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J. Bruce / B. Bruce / Roberts / [B]Gilmore[/B] [B]Same logic as pox really, Gilmore emerging victorious seems the most likely conclusion.[/B] [B]Remo[/B] / Rockwell [B]This has proved a strong ratings draw as well as a good storyline with the conflicting paths to 'success' and I can see it going on beyond this event, so even with Remo getting the win, the circumstances that lead to it or the aftermath might well lead to one deciding encounter.[/B] [B]Giedroyc and ???[/B] / Bart and Zimmy [B]Usually when mystery partner's are involved, they end up on the winning team. So unless your unknown addition uses the bout to turn on Giedroyc, I see Jackie G getting the V to the I to the C to the T to the... well, you get the idea.[/B] [B]Alicia and Wanda[/B] / Cherry and Joanne [B]I loved the training segment, but I can't see Alicia and Wanda getting punked out so early into their SCAR run... although I'd quite like them to, since Cherry is hawt~! as a bitch authority figure.[/B] Phoenix / [B]Hernandez[/B] [B]Mainstream returned... Mainstream wins.[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]SCAR F*** Corruption - Live on USA Free Choice Sunday, Week 2, June 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England) Attendance: 10,000 (sell-out) [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Dark Match: Kid Toma/Matt Sparrow def. Air Attack Weasel/Andre Jones (D+) Dark Match: Plague def. Insane Machine (D-) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 1 FOR THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS JACK GIEDROYC and ??? vs. THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS (C)[/B][/COLOR] After the fireworks had finished, and Jack Giedroyc’s theme hit to open the show, the crowd popped when DAVE’s [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Acid[/B][/COLOR] emerged beside him, skulking his way down the aisle. ([I]Fry: What a guy to bring to a fight! Acid! Phunk: He creeps me out![/I]) He did the same to Bart and Zimmy, who weren’t their normal picture of confidence as they chattered nervously to each other during their entrance. Acid shut them down with sharp roundhouse kicks, opening the door to a near-fall for Giedroyc off of a double bulldog. The champs finally slowed Acid down by taking a leg each and dragging his groin into the ring post. Things broke down which worked into the challengers’ favour, and Bart was pulled into the middle of the ring to get washed out with the Acid Rain Bomb. ([I]Fry: That could be all![/I]) But before Jay Fair could count, Zimmy pulled him out of the ring and nailed him with a hard right. The zebra called for the bell as he rolled on the mats in pain. ([I]Fry: For God’s sake, they would’ve lost the belts right there! Phunk: That’s the point! Not just gifted, not just brothers, but smart too![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners, by disqualification: Jack Giedroyc and Acid at 14:31, C+ Still champions: the Brothers from Different Mothers ---------- Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] stood outside the building, holding a chain in one hand and a bat in the other. He was soon joined by [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Air Attack Weasel [/B][/COLOR]and [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Andre Jones[/B][/COLOR], both wearing bandannas that covered the lower half of their faces. Jones lifted his to speak. “[I]Sorry ‘bout dat, Kurt. Brotha’s gotta pee.[/I]” Weasel turned to him. “[I]Must’ve been all that grape juice you had in the van, huh, HOMEY?[/I]” They went nose to nose. “[I]Shut up, Weasel! You ain’t HOWRD[/I]!” Laramee pushed them apart. “[I]None a’ y’all’s hard! If you wanna be my backup, you can prove it tonight.[/I]” He handed the chain to Jones and the bat to Weasel. “[I]I want you to bust up the next dude that tries to get into the building. I’m leavin’, but when I get back, I wanna see a body atcha feet.[/I]” Laramee walked off. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] soon exited a cab and walked up to the entrance, stopping to shake his head at the two. He went inside. “[I]Uh... we’ll get the next one.[/I]” That’s when another car stopped with a screech, and the driver jumped out in a huff. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Joe Sexy![/B][/COLOR] Jones raised his bandanna again. “[I]Okay, let’s get Joe! One! Two—[/I]” Sexy didn’t wait for them to be ready, and nailed them both with straight shots to the face. They fell as he stalked past them, clearly still angry, and Weasel’s bat fell with a hollow clatter. “[I]Kurt’s not gonna like this.[/I]” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D ----------[/B][/COLOR] Inside, [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Chris Rockwell [/B][/COLOR]stood with a garbage can in his arms and an interviewer beside him. “[I]Point the microphone at me, idiot! See, I wanted to choose some weapons tonight that have real significance to Remo. So here’s what I have—[/I]” He pulled out a heavy life preserver. “[I]This is from a yacht, which Remo owns two of, and which he uses to vacation in the Caymans.[/I]” ([I]Fry: Uh, I doubt it.[/I]) Next was a hoe. “[I]Oh, I’m sorry—this has significance to Remo’s immigrant gardeners. He makes them call him master. See, Remo, I’m not just going to assault you with any old weapons tonight. I’m gonna beat you with the affluence that you don’t deserve, and the life that should be mine![/I]” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B ---------- Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] continued his rampage as he walked down the aisle, kicking over one of the large asterisks that was part of the stage. He grabbed a microphone. “[I]Do you people know what it’s like not to have been laid in over two weeks? Wait—of course you virgins wouldn’t! Well, I do, and IT SUCKS! I feel like kicking some ass, so I want somebody—any-freaking-body—to come out here so I can make a mess of them![/I]” [I](Fry: As far as I know, partner, everyone that’s in the building already has a—[/I]) Some wanktacular, eighties guitar heralded the entrance of the surging, pulsating [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jim Force[/B][/COLOR] to the stage, and a lukewarm reaction from the crowd. He pumped his arms in the air as Sexy gaped at him. “[I]Oh my God! I heard that you OD’d! But I guess I’m the one on drugs, because I’m seeing s***! What are you doing here?[/I]” “[I][COLOR=Purple]JOOOOOEEEEEE SEEEEEEXXXXXYYYYY! NOT EVEN THE POWER OF CONSTELLATIONS COLLIDING COULD HAVE KEPT THE FOOOOOOORRRRCE FROM HIS DUTIES! AND THEY ARE TO RIGHT THE EARTH’S WRONGS, AND TO PROMOTE ‘JIM FORCE’S BUUUUUUUUMMFIIIIIIIIIGGGGHTTTS’, NOW ON PAY PER VIEW AND VIDEO ON DEMAAAAAAAND! BY COVERING MYSELF IN GALLONS OF MY OWN FORCECHLORIDIANS, I BECAME ONE OF THEM! AND THEY BECAME PART OF THE FOOOOOOOORCE! LET’S TAKE A LOOOOOOOOK![/COLOR][/I]” The video screen fired up with a clip from [I]Jim Force’s Bumfights[/I]. We saw Jim on the street in blinding cold and snow, yet still only wearing tiny technocolour undie-tights and streamers. He approached two homeless men. “[I][COLOR=Purple]YOU TWO! FIIIGHT![/COLOR][/I]” “[I]What? No, man. At least the last camera crew offered to pay us.