR="red"] (E+)[/COLOR] Tracy does a sexy dance on her way out. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] AK Garcia: “What a card we have here for you! The 8 first round matches in the DeColt Invitational Tournament, featuring 8 of our stars against top talent from North America and beyond! Trent Shaffer vs Lee Rivera for the Canadian belt! And John Maverick WILL defend his World title!”[COLOR="red"] (B)[/COLOR] [B]Ryan Powell [/B]beats Frankie Dee in 4 minutes.[COLOR="red"] (D-)[/COLOR] A video hypes up Jack DeColt vs Larry Wood in round 1. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] The Teen Idols come out. Marc: “Ladies, girls, and women of all ages. Do we have good news for you? That’s right, the sexiest 3 men in wrestling are about to become the sexiest 4 men in wrestling – keep on watching CGC over the next few weeks, because the Idols have got a guy who is almost as worshipped as we are to join us.” [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] [B]Warlord Pain [/B]beats Vessey with the Execution at Dawn. The pair have great chemistry, but at $4000 a show, this will probably be the only time they get in the ring. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Steve DeColt comes out. “Jack, you just know the pair of us are going to meet tomorrow. And you know I’m gonna beat you yet again. So why don’t we get it over with now? Come out, I’ll whip your ass, and I can take it easy tomorrow night before the final.” An angry Jack storms out, but as he walks through the curtain, Elite jump him! A 4-on-1 beatdown commences.[COLOR="red"] (B-)[/COLOR] A Dallas McWade hype video plays. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] [B]Dallas [/B]beats Pteh, although the Native American is holding his own until Steve DeColt blindsides him. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Roger Rogers is backstage, and cuts a promo about his betrayal of the Monster. “We had it planned all along, George! I got my girl there the women’s division just like I said I would, and she’s making sure there’s something in it for me – just because my legs aren’t so good any more, there’s still parts of my body below the waist which go just fine.” [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] A video shows Steve DeColt training for the Tournament.[COLOR="red"] (B+)[/COLOR] [B]Nate Johnson[/B] beats Simon Flemmingway. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] George DeColt announces the main event. “Looks like Elite think they’re pretty tough, jumping my son like that. Well, John Maverick, I was originally planning on having you defend your title against Captain Charisma tonight – but if you’re so tough, you won’t mind taking on him, Ricky, and Alex, in a fatal four-way for the belt!” [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] [B]Jungle Jack [/B]beats Shane Nelson with a Jungle Jack Jammer. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] AK and Jerome talk about the next round. “Coming up tomorrow, Jungle Jack against Ryan Powell! Will the Shooting Star get past this impressive newcomer?” [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] As Jack is leaving the ring, Shane calls after him. “Hey man – good match, well done.” The pair shake hands. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] [B]Deeley[/B] beats Harry with an ankle lock. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post match, Deeley is crazy. Jerome: “My God… Deeley’s not letting this go! He’s locked that hold in, and Harry Wilson has quit, but Sean Deeley will NOT leave go of the ankle lock!” . [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Jack DeColt beats Larry Wood with the End of Days submission. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] [B]Powell[/B], helped by the Followers of the Star, attacks Jungle Jack, but Youth Energy save. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] A music video promotes Elite.[COLOR="red"] (B-)[/COLOR] Steve DeColt beats Whistler, in just 3 minutes. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Garcia hypes Steve’s match. “Tomorrow, Steve DeColt vs Dallas McWade, who he brought into this federation to start off the war with NOTBPW! Two allies collide, and who’s gonna win that one?” [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Me, Bobby Thomas, and Whippy the Clown beat DaLay/Price/Rushmore when [B]I[/B] pin Price. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Backstage, Steve is talking to the McWades. “So, tomorrow night, you against me, Dallas. Thanks for all your hard work – all you gotta do is let me win, and everyone’s happy.” Dallas and Dean grunt in disbelief. “What? Hey… I ain’t lying down for NOBODY, bud!” The McWades storm off, leaving an angry Steve behind. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B]Rivera [/B]beats Trent to win the Canadian title, after K-Squared’s interference is foiled by the save, coming from Nate Johnson of the Specialists. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Trent and K-Squared are caught backstage arguing. Trent:“What the hell was that? I thought you had my goddamn back there!” K-Squared: “I did! I locked Shane Nelson in his locker room – who the hell knew that Johnson would get involved?” Trent: “You just cost me my goddamn belt, moron!” Shaffer storms off. [COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR] John Maverick wins the 4-way, pinning Charisma after powerbombing Ricky and Alex off the apron to the outside. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post match, Elite charge down to attack the losers, leading to a massive brawl as Youth Energy and the Specialists run out for the save. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Unfortunately, only a[COLOR="red"] C-[/COLOR] overall – still, not bad considering a lot of ‘imported’ talent was used and only 4 or 5 matches featured our main event/upper midcard guys. Buyrate of 0.20, could be worse.
