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WLW: Can LuchaResu survive?

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(OOC: This diary does not mean that my GGC diary is being discontinued. I wanted to explore a part of the Japanese scene that allows a bit of promo work and character development in the confines of the show.) [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Monday, Week 1, January 2007 [B]WLW Newswire[/B] - Word has come out of WLW headquarters that there has been a shakeup at the top of the company. Koji Kojima has removed his friend Haru Kurofuji from the head booker position and handed it over to Derek Robinson, a relatively unknown American. It's not known whether Kojima and Kurofuji had a falling out of not, but the fact remains that WLW will probably change a lot as they gear up for their first tour of the year, which is set to start up later this week. More news on this situation is sure to come out in the news few days and we here at Puronewswire.com will keep you informed of all the developments.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/btsbanner.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Hell, if you told me a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago, for that matter, that I would ever be the head booker of World Level Wrestling, I'd call you nuts. But through a chain of events that I don't even know, Koji Kojima and Haru Kurofuji decided that WLW needed a new direction, and somehow I was their man. When I got to the offices, Koji greeted me at the door, although I wasn't quite sure it was him because few people have seen him without his face paint. He told me that it didn't matter how he found out about me or why I was hired, he just knew that WLW needed new blood, and I was the man for the job. I had booked some independent shows in Japan before, but nothing on this level. WLW was just about to kick off their first tour of the year and I was hired to shake things up. What a glorious position. Was I a publicity stunt, or does Koji really believe in me? I guess I'd have to find that out for myself. As I settled in on my first day, I knew I need to broaden WLW's appeal, so I decided that for the foreseeable future, our shows would be shown streaming over our website, [COLOR="Blue"]WLW.co.jp[/COLOR]. The only problem with that business strategy is that Koji told me right when we met that if we ever dipped below 180,000 in the bank, my head would immediately be on the chopping block. That being said, my internet strategy was taking my WLW life in my hands. I choose to rationalize it that our increased exposure will show in our gates, but that remains to be seen. Also, I knew we need a few fresh faces, so I extended invitations to our upcoming tour to a few workers - some in Japan, some in America, and even some in Europe. We needed to be seen as somewhere where people want to come and work, and I had hoped these people could send that message. We won't hear back from them until after the tour has begun, but hopefully they can still make some sort of impact. Also, I knew we already had a working relationship with Burning Hammer, which will help us out immeasurably. But in order to play into my global initiative, I reached out to Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling in America. A few of our wrestlers had worked there in the past or still do, and vice versa. There, does that sound like a busy and nervewracking enough day for you? Tomorrow should be excellent at this pace...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Cover Story[/B] - Over the next few days, we'll be giving you a run down, from the main eventers all the way to the curtain jerkers, of what WLW's new booker, Derek Robinson, will have to work with as he takes control. We start out at the top, with the main eventers. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Emerald Angel[/U][/B][/SIZE] Emerald Angel (Hidetoshi Ishibashi) is the younger brother of Koki Ishibashi, and since his debut in 2004 has gone on to become one of the most talked about young stars in Japan. An incredible high flier, what sets him apart from his peers is not only his ability (Angel was the first man to perform a 720 degree splash off the top rope), but also his graceful way of working. WLW, realising how special his talent is, have made him the face of the company, cemented by a world title win in 2006. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/TheGreatHisato.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]The Great Hisato[/SIZE][/U][/B] The Great Hisato is a very talented high flier, who unfortunately has become just as well known for his massive ego as for his incredible performances. Originally he was part of the BHOTWG Junior division, having broken through the youth ranks of the promotion, and even held the prestigious Burning Junior title for a while. His poor attitude saw him eventually get fired though, and he has been left to try and pick up the pieces of his career with World Level Wrestling instead. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/BaireiYasujiro.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Bairei Yasujiro WLW Universal Champion[/U][/B][/SIZE] Bairei Yasujiro is a sensational high-risk worker who spent the early part of his career travelling the world to pick up skills, occasionally working dates for BHOTWG. In 2006 he finally settled down, surprisingly signing with WLW. Later that same year, he won his first title in his home country, taking home the Universal Title in his first attempt. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Awesome Thunder[/SIZE][/U][/B] Yosuke Narita is a veteran Japanese worker, who is highly respected for the level of performances he has achieved over his career, and for being one of the driving forces behind the rise of WLW. He spent his early career travelling, learning his skills in places like Mexico, Canada and Great Britain. After returning to Japan as a better worker, he became best known for his alter ego Awesome Thunder, a character who has dominated WLW and racked up a record six Universal championships. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/DarkEagle.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Dark EAGLE[/U][/B][/SIZE] Dark EAGLE is a veteran of the Super Junior scene in Japan; making his professional debut in 1985, he has recently passed the twenty year mark in his career. Despite his advancing years, he remains one of the most fluid, reliable, exciting junior wrestlers around. Over the course of his career he has worked for nearly every promotion going, but in recent years he has settled down in WLW, where he is a former Universal champion, and leader of the main heel stable, The Circle Of Blood. Well, there you go - there's who will be headlining Derek Robinson's shows. Tomorrow, we'll come at you with his upper midcarders.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Cover Story, Part 2[/B] - And we're back, this time with WLW's Upper Midcarders... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/SilverShark.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Silver Shark[/SIZE][/B][/U] Silver Shark is a good masked high flier, who is extremely well travelled, having had runs with companies in just about every corner of the globe. Currently he is best known for his Japanese work, as he is a regular with both BHOTWG and WLW, and is doing well in both companies. Prior to that, he was best known for a short run as part of the TCW (then called HGC) cruiserweight division, where he was champion at one point, and for his independent work on the East Coast. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/HellMonkey.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Hell Monkey WLW Streetfighting Champion[/SIZE][/U][/B] Hell Monkey is a superb fighter from New York City, who is famous for his visually awesome entrance mask (he removes it when he actually wrestles). He has a very modern style to his ring work, blending incredibly stiff strikes with the technical skills and aerial ability of a Super Junior wrestler. He first came to people's attention in USPW, but his style didn't really fit with the promotion, and soon he was off to Japan, where he has become one of World Level Wrestling's favourite foreigners. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/KokiIshibashi.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]KOKI Ishibashi One-half of WLW Tag Team Champions[/SIZE][/U][/B] KOKI Ishibashi is a Japanese wrestler, noted for eschewing the usual flashy aerial attacks of other wrestlers his size, instead using fine wrestling as the base for his attacks. A friend of Koji Kojima for many years - they were trained in the same dojo - he has found his niche in wrestling working for his friend's WLW promotion, where he is one of the company's main heels. One thing that he is particularly famous for is his ever-increasing collection of colourful masks. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/KojiKojima.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Koji Kojima[/SIZE][/B][/U] "The Silent Assassin" Koji Kojima is a solid Super Junior style wrestler, who is best known as being the owner of World Level Wrestling. Prior to setting up WLW in 2000, he had worked for just about every other promotion in the country, but had never really gotten anywhere above midcard level. This is probably because while talented, he is not as spectacular or flashy as many other junior wrestlers, instead having consistency and a strong work ethic as his selling points. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/TheIncredibleKoyama.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]The Incredible KOYAMA One-half of WLW Tag Team Champions WLW Show Stealer Champion[/SIZE][/B][/U] The Incredible KOYAMA (Masutaro Koyama) is a daredevil high flier, and one of World Level Wrestling's fastest rising stars. A master of using the ropes to springboard himself into a variety of attacking moves, his short time in WLW has already seen him win the Show Stealer title on two occasions, and more famously, become a record-setting four time world tag team champion alongside his regular partner and fellow Circle Of Blood member, Koki Ishibashi.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Cover Story, Part 3[/B] - And now we bring you WLW's midcarders... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/BloodRaven.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Ketsueki Karasu[/SIZE][/B][/U] Ketsueki Karasu is a fine young worker, whose ability to blend traditional Mexican Lucha Libre with the Japanese Super Junior style has resulted in him being seen as a future star both countries. He usually works under the name Blood Raven while outside of Japan, Ketsueki Karasu being the Eastern translation. His gothic, nightmarish character is very unique, and seems very popular, especially with male teenage fans. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]UK Dragon WLW Tap Out Champion[/SIZE][/B][/U] Steven "UK Dragon" Ambrose is a vastly experienced all-rounder, who has worked all around the globe since his professional debut at the age of 16 in 1991. Over time he has developed a reputation for versatility and reliability, and that has made him a highly in-demand worker. While he is probably best known for his run with World Level Wrestling in Japan, he has also had great runs with UCR in Europe (where he is a former champion) and ROF in the UK, amongst others. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Dean Daniels[/SIZE][/U][/B] Dean "The Machine" Daniels is a solid all-round competitor, who doesn't really have any weak elements to his game, but equally doesn't excel at anything enough to ever be a true superstar. He spent his early career on the US independent circuit, but has achieved his most fame in Japan, where he is a regular with the WLW promotion. He used to work under the name Deano Machino, but he dropped that moniker in the summer of 2006, attempting to promote a more serious image of himself. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/MagnumKobe.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Magnum KOBE[/SIZE][/U][/B] Magnum KOBE is one of World Level Wrestling's most prized assets, and one of their big hopes for the future. KOBE debuted for them in 2005, and quickly showed the talent that had made him such a hot prospect. He got a huge boost when he was added as the junior member to The Circle Of Blood, a stable which also included some of the biggest names in WLW, but it was when he started displayed a new arrogant personality that he really started to shine, as his heel act is simply brilliant. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/HaruKurofuji.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Haru Kurofuji[/SIZE][/U][/B] Haru Kurofuji is a solidly consistent high flier, who has become one of the major power players in World Level Wrestling, both in front of and behind the cameras. He has been with the promotion since the start, and is both a former Universal champion and two time tag team title holder (alongside his friend and regular partner Koji Kojima). He is famed for his suicidal top rope diving headbutt, which he has perfected to be incredibly graceful, and his deadly Kurofuji Crab finisher. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Kazuma Narato[/SIZE][/B][/U] Kazuma Narato is a young Japanese worker who moved to the US very early in his career to be part of the cruiserweight division that TCW was setting up. He became Fumihiro Ota's "sidekick" in storylines, and also won the cruiserweight tag team titles on three occasions alongside him. When the division was cut in 2005, so was Narato, and he returned home to Japan. He was swiftly picked up by World Level Wrestling, and he has gone on to become one of their most consistent performers. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/ToyokuniHardcore.