[/I]” “[I][COLOR=Purple]THIS WILL BE YOUR PAYMENT![/COLOR][/I]” He threw a bright-pink Force shirt circa 1996 at them. “[I]Dude, firstly, this is a baby tee! Second, my own shirt is better than this and it’s covered in vomit! Third, there’s two of us[/I]!” “[COLOR=Purple][I]LEARN TO SHARE![/I][/COLOR]” They muttered something and started to walk away. Jim charged and clotheslined them both from behind. “[COLOR=Purple][I]FOOOOOOOORCE![/I][/COLOR]” Back in the arena, Force was pumping his arms as he watched. Sexy interrupted. “[I]Listen, man, I’ve [/I][I]humped and dumped chicks that wear more paint than you, so—[/I]” “[COLOR=Purple][I]INNNNNNNNSOLENCE! YOUR CHALLENGE IS ACCEPTED, SEXY, AND MAY THE FORCE HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL[/I][/COLOR]!” Force ran slowly down the aisle as Sexy prepared himself. ([I]Fry: This is gonna be weird.[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 2 JOE SEXY vs. JIM FORCE[/B] [/COLOR] Joe took his anger out on the legendary shill, and pounded him in the corner with knees to the stomach. Sexy continued his assault, attempting his One Night Stand finisher, but Force shoved him away weakly. He pulled the tiny pink T-shirt from the video out of his undies, and jammed it over Joe’s head. Sexy wobbled around, unable to breathe, and Force “rocketed” off the side ropes to blast him with a clothesline. He covered... ([I]Fry: Two... my God, three! Force waltzed in here and beat Joe Sexy! Phunk: It’s like getting beat by a clown![/I]) Force jumped to his feet and exalted as Joe rolled to the floor and pulled the shirt off. His face was now one of shock. He slowly walked up the aisle, mouthing something, with his eyes wide. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Jim Force at 5:37, D+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR] was tightening his boots for the twentieth time and mentally preparing for the main event. A soft knock at the door grabbed his attention, and the low-cut blouse of [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Emma Chase[/B][/COLOR] kept it. “[I]Brandon, it’s me. Sorry, I don’t want to intrude too much before your big match, but I wanted to wish you luck. If you do what you did to Roberts on Thursday, then... wow. It could be yours. The belt could be yours.[/I]” He smiled tightly and nodded, turning back to his boots, but she put an index finger under his chin and pointed his gaze back to hers. “[I]Win, lose or draw, Bulldozer, I’ve got my eye on you. You’re still my top prospect, and I’m not interested in looking elsewhere. I want you to be my client. After tonight... let’s talk.[/I]” She left, now having “propositioned” him for the second time. He shook it off and tried to regain his focus, but stopped himself. He grabbed for his jeans, dug out a wallet and un-creased a business card. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C ---------- MATCH 3 MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX[/B][/COLOR] There was more punching and kicking than topes and rotations in this one, which might account for why fans failed to get hooked in. But Hernandez looked sharp and fresh, with Fry hypothesizing that it was because he hadn’t wrestled in almost a month. Phoenix tried for his Firebird Splash after an impassioned offense, but Hernandez rolled clear, and spiked him with a flapjack facebuster for three. Mainstream cackled as his arm was raised, like he’d proven a point. ([I]Phunk: If that was for the title, Hernandez would be the champ! Fry: You make a good point, but he’ll never get a shot again![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Mainstream Hernandez at 10:29, D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 4 STREET FIGHT CHRIS ROCKWELL vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Rockwell toted down a garbage can full of booty, while Remo brought... nothing. ([I]Fry: His fists are all the weapons he needs! Phunk: We’ll see.[/I]) Remo quickly tossed Rockwell into the corner so hard that he spilled over the buckle onto the stairs, and Remo kicked him down to the barrier. Rockwell got lined over and Remo dumped his barrel of goodies on top of him with disdain. Rockwell got dragged up into a chokehold, but managed to ram the hoe into Remo’s groin and buy some time. Remo reeled from the blow, and got knocked down with what looked like a high school trophy. Rockwell stood over top of him and looked to be going for a death blow, but Remo rose quickly and snapped him down into the aisle with a Remo Buster. ([I]Fry: Bam! Just like that![/I]) Remo covered sloppily, and Rockwell was barely able to slip out. Remo dragged Rockwell up a flight of stairs as fans crowded around and mobbed them, with Remo laying in heavy punches to the jaw. Rockwell got dropped on a steel rail and crushed with a running powerslam. Chris continued to get pummelled as Remo mopped him along a concession stand and threw him to the hard tile. Remo corralled him as he tried to crawl away and whipped him into a large girder before pulling him back towards the arena. Remo knocked him down a few stairs, taking him by the neck the rest of the way down, but found a dead end where the stairs stopped. Rockwell pounced and stunned him with a shot to the stomach and then knocked Remo over the rail, where he clung to the bar. ([I]Fry: No, it’s ten feet down![/I]) Remo knocked Rockwell back with a huge right hand, and put one leg over the bar to come over. The referee held Rockwell back to give Remo a chance to re-enter the crowd. He seemed to relent, but then broke free and dropkicked Remo in the head. Remo toppled backwards and down, down, down, through a table stacked with equipment as the crowd gasped. ([I]Phunk: AWW, YEEAH! He just killed Remo! He done it! Fry: He needs medical attention[/I]!) Rockwell seemed shocked with himself as he slowly made his way down an adjacent flight of stairs. He laid on top of Remo who was covered in cables and equipment. ([I]Fry: One, two, three, now can we get Remo some help?! Phunk: Don’t ruin this moment, Fry! Rockwell proved himself again! Twice Remo gone down to the man! Remo’s spot is his![/I]) Rockwell got his arm raised and closed his eyes, basking in the moment. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Chris Rockwell at 22:47, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] was ready for battle backstage, and told an interviewer that he had worked things out with Enforcer Roberts. “[I]We had a nice long chat and Phil realized the error of his ways. We’ll be a cohesive unit out there tonight, and I’ll walk out with the championship still around my waist, where it belongs. And then I’ll stay true to my word and Phil can have his shot at the next Pay Per View. Of course, I’ll come out the winner too, but I’ll try to let him get some moves in.[/I]” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 5 ALICIA STRONG and WANDA vs. CHERRY EISEN and JOANNE RODRIGUEZ[/B][/COLOR] The owner wore a track suit emblazoned with sequin-covered cherries, and Joanne followed in her shadow. Cherry insisted on starting things off, and upon locking up with Wanda, took a hard hip-toss and got tortured with an armbar. Alicia was allowed to get in on the action and bounced Cherry across the ring with a springboard dropkick. Eisen was furious and tagged in Joanne, who could actually hold her own. She and Wanda launched into some chain wrestling with the newest SCAR signing narrowly gaining the edge. Alicia and Wanda made quick tags to take advantage with double-team moves, including a beautiful tandem suplex and elbow combination. Joanne finally got a chance to tag out after a double clothesline laid both her and Wanda out. ([I]Fry: Both women crawling...