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The 4 Head Bookers of the Apocalypse (C-Verse)

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Gosh darnit, I'm going to have a successful multi-player diary even if I have to force everyone in the world to book all those shows I'm not running. This is just a post to get things started, not a backstory post or anything because they will come later. There are four (yes, FOUR) of us playing and we're all going to be good at our jobs. At least, thats the plan because we're playing straight edge mode and if we fail, we're fired, destined to head elsewhere if we're lucky. :) Here's who's playing this time. Derek B - USPW (I'm sad, I'm sad) Goldenskillz - TCW (he's bad, he's bad) Sensai of Mattitude - DaVE (he's rad, he's rad) Chriswok - CZCW (he's... Chris, probably. Might be mad) Updates, backstories, characters, hirings, firings, steals, working agreements, gosh knows what await us all..... tune in or... y'know, don't. Its your choice, but it'll be fun, so tune in!! I promise to make USPW worth watching, even if their roster would be improved if Big Smack Scott joined them. Really, its a long term plan :)
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Monday week 1 Jan 07 [quote=CZCW.COM - IN THE ZONE!] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/newsbanner.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][CENTER][U]2006 Review[/U][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]----[/CENTER] With 2006 firmly behind us and 2007 swelling up into a killer hang time wave, CZCW.com looks back at what can only be described as a monumental year. It was more of the same really until the arrival of [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] as our new owner. The new owner brought with him a new change and a new name for [B]CZCW[/B], changing from Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling to Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, it also brought with it some guidance and hope of establishment. However, the changes didn't sit well with everyone, as the returning [B]Citizen X[/B], who had been sidelined for several months due to injury, soon took offence to the commercialization and corporate stench that fell over CZCW since Andersons take over. X has vowed to take down the establishment within CZCW and restore some good old random chaos back into the area he once called 'The Zone'. Wrestlers themselves changed, as the once good friends and tag team of [B]Donnie J[/B] and [B]Jimmy P[/B] broke up and started on a bitter fued. Many say it was Donnie J winning the title that caused Jimmy P, now going under the name of [B]James Prudence[/B], to become jealous and turn on his friend. And finally we'd like to welcome a change to our announce team this coming year. [B]Kable[/B] will be joining Cliff Anderson in the commentary booth for all the shows, offering his insight and views on the action in the ring. [CENTER][I]Stay tuned for a roster update in the following few days, as well as a special announcement![/I][/CENTER] [/quote] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]Kable's View[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Well there it was, a said closing the internet browser. Confirmation on CZCW website that I was their new commentator, I guess all those tapes I sent them with me overdubbing my own commentating over the top of their shows worked. It felt like a long shot, but apparantly Cliff Anderson thought I was good enough to come down and try out at a show. At first I thought the email was a joke, even if it did have @CZCW.com domain on the end of it. [quote=cliffanderson@CZCW.com] For the love of God, Kid, STOP SENDING US THOSE DAMN TAPES! You've got a good voice, and as it happens Farrah can't make a show this Monday. Come down, run your mouth for us and we'll see what happens. Cliff Anderson[/quote] Is it sad I still have that in my inbox, probably, but it's worth the read now and again. Whatever I did at that show, must have impressed Anderson as I was offered a standby job pretty much there and then incase Farrah couldn't make any other future shows due to her commitments. Strangely, Farrah did have other commitments and I was called up some more, until eventually they had me as the regular commentator. Remember kids... if you want something in life just keep sending people dodgy tapes over and over and over again, until they give in. - Kable
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DaVE gets a new head booker... [img]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6144/dave4ne.png[/img] I met Nemesis for the first time in 2002, when DaVE were almost at the height of their success, and were doing a show in London. At the time I was on the 21CW booking team, and me and a few other guys decide to go and see the show. Afterwards we went backstage, they said that they had seen some of our stuff, and we ended up hitting bars across London with them. They showed us a great time, and Dave (Nemesis) especially was an awesome guy. By the end of the night he had taken me under his wing as his British drinking buddy. At the end of the night we said our farewells, and I was shocked to ever have even spoken to Nemesis in person. It was so cool. 2003 rolled around, and DaVE came to the United Kingdom for a second time. I decided to get tickets to the show, and after the show I managed to get a chance to meet the guys of DaVE once again, as I hung around outside for hours. I managed to get up to Nemesis, who didn’t remember me. “George Kneller?” I asked. My name must have rung a bell somewhere, because his face lit up as I said it. He asked my how things were going with 21CW. “Actually, I’m not working for them anymore,” I told him. “A much bigger offer was proposed by a new promotion, not sure if you’ve heard of them, they’re called London Wrestling Unlimited? LWU for short.” He didn’t seem familier with the name. “Well anyway, in December they opened up, and they offered [i]me[/i] the head booker position! They’re only a small promotion, but still, head booker is a huge chance for me.” Nemesis seemed delighted for me. “When’s your next show?” he asked me. “Tommorow night, actually – hey, why don’t you come along? It would be a huge honor for you to be able to see some of my work!” Dave quickly checked his schedule, before telling me, “Great! I’d love to!” I told him the venue and time, and sure enough, he loved the show. He gave me his phone number, his e-mail address, and told me to keep in contact and let me know how things with LWU were going. After just over a year and a half – the best year and a half of my life – LWU folded. I was devastated, since I had become so attached to my job. I told myself that this would be the end, and that I had to start to enjoy wrestling as a fan and nothing else. I couldn’t put myself through the pain of losing a job that I loved so much again. So I had officially hung up my booking boots… I figured that December 29th 2006 would be just like any day. I woke up, had a shower, ate breakfast and picked up today’s newspapers. After a flick through I went to check my e-mail, just like I usually would. But, something was strange. I had received an e-mail from Dave Campbell – I hadn’t heard from Nemesis for months! Not since his decision to retire, in actual fact. I opened the e-mail, and proceeded to read on. [b][i]I’ve had enough of this ****…[/i][/b] I could immediately tell that Dave wasn’t happy. [b][i]My soon-to-be-ex wife is putting my through ****ing hell…[/b][/i] Ah, yes. Dave had mentioned in his last e-mail that his wife had asked for a divorce, and that she was driving him crazy. I guess divorce is the only way to go for a couple like that. [b][i]And I can never do a ****ing thing to please Vibert…[/i][/b] Hmm, last time we spoke Phil and Dave seemed fine with each other. Something must have happened between the two. [b][i]I put the title on Eddie Peak, “Oh, that’s way too early.” I try to get Alex Braun and Tank Bradley over with a decent tag title reign, “Oh, blah blah blah, I liked The New Wave better.” Heck, he’s even ****ing moaning about me booking Acid and Jack Geidroyc for Back in Black on New Years Day. I’m telling you, NOTHING will EVER please the damn guy… I’ve had enough, George, I’m tellin’ ya. I’ve let Phil know damn well that I’m not happy with the way things are going, it’s getting too much for me. He’s tried to offer the job to Shawn Gonzalez, however… There’s a clause in my contract that states if I ever leave my job as Head Booker, but remain in the company, I get to decide who takes over (yeah, I was a bitch with that contract. I don’t want to see DaVE go to hell, for the love of God). I have too much love for DaVE to leave over some dispute with the owner, so I’m going to stay on as a road agent. But you see, I want to give somebody a huge chance. George, I want to give this spot to YOU.[/i][/b] I was shocked as I read these words. My mouth was gaped open for minutes – I had to re-read it over and over to clarify what I was reading was real. [b][i]Now, this may come as a bit of a shock, but keep reading. I’ve booked a journey for you and your wife an a 5-Star hotel until you find a place to settle. It’s all on me. There’s a few things that I need to note before we get started. The card for DaVE’s Back in Black for Sunday night is booked, you may make any additions or changes that you wish. It will be faxed to you later today. Eddie Peak and Chris Caulfield are in a very heated feud at the moment, and I’d advise you to continue that for at least a few months. Other feuds that should probably be continued are Jack Geidroyc vs. Acid, for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title, and Alex Braun/Tank Bradley vs The New Wave (Guide & Scout), for the DAVE Tag Team titles. I have been building Jack Geidroyc up over the past few months and hope to make him into a real star. I’d love you to continue this, because I see a lot of promise in the kid, and I’d definitely like to see a DAVE Unified Championship reign in the future. That is all. The roster can be found [url=http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/5641/daveroster5zz.png]here[/url]: <-- Just click the link. The plain details will be faxed later today with the Back in Black card. For any other details just e-mail me back. Thanks, Dave ‘Nemesis’ Campbell[/i][/b] I was still shocked. So here I was, about to make the biggest decision of my life. Was I going to accept the DaVE head booker spot? HELL YEAH!!! __________________________________________________ It was January 1st, 2007, and my first day working for DaVE. Nemesis too me to lunch at this awesome place that did the finest subs, and wanted to sit down and talk with me about the future of DaVE and it’s superstars. “You probably figured that DaVE isn’t doing too well right now. There’s a few guys that I believe we should be building the company around. The current main eventers, of course, but I have hopes for some of the undercard to be future Unified Champions – Sammy Bach, well, he’s a big prospect. You should probably keep an eye on Art Reed and Joey Minnesota, too. There’s a few guys, like Vin Tanner, that I don’t see going anywhere soon – but it’s worth too keep them around. A few others don’t have much hope in a promotion of our size, but I’ll leave that to you…” We talked about a lot of other things, such as the feuds going on, future of Championships, and tag teams. At the end of our meeting, Dave got up and shook my hand. “Good luck, kid. I’m sure you’re gonna do a great job as head booker. If you need any advice, I’ve always got your back.”
