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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 1, March 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]REMO GETS HIS SHOT--WILL GILMORE SURVIVE OR DIE?[/B][/COLOR] New show! New network! New champion? Angry Gilmore may have thought he's calling all the shots, but there's one thing he didn't factor in--Sports America wanting a giant main event for the first episode of Survive or Die! SCAR is delivering [COLOR=Red][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] vs. Gilmore II with the Championship on the line. Can the fired-up challenger take revenge, and the gold?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]SHOCK AND AWE GET A SEXY CHALLENGE[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B] General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR]' title-wearing troops didn't have to wait long for their first challengers to surface--they're the team of Joe Sexy and Enforcer Roberts! Apparently upset with the lack of publicity he's been getting, Sexy demanded the title shot from Rodriguez, who granted it. With their decades of combined experience in the ring, is there any stopping the flamboyant star and his tough-as-nails partner?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]BODY COUNT TO RISE WITH TAG MATCH[/B][/COLOR] Sparrow wants Toma, Toma wants Sparrow, and they'll get each other--in tag action. The Bird Man will team with SCAR's Body Count Champion, [COLOR=Red][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR], while Toma will have on his side the Far East sensation, Burning EXILE. With the champ thrown into the middle of their sizzling feud, will he escape unscathed?
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;194861]Oooh! J-Ro vs Joe Sexy in a BRA AND PANTIES MATCH! That might fly in DaVE, actually. And that icon for... who is that, Mainstream Hernandez? ... Looks like Tyler Durden to me.[/QUOTE] It's a shame that you're not running the DaVE that exists in my game. I wouldn't be able to use Big Smack Scott as talent trade bait ever again, and I'd have to be careful not to loan anyone who you could dress up in women's panties. Sicko.
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;194906]It's a shame that you're not running the DaVE that exists in my game. I wouldn't be able to use Big Smack Scott as talent trade bait ever again, and I'd have to be careful not to loan anyone who you could dress up in women's panties. Sicko.[/QUOTE] (gropes around for Marat Khoklov's phone number...)
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[COLOR=YellowGreen][COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Debut Episode) Live on Thursday, Week 1, March 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium (Great Lakes) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][B] Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] stood in the ring wearing their trunks. Sexy welcomed the crowd and said that tonight, they were seeing the beginning of something special. “Not the rise of SCAR on a new network, because, really, who knows how long this’ll last. No—this is the rise of Joe Sexy and Enforcer Roberts! The cream always rises to the top, and Shock and Awe is about to learn that when we take their belts away from them. From here on out, it’s nothing but golden showers for us!” Roberts seemed a little weirded out, and Sexy couldn’t figure out why the crowd was snickering. [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 1 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS JOE SEXY and ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. SHOCK AND AWE (w/ General Rodriguez) (C)[/B][/COLOR] Sort of a disappointing match considering the push Bradley and Braun have been getting. They both got winded by the seven-minute mark, which looked terrible since they were on the offensive. Sexy and Roberts functioned well as a unit, and when things broke down, Rodriguez yelled hard for her team to fight back. That’s when two masked men poured down the aisle, grabbed her from behind and took her away. Shock and Awe saw this, and took off (as quickly as Tank Bradley can “take off”) after them. The referee had to count them out. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners, by count-out: Sexy and Roberts at 12:03, D+ Still champions: Shock and Awe[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] walked up behind [COLOR=Green][B]Matt Sparrow[/B][/COLOR] in his locker room. “Hey Sparrow. Listen, I wanted to talk about the tag match tonight, because that freakin’ savage Toma is gonna take our heads off if we don’t know what we’re doing.” Sparrow slowly stroked his plastic parrot and cooed, “Don’t fly away, birdie… stay with me, birdie…” Hernandez looked around nervously. “Maybe we’ll just, uh… improv this one.” [COLOR=Green][B]D+ [COLOR=Green] Bart Biggz[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=DarkGreen][COLOR=Green][B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] [/COLOR]walked out to a hail of boos. ([I]Fry: Now maybe we’ll find out what Zimmy’s deal is.[/I]) Zimmy took a microphone. “Last week, everyone saw the best side of me that I’ve shown in a long time. Before then, I was full of doubt. I didn’t know if I was worth anything. I didn’t even feel like a wrestler.” ([I]Fry: Because Bart was making you feel that way! Phunk: Shut up, dude, he’s talkin’![/I]) “Then I realized, the answer to my problems was the person trying to help me all along—Bart Biggz. Because Bart and I are brothers in being overlooked. We’re brothers in being pushed aside, and called the weak link. Simply put… we’re brothers.” Bart took the stick. “It’s time for the forgotten siblings to take a piece of the world for themselves! And it starts by bringing Jack Bruce down, and taking his spot. The odds are against you now, Bruce, so tell us—what are you going to do?” [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 2 KID TOMA and BURNING EXILE vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ and MATT SPARROW[/B] [/COLOR] A fast-paced match that was high on exciting maneuvers