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For some reason I half expected Remo to play Lesnar to Big Smack Scott's Holly and drop the sloppy lump on his head for stiffing him too much during the match. ;) Anyway, liking how this is playing out so far. Incident in the first show was Laramee and nicely illustrated how SCAR is regarded by it's ultimate master, Richard Eisen and that you're basically being set up with the ultimate goal of failing. Also good to see Freddie Datsun back in a job. His release surprised me when I got started with TEW 2007, even more than Stevie Grayson's from TCW.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 103) Aired on Friday, Week 3, January 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and John Greed Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium (Great Lakes) Attendance: 4,082[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 1 JD MORGAN vs. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B][/COLOR] DAVE’s mat wrestling master made his first SCAR appearance here, and tried to wrap up Bumfhole on the canvas for a submission win. But Zimmy kept slipping free and striking from the top rope to maintain an advantage. Zimmy tried for the Bumfhole Buster but Morgan guillotined him on the middle rope. As Zimmy was tied up, Bart Biggz came down the aisle to face him, looking angry. With Zimmy defenseless and the referee occupied, Bart nailed him in the jaw with a right hand. Zimmy reeled backwards and got hit with a running bulldog that got three. ([I]Fry: What the hell was that? What is Bart Biggz’ problem?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: JD Morgan at 9:56, C-[/B][/COLOR] Biggz got into the ring as Morgan left, and stood over top of Zimmy. He started shouting at him about how they “were the same” and that he had to join him. The referee urged him to leave the ring. ([I]Fry: Does Bart have a screw loose or something? Greed: Shut up, Fry, I like this new attitude![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Kurt Laramee [/B][/COLOR]entered the ring after the commercial break. “You know, if this were the SWF, I’d be wrestling someone important, doing somethin’ important, and generally being important. But since I got shipped off to the Triple-A version of the SWF, I gotta beg for five minutes on the mic so I can get noticed. How f***ed up is that, that someone with my talents—” Laramee was drowned out by the wailing guitar of [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR]’s theme. ([I]Fry: Uh oh! If the King of the Streets wanted attention, he’s got it![/I]) Bruce stepped out with a microphone. “Kurt, my man. I’ve very sorry that your stay in SCAR has not been pleasurable so far. But, if it’s a high profile match you want, then a high profile match you’ll get. How about you and me, rocking the ring at Open Wounds?” Laramee smirked. “Yeah, it’s on. You’re gonna regret this, son. I—” “Kurt. No more talking.” Bruce’s theme hit again and Laramee looked angry. ([I]Fry: It’s these two at the Pay Per View on Sunday![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] (who you might recognize as Joanne) stood in front of the camera, wearing a sexy leather body suit. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am General Rodriguez. And this… is [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Shock and Awe[/B][/COLOR].” Two large men, also dressed in leather, with one wearing a spiked collar, stepped forward from the shadows. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 2 SHOCK AND AWE (Tank Bradley and Butcher Braun) (w/ General Rodriguez) vs. FUMIHIRO OTA and KAZUMA NARATO[/B][/COLOR] The former New Jersey Devils of DAVE made their debut in this one in a big way. They sloppily beat the hell out of the Japanese duo, trying to establish themselves as unstoppable powerhouses. Whether they succeeded or not was left to the fans, who seemed to need more convincing. Rodriguez looked on as Narato was hoisted up and driven with a tandem powerbomb. ([I]Fry: Three! What a beatdown from this new team! Greed: I missed the whole thing, I was watching Rodriguez![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners: Shock and Awe at 4:15, D-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring, waiting for an opponent. A funky bass guitar theme started and [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B][/COLOR] walked through the entrance to the crowd’s surprise. ([I]Fry: Whoa! Isn’t he the New York City Wrestling champion? Greed: Not anymore, because he’s here now, genius![/I]) “What up, what up… Datsun, daddy, the Grandmaster is here, and in his first match he’s about to give you a smokin’ in your first match. Holla?” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D+ MATCH 3 FREDDIE DATSUN vs. GRANDMASTER PHUNK[/B][/COLOR] Well, not quite. Phunk got his licks in, but Datsun was able to brawl his way out of it. Datsun finished the Grandmaster with the Patriot Press before the crowd got too restless. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Freddie Datsun at 12:42, C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] walked out to the top of the stage and applauded Datsun sarcastically. He moved to leave. “Don’t go just yet, Gilmore. I’ve got something to say. I’ve never lasted long in any place I’ve been, but I’m staying in SCAR. So if want to beat me this Sunday, you’ll have to knock me out to do so, because as long as I’m awake and breathing, I won’t be going down. I’m determined, Gilmore… I’m not just some American Everyman. I’m the Outcast. And my journey stops here.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D+ [/B][COLOR=Black]After a commercial break, it was Sexy Time with [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR]. After pitifully hitting on some girls at ringside, he made his big announcement. "At Open Wounds, I'm holding the first ever Joe Sexy Invitational. Anyone from any wrestling organization on Earth is invited to take me on--but remember, in the Joe Sexy Invitational, it's just like in my bedroom: it'll be hardcore, and I won't stop 'til I'm satisfied!" ([I]Fry: I think that's far too much information.[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 4 FATAL FOURWAY CALAMARI KID vs. INSANE MACHINE vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX vs. KID TOMA[/B][/COLOR] This was a really fun aerial match that got the crowd going again. The only heel in the match, Machine, wiped out on a spot where he tried to hit a plancha onto the whole crowd on the outside, but they all moved in time, sentencing him to a hard crash landing. After a wild affair, Toma finally took the win with a huge Long Range Headbutt on Phoenix. It was the crowd’s first taste for Phoenix and Machine and they were left wanting more. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Kid Toma at 13:10, B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) REMO and JACK BRUCE vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS and ???[/B][/COLOR] Roberts brought out Kurt Laramee, who smirked at Jack Bruce. ([I]Greed: Makes sense to me, Laramee’s as anti-SCAR as Roberts is![/I]) It wasn’t much more than a wild brawl that the referee had to struggle to keep in the form of a match. The finish came when Enforcer Roberts entered the ring illegally, but Remo and Bruce back body dropped him to ringside. Laramee shoved Bruce away when he tried for the New York Minute but walked right into a big Destroyer that crushed him. ([I]Fry: Cover, and three![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners: Remo and Jack Bruce at 15:44, C+[/B][/COLOR] Remo and Bruce celebrated, but then looked down at Laramee. They picked him up and moved to the far ropes. As Enforcer Roberts got up, they threw Laramee over the top into him, knocking both men to the floor. ([I]Fry: I think they just took out the trash![/I]) Remo smiled as he down looked over the ropes at Roberts, who was furious. ([I]Fry: They've got each other in the main event of Open Wounds! You don't want to miss this![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Live Feed Overall Rating: C [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - Shock and Awe made their debut here, and it was a pretty abysmal one. I knew that their workrate was low but I was hoping their experience together would help overcome that... nope. Not tonight at least. They were mismatched against the cruisers, but further poor performances might lead me to scrap the push I had planned for them. - Thanks for the feedback again, guys. I will have a final card for Open Wounds up shortly which you are definitely encouraged to predict on. [B]Fast Results: [/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Remo/Bruce[/B] def. Roberts/Laramee [B](C+)[/B] [B]Kid Toma[/B] def. Phoenix, Calamari Kid and Machine [B](B-)[/B] [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] def. Grandmaster Phunk [B](C-)[/B] [B]Shock and Awe[/B] def. Ota and Narato [B](D-)[/B] [B]JD Morgan[/B] def. Zimmy Bumfhole [B](C-)[/B][/quote]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Final Preview – SCAR Open Wounds Live from the Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Area Sunday, Week 3, January 2007 - Live on Pay Per View[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Indigo][B]Main Event Remo vs. Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] When Remo and Jack Bruce took apart the SWF Champion, Runaway Train, during a telecast of Supreme TV, SCAR was born. But one man brought the fight back to the rebels. Richard Eisen’s former enforcer is on a mission to punish the men who “disrespected him”. They will face off live on Pay Per View with SCAR's balance of power hanging in the balance. If Roberts defeats who some consider the leader of SCAR, what will it mean for the future of the promotion? [COLOR=Indigo][B] “The King of the Streets” Kurt Laramee vs. Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] Laramee has done a lot of trash talking so far, but not a lot of wrestling. He’ll need to do both to get past fan favourite Jack Bruce on Sunday. The rocker took it personally when Laramee referred to SCAR as a minor league version of the SWF, and he’ll look to teach his opponent a lesson when they step into the ring together. [COLOR=Indigo][B] The Joe Sexy Invitational Joe Sexy vs. ????[/B][/COLOR] On his new talk show, Sexy Time, Joe invited “anyone from any wrestling organization on Earth” to be in the Tri State Arena on Sunday to face him in a match. Who will answer the call? [COLOR=Indigo][B] Angry Gilmore vs. Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it. Gilmore wanted competition, and Datsun gave him some, right in the back of the skull. Datsun’s calling himself the Outcast, and claims that Gilmore will have to stop his heart to defeat him. Will he prove at Open Wounds that SCAR is where he belongs, or will Gilmore roll to another victory? [COLOR=Indigo][B] Bart Biggz vs. Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] Bart Biggz takes losing hard. Really hard. After Zimmy got the duke on him, not only did Biggz refuse to shake his hand, but reappeared the following week to cost Bumfhole an important match. Zimmy has requested and received a chance to pay Biggz back on Sunday. [COLOR=Indigo][B] Fatal Fourway Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine vs. Kid Toma vs. Matt Sparrow[/B][/COLOR] We can expect some more crazy action like we saw on Live Feed; this time, Calamari Kid is out of the picture, and newcomer Matt Sparrow will join the fray! Will Toma prevail once again? [LEFT][U][B] Prediction Key[/B][/U]: Remo / Enforcer Roberts Jack Bruce / Kurt Laramee Joe Sexy / Mystery Opponent (guess his identity?) Angry Gilmore / Freddie Datsun Bart Biggz / Zimmy Bumfhole Ultimate Phoenix / Insane Machine / Kid Toma / Matt Sparrow [U]Next[/U]: SCAR Open Wounds! [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[B]Remo[/B] / Enforcer Roberts Jack Bruce / [B]Kurt Laramee[/B] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] / Tommy Cornell XP [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] / Freddie Datsun Bart Biggz / [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] Ultimate Phoenix / [B]Insane Machine[/B] / Kid Toma / Matt Sparrow
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Still digging this. [b]Remo[/b] / Enforcer Roberts [b]Jack Bruce[/b] / Kurt Laramee Joe Sexy / [b]Stretch the Chicken Boy[/b] [b]Angry Gilmore[/b] / Freddie Datsun [b]Bart Biggz[/b] / Zimmy Bumfhole Ultimate Phoenix / Insane Machine / [b]Kid Toma[/b] / Matt Sparrow
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Remo / [b]Enforcer Roberts[/b] [b]Jack Bruce[/b] / Kurt Laramee Joe Sexy / [b]Steve Frehley[/b] - [i]woulda said BS Scott as a joke... but realised it's possible :)[/i] [b]Angry Gilmore[/b] / Freddie Datsun Bart Biggz / [b]Zimmy Bumfhole[/b] - [i]I mark out for Zimmy, despite the name[/i] Ultimate Phoenix / [b]Insane Machine[/b] / Kid Toma / Matt Sparrow