[/I]) Cherry leaned in, raring to prove herself, but upon seeing Alicia Strong across the ring ready to rip someone’s head off, she threw her hands up and walked down the ring stairs. ([I]Fry: What? She’s giving up! You can’t just give leave, you’ve got a partner in there![/I]) Eisen walked to the top of the aisle as Strong came in and cleaned house on Rodriguez. Wanda slipped in her Dish of the Day roundhouse to clobber Joanne, who stumbled into the Angel Driver for a very convincing three. ([I]Fry: It would have been nice if they’d seen more of Cherry, but Alicia and Wanda have done it nonetheless![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners: Alicia Strong and Wanda at 10:44, C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] Chris Rockwell was leaving the arena, surprised that more people weren’t congratulating him on his win. He was overjoyed when Emma Chase stopped him. “[I]Now that’s how you get it done. Emma Chase...[/I]” She slipped him a card. “[I]You blew me away out there, Chris. That raw intensity, that will to win at any cost... all you need is the right representation. I’ve got my eye on you... you’re my top prospect. We should talk, you know?[/I]” He smirked as she walked away, and left the arena with an even-bigger ego. ([I]Fry: Didn’t she just say that to Brandon Bruce?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. JACK BRUCE vs. ANGRY GILMORE (C)[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore paired off with Bulldozer, and Roberts drew Jack in a mayhem-filled earlygoing. Whenever things got too hairy for the champ, Roberts did seem to step in and bail him out; Gilmore got blasted with a flying shoulderblock from Brandon that could have done it, but Roberts threw the youngster out of the ring before he could capitalize. Later, Gilmore worked over a tired Brandon Bruce in one corner and instructed Roberts to do the same with Jack in the other. But the rocker fought out with stinging jabs that had the Enforcer’s head snapping back. After whiffing on a right, he fell back into the RCT. ([I]Fry: It’s cinched in, and Jack is fading![/I]) Gilmore looked on with glee but stopped smiling when the referee checked Jack’s hand. ([I]Fry: If Jack gets choked out, Roberts wins! Phunk: And gets the belt![/I]) Gilmore thought quickly, and ran full-force into Roberts’ turned back. Enforcer lost his grip and whirled around, where Gilmore held his head and pointed to Brandon, indicating that the Bruce cousin had Irish-whipped him. Gilmore stood to further explain but he and his bodyguard got crushed with a freight train double clothesline from Bulldozer. The Bruces took hold as Roberts was planted with a tornado DDT and Gilmore was thrown overhead with a capture suplex (luckily right out of the ring). Roberts was crushed by Brandon’s one... two... three belly-to-bellies, and Jack squashed him off all fours with the New York Minute. Roberts turned onto his back, and both Bruces instinctively went for the cover. They stopped and looked at each other. ([I]Phunk: Who’s gonna take it? Fry: They both want this so badly![/I]) In that moment of indecision, Gilmore slid in and stomped them both down. Jack fell to the floor and Brandon was picked up in a suplex. Gilmore tried to drop him to the floor but only succeeded in landing him on the apron. The champ was nailed with a huge headbutt that knocked him way backwards. Bulldozer tried to capitalise but Roberts was up and locked him in the RCT from the inside. ([I]Fry: RCT![/I]) The Enforcer tried to take Brandon out of it, but the huge ex-linebacker wouldn’t fade on the apron. Brandon finally knocked Roberts backwards with some back elbows to the ribs. Out of nowhere, Gilmore rolled up Roberts. ([I]Fry: Roll-up! And three! Gilmore wins it![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner, and still champion: Angry Gilmore at 21:28, B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore moved to grab his belt and leave, but Roberts stopped him, furious that he had been the one to take the fall. Gilmore tried to talk him down but he wasn’t listening. ([I]Fry: It’s a replay of Survive or Die on Thursday![/I]) Cherry Eisen, their only common tie, appeared on the video screen to try and stop their argument. “[I]Not this again! If you’re pissed, then take Jack Bruce and make an example out of him![/I]” Jack had crawled back into the ring and Roberts was all too happy to comply, bruising Jack’s back with stomps to match his own bruised ego. Gilmore joined in, taking the elder Bruce’s knee and ramming it into the mat. Bulldozer tried to step in but got knocked to the floor. ([I]Fry: Is this how we’re going to go off the air, with—[/I]) Remo staggered through the entrance and the crowd roared. ([I]Fry: How?! How is he standing? Phunk: This time he brought a weapon![/I]) Remo used a steel chair for support as he walked down the aisle with fire in his eyes. Roberts and Gilmore were taken aback and wary to confront him. Remo slid in gingerly and Roberts was too slow in attacking him, and got dealt a hard chair shot. Gilmore dove through the ropes to safety but got clipped as well. Roberts took another shot to the back before joining Gilmore on the mats. ([I]Fry: By God, Remo bailed out Jack, and the Founding Fathers live to fight another day![/I]) As Jack got to his feet to join a deathly-looking Remo, Cherry was fuming on the screen. “[I]That is goddamn IT! Everywhere I look, you two are there! Every time I try to do something, you two stop me! Be at the arena Thursday night, because the three of us are going to have a meeting, and iron-clad contracts or not, I’M GOING TO FIND A WAY TO RUN YOUR ASSES OUT OF SCAR![/I]” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B F*** Corruption Overall Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Well... not a great PPV. Only one match over a C+, and a couple that were in D territory. Not to mention finally celebrating Jim Force Month in JUNE. I didn’t think this was going to be our best Pay Per View, but it was likely our worst. We need to bounce back with something huge next month, but I think I already have the answer to that. Same bat channel and such. - Sebsy and the Outlaw split the predictions with 4/5 each. Congrats. What's half of 12 million SCAR Fun Bux? [B]Fast Results:[/B] [quote][B]Angry Gilmore [/B]def. Roberts, J. Bruce, B. Bruce [B](B-)[/B] [B]Strong/Wanda[/B] def. Eisen/Rodriguez [B](C-)[/B] [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] def. Remo [B](C+)[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] def. Ultimate Phoenix [B](D+)[/B] [B]Jim Force[/B] def. Joe Sexy [B](D+)[/B] [B]Giedroyc/Acid[/B] def. Bart/Zimmy by DQ [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;246247]ACID! AND YOU DIDN'T JOB HIM! :)[/QUOTE]Man, do you think I'd want to deal with you if he lost? I'd never hear the end of it! But just you wait until his contract comes up... Calamari Kid, you have jobbin' fodder.
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;246230]Congrats. What's half of 12 million SCAR Fun Bux? [/QUOTE] 6 Million SCAR Fun Bux. :cool: Although the rating wasn't great, it certainly wasn't a bad show to read. I'm loving Laramee and his 'thug' crew as filler comedy. Not quite sure what went wrong with Rockwell vs Remo to only draw a C+ though. Nice touch with Cherry walking out on Rodriguez after not having things her own way against Wanda and Alicia, which makes me wonder quite how their relationship will continue after this. I think I covered a lot of the rest in my predictions with the results I managed to get right (e.g. as Gilmore being the best choice). Like pox, I'm also liking how you're handling Emma Chase, one of the few characters all three of us have in our dynasties in completely different roles and promotions.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;246446]Not quite sure what went wrong with Rockwell vs Remo to only draw a C+ though. [/QUOTE]Unfortunately it's due to having to recreate the game world after I lost the data. They don't have chemistry anymore. But thanks for the props on Emma. I'm definitely very lucky to be sharing her with DAVE.
