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Tuesday, Week 2, March 2010 AAA has made its first signing in years as they pick up the unemployed Alicia Strong. Allan had talked about her and mentioned that she was a great wrestling talent, but also that her expected price was far higher than he was willing to pay.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, March 2010 WOW Bring on the Pain Yukiko Matsumara v Mitsu Ariwa – Bra and Panties Match[/B] The “Jade Dragon” was strong and after a few traded moves used some grapples to tie up Yukiko and remove her clothing for the strip win. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match Christina Charisma came down to the ring for her match. She first got the microphone. Christina: Kate! I know you are back there. Tonight I’m not facing you, but I have something to say. Come out so I can see you face to face. Kate came out from the back, but when she reached the ring Nadia Snow appeared out of the crowd and beat Kate down. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Roxy Kitten v Christina Charisma[/B] Christina followed up her destroying of Kate by being methodical and patient as she wore Roxy down and got the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Agent 69 then was seen backstage talking to Allan Agent: This is pointless. I’ve faced Sensational Ogiwara twice and both times I came out on top, but tonight I’ve been told I’ll face her in a title match to defend my WOW Gold Title. This is my title and no one is going to take it away from me. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumara v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Otsune looked good, but she wasn’t good enough to defeat Megumi who used a Nakajima Straight Jacket to get the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] After the match Buttercup remained by the ringside as Candy Floss came down to get ready for her match. Buttercup: Candy. Everyone is talking about how you sold out on your friends and are going to try to destroy WOW no matter what. My client Otsune wants a match. She wants to prove to all these people that you are nothing more than a sell out. But she worries that you are to afraid. Candy: Anytime, Anyplace I’ll take Otsune on and defeat her. Candy proceeded to knock Buttercup down and force her to retreat backstage [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Candy Floss[/B] Candy might have once been the champion and title holder, but Paige looked like the stronger wrestler and locked in a figure-four leglock for the victory. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Paige then asked for the microphone Paige: Megumi! Everyone talks about your Nakajima Straight Jacket and how strong it is. They say that any lady who gets put through it will be pinned. However, I am a master of submissions, and I swear I can make you submit. Are you woman enough to face me? [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B] Debbie Rose v Ginko Kuroda – Best of Seven Series (0-0)[/B] This was announced as a best of seven series, with this being the opening match. Both wrestlers went out and did their best, but it was Ginko using the ropes for leverage to get the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Sensational Ogiwara v Agent 69 – for WOW Gold Title[/B] Agent 69 might have been talking a big game, but it was clear that Sensational Ogiwara had her number this time. Agent 69 used every trick in the book, but was in danger of losing when she went into the crowd and brought a chair into the ring. When referee Oz Lord called for the bell and declared Sensational Ogiwara the winner Agent 69 smiled. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [/B] (sometimes the matches just don’t want to click and tonight wasn’t a night for good matches. However the show worked out fairly well and some storylines moved forward.)