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[i][b][u]Character Background[/b][/u]: Kestrel Rose was born on August 3rd, 1987 to a very comfortably well off couple in the state of New York. His father, Jack, has spent the better part of thirty years traveling around the world and has made a lot of money, allowing his wife Kate to raise their son with all the benefits that money can have. With a private education combined with the joys of money, Kestrel was always years ahead of his peers in academic terms and has graduated with a degree in business, a circle of wealthy friends and a trust fund stacked with cash. With connections to wrestling through his father, who helped Sam Strong purchase USPW, and through his own chance encounters with wrestlers, Kestrel spent whatever time he could during his education training as an amateur wrestler in high school and then as a pro since attending university. With a GPA of 3.5 and several hundred thousand of his own dollars earned through a series of business interests that he shrewdly invested in, Kestrel's reputation for success preceeds him wherever he goes. However, much like his father, success has also gone to his head somewhat. Knowing that he is undoubtedly skilled in the wrestling ring but that he would almost inevitably end up being bullied thanks to his pretty-boy looks and money background, Kestrel used the connections his father had within USPW to manipulate himself into the promotion's hierarchy, eventually buying out his father's majority stake in the business by convincing him that it would be more profitable to invest elsewhere, but that he'd also like to keep the family interest in USPW as a "pet project"for himself. As such, the 19 year old Kestrel Rose has worked his way to power within USPW at a young age and is engaging in an exceptionally heated discussion with fellow USPW cohort, [b]Sam Strong[/b] about the running of the business. As business partners you would expect people to disagree about a lot of things. As a former star wrestler with exceptional charisma, you'd expect Sam Strong to be able to handle negotiations quite easily. As a master businessman, you'd expect Kestrel Rose to be able to negotiate like a professional. It's a case of the irresistable force meeting the immovable object, something has to give. And the first things to give in this epic "board meeting" were three people......[/i] [QUOTE][CENTER][b][u][size=3]Firings in USPW! New Booker Axes Three Workers![/b][/u][/size][/CENTER] The young businessman turned professional wrestler [b]Kestrel Rose[/b] today released three workers from their USPW contracts. While no exact reasons were given by Rose himself, there were many rumours circulating that he and [b]Sam Strong[/b] spent quite some time arguing about the releases, with very strong rumours that the youngster wanted to fire more people and would have if it weren't for Sam Strong's direct intervention. Here is a list of the workers and their previous roles within the company. • Patrick Cool (in ring talent, opening worker) • Sheik Mustafa (retired wrestler turned manager) • Robbie Sanchez (second string referee) Sam Strong thanked each man for his respective contribution to USPW and said he wished them the best of luck in their future endeavours. [/QUOTE] Further rumours have been circulating that the new booker has been looking to bring in a lot of new talent for the USPW roster. With the roster currently consisting largely of veteran talents putting on a very nostalgic 80s style product, Kestrel Rose was though to be trying to convince Sam Strong that they needed a serious revamp, even going so far as to cite rivals Total Championship Wrestling as an example of an old school product that has been updated for the new millenium. It's unsure exactly how much ground was taken from under Sam Strong, a former TCW champion himself, but rumours once again have been doing the rounds that Sam agreed in principle to some minor changes to the product itself, at the very least acknowledging that, as Kestrel Rose put it "[b][color="red"]Some of these guys have been legends for a long time [Sam], they don't have a lot of years left to give to the company and we need to look to the future to ensure that there IS a future[/b][/COLOR]" An unconfirmed number of workers have been contacted with strong rumours that Kestrel Rose has personally set his sights on bringing in indy star [b]Jack Griffith[/b] to become a major heel within the company, something that Sam Strong supposedly actually gave his backing to. Whether this comes to fruition or not is another thing. Right now, here is a look at how the current roster of USPW shapes up from a fan's perspective, after the initial roster cuts.
