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[B]At Odds with the Owner [/B] I had managed to built up a reputation for myself on the booking team of TCW and believe it or not it was my idea to break up Painful Procedure and turn Troy Tornado heel. However I was becoming increasingly frustrated with Tommy Cornell's insistance of pushing an old-school product....I wanted TCW to break itself further away from the thinking of SWF and aim at the frustrated fans in North America who were looking towards a more Modern, some would say puroresu influenced product. One of my initial aims as head-booker at TCW was make the All-Action Title mean something. A few months into my run I felt TCW had too many titles and I suggested perhaps unifying the All-Action and International titles but Tommy Cornell would have none of it. Perhaps Cornell wanted to keep it old-school as he saw that USPW with it's Nostalgia Heavy product was becoming the fastest rising promotion in North America. USPW's success had come along because it appeals to Family's and fans who grew up on the likes of Sam Strong and Jim Force, it's one last go round for many people's hero's of years gone by, but I wanted TCW to look more towards the future and not to the past. Tommy though wanted to play it safe, that is when I realised I could no longer work with him professionally, and with the money I had saved decided to set up my own Indy promotion, with dreams of perhaps taking them to the top one-day, at the very least I wanted to put on a product that would be respected world over for putting on great matches with a loyal fanbase. I did not leave TCW a bitter man, and all in all my experience as head booker of one of the biggest promotions in the world was a valuable one. I still have the up-most respect for Tommy Cornell, but it was time for me to move on if I wanted to get my vision into the wrestling ring.
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[COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Navy"][B]From Total Extreme Wrestling.Com[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] Former TCW Head booker Matt Bray says he is currently in talks with several financial backers to set up a new promotion. Matt Bray left TCW in October, after a 2 year run with the company. It appears that he was odds with owner Tommy Cornell over the in-ring product. Bray said ' I still have a great deal respect for Mr Cornell and thank him for giving me my big break in the business, however he wanted TCW to go in one direction, I wanted them go in another direction. We weren't completely at odds with one another and we never had any personal difficulty, but there were enough professional differences of opinion, that I knew I had to move on' We will have more news on this story as it develops
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OOC: I'm just getting the seeds of the diary up before I start to run things properly...I'm still getting together my roster and run my first show in TEW 2007 but I've decided this is what I want to go with. [B]Promotion: [/B]PW Max [B]Based In : [/B]Great Lakes Popularity: D- In Great Lakes, F- Everywhere else Money: $10'000 I'm running this as a 'Start Your Own Promotion ' with the level set at hard...which will mean that I will probably have to sign some really duff workers on the cheap at the beginning. I've made a few tweaks to the Cornellverse data, in terms of where workers are available to work but am still running this with restrictions on. [B]Product[/B] [B]Name: [/B]American Puro [B]Match Ratio:[/B] 80% [B]Minor Match:[/B] 7 Mins [B]Medium Match: [/B]13 Mins [B]Major Match:[/B] 25 Mins [B]Match Intensity:[/B] 80% [B]Match Danger: [/B]60% [B]Face/Heel Divide: [/B]Medium [B]Traditional: [/B]Medium [B]Mainstream:[/B] Very Low [B]Comedy:[/B] Low [B]Cult:[/B] Medium [B]Risque: [/B]Very Low [B]Modern:[/B] Key Feature [B]Realism:[/B] Medium [B]Hyper-Realism:[/B]Very Low [B]Hardcore:[/B] Low [B]Lucha Libre: [/B]Low [B]Pure:[/B] Medium [B]Daredevil:[/B] Low
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[U][B]Hiring Process[/B][/U] [B]Tuesday Jan 2nd[/B] I was very busy on the phones and e-mailing out offers to a shed-load of available workers to come and join my fledgling promotion all day. At the end I must have let over 30 workers know that I wanted them to come on board, I went for a big pool as I knew I had to leave my options open...some of my top targets were ambitious long shots, so I needed back up's ready. I wanted to get the promotion up and running as soon as possible, so I was not going to hang around waiting for my top targets to say yes or no to my offers. [B]Friday Jan 5th[/B] I learn that one of my targets [B]Dean Daniels[/B], has decided to take up the offer of becoming head booker of small time British fed Ring of Fire. Though not a worldwide household name, it's quite a coup for ROF to get a technical journeyman of his experience not only on their roster but to also be booking their shows. Luckily for me I still have plenty of irons in the fire. In other interesting news CZCW have given their vacant head booker position to legendarily poor worker [B]Leo Davis[/B].I'm not sure what [B]Cliff Anderson [/B]is thinking here. [B]Saturday Jan 6th [/B] First the bad news two of my top targets rejected negotiations. [B]Frankie Perez [/B]has signed up with NOTBPW, whilst [B]Champagne Lover [/B]just refused my offer, as he feels he can make better money elsewhere. Though Lover is not a full blown star yet in the U.S obviously his ego says he is already. [I]Now for the good news....[/I] Signed [B]Thomas Morgan [/B](for peanuts), Signed [B]Remmy Skye [/B], Signed [B]Ed 'Phenomenal E' Larkins [/B](for a suprisingly paltry amount, hopefully he will turn out to be an excellent bargain), Signed another CZCW mainstay in [B]Masked Cougar[/B], Signed [B]Marc Speed,[/B] Signed [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B],Signed [B]Fox Mask[/B], Signed Mexican tag team worker [B]Enrique Merino [/B](for peanuts). Overall it was a good day, though obviously something of a blow not to get either Perez or Lover on board, but still I already had 8 workers on board and most of them were on very cheap contracts, which in my current financial position is what was needed. [B]Sunday Jan 7th [/B] A very busy day as I get responses from 15 workers to my requests to negotiate with them. Sign [B]William Hayes,[/B] Sign Japanese maked high flier [B]Washichi 'Fire Fox' Inao[/B], [B]Sign Tempest Appleby[/B] (for peanuts), Sign Japanese prospect [B]SUKI[/B](on the cheap), Sign another CZCW mainstay in [B]Snap Dragon[/B], Signed hot teenage prospect [B]Roderick Remus[/B], Signed [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] (the MAW champion is my most costly signing yet, but he was on the right side of affordable, as in he was asking for 3 figures instead of 4),Signed another CZCW worker in [B]Jeremiah Moose[/B] Got in my announcer in [B]Marty Papin[/B], as I was able to do a competent job on color-commentary myself I did not pursue any color-commentators, as the top ones would have been asking for too much money. As for other non wrestling personnel I did sign [B]Karen Killer[/B] (she wasn't cheap but was one of the morereasobably priced managers on the circuit) and I feel that perhaps a tag team or stable could benefit from having her as a mouthpiece. With plenty of signings now coming on board I could afford to perhaps pull out of negotiations with some of my targets European star [B]Sergei Kalashnov[/B] would have been a nice addition to the roster, but he was asking for too much money at this moment in time...I still have interest in perhaps bringing him over to the promotion one day, but for now he was too much of a risk. I decided not to pursue my interest in [B]Mario Heroic[/B] for now, as the roster was beginning to take shape but like Kalashnov is someone I may bring in down the line. There were a few workers I decided not to pursue any further interest in, not for financial reasons but because they were only fall-backs if some my original intended targets fail to materialise, such workers included [B]Rafael Ruiz , Cal Sanders [/B]and[B] C.H Threepwood [/B] [B]Monday Jan 8th[/B] Sign Enrique Merino's tag partner [B]Tijuana Vampire[/B], Sign [B]Joey Poison[/B], Sign [B]Erik Strong.[/B] I have in a referee [B]Oz Lord[/B] [I](probably not the best on the circuit, but he did come cheap and is reasonably competent),[/I] Possibly my most important signing I get in [B]Dylan Sidle[/B] as our resident road agent. With the roster near enough set I decided to pencil in a date for our first show, Friday Jan 19th, and will last for 2 hours.