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[SIZE=4][B]Change in the House of Fries (and an Unforgivable Sin of a Pun)[/B][/SIZE] There was a special guest backstage for our last event: my new partner. [I]SCAR’s[/I] new partner. I introduced him to the entire roster, some of whom knew him and greeted him with a warm bro-hug, some of which stared in awe as someone they admired had joined their side, and others wondered if it was just them or if their nuts were shrinking. That one was Big Smack Scott. He was my second-in-command that night, and I could tell he knew the event had a smell to it. But it wasn’t until our after-show meal that he let loose. See, most people would wine and dine a business associate at a nice restaurant, but this was wrestling, and we were #3, so we pulled up outside Burger Gulag and ate in the front seat. “Something’s missing, Jim. You’re trying to beat Richie and Tommy, but the in-ring stuff isn’t all that different from theirs. Almost as... [I]tame[/I]. I mean, you’ve got guys like Phoenix, Hernandez, cruisers who can fly with the best, and Gilmore and Roberts who could chain wrestle D’arcy Arnold’s bunions to a three-star match. But they’re being limited because you haven’t taken the leash off of them from back in SWF. We need to let them go [I]hard[/I], and then we'll have the edge. More DANGER. More INTENSITY. More ‘Holy S***!’” He made an excellent point, and I knew he could be trusted on it too. As I watched him hungrily mow down on half the value picks menu, it was obvious that this big man could not fly with the best, nor trade holds with them as he entered the twilight of his career. A stiffer, crazier SCAR would only make it harder for him to keep up with the pack, and some of the dogs were half his age. But like a good partner, he was thinking about the good of the whole, and not himself. I felt redeemed. Then he snatched the last curly fry from my wrapper and dipped it in Fry's patented All-Organic Pinenut Valley Ketchup. “Partners split everything, Jim.” [CENTER] **** [/CENTER] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 3, June 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]FIVE IN A ROW FOR GILMORE[/B][/COLOR] For those keeping track, last night’s victory at F*** Corruption was [COLOR=Red][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR]’s fifth straight in a Pay Per View main event, outlasting three men for the win. But it wasn’t without a cost: Enforcer Roberts was angry after he was the one who got pinned after protecting the champion for the entirety of the match. Has the fact that Gilmore promised him a one-on-one title opportunity at the next Pay Per View, Rise of the Rebellion, assuaged his nerves? Or does the SCAR Champion still have one big, moustachioed, choke-happy problem on his hands?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]CHERRY TO MEET WITH FOUNDING FATHERS[/B][/COLOR] After all [COLOR=Red][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] has put Remo and Jack Bruce through – and vice versa – calling a meeting between the three seems almost comical. But whatever agenda SCAR’s owner has in store for them must be huge. Said a source from SCAR’s headquarters in San Diego, “She’s keeping her cards close to her chest on this one. But she did ask for eight waivers of liability to be drawn up...”
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]PHOENIX TRIES TO RISE AGAIN ON SPORTS AMERICA[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]The SCAR Body Count Champion, Ultimate Phoenix, was beaten convincingly by rival Mainstream Hernandez last night, but the title wasn’t on the line. This Thursday it will be, and [COLOR=Red][B]Kazuma Narato [/B][/COLOR]will hope to capitalize on his presumably-fragile state. Alicia Strong and Wanda will team up for a second time to face Jean Cattley and JD Morgan, By Any Means Necessary, and Jack Giedroyc will look for blood against Zimmy Bumfhole after he and Danger and Violence Extreme’s Acid were cheated out of the Tag Team Championships.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black] [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 115) Live on Thursday, Week 3, June 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Irvine Hall (Mid South) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out!)[/B][/COLOR] Dark Match: Jack Bruce drew Enforcer Roberts (B-) [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] No fireworks off the top; we opened cold to [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] walking/limping down a hallway, but the fans exploded anyway. They reached Cherry Eisen’s office and attempted to enter, but were blocked by a large security guard. Jack looked up and went face-to-face with him. “[I]Hey, buddy, we’re cool. We have a meeting with Cherry.[/I]” “[I]She’s on the roof.[/I]” ([I]Fry: The roof of the building?[/I]) Remo and Jack Bruce looked at each other with a raised eyebrow, and retreated back down the hallway to a stairwell. It took them to the roof, the dewy night summer air and a chimney billowing grey smoke. But most importantly [COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR], who wore a long coat and stood with her back to them. The heavy door slammed behind them as they walked towards her. She turned to Remo’s barely-subdued anger and Bruce flipping back a strand of hair that had fallen over his eyes. She seemed strangely resolved. “[I]What’s the deal, firecrotch?[/I]” Cherry swallowed back revulsion and spoke. “[I]Remo, Jack... I’m not going to scream my head off anymore about how much I hate you, even though it’s the most visceral emotion I’ve ever felt towards two human beings. I think the three of us can just accept that it’s there. But I want to settle our dispute. Once and for all. I won’t be able to live with myself unless I do.[/I]” She pulled out a clip board. A waiver was clipped to it. “[I]This is a waiver. I want you to sign it. When you do, you will be agreeing that, in twenty-four days, you’ll enter the ultimate battleground. Two teams of four. Yours against mine. The most dangerous environment possible—that’s what the waivers are for. And one special stipulation! If you win, you stay in SCAR. If you lose, you give up the ‘no release’ clause in your contracts. What do you say? Are you man enough for it?[/I]” Remo stepped forward. “[I]We’re plenty man enough, Cherry, but we’re not dumb enough. We can already stay in SCAR with our ironclad deals. What do you have to lose? You’ve gotta give up something else.[/I]” Bruce piped up. “[I]The SCAR Championship. Put it on the line.[/I]” She took a pause, angered, but then coolly shrugged. “[I]Fine. Deal. So then—[/I]” “[I]AND.[/I]” Remo growled over her. “[I]And if our team wins... we get a month of power. For four weeks, we run the show.[/I]” She nearly choked. She looked back over the edge of the building for a few tense seconds, and then back to the two, full of resolve once more. “[I]Alright! You’ve got it, boys. Your team wins, and the winner gets the belt, and your team a month of power. But if we win... you both can be fired in the snap of my fingers.[/I]” “[I]Where do we sign, firecrotch?[/I]” Bruce took the clipboard and put his name on the first waiver. Remo did the same on the sheet beneath it as Cherry smiled. “[I]Just so you’re aware, the first two members of my team? Enforcer Roberts, and the SCAR Champion himself, Angry Gilmore.[/I]” She took the clipboard back, and snatched the pen from Remo’s massive paw. “[I]I suggest you get looking for some teammates, because I doubt there are two people in SCAR foolish enough to step inside what I have planned.[/I]” She extended her hand. “[I]To a fair match, Founding Fathers?[/I]” Bruce smirked and shook it. Remo did the same, but Cherry quickly used her other hand to pull herself free, as Remo had done his best to crush it. She walked past them in a huff. “[I]Cherry![/I]” She looked back at Jack. “[I]When we’ve got the book, our first move is busting your ass down to concessions.[/I]” Cherry scoffed, and walked down the staircase back into the building. Jack and Remo turned to each other, and Jack pounded Remo’s fist. ([I]Fry: What a revelation—what a match! Rise of the Rebellion, four on four, the Founding Fathers against Eisen, and almost everything hangs in the balance! Phunk: And what’s this ‘ultimate battleground’ gonna be?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 1 ZIMMY BUMFHOLE (w/ Bart Biggz) vs. JACK GIEDROYC[/B][/COLOR] The ref rarely took his eyes off of Bart on the outside, promising him multiple times that doing anything to Giedroyc would earn his partner a disqualification. But he didn’t have to touch Jack—only Zimmy. Giedroyc laid an impassioned beatdown on Zimmy, and almost had him for Crashing On, but the “brother” squirted away to the floor. There, Jack followed him with an uncharacteristic dive that crushed them both into the barrier. ([I]Fry: Did you hear that crunch?![/I]) The referee began to count as both men stirred. ([I]Fry: Up to eight...