[CENTER][size=3][b][u]ROSTER[/b][/u][/SIZE] [COLOR="blue"]Faces in blue[/COLOR] - [COLOR="red"]heels in red[/COLOR] [b][u]MAIN EVENT[/b][/u] [COLOR="blue"]Bruce the Giant[/COLOR] - (USPW World Champion since Oct 2006) [COLOR="red"]Demon Anger Demon Spite Peter Valentine T-Rex[/COLOR] [b][u]UPPER MIDCARD[/b][/u] [COLOR="blue"]Freddie Datsun Warlord Agony Warlord Pain[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Corporal Doom Giant Redwood[/COLOR] [b][u]MIDCARD[/b][/u] [COLOR="blue"]Captain USA Darryl Devine Jim Force[/COLOR] - (USPW National Champion since Oct 2006) [COLOR="red"]Danny Rushmore - (USPW Tag Team Champion since Oct 2006) Java Mick Muscles - (USPW Tag Team Champion since Oct 2006) Tribal Warrior[/COLOR] [b][u]LOWER MIDCARD[/b][/u] [COLOR="blue"]Al The Hillbilly Pete The Hillbilly[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Eric The Bull Lex Appeal[/COLOR] [b][u]JOB SQUAD[/b][/u] [COLOR="blue"]Cheetah Boy[/COLOR] Tom E. Hawk [COLOR="red"]Kestrel Rose[/COLOR] [b][u]TAG TEAMS[/u][/b] [COLOR="blue"]The Forces of America - Captain USA and Jim Force The Hillbillys - Al The Hillbilly and Pete the Hillbilly The Lords of War - Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Savage Fury - Java and Tribal Warrior The Demons of Rage - Deomn Anger and Demon Spite The Towers of Power - Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles[/COLOR] [b][u]NON-WRESTLERS[/b][/u] [COLOR="blue"]Seduction[/COLOR] - manager of Darryl Devine [COLOR="red"]Danny Jillefski[/COLOR] - Lead Announcer [COLOR="blue"]Sam Strong[/COLOR] - Colour Commentator/Authority Figure/Road Agent [COLOR="red"]Shane Sneer[/COLOR] - Manager of Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles Micky Starr - Colour Commentator/Road Agent Baby Jamie - Junior (and currently Senior) Referee[/CENTER]
[QUOTE][CENTER][size=3][b][u]USPW Programming?[/b][/u] [i]Coming Soon To Your TV?[/i][/size][/CENTER] After a long, long, looong time in this cross between a board meeting and a shouting based version of Armageddon, discussions finally turned to the creative direction of the company once more. Even with several new faces expected to make their debuts over the coming months it is confirmed that a number of booking plans have been made, largely by Sam Strong himself as Kestrel seems to have either ran out of cards to play, or simply wanted to not seem like the boss from hell. As Bruce the Giant continues to reign strong as the USPW champion, fending off challenges from both members of Savage Fury, the devastating Giant Redwood and the legendary former SWF champion Corporal Doom, he now faces the challenge of one of the legendary tag team combinations of all time... [b]The Demons of Rage[/b]. Bruce has already been attacked and laid out by these two men, each of which have yet to find the same success in singles competition as they have around the world in tag team competition. Sensing that the World's most dominant champion is weakened and without an ally, they have laid out a challenge to Bruce and anyone he can find to be his partner for this week's USPW American Wrestling. Will Bruce be able to find a partner at short notice? Or will he simply try to go it alone? You'll have to stay tuned to find out. Also on the show, [b]Jim Force[/b] will attempt to make another defense of his USPW National championship as he takes on one half of the USPW Tag Team Champions, [b]Danny Rushmore[/b]! The energetic powerhouse has proved to be almost unbeatable lately as he has steamrollered through much of the lower-card but this could stop his momentum dead in its tracks as Rushmore looks to add more championship gold to his collection. [b]Kestrel Rose[/b] will be making his television debut on the show too as he steps into the ring for his first competitive match. Rumours are that he's been training as a wrestler for several years now with a number of stars. But with the identities of his trainers unknown and with no footage having been leaked yet, how will he fair on his debut? Will his star shine as brightly in the wrestling ring as it has in the business world? Or will he crash and burn at the first hurdle of his pro career?! The only way to find out for sure is to tune in to USPW American Wrestling this Wednesday, where you can see legends from the past clash with legends of the future every week![/QUOTE]
[CENTER][b][u][size=3]Final Thoughts From A New Booker [/b][/u][/size][/CENTER] [i]I don't care what people say about the way I've taken over USPW, it's practically mine now. But that "legend" is stuck in his ways and was dead set against allowing me to make too many changes to his company. Sure, USPW was the hottest place in wrestling for the first few months after Sam Strong took over. He went to Japan to BHOTWG for a few months after the INSPIRE thing and he brought Buce back with him.. great. But lets face it, he doesn't know how to book an exciting product, he doesn't know how to make money. The SWF was dull when he had the book and was losing money until after the whole Nemesis/Cornell incident that helped revolutionise the whole company. After that... the SWF just stole Nemesis's ideas from DaVE and sold them to the majority of fans under the SWF banner. Hell, Strong done the same thing in TCW too. Sam Strong vs Rip Chord in their epic decade long rivalry.... trust me, it felt like longer to a lot of people. At least they've shook things up a bit and updated their own image too. And now, I'm going to do the same thing to USPW. It's got the potential to make a lot of money but it needs the right person in charge of things. With a hell of a lot of popularity behind it for no justified reason that I can see, USPW could really go places but it needs a shake up. Sure, its made a little money but people will only pay to see these old guys a few more times before they get bored. Even Dad knew that... well, once I told him anyways. Hah! As part of my new goals I've set myself, with Sam's "help" I've put some limits on. If I can't make any money on this thing within two years, I'm pulling the plug. I don't know how much money Strong has stashed away somewhere but I hope he can afford to buy out my 3 million stake in the company. Just in case. And as part of my revolution, its time usher out the old and bring in the new. I'm looking for an almost total roster turn-around over the next few years. Almost all of USPW biggest "stars" are over 40 and they need to be replaced fast... and our undercard doesn't have the talent to do that. Hell, our main event doesn't have the talent to do that. So I'm bringing in new, young, athletic, non-injury prone guys. At least a D in my personal grading system in athleticism and a C- in resilience otherwise you won't even get a look in. I think thats more than fair. And as far as who I'm bringing in... well, I don't want to totally change things around here on the first day. I'm after people who can still work the crowd to keep Sam Strong happy, people who can brawl so that the easily entertained fans can still be easily entertained... but at least guys who are better at both. Even some decent technical workers to remind people that we have people who really [i]can[/i] wrestle, not just punch and kick. Kids love wrestling, parents like to see their kids happy, parents spend money on PPVs. I figure if we can tap into that and perhaps throw in some elements of the other big promotions to keep things from turning into a PG snorefest... I figure I can make [i][b]millions[/b][/i]. [center]I'm [b]Kestrel Rose[/b], entrepreneur, wrestler, self-made millionaire. Reminds you of someone who used to wrestle right here in USPW, doesn't it?[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TCW-1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [QUOTE]From the pages of [url]www.TCW.com[/url] With the start of 2007 comes a ground breaking announcement, Total Championship Wrestling has today announced that a new face will be taking over as the head booker. Whilst Tommy Cornell will remain the owner and Joel Bryant will remain on the booking team there will be a new face in the head booker spot. That spot is taken by wrestling new comer Sam. Not much is known about this individual and it has come as a surprise to many people within the wrestling world. Whether this was the right choice or not remains to be seen but it has been described as a risky move by most people in the know. Tommy Cornell released a statement this morning that reads as follows “Today is a huge day in the history of not only TCW but of wrestling as a whole. In an effort to help us up our game and step up the challenge against SWF we have decided to take radical action and have installed a new head booker. Whilst Joel Bryant the previous head booker will remain on the booking staff he will no longer have complete control. The man replacing him (Sam) is relatively unknown but from what I have seen from him I know just what he is capable of and the quickest way to tackle SWF is to put this guy at the helm. I have no doubts that 2007 will be the best year for TCW thanks to our talented roster and the wrestling vision of Sam.” The first act by the new head booker has been to revalue the roster to identify who should remain on the books and who should be offloaded from the payroll if TCW are to challenge SWF successfully. We understand that around 5 to 8 people’s jobs are in jeopardy with a further 5’s value to the company also under question. On top of that Sam is looking to bring in a fresh batch of new talent. Who these people are is still unknown at this early stage but TCW.com has been informed that they will help to in rich the TCW roster. TCW officials have told their fans to sit back and get ready to enjoy the wrestling action that will blow you away. From this moment forward TCW becomes the True home Of Wrestling. [/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]It’s My Time Now [/B] [/CENTER] I will make this short but sweet since I have a lot to do in my first few days in the job and I don’t have much time. So it finally happened I got the break I deserved. Sam (That’s me putz) is the new head booker of the beloved TCW, now there are rumours that TCW’s popularity is waning and their status in the wrestling world could drop. If that does happen I vow to ensure they climb back up and compete with the juggernaught that is SWF. I will step up to the plate and I can ensure the fans that I will keep hitting home run after home F’n run. If I am totally honest this whole thing has happened so fast and is such a shock and a blur to me. One minute I heard about Bryant losing his job not thinking twice about how it would affect me. Next thing I know I’m signing a contract to officially become TCW’s new head booker. The only problem is looking around this roster sure isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. There are going to be some drastic changes to keep this thing going, Ronnie V.Pain, Texas Pete. Those guys don’t exactly fill you with confidence when thinking of this company’s future. But I will be building for the future and I am hopeful of bringing in some highly talented young individuals to help TCW into a new era. A new era in which TCW will become the true home of wrestling. Sure it might sound corny and a little ****y but I have high hopes for TCW and I can just tell SWF are going to self destruct. All I have to do is sit back, keep TCW as the superior product and watch the giants fall. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="6"] This week on[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TotalWrestlingTV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]BLZ Bubb vs. ???[/COLOR] – Its not often BLZ steps into the ring as the smaller man but according to TCW’s new authority figure Sam that’s exactly what will happen here. Just like you the fans we have no idea who BLZ will be facing all we know is he will make BLZ look small in comparison. [COLOR="Red"]Giant Tana vs. Genghis Rahn [/COLOR]– The hardcore legend Genghis Rahn will face off against rising star Giant Tana. Will Rahn be able to come out on top, will the normal rules play against the man known as the king of hardcore. The Arizona Assassin sure will have his work cut out against the huge figure of Giant Tana. Will Tana be able to put the Assassin to sleep or will Rahn’s experience pay out. [COLOR="Red"]Rick Law vs. Ricky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins for the TCW International title [/COLOR]– These three men all under 25 are considered the future of wrestling and the future of TCW. These three will face off this Tuesday for Rocky’s TCW International title. Will Rocky over come the odds and retain the belt or will one of the talented youngsters, Rick Law or Wolf Hawkins walk away with gold around there waist. [COLOR="Red"]Liberty vs. Troy Tornado[/COLOR] – Two of the biggest stars in TCW will face off this Tuesday but who will leave victorious. Will the older but equally talented Liberty fight off this brash young star. Or will the younger but dastardly Tornado be able to put down the legendary Liberty. Tune in to find out which man will come out of this bout victorious. [COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson for the TCW World Championship [/COLOR]– The Main Event will be for TCW’s World Championship. The some times invincible Tommy Cornell steps through the ropes to face off against Ricky Dale Johnson. There have been rumours going around this week that Tommy C is refusing to fight. If that is the case RDJ will have another opponent, we will keep you updated with what we know.
