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IPW, from small dream

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(This is a fictional Diary. However, this contains some truth of my own life and my own quest to start a promotion.) "Hey Frosty. I got some great Idea's for how NIW can beat NPW." "What are they?" "Well, you could start by signing Kid Krazy and the rest of the talent to exclusive 'deals' where it states that the only promotion they can work for in Minnesota is Northern Impact Wrestling. You could also run shows in bars and then have BIG shows in First Avenue, or West St. Paul Armory." "I dont think so." Well here I am, A 17 year old unemployed student pawning 20's off of my mother to go to the movies. It has always been my dream to be in the wrestling business until I die. I have already started a business plan to start my own wrestling company. I already am planning my first show. I have the tentative card all made up. Main Event: 6 man tag elimination The Northstar Express (Ryan Cruz, Darin Corbin, Arik Cannon) vs. The Northern Ministry (Sinn, Ash, Elgin) 75 minutes Rain vs. Portia Perez 15 minutes Gator vs. Horace Pinfall after JS interferes. 18 minutes Aaron Corbin and Rob James vs. The Twinz 20 Minutes. Kid Krazy vs. Casanova Clean win 15minutes 101 proof vs. Junk Squad 25 Minutes Bash/Sailor vs. Church of the ring (Joessiah/Prophet) 35 minute Time-Limit. Ends in 20 minutes I have had this card down forever. I even have the promo pics of the wrestlers on my wall to signify the card order and everything. My only problem that since Midwest Pro Wrestling closed down in 2004 I believe, there are 4 promotions within the twin cities and the fans get burnt out quickly with the same talent on the same shows. I dont know how I will pull this off.
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I have the same dreams as you and also live in the cities. I wasn't sure if MPW had closed down or not. Thier website is still online but no unpdates in forever. As someone who knows MPW you may find it interesting that I saw their wrestlier 'Nate Bash' at the ROH event in St. Paul last August. So I you going to use local talent for a MN diary because that would be amazing.
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