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MPWF: Conquering Mexico

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*NOTE: This diary will be done on a DVD Review like format. The idea is that I created a fictional internet reviewer called El Burrito Enchilado and he will be reviewing the MPWF shows. Which means the entries wont be long and will focus basically on the shows themselves with little or no info whatsoever on the rest of the world unless it affects MPWF directly. Things such as financial numbers and promotion popularity will be mentioned in the entries themselves and not on separate posts. Also, I am lazy and dont want to post pictures of all the workers, after all, most of you have the game and it's just a matter of searching for them on the game and that's it. Instead, since my photoshop skills suck, I will describe the DVD cover briefly before the review. End Note* [B]Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation[/B] is one of the big three promotions in Mexico alongside South of the Border Pro Wrestling and Original Lucha Libre in Extreme. It's owner is former wrestler Domino who is very popular in Mexico. Domino, a young kid from Puerto Rico named ART and wrestler Cique Jr are their bookers. Your favorite DVD reviewer El Burrito Enchilado will be covering them starting today. I chose them over the other three since Domino seems to be getting ready to develop new young stars and has practically forbidden their talent relations department from signing established workers who work for other promotions. It will be interesting to see if this makes or breaks the promotion itself. My coverage will begin with the first of the En Tu Casa series, which are weekly events held in different areas of Mexico, mostly the Nothern part which is "their" territory. Here is the first in a series of reviews! Enjoy! [B][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MPWF En Tu Casa #1[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B]Held in Palacio de Lucha in Nothern Mexico on Wednesday Week 2 of January 2007 1,000 fans which is a sellout Your announcers are Carlos Moreno and ART, with Mario Serrano in the color commentary[/B] The DVD features the faces of Ultimate Phoenix, El Bandito, Soul Taker and Spanish Superfly who will be competing in the main event. This show marks the debut of several new talents and the beginning of a storyline with surprising twists. [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Los Hermanos de Cano vs Heavy Metal Anarchy and Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] The Cano Brothers are Daniel and Javier. Javier is the newbie to the scene and is trying to use the little name of his brother to get over. Anarchy has a decent skill set, but many feel his heelwork sucks. Appleby is a young canadian who has worked in the smaller mexican feds and is getting a break here.Being the foreigner, Appleby takes the brunt of the punishment. Los Cano worked really well together. They finish Appleby after a double superkick called Las Espadas Cruzadas or Crossed Swords at 7:47. The excellent selling of Appleby kept the match together. [B](C-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Extranjero Loco vs The Magnificent Mark[/COLOR][/B] Mark is fairly established as a upper midcard heel. Loco is a newcomer and his gimmnick is that of a crazy man who thinks he is an alien. He comes out to creepy UFO music as green smoke covers the arena. He is supposed to be the face but the fans boo him anyway. That doesnt bode well for him. Mark carries the match and takes much of the offense, but to my surprise, Loco gets the win clean after getting a surprise roll-up. He poses for the fans, but they pretty much boo him out of the arena. Bad start and not such a good match.[B](D-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Winner gets a contract with MPWF: Surfeador Californiano vs El Alborotador Seguro[/COLOR][/B] Shouldnt the fact that Surfeador is from California make him a heel? He comes out with beach ball colored tights, a surfboard and blue shades and you can listen as the females drool over him. Alborotador has the most annoying music ever as car crashes, sirens, explosions and all sorts of annoyong sounds are played, then he just yells, screams and is as loud as he can to piss the fans off. And it gets over as the fans just want to kill him! They show good chemistry(seems they worked together in the smaller mexican feds) and deliver a solid performance. Surfeador wins clean with the Surfeando