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=Indigo]SCAR Open Wounds - Live on North America Prime Select Sunday, Week 3, January 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and ??? Held at the Evanovich Riverside (Tri State) Attendance: 10,000 (sell-out) [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] The show began with some crazy pyrotechnics to wow the capacity crowd. ([I]Fry: This is the Squared Circle Antitrust Rebellion, and this is Open Wounds! I’m Duane Fry, and I’m joined by… well, no one yet! I’ve been told that I’m about to meet my new permanent cohost. I have no—[/I]) A funky bass guitar could be heard and [COLOR=Indigo][B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B][/COLOR] sauntered down the aisle. ([I]Fry: Am I going to like this?[/I]) Phunk joined Fry at the table. ([I]Phunk: Duane, daddy, let’s do this thing! Grandmaster Phunk about to put the “colour” back in “colour commentary”. Fry: I almost miss Greed, and that gives me a dirty feeling.[/I]) [COLOR=Indigo][B]D- MATCH 1 ANGRY GILMORE vs. “OUTCAST” FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore seemed to finally have met his match; everything he dished out, the determined Outcast returned to him. Gilmore got his jaw rattled by a hard lariat that he ran right into, but later responded by dropping Datsun with a huge release German suplex. Datsun stumbled up to his feet, and Gilmore did the same thing, this time pretty much dropping him on his head. ([I]Fry: This is too much! Phunk: I think my stomach’s turnin’, baby.[/I]) Gilmore pulled Datsun up and dropped him on his head again with a dangerous suplex. ([I]Fry: Datsun said he’d keep going as long as he was conscious, and Gilmore seems to be trying to change just that![/I]) Datsun rolled onto his stomach, very hurt, and though the referee tried to buy him time, Gilmore swooped in again and pulled him up. Datsun was picked up in a back suplex position and positioned on the middle of the second rope. Gilmore gripped him and threw him way backwards with a German suplex that landed Datsun on his neck and bounced him to his stomach. The crowd gasped. ([I]Fry: That’s enough! He’s down, so leave him down![/I]) An injured Datsun was picked up and had his head driven with the Anger Management that Gilmore mercifully used for the three. ([I]Fry: That was some sick display! Gilmore was like a vulture, headhunting Freddie like that! Phunk: You do what you gotta do to get three, daddy! But I’m with you, that was a little too cold for me.[/I]) [COLOR=Indigo][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 16:52, B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B] Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, and pulled out some kind of ticket. He said that if Kurt Laramee defeated him, he could have this bus ticket back to New England and be done with SCAR. But if he lost, he would just have to deal with it. [COLOR=Indigo][B]B+ MATCH 2 “THE KING OF THE STREETS” KURT LARAMEE vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Laramee didn’t try and earn Bruce’s respect in this one, he just tried to pull out the win. He hit a low blow and then his Switchblade Powerslam, but Bruce got his leg on the ropes. Laramee protested, and when he turned back to Bruce, he was captured with a small package. ([I]Fry: Two! Three! Bruce takes it! Phunk: Laramee’s chance to go back to the SWF just went bye-bye![/I]) [COLOR=Indigo][B] Winner: Jack Bruce at 12:57, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B] Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] trotted out to the ring in a dress shirt and slacks for the Joe Sexy Invitational. “I’m not the kind of man to disappoint either sex, but I’m afraid I’m about to do both. Not one person has contacted me to accept the Joe Sexy Invitational Challenge. Therefore, it looks like I will not be competing this evening. Refunds will be given at the door, and I apologize for any—” A heavy metal theme kicked up, surprising Joe. [COLOR=Indigo][B]Chris Caulfield[/B][/COLOR] walked through the curtain, bringing the fans to their feet. ([I]Fry: CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Chris Caulfield! The Hardcore American will accept Sexy’s challenge! Phunk: But he’s DaVE! Fry: But he’s here![/I]) Caulfield swung around a Singapore cane as a strong “DaVE” chant began from the loyal Tri State crowd. Sexy seemed shocked and tried to protest to the referee. ([I]Fry: Remember what Sexy said! This match will be hardcore, just like him! Phunk: I don’t think he meant it like that![/I]) [COLOR=Indigo][B]B- MATCH 3 HARDCORE MATCH JOE SEXY vs. CHRIS CAULFIELD[/B][/COLOR] Joe was running scared the entire match, with Caulfield tattooing him with the Singapore cane until it broke over Sexy’s back. Caulfield brought more weapons into play, including Grandmaster Phunk’s “pimp cane”, but this got rammed up into Caulfield’s crotch. Sexy tried for the One Night Stand swinging neckbreaker but Caulfield shoved him into the ropes and plowed him in the stomach with Phunk’s cane on the return pass. Sexy was set up and planted with the Danger Drop for three. ([I]Fry: Sexy just got a lesson in humility from the Tri State native! Phunk: Whatever, can I get my cane back or something?[/I]) [COLOR=Indigo][B] Winner: Chris Caulfield at 11:38, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B] Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed and admitted that he didn’t know why Bart Biggz had such a problem with him, or why he thought they were “the same”, but said he didn’t need to know the answers to those questions to beat the hell out of him tonight. [COLOR=Indigo][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Angry Gilmore was met by a camera in another part of the arena. “I hope everyone in SCAR saw what I did to Freddie Datsun, because that’s a sign of things to come. You’re not going to be seeing much of Freddie around here anymore. He thought he was my equal, and I slapped him down, gave him a concussion and maybe ended his career. My advice to everyone else in this company… [I]lay down[/I]. Lay down for [I]me[/I]. Because it’s going to hurt a lot less than me ending your career.” [COLOR=Indigo][B]B MATCH 4 FATAL FOURWAY ULTIMATE PHOENIX vs. KID TOMA vs. INSANE MACHINE vs. MATT SPARROW[/B][/COLOR] Say hi to Matt Sparrow, who brought a large plastic parrot to ringside with him. ([I]Phunk: Is this dude alright? Fry: No, he is not.[/I]) Sparrow and Insane Machine were the bad guys, and took turns tossing one of Toma and Phoenix out of the ring, and double-teaming the other man. Toma eventually yanked Machine to the outside and evened the odds. Sparrow hit his Bird Brain Buster on Phoenix and covered. ([I]Fry: My God, he was spiked with that![/I]) But Toma sprung to the top rope and hit a Long Range Headbutt to Sparrow as he was a half-second away from the three count. Sparrow rolled off quickly, holding his head, and Toma stole his cover. ([I]Fry: Toma takes another one! This kid is something else![/I]) As Toma got his arm raised, Sparrow rolled out to his pet bird and didn’t look too pleased. [COLOR=Indigo][B] Winner: Kid Toma at 12:50, B+[/B][/COLOR] Joe Sexy was found walking backstage—more like a staggering limp actually. He was bleeding from the arm and actually seemed on the verge of tears. The interviewer put a mic in his face, and Sexy whimpered, “I… I wanna go home to Richard!” [COLOR=Indigo][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B] MATCH 5 BART BIGGZ vs. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B][/COLOR] This match had a hot crowd behind it, plus both men turned in better performances than their previous free-TV matchup. Lots of pinfall attempts and reversals, and Bart seemed to be playing by the rules too. That is, until he snuck in a brutal eye rake that had Zimmy crying out, and hit a nasty-looking lungblower that was enough. Biggz left the ring smiling, as if he had taught Zimmy a lesson. [COLOR=Indigo][B] Winner: Bart Biggz at 8:07, B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B] Remo[/B][/COLOR] was on his way to the ring when he was stopped for an interview. “What do you want me to say here? ‘Roberts, I’m gonna run you right out of SCAR tonight’? Well, the truth is… I don’t want him to leave SCAR. He’s just the type of guy we need here if we want to get bigger—he can actually go in the ring, he's tough as nails, and doesn’t take any s***. He’s just got the problem of having his head up his ass. Make no mistake, Roberts, you’re getting beaten down tonight, but after you pick yourself up off the mat… come back for some more.” [COLOR=Indigo][B]B MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Neither man held back on each other in this first main event of SCAR’s first Pay Per View, and it showed. The crowd got way into it as both men’s backs became beet red from clubbing each other. The fight spilled to the outside, where Roberts tried to lock in his RCT. Remo wedged an arm in between Roberts’ and his neck, so Enforcer whirled him into the timekeeper’s table. ([I]Fry: Have you ever seen someone manhandle Remo like this?[/I]) Remo pulled himself up and groggily slugged at Roberts, but Eisen’s former enforcer rolled him back into the ring and hit a big tiger bomb that almost got the win. Remo made it to his feet and Roberts charged off of the ropes, but Remo drove him with a Remo Buster. Roberts wasn’t moving much, but Remo was too hurt to cover immediately, and Enforcer jammed the shoulder up. Remo swore to himself, and brought Roberts up for a Destroyer attempt, but Roberts fought out of it and ducked behind for the Roberts Control Technique. ([I]Fry: The RCT is on! Phunk: No one survives this hold, daddy![/I]) Remo was clearly fading fast, and Roberts had the hold on tight. Remo gathered up what energy he had left, and rammed Roberts backwards into the corner. This loosened Roberts’ arms a bit, and Remo was able to charge forward with him holding on for dear life, and propel him shoulder-first into the corner post. Roberts extricated himself and stumbled backwards into a big Destroyer. Remo draped the arm across him. ([I]Fry: And three! Chalk one up for Remo, and chalk one up for SCAR! He is victorious tonight![/I]) [COLOR=Indigo][B] Winner: Remo at 20:15, B+[/B][/COLOR] A drained Remo got to his feet and climbed the second turnbuckle to rejoice with the fans. [COLOR=Indigo][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B] Open Wounds Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Monkeypox goes six for six to ace the predictions contest. I’ll overlook the fact that you pegged Stretch the Chicken Boy to take on Joe, because that’s just damn good booking. I think I have an idea for a prize so please PM me if interested. Thanks to all who predicted. - Chris Caulfield’s appearance was via a brand new working agreement with Phil Vibert and DaVE. More on that at eleven… - Overall I’m really happy with the show and the net seemed to be too. This one made up for some lackluster TV, and gave the Canadians something to talk about, as our Pay Per Views air there but not Live Feed. I gotta do something about that. [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B]Remo[/B] def. Enforcer Roberts [B](B+)[/B] [B]Bart Biggz[/B] def. Zimmy Bumfhole [B](B-)[/B] [B]Kid Toma[/B] def. Phoenix, Sparrow, Machine [B](B+)[/B] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] def. Joe Sexy [B](C)[/B] [B]Jack Bruce[/B] def. Kurt Laramee[B] (C+)[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Freddie Datsun [B](B)[/B][/quote]
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[SIZE=4]Tarmac and Tommy[/SIZE] Harsh high-speed winds tore down the airplane runway, so viciously that I thought they’d pick Calamari Kid up and throw him around like a leaf. The first big hurdle had been jumped only an hour ago, and according to a message from North America Prime Select, the very early numbers for it were extremely promising. I could have talked to them instead of letting the cell phone ring, but I usually tended to let the voicemail catch all my calls. From experience, I knew that a phone ringing out of the blue either meant an imminent job opportunity or an irate boss, and I had no interest in either. As I prepared to board the plane, I did however field a text message from Phil Vibert, expressing his gratitude for making Caulfield look like a million bucks. Joe Sexy deserved a lot of the kudos as he took every last one of Chris’ weapon shots like a man, while also managing to look terrified. I quickly thumbed back that Vibert shouldn’t get ahead of himself with too much praise; Caulfield still owes us one date. I also felt like thanking him for accepting Big Smack Scott as our half of the deal. Either Vibert was a complete idiot, or a total genius; Scott had put over Jack Giedroyc, the Brass Knuckles Champion, on the last episode of Danger Zone TV, and nothing makes you look tougher than getting stiffed by that big ape for ten minutes and then dropping his ass. Our working agreement seemed like it could be a prosperous one, and I was going to put some serious thought into offering out some more olive branches, perhaps above the border, or south of it. SWF and TCW operated along territorial lines, and I couldn’t even blame them. They were doing well with strategically hoarding workers, and poaching the most talented from the less-liquid federations. Until we became more established, we simply didn’t have the clout to steal workers this way, so if we wanted to have the best of the best in SCAR, we’d have to work together with the few companies that hadn’t been drained dry by the big two. My phone buzzed in hand as I reached the top of the steps. It was too late and I was too tired to do any talking, but I checked out the caller ID anyway. I stopped in place and walked back down the stairs. When you see “T CORNELL” is trying to contact you, you’d better pick it up. “Hello?” “Is this Jehovah? This is Tommy. I saw your show tonight, and wanted to say, not half bad.” It sounded like he was in a sports bar, where