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Controversy Creates Ca$h: The Life And Legacy Of Nick Reyfeild

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[quote] [b][size=7]CHAPTER 1: At the begining...[/size][/b] When I was 18 years old, I read a book... Not that this was an amazing occurrence. I read a lot as a kid, many different types of books but that's beside the point. Eric Bischoff a famous promoter from the 90's wrote his tell all biography "Controversy Creates Ca$h" and I enjoyed it. It inspired me. Suddenly my focus was no longer on becoming a wrestler but a promoter. I wanted to a promoter and I had one personal goal in mind: Take Down The WWE. My quest started with a small promotion, the New York Wrestling Connection... It was a small time promotion with it's aim really more on giving experience to trainees then actually being a promotion. I learned some of the ropes John Curse and got a little bit actual wrestling experience myself. Beyond that I dabbled with one or two other small time local promotions. But I saw it was getting me no where. I knew I wasn't going to accomplish my dream with this little guppies I had to start big if I was to take down Vince. And I figured what better way to take down the biggest dog in the yard then by working for it and finding out how it ran internally. That was my ticket. I was going to find out how such a giant corporation worked, then at some point I would found my own promotion and not only mimic their format but improve upon it! Surely Vince's Sports Entertainment style of booking was far from perfect. I went in for an interview and it all fell into place from there... To Be Continued...[/quote] OOC: okay yeah I lied. This is a new diary, and not only that I'm going to try something different with the presentation with it. Aside from TV show write ups I'm going to try to have as little text as possible from this point on. News, Backstage Stuff, Blah blah blah will be done in Machima Style animation. I will say this though, while I'm working on several other projects that will have female voice actors because this is just going to be something fun for me any female character will be voiced by a Text to audio program so yeah don't complain! lol
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[quote][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/03/ExtremeChampionshipWrestling.jpg[/img] [color=purple][b]Segment 1- ECW, The E is for Eric![/b] [i]*A limo is shown pulling up to the arena. The door opens and out steps Eric Bischoff on his cell phone.*[/i] [b]Eric:[/b] Are you blind deaf and dumb McMahon? I do NOT want to be in charge of ECW! ... Then go ahead! Fire me! I don't care! I don't want this job! ... f**king contracts, okay McMahon I got no choice but to do this but I promise you, you are going to regret this! [i]*Eric hangs up, we head straight into the opening video. Joey Styles and Tazz welcome us to ECW on SciFi.*[/i] [b]Segment 2- The Main Event tonight...[/b] [i]*Eric is shown walking backstage, being disgusted and freaked out by such extremist as Balls Mahoney and Kevin Thorn. A production worker then runs up to him*[/i] [b]Production Worker:[/b] Mr. Bischoff, WWE Management sent this for you. It's the main event they want to book tonight. Sabu vs. Bobby Lashley in Extreme Rules for the ECW title. [b]Eric:[/b] Oh really? Well tell management they can shove it. Tonight we're going to see Rob Van Dam face Bobby Lashley for the ECW Title in STANDARD singles competition... But also this will be the LAST time RVD ever gets a title shot in ECW. Ever. Tell McMahon she can stick that in her pipe and smoke it! [i]*Eric walks off, the production worker nods... Then looks confused as he mouths the word "she" but then shrugs it off*[/i] [b]Segment 3 Match- [/b]Hardcore Holly vs. Shannon Moore Description: Really sorta a bland match. Moore got some offense here and there and this was mainly a squash match in favor of Holly. After the match, Moore was shown rolling of the ring almost near tears as he made his way to the back. [b]Winner: [/b]Hardcore Holly [b]Segment 4- Go cry, emo kid.