[/I]) Bart streaked around the ring, pulled Zimmy up and rolled him in. ([I]Fry: Hey, he can’t—[/I]) The ref reached ten and called for the belt. Bart dragged Zimmy back to the floor and backed up the aisle with him. ([I]Fry: It should have been a draw, but instead, what, that’s two matches they’ve snuck out of in a week?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner by count-out: Zimmy Bumfhole at 11:56, C+ ---------- Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] was in the interview area wearing a track suit, and had a new expensive-looking necklace draped across his chest. He smiled into the camera. “[I]Get beat by me once, Remo... shame on me. But get beat by me twice... shame on YOU. You had a chance to get out, to save yourself further humiliation, to keep your spot and your head held high. But instead, I took all your undeserved possessions, and beat you over the head with it, then dumped you off the 200 level through a table. And now look—you’re going to get your ass fired. That is the effect of being Rocked by Rockwell.[/I]” “[I]I’ve proven my point, and I’ve taken your spot as the hottest rising talent in wrestling. All that’s left is for me to continue my rise until I’m the biggest star in the business. Thanks for the rub, Remo... and good luck finding a job. I hear USPDub’s hiring.[/I]” The camera whirled around to see [COLOR=Green][B]Emma Chase[/B][/COLOR] stroking her chin and smiling as she watched Rockwell speak. [COLOR=Green][B]B ---------- MATCH 2 BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY vs. WANDA and ALICIA STRONG[/B][/COLOR] A hotly-contested match. Cattley and Morgan tried to wear out Alicia’s knee with dual stomps, and a spring-in elbowdrop by Morgan, but she made the tag to Wanda who cleared house with two Dishes of the Day. Cattley was pinned off of an Angel Driver as the ladies showed they could hang tight in a tough match. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Wanda and Alicia Strong at 8:51, C+ ---------- Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] was walking down a hallway, wringing his hands and looking for someone. He found him—[COLOR=Green][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] at the catering table with his SCAR Championship around his waist. “[I]Gilmore![/I]” he bellowed. Gilmore swore under his breath and turned to face his larger associate. “[I]Phil, my man. Guess everything worked out the way we planned it, huh?[/I]” Roberts ignored his comment. “[I]The words I wanna hear out of your mouth, champ, are that since we’re in that eight-man match at Rise of the Rebellion, I’m still getting my shot at your belt—just earlier.[/I]” Gilmore hemmed and hawed. “[I]Phil, I’d LOVE to say that. But that wouldn’t be fair to me, you, or our teammates. We’d put on the match of the decade, no doubt, but we’d be so blown out that we’d get crushed at the Pay Per View! So the answer’s no, buddy. But after we crush Remo and Bruce, and put them in the unemployment line? I’ll give you a best-of-freakin’-SEVEN.[/I]” Roberts stared down Gilmore, and then walked past him, exhaling loudly through his nose in an unsatisfied manner. Gilmore breathed a sigh of relief and walked away. He stopped when he saw something lurking in the darkness of a corner. “[I]What the...[/I]” He flipped on a lightswitch, and Acid was revealed, barely reacting at all to the disturbance. “[I]What the hell are you still doing here? You lost your match, so time to head back to the minors![/I]” Acid didn’t respond, still staring straight forward at Gilmore. “[I]Alright, freak. I’m feeling generous. For a special going-away present, why don’t you stick around one more night, and feel what it’s like to be in a match of importance, against a wrestler of importance? Take me on. Non-title. Tonight.[/I]” Acid’s eyes narrowed a little behind his goggles, and his lenses slowly clouded over with heat, or condensation, or... something. Gilmore seemed weirded out, and backed away, holding his belt. “[I]Later, alright? Later.[/I]” ([I]Phunk: Was that a yes?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- ---------- MATCH 3 FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP KAZUMA NARATO vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX (C)[/B][/COLOR] Phoenix turned it up for this one, almost certainly having something to prove after being defeated by Mainstream Hernandez. Narato strung together some effective offense, but the champion was overwhelming. He got hiptossed over the barrier into the crowd, and slowly rose, expecting a break in the action. But instead, Phoenix was on the apron, and hit a beautiful Asai moonsault to wipe him out, and a few slow-moving fans as well. ([I]Fry: Wow, Phoenix just kicked it up about twenty notches![/I]) Back inside, a Phoenix Firebird Splash was all that was needed for the win. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Ultimate Phoenix at 7:17, C ---------- [/B][/COLOR] Phoenix had barely gotten to his feet before [COLOR=Green][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] had appeared on the stage. “[I]Hi, this is a message for Phoenix? It’s the guy who beat his ass? So you’ve defended your belt. That’s nice, but let’s get real for a second—do you really deserve it? I pinned you 1-2-3, and so I’m better; you know it and I know it! I hope the doubt infects you like a disease, Phoenix, and until you give me one more shot, until you petition head offices to overturn my ban, I’ll always be better than you![/I]” Phoenix looked at his belt as Hernandez left. ([I]Phunk: Hernandez is thinkin’ like a vet! He’s plantin’ that seed, Fry, and he’s gonna manipulate Phoenix all the way to another shot! Fry: I hope the champion is smarter than that—he’s already beat him anyway![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]D+ ----------[/B][/COLOR] Cherry was in her office, seemingly going over paperwork, when there was a tap at the door and [COLOR=Green][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] entered. “[I]Hey, boss? Wondering if I could have a moment?[/I]” “[I]Busy, Joe.[/I]” “[I]I’ll just come in then.[/I]” Joe stood in front of her desk and pulled out a piece of paper. “[I]Sorry to take up your time, but there’s something important I have to say.[/I]” He cleared his throat and began to read. “‘[I]It is with a heavy heart and a larger-than-usual package—no matter what you heard—that I, Joe Sexy, announce my retirement from the sport of professional wrestling. Due to factors beyond my—[/I]’” “[I]Just leave it in my inbox, please.[/I]” Joe stopped, nodded solemnly and dropped it on her desk. He turned to leave, and knocked on the wall before opening the door. “[I]I’m gonna miss this place...[/I]” He left. Seconds later, the door opened again, “[I]Joanne isn’t in tonight, is she? Because I—[/I]” “[I]Goodbye, Joe![/I]” He nodded and left again—for good? [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 4 BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE vs. BIG SMACK SCOTT[/B][/COLOR] One opponent worse than Brandon Bruce is an [I]angry [/I]Brandon Bruce. His title shot ended with him a non-issue on the ring apron, and everyone’s favourite bodybuilder took the worst of his leftover aggression. As Bruce launched him from buckle to buckle, Emma Chase wandered down the aisle, watching the rookie compete. ([I]Fry: Does someone want to tell me what’s going on here?[/I]) Dozer ended it with his triple belly-to-bellies and Emma applauded his win. ([I]Fry: She’s courting both men, it seems. Phunk: I’ll tell you, that’s one hell of a tag team![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 3:55, D+ ---------- [/B][/COLOR] In a hallway somewhere, [COLOR=Green][B]Air Attack Weasel[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Andre Jones[/B][/COLOR] walked together, with Jones wearing a HUGE pair of pants. “[I]Is that to make room for your gangsta-size Huggies, homey?[/I]” “[I]Shut up! Hey, Weasel, if you ain’t wanna roll with me and Laramee, why you still here?[/I]” “[I]... I don’t think anyone else likes me.[/I]” “[I]Yo, we gotta make it up to Kurt for gettin’ our asses beat on Sunday. We gotta take some dudes out here tonight![/I]” “[I]Look![/I]” Weasel pointed up ahead at Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow having one of their strange moments, as Sparrow held Birdie like a child and Toma merely looked on in silent confusion. “[I]We gotta lay into these suckas![/I]” Weasel nodded his agreement. Both men snuck up, but Weasel quickly turned around and headed the other way, leaving Jones on his own. “[I]Yo! Nothin’ person-AL, boys, but me and my boy Weasel about to roll on you, ya heard?