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Tokoyuni Hardcore[/SIZE][/B][/U] Toyokuni Hardcore used to strictly be a comedy worker, impersonating US worker Sam Strong ("Toyokuni Strong") on the independent scene. He reinvented himself as a serious brawler in early 2006 - perhaps forced into the change due to Sam Strong's retirement - complete with a sleek new look and updated moves. The new fire that he displayed when wrestling was clearly impressive, as within months he had been hired by World Level Wrestling. Next time, we finish off our look at WLW with their lower midcarders, openers, and enhancement talent.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Cover Story, The Conclusion[/B] - We finish up our look at WLW with those wrestlers who grace the first half of the show - lower midcarders, openers, and enhancement talent. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/TheTic.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]The Tic[/SIZE][/B][/U] The Tic is an extremely lightweight high flier, who is just beginning his wrestling career. His distinctive mask and costume have helped him get noticed early on though, and he has already completed a few tours of Japan. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Americana[/SIZE][/B][/U] American Elemental is one of the new breed of North American workers who have been heavily influenced by the Japanese Super Junior style; his character and costume are an obvious homage to the original Elemental. After six years of hard work on the independent scene, he finally got a break in 2006, when he joined World Level Wrestling, working under the name Americana. A fantastic worker, there has even been rumblings that he may be in the frame to play Elemental III for BHOTWG. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/YukiHorigoshi.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Yuki Horigoshi[/U][/B][/SIZE] "100% Machine" Yuki Horigoshi is a rookie worker who has some good all-round skills already. What he does have in his favour is unbelievable cardio conditioning, and he could probably wrestle all night if he wanted. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Insane Machine[/SIZE][/B][/U] Insane Machine is a highly rated cruiserweight, best known for his work with CZCW. Prior to joining them in 2002, he worked without a mask under his real name, Chris Perkins, but had little success. Once he donned the outrageously cool mask though, his career seemed to take off, and he soon became quite popular. In 2004, his successes with CZCW led him to be invited over to WLW in Japan, and he has slowly built up quite a fan base over there, making him an international wrestling star. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/PandaMask.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Panda Mask II[/SIZE][/U][/B] The original Panda Mask was played by the wrestler now known as Harrison Hash; this is the second incarnation of the character, and is played by Joseph Jerome, a rookie wrestler from Wyoming. Making his pro debut in 2006, Jerome found it difficult to get established in the business, and so, in order to boost his popularity, decided to try purchasing the rights to the Panda Mask character from Hash. It clearly worked, as soon he was signed by WLW in Japan for a try-out. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/BeetleKimura.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Beetle Kimura[/SIZE][/B][/U] Yosuke "Beetle" Kimura is a speedy rookie looking to make an impact in the sport. He was trained by The Great Hisato, and uses several of his trademark spots during matches as a tribute. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/CyberFighter3000.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Cyber Fighter 3000[/SIZE][/U][/B] Cyber Fighter 3000, "The New Generation Of Wrestler", is a futuristic gimmick played by young rookie Hachigoro Maeda, who is a high flier from the WLW youth system. Although limited to opening matches so far, he has potential. That brings to a close our look at WLW's roster. We will come back tomorrow with news about their upcoming tour and a preview of the first show, which will be at Ibaraki Community Hall in Kanto.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B][U]PRESS RELEASE - Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] World Level Wrestling would like to announce that our first tour of the year will be titled [B][U]Wake Up The World[/U][/B]. We will hold our shows on Monday and Wednesday, meaning our first show will be tomorrow night at the Ibaraki Community Center in Kanto. There are a few matches announced for tomorrow night's show, and they are the following: [B][U]Tap Out Title Match[/U]: UK Dragon (Champion) vs. Americana (Challenger)[/B] It's no secret that Americana is a hot property all around the world, and it's time for him to show WLW why exactly that is. His first title shot is tonight, but it will be no cake walk. He is going for the Tap Out Title against UK Dragon, who is also known all around the world for his great work in the ring. Can Americana fulfill his promise, or does he still have more work to do? [B]Kazuma Narato vs. Awesome Thunder[/B] When you think of WLW, the first name that should pop into your head is probably Awesome Thunder. Accompanied by his manager Mr. Miwa, he has had a stranglehold on the Universal Title, holding it on six different occasions. Standing in his way tomorrow night will be Kazuma Narato, who is no slouch himself. He was one of the cornerstones of TCW's Cruiserweight Division, and when that shut down, returned to Japan and picked up right where he left off. Will Thunder put down this upstart, or is this the beginning of something grand for Narato? [B][U]Universal Title Match[/U]: Bairei Yasujiro (Champion) vs. Insane Machine (Challenger)[/B] In a shocking decision by the WLW Championship Committee, Insane Machine was selected as the next challenger for Bairei Yasujiro's Universal Title. This may be the impetus for Machine to go to the next level, as he has been a super-solid worker on both sides of the Pacific, but has not quite broken through to the next level yet. Of course, it won't be easy to unseat Bairei Yasujiro, who has championships now on both sides of the Pacific himself, as he is a past holder of the MPWF Campeon de Herencia de Mundo also. Can Machine shock the world, or will Yasujiro reassert his greatness? This match, and many more will come tomorrow night from Ibaraki Community Hall in Kanto. Be there, and witness the rebirth of WLW firsthand!
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Tap Out Title Match: [B]UK Dragon (Champion)[/B] vs. Americana (Challenger) I think that American is better suited to the Show Stealer Title so I don't see him winning here. Kazuma Narato vs. [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] He is after all Awesome Universal Title Match: [B]Bairei Yasujiro (Champion)[/B] vs. Insane Machine (Challenger) Bairei was one of my early signings in TEW 2004 and I'm happy to see him move up to be the champion of WLW.