but low on crowd reaction for whatever reason. Toma battled Sparrow on the outside and got dropped crotch-first onto the steel barrier. Inside the ring, Exile fell victim to Mainstream Dreams and Hernandez got three. As Mainstream rose, Matt Sparrow slid in and nailed him with a perfect Bird Brain Buster that had the crowd buzzing. ([I]Fry: Planted! I thought they were on the same page! Phunk: I think Sparrow’s only friend is that freakin’ bird![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Mainstream Hernandez and Matt Sparrow at 11:47, D[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] was caught backstage, entering the arena, and didn’t look pleased. “This is a joke! The only reason I’m here defending my title is because this network knows that me in the main event’ll pop ten times the rating than the cheerleading s*** it runs twenty-four/seven. Remo doesn’t deserve another chance to face me, and after tonight, he’ll never get one.” [COLOR=Green][B]A[/B][/COLOR] We went out to the floor where [COLOR=Green][B]Lobster Warrior[/B][/COLOR] was making his entrance, but cut abruptly to [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] being attacked backstage by Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole. Officials started to get in the way as they hammered on him, and they were forced away. ([I]Fry: Bruce is supposed to wrestle Lobster Warrior next! Get them off of him![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 3 LOBSTER WARRIOR vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Bruce barely stumbled to the ring to meet the ten count and start the match, and from there, Warrior was all over him. Again not wearing the trademark claws that made him a fan favourite, Warrior toyed with him to a fault, as Bruce almost got him with a small package. Lobster Warrior finally got serious and laid him out with a Lobster Trap for the three. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Lobster Warrior at 11:28, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Remo[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed outside his dressing room, and the interviewer seemed a little nervous that Remo would shove him down again. He didn’t notice, and merely stated that if he didn’t leave with the championship tonight, that Gilmore, Kingman and anyone else who got in his way would pay for it. [COLOR=Green][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] Lobster Warrior entered his dressing room, looking elated after his win, but saw something hanging on a hook on the wall. He picked up the pink fabric and stretched it out—it was Calamari Kid’s mask. [COLOR=Green][B]B MATCH 4 FRANKIE PEREZ vs. FUMIHIRO OTA (w/ Kazuma Narato)[/B][/COLOR] Perez’ offense was hampered by Narato’s constant interference for his partner. Still, he hit Perfect Parity to rack up the win. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Frankie Perez at 7:54, D[/B][/COLOR] Perez got cornered after the fact by Ota and Narato, who knocked him down and put the boots to him. He was taking some severe punishment when [COLOR=Green][B]Mikey James[/B][/COLOR] hit the ring, and scattered them with some high kicks. ([I]Fry: James saves the day! Remember, these two seemed to have a real respect for each other after the Body Count Gauntlet![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Jack Bruce was being helped out of the arena to his car by two referees, clearly in pain. He opened a back door, but it slammed shut in his face. Zimmy and Bart ran back in and continued their beatdown from before, whipping him into the concrete wall. ([I]Fry: For God’s sakes, you’ve already hurt him! What are you trying to prove?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP REMO vs. ANGRY GILMORE (C) (w/ Crippler Ray Kingman)[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore spent the early moments entering and exiting the ring as Remo went for him. Gilmore got tossed around badly once they locked up, but Gilmore shot back with hard fists and slams on his larger opponent as Kingman spurred him on. The champion went for his Anger Management front legsweep but Remo shook him off hard, sending him through the ropes to the floor. The ref began the count, and Gilmore rose at six to re-enter, but Kingman stepped in his way. He seemed to advise his client not to get back in, and Gilmore nodded, scooping up his belt and walking away. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, by count-out: Remo at 11:36, B Still champion: Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Fry: Can you believe that? Twice, Remo’s been robbed of his shot at the title! Phunk: Kingman knows how it goes! It’s all about keeping the strap![/I]) Remo flew into a rage, gripping one turnbuckle and tearing it off the post. Gilmore, sensing Remo’s temperament, starting running up the aisle and through the curtain, and Remo took off after him. [COLOR=Green][B]B Survive or Die Overall Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Definitely not the way we ideally wanted to kick off our time on Sports America. We had three match ratings that started with a D, which is unacceptable at this point, and our tag champs couldn’t put something decent together even against Roberts and Sexy. There's always next week though. - The rating was a 5.83, which is almost 300,000 viewers. It definitely pales to our numbers on America-Sports-1, but at least we still have a show. [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B]Remo[/B] def. Angry Gilmore by CO [B](B)[/B] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] def. Fumihiro Ota [B](D) Lobster Warrior[/B] def. Jack Bruce [B](C+) Hernandez/Sparrow[/B] def. Toma/Exile [B](D) Sexy/Roberts[/B] def. Shock and Awe by CO [B](D+)[/B][/quote]
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Solid, solid show - still marking out for parrot boy. Gotta ask for your thoughts on Tank Bradley, though. I started with DaVE so I ended up with him, but you must've recruited him? Am I remembering that wrong? Why would you do such a thing? Do you see something in ol' jellybelly that I don't?