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I arrived at the McGaw Arena on time for DaVE Back in Black, and was very welcome upon the other guys there. Things went pretty smoothly before the show, and the fans began to show up, which seemed amazing to me since London Wrestling Unlimited tended to get crowds around the 500 region. About half an hour before the show, Johnny Martin approached me in his wrestling gear. “Hey sir. I was just wondering, since I’m not booked tonight and haven’t been in action for a while, if I’d be able to work a dark match?” I reviewed the roster for a while, until I came to the decision – I had a pair of sweats on me, and heck, I’d love to work in front of an arena this big. Although I hadn’t wrestled a proper match in years, I knew how to sell, which was all I needed to do. So I quickly got changed, ready for the first – and possibly last, knowing my physical condition – match in DaVE. [center][img] http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6144/dave4ne.png[/img] [b]DaVE Back in Black Monday, Week 1, January 2007[/b] [i](Held at the sold-out McGaw Arena in front of 5,000 people)[/i][/center] [b]Dark match: Johnny Martin vs. George Kneller[/b] I went out there and, I’m not gonna lie, the fans absolutely hated me. The fans weren’t impressed to see me whatsoever. It was a good thing that I was set to get absolutely no offence in the match, as one or more people would have probably died. Johnny Martin went over after a Twist on the Rocks. Last time I’m gonna be entering a ring in a while. [b]D-[/b] [b]DAVE Brass Knuckles title: Acid vs. Jack Geidroyc (c)[/b] I felt that, after my poor showing, we needed to start the show with a somewhat well-hyped match. It definitely seemed to work, as the fans were much more impressed than the last match. The match ended at the 13:13 mark after Jack Geidroyc got a roll-up out of nowhere, after countering the Acid Rain Bomb. I wanted to continue the feud, so a win after a finisher didn’t seem the way to go. [b]C+[/b] Carl Batch was standing backstage with Eddie Peak, and began to rant about how his client was going to defeat Chris Caulfield tonight. [b]C+[/b] [b]Shawn Gonzalez vs. Joey Minnesota[/b] This match didn’t go quite as well as I was hoping, which I was quite disappointed with. I really wanted to start a feud between the two, hence why I had them go to a double count out after 11:07. I’d like to be able to refer to Minnesota as an ‘Upper Midcarder’ somewhen in the near future, and I figured Gonzalez might have been able to help him. Ah well, who knows, maybe their next encounter will be better than their first. [b]D+[/b] Eric Tyler guarantees victory over Big Cat Brendan tonight. [b]B[/b] [b]Adrenaline Rush & Art Reed vs. The McWade Brothers & JD Morgan[/b] One word: Yuck! This match wasn’t on the initial card, nor were any of the competitors, but I was way too excited to wait for a showing of Sammy Bach who Nemesis had seemed to have had good words for. Maybe sticking him in a 6-Man Tag match was the wrong choice. The match ended as Sammy Bach made Dallas McWade submit with a Bach on Your Back. [b]E+[/b] Both Hell’s Bouncer and Travis Century are backstage, discussing how both of them need some gold around their waists. You can probably tell where I’m going with this. I really want to team the two due to their similar gimmicks, let’s hope that they can show some good chemistry. [b]C+[/b] [b]DAVE Tag Team titles: The New Jersey Devils (c) vs. The New Wave[/b] I couldn’t believe the poor reaction that Tank Bradley got on his way to the ring, but the match itself would leave me even more disappointed. From what I’d heard the two teams had put on some pretty decent matches, but this time wasn’t the case. Guide looked particularly good out there though, which was definitely something for the notepad. After a bit of miscommunication, Alex Braun defeated Scout with a Braun Damage. [b]D[/b] After a short interval, the camera goes to The New Waves’ locker room, where Guide doesn’t look happy at Scout for losing the match. After a few heated comments, both men leave the locker room, the obvious tension still there. [b]C-[/b] [b]Grudge Match: Eric Tyler vs. Big Cat Brandon[/b] It’s a shame that Nemesis had entitled this ‘Grudge Match’, because I would have loved to continue this storyline. Yeah, finally a good match. It went over really well, which I was happy with, and the finish came as Eric Tyler pinned Brandon after a Tradition Lift. [b]B-[/b] Chris Caulfield is backstage, and he gives an interview on how he’s gonna try his best tonight to defeat the DAVE Unified Champion, Eddie Peak. [b]C+[/b] [b]DAVE Unified title: Chris Caulfield vs. Eddie Peak (c)[/b] This was an average match, defiantly not what I was hoping for after the build up I had given it. Eddie Peak got the win after a subtle Low Blow followed by a devastating Peak of Perfection. [b]C-[/b] [b]Overall Thoughts:[/b] Overall, I don’t think it was such a bad show – there were some things that I’ll learn from, like booking myself in a match at the last minute, or adding an unscheduled 6-man tag match full of undercarders on a big show. I don’t think that it was too bad of a start to my career, though. [b]Overall Show Rating: C[/b]
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[I]Tuesday Week 1 Jan 07[/I] [quote=CZCW.COM - IN THE ZONE!] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/newsbanner.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT 1[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] As promised yesterday on CZCW.com we had a major announcement to make regarding the future of CZCW and its shows. Starting this month CZCW will be holding its first weekly event down at The Simmons Center this Friday! [I]Contact the Simmons Center box office, or book online at CZCW.com[/I] Matches confirmed so far include: [CENTER][B]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/B] [B]Fox Mask[/B] v [B]Donnie J [/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] -v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fox Mask finally gets a chance to reclaim the title that Donnie J won from him back in November. Can he out Fox CZCW's very own Poster Child? TURN UP TO FIND OUT! [CENTER] [B]Citizen X [/B]v [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Citizen X hasn't been happy since Cliff Anderson took over CZCW, claiming Anderson for the corporate renaming of the Coastal Zone to fit in with a mainstream society. Not only that, but X eyes Matt Sparrow as the perfect example of mainstream culture slipping into a Zone that he once called 'The Combat Zone'. [CENTER][B]Cougar[/B] and [B]Skye[/B] v [B]Flying Jimmy[/B] and [B]Snap Dragon[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Cougar and Skye have teamed up in an attempt to win the tag titles from Jimmy and Snap. Can the rookie team succeed? [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT 2 - Partnership Ahoy![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/logo/NOTBPW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/logo/CZCW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As if the news that [B]CZCW[/B] was offering a weekly outing live each week from the Simmons Center, news reached us today that [B]North of the Boarder Pro Wrestling[/B] (NOTBPW) have agreed to a partnership with CZCW! All of us at CZCW would like to thank [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] and [B]Dan Stone[/B] for their hard work in coming to an agreement that will surely be beneficial to both companies. However, while this news is no doubt good news to everyone at CZCW and NOTBPW, CZCW.com did receive a message from [B]Citizen X[/B] regarding the agreement. [I][COLOR="Blue"]"This is even more proof that Cliff Anderson is taking this once independant forefront of modern wrestling into the dark cess pit, backstabbing infested regions of Commercializim, Mainstream SPORT ENTERTAINMENT wrestling. I promise you, that there's a society out there that is growing, emerging, becoming stronger with each passing moment. One day they will come together to rebel against this Corporate America and the infestation of the Wrestling Business."[/COLOR][/I][/quote] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][U]Kable's View[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]Anderson had gathered the boys (and the girl) all together last night, at least those who could make it, to tell them about the weekly show he had in store. It was mainly to gauge their reactions and see who would want to the extra work, thankfully everyone was interesting, Cliff was pleased. "[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Basically, Kid,[/COLOR]" Cliff started. "[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I've got a few goals I've set myself.