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[B]From Total Extreme Wrestling.Com[/B] Tickets have begun to go on sale for PW Max's debut show [B]New Day Rising[/B], to take place at Dickens Athletic Center in Chicago, Illinois At this moment it time the card looks likely to be... Tempest Appleby vs Phenomenal E vs SUKI vs Jeremiah Moose Los Sickness (Enrique Merino/Tijuana Vampire) vs Call To Action (Erik Strong/Mainstream Hernandez) William Hayes vs Remmy Skye Marc Speed vs Roderick Remus Fire Fox & Snap Dragon vs Fox Mask & Masked Cougar Mean Jean Cattley vs Joey Poison
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[B]Final Card for New Day Rising [/B] Tempest Appleby vs Phenomenal E vs SUKI vs Jeremiah Moose Thomas Morgan & Cal Sanders vs Call To Action (Erik Strong/Mainstream Hernandez) William Hayes vs Remmy Skye Marc Speed vs Roderick Remus Fire Fox & Snap Dragon vs Fox Mask & Masked Cougar Mean Jean Cattley vs Joey Poison [I]* O.O.C: SOTBPW booked Los Sickness on that day, so I had to change my plans... so I bought in Cal Sanders on the cheap[/I]
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[B][COLOR=navy]PW Max - New Day Rising[/COLOR][/B] Live from Dickens Centre, Chicago- Illinois (Attendance: 1'799) [B]Announce Team:[/B] Marty Papin & Karen Killer [I]O.O.C: I know I said it would be my user character, but for some reason I gave him F- in charisma, which is an appalling stat for a color-commentator. So I'm using KK for now.[/I] - PW Max owner Matt Bray came out to the ring and welcomed the crowd to the birth of PW Max, putting over the fact that tonight was a birth in a revolution for American Wrestling...I'm pretty sure DAVE and CZCW must have said the same thing. [B]4 Corner Survival: [/B] [B]Phenomenal E vs Tempest Appleby vs Jeremiah Moose vs SUKI[/B] Really solid opening match with the Japanese import SUKI looking impressive on his U.S debut, he does not speak a word of English but if he keeps up the impressive performances he will make a name for himself with what he does in the ring. Lots of fast paced action and high-spots in this match, with the finish coming at a little after 12 minutes of frantic action when SUKI put Tempest Appleby away with his Mountain SUKI finisher (Springboard backflip DDT) [COLOR=blue][B]Result:[/B] [SIZE=2]SUKI defeated Jeremiah Moose, Phenomenal E and Tempest Appleby in 12:36 when SUKI defeated Tempest Appleby by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][B]Rating:[/B] D[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [B]Thomas Morgan & Cal Sanders vs Call To Action (Mainstream Hernandez & Erik Strong)[/B] Call To Action have been tagging in MAW, whilst this is the first time Sanders & Morgan have tagged together, and it was there edge in tag team experience that would earn the young tandem the victory, despite Morgan & Sanders overall experience. In a pretty average match Call To Action picked up the victory when Thomas Morgan fell victim to an Apparition # 14 (Springboard Leg Drop)) from Mainstream Hernandez. [COLOR=blue][B]Result:[/B] [SIZE=2]Call To Action defeated Thomas Morgan and Cal Sanders in 11:29 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Thomas Morgan by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][B]Rating:[/B] E[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Joey Poison is backstage and he has a microphone, the promo is shown on our super-cheap video screen, I think it's a projector and a bit of white cloth. [/I][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=darkred]Joey Poison Promo[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]" I like... dudes regularly fight over the border, but tonight I will show you why I am the coolest wrestler in the world, when I take down that miserable Mean Jean...I will show you to be a winner you need to ride the wave, not get all up tight about it "[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Note: I'm not going to bother to put up the ratings for non match segments, as they all just really stink as ratings. It's less disheartening if I just ignore them. Anyway the fed I'm running is based more on the matches and the non match segments are just there to fill a bit of time, as I can't expect everyone to go out and give me 20 minute plus matches every time, before they die of exhaustion.[/I] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Oh dear if the crowd were not suffering enough with one bad promo, out come's Roderick Remus to the ring with a mic in hand...[/SIZE] [B][COLOR=darkred]Roderick Remus - Talks Himself Up[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] " Hi It's great to be given this opporuntity to show everyone what I Roderick Remus can do..I will show you why I am one of the brightest young talents on the American Indy Circuit " [COLOR=darkred][B]Cut of in his prime[/B][/COLOR] But just as the teenager is going to talk himself up a bit more, Marc Speed comes out an attacks him, obviously fed up of listening to his inane waffle ...however Remus fights back and their match that was scheduled for later on the card has to be started now. [B]Roderick Remus vs Marc Speed[/B] Unfortunately the match wasn't a particularly good one, as their chemistry with one another felt awkward and quite a few spots were missed. Both of these wrestlers are two promising young talents with alot of upside, but perhaps to get the best out of them right now...they need to get in the ring with some solid veterans..especially in the case of Remus. In an often sloppy match that went on a little too long the finish came, when Remus grabbed a handful of tights and rolled up Marc Speed to get the win, after a series of pinfall reversals between the two. [COLOR=blue][B]Result:[/B] [SIZE=2]Roderick Remus defeated Marc Speed in 14:27 by Pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][B]Rating:[/B] E[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff][B][COLOR=darkred]Oh Come On[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]The match is over and Marc Speed is looking well and truly peeved, just as the two are leaving the ring he grabs a chair from ringside and levels Remus with it, he then rains down a few more blows before Security pull him off...despite Remus getting a post match beating, the crowd barely cares and just make a long queue for the toilets and concession stands instead. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Note: I was going to start a feud up between these two but after their disappointing outing here, it's probably one I wont be pursuing with. [/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]William Hayes vs Remmy Skye[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]A possible contender for match of the night with Hayes more grounded technical style, contrasting with Skye's spotty high risk offence. Skye may be a bit unreliable when it comes to his time keeping [I](and he was late arriving here, that is why the Remus/Speed match needed to be moved forward) [/I]but he is a solid worker when he puts his mind to it, and he did a great job of bumping for Hayes suplex heavy offence. Likewise Hayes made Skye look impressive when the laid-back risk taker took to the Skyes. In the highlight move of the night Skye did a springboard shooting star press off the top rope onto Hayes on the outside, with the momentum of the manouevre sending both men crashing into the crowd.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]In an entertaining match Hayes chalked up the victory when Skye failed to kick out of a second Slick-Trick (Rolling Cutter)[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]William Hayes defeated Remmy Skye in 13:57 by pinfall[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff][I][COLOR=black]Marc Papin and Karen Killer talk up the next match a tag team match , where all men are wearing a mask. Papin put over that the Mask's give them their identity and inner strength . Karen Killer meanwhile said they all looked like a bunch of gimps but for some reason found them all strangely alluring...Papin responded that Karen Killer was into 'that sort of thing' anyway so he's not surprised.[/COLOR] [/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][I][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=black][B]Fire Fox & Snap Dragon vs Fox Mask & Masked Cougar[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Though this match had it's moments, it failed to spark the way I had hoped it would, which is a surpise considering 3 out of the 4 competitors regularly face each other in our southern equivalent CZCW, so you have to wonder if they were holding back a little. The match went on for nearly 15 minutes, but dragged in the first 10 with a bland heel beat-down and rescue segment with Cougar in peril before his hot-tag to Fox Mask ...it did come to life though in the last 5 minutes, but by that time the disappointing first 10 had done irreversible damage to what looked like a good match on paper. [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]The finish came when Snap Dragon and Fox Mask were fighting on the outside, leaving Cougar and Fire-Fox in the ring. It was to be Fire-Fox who would nail the telling blow and in something of an insult to Cougar's partner he did it with the Fox-Hunter (Shining Wizard variation)..Fox Mask's very own finisher. [/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Fire-Fox and Snap Dragon defeated Fox Mask and Masked Cougar in 14:32 when Fire-Fox defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=blue][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=black]Mean Jean Cattley is walking to the ring, and unfortunately for the paying punters he has a microphone in his hand, to be honest these in-ring promo's wouldn't be so bad if the in-house audio was not so dodgy, as half the crowd can't hear what he is saying anyway [/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]I'm Mean , I Am Said I...[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]" Poison...come out here now....you said wrestling is fun, I'll show you how much fun it is, when I beat your face into the mat. Wrestling is a serious business, and only the baddest men around...come out the winners and you're looking at one of the baddest. You drew the wrong dog tonight boy and I'm gonna chew you up and spit you out.. time to man up fool"[/COLOR] [I]Joey Poisons music hits and the main event can get under way...[/I] [B]Mean Jean Cattley vs Joey Poison[/B] This was the other contender for match of the night...Hayes vs Skye was the better match in terms of memorable spots, but this one had more heat behind it...with the crowd getting behind Joey Poison and booing Mean Jean...in fact the match often saw Mean Jean working the crowd by getting Poison into submission manouevres and then flipping off the crowd, who were chanting 'boring' and 'Come On Joey !'. Unfortunately for Cattley though he became over confident and Joey P showed plenty of courage, often fighting back....with Cattley controlling much of the match with Poison only getting in token flurries of offence...the self proclaimed Mean Machine was caught off guard when Poison took him down with an Antidote Web (Styles Clash) off the second rope, leaving Cattley stunned and looking up at the lights for the 3 count. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Joey Poison defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 16:44 by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=blue][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Post Match [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Cattley struggles back up to his feat, holding his head, and he begrudingly shakes Joey Poison's hand, however when Poisons back his turned Cattley levels him from behind and then get's Poison into a choke hold. Poison looks to be in real trouble, however seeing that himself and Joey Poison are like minded sort of people.....Remmy Skye comes out with chair in hand to chase Cattley away...the show ends with Skye and the ring crew attending to Joey Poison, whilst Cattley backs away looking pleased with himself.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Overall Rating: D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] It could of been better, Speed/Remus was a sloppy match, whilst I expected alot better out of the Fire-Fox/Snap Dragon vs Fox Mask/Masked Cougar match. However the opening 4-way was fun with SUKI looking really impressive, Hayes/Skye was a good match and Poison/Cattley delivered a solid main event. [I]Feedback from the Total Extreme Wrestling forums, was that the event was Pretty Good, especially considering it was our first show.[/I]
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[B]O.O.C: Comments- [/B] All my roster are currently on 9 month PPA deals. Current finances state that I can only do one show a month tops...also I'm thinking of switching to a 1 and 1/2 hour show next time...I did a 2 hour show for the first one, because I wanted to showcase all the roster on the first show...which proved to be a little bit costly. I sort of have the next 9 months booking plans sketched out, no doubt I'll get a spanner or two in the works where I will have to make adjustments.One of those problems shouldn't be fatigue, but other problems could be failure to gel and if anyone picks up an injury. Just waiting to buy the full game now, so I can press on with this. As for Thomas Morgan, I let the computer decide the winner of that tag match, and it chose Call To Action(Strong/Hernandez)....seems like the computer shows Morgan very little love. I will get Morgan some wins though, but don't expect a massive push just yet for him.