[/I]” Toma looked behind Jones for this weasel he spoke of. As Jones flashed a gang sign of some kind, Toma slipped in a hard headbutt to the bridge of his nose, and Sparrow hit a triple with Birdie, putting Jones down and out. [COLOR=Green][B]E+ ---------- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) NON-TITLE MATCH ANGRY GILMORE vs. ACID[/B][/COLOR] A nice closer with plenty of drama. Gilmore came close to being wrapped up and pinned a few times, but always wriggled out, and headed to the floor for frequent breathers. Acid got plunked with a variety of suplexes, and Gilmore tried to apply his favourite crossface, but the DAVE superstar reversed it into his Acidity Test. ([I]Phunk: Let him go, DAVE boy! It ain’t right![/I]) Gilmore freaked out and tried to wriggle free, and in the process managed to thrash onto his back and pin Acid’s shoulders down. ([I]Fry: One, two, no! He wisely let go![/I]) Gilmore took a kick to the ribs and went down, and Acid headed to the top for his Acid Raid Bomb. Gilmore stood up and shook the top rope just as Acid leapt, and he dove right into the referee. Gilmore tried to capitalize by hitting the Anger Management, but was thrown away into the corner. Acid prepared to go in for the kill, but was clubbed down from behind by Enforcer Roberts. ([I]Phunk: Yeah! He know who his friends are![/I]) The hulking bruiser dutifully stomped Acid out of the ring, and Gilmore celebrated in the corner, until Remo and Jack Bruce raced down the aisle. They slid in and traded right hands with two of their opponents for Rise of the Rebellion. The ref came to, and with complete havoc in front of him, and one of the competitors nowhere to be seen, threw the whole thing out. [COLOR=Green][B] No Contest at 22:50, B- ----------[/B][/COLOR] Remo and Jack whaled on their adversaries, backing them into opposite corners with heavy blows. They went up for the ten-count of punches, but got nervous when the crowd stirred, and were ripped down to the mat by the Brothers from Different Mothers. ([I]Fry: Where did they come from?[/I]) Bart and Zimmy laid in boots, and Roberts and Gilmore soon joined them. As Remo was yanked to his feet to eat Anger Management, Cherry Eisen strode down the aisle grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Eisen stepped inside the ring and called for silence just as Jack Bruce took the Bumfhole Buster. She gathered the four men around the bodies of Jack and Remo. “[I]In case you didn’t figure it out, meet the two last members of my team: Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole![/I]” ([I]Fry: Could we expect any less from these two?[/I]) “[I]And while you two are conscious—just barely, looks like—let me reveal what’s in store for you at Rise of the Rebellion...[/I]” “[I]Picture a cage with a roof on it... then picture a 4’ by 4’ hole cut in it. Then picture a 20-foot ladder leading up through that hole. And the only way to win is for you to climb up that ladder to the top of the cell, grab the SCAR Championship that’s up there, and climb down to the floor with it. I call it... Escape from Hell! But Remo, Jack, you won’t be leaving hell. You’ll be tasting defeat, roasting there forever, and then you’ll be dead to SCAR, and all these fans![/I]” “[I]Again, good luck finding a team. My gut tells me... you’re gonna need it.[/I]” Eisen dropped the microphone and led her team away from the ring. ([I]Fry: What have the Founding Fathers gotten themselves into? Phunk: A trip to Hell, obviously![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- Survive or Die Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: Well, the new product settings with upped danger and intensity seem to have made an difference, especially in the Body Count Championship match, where neither man was above D overness, but they pulled out an awesome C—well, awesome for them. It amounts to a B-, the best rating so far in the post-corruption era. Rock on. [B] Fast Results[/B]:[quote][B] Angry Gilmore [/B]goes to a No Contest with [B]Acid (B-)[/B] [B] Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. Big Smack Scott [B](D+) Ultimate Phoenix[/B] def. Kazuma Narato to retain [B](C)[/B] [B] Strong/Wanda [/B]def. By Any Means Necessary [B](C+) Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] def. Jack Giedroyc by count-out [B](C+)[/B][/quote] [COLOR=Red][B]Currently BOOKED for RISE OF THE REBELLION:[/B][/COLOR] [I] Remo/Jack Bruce/???/??? vs. Gilmore/Roberts/Bumfhole/Biggz - Escape From Hell Match[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 4, June 2007 [/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]TEAM EISEN SET FOR “RISE OF THE REBELLION”[/B][/COLOR] With power, careers, and the SCAR Championship all on the line at the next Pay Per View, [COLOR=Red][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] wasted no time in filling out her four-man team. The Tag Team Champions, Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole, will join Enforcer Roberts and Angry Gilmore in the dangerous match known as “Escape From Hell”, and together create a formidable unit that can’t stoop too low to please their boss. After being attacked last Thursday, Remo and Jack Bruce still have no one on their side. Will they be able to coax anyone into helping them this week? What has been confirmed is that they’ll get the Brothers from Different Mothers in a non-title main event on Sports America.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_EmmaChase.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]THE CHASE FOR A CLIENT[/B][/COLOR] In the past two weeks, manager extraordinaire [COLOR=Red][B]Emma Chase[/B][/COLOR] has been on the hunt for a client, and seems to have settled on two men: the red-hot Chris Rockwell and the undefeated rookie Bulldozer Brandon Bruce. Does she want to take on both stars, or is she waiting for one to outshine the other? If it’s the latter, Brandon Bruce might have a chance to accomplish just that against weathered grappler JD Morgan on Survive or Die.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]WANDA DRAWS TOUGH CHALLENGE[/B][/COLOR] What’s the penalty for embarrassing SCAR’s owner? Apparently, a non-title workout against perhaps the world’s greatest wrestler, Angry Gilmore. [COLOR=Red][B]Wanda[/B][/COLOR] succeeded in her attempt to show Eisen that women’s wrestling has a place in SCAR, but now she’ll have to best the champion to show she can truly hang with the best men in the biz.
[B][COLOR="Red"](SCAR - Experience the Estrogen!)[/COLOR][/B]
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Another good show. Interesting to note the product tweaking, something that further sets SCAR apart from it's SWF origins. Loved the opening segment, especially the setting. Cherry and the Founding Fathers heading to the rooftop seemed to add extra significance to negotiating the biggest match in SCAR thus far. It should make for some good follow up shows as the two teams take shape (although obviously Eisen's now seems set), although I felt the catch of not knowing exactly what battleground firecrotch (heh) had in mind could have carried on for at least another show, might have made it funny if Bumfhole and Biggz had joined without realising exactly what they signed up for and considered backing out or something. Great stuff, regardless. It's just a storyline that has so many possibilities.
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Also - very much enjoyed Acid's brief appearance in SCAR. Not only did you refuse to job him (yay), his short appearances were respectable and established a legit character. I don't get the impression we'll be seeing a ton of him (until his contract runs out, but in my game that's over a year off), but I liked what you did with him while he was around. And yes, I read many of your entries twice.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;255411]It should make for some good follow up shows as the two teams take shape (although obviously Eisen's now seems set), although I felt the catch of not knowing exactly what battleground firecrotch (heh) had in mind could have carried on for at least another show, might have made it funny if Bumfhole and Biggz had joined without realising exactly what they signed up for and considered backing out or something.[/QUOTE]I very much agree - it was a damn lot to pack into 90 minutes of a show. I think one of my faults is overbooking in that way, and doing too much at once, but hopefully it'll now be more of a slow (but exciting) boil leading up to the PPV. [QUOTE=Monkeypox;255417]Also - very much enjoyed Acid's brief appearance in SCAR. Not only did you refuse to job him (yay), his short appearances were respectable and established a legit character. I don't get the impression we'll be seeing a ton of him (until his contract runs out, but in my game that's over a year off), but I liked what you did with him while he was around.[/QUOTE]Hopefully when his contract comes up I can share him with DAVE like I'm doing with Jack Giedroyc (we both have him on PPAs). That way, when I use him, I can actually have him lose the occasional match without recieving death threats from a certain prolific diarist.