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"I'll pull the plug on the whole thing, CZCW as a whole, if we haven't gained more interest after a year. It doesn't come cheap running a promotion, Kid, so if you ever have a crazy dream stirring in your mind, remember what what wise man Anderson told you that cold night in Janurary. Likewise, I'll turn tail if people start to see us as some sort of Mickey Mouse wrestling promotion. I'm putting my life, Kid, my life, into CZCW. EVERYTHING! I don't want people to think we're some joke feeder promotion for the 'big leagues'. I want us, in the near future, to BE the Big Leagues! "Obviously, with some common sense, and smart booking, we can make this happen. As such, I'm going to need some help, I'm not going to kid ya, Kid, I usually like to take things on by the scruff of the neck and see it through personally, but I'm going to need right hand man. I was going to ask Farrah, but she's got so much on her plate already she's spread too thin. You however, Kid, you work for me, and only me! I want you to watch tapes, trade tapes, buy tapes, steal tapes, WHATEVER, of every promotion and every worker out there. You're my talent scout, you're my man, Kid, to bounce ideas off. "Just don't go getting people to turn up who are going to get injured or move around like a Rusty Cadillac, Kid...[/COLOR]" Personally, I think the idea is awesome and could be what CZCW needs to finally propell itself out of the safe little niche they've made for themselves over the last 15 years. Sure being the hometown promotion can have its benefits, but it's never going to get you anywhere, it's never going to get the town on the map. Besides, something tells me Cliff Anderson isn't the type of person to sit by for the next 15 years witout people knowing who he is and what he's done. I get the impression that he see's his role as Owner as a chance to get his name in the rags, after the somewhat lackluster indie career he had. Now the hard part came, having to wait till Friday, I fell like a kid at Christmas... strangely, I was one of those kids that looked for, found and opened his presents about 3 weeks early...[/SIZE]
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[center][img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4601/davedotcomvz9.png[/img] [B]DaVE Danger Zone TV Preview[/B] [img]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3816/jackgiedroycbl6.jpg[/img] [B]vs.[/B] [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2726/erictylerfq9.jpg[/img] [b]Jack Giedroyc vs. Eric Tyler[/b] Both men got the win over their respectful opponents on Monday at Back in Black, but who will come out on top when these two men face off in the main event of Danger Zone TV on Thursday? [img]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2543/chriscaufieldqk3.jpg[/img] [b]Chris Caulfield speaks on being screwed out of the DaVE Unified Championship[/b] On Monday night Eddie Peak got a cheap win against Chris Caulfield, retaining the DaVE Unified title. On Thursday, Caulfield publicly lets his feelings be known when he's given the mic. [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/6954/shawngonzalezte2.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/6097/joeyminnesotazt0.jpg[/img] [b]Shawn Gonzalez vs. Joey Minnesota[/b] The two went to a double count out on Monday night, what will happen on Danger Zone TV when they face in a no count out, no disqualification match? [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/8360/hellsbouncerkr3.jpg[/img] [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/4725/traviscenturykt5.jpg[/img] [b]The Quest Begins[/b] At DaVE Back in Black, Hells Bouncer and Travis Century agreed to team up and get some gold around their waists. Their hunt for the DaVE Tag Team Championships begins on Tuesday night. [b]And Much, Much More![/b][/center]
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[CENTER][B] This show was held at V.Thompson Arena in front of 8,336 fans[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] [U] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TCW-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"]TCW presents [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TotalWrestlingTV.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [/U] [B]Segment 1 [/B] – The show opens up in the office of TCW’s new authority figure Sam S. Sam is about to inform the fans of what matches will be taking place tonight when Tommy Cornell bursts through the door. Tommy C says he is not facing Ricky Dale Johnson tonight in a title match, its his title and he should be allowed to choose who he faces so tonight….the match is NOT going to happen. Sam listens, then warns that Tommy Cornell had better change his mind ... or else. [CENTER] [B]Rating B [/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 1 – The Machines vs. The Tag Team Specialists [/B] [/CENTER] This tag team title bout was nothing special and the fans soon got fed up of it. The Machines as always came across as the wrestling gods they are. Whilst not the worst match these fans have probably seen it certainly did TCW’s “new era” very little favours. Thankfully the match ended before the 9 minute mark and the show carried rolling on leaving this mess behind. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]The Machines defeated The Tag Team Specialists in 8:38 when Wrestling Machine #1 retrieved the item. The Machines make defence number 1 of their TCW World Tag Team titles. [/COLOR] [B]Rating C+[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 2 [/B] – Sam S comes out and announces his major new signing he is non other than the 8 th wonder of the world………….Bruce The Giant. Out he comes to make his first appearance as the newest signing. Sam says that Tommy C had better reconsider his decision not to face RDJ tonight or Bruce may have to do a little persuading. To show Bruce’s credentials he will be BLZ’s mystery opponent……in a last man standing match. [CENTER] [B]Rating B+ [/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/BLZBubb.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 2 – Bruce The Giant vs. BLZ Bubb [/B] [/CENTER] The battle of the big men in a last man standing match up that was a money drawer right? Unfortunately these weren’t the kind of fans who were impressed by big men who couldn’t even execute a head lock effectively. Both men tried to compensate for this by hitting hard and hitting with weapons, but still only half the fans seemed to care. BLZ and Bruce were soon spilling blood at an alarming rate but they kept on going and much to the delight of the fans the match ended at the 10 minute mark after a huge chokeslam through 2 tables. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Bruce The Giant defeated BLZ Bubb in 10:01 when BLZ Bubb could not beat a ten count. [/COLOR] [B]Rating C[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Segment 3[/B] – We are backstage in the middle of an already heated argument between Troy Tornado and Liberty. Liberty says something that hits Troy Tornado in the wrong spot. Troy reacts by spitting straight in the face of Liberty. The argument escalates and both men have to be pulled apart before a brawl starts out. As they are dragged away both men agree to fight in the ring to determine who the better man is. [CENTER] [B]Rating B[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 3 – Giant Tana vs. Genghis Rahn [/B] [/CENTER] After the first two disappointing match ups things weren’t looking good when this match was next up on the card. However those fears were unfounded as these two seemed to pull a good match from out of nowhere and soon the majority of the fans were captivated by it. Genghis really impressed here but Tana gave it his all…..and there was a LOT of him to give. This exciting match came to and end after Tana had been on the offence for the majority of the match only to stall for time and fall victim to a Rahn To The Hills. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"] Genghis Rahn defeated Giant Tana in 7:04 by pinfall with a Rahn To The Hills.