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$468,000 in 'Misc' expenses?

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The unofficial word on this is that you are shouldering Nemesis's coffee bill, regardless of what promotion you are working for. Officially, its all the general costs your promotion incurs just by existing. Anything that isn't covered by the other things go in here. So the photocopier your staff broke at the Xmas party would go in there, Nemesis's coffee bill, those sandwiches without the crusts you like and the special headed paper would all go in there. Along with, y'know, some decent examples. Derek B
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[QUOTE=derek_b;185616]The unofficial word on this is that you are shouldering Nemesis's coffee bill, regardless of what promotion you are working for. Officially, its all the general costs your promotion incurs just by existing. Anything that isn't covered by the other things go in here. So the photocopier your staff broke at the Xmas party would go in there, Nemesis's coffee bill, those sandwiches without the crusts you like and the special headed paper would all go in there. Along with, y'know, some decent examples. Derek B[/QUOTE] Whenever somebody asks the question about what is covered in Misc expenses, you never cease to come up with more wonderful examples. :p
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Are you running PPVs now? There seems to be a big jump when you run PPVs, so it seems to be a PPV-related expense that you're incurring. Also, the workers bonuses and stuff (travel expenses, PPV bonuses, etc) are in there, so if you've got a lot of workers with those in their contracts, then that might add to it.
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