la Ola(Surfboard Stretch) at 12:33. And his finisher is over as well. I can see Domino with dollar signs in his eyes after seeing this two. Surfeador then tosses a beach ball into the crowd and has the crowd doing the wave. Crazy mexicans![B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeones de Parejas(Tag Team Titles): Fases de Luna vs Continental Connection(c)[/COLOR][/B] Fases de Luna are a new team composed of Luna Ligera(Light Moon) and Luna Oscura(Dark Moon). They have a ton of experience working together in the indies. For what I have heard, they are decent at best. The champs are Asiatico(The Asian) and Europea(The European) and they are also very decent and have solid experience. They are over on the evil foreigner gimnick inspite of both of them being mexicans! Both of them wear ninja-like masks, with Asiatico in Yellow and Europea in Blue. The faces are dressed identically, with masks, but Light is white and Dark is Black. Both have red moon shapes painted in their masks and pants. This is what we call a sloppy-fest. It is not ugly, but it sure aint pretty. To my surprise, the faces carry the match with their great selling. The heels win at 12:11 after Europea gets a rana on Ligera.[B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeon de Lucha(Lucha Championship):Cique Jr vs Inca Jr(c)[/COLOR][/B] Cique is one of the bookers and his gimmnick is that of a mexican patriot. He wears the mexican colors painted on his face and his pants are also on Mexico's colors. Inca is considered a hot prospect with a bit of an ego. He wears an orange mask and tights. One again it's the face who has the selling skill and psycology to make the spot friendly heel look good. Inca wins by submission with the Estacas Incas(A modified spinning toehold) at 14:21. Wow, that hold is over in Mexico?[B][COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mayan Idol vs Lorne[/COLOR][/B] Mayan Idol is big by Mexican standards and is fairly established. His mask resembles a rock solid Mayan Idol and is one of the strangest sights in wrestling. Lorne is also a newcomer and he comes wearing lime green clothes with...brown stains? And the announcers sell that he stinks! Oh I get it, they call him "Hombre de Alcantarillas" or Sewer Man. Crazy Mexicans! Crowd is really into Mayan Idol. They pop and cheer for all he does. The Aztec Lariat wins at 9:49 for Mayan Idol. Great match, mainly due to the crowd loving it and cause Lorne didnt die. I mean, his offense wasnt spectacular, but he did his job and pinballed around for Mayan.[B](B-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeones de Trios(Trios Titles): Jungle Jack, El Guardiano Jr and Angel de Mexico vs Apprentica Jr, Atlantis Jr and Magnifico(c)[/COLOR][/B] Jungle Jack works as Jack Marlowe in Japan and is a solid big man. He does a Tarzan-esque gimmnick in Mexico. Guardiano is wears a red and white mask and he is some kind of superhero. Angel is a patriot and wears similar pants to Cique Jr and also a mask with the Mexican Flag on it. Very colorful. The heels are a mixed bag. We have the pink masked Apprentica who many feel is a hot prospect, but he is very inconsistent in the ring. Atlantis is very over and many feel he will be a big name someday. And Magnifco is a main event talent who is a former Herencia de Mundo(World Heritage, their top title) title holder. This is basically a showcase for all six men. Apprentica gets to work with all of the faces, possibly to see if he learns something from them. The time limit expires at the 15:00 mark and the fans applaud the wrestlers efforts.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ultimate Phoenix and Spanish Superfly vs Soul Taker and El Bandito[/COLOR][/B] This would be your main event. Phoenix is the hottest act in MPWF right now and he is being groomed for a run at the top. Superfly is the only one in this match without a mask and he is very popular and former Herencia de Mundo Champion. So is El Bandito, a legend who held the top title in South of the Border and also held the Herencia de Mundo for MPWF. Soul Taker is the current Herencia de Mundo Champion, his second time as champ. The story of the match is Taker trying to duck Ultimate Phoenix and not wrestle him. They eventually brawl around ringside, a rarity in Mexican wrestling as Bandito picks up the win for the heels with the Hijack Suplex on Superfly at 17:24.(B+) After the match ends, Phoenix issues a challenge to Taker's title and he refuses to lots of heat. Final Show rating: B-
