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NIW From beginnings to the END

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OF ALL DANGERS Ohio Jewish Center PAID: 36 Pre-Show: Jose Thomas: Hello, Everyone and welcome to the OF ALL DANGERS pre-show. As most of you have heard, probably the greatest american wrestler of all time, Rip Chord, passed away at the beginning of this week. We have been asked, and obliged, to hold a match in remembrance. Our Pre-Show match has 3 of Americas best young athletes to show respect to the great Rip Chord. From TCW American Elemental has come to pay his respect. From NOTBW we have Frankie Perez. and from USPW, we have Jim Force. American Elemental vs. Frankie Perez vs. Jim Force Great Pre-Show match. Best way our small promotion could give respect to Rip Chord. This match was our equivilant of an Ultimate X match. D- Main Show. Jose Thomas: Hello Everyone and Welcome to Of ALL DANGERS, do we have a great show lined up for you. This night also makes history, as this is our very first 1 FULL Hour Show. Wall to Wall action. Lets start off the night right. "Goin' down to Mexico" comes out of the Lonely speaker as Guillermo Marcos speeds down to the ring. Joese Thomas: Guillermo Marcos looks absolutely ready for this match. "Big Lebowski" by Livitz Livitz runs through the speaker and L.B. Lebowski saunters out of the back and enters the ring. Jose Thomas: This is the second trip to the America's for Guillermo. He has been the subject to many a talent exchange between Northern Impact Wrestling and Mexico Pro Wrestling Federation. Last time these two met Lebowski pulled out the win. Guillermo Marcos vs. L.B. Lebowski Well I guess 10 minutes is to much for these two. What I expected. I also blew up and took my shoot hatred for Marcos out into the ring. I missed him though and smacked Lebowski with the chair. Still, L.B. Lebowski pulls out the win. F+ Jose: Well, Lets get to the next match. It is a ladder match between Cal Sanders and Nick Clements. This is match 1 of a best of 7 series between the two. "Colonel Sanders" goes through the PA system as Cal Sanders comes through the "curtain" and slides under the ring. "Bawitiba (Lower than you)" Rings through the Speaker as Nick Clements does enter the ring through his regular entrance at the front of the building. Jose: Looks like Nick Clements is liking the regular entrance rather than the curtain that leads to the locker room. Cal vs. Nick Clements Well, looks like Cal and I give out the matches of the night, EVERY night. I can't help but think that Cal works better as a super Junior. Also, if we had a better referee, we could have had our first C match of our short history. D+ Jose: Well these two seem to turn out match of the night every time they hit the ring against each other. Now next match. Seems like the two wrestlers are in the ring already. Masa Yasujiro vs. Carlos Gonzalez This match sucked. Ok, it was the same as the Marcos v. Lebowski match. I am just pissed that the match got the same grade because of our fans hating Carlos. Carlos win in the Lucha Libre match 2 falls to none with the last fall by tights pull. Jose: WAIT A SECOND Carlos Gonzalez just cheated to beat Masa. He cant do that. Anyway, Carlos is out of here at the end of the month. Anyway, I believe its Main Event Time. We have Air Attack Weasel vs. Snap Dragon. "Animal" blairs from the lone speaker as Air Attack crawls out of the "curtain" and acts like "Jeff Hardy" and starts going crazy. Jose: Well, this is our first look at "the mad maniac" air attack Weasel. "Dangan" moves through the PA and out comes the "Braggin'" Snap Dragon. Jose: Braggin' Snap Dragon is looking in tip top shape. Air Attack vs. Snap Dragon Ok, Note to self. NEVER Overbook a match unless you script it very carefully. I believe these two could have had a great match if I didnt overbook this match with twists and turns. E+. Air Attack Weasel wins. Jose: Air Attack Weasel Wins! AIR ATTACK WEASEL WINS!!! Air Attack is the NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NORTHERN IMPACT WRESTLING UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!
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End of Show Notes: E Should have increased our popularity. Fans want more dangerous spots. Frankie Perez and Air Attack need time to heal. Dusty bin wants a bigger push. Bank balance is at -1,660. I have an Idea for a nice money saving show. Internet said that the show was better than what you would expect.
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From NIWWrestling.com: Hey, Everyone, If you are wondering. They day is the 2nd Sunday in May. As, you can probably guess; we are taking this month off so that we can get the sponsorship money. As for our June show it shall be called "Running the Gauntlet." As you can expect, I will be the first person to run the 3 person gauntlet. I will be going up against Cal Sanders, Dusty Bin and then an opponent that shall remain nameless. In REVERSE ORDER.