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 116) Live on Thursday, Week 4, June 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium (Great Lakes) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out!)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] This week began much as last week ended: [B][COLOR=Green]Cherry Eisen[/COLOR][/B] stood in the middle of the ring with her four-man team for Rise of the Rebellion, with the only noticeable difference being that Remo and Jack Bruce weren’t laid out on the mat. [COLOR=Green][B]Gilmore[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR=Green][B]Roberts[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR=Green][B]Biggz [/B][/COLOR]and [COLOR=Green][B]Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] all held a piece of paper. Cherry spoke. “[I]Founding Fathers... in our haste last week, we forgot to sign something... your death warrants! With the world’s best wrestler, the ultimate enforcer, and now, the most cohesive tag team in wrestling history, I’ve got my team... where’s yours?[/I]” On that note, the Brothers from Different Mothers and Enforcer Roberts signed their waivers. Angry Gilmore took the microphone. “[I]Look at my army! Look who I’m going to war with—Remo, Jack, do you think in a million years you could find two people as loyal to you as my men are to me? The person who escapes to the floor with the SCAR Championship will get it, that’s the rules... but we’ve agreed internally: it’s gonna be ME who leaves with the belt, and hammers the final nail into the coffin of your careers![/I]” The tag champs didn’t seem to mind this, but Roberts seemed like it was news to him. Gilmore signed his waiver with a flourish. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 1 BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE vs. JD MORGAN[/B][/COLOR] Duane Fry wondered aloud if Brandon could potentially be a member of Jack and Remo’s team, but it didn’t appear to be on the rookie’s mind as he ran over Morgan with a series of decapitating clotheslines. Bruce kicked it into second gear and crushed his opponent with the trademark triple-belly-to-bellies for the win. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 5:58, C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Brandon ducked through the ropes to leave, but got levelled by a chair shot out of nowhere straight to the skull! ([I]Fry: [COLOR=Green][B]Chris Rockwell![/B][/COLOR][/I]) Bruce fell to the floor with a thud as Rockwell waved the chair around and called for him to get back up. When Bruce finally pulled himself back to his feet, Rockwell blasted him with a second shot for the knockout. Rockwell threw the chair down and left ringside in a huff. ([I]Fry: What was all that? Phunk: Think about it – Bulldozer’s the other guy Emma Chase been lookin’ at! He’s takin’ him out of the picture![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Cherry returned to her office where assistant [COLOR=Green][B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] was waiting. “[I]Look who it is – sick last week?[/I]” Joanne didn’t respond. “[I]You need to realize something, 'J-Ro'. You work for me, you represent me, so when you let me down and lost that match for me, it was like a slap in the face. I’m the reason you still have a job, remember? So from now on, your job is going to be a lot tougher.[/I]” Cherry moved over to her desk and picked up a stack of papers. She dropped it in Joanne’s arms with a thud. “[I]Copy these. Goodbye.[/I]” Joanne left without a word, and Cherry watched her leave with a smirk. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 2 AIR ATTACK WEASEL and ANDRE JONES (w/ Kurt Laramee) vs. KID TOMA and MATT SPARROW[/B][/COLOR] Laramee’s protégés made their tag debut, and they were up against the wall facing a team with considerably more experience. Kurt flew into a rage on the outside when Weasel accidentally collided with Andre and knocked him off the apron to the floor. Weasel went down holding his head and Toma perched himself up top, looking for the Long Range Headbutt. Laramee jumped in and shoved Toma off for a blatant DQ. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners, by disqualification: Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow at 6:51, D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Kurt fit a pair of brass knuckles onto his fist as Sparrow desperately tried to help his friend. But Weasel and Jones held the Bird Man as Laramee bashed him in the mouth. His team stomped down Toma until “the King of the Streets” was satisfied enough to call them off. [COLOR=Green][B]D- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, Remo and Jack Bruce were being interviewed, and said yeah – they couldn’t really blame anyone for not wanting to join their team. “[I]We got into this thing on our own,[/I]” rumbled Remo, “[I]and we don’t mind fighting this thing alone.[/I]” “[I]Too bad.[/I]” Jack looked over his shoulder to see [COLOR=Black]Jack [/COLOR]– [COLOR=Green][B]Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR]. “[I]Remo, Jack, I wanna help. I wanna get in there, raise some hell, and make things right with this place. And if it means getting a piece of the butt brothers too... can I join you?[/I]” Remo and Bruce barely had to hesitate before laughing and slapping hands with Giedroyc. ([I]Fry: They’ve got a partner, and what a partner![/I]) Jack Bruce clapped his hands together. “[I]Looks like we need one more, and I think I got it covered. Be right back.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 NON-TITLE WANDA vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B][/COLOR] Wanda faced by far her toughest challenge to date, and spent the opening minutes trying to break free of Gilmore’s repertoire of mat holds. She finally did and attempted to reel off a Dish of the Day that Gilmore barely ducked underneath. The SCAR Champion continued his measured assault, and attempted to drop her into a single-arm crossface. But instead, Gilmore was pulled into a vicious roundhouse kick that knocked them both down. ([I]Fry: Dish of the Day! What an upset this could be![/I]) Wanda crawled to the cover but Gilmore draped his foot onto the bottom rope. Wanda tried to follow up with a top rope crossbody but Gilmore caught her, whirled her into a side standing position and hit Anger Management for a gleeful pin. ([I]Fry: Wanda made that really interesting! Phunk: Until Gilmore dropped her on her pretty face! Chalk up a win for Cherry![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 15:41, C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Jack Bruce walked down a corridor, and as he passed a door, it opened and his cousin, Bulldozer Brandon Bruce, emerged. The door shut, and the “Cherry Eisen, SCAR Owner” nameplate became visible. Jack turned and saw him. “[I]Big Bran! Just the guy I wanted to see. You know about our match at Rise of the Rebellion, and—[/I]” “[I]Can’t do it. I just talked to Eisen, and she gave me Chris Rockwell at the Pay Per View. I’m gonna learn that piece of s*** a lesson.[/I]” “[I]But what about... dude, I need you in there![/I]” “[I]I’ve got unfinished business now, and you know me better than anyone, Jack – until my business with Rockwell is done, I’ve only got one thing on my mind, and that’s making him pay.[/I]” Jack Bruce tried to protest but Brandon had already loped away in the opposite direction, perhaps catching Rockwell’s scent. For maybe the first time, he seemed at a loss for words. [COLOR=Green][B]B [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 ULTIMAT E PHOENIX and CALAMARI KID vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ and INSANE MACHINE[/B][/COLOR] Phoenix and Hernandez gathered partners to continue their rivalry, and used them as a buffer until they could finally get at each other. Phoenix whipped Hernandez through the ropes with a flying headscissors and then blasted him with a suicide dive. Insane Machine intervened on his behalf and tied up the Body Count Champion, giving Hernandez an opportunity to slip back into the ring and take care of Calamari Kid with Mainstream Dreams. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Mainstream Hernandez and Insane Machine at 10:49, D- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Afterwards, Phoenix rolled in to face off with Hernandez, who didn’t have time to leave and merely assumed a defensive stance, expecting the champion to attack him. Phoenix merely called for a microphone. ([I]Fry: He’s a man of few words, but he’s talking now![/I]) “[I]You want one more shot? Hernandez... you’ve—[/I]” A figure with a bandanna wrapped around his face and a long cloak suddenly ziplined down from the rafters and landed between them. ([I]Phunk: The hell?