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[B]Tap Out Title Match: UK Dragon (Champion[/B]) vs. Americana (Challenger) I agree with Apu, Americana is better suited to the Show-Stealer title. To be honest, I think WLW has way too many titles, for the size of promotion they are...3 would be enough let alone 5. They seem to have a title for every style of wrestling, when they don't really need to. Kazuma Narato vs. [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] He wasn't that Awesome when I brought him over for a one shot deal in my NOTBPW diary, but I'll let him off as he was knackered. Universal Title Match: [B]Bairei Yasujiro (Champion)[/B] vs. Insane Machine (Challenger) I don't see Yasujiro dropping the title here, and if Insane Machine impresses enough...perhaps he will get a re-match.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Show Report[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]WLW Wake Up The World Tour (Wednesday) from Ibaraki Community Hall in Kanto in front of 603 people Wednesday, Week 1, January 2007 Announcers: Isei Deushi & Takayuki Kajiwara[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Non-Title Dark Match[/U] WLW Streetfighting Champion Hell Monkey vs. Panda Mask II[/B] In a treat for those in attendance at Ibaraki, Hell Monkey took on newcomer Panda Mask II. Monkey showed everyone in the building why he is one of the most sought after stars in wrestling today. Even though he and PM2 didn’t really work all that well together, Monkey’s skill was able to shine through. This match did have one problem – Panda Mask II unfortunately is getting some go-away heat. We might keep him off of shows for a while so that it goes away instead of shoving him down everyone’s throats. Either way, he’s definitely not going any higher than dark matches for the time being. [B]Winner: Hell Monkey in 8:18 with a Tumbling Monkey. Match Rating: D[/B] As a sign of respect, Hell Monkey shook hands with Panda Mask II, showing himself as a very honorable person as well as a true champion. The crowd enjoyed this, as their disdain for Panda Mask II temporarily went away. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Cyber Fighter 3000 vs. Toyokuni Hardcore[/B] Toyokuni might be ready for a big push sooner rather than later, so he was in line for a tune-up match against CF3K. Toyokuni was able to get over in the short time he was in the ring that he is indeed a changed man, fully putting his comedy days behind him. He threw the hapless CF3K all over the place and finally, mercifully, put him away with the Toyokuni Drill, cementing his status as one WLW superstar on the rise. [B]Winner: Toyokuni in 4:31 with a Toyokuni Drill. Match Rating: D+[/B] A short music video then aired for everyone in attendance and everyone watching streaming live on WLW.com of The Great Hisato. It showed his high-flying repertoire and really put over his Mystic Dragon Wave finisher, showing clips of many WLW superstars going down in defeat to it. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Yuki Horigoshi vs. Silver Shark[/B] In this short match, Silver Shark showed that he is more than just a hapless comedy wrestler that is just around for other people to beat on. He broke down Yuki and took him to the mat hard, softening up his shoulders and neck. Yuki did try to get some offense in, much to the consternation of the crowd, but Shark put a stop to that quickly and locked in the Jaws of Life, which caused Yuki to tap quickly. [B]Winner: Shark in 3:31 with the Jaws of Life. Match Rating: D[/B] A simple video package aired next, hyping up the fact that Awesome Thunder vs. Kazuma Narato was coming up later in the show. Nothing special, but it got its point across. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B][U]WLW Tap Out Title Match[/U] WLW Tap Out Champion UK Dragon vs. Americana[/B] In an intercontinental matchup, UK Dragon took on Americana in Japan for the Tap Out Title. Americana is no doubt good enough to take any belt on any day, but today, UK Dragon had circumstance on his side. Americana was showing a tougher streak to him and really telling a story by getting back up time and time again after Dragon nearly beating him. Clearly Dragon was getting frustrated, because he used an inadvertent ref bump to slip a foreign object from his tights into his mask, then flying off of the top rope with a flying headbutt. Americana sold the shot like he had actually been shot, and at that point, the cover was academic. [B]Winner: UK Dragon in 8:36 with a foreign object to retain the Tap Out Title (1st defense). Match Rating: C-[/B] We cut to the backstage area, while Beetle Kimura and Ketsueki Karasu are seen talking to each other. We can’t hear what they’re saying, but at the end, they shake hands and head towards the ring. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Vermin (Beetle Kimura & Ketsueki Karasu) vs. Power Trip WLW (Koji Kojima & Haru Kurofuji)[/B] We did find out during their ring introduction that Beetle & Karasu would like to be called Vermin. They had a huge first test, facing Koji & Haru, two of the most respected wrestlers in WLW history. Unfortunately for Vermin, Koji & Haru were the better men on this day, having enough ring sense to cut down Beetle & Karasu’s high flying attack and try to lock on both of their signature submission moves. The crowd was really into Koji as he was beating down Beetle, which was a combination of Koji looking great and the crowd seemingly wanting Beetle to evaporate into thin air. The crowd almost got their wish, as Koji nearly snapped Beetle in two with the Koji Crossface and made him tap. If Vermin is going to make an impact in the tag ranks, they will have to step up their game more than this. [B]Winner: Power Trip WLW in 13:29 when Koji used the Koji Crossface on Beetle. Match Rating: D+[/B] Next up was our first glimpse of the Circle of Blood. A music video was shown with creepy, dark imagery interspersed with action clips of Dark EAGLE, KOKI Ishibashi, Magnum KOBE, & The Incredible KOYAMA. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Kazuma Narato vs. Awesome Thunder[/B] This is the match that was announced earlier in the night, and served to showcase Awesome Thunder for all of the people in attendance. The only problem with Thunder tonight is that instead of adding to it like he usually does, Mr. Miwa seemed kind of in the way tonight. There might be a parting of the ways in the offing for the two of them. Even so, Thunder looked awesome tonight. He flew all over the ring, belying his 41 years of age and extracted even greater heights of skill out of Narato, who was more hard-hitting and technically sound than we’ve seen him in a while. Thunder was still the better man, and took the win with a Thunder shock swanton. [B]Winner: Thunder beat Narato in 13:49 with a Thunder Shock. Match Rating: C[/B] Next we cut to Isei & Takayuki ringside, who told everyone that next Wednesday’s show’s main event will be Awesome Thunder vs. … Emerald Angel! [B]Rating: B-[/B] As Isei & Takayuki got done announcing the match, we cut to Emerald Angel backstage, who fielded a few questions from Isei & Takayuki about what beating a man of Awesome Thunder’s stature would mean to his quest to become the Universal Champion. He really came across well in this setting, showing everyone the fire that burns within him to the best and recognized as the best. [B]Rating: B-[/B] As we prepared for the main event, there was a small disturbance in the crowd, as Dark EAGLE, KOKI Ishibashi, Magnum KOBE, and The Incredible KOYAMA all made their way through the crowd, wearing their Circle of Blood T-shirts. They waved their ticket stubs as they went towards the front row and sat down, waiting for Machine-Yasujiro to start. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][U]WLW Universal Title Match[/U] Insane Machine vs. WLW Universal Champion Bairei Yasujiro[/B] It has to be said that this match was a bit of a disappointment. Yasujiro seems to be gripping a little bit, as it seems he’s struggling a bit with the weight of the Universal Championship. Insane Machine wasn’t exactly up to the enormity of the situation either, and it did show a bit in his in-ring work. Machine did use a little more brawling than he usually does, and Yasujiro, conversely, looked fairly crisp in his offense, trying to get Machine in various pinning predicaments. The finish did not come like that though, as Bairei was able to break Machine down to his knees, then lock in a sleeper with body scissors to get the submission victory. [B]Winner: Yasujiro in 20:35 with a body scissors sleeper to retain the Universal Title (1st defense). Match Rating: D+[/B] As Bairei went to the back with his belt, Insane Machine was left in the ring with his hands on his hips. As he went to leave the ring, the lights went out. When they came on again, Insane Machine was covered in blood and the Circle of Blood was mysteriously gone from ringside. The last image for those in attendance and those watching over the Internet was Insane Machine’s mask dripping with blood. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/btsbanner.png[/IMG][/CENTER] There are some very important things to take away from tonight’s show. Number one – the crowd hated the lower tier guys. Beetle Kimura and Panda Mask II got some serious heat tonight, and it seemed like the crowd wanted Yuki Horigoshi to spontaneously combust, or something along those lines. Number two – tonight’s main event excursion for Insane Machine was definitely a one-shot deal. He just doesn’t have the necessary it-factor right now to handle it. Number three – Emerald Angel definitely does have that it-factor. Even the mention of his name seemed to excite the fans in attendance like nothing else. His match with Awesome Thunder next Wednesday should be something to behold. Lastly – the Circle of Blood may need to be in action to get the full power of what they bring to the table. They were flat in their cameo tonight, but hopefully the storyline I have planned will change things up a little bit. Overall, we did OK, and our rep in Kanto should show it. [B]Overall Show Rating: C-[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Commentary by Yoshi Takiwara[/B] - I was in attendance at Ibaraki Community Hall last night, and I thought it was a pretty good show. I mean, it wasn't PGHW or Burning Hammer good, but little is. The best match on the show was definitely Kazuma Narato-Awesome Thunder and the worst one was the fact that Cyber Fighter 3000 got on the show and there was absolutely no in-ring action from Circle of Blood. We can be sure they'll be a large part of Monday's show. Maybe Incredible KOYAMA will defend his Show Stealer Title, or maybe we'll find out what was all about Insane Machine being showered with blood after the main event. It's a foregone conclusion that it had SOMETHING to do with the Circle of Blood, but what's the connection? WLW definitely has the tools to build something great up in Tohoku, but they need to accentuate their positives, such as The Circle of Blood and definitely Emerald Angel. It's a crime that the crowd missed seeing Angel live, as he truly is a sight to behold. If they can showcase them and minimize the Yuki Horigoshi and Cyber Fighter 3000 appearances, they'll be on the right track for sure. Now a bit about WEXXV and their Showtime tour show last night, which was headlined by Kimitada Ohishi & Gareth Wayne versus the Brothers in Vengeance...