they often showed Pay Per View events. I respected Cornell immensely and to hear someone with his kind of knowledge and experience praise what you’d done was an ego booster. I prepared to speak but Tommy continued. “Your buddy Richie set you up pretty good.” I was confused. “Um… e-excuse me?” “Don’t play dumb. I’ve been around the block before you even stepped outside your front door. You don't have to be too smart to know that you're in Eisen's back pocket." “Tommy, with all due respect, you were the court that day. SCAR and SWF are two different companies. Why do you think we’d talk so much trash about him if he—” “There’s no bigger heel in the business than Eisen, that’s why you'd do it. He’s easy for the fans to boo the s*** out of, because half of them hate what he’s done to everything, and the other half would give both nuts to be him. I’m just saying… well played. Well played. Who’s gonna show up this Friday? Faith? Runaway Train going to get his revenge? Lots of possibilities.” “Tommy, sorry, but… this isn’t an angle.” He chuckled. “I don’t get swerved anymore, kid. I just don’t. So good luck, and pass that along to Richie Boy too. We’re doing pretty damn well on Fridays, so I guess I owe him one. Later, kid. Until Friday.” The line went dead. My life was really getting pretty weird. In the course of a month, I’d gone from a lowly staff writer who was probably destined to write the manuals for toasters to someone who Richard Eisen viewed as a patsy and who Tommy Cornell thought was a liar. One of the stewardess waved at me to board the plane. I was holding everyone up. As I ascended the stairs, and the cold air bit at my face, everything seemed a little harder. I realized that we couldn’t just come out with some of Eisen’s wrestlers and say we were different than the SWF. We would have to prove it. And that would take time. If I was prepared to invest the time and energy, we might succeed. But there had been a score of men before me who had gone up against SWF and TCW with new ideas, and they had been beaten, demoralized and absorbed. This wasn't a forgiving industry; it was one where if you were consistent, not for months but for years, then you might call it home. We had a lot of convincing, and wrestling, to do.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 104) Aired on Friday, Week 4, January 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Laurent Ballroom (New England) Attendance: 4,692[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Remo [/B][/COLOR]and [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] came out to start the show, both wearing SCAR T-shirts. ([I]Fry: These men went to war at Open Wounds, and they both pulled out huge wins![/I]) Jack Bruce took the microphone first. “Before we say anything, we want to thank each and every one of you who made Open Wounds a hit last night. We showed the competition that we are for real!” He passed the mic to Remo. “Last night, we saw that there’s a lot of competitive fire in SCAR, and we’ve got a group of guys who want—NEED—to show what they can do. So in four weeks at an event called Road to the Gold, we’re going to give them something to prove who's the best. It's going to be an eight-man tournament, starting right here tonight, with the finals at Road to the Gold in California. And the prize on the line… will be the new SCAR Championship.” ([I]Fry: Wow! We’re going to have a champion at Road to the Gold![/I]) Bruce took the microphone. “But it wouldn’t be fair if us two picked who would be allowed to compete in the tournament. So to make the rankings, we recruited a man who was an icon in this business, who was breaking backs and legs before a lot of you were even born, and who deserves your respect. Please welcome, a wrestling legend… [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Crippler Ray Kingman![/B][/COLOR]” Kingman slowly walked down the rampway, clearly debilitated from a life of waging war in the ring, as the fans gave him some polite applause. He got in with Remo and Bruce and shook their hands as Bruce continued. “Tonight, we’re going to see Lobster Warrior against Angry Gilmore in the first qualifier, with the other three matches happening next week! Stay tuned!” Bruce and Remo helped Kingman out of the ring. ([I]Fry: I’m hearing in my headset that next we’ll have Jack Bruce against Joe Sexy, Kurt Laramee against Zimmy Bumfhole and—listen to this one! A huge rematch, Remo will get in there again with Enforcer Roberts![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B MATCH 1 INSANE MACHINE vs. KID TOMA[/B][/COLOR] The wily Insane Machine tried to steal one from the red-hot Kid Toma, but couldn’t avoid the Long Range Headbutt as Toma racked up another big win. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Kid Toma at 8:54, C[/B][/COLOR] Toma stood up and turned around right into a massive chairshot from [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Matt Sparrow[/B][/COLOR]. ([I]Fry: What was that? Phunk: Unfinished business from Sunday night, man![/I]) Sparrow seemed to be talking to himself as he left the ring, and Toma rolled around on the mat holding his head. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring ready to wrestle after the break. “Does anyone want to tell me what the hell happened last night? I come out expecting a wrestling match and instead a guy starts beating on me with Phunk’s pimp cane! It’s these kind of shenanigans that make SCAR look bush-league, when a nobody like Chris Caulfield can walk in off the street and start attacking a superstar like myself without provocation!” ([I]Fry: I’m pretty sure it was an open challenge.[/I]) “To me, 'Dave' is the guy who I used to double-team drunk chicks with in college, and nothing else. That wrestling organization is full of has-beens, never-weres and what-the-hell-is-thats. Caulfield, I invited you here to set things right. Drag your untalented, beaten-down ass out here so we can do this the right way, in a real wrestling match.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+ MATCH 2 JOE SEXY vs. CHRIS CAULFIELD[/B] [/COLOR] Caulfield did seem at a disadvantage without his usual plunder, but settled for repeatedly nailing Sexy into the ringside barrier and the announce position. Back inside the ring, Sexy kicked Caulfield between the legs when the referee was distracted and hit his One Night Stand for the three. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Joe Sexy at 11:40, B-[/B][/COLOR] Remo, Bruce and Kingman were walking backstage. Remo parted ways with them and walked down a separate hallway. He was opening the door to his dressing room when [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] popped out of nowhere and nailed his head into the frame. Remo went down and Roberts started ramming the door shut on his arm as his victim screamed in pain. Roberts leaned down close to his head and yelled, “I want our match tonight, Richardson!” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Lobster Warrior [/B][/COLOR]was being interviewed, and seemed really focused, not cracking a smile. “When you get picked by someone like Ray Kingman for a shot at being a World Champion, it really means something. So tonight, there won’t be time for fun and games. I’m just going to out-wrestle Angry Gilmore and take what I’ve worked for, and what I deserve.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B- MATCH 3 ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT: ROUND ONE ANGRY GILMORE vs. LOBSTER WARRIOR[/B][/COLOR] Don’t let the claws and… whatever the hell is on his head fool you—Lobster Warrior can go. This was a mat wrestling masterpiece with both men countering move after move, and Warrior really holding his own. Gilmore was getting slightly worried at how far Warrior was pushing him, but he got lucky. Freddie Datsun stumbled down the aisle in street clothes, wobbling from side to side and not looking too well. ([I]Fry: It’s Datsun! Phunk: How is he walking after the treatment he got at Open Wounds?![/I]) Warrior was sizing Gilmore up for the Lobster Trap, but Datsun pulled Gilmore out of the ring and pasted him with a huge right hand. The referee called for the disqualification and Lobster Warrior couldn’t believe it. ([I]Fry: Datsun wants a piece of Gilmore, but it won Gilmore the match, he’s moving on![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner by disqualification: Angry Gilmore at 12:36, B+[/B][/COLOR] Datsun clotheslined Gilmore over the rail and followed him through the crowd. Warrior was flipping out in the ring, and [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Calamari Kid[/B][/COLOR] had to come down and try and calm him down. Warrior still looked angry as he left with his tag partner. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Remo was being looked at by a trainer, and winced in pain as his arm got examined. Jack Bruce entered and asked if he was alright. The trainer said that Remo’s arm was in pretty bad shape, but Remo got to his feet and shook him off. “I’m fighting him tonight and that’s that.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+ MATCH 4 THE MCWADES vs. SHOCK AND AWE (w/ General Rodriguez)[/B][/COLOR] Dean and Dallas swung through town on loan, and Bradley and Braun opened up on them big-time. The fans didn’t get into this one very much, and the poor, one-sided action was ended mercifully with a tandem powerbomb on Dean. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners: Shock and Awe at 4:52, D[/B][/COLOR] Matt Sparrow was walking backstage with his plastic parrot, whispering under his breath. An interviewer asked him why he attacked Kid Toma, and Sparrow looked thoughtful before replying, “A parrot’s thick muscular tongue helps it eat fruit, seeds, buds, nectar and pollen. Sometimes, it will eat insects.” Sparrow walked off, stroking his pet, and the interviewer was speechless. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D+ Bart Biggz [/B][/COLOR] was in the interview position. “People have been saying I'm terrorizing Zimmy Bumfhole. But really, I’ve been showing him the light. You see, Zimmy and I are too alike to be enemies. We’ve always been the overlooked brother, haven’t we, Zimmy? People have always said that Randy is the true breakout star of the Bumfhole family, and those same people have said that my brother Brett is flashier, more exciting and more talented than me. And it kind of starts to tear at you after a while, doesn't it? But then I realized, it doesn’t have to be that way. Zimmy, we can start our own family—no one has to tell us what we’re worth anymore. Join me, and we'll prove just what we're capable of.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT: ROUND ONE ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Roberts’ ploy worked to perfection. Remo’s pride was too much to keep him from accepting the Enforcer’s challenge, and Roberts got to work over his injured arm for a decided advantage. Remo wouldn’t die though, and weathered all of Roberts’ submissions to slip in shots of his own. Remo tried to pick Roberts up for the Remo Buster at one point but couldn’t do it. Roberts tried to wrap things up with his RCT, but Remo struggled to the corner. The referee called for a break as Remo started climbing the turnbuckles, taking Enforcer Roberts with him. Remo made it to the second rope and fell backwards, driving Roberts onto his back. Remo rolled and held Roberts’ shoulders to the mat as he struggled to break out. ([I]Fry: Three! Remo did it![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Remo at 14:32, A[/B][/COLOR] Remo rolled out of the ring and started walking up the aisle, holding his arm. ([I]Phunk: You can’t keep this man down! Fry: You sure can’t! He’s into the second round of the tournament to decide who will be our champion![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+ Live Feed Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - A superb main event and a really good match from Warrior and Gilmore more than made up for a mediocre tag match and gave us our top show rating to date to wrap up the month. [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B]Remo[/B] def. Enforcer Roberts [B](A) Shock and Awe[/B] def. the McWades [B](D) Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Lobster Warrior by DQ [B](B+) Joe Sexy[/B] def. Chris Caulfield [B](B-) Kid Toma[/B] def. Insane Machine [B](C)[/B][/quote]
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[B]End of Month Operational Report To: D’arcy Arnold CC: Marketing, Advertising, Talent Relations, Creative[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- The first month of SCAR’s existence proved to be a positive one. We concluded January with over one million dollars in total revenue. This can be attributed to a large Pay Per View pay-out from North America Prime Select that totaled $2.1 million dollars. Here is the full buyrate report: [B] SWF When Hell Freezes Over[/B] (NAPS) – [B]5.27[/B] [B] SCAR Open Wounds[/B] (NAPS) – [B]4.21[/B] [B] TCW Malice in Wonderland[/B] (USAFC) – [B]2.38[/B] Clearly, we didn’t expect to beat out TCW by such a wide margin. Our great performance can be attributed to a lot of initial curiosity with our first event, and the fact that with Prime Select, our event reaches both America and Canada, whereas TCW’s Pay Per Views are only available in this country. With this added overflow, we will be making a few financial changes in February, namely raising the quality of our merchandise