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From NIWwrestling.com [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/NIW.jpg[/IMG] Our Next Show, Running the Gauntlet features [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/Random_Male04.jpg[/IMG] Nick Clements Vs. ???????? Winner vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/DustyBin.jpg[/IMG] Dusty bin Winner vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] Cal Sanders Come join us at the Ohio Jewish Center
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RUNNING THE GAUNTLET Ohio Jewish Center 47 people Jose Thomas: Hello Everyone, and Welcome to the Running of the Gauntlet. The Only Wrestling Show that has a true gauntlet for our booker. Lets get this started off right. "Bawidiba (lower than you)" Rolls through the TWO!!! speakers and Nick Clements makes his entrance, his usual way. through the entrance to the building instead of the curtain. "USA National Anthem (hip-hop remix)" plays through the PA system and out comes Nick's Mystery Opponent.... AMERICAN ELEMENTAL. Jose: YES!!! I guessed right. This is gonna be a great match. Nick Clements vs. American Elemental American Elemental and I dont click at all, and that worsened the match rating. I win in 8 Minutes. D- Jose: Ok, Not as good as I thought but you always will remember the matches that American Elemental put on here, because he will go back to TCW and become an Enhancement to the lower midcarders. Next up is the Dusty Bin. "Another one bites the dust" trickles through the Arena as Dusty Bin takes his sweet ass time to make his way into the ring. Jose: He is very very ****y. Even though, I have yet to see Dusty Bin Win a match in NIW yet. Nick Clements vs. Dusty Bin Dusty Bin is gone!!!!!!!!! he cant take an 8 minute match and my crowd hates him. I win in 8 minutes again. The only way I will keep Dusty is if he turns heel and gets uber over as a heel. E+ Jose: WOW, these fans really hate Dusty Bin. Now onto the MAIN EVENT "Colonel Saunders" plays as Cal Saunders speeds to the ring and starts getting stomped on by Nick Cal vs. Nick This storyline really has been the life blood of our promotion over the last 3 months. I have been very proud. I win in 8 minutes. D Jose: Wow, Match of the night again. Nick is in the lead 2-0. We will see you next time right here, on YouTube.com
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From NIWwrestling.com [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/NIW.jpg[/IMG] Hello, Everyone. This is your Residential President Leo Davis announcing the card to our July show... Which will be so aptly titled INDEPENDENCE FREY. you will see [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] Little Bill Lebowski vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/GuillermoMarcos.jpg[/IMG] Guillermo Marcos IN A [SIZE="5"]SHOOT FIGHT[/SIZE] In a debut match for both parties you will see [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG] Jumpin' Jimmy Foxx vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] Masked Cougar And I dont know how we will were able to pull this off seeing as we are holding this show in a house of God. However, [B]FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN THE USA[/B] you will see [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/Random_Male04.jpg[/IMG] Nick Clements vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] Captain Colonel Sanders In A..... [SIZE="6"][B]BARBED WIRE EXPLODING CAGE DEATHMATCH[/B][/SIZE] Come to see this historic event at the OHIO JEWISH CENTER on the 3rd Saturday in JULY!! *Predictions Welcome
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;178221]Souns dangarous...like something MTV would do on a season finalie...:)[/QUOTE] No!!!!! I dont even think the FCC would allow that on TV in the USA. This sounds more of an FMW type of match. Just call me the NEXT HAYABUSA... MAXXHEXX you just gave me an Idea.
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OOC: Hey guys. I just wanted to ask. What could make this better where you would actually PREDICT my shows? also I would love more comments on how to make this better, how much you love (Or Hate) this diary. Random Comments. I dont care just I would love to know more people are reading this diary.
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Independence Frey Ohio Jewish Center 60 PAID Jose Thomas: Hellooooooo Everyone and welcome to Independence Frey. Something new is that this show is brought to you by the greatest and freshest pizza in all of the united states, Papa Johns. Better Ingredients, Better Pizza, Papa John's. (thought this up to give me another thousand sponsor dollars.) Let's get to the action. The setup guys are setting up the cage for the shoot fight between Guillermo and Lebowski. Goin' down to Mexico" comes out of the Two speakers as Guillermo Marcos speeds down to the ring. Jose:........... "Big Lebowski" by Livitz Livitz runs through the speaker and L.B. Lebowski saunters out of the back and enters the ring. Jose: ****y as always Guillermo vs. LB Lebowski What can I say about these guys? They are both keeping there jobs because they have great chemistry. Once I get enough cash I will implement more guys into this storyline so these two can improve in skill and Overness. Maybe these two will put on better matches. E Jose: Another Classic by these two. Looks Like LB can hold his own. I mean he knocked Guillermo out cold in 5 minutes flat. Thats impressive. However, Guillermo is a mexican; which means that he cant really have a high threshold of pain. Anyway off to the next match. Debuts for Masked Cougar and Jumpin' Jimmy Foxx. "Air Force Ones" comes out of the Speakers and "Jumpin" Jimmy Foxx comes out, Followed by his tag team partner, "Braggin'" Snap Dragon. They Hop over the top rope together. Jose: Looks like Snap Dragon thought it would be cool to come support his partner. "Masked Illusion" pours out of the two speakers as Masked Cougar pounces out of the cougar. Jimmy Foxx vs. Cougar Why do I try new combinations, when I know the guys I put together will probably have horrible Chemistry. Still match of the night so far. D- Jose: Well, We get to see another matchup that looks great on paper translate to a great outcome for us. This match was great. Now seeing as the guy's are done setting up the Barbed Wire Exploding Cage. The participants are in the ring. Lets get to the action Cal vs. Nick Clements I made this match with a barbed wire cage with barbed wire boards, to get these blood thirsty fans their fill of dangerous spots. Match of the night, as always. Cal Pins me by Underhanded tactics. Must have turned the fans off. D Jose: WoW, That match was so da*n bloody and match of the night again. These guys are the greatest thing to happen to NIW ever. The night of action is over. See you next time of NIW.
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