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Saturday, Week 1, April 2010 Well, Ginko Kuroda definitely isn’t thinking long term. She has already been fighting with Paige Croft and Allan had to make sure to never schedule the two in the same match. Now I’ve been taking phone calls about Eve and Ginko getting into a fight at a local restaurant. Apparently over who deserved to be a main event heel for WOW.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, April 2010 WOW April Duels Kinuye Mushashibo v Mitsu Ariwa[/B] Last month Mitsu defeated Yukiko in a bra and panties match, but the old veteran didn’t fare as well against Kinuye who defeated her by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match Candy Floss took the microphone Candy: I’ve have several people challenge me and say that I’m a betrayer and in a slump. Well. I was the top wrestler here and I will again be the top wrestler in Women of Wrestling and tonight I shall begin the process. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Candy Floss[/B] Candy managed to avoid Otsune’s initial attack and slowly gain the momentum eventually getting the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"][/COLOR] Allan then calls out Agent 69 Allan: Agent, last month’s display was pitiful. You might be the current champion, but I never want to see you “lose” a match that way to keep your title. So, from now on, your title matches will have the belt transfer should you lose by disqualification or count out. Agent 69 looked upset for a moment and then leveled Allan with a stunner before stomping off backstage. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B] Tag Match, Kate Lilly & Rei Chikanatsu v Christina Charisma & Nadia Snow[/B] A rather confused match with two teams who don’t wrestle together often. It was Christina who got the advantage in the feud between her and Kate as Rei fell to Nadia’s Deep Freeze and was pinned by Christina. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Karen Killer then came out with Ginko Kuroda Karen: Debbie Rose demanded that Ginko face her in a best of seven series. My client already has defeated her in the first match last month at WOW Bring on the Pain. Tonight she’s going to make it two wins, and Ginko won’t let up until she has pinned Debbie four times in a row. This isn’t going to be a series. It will be a clinic on how to destroy someone. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Debbie was strong and even hit her thorn cutter, but Karen got the referee’s attention when Debbie went for the pin and while Debbie was trying to get the ref to pay attention to the match Ginko grabbed her from behind and rolled her up using the tights to guarantee the three count. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Sensational Ogiwara v Megumi Nakajima[/B] For the first time ever Megumi’s finisher was reversed as Sensational Ogiwara punished her and collected the easy victory. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Megumi then took the microphone Megumi: Paige, you challenge me. You aren’t good enough. I refuse. [COLOR="Red"]F-[/COLOR] Paige then came out to argue with Megumi only to be jumped by Mitsu Ariwa, Karen Bilious and Olivia Diamond as Megumi watched from the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Roxy Kitten v Agent 69 [c] – WOW Gold Title[/B] Agent 69 was extremely upset and dominated this match winning easily. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR][/B] (nothing much really to say. Some storylines are moving along though which hopefully will mean better fan responses and more popularity.)
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Month end April 2010 Allan has been worrying about renewing all the contracts that are expiring. He managed to get Sensational Ogiwara to agree to stay on for 9 months, but at a 50% increase in pay. The rest of the original roster will reach open negotiations in the first weeks of May.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, May 2010 WOW Schools Out Tag Match – Calamity Cats v Lady Killers[/B] This match ended when Roxy Kitten pinned Roz after a badly timed tag by the Lady Killers [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Allan then spoke to the crowd Allan: Ladies and Gentlemen. We here are Women of Wrestling try to bring you the best and brightest stars in women’s wrestling. Tonight we have a new star to introduce to everyone. I bring you Wendy Anderson! [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Angel Takudome v Wendy Anderson[/B] Wendy came out and looked great in her first match as she used a series of high flying moves to get the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Kate was then seen in a backstage press conference challenging Christina Charisma to a one on one rematch. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumara v Christina Charisma[/B] Christina wasn’t good enough to defeat Otsune, especially with Buttercup distracting Christina just as she was about to go for the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Christina grabbed the microphone before leaving the ring Christina: Kate you want a rematch. You think that I’m not going to be brutal to your lilly white skin? You can have your rematch next month at WOW Summer Haze [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Sensational Ogiwara v Eve Grunge[/B] Another almost routine victory for Sensational Ogiwara. Although this time she turned one of Eve’s submissions back on her and won by making Eve tap out. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Debbie came out for her match Debbie: Ginko, you think you are going to make this a clean sweep? You have to be dreaming. I’m not going to lose to you again. Tonight I start my winning streak and it won’t end until you lose this series. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] Debbie Rose v Ginko Kuroda – Best of seven series (Ginko leads 2-0) Debbie was good on her word and pinned Ginko. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Agent 69 [c] – WOW Gold Title[/B] Agent 69 showed signs of having learned new tricks from her matches with Otsune and Sensational Ogiwara and kept Kate grounded throughout the match before rolling her up for the victory. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] After the match Christina came charging out from the back to beat Kate down as Agent 69 showed the title belt to the crowd,. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [/B] (another D and the final match was a D+. WOW desperately needs most exposure and some sellout crowds, but with the economy at F and dropping and wrestling only at E- its hard to keep any promotion going in the US right now.)
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