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;185128]One thing I just have to mention: Isn't it kind of pointless to have UK Dragon defend the Tap Out Title without making his opponent tap out?[/QUOTE] I have to admit, I never even thought of that. That would make perfect sense. I might have to make another official press release, detailing all of the different titles and the different conditions under which they are defended.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PRESS RELEASE[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] It has come to the WLW Championship Committee's attention that there is some confusion as to the specific rules that each of our titles will be defended under. The Universal Title and the Tag Team titles will be defended under the same rules. These matches will be best two out of three falls contests. True Champions need to persevere over obstacles and prove that they are great over time. The Show Stealer Title will be contested under a 10 minute time limit. Show Stealer Title defenses should be concentrated explosions of energy and this rule virtually ensures that. Streetfighting Title defenses will be no countout and no disqualification, as these competitors are the roughest and toughest that WLW has to offer. Lastly, the Tap Out Title match must end with a submission. This title is for the most technically sound wrestlers, as they should be able to tie their opponents into knots and make them scream for mercy. Also, WLW would like to announce that we have come to a working agreement with Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling in America. As the first fruit of this relationship, CZCW has allowed WLW access to up-and-coming star Frankie Perez for three dates. In return, CZCW now has access to WLW star and former TCW star Kazuma Narato for three dates. Finally, WLW would like to invite everyone to come to our next show on the Wake Up The World Tour, which is this coming Monday. Come see all of our WLW superstars in action, such as Emerald Angel, Bairei Yasujiro, and the Circle of Blood!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WLW Newswire[/B] - We would like to announce some matches for this week's shows on the Wake Up The World Tour. Monday's show will feature the following: [LIST] [*]In a rematch from last Wednesday's show, [B]Americana[/B] will challenge [B]UK Dragon[/B] for the Tap Out Title. This match will be contested under the new rules set forth by the WLW Championship Committee, which state that the winner must make his opponent submit. [*]The Circle of Blood seems to have sort of a fascination with [B]Insane Machine[/B], because [B]Incredible KOYAMA[/B] has challenged him to a match for KOYAMA's Show Stealer Title. This match will also be contested under the new Championship Committee rules, and will have a 10 minute time limit. [*]Hot of the heels of his strong showing versus Awesome Thunder last week, [B]Kazuma Narato[/B] is being asked to take on the Circle of Blood's hotshot, [B]Magnum KOBE[/B]. There is little doubt that the other members of the Circle of Blood won't be far from ringside. [*]Monday night's main event will be a match for the Streetfighting Title. In a rare matchup of two fan favorites, [B]Hell Monkey[/B] will defend the title against [B]Haru Kurofuji[/B]. This match will be contested under the Championship Committee rules for the Streetfighting Title, namely no countouts or disqualifications.[/LIST] Wednesday's show appears to have a bit more star power on it, as here are the announced matches: [LIST] [*]A new tag team is being introduced that will be known as [B]Black Death[/B]. Nothing is known about them, where they come from, who they will target - nothing. Word is that WLW.co.jp will be accepting guesses as to the identities of the two members of Black Death. [*]The Circle of Blood's fascination with Insane Machine still won't stop, as now KOKI Ishibashi and Incredible KOYAMA, collectively known as [B]Avalanche Effect[/B], have challenged Insane Machine and his partner Dean Daniels, who wrestle as [B]Split Personality[/B]. It will be a non-title match, as the Avalance Effect are the current holders of the Tag Team Titles. That being said, this match will only be one fall. If it were a title match, it would be two out of three falls, per the Championship Committee's rules. [*]The match that was announced last week and been hotly anticipated ever since will take place - [B]Awesome Thunder [/B] will take on [B]Emerald Angel[/B]. Angel is on a mission to recapture the Universal Title, but Thunder has put himself directly in his path, trying to test him and see if he is worthy. [*]The main event will be [B]Bairei Yasujiro[/B]'s second Universal Title defense in as many weeks. However, he will have a larger challenge than last week in the person of the Circle of Blood's leader, [B]Dark EAGLE[/B].[/LIST] - from [COLOR="blue"]WLW.co.jp[/COLOR]
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I like the new title restrictions for matches it reminds me of my 2005 4C dairy I had the Warrior of the Mat (Submission Title), the Lord of the Skies (High Flying Title) and the Master of Brutality (Hardcore Based Title). Anyway here are my predictions: [B][U]Monday[/U][/B] [B]UK Dragon[/B] over Americana Again Americana doesn't haev the technical skilsl to be a greta Tap Out champion [B]Insane Machine[/B] over Incredible KOYAMA I think Insane Machien should be pushed as a monster defeating circle of blood in one on one matches and then in two on one matches and finally in a three on one handicap match. [B]Magnum KOBE[/B] over Kazuma Narato Circle of Blood needs to look strong to make Insane Machine look even stronger. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] over Haru Kurofuji Just cause I mark out for Monkey [B][U]Wednesday[/U][/B] Black Death is Black Eagle and Dark Angel [B]Split Personality[/B] over Avalanche Effect Insane Machine domiantes the match gettign two falls while his partner does nothing (I like Daniels but I think it'd be cool to see a true Insane Machine push) [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] over Emerald Angel Emerald Angel could be a great champion but not on his first shot against Awesome Thunder [B]Bairei Yasujiro[/B] over Dark EAGLE Dark Angel is about to cheat to win but he is stopped by Insane Machine (you have to book it as a run in but don't write it as one).