[/b] [i]*We continue to follow Moore backstage when he runs into CM Punk who is talking with Kelly Kelly.*[/i] [b]Moore:[/b] Wipe that freaking smirk off your face! Stop laughing at me! [b]CM Punk:[/b] Uh... I wasn't even paying attention to you. [b]Moore: [/b]You think your so cool just because you got that undefeated streak and that Anaconda Vice and that freaking puppy dog girl following you everywhere. Hey! I'd be popular with the fans to if I had a girl as hot as that following me around! [b]Kelly: [/b]You think I'm hot? Awww your sweet. [b]Moore:[/b] ...Really? [b]CM Punk [i]*getting between them*[/i]:[/b] I get that stuff because I WORKED for it. I EARNED it. Maybe you'd get it to if you started being who you are rather then a poser. [i]*Punk slaps Moore then walks off with Kelly*[/i] [b]Moore [i]*near tears again*[/i]:[/b] Just wait till I write about this in my LiveJournal! [b]Segment 5 EXTREME RULZ Match- The Great Khali w/ The So-So Daivari vs. The Sandman[/b] [b]Description:[/b] Like the last match but with weapons. Sandman almost had Khali beat after several singapore cane shots to the temple of Khali but Daivari ran in and nailed him with a low blow. Khali hit a chokebomb for the win. After the match Davari ordered the assault to contenue, and Khali picked of the ring steps and was about to use them to smash Sandman's head open when TOMMY DREAMER ran out to make the save climbing top rope and jumping off and pushing into the steel steps causing Khali to stumble backwards out of the ring. [b]Winner:[/b] The Great Khali [b]Segment 7- A Word Of Warning...[/b] [i]*RVD was backstage stretching and reading some comic books, when Test shows up*[/i] [b]Test: [/b]Well well well if it isn't Mr. Tuesday Night. Seems you have your last chance to win the ECW World Title tonight. [b]RVD: [/b]Yeah so? What’s it to you? [b]Test: [/b]Nothing nothing... Just wanted to remind you not to let things get to "Extreme" out there. You wouldn't want to get DQed! Ha ha ha ha! [i]*Test walks off and RVD shakes his head*[/i] [b]RVD:[/b] How stupid does he think I am? Meh. I'll just have take him out tonight as well if he tries to hit me in the head with a chair. Everything’s cool when you're ROB...VAN...DAM! [b]Segment 8 MAINEVENT- Bobby Lashley© vs Rob Van Dam for the ECW World Title[/b] [b]Description:[/b] Only real long match of the night but man it was good earning an A rating. Lots of back and forth action, RVD hitting his speed moves and Lashley using pure raw power. A nice spot saw Lashley go for a spear into the corner but RVD moved out of the way, and then turned around and hit the RVD shoulder thrust followed up with a monkey flip. That set up the finish as RVD got top rope and went to hit the frog splash but Lashley rolled out of the way. As Lashley risened to his feet and went to his RVD with the "Whip-Lash" (Dominator) which RVD was in the process of successfully reversing, TEST ran out and hit Lashley in the head with a led pipe leading to the DQ. Test then ran out of the ring and laughed his way up the aisle as RVD flipped out in the ring being screwed once again out of a fair title match. [b]Winner and STILL ECW World Heavyweight Champion:[/b] Bobby Lashley[/color][/quote] ---
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Well its something i have never seen before, and everything needs something new. I like what i see, it makes it original and its better than blank text after blank text. Only thing i wonder is how time consuming it will be, my advice would to not get carried away with amount of "scenes" you do. But like it, keep it up. On the side note....posibbly the worst Vince & Stephanie McMahon (altho steph is a bots voice) impressions ever :p EDIT: I also like the interview flashbacks with the older version of yourself.
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I think it's funny as hell, but in a good way. Some quick constructive criticism though... Steph needs a bigger rack... other than that, I think everything's solid. ;) I do think the bot's voice had her charismatic nature down perfectly... [I]"You're head write-ter..."[/I] Seriously, interesting way to put together your diary.