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[B][COLOR=darkred]Total Extreme Wrestling.com[/COLOR][/B] We can reveal the card for the next PW Max show, to be called [B]'PW Max- Elimination'[/B] and set to take place at the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge, Illinois. Fire-Fox vs Masked Cougar Joey Poison vs William Hayes Mean Jean Cattley vs Remmy Skye Snap Dragon vs Fox Mask plus the debut of Los Sickness (Tijuana Vampire & Enrique Merino) The four singles matches are first round matches in the PW Max Golden Crown Tournament. The Golden Crown looks set to be the top singles title in PW Max. Company owner and head booker Matt Bray had this to say on the title situation in PW Max [B][I]' For now we are just going to concentrate on establishing our top singles belt for the forseable future, though their are plans to bring in tag belts some time down the line' [/I][/B] ______________________________________________________ [I]O.O.C: Predictions welcome, should have the next show written up and [/I][I]posted on here sometime tommorow. [/I]
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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]PW Max - Elimination (Sat, Feb-17-2006)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Live from Frontier Fieldhouse, Chicago Ridge - Illinois (Attendance: 950) [B]Announce Team: [/B]Marty Papin & Karen Killer [I]PW Max Owner Matt-Bray came to the ring and put over the fact that the road to crown the first PW Max Golden Crown champion , starts tonight.[/I] [I]Marty Papin and Karen Killer then hyped up the opening match in the tournament between Fire-Fox and Masked Cougar. Papin mentioned that Cougar fell victim to a Fox Hunter from Fire-Fox in the 4 corner survival match at New Day Rising and that he will be looking for revenge[/I]. [B]Golden Crown Tournament Round 1:[/B] [B]Fire-Fox vs Masked Cougar[/B] This match was a solid representation of the Super Junior style, much of the fed is being based around. As in a typical Puro style match, it picked up pace in the second half , after an opening where the two masked men were just feeling each other out...Cougar came close on several occasions to getting a win back over Fire-Fox but once again he fell victim to a the shining-wizard variation the Fox-Hunter after approximately 13 minutes of solid action. Good opening contest. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Fire-Fox defeated Masked Cougar in 13:01 by pinfall[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][B]Rating: D[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Karen Killer then stood up from the announce table and claimed that she had an important announcement to make.[/I][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=darkred]Prepare for the Plague[/COLOR][/B] " As all you pathetic specimens should well be aware.. I am Karen Killer...and as you should all know, I am a lady of many talents. I could just sit here and comment on other people getting success here in PW Max, but I want some of that success...I want some of that gold for myself. Does that mean I will be getting in the ring ?...well no, I'm too clever to put myself in the firing line but I do have two servants who will do my bidding for me....I bring you Enrique Merino and Tijuana Vampire ...they are Los Sickness. Tonight I release the plague.....bring out their first victims !" [SIZE=2][I]Though Killer's job was to put over the imports from South of the Border, the promo actually seemed to be more a case of massaging her own ego[/I]. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Los Sickness vs Phenomenal E and Tempest Appleby[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]This was a glorified squash, with the make-shift high flying team of Phenomenal E and Appleby getting in token flurries of offence, and it was to their credit that they lasted as long as they did, however they were finally put away in impressive faction, when Appleby fell victim to the gothic Mexican's double team finisher Good Night, Good Bite (Power-Bomb, Flying Neck-breaker combination)[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Los Sickness defeated Tempest Appleby and Phenomenal E in 8:26 when Tijuana Vampire defeated Tempest Appleby by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][B]Rating: E+[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Back on track with the Golden Crown Tournament. Papin and Killer hype up the next first round match between Joey Poison and William Hayes. Karen Killer said that Joey Poison could be a force to be reckoned with, if he had the right guidance, such as herself but instead he would rather please the imbeciles in the crowd and that will see him come undone against a no nonsense professional like William Hayes. Papin begged to differ and felt that the support of the fans will carry Poison to victory.[/I] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Golden Crown Tournament Round 1:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Joey Poison vs William Hayes[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Poison started out hot taking the fight to William Hayes, but Hayes turned things around with that classic heel tactic the thumb to the eye. Unfortunately for the crowd what followed was a boring heel beat-down (not so much a beat-down as more a series of submissions holds, wearing down Poison), that lasted for nearly six minutes. However Poison fought back and the final 5 minutes picked up in pace as both men had several near-falls and it was Poison who would come away with the victory, when Hayes was left kissing the canvas after Poison nailed him with the Antidote Web.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Joey Poison defeated William Hayes in 15:18 by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][I]After the match, just as Joey P is celebrating his hard earned victory Mean Jean Cattley aapears from out of the crowd and attacks him from behind, Cattley then downs Joey P with a Mood-Swing and then grabs a chair from ring-side, just as he is about to inflict more damage on Poison. Remmy Skye comes out to save his friend from further damage and make an impromtu start to their match. As Joey Poison is being carried away by the ring-crew. Papin comments that Cattley vs Skye was scheduled to close out the show, but it looks like this match is getting under way now and that referee Oz Lord has called for the bell.[/I][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Golden Crown Tournament Round 1:[/B][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Mean Jean Cattley vs Remmy Skye[/B][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Much like his comrade in bad hair dye, Remmy Skye started out the match like an house on fire, if not even more so...however he ran out of steam after 5 minutes and that apppeared to be his un-doing , Cattley soaked in everything the californian dare-devil threw at him , waited for his opening and then took control of the match, and much to the distain of the near thousand strong crowd in attendance, never really relinquished it. Cattley used every dirty trick in the book to maintain his advantage....Skye made several attempts to make a plucky come-back but they never materialised and he eventually passed out to Cattley's sleeper variation the Dirty Southern Choke.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Mean Jean Cattley defeated Remmy Skye in 14:18 by submission[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][I]After the match Cattley, never one to shy away from making everyone hear the sound of his own voice, picks up a microphone.[/I] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred][B]All The Wasters....