[/I]) Hernandez and Phoenix looked equally confused, but the man didn’t give time to do anything else, springing forth with thrusts to the throat that sent them to their backs, writhing and gasping for air. The man buttoned up his cloak, and in a flash, ziplined back up into the air. ([I]Fry: Was... was that Plague? Phunk: When did dude learn to fly?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]D [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] We were taken to a lonely highway somewhere where Joe Sexy walked along the shoulder, toting a duffel bag and a sign that read “WILL TELL ROAD STORIES FOR RIDE”. No one seemed to be taking the bait. “[I]Man, can’t get laid by a woman... can’t get laid by Big Smack Scott... can’t beat Jim Force... and can’t even get a ride. It’s times like these where a man just has to hit the road, and let the highway solve his problems[/I]” He walked a few more feet. “[I]Damn, this is boring.[/I]” A van blew by Joe, but slowed to a stop ahead of him and pulled over to the shoulder. Sexy rushed up to the side and the hatch slid open. “[I]Alright, so it was me, Nevada Nuclear, and these two Swedish chicks. All we knew was that one of them had a penis. It was like Russian roulette. Or... Swedish Roulette, I guess.[/I]” He peeped in further, and stopped his engrossing road tale. He saw two bald-headed, pale, draped-in-white men looking back at him. “[I]Joseph, that’s alright. We’ve come to take you to a place where you can be at peace. There’s someone who would like to see you ... and he’s very excited for your arrival. Won’t you come?[/I]” Joe hopped in. “[I]This thing better not be going to MAW. I don’t do indies...[/I]” To be continued... [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) NON-TITLE THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS (w/ Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts) vs. REMO and JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] For Remo and Bruce, it was more like a game of whack-a-mole than a wrestling match. Whenever they’d hit a big move on Bart or Zimmy, Gilmore or Roberts would pop up onto the apron, and jump down before either Founding Father could get to them, leaving them vulnerable. The crowd grew restless when the outside men held Jack Bruce’s legs down so Bart could hit a huge top-rope legdrop. But they were brought up as Jack Giedroyc walked down the aisle. ([I]Fry: About time![/I]) He cleared Roberts and Gilmore away from the ring with right hands as they fought up the aisle. Remo was taken up for Different Damage, but Jack Bruce chopblocked Bart down to release his partner, and Zimmy was caught in a huge Remo Buster as he leapt from the top that was more than enough for three. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Remo and Jack Bruce at 18:17, C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] All seven men brawled in the ring, and it was evenly-matched until Angry Gilmore brought in a chair and levelled Remo and Jack Bruce hard enough to knock them to the floor. A four-on-one was established on Giedroyc and he was passed to Angry Gilmore on the top rope for a “super” version of Anger Management. ([I]Phunk: He’s gonna get it for kicking his nose where it don’t belong![/I]) The crowd’s attention was drawn to the aisle where [COLOR=Green][B]Alicia Strong[/B][/COLOR] raced towards the ring. ([I]Fry: Incoming![/I]) Strong slid in and Zimmy came at her with the chair. She legswept him down and scooped up the steel, brandishing it at the three others. They wisely powdered and backed up the ramp as Giedroyc fell to the mat from the buckles. Strong did her best to help Giedroyc to his feet as he bled from the forehead. ([I]Fry: Alicia Strong just cleared out all of Team Eisen, and saved Jack's ass! Phunk: So does that mean she’s volunteering for duty on Remo and Bruce’s team? Fry: If so, that’s a shocker of a fourth member![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- Survive or Die Overall Rating: C [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Just ouch. The main event didn't deliver and so the whole show got dragged down as a result, as did our popularity. [B]Fast Results:[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Remo/Jack Bruce[/B] def. the Brothers from Different Mothers [B](C+) Hernandez/Machine[/B] def. Phoenix/Calamari [B](D-) Angry Gilmore [/B]def. Wanda [B](C+) Toma/Sparrow [/B]def. Weasel/Jones by DQ [B](D+) Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. JD Morgan [B](C-)[/B][/quote] [COLOR=Red][B] Currently BOOKED for RISE OF THE REBELLION[/B][/COLOR]: [I][COLOR=Black] Remo/J. Bruce/Giedroyc/??? vs. Gilmore/Roberts/Bumfhole/Biggz - Escape From Hell Match Bulldozer Brandon Bruce vs. Chris Rockwell [/COLOR][/I]
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Hmmm Alicia Strong perhaps keen to reacquaint herself with Enforcer Roberts? Giedroyc is a good fit to the Founding Father's team, but his willingness to involve himself in a dispute with Cherry makes me wonder if there's a possibility he could be an inside man and turn at Rise Of The Rebellion... I blame Pox's dynasty for making me so suspicious of him. He just seemed a bit 'over' keen to me, even if he does get a bit of the Brothers From Different Mothers. Ratingwise, the show was a bit of a bodyblow and like I found from Malice In Wonderland from my HGC dynasty, you're running the risk of the ppv scoring badly with so much top tier talent committed to the Escape From Hell Match. That bout literally will make or break the event.
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Hey Plex, even I haven't decided the level of sincerity that should go with Giedroyc's Wrath of God gimmick. It's altogether possible that he really does think he's the helmet wearing hand of divinity. Who knows. That having been said, as he's been written in SCAR thusfar, I don't really trust him either. I figure we'll be seeing Cherry Eisen versus J-Ro pretty soon... Rodriguez is too much of a talent for you to leave lying around, honestly. You've got to work her into the rotation soon, esp. with the Fish already in circulation. I'm pumped about the possibility of Plague coming to SCAR (though honestly, that D- cruisermatch must be making you a little nervous - any idea what happened?). Plague/Phoenix seems like ratings waiting to happen, but in the current set-up you would need a partner for Plague, and I have no idea who that would be.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;257171]Ratingwise, the show was a bit of a bodyblow and like I found from Malice In Wonderland from my HGC dynasty, you're running the risk of the ppv scoring badly with so much top tier talent committed to the Escape From Hell Match. That bout literally will make or break the event.[/QUOTE]Good point. My hopes are to build a semi-decent undercard and I'll probably have to contract outside of SCAR to do that. [QUOTE=Monkeypox;257178]I'm pumped about the possibility of Plague coming to SCAR (though honestly, that D- cruisermatch must be making you a little nervous - any idea what happened?). [/QUOTE]I can't blame you for forgetting that Plague's been in SCAR since the get-go - I've done absolutely nothing with him so far. Hopefully this makeover will give me more reason to use him. As for the tag match, all four guys are bouncing around at the D-/D popularity mark. But I was betting on it being closer to a C- thanks to their aerial chops. I dare say that the Body Count division has been a bust so far, no real classics have emerged. But I'm not willing to pull the plug yet. Thanks for weighing in as always, guys.
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Okay, in light of that last D-, this is confusing: MATCH 4 FATAL FOURWAY CALAMARI KID vs. INSANE MACHINE vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX vs. KID TOMA This was a really fun aerial match that got the crowd going again. The only heel in the match, Machine, wiped out on a spot where he tried to hit a plancha onto the whole crowd on the outside, but they all moved in time, sentencing him to a hard crash landing. After a wild affair, Toma finally took the win with a huge Long Range Headbutt on Phoenix. It was the crowd’s first taste for Phoenix and Machine and they were left wanting more. Winner: Kid Toma at 13:10, B- [i]Was Toma really that much better than Mainstream?!?[/i] ( I was back there seeing if you really did sign Plague, and yes, you did...)
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Very perplexing. My tag matches in general don't seem to do too well - maybe it's a team chemistry thing that wouldn't apply to a fourway. Plus some clicking that isn't carrying over to my new game? Or momentum? Answers escape me.
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