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[b]ARCHIEVED NEWS COLLUM: January 3rd 2007 [quote][color=red][size=14]The News According To Randal Jim Graves...[/size] Gratings slugs, I hope your all enjoying your Wednesday morning hangover, this is really an exciting time to be alive as the wrestling industry rebuilds it's self. It feels like we have wrestling every single day of the week. Anyway, lets move on to the news... In the big story the entire Internet is a buzz about was Paul Heyman being put as Head Of Smackdown! Creative. How or why Paul is not only getting a second chance but what some may see as a promotion is beyond me but all power to him to say the least. In other big Smackdown! news, Big Show is apparently being forced from taking time off and being assigned to the brand. Maybe Kurt Angle was right :/ really s**t thing for the WWE to do to Show whos pretty much on his last legs in terms of wrestling. But also coming to Smackdown! is the return of STEVE AUSTIN and BILL GOLDBERG! This is freaking huge considering we just might have the dream match! The battle of the cool bald guys from the 90's. Book it ya mo's, I'd so pay to see it! In a peculiar move, Samoa Joe made a surprise appearance at an OVW show last week and won the OVW title. This move seemed to have been made by OVW themselves and not the WWE as Joe is still under TNA contract. Maybe Jim Cornette plaid a hand? Who knows. Now they just need to bring in the VKM <.< In news from ECW, it appears the new young rookie booker Nick Reyfeild is up to something creative. Chris Masters has been moved to ECW at his request (as was OVW talent Mason Raige), and he also went on a pretty extensive signing spree this past week raiding talent from ROH and TNA. -Alex Shelley -Christy Hemme -Delirious -Jimmy Jacobs -Bryan Danielson -Chris Kanyon -Orlando Jordan Quite and interesting list. Meanwhile their are rumors going around RVD is growing more moody and depressed day by day. However after reading Eric Bischoff's Controversy Creates Ca$h I don't know how much stock I would put into that. Especially if plans go ahead with it, he's set to win the ECW World title at the Royal Rumble and go on to face Sabu in a Wrestlemania dream match. Till next time, SNOOGINS~![/b][/color][/quote]
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[quote][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/03/ExtremeChampionshipWrestling.jpg[/img] [color=purple][b]Segment 1 Match- Kevin Thorn w/ Ariel vs Matt Striker[/b] Description- Squash Match, Thorn wins via crucifix power bomb. [b]Winner:[/b] Kevin Thorn [b]Segment 2-[/b] A Head Vampire? [i]*Thorn grabbed a mic as Ariel lustfully wrapped her legs around him*[/i] [b]Thorn:[/b] Children of the night embrace, to scorn and hate the human race. The time will soon come to take our revenge. Soon it will be the time to unleash the head vampires BLOODRAYNE! Mwa ha ha ha ha! [i]*Tazz and Joey then babbled on confused as to who the head vampire was but assumed it was a "high power"*[/i] [b]Segment 3- [/b]NOT TONIGHT! [i]*Pyros go off as the ECW World Champion, Bobby Lashley makes his way to the ring and gets on the mic.*[/i] [b]Lashley: [/b]Ya know, I'm sorry I'm not all smiles tonight but what happened last week to Rob Van Dam wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to him, it wasn't fair to me because I wanted to prove that I am the greatest ECW champion ever, and it wasn't fair to you the fans because you wanted a clean finish. Well RVD, I have a challenge to make to you. I say me and you at the Royal Rumble in a STEEL CAGE! [b]"ONE OF KIND!"[/b] [i]*RVD comes out grabs a mic and heads into the ring*[/i] [b]RVD[/b]: You know Lashley, since ECW came back to life I've seen a lot of guys change their colors. A lot of my friends... My so called friends turned out to be scumbags. It takes a lot of integrity for you to challenge me to face you with your own title belt on the line because you want to be the best, dude. I fully respect you for it. But as for your challenge, I say why wait for the Royal Rumble? Why not TONIGHT?! [i]*RVD and Lashley get nose to nose when...*[/i] [b]"IM BACK! And I'm Betta Then Eva..."