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Dynasty Madness

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Okay, here goes the deal, I want to start a four player Dynasty. It would start with a draft much like the ones going on in the Draft Your Roster 07 mods going on right now, but I want this to have a little more flavour to it. Now, you don't have to be 'extremely involved' for this, like writing up match and result descriptions, I would be willing to do all of that, but, communication on matches/fueds/storylines would be essential. I wouldn't mind having to book a show for someone once in awhile if they missed an assignment or what not. However, restrictions would be on, unlike in the mods. So, you have more control then the other mods, with 15 feds going in, but without the hassle of doing up results. (you could do your own news/notes/show recaps if you'd like, but they are not required.) So, if I get enough interest I will lay out more ground rules. This WILL be Cornellverse.
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[B][U]Current Rosters [/U][/B] [U][B]RQW[/B][/U] Dan Stone Jr. (Written) Bryan Vessey (Written) Buddy Garner (Written) Eisaku Kunomasu (Written) Yoshimi Mushashibo (Written) Art Reed (Written) Samoan Machine (Written) SUKI (Written) Louis Figo Manico (Written) Hell Monkey (Written) Lobster Warrior (PPA) Eisaku Hoshino (PPA) Dark Angel (PPA) Haruki Kudo (PPA) Hiroaki Nakasawa (PPA) Koki Ishibashi (PPA) Li Bingci (PPA) Magnum Kobe (PPA) Professor Nero (PPA) Duan Fry (PPA) Phil Vibert (PPA) Darren Smith (PPA) (Referee) 9PM Friday/2 hours/GBA (TV Show) [B][U]EWA[/U][/B] Tommy Cornell (Written) Eddie Peak (Written) Bryan Holmes (Written) Champagne Lover (Written) Randy Bumfhole (Written) Zimmy Bumfhole (Written) Burning EXILE (Written) Remo Richardson (Written) Troy Tornado (Written) Acid (Written) Johnny Bloodstone (PPA) Guide (PPA) Scout (PPA) Liberty (PPA) BLZ Bubb (PPA) Texas Pete (PPA) Sam Strong (PPA) Ultimate Phoenix (PPA) Akima Brave (PPA) Jacob Jett (PPA) Nevada Nuclear (PPA) Chris Caufield (PPA) Big Cat Brandon (PPA) [B][U]WCW[/U][/B] Sensational Ogiwara (Written) Wanda Fish (Written) Joanne Rodriguez (Written) Megumi Nakajima (Written) Thunder Hike (Written) Kit Hayamoto (Written) Kiko Sakakibara (Written) Huntress Makiko (Written) Devils Daughter (Written) Victoria Stone (Written) Saori Nakadan (PPA) Crusher Ichihara (PPA) Jason Azaria (PPA) (Announcer) Emma Chase (PPA) (Color Commentator) Tsugiharu Odaka (PPA) (Referee) Rip Chord (PPA) (Road Agent) Cherry Bomb (PPA) Tamara McFly (PPA) Saeko Hiroyuki (PPA) Ikuko Temko (PPA) Yuma Maruya (PPA) Melody Cuthill (PPA) Raven Nightfall (PPA) WCW Livewire/10pm Wednesday/2hr/GNN Total Sports (TV Show) [B][U]WTF[/U][/B] Sean McFly (Written) Jeremy Stone (Written) Marc DuBois (Written) Wolf Hawkins (Written) Jack Bruce (Written) Angry Gilmore (Written) Sensational Dragon (Written) Elemental II (Written) Human Arsenal (Written) Steve DeColt (Written) Christian Faith (PPA) Peter Michaels (Announcer) (PPA) Alex DeColt (PPA) Joey Minnesota (PPA) Chief Two Eagles (PPA) (Road Agent) Black Eagle (PPA) PRIDE Koiso (PPA) Runaway Train (PPA) Phenomenal E. (PPA) The Great Hisato (PPA) Axxis Jr. (PPA) Sam Sparrow (Referee) (PPA) Adrian Garcia (Color Commentator) (PPA)
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;172607]Okay, here goes the deal, I want to start a four player Dynasty. It would start with a draft much like the ones going on in the Draft Your Roster 07 mods going on right now, but I want this to have a little more flavour to it. Now, you don't have to be 'extremely involved' for this, like writing up match and result descriptions, I would be willing to do all of that, but, communication on matches/fueds/storylines would be essential. I wouldn't mind having to book a show for someone once in awhile if they missed an assignment or what not. However, restrictions would be on, unlike in the mods. So, you have more control then the other mods, with 15 feds going in, but without the hassle of doing up results. (you could do your own news/notes/show recaps if you'd like, but they are not required.) So, if I get enough interest I will lay out more ground rules. This WILL be Cornellverse.[/QUOTE] I'm very interested in this :D
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Okay, well if one is interested thats enough to get the ball rolling. The drafting and such would take place, exactly like the other Draft A Rosters. 15 written contract wrestlers, and one road agent, one announcer, one color commentator, one referee etc etc. You would choose your merchandising options, and internet options (via internet or DVD/VHS) Drafting will be between four people, so it would take alot less time, but restrictions will be on, so wrestlers from BHOTWG wouldn't be working in your Canadian promotion. You have control of booking and signing extra talent, making storylines after that, which I would control, to make the flow of the shows go faster. Since I would be running things, I would not steal talent from anyone. You book your cards with angles and everything, in the order you want them, and I book them. Results will be posted, and if there are any key events you would like written up to advance storyline, i could do them, or i could pm u results to do them yourselves. I am still contemplating whether or not to be 'nuetral' and just control this for four other people, or be a apart of it myself.