[/COLOR] [B]Rating B[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Segment 4[/B] - Wolf Hawkins is standing backstage and instantly begins to rip into his two opponents in the up coming triple threat match. He says at only 20 years old he is THE future of the business and within the next 5 years he will be the youngest legend in the business. Whether he beats Rocky G or Rick Law it doesn’t matter because he will leave this arena tonight the NEW TCW International champion….end of discussion. [CENTER] [B]Rating B[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Segment 5[/B] - Ricky Dale Johnson has a microphone, and proceeds to taunt Tommy Cornell. He says the reason Cornell wont face him in the ring is for one simple reason. He knows he will lose his championship to RDJ. Ricky doesn’t blame Tommy of fearing for his title but he will have to face facts and step into that ring against him or be destroyed by Bruce. Either way Tommy C is gonna wish he stayed at home because he is going to be beaten to within a each of his disgustingly cowardly little life. [CENTER] [B]Rating B[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/originalbelt06.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [B] Match 4 – Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Rick Law[/B] [/CENTER] This triple threat match up always had high hopes and the fans were looking forward to it as soon as the first man made his way down to the ring. Wolf was the stand out star here but Rocky G and Rick Law did them selves no harm with some very impressive in ring performances. One highlight came when Rocky G went to superplex Law off the top rope only for Wolf to German suplex Rocky from the back sending both Rocky and Law tumbling. Another highlight came with Wolf on the outside, Golden on the top rope and Law down in the ring. Law jumped to his feet as Rocky went to dive on Wolf, only for Law to hit a superkick to the back sending Golden head first into the steel railings. The finish came when Law was looking to hit Long Arm Of The Law on Wolf only to be caught with a Full Moon Rising instead. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Wolf Hawkins defeated Rocky Golden and Rick Law in 14:46 when Wolf Hawkins pinned Rick Law by Full Moon Rising. Wolf Hawkins wins the TCW International title. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Segment 6[/B] - Tommy Cornell makes his way out to the middle of the ring and says he has had a lot to think about after what went down earlier. Tommy C says that he accepts the challenge laid down and he will face RDJ and defend his TCW World Championship. He warns that RDJ is going to get the beating of his entire life. But if Bruce the Giant interferes during the match up things will get nasty for both Bruce and RDJ. He goes on to mention that Sam should mind his own business and if he thinks having a “giant” is gonna protect him he is wrong. [CENTER] [B]Rating B[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Segment 7[/B] – A video plays hyping Liberty vs. Troy Tornado. [CENTER] [B]Rating B+ [/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 5 – Troy Tornado vs. Liberty[/B] [/CENTER] After what went down earlier there would be no love lost here between these two men, and right from the get go they went at it all guns blazing. The fans were really into this match up and the crowd was deafening as they egged their heroes on. Troy impressed the most during this match up but that’s not to take anything away from Liberty. Liberty of course had the strongest fan support and used that to rile himself up and make an impressive comeback against a dominating Tornado. Liberty came close to getting the win but Tornado avoided a Liberation Slam and connected with a delayed suplex onto the turnbuckle knocking the wind out of Liberty. The fans urged Liberty to fight his way back but Tornado used his technical skills to keep Liberty grounded. Every time Liberty tried to mount a comeback Troy would use cheap tactics to slow him down angering the fans more and more each time. Finally Liberty mounted a comeback using his power to beta Troy down. Soon Liberty was in cruise control but was to sloppy and missed a big boot and was caught with a Star Maker and Troy got the three count. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Troy Tornado defeated Liberty in 13:49 when by pinfall with the Star Maker. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Segment 8[/B] - We are backstage, where the camera catches Tommy Cornell leaving the locker room of Eugene Williams, counting some money, apparently having been bribed. [CENTER] [B]Rating B+[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 6 – Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tommy Cornell [/B] [/CENTER] The Main event and for the TCW World Championship this was the hottest match on the card and the fans were thrilled that is was actually going to take place after Cornell’s little fit earlier. There was no sign of Bruce of Sam when the match started so Tommy C was in the clear. RDJ and Tommy C traded blows from the off and the crowd ate it all up. RDJ had the FULL backing of the crowd who were disgusted with Tommy’s earlier actions both with the ref and his earlier refusal to fight. Neither man were going to budge an inch and they using everything but the kitchen sink to try and put their opponents away. RDJ missed a clothesline, but managed to dodge a follow up DDT to connect with a sit down neckbreaker for a close call. Tommy also got a close call following a series of fast paced technical moves he hit a German suplex straight into a bridged pin. Around the 10 minute mark Tommy Cornell botched a dropkick and landed rough on his neck. RDJ took advantage and remained in control from that point onwards. RDJ had beaten Tommy C down and he was on the vurge of his first TCW World Championship. He set up TC for some Southern Justice but he failed to connect and next thing you know..BAM Tommy C connects with a Rough Ride and this thing is all over. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"] Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky Dale Johnson in 15:44 by pinfall with a Rough Ride. Tommy Cornell makes defence number 1 of his TCW World Heavyweight title. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Segment 9[/B] - Tommy Cornell is heading back down the aisle after his match. As he reaches the stage he gets attacked by Bruce The Giant, who came out of nowhere. Bruce The Giant proceeds to powerbomb Tommy Cornell right into the stage itself, which cracks and sends Tommy Cornell through the hole. As Bruce The Giant looks on smiling, Tommy Cornell is stretchered out with a neck brace on. [CENTER] [B]Rating B- [/B] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Overall Show B- [/COLOR] [/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="6"]"Backstage Reaction"[/SIZE] [/CENTER] * BLZ’s match against surprise opponent BLZ Bubb was a bit of a let down and the feeling backstage is split between wether this is BLZ’s fault or Bruce’s. The general consensus however is that Bruce is likely to be blamed since he is not in on a long term deal. Either way nearly every one feels that this match was a huge let down and does not spell well for either worker. * On the ratings side of things, TCW smashed SWF in the ratings this time with a 27.79 to SWF’s 9.60. Things are looking bright with the upper card matches being a lot better than anything SWF has put on the TV screen of their fans. * The Main Event featuring Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson was a great way to end the show but Tommy C landed a bit rough during the match. So now the Bruce attack will likely see Tommy C miss the next TV show so he can rest up but he is only expected to miss one show. On the other hand RDJ really impressed and helped to carry TC through the match and did his stock in the company no harm. * Genghis Rahn vs. Giant Tana was the shock of the night. No one expected this to be anywhere near as good as it was, in fact many people though after the first two bad matches this would spell all doom and gloom for the ratings but Genghis and Tana impressed immensely. * The triple threat match up for the TCW International was a great match as was expected, and many people backstage are ecstatic to see Wolf holding a belt of worth. All 3 men are considered the future although early reports backstage is that Sam is not to happy with Rocky and he could very well find him self of the free agents list unless he proves his value. * The overall reaction to the show backstage is that although the first two matches were a bit of a disappointment things improved quickly to put on one awesome show. However the feed back is that the fans found the match to physical and intense. That may have brought the overall value of the show down in their eyes.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/USPW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [b][size=3]presents[/b][/size] [b][COLOR="blue"][u][size=5]American Wrestling[/b][/u][/size][/color] [i]In front of a sold crowd of 5,000 at the Huntsville Fairgrounds, South East U-S-A![/i][/CENTER]