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MPWF En Tu Casa #2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Held in Saint Louis Potosi Hall in West Central Mexico on Wednesday Week 3 of January 2007 Attendance: 266 Announcers: Carlos Moreno and ART with Mario Serrano on Color[/B] Low attendance for the show since they are technically on OLLIE's backyard. I bet the fans just came to see what the competition offers. This would be an interesting development indeed. What has changed? Not much. Every new talent from last show was signed. Appleby was the only one on a real test and his performance got him a contract. Let's see how the show shaped up. [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: "The Fan's Own" Guillermo Marcos vs Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] Marcos is a vanilla worker who used to be a fan and just got out of training. That's the reason for the fan's own gimmnick. He wears a white shirt and jeans and does his best to behave like a wrestler. Appleby is back for another shot. Once again Appleby makes his opponent look good with the selling. The finish has Marcos getting a Tablita Marina(a simple crucifix roll-up) for the win at 7:37. Marcos sucked all kinds, but Appleby made him look like a killer. I think the wrong man went over.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Luna Oscura vs Heavy Metal Anarchy[/COLOR][/B] Wow, as good as the Lunas work as a team, they suck in singles. Luna looked lost out there and Anarchy is not the one to carry him to a good match. Really sloppy and ugly. Anarchy wins by pinfall after reversing a suplex into a victory roll at 7:21. Yuck! [B](E)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Los Hermanos de Cano vs El Alborotador Seguro and Lorne[/COLOR][/B] The match is introduced by Domino himself and it's a second chance for the heels to earn a contract. If they manage to defeat an established MPWF team they can stay, if not they are gone. This ruins the finish since everyone can imagine it. For some reason Los Canos where really off tonight and Lorne and Alborotador suck as a team. Zero chemistry and very lost. Still the match was decent and Alborotador picks up the win after a simple top rope legdrop called La Guillotina. Match time was 11:21. [B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeon de Lucha Title: Cique Jr vs Inca Jr(c)[/COLOR][/B] This would be a rematch from the last show. Once again Cique does all he can to make Inca look good, while Inca is uncooperative. The finish has Cique try a top rope legdrop, miss and hurt his leg and then Inca locks the Estacas Incas for the submission win at 13:32. Inca celebrates after the match.[B](C-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Surfeador Californiano and Extranjero Loco vs Apprentica Jr and Atlantis Jr[/COLOR][/B] They mix a well received worker like Surfeador with a bad received worker like Loco to try and save him. And they actually put the newbies over 2/3 of their Trios Champions? That's right, Loco keeps Atlantis outside as Surfeador locks the Surfboard Stretch on Apprentica for the win at 12:45. First of all, the faces suck as a team. Second of all, Loco plain sucks on his current gimmnick. Third of all, the decision to put them over is so wrong! And I thought Apprentica was headed for a push![B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mayan Idol vs Magnificent Mark[/COLOR][/B] Who expects Mark to win after he was jobbed to a joke wrestler last time? Anyway, once more the match rocks cause Idol is so over even here in OLLIE's ground. Idol actually gives Mark a lot of offense, perhaps Domino wants to save him after the horrible mistake of last time. Still, Mayan wins at 13:28 with the Aztec Lariat.[B](B-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ultimate Phoenix, Electo and Spanish Superfly vs El Bandito and Continental Connection[/COLOR][/B] This is a trios match. The only new face is Electo, chances are you have seen him some time since his colorful mask and attire has been a feature in almost every lucha article on american magazines.The tag team champions get to go toe to toe with the faces in an attempt to get them over. Bandito suddenly abandons the match after he was getting beat on. Phoenix finishes Asiatico with the Phoenix Firebird Splash at 12:57. As the faces celebrate outside the ring, Bandito returns with Soul Taker and they attack Phoenix. The other faces make the quick save, but the alliance between Taker and Bandito is cemented.[B](B-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Herencia de Mundo Title: Angel de Mexico vs Soul Taker(c)[/COLOR][/B] After the events of the last bout, Taker issued an open challenge to any worker who had not competed tonight(in an attempt to duck Phoenix) to face him for the belt. Angel came out to accept the challenge and the match was on. Angel is quite over here in OLLIE grounds as well. Angel goes toe to toe with Taker, but ends up passing out to the Life Soul Drain(a modified Camel Clutch) at 13:44. Another hot match.[B](B-)[/B] Final show rating: C+