[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] " You fans why do you get behind these wasters, like Poison and Skye ......[B]the fans start to get on his back with Shut the *bleep* up chants[/B]....... I beat one of them down, the other fool comes out to rescue him, then I beat that pathetic excuse down. You see I could beat those two fools any day of the week, and you know why they just ain't mean enough, they just aint man enough. So Poison, Skye...it's time to Man Up...if you think you can take the Mean Machine down." [I]Skye goes to charge the ring, but is held back probably for his own good, by the ringside crew. [/I] [I]The final match of the night and the final match in the first round of the Golden Crown tournament is about to start, featuring Fox Mask vs Snap Dragon. Marty Papin put over the fact that these two have faced each other many times in CZCW and have had several classic matches in that promotion..so we should be in for a treat here.[/I] [B]Golden Crown Tournament Round 1:[/B] [B]Fox Mask vs Snap Dragon[/B] It was a good move to put this match on last to send the crowd home happy, after having to endure Cattley taking apart Remmy Skye with his dirty submission based offence and then having to hear the self proclaimed Mean Machine ramble on the mic and telling people to 'Man Up'. Fox and Dragon but on a highly entertaining high flying , high tempo contest that proved to be the match of the night. Particular highlights saw a Hurricarana from Fox Mask on Snap Dragon to the floor , whilst Snap Dragon performed an impressive series of 5 snap suplexes in a row that led to a 2 and a 1/2 count. However it was Fox Mask who would come away with the victory, when he put away Dragon with the Fox-Hunter, the same move Fire-Fox used to defeat Masked Cougar. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: [SIZE=2]Fox Mask defeated Snap Dragon in 13:07 by pinfall [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Overall Rating : D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=black]I'm not too unhappy with that, running at 90 minutes, this was meant more as a transitional show and I certainly made the right decision of letting the CZCW veterans of Fox Mask and Snap Dragon close the show. Parts of the crowd seemed to want more high-risk spots, so I may need to tell the workers to put more on the line in their matches.[/COLOR] Feedback from the internet was the same as last time, that the show was quite good, considering the size of our company. I feel that once I get the roster over with the crowd, or at-least the top end of the roster...then the shows will be alot better, because at the moment they just seem to be lacking that little bit of crowd heat to make them go to the next level. [SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
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[B]A Spanner In the Works[/B] Unfortunately Japanese sensation SUKI has signed a developmental deal with Hinote Dojo. It appeared that scouts from Burning Hammer were watching his match at New Day Rising and were impressed by what he saw. I had big plans for SUKI, but I'm not going to get too bitter about it, it's just one of those things I'm going to have to deal with, whilst my promotion is just starting out. I guess the chance to one day making it in the Super Junior division of Burning Hammer is too much of an opportunity to pass up. I still have him available for next months show, but after that he starts his 'development' at Hinote Dojo. In other news I have signed a working agreement with CZCW, we share many of the same workers, however the working agreement will let me have access to all their roster, provided I give them something worthwhile in return..and their are several talented workers who can temporarily plug the gap left behind by SUKI.
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[B][COLOR=darkred]From Total Extreme Wrestling.com[/COLOR][/B] PW Max return to the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge on Saturday March 18th for their next show Crowning Glory. It is expected that we will find out who the first PW Max Golden Max Champion will be by the end of the night. [B]Confirmed Matches for the Card[/B] [B]Golden Crown Tournament:[/B] Mean Jean Cattley vs Joey Poison [B]Golden Crown Tournament:[/B] Fox Mask vs Fire-Fox [B]4 Corner Survival:[/B] Remmy Skye vs Masked Cougar vs William Hayes vs Erik Strong Plus SUKI makes his final appearance in PW Max.
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[B][COLOR=darkred][U]PW Max - Crowning Glory[/U][/COLOR][/B] [I]Mar 18 2006[/I] [I]Live from Frontier Fieldhouse, Chicago Ridge - Illinois (Attendance: 950)[/I] [B]Announce Team:[/B] Marty Papin & Karen Killer [I]A Hype vid plays for the PW Max Golden Crown Tournament hyping the 4 semi finalists in the title tournament MJC, Poison, Fox Mask & Fire Fox[/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]War of the Waffle[/COLOR][/B] [I]We cut to the back where unfortunately for the fans in attendance, Mean Jean Cattley has a microphone[/I] " Tonight I become the Champion and take the gold back to the south, first of all though I put that waste of space Poison out of action, I already took out his fellow freak haired pal Skye. Poison you just ain't man enough to beat me, you hear that...you ain't man enough...you just don't have what it takes....time to Man Up fool " [I]Joey Poison has also cut a pre -match promo[/I] " So this Mean Jean dude, keeps telling me to Man Up....not really sure what he is on about, but I don't really wanna find out. So yeah that dude is just so annoying, keeps running his mouth, and yeah I know I don't want to hear what he has to say and neither does any one, man . And yeah this one is for you Remmy I don't need saving all the time, but hey seeing as you got my back, I got yours. Anyway I'm sure planning to have a party tonight at this Mean Moron's expense...one thing I won't be doing though is manning up " [B]Golden Crown Semi Final : Mean Jean Cattley vs Joey Poison[/B] MJC may not be putting on classic matches, but one thing he is doing right, is playing a heel that really winds up the fans. Fact is despite his efforts Joey Poison never got going in the match, MJC was always one step ahead....constantly stretching the rule-book to keep his more energetic opponent grounded. Of course Cattley's dirty tactics, riled up many of the fans in attendance, but Cattley does not care about the fans he only cares about winning, and eventually he put Poison away in a bit over 11 minutes with a Dirty Southern Choke. Unfortunately for the fans and more unfortunate for Joey Poison, the match turned out be more one sided, than was being expected. [COLOR=blue][B]Result: Mean Jean Cattley defeated Joey Poison in 11:24 by submission [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] Cattley decides to rub it in even more by picking up a mic , apart from liking to hear the sound of his own voice... he proceeds to taunt the fans and Joey Poison [B][COLOR=darkred]That's What It's All About[/COLOR][/B] " Hey Joey Pathetic, you wan't to know what Maning Up is all about, well you found out the hard way.All you pathetic fans can boo me, and get behind a waste of spacer like this freak I just beat twenty shades of crap out of, but there is nothing you can do about it. I'm the top dog round here, and if you don't believe me....lets see you Man Up fools" [I]Marty Papin and Karen Killer briefly discuss the second Semi Final between Fox Mask and Fire-Fox. Papin mentioned that Fox Mask is the originator of the Fox Hunter finishing move, but has noticed that Fire-Fox has also been using the move as his finisher and appears to have positioned himself as some kind of nemesis for Fox Mask, and that the match could well rest on who nails the deadly kick first. Karen Killer said this match made her feel strangely excited...two guys in Masks...getting it on.