1) Pyro... I want pyro one day but I don't think the 80s had pyro so neither do we. In any case I ([b]Kestrel Rose[/b]) made my way out to the ring and introduced myself as the boss around here and informed the crowd of some matches they were going to see tonight. In addition to my own in-ring debut I let them know that they would be seeing [b]Darryl Devine[/b], the new school of USPW wrestlers taking on a mystery opponent later tonight and I wanted him to impress if he had hopes of a title match any time in the near future. [b](E+)[/b] Then it was time to bring out the USPW World Champion, the legendary [b]Bruce the Giant[/b]. Bruce didn't seem to be happy but I put myself over anyways, saying I represented a new ideal for wrestling that values skill over size or simply looks... which I had plenty of anyways. Nudge nudge, almost some risque humour in USPW there. Bruce made his way into the ring where I let him and the fans know that USPW's first match of the year would be a USPW World title match between Bruce and.... wait for it, you'll love this.... [b]Lex Appeal[/b]!! [b](D)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/generic_4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][b] VS. [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Oscar.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Bruce the Giant (c) vs Lex Appeal[/b][/u] [i]for the USPW World Championship[/i][/center] 3) Lex didn't look at all his suave and sophisticated self on his way to the ring. With his shades off (stupid Shades McGinty) he used his less than Sterling acting skills (rubbish Hollywood Hank) to beg away from Bruce who menaced him with his sheer size. Lex's sole bit of offense was a run through the legs and attempted roll-up that saw Bruce laugh at him (crappy Charles Branson) leaving Lex probably wishing he could've gotten away with some proper cheating if it weren't for those pesky kids that make up our audience (would you wrestle as Mystery Machine?). Bruce wins with a Giant Chokeslam as expected, with no effort at all. Still, I have to admit it was better than I thought it would be as their timing together truly was perfect. [b]WINNER:[/b] Bruce the Giant defeated Lex Appeal in 2:57 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam [b](C+)[/b] 4) Bruce looked over to me as I stood at ringside which is a big mistake... not that I mind people looking at me but he didn't have time to see both members of the [b]Demons of Rage[/b] coming to attack him. No blood, no table braeakages or even any wild chair shots because that might offend some folks... simply a back attack that Bruce managed to fend off after a few minutes, leaving the Demons at ringside regrouping. [b](B-)[/b] At this point I took it upon myself to remind Bruce that even though he's just had a match, he still has his scheduled tag match against the Demons. If he can't find a partner over the next hour or so.... it'll be a handicap match. [b](B)[/b] The crowd loved it... so I announced that up next everyone will get to see me making my pro wrestling debut against the legendary.... [b]Cheetah Boy[/b]! They didn't care much about this though, seems the kids were still looking at how big Bruce was on his way out... psh! [b](E-)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/a23.jpg[/IMG][b] VS. [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/CheetahBoy.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Kestrel Rose vs Cheetah Boy[/b][/u][/CENTER] 7) AS far as debut matches go, I think this was a pretty good one. Sam Strong may not be letting me fire much of his roster but when he realises that some of his lowercarders are just so bad that they aren't worth keeping, I'm sure I can convince him to let me fire them. Specially if I've already got replacements for them in the company. Anyways, a less then memorable match saw me (Kestrel Rose) make Cheetah Boy tap out with a move I like to call the Rose Thorn... its a Fujiwara Armbar. It works, deal with it. [b]WINNER:[/b] Kestrel Rose defeated Cheetah Boy in 6:52 by submission with a Rose Thorn [b](E-)[/b] Our USPW large screen, something I feel deserves a flashier name, showed us some backstage footage of [b]Shane Sneer[/b] hyping up his men for their matches tonight. Both [b]Mick Muscles[/b] and [b]Danny Rushmore[/b], the USPW World Tag champions were going to compete in singles competition and Sneer wanted them to show that they were the best USPW have in single or tag. [b](D+)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/generic_world_hvy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/JimForce.jpg[/IMG][b] VS. [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Jim Force (c) vs Danny Rushmore[/b][/u] [i]for the USPW National Championship[/i][/center] 9) Jim Force put on another wrestling clinic tonight in this match, it truly was unbelievable to watch. Of course, there are a lot of clinics for various things these days with less than good reputations that are known for skipping corners.... in terms of this one, the corners being skipped were all the ones that involve wrestling talent in the wrestling ring. Which partly explains why Danny Rushmore was disqualified for throwing something liquid into Jim's face when he took it from the announce team. I mean seriously.... we could use beer or lighter fluid or anything... it was water. And it caused a DQ. Strict refereeing huh? [b]WINNER:[/b] Jim Force defeated Danny Rushmore in 8:32 by disqualification. Jim Force makes defence number 1 of his USPW National title. [b](D-)[/b] 10) While the announce team of Sam Strong, Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr do their job of putting over the next match [b](C)[/b] we are also shown [b]Shane Sneer[/b] backstage once again but he doesn't look terribly happy. He tells [b]Mick Muscles[/b] to stay focused in his match and to try not to lose his temper when he steps into the ring with [b]Freddie Datsun[/b]. A win here could go a long way to getting a USPW World title match. [b](D+)[/b] [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][b] VS. [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Freddie Datsun vs Mick Muscles[/b][/u][/CENTER] 12) For those of you not up to scratch on your USPW history, these two were the last two USPW World champs before Bruce the Giant, with Freddie beating Mick for the strap after just one month. There has still been heat between them since that night in April 2006 but with each taking different title paths months later it kinds faded. But tonight, it's back with a bang! These two spent very little time in the ring and our super-strict referee ([b]Baby Jamie[/b]) eventually counted them out with both men brawling outside the ring. It was short but it was more intense than most match and therefore... it was good enough. Unfortunately their brawl was seperated quickly after the match but happened during commercials. [b]REULT:[/b] Freddie Datsun drew with Mick Muscles in 8:03 following a double count-out. [b](D+)[/b] 13) [b]Bruce the Giant[/b] made his way into the ring barely looking the worse for wear after the attack he suffered earlier tonight. But then, he is the World champ so he needs to never sell things in order to be seen as "tough". Anyways, he started selling when [b]Demon Anger[/b] and [b]Demon Spite[/b] hit the ring and started the tag match quickly. The entire announce team and the crowd were chanting for someone to help Bruce (who was still fighting valiantly) but it didn't look like anyone was going to help... until [b]Sam Strong[/b] burst from the announce team and hobbled rapidly to the ring! It's a Stereotypical Sam Strong Save! [b](B)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][b] VS. [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Bruce the Giant & Sam Strong vs The Demons of Rage[/b][/u][/CENTER] 14) The crowd were hot for this match for all of 5 minutes... which I guess was about half of it then. I made my way to the announce table to fill in the void left by Sam but stayed silent throughout. Knowing that none of these guys could last too long in the ring, Bruce sold the beating for a but until he made the hot tag. After that, Sam and Bruce got on the offense and Sam ran through his spots quickly enough, with all the signature posing thrown in. In the end though it's Bruce who picks up the win, Giant Choke Slamming Demon Spite while Sam keeps Demon Anger at bay at ringside. 