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I paid too much attention to his chemistry with Braun, and not enough to his terrible stats. Moreover, I had to quickly recruit almost twenty-five new wrestlers at the start, because I only started with twelve or so in a national company, so the fact that he's got almost no redeeming qualities besides a cool haircut flew under the radar. I wanted to make a powerhouse tag team a la the Road Warriors or Demolition that could dominate the division and grab the fans' attention, but Shock and Awe are putting the "D" in pipe dream.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 2, March 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]GILMORE ESCAPES WITH SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP[/B][/COLOR] When [COLOR=Red][B]Remo [/B][/COLOR]and Angry Gilmore faced off in the very first main event of Sports America’s Survive or Die, the challenger seemed to have the match in hand with his opponent weakened on the floor. But Crippler Ray Kingman had other plans for his protégé, advising him to leave with his title, which he did. Sources are saying that Remo has been unapproachable all week, not answering any phone calls from head offices, but will be in New England this Thursday looking for Gilmore. Will the champion be man enough to meet him there?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]THE JOE SEXY INVITATIONAL, VERSION TWO[/B][/COLOR] After failing to make the Tag Team Champions Shock and Awe tap out or submit with partner Enforcer Roberts, [COLOR=Red][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] is aiming to pump up his profile, and what better way to do it than by issuing the second-ever Joe Sexy Invitational challenge? Who will take a shot at SCAR’s self-proclaimed most eligible bachelor?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]HERNANDEZ TO FACE BIGGEST THREAT YET[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] knew have to defend his Body Count Championship at SCAR’s next Pay Per View event, Burn the Evidence, but now he’s learned that it will be against two bitter rivals--Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow--in a triple threat match. After being attacked by partner Sparrow and driven with the Bird Brain Buster, how will the confident youngster respond this week?
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Hey dude, I gave you a shoutout on M-Pox's DaVE dynasty, but just wanna repeat here what I said there - you and him got, in my opinion, about the two best dynasties goin right now (especially because nothing bugs me more than WRESTLING IN REAL LIFE - I'm one of those rare guys who marks out for C-Verse but pretty much ignores real world wrestling... I only found TEW because I liked the basketball game and tried all of the other demos...). This, his, some of the MAW diaries, Infinitywpi's CZCW, Mack's NYC...uh... NYCZW? I never play with that one. Anyhow, that was a long-winded and mostly parenthetical way of saying good job, and I think this dynasty is a good one amidst some stiff competition.
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Thanks for the props, and if he's M-Pox, can I be J-Ho? The CornellVerse is definitely a great way to get the creative juices flowing. It's more freeing than the real world because you don't have much more than a basic framework for the characters, so there's tons of wiggle room to experiment and invent. It's pretty much the reason why I stopped my RevPro diary for this one, it almost feels like a game of keeping things seeming completely true to realism. But glad you're enjoying, I definitely am too.
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;196187]J-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What's RevPro?[/QUOTE] DAMN, I feel urban. RevPro (Revolutionary Pro Wrestling) was my last diary on here, with the concept of Ring of Honor being bought-out and trying to turn it into more of a national powerhouse. It was a ton of fun, and very fulfilling, but ultimately TEW07's siren song lured me in. I'll link that sucker [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12169"]here[/URL].
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 102) Live on Thursday, Week 2, March 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Laurent Ballroom (New England) Attendance: 4,661[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] A leather jacketed [COLOR=Green][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] made his way through the parking lot with the SCAR Championship draped across his breast like a war medal. He was about to enter the back door when [COLOR=Green][B]Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR] poked his head out, saw him and joined him in the cool air. “Tom, turn it around. You’re not gonna want to be around tonight. Remo’s on a rampage, throwing equipment around--security was gonna toss him but he’s in the main event. He wants your head, so I suggest you get back to the hotel and let things blow over.” Without a word, Gilmore ran his hand back along his skull, nodding, and walked away. [COLOR=Green][B]B MATCH 1 ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. PLAGUE[/B][/COLOR] Zimmy wrestled his first match as a heel and seemed to thrive off of the new role. He and Plague had chemistry, and in between goading the jeer-happy crowd, Zimmy schooled Plague and topped things off with a 450 Splash. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole at 5:34, C+[/B][/COLOR] Backstage and nursing a Zima, [COLOR=Green][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] was complaining to a random staffer about how he’d been booked in a triple threat against Matt Sparrow and Kid Toma for the belt at Burn the Evidence. “How is it fair to stick me between that freakin’ zoophile nutjob and Giant Tana’s illegitimate son? I deserve better than this!” Hernandez was beside himself until [COLOR=Green][B]John Greed[/B][/COLOR], dressed in a slick suit and wearing wraparound sunglasses, approached and took off the shades. “Mainstream--big fan. I’m John Greed, and I can tell you about how tough SCAR can be--I haven’t even had a match yet. That’s why I’d like to represent you. If you want to keep that belt, you’ll need someone looking out for your best interests.” Hernandez made it clear that he was listening and the two looked for a little privacy. [COLOR=Green][B]D Lobster Warrior[/B][/COLOR] brandished Calamari Kid’s mask in an interview. “Was that supposed to be you ‘cashing in your chips’, Sam? You’re not much of a gambler, Kid, because you’re supposed to do that when you’re still worth something. As it stands, you’re worthless, nothing but a trampoline-bouncing yard-tard who when he’s left on his own, without a partner to prop him up, falls off the face of the earth. I’ll have this when you’re ready to take it back, because you need it. I don’t need a dumbass costume to turn heads—I’m Chris Rockwell, baby. I’m a skilled athlete. When I want to turn heads, I pull them right off. But you… you, Sam… you need this mask.” [COLOR=Green][B]B MATCH 2 ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. KID TOMA[/B][/COLOR] Toma was doing a pretty good job of chopping his bigger adversary down to size, and was sprinting to the finish when he felled Roberts with a huge throat kick. That’s when John Greed sauntered down the aisle and got Toma’s attention. Toma went up top for the Long Range Headbutt on Roberts, but then turned his attention to Greed, who cowered in fear. ([I]Phunk: He’s gonna drop on Greed![/I]) Roberts swooped in and locked Toma up in the RCT, dragging him off the top rope and quickly draining him of all consciousness. ([I]Fry: Greed already paying dividends as Mainstream Hernandez’… whatever he is![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Enforcer Roberts at 8:45, C+[/B][/COLOR] Cameras caught [COLOR=Green][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] outside of Angry Gilmore’s dressing room, assaulting the steel door with his powerful legs, trying to kick it down but only creating huge dents. ([I]Phunk: Yo, he ain’t here![/I]) Remo finally grew frustrated, grabbing a passing [COLOR=Green][B]Big Smack Scott[/B][/COLOR] and hurling him head-first into the door before leaving. [COLOR=Green][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] Cut away to… [COLOR=Green][B]Air Attack Weasel?[/B][/COLOR] He was heading out of the arena when [COLOR=Green][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] rushed over and stopped him. “Just a second. Listen, I don’t know who you are, but I know you wrestle here, and I want to make you an offer. I really need to make a big splash with the Joe Sexy Invitational tonight, so, when I call for a competitor, you slide down to the ring, do a couple flippies, and eat the One Night Stand. Cool? I’ll hit you back by handling your cover at Roofie Pete’s down the street later.” Weasel smiled dryly, which satisfied Sexy. Joe went on his merry way, and Weasel shook his head before opening a door and leaving. [COLOR=Green][B]B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed in a remote part of the arena. “Bumfhole… Biggz… congratulations. You’re family now. You want to get yourself recognition by hurtin’ the showstoppin’ chart-toppin' Jack? Well, I’ve got a confession. You’re not the only one with family. In fact, here’s a challenge. Burn the Evidence… you two against me and [I]my [/I]family member. Does that move you?” [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 3 CHRIS ROCKWELL vs. JACK BRUCE [/B][/COLOR] The newly-dubbed Rockwell came out to the ring wearing Calamari Kid’s too-small mask and mocking some of his poses. This was a rematch from last week but Bruce now stood a much better chance of victory. It was close and give-and-take until Rockwell seemed too preoccupied with a group of fans up front chanting “Where’s—your—crab—hat (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap)” which allowed Bruce to score with a jumping DDT. Bart and Zimmy ran down the aisle and jumped onto the apron, and Bruce nailed them both with right hands. The referee, trying to clear them from ringside, was oblivious to another invader—Calamari Kid, sans mask of course, climbing the top rope and diving in to paste Rockwell with a flying spinning heel kick. Rockwell took the boot right in the teeth, and Calamari Kid scrambled off, taking his mask with him. Bruce turned and leapt high for a New York Minute that got him three. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Jack Bruce at 14:01, B[/B][/COLOR] Joe Sexy was out next to administer the latest Joe Sexy Invitational. “Bring out the victim!” Sexy was shocked when [COLOR=Green][B]Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] rushed through the curtain and pointed a finger at him. ([I]Phunk: It’s supposed to be that Weasel guy! Fry: We haven’t seen Freddie Datsun since Gilmore injured him, and he looks great![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 4 JOE SEXY vs. “OUTCAST” FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] Datsun was raring to prove himself after a long period on the shelf, and Sexy was struggling to keep up, much less go on the offensive. Sexy finally got Datsun on the mat and applied a chokehold. He kept it on past the five count and was disqualified, seemingly on purpose to save himself from being pinned. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Freddie Datsun by DQ, C+[/B][/COLOR] We were taken to the darkened backseat of a car. In the darkness, you could barely make out two faces ([COLOR=Green][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B][/COLOR]) with [COLOR=Green][B]General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] between them with her mouth taped. They said they’d heard Braun and Bradley were looking all over for them, but that there was no need to be upset--Joanne went with him on her own accord. “We’ve 'ad a fun week,” said Morgan in his rich accent. “But Ms. Rodriguez has grown a tad tiresome so we’ll leave 'er out back of the arener for you.” They opened the door and shuffled her out. Mean Jean spoke next in a husky rasp. “We’re not gonna be hard to find, boys. We’ll be at Burn the Evidence with bells on, ready for a fight, long’s those belts are in the equation. Let this be a lesson: Cattley and Morgan aren’t in the game to mess around. We’re here to get recognized… By Any Means Necessary.” [COLOR=Green][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Remo stalked his way down a hallway on his way to the ring for the main event. [COLOR=Green][B]Matt Sparrow[/B][/COLOR] wandered into his path, locked in a conversation with his parrot, and Remo clotheslined him out of his shoes, sending the parrot flying. ([I]Fry: Oh, dear. Don’t call us, PETA, the bird’s plastic.[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) REMO vs. BART BIGGZ (w/ Zimmy Bumfhole)[/B][/COLOR] As you can expect, Zimmy was very involved in the match, trying to do anything to swing things in Bart’s favour. Biggz had a tough time, as Remo tore into him, likely pretending he was Tom Gilmore. Biggz hung in by fighting dirty, and after having brought Remo down by a knee to the groin, called for a chair from Zimmy. Bumfhole had one ready but Jack Bruce ran him down from behind and clotheslined him into the crowd, giving chase. Biggz complained to the referee which left him open for a surprise Destroyer and three count. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Remo at 11:49, C+ [/B][/COLOR] Remo didn’t pause to celebrate, only pulling Biggz back up and hammering him with a short-arm clothesline. He called for a microphone and continued to brutalize Biggz with a humongous Remo Buster. He then looked at the entranceway and screamed, “Come on, Gilmore! Don’t make me hurt this punk! Face me like a man!” He didn’t get the champ, but he did get Crippler Ray Kingman. “Why don’t you leave that boy alone, Richardson?” Remo tossed Biggz aside. “You don’t need Tom Gilmore out here, because you’ve got me. And if you want one more shot at the champion, I’ll give it to you. It’s yours, son, at Burn the Evidence.” ([I]Fry: Did you hear that? Remo, Gilmore, one more time![/I]) “But remember this: the match is on our terms. You’re playin’ our game now, and don’t you forget it.” Kingman walked back up the ramp as Remo watched him and pointed a finger. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ Survive or Die Overall Rating: C+ [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - An overall solid show, no D's this time, or any matches below a C+, but not too exceptional either. The only "gotta see it" match was Bruce/Rockwell. [/COLOR][B] [COLOR=Black]Fast Results: [/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][quote][B][COLOR=Black]Remo[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Black] def. Bart Biggz [B](C+) Freddie Datsun[/B] def. Joe Sexy by DQ [B](C+) Jack Bruce[/B] def. Chris Rockwell [B](B) Enforcer Roberts[/B] def. Kid Toma [B](C+) Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] def. Plague [B](C+)[/B][/COLOR][/quote][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 3, March 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]REMO’S RAMPAGE PAYS OFF; DAVE’S THE WORD ON SPORTS AMERICA[/B][/COLOR] Both [COLOR=Red][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] and Angry Gilmore will face a huge test as they gear up for their title bout on Sunday. Live on Survive or Die, they’ll both face a wrestler from Danger and Violence Extreme! Remo’s opponent remains a mystery, but in a non-title match, Gilmore will butts head with DaVE’s tough-as-nails veteran Eric Tyler! Also, when Crippler Ray Kingman granted Remo his title shot for Burn the Evidence, he said the match would be on his and Angry Gilmore’s terms. Will any more light be shed on what this means heading into the Pay Per View?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] FAMILY MATTERS[/B][/COLOR] Unlike the week previous, [COLOR=Red][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] escaped last Thursday’s event with a win and was no worse for wear. What’s more, in the wake of Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole’s new “brotherhood”, Bruce had indicated that he will be recruiting some kind of family member to serve as his tag partner against the two at Burn the Evidence. Will this person have Jack’s back when he squares off against Zimmy on Thursday?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] A KIDNAPPING SHOCKER[/B][/COLOR] Two weeks ago, General Rodriguez was abducted from ringside by two hooded men. Last week, they revealed themselves to be [COLOR=Red][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Red][B]Jean Cattley[/B][/COLOR], two canny veterans from the independent scene who now seem to be going by the collective moniker “By Any Means Necessary”. They’ve promised to be at Burn the Evidence if Shock and Awe puts their tag titles on the line. It’s hard to believe that Bradley and Braun would want anything less than to get their hands on Morgan and Cattley, but will they catch up to the two before Sunday?