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Well I must admit initially the Canadian aspect of the C-Verse never really intrigued me save for a few select characters but I was having a look at your diary and found myself pretty interested. I guess I saw the bit about using Jack Avatar and that had me curious at first but you've done well in bringing life to the Cornell-verse characters in CGC. I'll be reading.
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[U]Monday[/U] The DeColt Wrestle Festival, Day 2. Jungle Jack vs Ryan Powell. [B]Jungle Jack[/B] wins with the Jungle Jack-Jammer. I hear the crowd muttering about how Ryan Powell’s ****y youth gimmick is getting a bit old – a bit like him, since he’s had it since he was about 17. Well, not to worry, I have something planned... [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B]Cherry Bomb [/B]beats Tracy Brendon in 5 minutes with the Cherry Bomb to become our inaugural Women’s champion! It’s a complete clusterfrick, as Agent 69, Geena, and Jenny Playmate attack Tracy, and Michelle Brendon and Suzanne Brazzle attack Cherry. [COLOR="Red"](D-)[/COLOR] Note: I've had to edit to get a women's division, as I didn't realise you couldn't change it in product. Cherry dances sexily to celebrate. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] The Space Knight was out watching the women’s match, for some reason, and as he turns to return to the back, Max Million sneak attacks him, powerbombing him through a stage! [COLOR="red"](F+)[/COLOR] [B]Sean Deeley [/B]beats Nate Johnson with a German Suplex to advance to the semi-finals. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Geena drags Hotstuff Marie out, pulling her by the hair. Geena: “This is an example of the old, worthless, women of CGC! All she’s good for is showing some skin – and you’re going to see more than you ever have now!” Geena strips Marie down to her panties, although viewers don’t see anything much as Marie manages to cover her breasts with her arm. Geena: “Now that you’ve seen more than ever before, you can concentrate on the REAL women around here – the wrestlers!” [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Whippy the Clown calls Jenny Playmate out to the ring. She comes, somewhat surprised. “Jenny… I know I must’ve done something wrong, for you to leave me. I don’t know what, but if you tell me, I’ll do whatever I can to make it right. Jenny… I’m just a clown, standing in front of a girl, asking her to…” He goes down on one knee. “… marry him.” Jenny looks shocked, and shakes her head, before running off, leaving Whippy in the ring crying. AK: “Hey, who says we can’t get big name songs – it’s Tears of a Clown” Jerome: “Oh, do you have NO compassion?” AK: “Nope!” [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] [B]Steve [/B]beats Dallas with a DeColt Stampede.[COLOR="red"] (C)[/COLOR] Lee Rivera comes out to sign autographs and celebrate with the fans, showing off his belt. Trent Shaffer doesn’t take kindly to this, and charges out to attack him. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Shane Nelson comes out, as do Ryan Powell and the Followers of the Star, and it’s looking like 4-on-2 until Whippy storms out, chair in hand, and immediately blasts Fate and Destiny to take them down. Powell and Shaffer head for the hills, as the Clown nods to Youth Energy before leaving. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] [B]Jack DeColt [/B]beats Warlord Pain in the last quarter-final. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B]Deeley [/B]beats Jungle Jack in one semi. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Steve and Jack DeColt face-off in the corridor before their match, and are about to start fighting there and then before a bunch of lower-carders separate them. [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] [B]Jack [/B]beats Steve with the End of Days in a great match, lasting nearly 20 minutes.[COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] George DeColt comes out to make an announcement. “Due to the possibility of unwanted interference in the final of the DeColt Invitational Tournament, I have decided to make the Jack DeColt vs Sean Deeley match an escape the cage bout! [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Elite and Alex, me, Ricky and Captain Charisma bump into each other in the corridor before our match. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] We beat Elite, [B]Captain Charisma [/B]pinning Price. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Post match, Elite are angry with Price. Jerome: “This doesn’t look too good for the youngest Elite member – DaLay just punched him, and my co-commentator is in the ring with a cane now! AK Garcia, what the hell are you doing? Maverick grabs the cane – OH GOOD LORD! John Maverick just nailed Price IN THE FACE with that cane, and a crimson Price dropped like a stone, clutching his eyes! That’s sickening!" [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Backstage, Jack DeColt is interviewed. “Looks like I’m the top dog in our family after all, Steve! Deeley, bring it on – I’m about to become the first guy to own our trophy.” [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] [B]Jack[/B] is as good as his word, beating Sean to win the DeColt Invitational title. [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] Elite burst into George’s office at the end of the show. “Doesn’t matter what you think your son just did, old man – Elite are stepping things up here. You saw what we just did to Christian Price, from next week, that’ll happen to anyone who gets in our way. Elite are about to RUN this goddamn federation!” [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] C+ overall, a success! Great feedback as well on message boards. 