[/b] [i]*Eric Bischoff comes out and stands at the entrance way*[/i] [b]Eric[/b]: So let me get this straight. Crowd? Do you want to see Lashley vs Rob Van Dam for the ECW title in a steel cage... TONIGHT? [b]Crowd[/b]: [i]*POPS*[/i] [b]Eric[/b]: WELL TOO BAD! Not gonna happen. You see a high caliber match like that would increase ratings. And incase you all forgot, I DO NOT WANT TO KEEP MY JOB! No! I'd rather be off hunting then being G.M. of ECW but because of my contract I'm forced to do whatever McMahon wants me to. We'll choke on this b***h, Bobby Lashley, due to the controversy involving the finish last week you are NO LONGER ECW Champion the title has been vacated. Now leave that title belt in the ring, but don't leave the arena you see because at the Royal Rumble We're going to have that steel cage match but if you want in you're going to have to earn it. So tonight Bobby if you want your belt back you're going to have to beat Test in a EXTREME RULZ match. And now for you Rob, I told you last week that it was your last title shot and I MENT IT! There is no way I am going to give you a title shot. END OF STORY! [i]*Eric leaves, leaving both RVD and Lashley pissed in the ring*[/i] [b]Segment 4- CM Punk w/ Kelly Kelly vs Shannon Moore[/b] [b]Description[/b]: Pretty even back and forth action. Finish saw Moore hit a Vertabreaker on Punk seemingly knocking him out... But then Kelly got on the entrance way and preceded to call Moore over who obliged... and Kelly began making out with Moore!!! CM Punk recovered and rolled Moore up for the win. [b]Winner[/b]: CM Punk [i]*After the match, Punk in a very Mike Knox fashion, yelled at Kelly and dragged her up the ramp by her arm*[/i] [b]Segment 5- Tommy Dreamer vs Daivari[/b] [b]Description[/b]: This match never took place. Kahli attacked Tommy from behind and nailed him with a chokeslam on the concrete floor. [b]Winner[/b]: NO CONTEST [b]Segment 6- FABULOUS!!!![/b] [i]*A video package was played, hyping a 4 man stable consisting of Kanyon, Orlando (Jordan), Christopher (Chris Masters), and a tranny named Danielle (Bryan Danielson). Apparently their gimmick is that they're gay and want to help the straight world accept people like them as just people. Awww.*[/i] [b]Segment 7 MAINEVENT: Test vs Bobby Lashley in a EXTREME RULZ match[/b] [b]Description[/b]: Power man moves and weapon shots galore, with Test doing just a SSICCCKKK blade job. Toards the end it looked like Test had Lashley's number as he continued to pummel Bobby with trash can lids... Until Lashley started to HULK UP and no sell them. Kick to the gut, Lashley came off and went for the spear but Test moved out of the way, Lashley rebounded and nailed a clothesline. He then stalked the corner looking for a spear... But AGAIN Test moved out of the way. RVD ran out with a chair and went to swing it at Test but once AGAIN Test moved out of the way and RVD accidentally nailed the shot right into Lashley's back. Test threw RVD out of the ring and rolled up Lashley for the win. [b]Winner and moves on to a Royal Rumble cage match for the ECW Title:[/b] Test [u][i][b]Show Rating: C[/b][/i][/u][/color][/quote] ---
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[quote][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/03/ExtremeChampionshipWrestling.jpg[/img] [color=purple][b]Segment 1- One last chance... For real dude.[/b] [i]*Before the opening video, we see RVD walking briskly backstage and he storms into Eric Bischoff's office.*[/i] [b]Eric[/b]: What the hel- [i]*RVD grabs Eric by the shirt collar*[/i] [b]RVD[/b]: SHUT IT! I've had ENOUGH of this F*BLEEP*ing nonsense around here. You're going to give me a title shot, bro, or I am going kick your ass all around the arena and then guess what? The higher ups will let you go due to severe brain damage! [i]*Eric counters the grab with a judo flip, but RVD reverses it. They have a brief scuffle that ends with Eric being busted open.*[/i] [b]Eric[/b]: THATS ENOUGH! Fine, Rob, fine... You can have you're shot, but like I said, people have to EARN things around here. You want you're shot? Beat THE GREAT KAHLI tonight! [b]RVD[/b]: Kahli? Pssh. Whatever man. [i]*RVD walks out.*[/i] [b]Eric[/b]: I *HATE* THIS JOB! [i]*Opening Graphic*[/i] [b]Segment 2- SUPA-FLY JUNIOR![/b] [i]*Jimmy Snuka's music hit and he walked out to the ring, as Joey Styles put over his legendary status. Snuka got on the mic.