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 103) Live on Thursday, Week 3, March 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Missouri State Armoury (Mid West) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 1 MATT SPARROW vs. PLAGUE vs. INSANE MACHINE vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX[/B][/COLOR] The Bird Man put on a clinic, ending by nailing all three opponents in succession with the Bird Brain Buster and choosing to pin Phoenix. ([I]Phunk: That’s why he got a title shot coming his way![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Matt Sparrow at 11:10, C+[/B][/COLOR] Sparrow leaned out to ringside to pick up his parrot, but had it snatched away by [COLOR=Green][B]John Greed![/B][/COLOR] Greed dashed back up the aisle as Sparrow freaked out in the ring. Sparrow quickly ducked out and gave chase. [COLOR=Green][B]E- Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR] stood backstage with the interviewer to his left and [COLOR=Green][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] behind him. “Remo, you’re probably feeling pretty damn proud of yourself now that you’ve got a shot at the belt on Sunday. But remember, it’s under our rules, and you’re about to find out exactly what that means. The match is going to very old-school… it'll be inside one of the places where I was my happiest. It’ll be inside a steel cage.” Kingman smiled crookedly but Gilmore looked like this was news to him. “Nowhere to run! And unforgiving steel that’ll grate your head like a block of cheese!” Kingman said he was going to enjoy watching Remo bleed all over the ring, and left, but the champion remained in the background seeming unimpressed. ([I]Fry: I'm not sure the champ likes that idea too much.[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- MATCH 2 JACK BRUCE vs. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE (w/ Bart Biggz)[/B][/COLOR] Bruce got a chance to soften up one of the two men he’ll be facing on Sunday, but it only took a couple of minutes for Biggz to enter into play and cause a DQ by knocking him down from behind. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, by disqualification: Jack Bruce at 2:33, C[/B][/COLOR] Bruce was holed up in the corner taking right hands from Biggz and Bumfhole. Suddenly, a hulking figure draped with a blue football jersey pounded down the aisle and climbed into the ring. He immediately got into the three-point stance. Bart and Zimmy turned around and were waylaid by a rushing double clothesline. Zimmy wisely rolled out, but Biggz ran into the big man again who drove him with a brutal belly-to-belly suplex. Jack Bruce was helped to his feet as he called for a microphone. ([I]Fry: Jack Bruce was saved from a beating there, but who is this guy?[/I]) Bruce spoke down to Zimmy and Bart on the floor. “Boys, remember when I said that I had family too? Well he just ran through both of your asses. You’re looking at someone who was so dominant on the football field that he was called the Bulldozer… and now he’s here in SCAR to help me beat you at Burn the Evidence! Lay your peepers on [COLOR=Green][B]Bulldozer Brandon Bruce![/B][/COLOR]” Brandon slapped hands with Jack as Bart and Zimmy pulled each other up the aisle, clearly in pain. [COLOR=Green][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, John Greed was streaking down a hallway with Sparrow’s parrot in his arms. The Bird Man wasn’t far behind. Greed quickly lateraled it off to a nearby [COLOR=Green][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR], who hadn’t seen him coming. Sparrow, still in a rage, changed his attention to Toma, battering him with shots to the jaw, and Toma fired back. As the two pulverized each other, backstage officials tried to bust it up. ([I]Phunk: Classic! Greed just made Hernandez’ two opponents rip each other apart three days before the match![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]D- Remo[/B][/COLOR] was entering the arena, seeming a little more composed than last week. That’s when someone wearing a bellaclava struck from behind, knocking him down and then ramming his head into a cement pillar. ([I]Fry: Who is that? Someone help Remo![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B+ MATCH 3 ERIC TYLER vs. ANGRY GILMORE (w/ Crippler Ray Kingman)[/B][/COLOR] Whoo wee. The belt wasn’t on the line for DaVE’s Eric Tyler but you wouldn’t have known it. He tried to play spoiler by besting Gilmore before his title match with Remo, and the two unleashed a mat wrestling classic. Tyler frustrated the SCAR Champion on the ground, having a counter for every one of his moves. It finally devolved into a stiff brawl as Kingman urged his man to hit harder. Gilmore scored with a single-arm DDT and then locked in a crossface-type move that Tyler was forced to tap to. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 17:07, A[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=Green][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring. “Freddie, you’re an egotist. I had things all planned out, and then you came down the aisle and stuck your ugly face into the spotlight. Did you ever think about Air Attack Weasel in all of this? He could have used the exposure, while you've been a jobber to the stars in every company on earth. Since you're so good at taking a beating, why don’t you come down here and let me finish the asskicking I started last week?” [COLOR=Green][B]Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] didn’t even wait for his music and broke through the curtain, ready to duke it out with Joe. But [COLOR=Green][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] was right behind him, clubbing him down with a forearm. Datsun was thrown into the barrier and then chucked into the ring, where Sexy watched with glee as Roberts slapped on the deadly RCT submission. Datsun went out cold, and Sexy spoke to his empty face. “On second thought, let’s do this at Burn the Evidence.” [COLOR=Green][B]B[/B][/COLOR] Angry Gilmore was drinking a bottle of water in his dressing room when he heard the door open and slam shut. He turned, startled, and saw the man in the bellaclava. He walked over to Gilmore and pulled it off. ([I]Fry: That’s [COLOR=Green][B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B][/COLOR]! DaVe’s Shawn Gonzalez![/I]) Gilmore laughed and shook his hand. “Great job outside. Now finish him in the ring. I don’t want him to make it to the Pay Per View.” [COLOR=Green][B]B- MATCH 4 NEW SCHOOL (Mikey James and Frankie Perez) vs. OTA AND NARATO[/B][/COLOR] The newly-formed team of James and Perez didn’t really pop the fans too much, as many still didn’t know who they were, but they made short work of their opponents, with Perez KO’ing Ota with the Perfect Parity for a convincing first win as a team. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: New School at 5:16, E+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Calamari Kid[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, proudly wearing his mask. “Rockwell, you say that I need this mask. I say you’re right. I need it because when I put it on, it makes people happy, and that’s what drives me. You used to care about that, but now, you only care about yourself and your so-called potential. This Sunday, I’m going to remind you of how much fun we used to have, because I’m going to have a blast beating your ass and pinning you.” [COLOR=Green][B]D+ General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] was at the backstage catering table when [COLOR=Green][B]By Any Means Necessary[/B][/COLOR] (JD Morgan and Jean Cattley) approached her. She seemed a little bit frightened. “’Ello again, love,” Morgan began. “We wanted to check up on how you was doing.” Cattley cut in with his Tom Sizemore-rasp. “We wouldn’t want a sexy thing like you to be holding a grudge. Get a chance to ask your men about that title shot?” “I--I… I… no.” Cattley looked angry. “What do you mean no?” She looked around nervously. “I thought… they could tell you themselves.” With that, [COLOR=Green][B]Shock and Awe[/B][/COLOR] burst onto the scene, battering Morgan and Cattley and driving the latter into a steel equipment box. Rodriguez commanded Bradley and Braun to pick up Morgan and powerbomb him through the table. She was now the picture of confidence, standing over Morgan and smiling, proving her earlier fear to be a façade. [COLOR=Green][B]D MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) “THE LONE WOLF” SHAWN GONZALEZ vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Gonzalez viciously attacked Remo’s neck, getting him down on the mat and stomping on it from the second rope. ([I]Fry: What kind of accomplishment would it be for Gonzalez to go home to DaVE having beaten Remo?[/I]) Gonzalez tried to end things with his Latino Crab, but Remo’s thick legs knocked him away. The Lone Wolf went to the top rope and tried to come down with an axehandle smash, but Remo caught him in the air and snapped off a brutal Remo Buster that got him three. ([I]Fry: Good Lord, he just crushed his spine with that![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Remo at 15:36, B+ [/B][/COLOR] Remo’s arm was raised but he pulled it away angrily, holding the back of his neck. Angry Gilmore walked through the entrance, stopping in front of the curtain, and stared down Remo. As Shawn Gonzalez began to stir, Remo scooped him up and screamed at Gilmore. After Gonzalez got blasted with a Destroyer, Remo beckoned Gilmore to come in and help him, but he merely shook his head and pointed to his belt before leaving. Remo held up a finger to the crowd, and whipped a beaten Gonzalez into the ropes to catch him for one more huge Remo Buster. ([I]Fry: Goodnight, Gonzalez! Remo stands tall, and next week, will he stand here with the SCAR Championship?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]Survive or Die Overall Rating: B- [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Two superb matches buoyed the show to that rating, and I think without the tag match we might have been able to pull off a B. The Pay Per View's next. [B] Fast Results[/B]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Remo[/B] def. Shawn Gonzalez [B](B+) New School[/B] def. Ota and Narato [B](E+) Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Eric Tyler [B](A) Jack Bruce[/B] def. Zimmy Bumfhole by DQ [B](C) Matt Sparrow [/B]def. Phoenix, Plague, Machine [B](C+)[/B][/quote][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=4]J-Ho and the White-boy Nephew[/SIZE] Minuses to the Sunday PPV: as I’ve stated before, the Saturday workday. But a plus is getting to the arena—this time, the 15,000-seat Isaak Road Arena—early in the morning on the day-of, and getting to hang out with the writers. Some were recruits who had been ousted from SWF and TCW, and a couple were personal friends who I’d brought it. But one was Darrin Arnold, the white-boy nephew of D’arcy Arnold. He was dropped off at one of our creative sessions by Darce a few weeks ago, almost like a preschooler being delivered to daycare by a doting parent, and we were told not to ask any questions and that Darrin was on the writing team now. He was apparently a graduate of a community college broadcasting course, but the only things he seemed to be adept at were proposing terrible ideas and smelling like weed. On the morning of Burn the Evidence, he was doing record amounts of both. “Yo, J-Ho, J-Ho.” He had started calling me that and I couldn’t make him stop. “Let’s give Kurt Laramee the belt. That dude is legit tough, he looks like he could f***in’ do up Gilmore’s s*** in real f***in’ life.” “Darrin, no.” “What about Andre Jones, rockin’ them cornrows ‘n’ s***? If we give him a couple wins over Remo—” “Darrin, NO.” I was close to sending Arnold and his humongous oversized T-shirt off in search of onion rings when another writer slid his laptop in front of me. “Might wanna see this, Jim.” The site was WrestleWorld.com, and the subject was TCW. The title was [B]“SCAR’S GOT COMPANY AT CULT”[/B]. It was a total hatchet job on Tommy Cornell and TCW post-lawsuit. Their shows were called lackluster, the booking predictable and Cornell himself “more self-serving than ever”. We were even targeted as part of the reason why recent shows had sucked the nut, saying that without SCAR to give viewers a reason to flip back and forth on Friday nights, a complacent TCW was making people turn the TV off altogether. And with that, Total Championship Wrestling had been effectively knocked down a peg by the influential WrestleWorld. They were at the level we were at now: staring up at national status and wishing they were there. “Sucks to be Tommy,” the writer