0.25 buyrate. Steve DeColt and Agent 69 both arrived late, and received official warnings. I ditch the Gilberts, on the basis we have enough semi-decent tag teams for them not to need to clutter things up. [U]Thursday[/U] Big news from the UK, as on the back of a decent Desperate Measures show, 21CW get a PPV deal! [U]Friday[/U] OH YEAH! The women’s division has just got a huge boost – HELLO, ALICIA STRONG! Sammy’s daughter signs on the dotted line, and we get ready for a super-push… Unfortunately, Steve DeColt and Lee Rivera stink up the joint at a house show. It’s the 3rd time in a row they’ve taken each other on, and I think I’m going to have to cut my losses and accept they’re just not suited to taking each other on.
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[U]Sunday[/U] We head back to the always hot Pengrowth Place, ready to follow up our hot second night of the PPV with another great show. The Warriors take on the Followers of the Star and Styles & Cool. [B]Pteh[/B] pins Styles, then Fate. [COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR] Jack DeColt comes out. “Elite think they’re taking over? My family have run this federation well for years, there’s no chance those guys are taking it off us now.” [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] Show Big opening segment sees George DeColt and the rest of the family (apart from Steve) join his son in the ring. George: “So, you think you can take over, Elite? Think again – if I feel like it, I can fire you right now, and we have enough great stars you won’t be missed!” This is answered by Elite, lead by AK Garcia. “Fire us all now? Get real, old man – how the hell will you cope without a colour commentator and your world champion? In fact, this is how easy it is for us to take over – if you don’t get the hell out of the way and let us run this joint, we’ll quit! See how well your goddamn fed does then.” Alex grabs the mic. “Whoa… calm down, AK! Yeah, you guys are on a hot streak – but you know there’s no way CGC would go on without us.” Dan DaLay retorts, “One way to…” “SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!” George DeColt yells out. “Let’s get this settled. You want to run the company, Garcia? Okay… you three and a partner of your choice, against my three sons and Jackie Avatar. Winners take control.” “You got it!” Garcia seems barely able to believe the offer, and immediately jumps at the chance. “Whoa, whoa, whoa…” A voice rings over the PA system, and Cameron Vessey saunters down to ringside. “As fun as it was seeing this argument 25 years ago, or whenever the hell it was you started taking each other on – make some room for the fastest up-and-coming stars in wrestling, the Teen Idols! We happen to have a fourth man ready to join us – so why not give us the chance to take you on, and then we can show you how to book a show as hot as I am.” DaLay and Rushmore are both laughing here, but George nods his head. “You got it, Mr Vessey. Now, the arrangements…” Lee Rivera decides to join in at this point. “Wait a little minute, man! These guys have been here 5 minutes, and they’re in? Well, I always liked the idea of me as a bossman – so add Youth Energy and our friends the Specialists to the mix, and let’s make this 4 on 4 on 4 on 4!” George nods to this as well. “Alright, Lee. If you want in, that’s fine. But I’m not putting 16 of my top stars in the ring together in one night – so let’s make this a league. 6 weeks, 4 teams, all going against each other once – and whoever wins most takes control of CGC.” “You got it!” There’s a chorus of assent from Garcia, Rivera and Vessey, and we have our next few weeks laid out. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] In a tag title match, Youth Energy beat the Varsity Boys when [B]Rivera[/B] pins K-Squared. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Post-match, Trent Shaffer looks over at K-Squared in disgust. “You screwed up one time too many, buddy. I don’t know why the hell I got you back in here in the first place – we’re finished!” [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] As Shaffer leaves the ring, the Followers of the Star attack K-Squared. AK “Was that a set-up? Look at Trent’s face as he goes up the aisle here, smirking!” (E) [B]Alicia[/B] beats Geena in a close match, with Cherry, Jenny and Tracy all interfering, but Alicia rolling Geena up after 5 minutes to sneak the victory. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Post match, Geena and Cherry introduce Jenny as an ally. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] [B]Sean Deeley[/B] beats Bobby Thomas by submission in a decent bout. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] In the first of the league matches, me and the DeColts [B]draw[/B] with Elite – including fourth man Steve DeColt – when the match degenerates into a complete schmozz, featuring lots of weapon usage and cheating from both sides in the end. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] overall rating, K-Squared was used too much but a successful show overall. We got a 3.75 rating, not too bad.