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MPWF En Tu Casa #3[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]From the Palacio de Lucha in Nothern Mexico on Wednesday Week 4 of January 2007 Attendance: 1,000 SELL OUT Announcers: Carlos Moreno and ART with Mario Serrano on Color[/B] This would be the final buildup to Danza del Guerrero del Fantasma. It would also mark a key point in MPWF booking as after this show they would do a shakeup and decide who was worth pushing and who was not and in other words, tried to turn around after their initial mistakes. [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Fases de Luna vs El Alborotador Seguro and Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] Appleby continues to bring the awesome and make the others look superb. The Lunas win after the Luna Eclipse(Moon Eclipse),a combination Double Legdrop from the top rope at 7:56. I suggest they really push Appleby cause his skills are much better than most of their roster.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Surfeador Californiano vs Heavy Metal Anarchy[/COLOR][/B] Another sloppy contest as the youngsters need a hand to guide them. Anarchy was also very off his game and uncooperative. Surfeador wins clean with the Surfboard Stretch at 7:21.[B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeon de Lucha: Extranjero Loco vs Inca Jr(c)[/COLOR][/B] I now Inca has heat with management,but if they put the belt on Loco I quit! Inca is a spot machine and Loco was very lost in the ring, so you can guess what type of match this is. Still better than the previous bout, Inca retains with the Estacas Incas at 11:24. [B](D+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeones de Parejas: Los Hermanos de Cano vs Continental Connection(c)[/COLOR][/B] Wow, mid match the fans literally turn on the Canos, perhaps because of their sloppy work tonight. Plus, the comedy finish doesnt help. The Canos go for the Crossed Swords, but Asiatico ducks and they kick each other. Europea gets a quick roll-up on Javier for the win at 12:21. Usually comedy finish have the faces win.... Bah! [B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]El Guardiano Jr vs Atlantis Jr[/COLOR][/B] This would begin Guardiano's big push. They realized he is talented, over and doing nothing. Match is pretty solid if a bit spotty. Guardiano wins with the Angel Guardian(Guardian Angel),a double jump moonsault at 12:55. Seems the Trios champions cant win in singles action.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Angel de Mexico, Electo and Spanish Superfly vs Apprentica Jr, Magnificent Mark and Heavy Metal Anarchy[/COLOR][/B] It was advertised as Bandito, but he was sick, so Anarchy is covering up. This doesnt make the fans happy. Off course Anarchy takes the loss after the Electo Shock(A titl a whirl backbreaker) from Electo at 12:47. Bad crowd cause of the switch and one less master of psycology to guide the match hurt it.[B](C+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jungle Jack vs Magnifico[/COLOR][/B] Jack was rumored to be in negotiations with INSPIRE and the rumor is that he is leaving MPWF. I suppose this is his job out tour. The finish has Jack going for the Jungle Jackhammer, but Magnifico countered out into a victory roll for the win at 14:27. Solid match. [B](B-)[/B] Domino comes out at this point to announce that the match everyone wants, Ultimate Phoenix vs Soul Taker would take place at Danza del Guerrero del Fantasma and it would be for the Herencia de Mundo Title. Soul Taker takes exception to this and comes out to insult Phoenix. Electo takes exception to the insults and comes out to defend his friend. This leads to an impromptu match and Domino says that if they want to fight, they will do it for the tite! [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Herencia de Mundo: Electo vs Soul Taker(c)[/COLOR][/B] I think this was added as a reward to the sell out crowd since the original main event was the Trios match with Bandito in it. They pull out all the stops and the crowd is on their feet for the entire match. A MOTYC here! Taker takes the win with the Life Soul Drain at 15:55. The announcers(and I) then wonder if this will happen to Phoenix at Danza del Guerrero del Fantasma. Awesome match. [B](A)[/B] Final Show Rating: B