[/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]Golden Crown Semi Final : Fox Mask vs Fire-Fox[/COLOR][/B] Good solid match, but because I did not want the eventual winner to be worn out before the main event I had to put a cap on the time, so it did not quite break out into the show-stealer it could of been, but I'm sure these two will have plenty of matches against each other down the line. The match naturally had several spots/attempts where both Fox Faced combatants went for the Fox Hunter. Eventually though Fox Mask advanced to the Championship match to face Mean Jean Cattley when Fire-Fox missed a Fox-Hunter attempt and Fox Mask drop toe hold his adversary into the turn-buckle... a dazed Fire-Fox then turned around and was met by a Fox-Hunter from the originator of the move. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Fox Mask defeated Fire-Fox in 11:59 by pinfall [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]SUKI vs Marc Speed[/B][/COLOR] As you may well have guessed SUKI, was going to get a solid push in PW Max but the lure of possibly working for Burning Hammer sooner, rather than later was too much of a an opportunity to turn down. Marc Speed was his opponent on the night, so was SUKI going to leave the promotion unbeaten , OK he only ever had 2 matches, but a win-loss record is a win-loss record or was Marc Speed going to get his PW Max off an running with a big win over the ' break out star' of the first show. Well Marc Speed certainly put in a better performance than he did against Roderick Remus but the Japanese sensation was too good for him, and the match was over with when SUKI locked on the SUKI Special , a variation on the Key Lock. SUKI leaves PW Max un-beaten perhaps one day he will return to expand on his 2-0 record. [B][COLOR=blue]SUKI defeated Marc Speed in 12:54 by submission[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Morgan & Sanders vs Moose & Remus[/COLOR][/B] Originally it was supposed to be Morgan & Sanders facing off against Karen Killer's Los Sickness, but the Mexican imports were unavailable as they had more important engagements with SOTBPW. That's the disadvantage of imports, they are not always available when you want them to be. So this replacement tag match got thrown together and thrown together is what it felt like. No one perfomed terribly, it was just that there was no heat and the fans just weren't interested in this match, it's like they knew that this was the match where they can have a chance to leave their seats and go to the concessions or stand in line for the urinals. For those who cared , once again the team of Sanders & Morgan came out on the losing end, when Jeremiah Moose earned his team a win after landing a High Velocity Headbutt onto Cal Sanders. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Jeremiah Moose and Roderick Remus defeated Cal Sanders and Thomas Morgan in 8:39 when Jeremiah Moose defeated Cal Sanders by pinfall [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B]- [I]Fox Mask gets on the mic to hype up his title match[/I] “ Mean Jean will be a tough opponent, but I have overcome many tough tests and now with my eye firmly on the prize…I will become the first Golden Crown Champion “ [B][COLOR=darkred]4 Corner Survival: Remmy Skye vs William Hayes vs Masked Cougar vs Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] This match had plenty of spots, but had very little in the way of psychology and that seemed to hurt it a little bit. Once the wrestlers get more acclimatised with each other and the fans can invest more in feuds, I am the wrestlers will start to step up their game. It wasn’t that this match was bad, and everyone worked hard but it just seemed to be lacking that extra spark. Masked Cougar picked up his first victory in PW Max, pinning Erik Strong after a High Rise Cougar Pounce. (Flying Fore-arm from the top-rope). [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Masked Cougar defeated William Hayes, Remmy Skye and Erik Strong in 17:39 when Masked Cougar defeated Erik Strong by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Hype for Golden Crown Championship Match[/COLOR] [/B] [I]As if the crowd have not heard his voice enough, Mean Jean Cattley is back on the mic again, this time plugging his title match with Fox Mask.[/I] “ Why can’t I face real men, first of all I deal with multi-coloured swap shop and now I have to face this weirdo in a mask that looks like a god damn friggin’ Fox. Well they can throw all the weirdo’s they like in front of me…the outcome will always be the same. “ [I]Papin commented that must be the first time Mean Jean has not mentioned about Maning Up in one of his egotistical promos.[/I] [I]A video plays hyping the Golden Crown Championship match between Mean Jean Cattley and Fox Mask…highlighting their earlier wins, in getting to the Championship match.[/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]Golden Crown Championship Match: Mean Jean Cattley vs Fox Mask[/COLOR][/B] For the first half of this match, it seemed like Cattley was going to once again wear down a faster paced opponent with his rule-bending old-school style, and the crowd certainly did not like what they were seeing, however Fox Mask stuck in there and eventually his resilience started to frustrated Cattley and Fox Mask slowly came back into it. Eventually this resulted in Fox Mask having a very strong flurry, losing his quick strikes and kicks to wear down Cattley. However a ref bump resulted in Cattley low-blowing Fox Mask and then going ring-side to pick up a chair….Cattley went to use the chair but Joey Poison came out and took it away from him. Poison then planted Cattley with the Anti-Dote Web and then revived referee Oz Lord. Fox Mask had now shaken off the effects of the low-blow from Cattley, and finished off Cattley with his trade-mark Fox Hunter . This time Oz Lord counted all the way to 3.Fox Mask then slumped to the mat in jubilation and realisation that he was the first PW Max Golden Crown Champion. Fox Mask then celebrated holding the Gold Belt proudly above his head. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Fox Mask defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 25:26 by pinfall [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Overall Rating: D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Not a bad show, but I was hoping for better. It appears that the roster is capable of putting on solid D minus shows, still it's only the third show and their room for growth in their performances. I think once I have some strong feuds built up that the fans can invest in, the shows will become alot stronger. The major problem I’m finding is that the fans I am attracting to the shows, want clean finishes for every match, but at the same time I need to establish heels and faces. Usual Internet reaction, the fans thought the show was pretty good for a fledgling promotion.
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[B][COLOR=darkred]News from PW Max[/COLOR] [/B] William Hayes has temporarily left PW Max, as he has been invited to tour with WLW in Japan. He is expected to return in July, when WLW's current tour has completed it's run. Fox Mask was crowned the inaugral PW Max Golden Crown Champion, after defeating over-coming Fire-Fox and Mean Jean Cattley during the Crowning Glory event. It is unsure of who Fox Mask's opponent will be at the next PW Max event, as Mean Jean Cattley has turned down the chance of a re-match, claiming that he has more pressing matters...it is no surprise that these more pressing matters involve Joey Poison, who technically cost Mean Jean Cattley, the chance of walking out of Crowning Glory as the champion.
