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Anyone know a music company simulator


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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;173606]not a lot of people are into Metal[/QUOTE] A problem I face nearly every day... As for the game thing, there was an awesome (properly released) game over here in Blighty. Don't know if it got release in the States but it was called Rock Manager. You managed a band and it was f**king great fun with a fantastic sense of humour running throughout. Hope this helps. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;173633]A problem I face nearly every day... As for the game thing, there was an awesome (properly released) game over here in Blighty. Don't know if it got release in the States but it was called Rock Manager. You managed a band and it was f**king great fun with a fantastic sense of humour running throughout. Hope this helps. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] really!!!!! have any website info for me buddy? I appreciate it...
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They had an official website but it got taken down (wasn't very popular). I'll have a search, though ;). EDIT: Try this link: [URL="http://www.dreamcatchergames.com/dci/rock_manager/index.html"]http://www.dreamcatchergames.com/dci/rock_manager/index.html[/URL] screenshots: [IMG]http://www.sg.hu/kep/2001_08/rock_manager_hir0804_03.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/converted/pics/reviews/rockmanager/a_med_01b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://images.starpulse.com/AMGPhotos/gscreens/screen250/drs400/s438/s43849m335d.jpg[/IMG] Quote The Raven Nevermore
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I tried the demo and I gots to say it wasn't that bad, I might purchase.. I made a group called DeathToll.. I could only get punk, pop, or rock, so i went w/ all punk and we hit the top 10 w/ our song " Kill Your Parents"... I lost about 20,000 bucks though w/ all my advertising...
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;174214]Haha, kill your parents is an awesome tune :D. If you do get it, it's about level 4 where you get this awesome cheesy 80s metal band (Maiden/Metallica style) called Firewolf. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I think now that I will try the gay drummer and the female singer and try a pop go run w/ keyboards.. what's a good name for my pop band? what do you think? anyone want to do some voting or suggestions? I think I might buy it. :D
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;174579]\haha, your call, dude. I can only give it the highest props, though. Only problem is, it does't last that long - u can complete all the levels quite quickly but it's still hella fun. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Hey, I did another go round w/ my new pop band "Merry Go Round"... Sunshine on Lonely Street... We... I mean I made 275,000 bucks... not bad... had 6 shows and top the charts w/ my pop band... wooooo... I kinda figured that it was a short game, but I'm still debating on whether or not to get it?
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Rock Manager was cool and funny. The fact that it was easy didn't matter it was simply fun. Played Chart Wars 2... not as cool and funny but it is easy. Just throw everything you have into making a hit single and you've suddenly got millions of $ to repeat ad infinitum. If you can get Rock Manager go for it... I think I saw it in Gamestation for £0.99.
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