stated. I felt a tinge of empathy for the TCW owner. It had hurt his pride to take the in-ring wars to a courtroom setting, and even after he’d won, the pressure was on him to deliver something huge—as an owner, and as the World Champion. And it just didn’t happen. His ring work suffered, and some commented that wrestling’s golden boy had finally lost some luster. Richard had to be loving it. “Man, who cares about Cornell?” Darrin piped up. “He’s a f***in’ wash-up. We should dress Air Attack Weasel as Tommy and John Greed as Richard Eisen and make ‘em fight.” Somehow, I doubted people wanted to see that. By this point, Darrin’s uncle had entered and heard his nephew’s terrible suggestion. But he played it up like it was almost adequate. “[I]Sorry[/I], Darrin, but we couldn’t do that. If we were to have a Richard Eisen character, he’d sue us lickety-split. He’s trademarked himself. But you’re being [I]very [/I]creative.” That gave me an idea. “So you can trademark your own full name?” “That’s right.” “But you can’t get into trouble with just a last name, can you?” “Well…” Arnold had to think hard. Finally, he replied. “No, you can’t trademark just a last name. But whatever you’re thinking, forget it. We don’t need to make any more enemies right now.” Thanks to D’arcy’s likely-retarded nephew, I now had an idea that might do some good business, and make use of a worker who I’d hired more than a month ago. I needed to call her… but first, we had almost ten thousand fans waiting for something.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Red]Final Preview – SCAR Burn the Evidence Live from the Isaak Road Arena in the Mid-Atlantic Sunday, Week 3, March 2007 [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] Steel Cage Match for the SCAR Championship Remo vs. Angry Gilmore (C) [/B][/COLOR] This time, they’ll be surrounded in steel! SCAR’s champion has twice eluded Remo, but if he wants to keep his title against the unstoppable powerhouse on Sunday, he’ll have to put forth a solid effort. Old school rules are in effect; the only way to win is to escape the cage before your opponent—pins and submissions mean nothing. Who will touch the floor first and be SCAR’s champion? [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] Family vs. Family Tag Match Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Jack Bruce and Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR] Bart and Zimmy didn’t expect Jack Bruce to have much of a response when they claimed to be newfound brothers, and said they would be taking him out. But he had 288 pounds of a response—his cousin, Bulldozer Brandon Bruce, the newest member of SCAR! They’ll team up to try and get revenge on “the Brothers from Different Mothers”. Who will come out of this family feud on top? [COLOR=Red][B]Also! Ladder Match For the Body Count Championship Kid Toma vs. “The Bird Man” Matt Sparrow [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Red][B] vs. Mainstream Hernandez (C) (w/ John Greed)[/B][/COLOR] The arrogant young champion will get his greatest test yet from two talented opponents, and it has just been announced that it will be a ladder match! Mainstream’s manager John Greed has been wreaking havoc on Toma and Sparrow leading up to Sunday. Will either of them have enough left in the tank to become the new Body Count Champion? [COLOR=Red][B] Chris Rockwell vs. Calamari Kid[/B][/COLOR] Former friends and former tag team champions. But now Chris Rockwell has renounced his past and forged his own future. Can Calamari Kid throw a roadblock in the former Lobster Warrior’s way? [COLOR=Red][B]For the SCAR Tag Team Championships By Any Means Necessary vs. Shock and Awe (w/ General Rodriguez) (C)[/B][/COLOR] What’s a great way for two long-time indie vets to get noticed in a new company? By kidnapping the Tag Team Champions’ beautiful manager, it would seem. Now Jean Cattley and JD Morgan will have all the attention they can handle when Bradley and Braun gun for their heads at Burn the Evidence. [COLOR=Red][B]“Outcast” Freddie Datsun vs. Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] Datsun has been left down and out two weeks in a row by Joe and his close friend Enforcer Roberts. With outside interference barred, will the Isaak Road Arena be the home to his vindication? [LEFT][U]Prediction Key[/U]: Remo / Angry Gilmore Bumfhole and Biggz / Bruce and Bruce Toma / Sparrow / Hernandez Rockwell / Calamari Shock and Awe / By Any Means Necessary Datsun / Sexy All predictions are welcome, and very much appreciated! [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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Remo / [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Bumfhole and Biggz / [B]Bruce and Bruce[/B] Toma / Sparrow / [B]Hernandez[/B] [B]Rockwell[/B] / Calamari Shock and Awe / [B]By Any Means Necessary[/B] Datsun / [B]Sexy[/B] Really not as confident as last card. I don't think your going to change the champ so quickly by having Remo win. I kinda think you might have Bumfhole and Biggz win, just to help their overness, so they pin Brandon Bruce. Again, I suspect Hernandez will have a longer reign. Just don't like Calamari Kid after I tried to push him as my main star in a regional fed, and he ruined the prestige of my title. Shock and Awe haven't been doing the business, so that's your title change. And I think Sexy's underated but I really don't know who will win that one.
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Prediction Key: Remo / [b]Angry Gilmore[/b] - Too early for him to lose, even in dynasties (which are notoriously short attention span) Bumfhole and Biggz / [b]Bruce and Bruce[/b] - Mostly becuase I just took Brandon out for his trial run in the DaVE diary and I'm floored by how good he is from the get-go. Of course, you've got a bit more talent running around here than I do. And if I see you jobbing out ACID the way you jobbed TYLER... well... Toma / [b]Sparrow[/b] / Hernandez - You've been pushing him like hell. [b]Rockwell[/b] / Calamari - I'm glad to see him losing his gear, but to be credible as a heel he's got to "destroy his past", so taht's what I see happening here, probably in a rather... uh... impolite way. Shock and Awe / [b]By Any Means Necessary[/b] [b]Datsun[/b] / Sexy -Never much liked Joe Sexy.
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