*[/i] [b]Snuka[/b]: I would like, very much, to introduce to you the newest member of ECW... My son, Jimmy Snuka Jr.! [i]*Snuka Junior comes out dressed up as a "more update" Superfly gimmick. He gets in the ring and the bell rings, his opponent is Matt Striker*[/i] [b]Segment 3 Match- Jimmy Snuka Jr w/ Snuka Sr vs Matt Striker[/b] [b]Description[/b]: Typical ECW Squash match. Snuka wins with the Superfly Splash. [b]Winner[/b]: Jimmy Snuka Jr [b]Segment 3- Good Friends, Better Enemies...[/b] [i]*RVD is backstage warming up when he's approached by Bobby Lashley*[/i] [b]Lashley[/b]: Well ain't you a piece of work. Here I was having respect for you and all and what do you do? You go ahead and get me screwed out of not only my ECW title and my one chance to reclaimit but you gone ahead and weaseled your way into a shot didn't you? What the hell happened to you Rob? You used to be such a cool laid back guy. Now you're just- [b]Rob Van Dam[/b]: I'm just what? Just miserable son of a b***h? Yeah well gusse what when your working for a company that doesn't care about you. That took the strap off you just because of your beliefs in the good herb. Yeah that's right I was smoking weed, what of it? I was and still am the greatest wrestler ever and that title should be mine but the higher ups just keep f**king me over. First Vince, then Heyman, then Eric Bischoff, and finally God too. *looks up* F*BLEEP*k you. So stay the hell out of my way Bobby or I'm going to go all Punisher on you're ass. 2007 will be the year of ROB...VAN...DAM! [i]*RVD walks off*[/i] [b]Segment 4- Lil' Slut[/b] [i]*Punk is shown backstage on his cell*[/i] [b]Punk[/b]: No Kelly... No, when I see him I'm going to kick his ass. I don't know why you even did that.... Don't you love me? ... KELLY! ... [i]*Looks down at his phone as Mike Knox comes up behind him*[/i] [b]Punk[/b]: She hung up... [b]Knox[/b]: She's poison don't fall into her trap. [b]Punk[/b]: What the hell do you want Knox? [b]Knox[/b]: Relax. Look, man, now that I'm free of her I can see just how much better off I was with out her. You want to know why I was so paranoid and controlling? That girl sleeps around. ALOT! Shes like a sexed up 5 year old with ADD she can't stick to one crush for a second. [b]Punk[/b]: Shut up. [i]*Knox holds up his hands*[/i] [b]Knox[/b]: Fine. Help those who help themselves. But my advice would be to dump her. You'll be better off. [b]Segment 5 Match- The Fabulous Four (Kanyon, Orlando, Christopher and Danielle Star) vs Rene Dupree, Trinity and the FBI[/b] [b]Description[/b]: The Fab Four are 3 guys and lesbian... at least that's what everyone thought until the end when Trinity got in the ring up against Danielle. Trinity went for a body slam but freaked out when she notice "HOLY CRAP! SHE'S GOT A DICK!" Danielle used the shock to his/her advantage nailing Trinity with the dragon suplex for the win. The crowd really got behind the Fab Four as faces do to the comedic spots in the match. After the win they posed Charlie Angels style. [b]Winner[/b]: The Fabulous Four [b]Segment 6 Match- Sabu vs Sean Morley[/b] [b]Description[/b]: Squash match. Sabu hits the Arabian facebuster for the win. After the match, Kevin Thorn and Ariel ran down to the ring and put a rain on Sabu's parade, putting him threw a table on the outside of the ring. [b]Winner[/b]: Sabu [i]*After the match, Kevin got on the Mic*[/i] [b]Thorn[/b]: THE TIME OF THE BLOODRAYNE DRAWS EVER 'NEAR! Sabu! You will be the first to face the wraith of my headmasters' as next week I will import a being more Homicidal, More Suicidal, and even More Death-Dfying then you! Mwa Ha ha ha ha ha! [b]Segment 7 MAINEVENT- The Great Kahli /w Daivari vs Rob Van Dam for a shot at the ECW title at the Royal Rumble Cage Match. EXTREME RULZ[/b] [b]Description[/b]: RVD attacks, Kahli no sells, Kahli takes RVD down with one punch. Repeat for 8 minutes. Finally RVD manages to take Kahli down with a Van Terminator off the top rope. RVD went top rope for a frog splash but then jumped off as he say Lashley standing at the entrance way. Kahli rolled RVD up but only for a two. Kahli seemed poised for victory when Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman ran out. Using duel Singapore canes they slowly chopped the big man down and Tommy nailed Kahli with a DDT. RVD went top rope for a frogsplash for the win. [b]Winner and moves on to the cage match[/b]: Rob Van Dam [i]*The show ends with RVD celebrating as ECW goes off the air.*[/i] [u][i][b]Show Rating: C-[/b][/i][/u][/color][/quote] ---
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