and home video releases, with the DVD version of Open Wounds being the first example of this. We will also cease the use of in-house production music, and will attempt to create a working relationship with an up-and-coming record company to use promising bands for our talent’s themes. In the coming month, we will also explore: • Finding television exposure in Canada or the United Kingdom • Creating a development relationship (USPW? CZCW? MAW?) Finally, here is an accurate talent listing as of February 1, with employees listed with their roles on our programming. [B] Enforcer Roberts[/B] (Main Eventer) [B] Remo[/B] (Main Eventer) [B] Jack Bruce [/B](Main Eventer) [B] Angry Gilmore[/B] (Main Eventer) [B] Joe Sexy[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]"Outcast" Freddie Datsun[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B] “The King of the Streets” Kurt Laramee[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B] JD Morgan[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B] Big Smack Scott [/B](Upper Midcarder) [B] Lobster Warrior[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B] Butcher Braun[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B] Tank Bradley[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Bart Biggz[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Fumihiro Ota [/B](Midcarder) [B] Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] (Midcarder) [B] “The Bird Man” Matt Sparrow[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Kid Toma[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Ultimate Phoenix[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Calamari Kid[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Kazuma Narato[/B] (Midcarder) [B] Andre Jones[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B] Plague[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B] Insane Machine[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B] Mikey James [/B](Opener) [B] Air Attack Weasel[/B] (Opener) [B] Frankie Perez [/B](Opener) [B] John Greed[/B] (Enhancement Talent) [B] Crippler Ray Kingman[/B] (Road Agent) [B] Steve Flash[/B] (Road Agent) - Jim Jehovah
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 1, February 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]TWO WILL ADVANCE, TWO WILL FALL ON LIVE FEED[/B][/COLOR] In the quest to become SCAR’s first Champion, Jack Bruce will face off with Joe Sexy, and Kurt Laramee will meet Zimmy Bumfhole in two more quarter-final showdowns! Remo and Angry Gilmore have already advanced to the final four, and they’ll learn who their opponents will be live on America-Sports-1.
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]LOOKING FOR REVENGE: GILMORE VS. DATSUN II[/B][/COLOR] After Gilmore attempted to injure the self-proclaimed “Outcast” at Open Wounds, Datsun struck back last week in his weakened state, chasing his enemy from the arena. This week, Datsun has requested a return match to settle the score. Gilmore has nothing to gain and everything to lose: he’s in the hunt for the SCAR Championship and will have to be healthy to win it, while Datsun’s mind is only on getting revenge. However, Freddie is still hurt. Who will prevail in Missouri?
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I've never really been one to get that interested in reading people's dynasties (or creating my own for that matter), but I have to say that your dynasty is very well written and engrossing that I can't stop reading - you're doing a fantastic job and I can't wait to read more! :D
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[QUOTE=Mattitude;182573]I've never really been one to get that interested in reading people's dynasties (or creating my own for that matter), but I have to say that your dynasty is very well written and engrossing that I can't stop reading - you're doing a fantastic job and I can't wait to read more! :D[/QUOTE] Thanks, I really appeciate that. I definitely have more than a few long term plans for SCAR, so please stay tuned. Likewise if anyone has anything they'd like to see more (or less) of, then let me know and I'll try to accomodate. If you're looking for anything else to read, Mattitude, a couple of my favourites are [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19932"]Mark Cuban Does DaVE![/URL] and [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19523"]Oh Canada![/URL] They're both high quality jobs.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 105) Aired on Friday, Week 1, February 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Missouri State Armoury (Mid West) Attendance: 4,352[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 1 ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT: ROUND ONE JOE SEXY vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Not a bad match to start things off, with both men going for covers early and often to try and edge their way into the semis. Bruce pushed Sexy stomach-first into the ropes and rolled him up, but Sexy kicked him away right into the referee. With Jay Fair down, Sexy tried to take advantage, but someone wearing a hoodie jumped the rail holding a baseball bat and climbed to the top rope. ([I]Fry: We’ve got a fan in the ring, security will surely— Phunk: That ain’t no fan![/I]) Sexy turned and got crushed with a flying overhead shot that broke the bat over his head. Sexy went down in a heap and the man took off his hood for the crowd as they cheered. ([I]Fry: Eric Tyler! DaVE’s Eric Tyler just treated Joe Sexy’s head like it was a fastball![/I]) Tyler bolted, and Sexy did all he could to struggle to one knee where Bruce blasted him with the New York Minute for a three count. ([I]Fry: Bruce is on to the semi-finals, but has Joe Sexy started a war with DaVE that he can’t finish?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Jack Bruce at 13:31, C+[/B][/COLOR] The shot shifted to Duane and Phunk at the announce table. ([I]Fry: The SCAR Championship finals won’t be the only gold being decided at Road to the Gold. We’ve learned that the SCAR Tag Team Championships will find two waists at that event! Phunk: That’s right, it’s gon’ be the two top contenders, Shock and Awe, daddy, and the Underwater Union! Only two of them will get to wear the prize! Fry: Both teams are fan favourites, so who will the California crowd side with in just over two weeks?[/I]) D+ [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] was backstage with a camera crew. “It’s not often that you rattle someone’s brain around in their skull, turning them into a slobbering mess, and they come crawling back for more. But Datsun, that’s what you’ve done. For some reason, you just won’t be happy until you can’t move anymore. It’s your lucky night, because I’m too damn pleased to oblige you. Tonight, you leave the ring on a ventilator, and they’ll yank your plug just in time for my championship victory at Road to the Gold.