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Tuesday I ditch Christian Price, The Monster, and Al Coleman. 3 guys who will never amount to anything (famous last words…) [U]Sunday[/U] Pre-show Pteh and Whistler come out first. Pteh “Since my regular tag partner can’t be here tonight, I’m honoured to be teaming with the legendary Whistler. Now all we need is a pair of opponents – anyone interested?” [COLOR="Red"](E+)[/COLOR] Jack and Alex DeColt beat the Followers of the Star and Pteh/Whistler, [B]Jack[/B] pinning Fate and then Whistler. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Katie Cameron makes her debut, as a nurse, seeing the Space Knight backstage. She goes to greet him, and he’s obviously shocked to see her. She tells him that he made such an impact on her at the hospital that she’s come to support him, despite not thinking he’s fit enough to return yet.[COLOR="red"] (D)[/COLOR] Show [B]Brandon Smith [/B]and the Space Knight beat Max Million and Nathan Black, but the Knight barely tags in at all, obviously still suffering from his injury at the hands of Million.[COLOR="red"] (D+)[/COLOR] Katie and the Space Knight challenge Million. SK “You may have hurt me, but you’ll never break me, while the force of the Puma is strong! When I’m fully fit I’ll get my revenge on you, Max.” [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] [B]Ryan Powell[/B] beats me, Whippy and Styles when Styles and he double team me. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Shane Styles lifts Powell’s hands. “Ladies, girls, women of all ages – meet the newest Teen Idol!." [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] Cherry and Geena beat the Brendons, [B]Cherry[/B] pinning Tracy. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] A brawl breaks out involving those 4, Jenny Playmate, and Alicia Strong. [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] Alex DeColt sees the Space Knight backstage. “Hey, kid. You got guts, standing up to Million like that. Don’t rush back – take your time and you’ll kick his ass when you finally get in the ring with him again.”. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] In the tag league, Elite beat Youth Energy and the Specialists, [B]DaLay[/B] hitting DaLay Down on Thomas. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] We end with a showdown, as the DeColts come out to glare at Elite, who are now in the lead in the league with one win and one draw.[COLOR="red"] (B-)[/COLOR] Show rating a [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR], unfortunately it may well have hurt us overall – worrying, as it was a reasonably strong card on paper. Guess I need to be using the DeColts on the show proper for matches, not just the pre-show.
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[U]Monday[/U] Our own Cherry Bomb is featured in a magazine as one of the hottest young talents in wrestling. She’s not only our women’s champion, she’s also going well in AAA. [U]Tuesday[/U] I speak to George, and tell him that some of our roster are unhappy about the lack of matches they’re having. I explain it would be easier to keep them happy if we ran less angles, and he agrees that we should move the product more towards matches (changing it to 70% to start off with.) [U]Thursday[/U] Steve Smith signs! The UK’s best announcer is persuaded to join us, since Jerome Turner kinda sucks. [U]Sunday[/U] Pre-show Pteh comes out. “As great as teaming with Whistler was, I’m glad to tell you all that my regular partner is back, and the Warriors are about to thrill you with some action against the Followers, and a very special team of Bobby Thomas and Shane Nelson! Are you ready, guys?” [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] They are, and the Warriors win, [B]Pteh[/B] beating first Fate, then Nelson. Pteh looks good, and is becoming more and more apparent as a star of the future.[COLOR="Red"] (C)[/COLOR] Show George DeColt starts the show off. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to announce that tonight, we will be having a WORLD Title defense! John Maverick will take on the Specialists’ Nate Johnson.” [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] In a 6 woman tag match, Alicia Strong and the Brendon Sisters beat Cherry Bomb, Geena, and Agent 69 when [B]Alicia[/B] pins Agent 69. Jenny Playmate is at ringside for the heels. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] On their way back to the dressing rooms, Geena sees Whippy the Clown. She laughs maniacally at him. “She’s with us now, Whippy! She’ll never be back with you!”. [COLOR="red"](E-)[/COLOR] [B]Sean Deeley [/B]beats Lee Rivera to win the Canadian title, a very quick change, Rivera was holding his own, until the Followers of the Star interfered.[COLOR="red"] (C+)[/COLOR] Nate Johnson saves. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Backstage, Ryan Powell and Marc Cool are talking strategy when an ill-at-ease Jenny Playmate walks over. “Hi guys…” The pair of Idols nod. “Hey, baby.” Powell greets her. “I kinda thought… well, you two are really cute and everything, and so are Marc and Shayne. Did you want a manager, maybe?” Ryan laughs. “You want to manage us? I thought you were tight with Cherry Bomb and Geena these days?” “Yeah…” Jenny definitely seems ill-at-ease here. “Look, do you want a beautiful girl at ringside for your matches or not?” The two smile. “Hey, when you put it like that… you’re hired!”. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] In the tag league, the DeColts beat the Teen Idols, [B]Ricky[/B] pinning Marc Cool with DeColt 45. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] In the World title match, [B]John Maverick[/B] beats Nate Johnson with the Deadly Silence. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] Post-match, there’s a brutal beatdown as Maverick puts Johnson through a table at ringside with a massive powerbomb. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR], but the show STILL hurt our popularity overall. 3.60 TV rating, though. Wednesday I go to the latest Canadian indie show, with just 44 people in attendance. Not hard to see why they’re drawing so few fans – the highlight is Matty Phatty vs Dirty Frank. Thursday I meet Nate Johnson for what should be routine contract extension talks. He wants me to pay him more per APPEARANCE, than I currently do PER month. Ladies and gentlemen, meet YOUR jobbers to the stars, not-so-stars, and any other team who needs an easy win, the Specialists! Friday Okay, maybe jobbing them out TOO badly isn’t necessary. Bobby Thomas, 2 months into a short-term deal, realizes no-one else will sign him, and agrees to take a pay cut of a third to keep his job. Or not… despite me matching what he asks for, he whines about the reduced downside! Saturday Okay, Thomas signs. I figure I’m bound to use him at least once a month, so offer him a downside equal to one appearance. He agrees. Might even give him a singles push...
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[U]Sunday[/U] We hit the Quebec City Arena once more. Pre-show George DeColt comes out. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m pleased to announce, there will be a World title match tonight! John Maverick, you have the choice of who to face – out of Jack Avatar, Captain Charisma, or Bobby Thomas.” [COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR] In a 3-team tag elimination match, [B]Alicia and Suzanne [/B]beat the Brendons and Cherry/Geena, Alicia pinning Geena then Tracy. [COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR] Post-match, Cherry goes crazy, laying out referee Farrah Hesketh with a Cherry Bomb, and going for a second until Alicia and Suzanne save. [COLOR="red"](E)[/COLOR] Show [B]Trent Shaffer and Primal Rage[/B] beat Whippy and Harry Wilson. Trent and Whippy are in the ring for the majority of the match, and both put in good performances. (C+) Adding insult to injury, Trent and the Followers beat Whippy up. The Followers appear to now be worshipping Shaffer instead of Ryan Powell. [COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR] Th[B]e Warriors and Whistler [/B]beat the Followers and Nathan Black. Surprisingly reasonable match considering some of the ‘talent’ involved, although there’s grumbles about Black’s stale gimmick. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] Elite come out, and Garcia goes to join them. “Hey, we heard that worthless jacked-up heap of **** Jungle Jack was in the house tonight – think you’re hot just because you’ve gone around Japan, Marlowe? Let Dan DaLay show you what a real great wrestler looks like!” [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B]DaLay [/B]beats Jungle Jack with DaLay Down.[COLOR="red"] (C)[/COLOR] In the latest tag league match, [B]the Teen Idols[/B] beat Youth Energy and Specialists, Vessey pinning Johnson. [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] Alex DeColt comes out. “Steve, there seems to be something getting lost in all this tag league stuff. You still seem to think you’re the toughest of us all – sorry brother, but that just ain’t true. If you want to show you’re a real man, meet me at Chaos in the Cage in a cage match. Whether you’re running things or we are, doesn’t matter – just me, you and no way for ANYONE to interfere!” [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] [B]Maverick[/B] beats me with the Deadly Silence in a World title defence – we go about 12 minutes, and I hit my super kick finisher (yes, I have a finisher, just rarely a chance to use it) but Maverick kicks out, much to the crowd’s disappointment. [COLOR="red"](B)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]B! B! B! B! B![/COLOR] Best show yet, and we sell out Quebec City Arena, and get a 3.58 rating. Yeah baby yeah!!
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