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"]WLW Newswire[/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"][B]WLW Wake Up The World Tour from Asahikawa Community Hall in Hokkaido in front of 467 people and streaming live across the world on WLW.co.jp Announcers: Isei Deushi & Takayuki Kajiwara[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]PRE-SHOW[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Dark Match[/U] Above & Below vs. Power Trip WLW[/B] In a special match for those in attendance, Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey took on Koji Kojima & Haru Kurofuji. They put on a show for those people who saw them live, as this match was not streamed on WLW’s website. Emerald Angel looked especially good and primed for tonight’s match later on with Awesome Thunder. He got the win for his team with a spectacular Angel Fury 720 splash onto Kurofuji after he had narrowly missed a Suicide Headbutt from Kurofuji moments earlier. [B]Winners: Above & Below in 10:42 when Angel used the Angel Fury on Kurofuji. Match Rating: C+[/B] After the match, Emerald Angel was in the ring celebrating when Koji Kojima stepped into the ring, eyed Angel up and down, and then extended his hand. Emerald Angel shook his hand and the two men embraced in the middle of the ring. Koji raised Angel’s hand, seemingly endorsing his bid for a Universal Title match. This will probably be put up on WLW’s website as some sort of special exclusive. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]ACTUAL SHOW[/SIZE][/B] [B]Panda Mask II vs. The Great Hisato[/B] Word is that the youngster under the Panda Mask is only a rookie, so this was undoubtedly the biggest and most important opponent he has ever had in the Great Hisato. Hisato came to make a statement tonight, and he did so by showcasing all of the graceful offense and cutting-edge athleticism that has made him a former Burning Junior champ. Hisato barely allowed Panda any offense and quickly put him away with the Mystic Dragon Wave, nearly separating both of Panda Mask II’s shoulders in the process. [B]Winner: The Great Hisato in 5:31 with the Mystic Dragon Wave. Match Rating: D+[/B] Mr. Miwa showed up backstage next, further hyping his client’s match with Emerald Angel later on tonight. He said that it was apparent to him and it will soon be to everyone else that Awesome Thunder has the X-factor that Emerald Angel does not – experience. Awesome Thunder will roll through Emerald Angel like a thunderstorm over the mountains of Hokkaido. [B]Rating: C+[/B] A short music video further hyped the appearance of Black Death. It showed fuzzy pictures of both wrestlers, then the screen was covered in red which ran down from the top. [B]Rating: F[/B] [B]Frankie Perez & The Tic vs. Black Death[/B] CZCW import Frankie Perez and The Tic were the first ones to meet Black Death in the ring. Black Death consists of CZCW mainstay Black Eagle and Canadian independent wrestler Tempest Appleby, who is now wrestling as just Tempest. It’s a shame this will be Frankie’s only appearance, as he signed on with NOTBPW a few days ago and is simply fulfilling his CZCW commitments, which this show is one of. He looked really good and almost gained the victory for his team singlehandedly. He had to do so because his partner, The Tic was basically useless. It was The Tic who took the pinfall, as Black Eagle floored him with a New Jersey Turnpike, then Tempest bounded off of the top rope with a corkscrew moonsault he calls the Whirlwind. [B]Winners: Black Death in 8:48 when Tempest used the Whirlwind on The Tic. Match Rating: D+[/B] Next up were the junior members of Circle of Blood strutting to the ring. Magnum KOBE, Incredible KOYAMA, and KOKI Ishibashi took their sweet time getting to the ring, then proceeded to tell everyone that it was already in the bag that they were the best wrestlers in WLW and would prove it again to that ungrateful piece of garbage Insane Machine and his nosy partner, Dean Daniels. KOBE then made his way to the back as KOYAMA and KOKI readied for their match. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][U]Tag Team Title Match[/U] Avalanche Effect (Champions) vs. Split Personality (Challengers)[/B] The COB’s unhealthy obsession with Insane Machine has gotten out of hand, as now it has become physical. They beat him down on Monday when he turned down membership in the COB and had to be saved by Dean Daniels. This resulting match was good for what is was. Each competitor really got across their personalities and showed what makes them individually all great WLW superstars. Still, this match missed the spark that makes a match great. KOKI Ishibashi was definitely the class in the ring, as he beat down Dean Daniels with an assortment of suplexes and submission holds, then tagged in Incredible KOYAMA to finish the job with the KOYAMA Grip Death Lock STF. Insane Machine looked on helplessly from the outside as Dean Daniels tapped out. [B]Winners: Avalanche Effect in 14:56 when KOYAMA used the KOYAMA Grip on Daniels to retain the Tag Team Titles. Match Rating: D+[/B] After the match, Insane Machine helped Dean Daniels to his feet and then asked for a mike. As Avalance Effect backed up the ramp, Insane Machine said they weren’t done. He challenged them to a match anywhere, anytime, he didn’t care. Avalanche Effect didn’t answer, they just walked silently to the back. Machine and Daniels then made their way to the back a few moments later. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Awesome Thunder vs. Emerald Angel[/B] After the week-long buildup, this match had a little more than normal heat to it. Thunder and his manager, Mr. Miwa, have taken every opportunity to run down Angel and tell him that he’s nothing and he’ll never challenge for the Universal Title again. Angel was determined to prove them wrong and gave this match everything he had. Unfortunately for Angel, Thunder had an ace in the hole – Mr. Miwa. After Angel had hit a huge Angel Spike and went for the cover, Mr. Miwa jumped up to the canvas to distract referee Kitahachi Sonoda. As he did, he slid a metal plate to Thunder that he produced from underneath his jacket. Thunder put this metal plate in his boot, dragged Angel to his feet, and nailed him with a True Value enzuigiri. The pin was academic at that point, as Angel appeared to be out cold. [B]Winner: Awesome Thunder in 22:52 by underhanded tactics. Match Rating: B-[/B] [B]Universal Title Match Bairei Yasujiro (Champion) vs. Dark EAGLE (Challenger)[/B] The leader of the COB had a huge match tonight, as he was challenging Bairei Yasujiro for the Universal Title tonight. Dark EAGLE has more than enough talent to contend, so it’s sad that he resorted to using Magnum KOBE, who came out to ringside to try to help EAGLE during the first fall. He succeeded in helping EAGLE win the first fall, as he put EAGLE’s foot on the bottom rope after Yasujiro had taken him down with a tiger driver. EAGLE then used referee Sonoda’s bad positioning to give Yasujiro a low blow, then nail him with a EAGLE Shock to gain the first fall. Sonoda ordered KOBE away from ringside though, which infuriated EAGLE. Yasujiro was then able to let his technical and high-flying abilities shine, even through EAGLE no-selling a large portion of his offense, sweeping the last two falls with a Scorpion Death Lock and a flying enzuigiri, respectively. [B]Winner: Yasujiro in 18:50 after a flying enzuigiri. Match Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/btsbanner.png[/IMG][/CENTER] This show seemed way more wrestling based than our Monday show, and it showed in the rating that it got, a [B]C[/B] overall. The Angel-Thunder match was simply awesome, as their styles meshed together perfectly. The Yasujiro-EAGLE match could have been so much better, but the two of them couldn’t be bothered to give each other any offense. There’s a large difference between an open match and snorefest. We did also have the first in-ring confrontation between Split Personality and Avalanche Effect, which was fine for the part of the card it was placed on. Hopefully with more buildup and some strategically placed wins for Machine & Daniels, we can build them up as a credible threat.