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MPWF Presents: Danza del Guerrero del Fantasma![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]From the National Arena, Tijuana in Nothern Mexico on Tuesday Week 1 February 2007 Attendance: 2,000 SELL OUT! Announcers: Carlos Moreno and ART with Mario Serrano on Color[/B] Oh yes, this show. Many experts called it "a En Tu Casa" with a big main event and nothing else, but as you will see in the future, this show marked the beginning of an interesting period for MPWF and could be considered a "transitional" show of sorts. [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: "Fan's Own" Guillermo Marcos vs Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] This two faced off once and Marcos was carried to a decent contest. This is almost a carbon copy of that encounter, but Appleby gets more offense. They go for the same finish as Marcos tries the Tablita Marina, but Appleby reverses and lands on top for his first MPWF win at 6:24. HUZZAH! [B](C-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Cique Jr vs The Magnificent Mark[/COLOR][/B] Seems Cique wanted to help Mark recover after that loss to Loco. However, this two just dont click at all and leads to an akward bout. Cique falls to La Magnifica(The Magnificent), a Full Nelson Suplex at 7:38. [B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeones de Parejas: Elimination Fases de Luna vs Los Hermanos de Cano vs Continental Connection(c)[/COLOR][/B] All three teams are in at once and when one of the two is pinned, they are eliminated. This was confusing to many lucha libre fans and it seems to the wrestlers too as they seemed to have a contest to see who was less aware of their sorroundings. Los Cano go first after Oscura gets a roll-up on Javier. Several minutes later the champs retain thanks to Luna Ligera passing out to La Asiatica(A cobra clutch) at 14:33. YUCK![B](D-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Extranjero Loco vs Lorne[/COLOR][/B] Look, alien dude vs sewer man! Yes, they tried a comedy match that didnt work and is the ugliest thing I have seen from MPWF thus far. Loco debuts the UFO Landing, a simple top rope splash to win the match at 10:33. What was this crap?[B](E+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeon de Lucha: El Guardiano Jr vs Inca Jr(c)[/COLOR][/B] Hm...let's see. Guardiano is over and is very respected backstage. Inca might be over, but he is also uncooperative when he wants to, has a bit of an ego, and is quickly loosing momentum. I wonder who wins? One Guardian Angel later and we have a new champ at 15:24. Not a bad contest, but a bit sloppy.[B](C-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mayan Idol vs Apprentica Jr[/COLOR][/B] Apprentica is given quite a bit of offense and Mayan puts him over by selling for him. As a matter of fact, Apprentica has more offense here than Idol. But Idol makes the super native american comeback and wins with the Aztec Lariat at 12:45. Mayan is the MVP of MPWF thus far. [B](B-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Spanish Superfly, Electo and Surfeador Californiano vs El Bandito, El Alborotador Seguro and Atlantis Jr[/COLOR][/B] Just six guys with nothing to do and a chance for the two prospects, Surfeador and Alborotador to work with the big boys. Bandito pins Surfeador after the Hijack Suplex at 13:45.[B](C+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Angel de Mexico vs Magnfico[/COLOR][/B] Great chemistry between this two. Magnifico's push continues as he defeats Angel after a Superplex at 12:24. I wonder where this push is headed?