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Babes Of Sin City

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[QUOTE=Remianen;186258]Well that's one way to do it. :p When I book BSC, I book it like present day WWE, with women. Half the show is matches, half is angles (the 40% match ratio seems to have a +/- 10% "grace period"). My narratives usually revolve around my titles (since I tend to put my titles on my strongest workers or the workers I'm trying to focus on and develop). The problem I've been having with BSC is keeping the Neptunes out of the main event level. But then, I revamped their roster quite a bit as well.[/QUOTE] I can understand the struggle with the Neptune twins. They are clearly the two best workers on the roster. I think Clarity is more frustrated because its hard for him to develop a narrative storyline. If you read his PWA dynasty he likes to use the matches as the main part of the story, but here he's having to move stories as much with angles and promos. Clarity here's a thought of how to look at a storyline. Have one of your face workers be the emcee for a bikini contest When it ends have Officer Goodhead come out and taunt the worker who was the emcee (for encouraging the nudity) The two argue and end up in a bra & panties match which Officer Goodhead wins in a "tainted" fashion Officer Goodhead then somehow humiliates your face worker. Now you can have show after show where the face worked complains about the police brutality and unfair treatment while Officer goodhead goes about stripping her backstage or after loses, interfering in matches and making her life miserable. Until you end it with a big match between the two after 5-7 shows.
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[QUOTE=mvargus;186294]I think Clarity is more frustrated because its hard for him to develop a narrative storyline. If you read his PWA dynasty he likes to use the matches as the main part of the story, but here he's having to move stories as much with angles and promos.[/QUOTE] Oh I get it. I'm the exact same way. To me, booking a storyline using angles is cheap, it's easy, requires little in the way of creativity. Having matches as plot points is harder because you can't just stick an attack angle or a set up angle or some quick fix in there to fill in gaps. You have to make the story run using a mechanism you have very little control over (the quality of each match). Everybody knows how to tell a story using angles. It's what most of us are used to, having watched wrestling in its various forms over the years. But doing that ONLY with matches is a lot more challenging, at least for me. And I'm intent on developing these girls into REAL wrestlers so that's another big challenge, given the time constraints.
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"][img]http://wwp.las-vegas-us.com/las-vegas-strip-aerial-view.jpg[/img] [SIZE="5"]Las Vegas[/SIZE] Sunday 7th January 2007 3:15pm[/CENTER] Last night i had booked my show show for Babes Of Sin City, and while i wasn't keen on how it turned out, the fans seemed even more divided but it seemed like they enjoyed themselves and gone away happy. Miss Golightly had decided that sunday afternoon after a show we would get together and talk about the previous night and any problems and thats where i was heading now. [I]"Waiter, can we get another bottle of your white please"[/I] I asked as i sat down next to her. [I]"We need to talk"[/I] Honey said. [I]"I hate that sentence"[/I] I replied. [I]"I take it your not happy with the show"[/I] [I]"Happy... Do i looking bloody happy. You turned my company into just another strip show"[/I] [I]"I thought that was how you wanted it run"[/I] Honey handed me a video tape [I]"Here. This is last tuesdays episode of SWF. I want you to watch it"[/I] [I]"You want this run like the SWF"[/I] I offered. [I]"More that than a strip show. The people that come to see us want entertainment and storylines. Not just Tits & Ass"[/I] [I]"Im sorry Honey, I thought thats what you wanted. Will watch this as soon as i get home"[/I] [I]"Oh, One more thing"[/I] Honey said. [I]"Heres the number of a couple of friends of mine, Remianen & Mvargus. Get in contact with them and learn what you can about booking for my company before i have you replaced"[/I] I quickly downed my wine and headed off. I had a lot to learn [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;186604][I]"Oh, One more thing"[/I] Honey said. [I]"Heres the number of a couple of friends of mine, Remianen & Mvargus. Get in contact with them and learn what you can about booking for my company before i have you replaced"[/I] I quickly downed my wine and headed off. I had a lot to learn[/QUOTE] Odd that Honey told Marie that but then neglected to inform her that my consult fee is $1500 per hour. :confused:
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[QUOTE=Remianen;186812]$1500 per hour.[/QUOTE] That takes extortion to a whole new level :D! Clarity, this has been an enjoyable read thusfar - much more detailed (in the backstory at least) than In thought a BSC diary could be. Good job, son ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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