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B][U]WLW Newswire[/U][/B][/SIZE] WLW has announced via its website, WLW.co.jp, that they have come to terms with three wrestlers. Firstly, two wrestlers have come in just for the Wake Up The World Tour. The first is Zeshin Makioka, late of WEXXV. He was released just over a week ago and they may think that he will mesh better in their style of promotion than in a completely hardcore environment. The second wrestler is not being revealed by name, but it has been said that he is one of the top cruiserweights in his home country and his work has been applauded the world over. Lastly, WLW has come to terms with Arinori Inoguchi, who also wrestles for the Hinote Dojo. He will probably play the same role that he does for Hinote Dojo, the plucky underdog, which he is practically typecast for, given his small size. Also, WLW has announced the Frankie Perez, late of CZCW and currently wrestling for NOTBPW, has agreed to fulfill his dates with WLW, and therefore has two more appearances to make for WLW. Also, WLW.co.jp has again released their announced matches for this week of action. Monday's show will feature the following: [B]Zeshin Makioka vs. Yuki Horigoshi[/B] - This match will serve as a showcase for Zeshin Makioka, as you can be sure he'll want to show all of the people at WEXXV that he's better than the guy they fired last week. However, Yuki Horigoshi is not one to be taken lightly, as he can wrestle all night if need be. Makioka has to realize that he needs to pace himself and not expend all of his energy in a few short bursts to emerge from this match victorious. [B]Split Personality vs. Vermin[/B] - Insane Machine & Dean Daniels are trying to break free from any involvement by the Circle of Blood, and they take their first steps away against Beetle Kimura & Ketsueki Karasu. Fans of Split Personality have to hope that they can show what they have in the ring and not have to contend with any interference from the Circle of Blood. [B][U]Tap Out Title Match[/U]: Americana vs. UK Dragon[/B] - You would be living under a rock if you did not know that Americana, who wrestles occasionally in America as American Elemental, has been signed by TCW. He pleaded with the Championship Committee to give him one last shot at the Tap Out Title before he left, and the Committee reluctantly accepted. Can Americana take the Tap Out Title back to America, or will UK Dragon emerge victorious yet again? [B]Black Eagle vs. Haru Kurofuji[/B] - Black Death burst onto the scene last week and showed that they very well may be a force to reckon with in the tag team ranks. The combination of Black Eagle and Tempest surely have the skill to do it, but they'll need more than that to get past all the other great teams in WLW. One half of one of those teams, Haru Kurofuji has stepped up to the plate and accepted the challenge of trying to stop Black Eagle. [B]Incredible KOYAMA vs. ???[/B] - WLW has signed one of the most renowned cruiserweights in the whole world to tour with them, and before even knowing who it was, Incredible KOYAMA agreed to face them. KOYAMA is showing a mixture of admirable courage and excessively annoying bravado. [B]Dark EAGLE vs. Silver Shark[/B] - After losing to Bairei Yasujiro last Wednesday, word is that Dark EAGLE was livid backstage at Magnum KOBE for not doing more to help him secure the Universal Title. He is hoping to make a statement by battering Silver Shark. But he fails to realize that Silver Shark is more than a funny mask. He is one of the most resilient wrestlers in WLW and can take more punishment than it ever seems he would be able to. It will be interesting to see how Magnum KOBE influences this match, if at all. Tuesday's matches are as follows: [B]Cyber Fighter 3000 vs. Awesome Thunder (w/ Mr. Miwa)[/B] - Awesome Thunder showed the kind of wrestler he is with his skill versus Emerald Angel, and his character with how he capitalized on his manager distracting the referee. Cyber Fighter 3000 will have to watch out, as he's basically wrestling a handicap match. [B][U]Show Stealer Title Match[/U]: Insane Machine vs. The Incredible KOYAMA[/B] - The Circle of Blood is not done with Insane Machine yet. But this time, Insane Machine has the chance to take a title belt from a member of the Circle, as KOYAMA has put his Show Stealer Title on the line. This match should be an intense, exciting spectacle. [B]Frankie Perez vs. KOKI Ishibashi[/B] - It turns out that Frankie Perez has chosen to honor the arrangement that he made with WLW back before he signed with NOTBPW. Therefore, he has two more dates to fulfill with WLW, and this is one of them. He will have a huge mountain to climb, as KOKI is probably the most technically sound wrestler in WLW, and he will have to contend with the force that is the Circle of Blood. [B]UK Dragon vs. Bairei Yasujiro[/B] - This match is a double non-title affair, as these two men are merely testing themselves and seeing how far they can push each other. UK Dragon has made many WLW superstars fall victim to his skills as the Tap Out champ, and Bairei has the highest prize in WLW, the Universal Title. Who will emerge victorious? [B][U]Streetfighting Title Match[/U]: Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Hell Monkey[/B] - In what promises to be one of the most brutally physical matches in recent memory in WLW, Toyokuni Hardcore will challenge Hell Monkey for his Streetfighting Title. Hell Monkey should not discount Hardcore, as his new outlook has given him a new fire that Monkey should watch out for, lest he get burned. [B]Emerald Angel vs. The Great Hisato[/B] - The main event on Wednesday is a dream match of sorts, as Emerald Angel will take on The Great Hisato. This match could well be for the Universal Title someday, but today it's just for bragging rights. And you can't eliminate the possibility that Awesome Thunder may involve himself in the match somehow, as he may not feel he's done with Emerald Angel yet.
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