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C MATCH 2 “THE BIRD MAN” MATT SPARROW vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX[/B][/COLOR] The deranged Sparrow really opened up on the bird of another feather, Phoenix, nailing him with a big flip bottom from the top turnbuckle that had the fans gasping, and then spiking him with a nasty looking Bird Brain Buster. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Matt Sparrow at 9:46, B[/B][/COLOR] Sparrow looked to ringside right after the pin was counted, but couldn’t find his big plastic parrot. He became frantic and didn’t even realize that [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] was behind him, holding it. Toma tapped him on the shoulder, and when Sparrow turned around, he got nailed over the head with the parrot. ([I]Phunk: Oh no, dude, that’s his friend![/I]) Sparrow rolled out and Toma threw the bird down onto him. Sparrow backed up the aisle, showing great concern for his parrot, which now had a large dent in it. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] was stopped by an interviewer leaving the arena, and wasn’t pleased. “DaVE, you want a war? Well, I make love to barely legal chicks, not war, but this time, I’ll make an exception. Tyler, next week, come on back but leave the weapons at home. Let’s see if you can measure up.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B- MATCH 3 ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT: ROUND ONE ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. “THE KING OF THE STREETS” KURT LARAMEE[/B][/COLOR] The final first-round match was hotly contested, and had the crowd thinking it could go either way. Zimmy was opening up on Laramee when Bart Biggz appeared at the top of the ramp wearing a “JOIN ME” shirt. ([I]Fry: Why won’t Biggz give it up? Zimmy isn’t interested in joining the Bitter Brothers club.[/I]) Zimmy shouted at him to screw off as Biggz entreated him to come up the aisle and chat with him. Laramee capitalized with a roll-up and a handful of tights that was enough. ([I]Fry: Count it! Laramee just made the final four![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Kurt Laramee at 9:58, B+[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Alex Braun[/B][/COLOR] was walking down a hallway, with partner Tank and manager General Rodriguez nowhere to be seen. He was suddenly grabbed and thrown into a brick wall. The perpetrator continued the assault by picking him up in a bearhug and sandwiching him against the wall. ([I]Fry: That’s Lobster Warrior! Phunk: They’re fightin’ at Road to the Gold![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Lobster Warrior [/B][/COLOR]finished the job by kicking Braun in the ribs and laying in one last fist to the head. ([I]Fry: This is so unlike Lobster Warrior, he’s a fun-loving guy! Why did he do that?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C- MATCH 4 REMO vs. ANDRE JONES[/B][/COLOR] Short and sweet, but good for what it was. Andre Jones got his first taste of a SCAR ring and was promptly dismantled and finished with the Remo Buster. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Remo at 5:36, B[/B][/COLOR] When the pin was counted, Remo’s music didn’t play, but Kurt Laramee’s did. Laramee walked through the curtain with a microphone. "Nice job, son. But next week, you won’t have a scrub to walk all over—it’ll be me. After you get stopped and dropped with the Switchblade, I’m gonna take the SCAR Championship at Road to the Gold… and melt it down into something worthwhile.” Laramee left as Remo beckoned him on to fight right now. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] was doing the final sell for the main event, but seemed to have a lot of trouble focusing, even with the interviewer helping him along. The gist of Datsun’s promo was that SCAR was his last stop; he’d finally found home and Gilmore wouldn’t take him away from it. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ANGRY GILMORE vs. “OUTCAST” FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] Datsun came out with so much fire that Gilmore needed a lot of time to establish his own offense. Whipping Datsun into the steps and bulldogging his head onto the steel surface did it, as Datsun was dazed and needed Gilmore to get him back into the ring. Gilmore picked him apart, and Datsun tried in vain to protect his head. The crowd got way into it as Gilmore drove Datsun with a cradle piledriver, and pulled him up for a second one. ([I]Fry: Just pin the man! Don’t end his career tonight![/I]) Gilmore covered with a smile but Datsun slipped a shoulder up at the last possible second. Datsun was taken up, and stunned Gilmore with a drunk punch out of nowhere, but when he bounced off of the ropes, he got doubled over with a knee and hit with a shocking Anger Management that landed him more on top of his head than on his face. ([I]Fry: Oh… oh my.[/I]) Gilmore covered and got the three. ([I]Fry: Thank God it’s over, Datsun never should have been in the ring in the first place![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 19:24, A[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore exulted in his victory but then turned back to Datsun. Freddie got pulled up to his knees, and Gilmore was saying something to his glossed-over face. Gilmore yanked Datsun to his feet, pushed him stomach-first into the buckles and started climbing with him. ([I]Fry: What’s this going to be, a German suplex from the top rope? He’ll kill him![/I]) Gilmore got set, but the crowd cheered as [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] invaded the ring. Gilmore smartly hopped the ropes as Bruce tried to get a piece of him. ([I]Fry: Bruce chases him out! These two are facing each other in the semi-finals next week! The winner goes for the gold in California![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C Live Feed Overall Rating: B [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Our popularity got a good rise out of this one, as did our rating. We're still losing a hell of a lot of viewers at nine o'clock to TCW, but each week it looks like we're converting a few more. [B]Fast Results:[/B] [/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Freddie Datsun [B](A)[/B] [B]Remo[/B] def. Andre Jones [B](B)[/B] [B]Kurt Laramee [/B]def. Zimmy Bumfhole [B](B+)[/B] [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] def. Ultimate Phoenix [B](B)[/B] [B]Jack Bruce [/B]def. Joe Sexy [B](C+)[/B][/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/COLOR]
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