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Royal Rumble Gyp


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[QUOTE=panix04;185986]from all that i have heard of him, Harry Smith is supposed to be a really good talent isn't he? I would love to see the WWE bring in Teddy Hart, i have seen a couple of his match's and they have all been pretty exciting. My one worry though is that trying to revive old tag teams rarely pay's off EG: 'the new rockers', 'the new midnight express', 'the new age outlaws' oops :D[/QUOTE] Yeah Harry is a really good wrestler, as well as TJ. They also compliment each other greatly as tag partners. And the Hart Foundation revival rumours I spoke of weren't of a tag team but the stable. Though there could be a revival of the tag team leading to it or something, especially if they can't lock up teddy. [QUOTE=Rocland;185997]Didn't they already have "The New Hart Foundation"? I thought it was Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart back in like, 92 or 93?[/QUOTE] That was just "The New Foundation", no Hart. Though that's what it was taken as and they never got anywhere. High Energy were better anyway.
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OK, since this is the royal rumble thread, IF you were the head booker, how would you book it? Just curious to see people's thoughts on this. (Incidentally, some of you already mentioned how you'd do it. The latest internet rumours are that the front runners to win are: Undertaker, Michaels, Edge, and Randy Orton. Personally, here are my thoughts (not saying I'm right, or that my ideas are good, just to be clear): 1.) RR qualifying matches are useful in that they help build up interest in the RR, and WWE dropped the ball this year. I would have booked a handful of these on all three shows. 2.) James Casey made a note of this, but just to reiterate, there are particular WWE PPV events that, in my mind, help create stars, and/or help push midcarders into main event status, survivor series and royal rumble being prominent in my mind. Here's something to consider: the stip of facing the world champion at Wrestlemania doesn't have to be followed. One could be creative and have the winner lose the title shot. For example, there's a PPV in-between where the RR winner could lose his title shot in a match, use contract signing shenanigans, or have Evil Vince screw the winner over. So for this year, I'd use the rumble to build a star instead. Here's my thoughts: - Undertaker - this would be to set up his match with Batista at 'Mania, which I see as a waste; Batista is already in his 40's, so why give 'Taker's winning streak to a guy who you don't know how many years he has left. Doesn't need the win to help his career. - Michaels - doesn't need to win it to help his career, period. - Orton - not convinced Randy's star power is high enough to main event Wrestlemania, but he could win it, and depending on the reaction, either headline wrestlemania or lose the title shot to someone else - Edge - I'd strongly consider Edge to win, and make sure he eliminates 'Taker. Then I'd have him lose the title shot at the next PPV to Michaels due to 'Taker interference, setting up Michaels / Cena & Edge / 'Taker at wrestlemania, with Edge breaking 'Taker's winning streak. - Other Guys to Consider: - Bobby Lashley or CM Punk - IF WWE is intent on keeping ECW around, they could use a shot in the arm / credibility and giving the RR win to an Extremist may just do the trick, w/ Lashley being the frontrunner in my mind. Personally, I don't think either are ready, but either could win, then lose the title shot someone else, let's say Edge. - Shelton Benjamin - the guy WWE loves to push / depush; his career is basically rise - fall - rise - fall, but he's a terrific wrestler, and he's not horrible on the mic. Again, give him the RR win, have him lose it to someone else, but then you could give him a solid matchup at Wrestlemania. - Chris Benoit - my dream pick, in my opinion the guy deserves another world title run, as his previous title run was one of the worst poorly booked ever (I think only Rey's may have been worse), and he deserves better than that, IMO. - Khali / Chris Masters - These guys are master ring generals who DESERVE to win. Khali's technical wrestling is only matched by his ability to connect with the audience with his awesome promos! And Masters is like the second coming of Mr. Perfect, except with man boobs a la Ric Flair! Yes, I'm kidding with my last choices. Another internet rumour is Khali / Hogan at wrestlemania. I can honestly see Khali accidentally killing Hogan with his finishing move, literally dropping the Hulkster on his head.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=NickC13573;189456] THE SANDMAN!!!!!!![/QUOTE] That could be cool; They could get Motorhead to peform their cover of Enter Sandman as he eliminates the high-holy hell out of everyone and wins it!
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[QUOTE=still71;189465]They keep hinting at the Taker/Batista feud into Mania, with Taker getting screwed out of a title shot at the Rumble twice now, it seems like the oh so obvious WWE creative could be setting up a win for Taker. It's either him or Orton or HBK.[/QUOTE] Is it so obvious that you're still saying it could be one of three people? :p For what its worth I reckon it will be Taker anyway, giving a "spectacular" match with Batista :rolleyes: Remember back when WWF mocked WCW for being the "Senior's Tour"? :)
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I think that either The Undertaker or Shawn Michaels will win. Undertaker more likely. Yea im going with Taker. What about Kane. Hes always done pretty good in rumbles but has not won one yet. Maybe its his turn but I dont think that is as likely or as likely as Undertaker or Michaels.
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