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[B][COLOR=darkred]PW Max News[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]PW Max return to the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge on April 14th.[/COLOR] Fox Mask has said that he will put his title on the line, against anyone willing to challenge him for it. No opponent has been confirmed for the 14th, but it is expected that Fox Mask will defend the Golden Crown. Will Fox Mask's first opponent come from within PW Max or will it be an outside challenge ? PW Max commisioner Matt Bray has granted Mean Jean Cattley a match with Joey Poison, but it will be in a tag match. Poison will be tagging with Remmy Skye, Cattley has yet to name his partner. One confirmed match for the show is a singles bout between Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus. The two youngsters have yet to really get any momentum going in PW Max, a win here for either man could help give them the Kick-Start that they need to make an impact.
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[B][B]O.O.C[/B][/B] [COLOR=black]For anyone following this, you can probably guess that this was originally building towards a tag match between Poison/Skye vs Cattley/Hayes.[/COLOR] But then Hayes signed a touring contract with WLW, and made them a priority. I had already booked the tag match, so now I've had to look for a replacement partner for MJC. Should have the next show up later today, am currently a couple of shows ahead on TEW 2007, just need to get round to diarising them on here. General plan is to run monthly shows for my first year, increasing it to 2 a month the following year, and then increasing further on from there. Hopefully by end of year 2...I will be in a position to expand to putting on shows beyond my region. I'm not even thinking about TV/PPV at the moment.
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred][B]PW Max - Ricochet[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=black][B]Apr 14 2006[/B][/COLOR] Live from Frontier Fieldhouse, Chicago Ridge - Illinois (Attendance: 1'000) ! [B]Announce Team:[/B] Marty Papin & Karen Killer [B][COLOR=blue]Non DVD Match: Fire-Fox vs Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] This match turned out to be better than much of the main-show, as they both put in a solid effort in the short amount of time they were given. Appleby did a good job of putting over Fire-Fox, who got back on the winning track, after losing to Fox Mask at Crowning Glory. Fire-Fox debuted his alternate finisher the Down In Flames, a nasty looking double under-hook pile-driver to earn the victory. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Fire-Fox defeated Tempest Appleby in 6:11 by pinfall [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Sex Does Not Sell[/COLOR][/B] Babes of Sin City ‘ Star’ Dharma Gregg came out in a skimpy out-fit, and shot some T-Shirts into the crowd. Apart from the odd randy adolescent, this segment fell flat with much of the crowd….and there were even a few dissenting voices, voicing their disapproval by chanting ‘We want wrestling’ [B][COLOR=darkred]First Challenger Appeareth[/COLOR][/B] [I]Fox Mask comes to the ring proudly displaying his newly one Golden Crown Championship.[/I] “ Anyone who was here last month, will be well aware that I won this championship I carry proudly with me. Now it appears that the man I beat in the final of last months tournament Mean Jean Cattley, has passed up on his opportunity of his re-match as it seems like he has personal issues to deal with. Now Mean Jean may feel like he was screwed out of winning, but what goes around comes around and I still pinned his shoulders to the mat. I would say I am a fighting champion, and actions speak louder than words, so I’m willing to put this title on the line tonight…against anyone who feels they are good enough to challenge me. “ [I]Ultimate Phoenix best known for his work in Mexico with MPWF and more recently for South-West Indy CZCW appears. [/I] “ Fox Mask, I have a lot of respect for you, and I consider you to be one of the few people I can really trust in this business…you are truly a man of honour. However I am not in this business to make friends, I am in this business to win championships and when I heard that you were willing to put this title on the line against any challengers…I knew this was a possibility I could not pass up . So I am making a challenge to your title “ [I]Fox Mask responds…[/I] “This title needs honour to be brought to it, and I could not think of a more honourable challenger. may the better man win” [B][COLOR=blue]Masked Cougar vs Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] Someone was really bringing this match down , but the crowd was just not into this one…Cougar looked stronger through-out the match and Erik Strong’s heart just did not appear to be in it. Cougar put this one to be bed with a High Rise Cougar Pounce, to earn his first victory in PW Max, as surprisingly he had yet to win so far. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Masked Cougar defeated Erik Strong in 8:27 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=blue][B]Rating:E-[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]The Bimbo is Back[/COLOR][/B] [I]Dharma Gregg made another appearance , much to the chagrin of a large proportion of the crowd, however this time Roderick Remus came out with her. Marty Papin, commented it looks like Remus has grabbed himself a cheerleader. Karen Killer retorted that having some Bimbo on his arm, won’t help Roderick Remus become a better wrestler.[/I] [B][COLOR=blue]Roderick Remus (w/Dharma Gregg) vs Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/B] The crowd just seem really off tonight, as this was not all that bad a match, but it had a total lack of heat that really hurt it. Thing is Mainstream Hernandez in particular has been badgering me about getting a better push, but how can he expect a better push…when the crowd are totally apathetic to his matches. Hernandez and Remus even showed solid chemistry together, but their performance started to flag towards the end, due to the dead crowd. Hernandez earned the win with his Apparition #14, Springboard leg drop. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Roderick Remus in 11:59 by pinfall[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]Post match Roderick Remus and his newly found valet Dharma Gregg, appear to get into an argument, but we can’t hear what they are saying and the crowd barely seem to care anyway.[/I] [I]Karen Killer introduces her team of Los Sickness, putting them over as a virus that is ready to take over PW Max.[/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]Los Sickness vs Morgan & Sanders[/COLOR][/B] Filler squash match…Morgan & Sanders will always put in an honest effort, but it was never in doubt, who would be earning the victory in this one. Once again Los Sickness put away their opponents with their impressive team finisher ‘Good Night, Good Bite’. [COLOR=blue][B]Result: Los Sickness defeated Thomas Morgan and Cal Sanders in 3:39 when Tijuana Vampire defeated Thomas Morgan by pinfall [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Rating: E[/B][/COLOR] [I]Mean Jean Cattley is in the back with a mic, and he has someone with him.[/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]We’re ready to Man Up, Are you ?