[B](B)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Herencia de Mundo: Ultimate Phoenix vs Soul Taker(c)[/COLOR][/B] Wow. Big match atmosphere as Electo, Spanish Superfly, Angel de Mexico and Mayan Idol come out to back up Phoenix. Taker doesnt like this and makes a signal to the back and Bandito comes out. Then he points to the entrance and Atlantis Jr, Magnifico, Magnificent Mark and Apprentica Jr come out to back him up. The groups take differents sides of the ring and "security" comes out in case a big brawl breaks out. The crowd pops after every move. Taker uses his size advantage to wear down Phoenix, until he is able to make a comeback and demolish Taker. He goes for the Phoenix Firebird Splash, but it misses and Taker quickly locks the Life Force Drain! The fans are stunned as this looks like the end, but the faces start banging the ring mat and asking the fans for action! The fans start to cheer and applaud and Phoenix starts to look alive! He manages to drag himself to the ropes and the ref orders a break. The Roof blows off as the fans pop for Phoenix making it to the ropes. Taker continues to wear him down until comeback number two, as Phoenix dominates Taker long enough to go up and land the Phoenix Firebird Splash!1...2...NO! Taker kicks out! Taker comeback #2. Taker now grabs Phoenix and puts him between his legs. He teases a Martinente(Piledriver which is Illegal in Mexico), but then changes his mind and goes to Powerbomb Phoenix! Phoenix reverses into a rana and hooks the legs! 1-2-3!!! Ultimate Phoenix is the new Herencia de Mundo Champion as the crowd EXPLODES! Taker is stunned and then tries to attack Phoenix, but the faces rush the ring and he bails. Bandito tries to pull Taker away, but he just shoves everyone and leaves, with the rest of the Rudos behind him. The tecnicos rise Phoenix on their shoulders as he lifts the Herencia de Mundo title up high and the show ends. Wow. Like you didnt know what this match gets! [B](A*)[/B] Final Show Rating: B-
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MPWF En Tu Casa #4[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]From the National Arena in Tijuana, Nothern Mexico on Wednesday Week 1 February 2007 Attendance: 1,700/2000 Announcers: Carlos Moreno and ART with Mario Serrano on Color[/B] This would be the very next day after Danza del Guerrero Fantasma. You can actually see loyal fans who bought tickets for both shows in the first row. I think one of them is Showtime4Lajf. [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Extranjero Loco vs Europea[/COLOR][/B] Wow, I will forever wonder what MPWF found in Loco that they went out to sign him. He just sucks! Europea has to carry the match and he is not such a skilled competitor either. Europea wins with La Suplidora Europea(European Suplex) a Butterfly Suplex at 7:23.[B](D+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Surfeador Californiano vs Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] Appleby continues to bring the awesome selling. Californiano wins clean with the Surfboard Stretch at 7:39. [B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Daniel Cano vs Asiatico[/COLOR][/B] This is why you dont put two decent tag team wrestlers in singles competition. Sloppyness all around. Cano gets the Sword Thrust, his version of the superkick to win the match at 9:34. [B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cique Jr vs Soul Taker[/COLOR][/B] Take is PISSED. Bandito comes out with him, but Taker barks at him to head backstage. Bandito shakes his head and complies. Cique is a dead man walking and just pinballs and sells for the big guy. He is allowed a comeback and looks like he might have a shot at winning, but misses a blind charge and gets powerbombed with authority! The Life Force Drain ends the match at 10:11. I suppose Taker is the pissed former champ looking to get a rematch. Good match. [B](B-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeon de Lucha: El Guardiano Jr(c) vs Inca Jr[/COLOR][/B] This is a rematch from last night. They begin with a carbon copy of their previous bout, but they show some psycology as both men are able to reverse some of the moves that worked against them in the previous bout. To add heat, Guardiano misses the Guardian Angel and Inca locks the Estacas Incas, but the ref rings the bell as the time limit expires at 15:00. Inca is pissed as he thought he had the match won. [B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeones de Trios: Mayan Idol, Angel de Mexico and Surfeador Californiano vs Apprentica Jr, Atlantis Jr and Magnifico(c)[/COLOR][/B] Surfeador is in for Electo, who had a broken nose thanks to a stiff kick from Alborotador last night and was recomended to rest. Surfeador takes the loss at the hands of Atlantis Jr, who finishes him with La Caida de la Atlantida(Fall of Atlantis), a wheelbarrow bulldog at 13:45. [B](C+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jungle Jack vs El Bandito[/COLOR][/B] Once again, Jack is jobbing because of the rumors of him signing a deal to tour with INSPIRE and leave MPWF. INSPIRE tours the same days as his En Tu Casa shows in Mexico and he also has a contract to tour with another Japaneese promotion and was negotiating a deal with USPW too. Bandito wins after getting a low blow to escape the Jungle Jackhammer and getting the Hijack Suplex at 14:46.