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25 Rounds 24 Workers (restrictions on) 1 Television Show This is a serpentine draft. (#4 will have the #4 and #5 picks) Using the C-Verse 2007 data upon completion of this draft. 1,000,000 Cash for each fed (A little less then the average cash for a C-verse regional fed) Rules: 1. After promotions are filled. Whoever is randomly drawn to be #1 ([url]http://www.random.org/sform.html[/url]) will go first. 2. Once a pick is made, the next person has 2 hours to make his selection. 3. Once the two hour time period elapses, and the next in line does not draft a wrestler, then whoever is next in line can jump in and select. 4. If someone is skipped for missing a selection, they can make their selection at anytime. 5. If you have been skipped, and have not made up the selection in 48 hours, you will be replaced by whoever is on the Alernates list. 6. If you submit a list to me, ranking wrestlers, and you are not online to make your pick, I will take the first person from that list who has not been selected for your pick (Granted that I am online to do so). 7. The first 10 rounds of workers selected will be on a written contract. The last 15 will band will be available on PPA contract, to other promotions to draft. 8. Trades are allowed, $$$, Draft Picks, Workers, etc. All up for trade. 9. You must select your staff during the draft enough slots have been left for it. Thus signing the best Announcer or color commentator you can to one of your written slots denies the other feds from having him available even if it denies you a written in ring worker. 10. You can select your TV show at anytime during the draft. You must select a Name, Network, Time Slot, Day, Length, and Level. 11. All Promotions will be 45% over in their area. Which is about the average that all the original c-verse regional feds are set too. Fed information Quote: Sign-Ups Full Name: Initials: Web Site: Founded: Location: Style: Brand 1 (Optional): Brand 2 (Optional): Brand 3 (Optional): Schedule (Regular/Touring): Shows Per Week: Touring Months (If on Touring Schedule): Description: Product Information Quote: Style Name: Match Type AI Booking 1 vs. 1: 2 vs. 2: 3 vs. 3: Triangle Match: Four Way Match: Match Ratio: Expected Match Lengths Minor Match: Medium Match: Main Match: Match Intensity: Match Danger: Women's Wrestling: T&A Levels: Face/Heel Divide: Traditional: Mainstream: Comedy: Cult: Risque: Modern: Realism: Hyper Realism: Hardcore: Lucha Libre: Pure: Daredevil:
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Why not give this a go. Fed information Quote:Where the Moves Rule Sign-Ups Full Name:Real Quality Wrestling Initials:RQW Web Site:[url]www.RQW_CVERSE.org[/url] Founded:March 2005 Location:Mid-Atlantic Style:Tied in Knots Brand 1 (Optional): Brand 2 (Optional): Brand 3 (Optional): Schedule (Regular/Touring):Regular Shows Per Week: Touring Months (If on Touring Schedule): Description:Skilled Wrestlers doing what they do best. Product Information Quote:Where the Moves Rule Style Name:Tied in Knots Match Type AI Booking 1 vs. 1:80% 2 vs. 2:20% 3 vs. 3: Triangle Match: Four Way Match: Match Ratio:80% Expected Match Lengths Minor Match:8 Medium Match:15 Main Match:25 Match Intensity:70 Match Danger:30 Women's Wrestling:None T&A Levels:Low Face/Heel Divide:NONE Traditional:Low Mainstream:Low Comedy:None Cult:Heavy Risque:Very Low Modern:Very Low Realism:Medium Hyper Realism:None Hardcore:Very Low Lucha Libre:None Pure:Key Feature Daredevil:None
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Full Name: Extreme Wrestling Alliance Initials: EWA Web Site: [url]http://www.extremealliance.com[/url] Founded: November 2, 1979 Location: South West Brand 1: N/A Brand 2: N/A Brand 3: N/A Schedule: Regular Shows Per Week: 1 Touring Months: N/A Description: The Extreme Wrestling Alliance was founded with the intent of bringing Hardcore wrestling to the masses. Style Name: Hardcore Match Type AI Booking 1 vs. 1: 80% 2 vs. 2: 14% 3 vs. 3: 2% Triangle Match: 2% Four Way Match: 2% Match Ratio: 70% Expected Match Lengths Minor Match: 10 minutes Medium Match: 15 minutes Main Match: 25 minutes Match Intensity: 80% Match Danger: 60% Women's Wrestling: None T&A Levels: Medium Face/Heel Divide: None Traditional: None Mainstream: High Comedy: None Cult: Medium Risque: Medium Modern: None Realism: None Hyper Realism: None Hardcore: Key Feature Lucha Libre: None Pure: None Daredevil: High
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Full Name: WRESTLING: The Fed Initials: WTF (Oh yeah, it's true) Web Site: [url]http://www.WTF.com[/url] Founded: January 1, 2007 Location: Alberta, Canada Brand 1 (Optional): Heavyweight Brand 2 (Optional): Cruiserweight Brand 3 (Optional): Tag Team Schedule (Regular/Touring): No touring Shows Per Week: 1 Touring Months (If on Touring Schedule): Description: Created by Alexander Fayt, WRESTLING produces action packed, wrestling matches. From the cruiserweights to dazzle you, to the pure technicians, for the in the ring action, WRESTLING: The Fed, is the place to be. Style Name: Match Type AI Booking 1 vs. 1: 65% 2 vs. 2: 15% 3 vs. 3: 6% Triangle Match: 7% Four Way Match: 7% Match Ratio: 80% Expected Match Lengths Minor Match: 10 minutes Medium Match: 17 minutes Main Match: 25 minutes Match Intensity: 64% Match Danger: 50% Women's Wrestling: Division T&A Levels: None Face/Heel Divide: None Traditional: Very Low Mainstream: Low Comedy: Medium Cult: Key Feature Risque: Low Modern: Medium Realism: Low Hyper Realism: None Hardcore: Low Lucha Libre: Medium Pure: Medium Daredevil: Medium
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