[/COLOR][/B] “ Poison, you will learn the hard way not to cross Mean Jean, and you can even bring along your buddy too Sky-head …because both of you have your head in your clouds, if you think you can get the better of me…cos the results will always be the same, you’re a heading for a good ol’ southern beatin’ boys. Now let me introduce my partner for the night…I thought I’d be able to rely on the man called they called Slick Willy, but it seems like he’s more worried about impressing the nips. Anyway I found someone here hungry to make a big impression, by helping me hand out an ass whoopin’ to you freaks…” [I]The camera then pans over to Marc Speed.[/I] “ Yeah I bet you surprised to see a playa like me, runnin’ with a red-neck like Cattley here, but fact is…when it comes to beatin’ ass…out of punk fools like you Poison and Skye, I could not pass up on this opportunity. Beatin’ down your punk asses will give me a chance to finally get noticed, by this damn useless mo-fo of an organisation. “ [I]Cattley of course , has to chime in with the final words…[/I] “ That’s right me and Speed here, are never gonna be drinkin’ buddies, but the boys hungry and that’s why I think I can rely on him. We’re ready to Man Up…so you spaced out fools better be ready for a heavy dose of ass whoopin’. [B][COLOR=darkred]Joey Poison & Remmy Skye vs Mean Jean Cattley & Marc Speed[/COLOR][/B] The crowd started to lift for this one, but for some reason they were just genuinely dead tonight. Admittedly I think the match would have worked out better if Cattley was tagging with Slick Willy Hayes, as at times Cattley and Speed had communication problems. The match followed the standard North American tag match format, faces start out hot, then the heels turn it around and isolate one of the faces for a beat-down (it was Skye who was enduring the beat-down) before miraculously getting in the hot tag to Joey Poison. The two teams then exchanged the momentum, however the outcome of the match was decided, when Marc Speed was fighting on the outside with Joey Poison and levelled Poison with a chair-shot…which referee Oz Lord missed as he was concentrating on the action in the ring, with his partner temporarily out of action, Skye fell victim to the Dirty Southern Choke and tapped out after approximately 14 minutes of action. [B][COLOR=blue]Result: Mean Jean Cattley and Marc Speed defeated Joey Poison and Remmy Skye in 13:58 when Mean Jean Cattley defeated Remmy Skye by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Marty Papin and Karen Killer, give some brief hype to the Golden Crown title match between Fox Mask and Ultimate Phoenix. Papin says that these two have met each other before for CZCW, but this is the first time they will be facing each other with a championship on the line.[/I] [B][COLOR=blue]Golden Crown Title Match: Fox Mask vs Ultimate Phoenix [/COLOR][/B] Solid match, but I was hoping for a lot better, but then again they were having to contend with a lack-lustre crowd. You’d be surprised to know that the event was a capacity sell out, but it felt more like the venue was half full. It seems like not enough people are aware of their matches in CZCW to care enough. Anyway this was standard fast paced fare between the two, with the usual array of high-spots and near-falls. To be fair to the crowd they did get more into the match towards the end, once they started to appreciate the effort the two were putting in. Despite pushed all the way by Ultimate Phoenix all the way Fox Mask, would not be falling at the first hurdle, as once again he used his trusty Fox Hunter finisher, to put away his opponent. [COLOR=blue][B]Result: Fox Mask defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 17:51 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter. [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Fox Mask makes defence number 1 of his PW Max Golden Crown title.[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]You May Have Won The Battle….[/B][/COLOR] Fox Mask and Ultimate Phoenix, shake hands and embrace, Phoenix then raises Fox Mask’s arm aloft and then leaves the ring, as he let Fox Mask take in the applause for a successful title defence. Out of nowhere Fox Mask’s growing nemesis Fire-Fox attacks him from behind with a chair-shot, and then nails Fox Mask with the Fox Hunter. Ultimate Phoenix comes into the ring, to chase off Fire-Fox but the message has already been sent, and Fire-Fox seeing that he does not want to have any beef with Ultimate Phoenix, sneaks away un-scathed. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Overall: E+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The most lack lustre show yet, and I hope it’s just a one off and we can at least get back to D-. Tonight it seemed like we took a couple of steps back unfortunately, then again I can use this show to learn from the mistakes made, and to be honest once the original booking plans had gone up the creak with William Hayes deciding to tour Japan with WLW, it was always going to end up being a bit of a ‘throw-away’ show. Though the lack-lustre crowd just were not helping. It is well noted fact, that if the crowd give out some reaction, then the wrestlers will up their game. The dead crowd problem may be because we have been running in the same building for the last 3 shows, so some of the attendees may be becoming apathetic to the product. So it’s definitely time to move on to another town within our region.
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Aaarghhhh..... For some reason I've lost my game...I don't remember clicking on delete game, but for some unexplainable reason my game for this diary has just vanished. I was just getting into the swing of things with this diary , I was a couple of shows ahead in TEW 2007, and I had managed to start putting on slightly better shows, believe me things started to pick up, after the low point of the previous show..:( This is just really annoying, as I no plans what so ever of cutting this one off early...even if all of a sudden my promotion was putting on F rated shows and only attracting 50 punters per show. I even c**ked up my user character at the start of the game, and still pressed ahead with this, that's how much I wasn't planning to abort this, but when your game suddenly vanishes you are left with no choice, but to close your diary down. Well it's nigh on impossible for me to carry on this diary now. I do intend to another one though, but what do you reckon I should do... [B]These are the option's I'm thinking of...[/B] 1. Same as this diary, new Indy fed....with only some popularity in it's home region, and limited money to start with. If I'm doing this type of fed, I don't believe in starting off with a shed load of cash and instant popularity. 2. TCW -I did a short TCW diary for 2005, Promo wise this would be the most fun to do again....In real life my favourite fed is ROH, but a more old-school style fed, could be more fun to do in terms of storylines. 3. NOTBPW -The Stones seem to dominate this fed, but the interesting challenge could be to build new stars. I did consider a Japanese fed- because I really like the workers in Japan, but I think it would be difficult to put in a diary. [B]One's I'm definately not doing[/B] I'm not doing DAVE, umpteen people seemed to have had a crack at DAVE. And I'm not doing SWF, as I like the idea of being the under-dog up against the big global company, that has dominated wrestling for years. NYCW is too old-school...semi retirement home for washed up has-beens and USPW has Jim Force and Peter Valentine (enough said). Post Up responses on which diary you want to see my do over the weekend, from the 3 options I have given above and that's the diary I will press ahead with.
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