[B](B+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Herencia de Mundo Title: Ultimate Phoenix(c) vs Magnificent Mark[/COLOR][/B] I get a laugh out of this. Phoenix comes out to a standing ovation and makes an open challenge. Soul Taker comes out, but Phoenix tells him that the challenge is for someone who had not wrestled tonight. Payback! Taker is pissed off as Magnificent Mark comes out to take the challenge. You could literally feel Taker's eyes piercing Mark for taking this shot. Bandito has to calmly drag him away and gets shoved for it. Match was nothing spectacular, but showcases decent chemistry between the two competitors. Phoenix wins with the Phoenix Firebird Splash at 14:33 to make defense #1 of his title. [B](B-)[/B] Final Show Rating: B-
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MPWF En Tu Casa #5[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]From the National Arena in Tijuana, Nothern Mexico on Wednesday Week 2 February 2007 Attendance: 1700/2000 Announcers: Carlos Moreno and ART with Mario Serrano on color[/B] This show did little to move the stories foward. Phoenix would defend the title once more, Taker would kill someone to keep him over and looking for revenge and Bandito would continue to quietly gather wins. [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: "Fan's Own" Guillermo Marcos vs Carlos Gonzales[/COLOR][/B] Gonzales is a new face and he is the brother of DAVE standout Shawn Gonzales. He just finished training after spending time in prison and was sent to Mexico to get experience. He comes out wearing a prison uniform and I guess that is his gimmnick. He is VERY GREEN and Marcos is himself, which is not good. This is horrible! Gonzales wins with La Silla Electrica(Electric Chair Drop) at 7:23. He almost kills Marcos in the process as well.[B](E)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Surfeador Californiano and Cique Jr vs Los Montaneses[/COLOR][/B] Los Montaneses are new faces as well, former SOTBPW tag team of Hugo Garrido and Gore Slugg. They come out dressed as lumberjacks. Big burly brutes against small and quick workers. The faces carry much of the match and this would be the first time they teamed together, something that is important later on. To my surprise, the heels debut with a loss as Cique pins Garrido with a victory roll at 7:31.[B](C-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Fases de Luna vs Atlantis Jr and Apprentica Jr[/COLOR][/B] For some reason in spite of being 2/3 of the trios champions, the heels dont have much chemistry as a team. The match is pretty spotty and Apprentica was really off his game. Atlantis Jr gets the win after the Atlantis Jam(Somersault Legdrop) at 10:31.[B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Extranjero Loco vs Soul Taker[/COLOR][/B] This would continue Taker's murderous rampage as he head back for a rematch. Loco is so bad, Taker has to carry the match and he seemed to be barking directions at the lost Loco sometimes. What is it with this guy? He has a cool gimmnick and all and cant work to save his life. Taker wins clean with the Life Soul Drain at 11:24.[B](C+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Angel de Mexico vs Inca Jr[/COLOR][/B] Inca was looking to prove a point here and show why he deserves a rematch for the Lucha Title. It all backfires as Angel wins the match with La Muerte Mexicana (Mexican Death, a Dragon Suplex) at 12:55.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mayan Idol and Los Hermanos de Cano vs Magnificent Mark and Continental Connection[/COLOR][/B] Trios match. Fans still dont like the Cano brothers. The finish has Mayan Idol knocking Magnificent Mark out with the Aztec Lariat at 13:44.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Spanish Superfly vs El Bandito[/COLOR][/B] This would have been a main event anywhere in Mexico as two former Herencia de Mundo Champions collide. Superfly misses the Superfly Splash and Bandito beats him clean with the Hijack Suplex at 14:24. Notice how Bandito beats an establish main eventer and Taker just squashed a jobber. This would be important later on. [B](B)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Herencia de Mundo: Ultimate Phoenix(c) vs Magnifico[/COLOR][/B] Magnifico is also a former champ, so this really could main event anywhere in Mexico. Very back and forth match here, both men have similar amounts of offense. Phoenix wins with the Phoenix Firebird Splash at 14:49.[B](B+)[/B] Final show rating: B
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MPWF En Tu Casa #6[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]From the National Arena in Tijuana, Nothern Mexico on Wednesday Week 3 February 2007 Attendance: 1700/2000 Announcers: Carlos Moreno and ART with Mario Serrano on Color[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: Fases de Luna vs Los Montaneses[/COLOR][/B] Decent little tag match here designed to put the new heels over. Hugo Garrido knocks Luna Oscura out cold with a Big Boot and wins the match at 6:58. The Lunas did nice pinball selling to put the bigger sized men over.[B](C-)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DVD Bonus Match: "The Fan's Own" Guillermo Marcos vs Tempest Appleby[/COLOR][/B] This would be the third time this guys face off and both men have won a match each.Appleby carries Marcos to another solid contest. The finish plays on their second match as Marcos goes for the Crucifix Roll-up again, but Tempest reverses to land on top. This time Marcus manages to shift his weight and reverse the move to be on top of Tempest again, but Tempest shows how smart he is and grabs the tights to reverse one last time and get the win at 6:33. I have to admit they have developed nice chemistry.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Campeones de Parejas: Surfeador Californiano and Cique Jr vs The Continental Connection(c)[/COLOR][/B] This would be the continuation of the booking changes. The heels where losing momentum fast and so management pulled a quick switch here after finding out the faces have good chemistry as a team. This helps Surfeador on their quest to turn him into a top star and at the same time allows Cique a little measure of compensation for the many times he has put the other talent over. Since I already gave the finish away, Surfeador makes Asiatico tap to the Surfboard Stretch at 12:34 to give the faces the tag titles. Match was pretty bad since the heels where very off, probably pissed about loosing and Surfeador had one of those days in which he shows he is not ready for his push.[B](D)[/B] [B]Spanish Superfly, El Guardiano Jr and Angel de Mexico vs Magnificent Mark, Magnifico and Lorne[/B] This would be a trios match. According to inside sources, MPWF was just testing trios to see who where going to challenge and beat their current trios champions. This decent contest ends with Spanish Superfly picking up the win for the face team after the Superfly Splash on Lorne at 13:24.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mayan Idol vs Atlantis Jr[/COLOR][/B] Mayan Idol continues to be pushed to insane levels. This is bad timing since the main event clearly revolves around the Phoenix/Taker/Bandito story and has no room for him at the moment. Idol walks away the winner with the Aztec Lariat at 12:55.[B][COLOR="Red"](B-)[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Extranjero Loco vs El Bandito[/COLOR][/B] Perhaps Loco's best match so far as he looks competent out there, but I suppose Bandito was carrying him. Match doesnt make much sense right now, but it will in the future. Bandito keeps his hot streak going with a win over Loco at 10:32 after the Hijack Suplex.[B](C)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Electo vs Soul Taker[/COLOR][/B] This continues the Phoenix/Taker angle. Since a rematch has not been booked between Phoenix and Taker, Taker continues to murder babyfaces left and right. Electo is also a former champ. Taker wins with the Life Soul Drain in a very competitive contest at 14:35. [B](B+)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]MPWF Herencia de Mundo: Ultimate Phoenix(c) vs Apprentica Jr[/COLOR][/B] Domino himself requested this match backstage to see if Apprentica can hang with the big boys. I am pretty sure he cant, but he got carried to a great contest by Phoenix, who wins with the Phoenix Firebird Splash at 12:19.[B](B+)[/B] Overall show rating: C+ - For those that have been asking, the main thing here is that they are keeping Taker and Phoenix away from each other while they just walk over the entire roster to build to a huge match. Meanwhile, Bandito is quietly gathering a winstreak of his own, which will play out sooner than later.
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