10 years ago, I might have marked out... 10 years ago, I'd be in the USPW target market. 10 years ago I wasn't 10 years old. [b]WINNERS:[/b] Bruce The Giant and Sam Strong defeated The Demons Of Rage in 10:43 when Bruce The Giant defeated Demon Spite by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. [b](C-)[/b] 15) Bruce and Strong hogged the limelight after the match, throwing in poses for each side of the arena to get their pictures. [b](B+)[/b] And then it was time to make my move. I grabbed a microphone and told Sam that while USPW may be his baby, that doesn't give him the right to step into a USPW ring. I told him that, like much of the USPW roster, he retired and that he should stay retired. He already quit the ring but he can't resist trying to grab that last bit of glory. This ring is for wrestlers, not announcers, and that Sam should do the job he has in USPW.... announcing. Sam didn't look happy about it but he made his way back to the announce table to the congratulations of Micky Starr. I then reminded everyone that I said [b]Darryl Devine[/b] would have a match tonight against a mystery opponent and I'm not a man to break my promises. Devine was told to get into the ring and he got down there pretty quickly, asking who his opponent was. And then I revealed my big surprise..... the newly crowned TCW International champion [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b]. [b](D+)[/b] Wolf then had a few comments of his own to make, saying that Devine may be the future of USPW but that Wolf Hawkins was the future of all of professional wrestling, not just the graveyard. He kept polishing his new title belt and took great care of handing it over to referee [b]Baby Jamie[/b] before the match got underway. [b](C-)[/b] [center][size=6][color="blue"][b][u]*Tonight's Main Event*[/color][/size][/b][/u] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][b] VS. [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Darryl Devine vs Wolf Hawkins[/b][/u][/CENTER] 18) Sam Strong can grumble all he want about this being as far from an old school match as possible but damn, this was a good one. Devine and Wolf compliment each other's styles well and two very talented workers put on a match that wouldn't look out of place anywhere. Even the kids in the front row who supposedly only want to see big, old men punch each other got excited by this one. It almost looked like these two men might wrestle to a draw of some kind but a gut check battle between them came to an abrupt end when Wolf hit the Full Moon Rising on Devine and showed some good basics to hold Devine down with a great pinning combination. [b]WINNER:[/b] Wolf Hawkins defeated Darryl Devine in 14:47 by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising. [b](C+)[/b] 19) With TV time rapidly running out and knowing that I had to get the last word in against Strong on TV in order to (hah) keep myself Strong, I yelled at him saying that this is what wrestling is about. A brief witty comment about ld timers being fine to get some nostalgia going is good but when folks go home, it's matches like that one they'll be talking about.... I think I'll work that into next week's show properly. Sounds kinda good. [b](E-)[/b]
[b][u][center][color="red"][size=3]Quick Results[/b][/u][/color][/size] [i]• Bruce the Giant defeated Lex Appeal in 2:57 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam [b](C+)[/b] • Kestrel Rose defeated Cheetah Boy in 6:52 by submission with a Rose Thorn [b](E-)[/b] • Jim Force defeated Danny Rushmore in 8:32 by disqualification. Jim Force makes defence number 1 of his USPW National title. [b](D-)[/b] • Freddie Datsun drew with Mick Muscles in 8:03 following a double count-out. [b](D+)[/b] • Bruce The Giant and Sam Strong defeated The Demons Of Rage in 10:43 when Bruce The Giant defeated Demon Spite by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. [b](C-)[/b] • Wolf Hawkins defeated Darryl Devine in 14:47 by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising. [b](C+)[/b][/i] • Show Rating - [b](C)[/b] • USPW American Wrestling drew a 6.32 rating on Sports America [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][b][u][size=3]Today's Final Thoughts [/b][/u][/size][/CENTER] People left the show with a feeling that show had been.... awesome. At least thats what the early reports are saying. I know Sam might grudge admitting it but I think that even he knows this show was a winner and could appreciate the things I've added to the product that simply weren't there before. In just one show I managed to stick to the traditional USPW snore-fest format with pretty much the same roster I started with, minus a few early casualties and created a show with higher ratings and more excitement than USPW have had since the Rick Law vs Rich Money feud a few years back. I even brought in a few vaguely risque jokes, added a little hardcore to the show (something a lot of the roster aren't actually terrible at) and dragged the show kicking and screaming into the 90s at the very least. All in all.... I have nothing to complain about. We have a big show in a few weeks that will have our hottest matches on it but I hate to give that away to just a house crowd. I'm hoping that we can find a way to get everyone to see that and hopefully make some money too. Afterall... if they can leave an average at best TV show with a feeling of "awesomeness" then I can only dare to dream about how good they'll think our actual big matches will be. The TV network might not like our ratings but they are up, I might need Sam to deal with that... damn. I'll also have to thank TCW for their help with Wolf. Seems the trade with Bruce the Giant has already paid dividends for me. Stay tuned to USPW TV folks, we're going places you could only dream of!
[center] [i]Kestrel Rose[/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/USPW_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Time for my second show. I arrived at The Arkansas Coliseum hours in advance to the show and revised the card over and over again to make sure that everything as in order. Everything had to go well; we couldn’t start off 2007 badly. The fans were arriving, and I couldn’t wait to kick off Danger Zone TV. [center][img]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6144/dave4ne.png[/img] [B]DaVE Danger Zone TV Thursday, Week 1, January 2007[/B] [i](Held at the sold-out Arkansas Coliseum in front of 2,000 people)[/i][/center] [b]Dark Match: Sammy Bach vs. JD Morgan[/b] In the future I’d love to try and get both of these guys on TV, because they can both do very well as they showed in this match. After 11:53, Sammy Bach got the submission victory over Morgan with Bach on Your Back. [b]C-[/b] [b]Hardcore Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Joey Minnesota[/b] A very brutal match to kick the show off with, as both men were busted open in the early going. The fans loved it, as did I – it went a lot better than their first meeting. Joey Minnesota got the pinfall after 13:22, following an Empire Spiral delivered on a chair. [b]C+[/b] In a heated interview, Chris Caulfield stated that there will be a rematch between Eddie Peak and himself, and next time, it won’t be so easy for Peak to take the title home. [b]C[/b] [b]The Latino Kings vs. Hell’s Bouncer & Travis Century[/b] I can’t believe I even let The Latino Kings – I wanted it to be a squash, but I didn’t know it would come off this badly. The fans crapped all over it, and they made their dislike for Hector Galindo known. Hell’s Bouncer got the win at the 4:57 mark when he hit Galindo with a Damnation Drop. Hey, at least nobody had anything bad to say about the new team, right? [b]E+[/b] The New Wave storm down to ringside, and demand the owner, Phil Vibert, one more shot for the DaVE Tag Titles. Vibert says he’ll think about it. [b]C+[/b] [b]Art Reed vs. Eddie Peak[/b] What I initially booked as something meant to make Eddie Peak look good happened to become so much more than that, when it became apparent that Art Reed and Eddie Peak have great in-ring chemistry together. This made my day. Eddie Peak went over at the 7:40 mark with a Peak of Perfection. [b]C-[/b] Following the victory, Carl Batch grabs a microphone, and basically laughs of the threat of Chris Caulfield, saying that he is nothing and that Eddie Peak could beat him on any day of the week, in any conditions. It should also be noted that Eddie Peak and Carl Batch have great chemistry. [b]B+[/b] [b]Jack Geidroyc vs. Eric Tyler[/b] Since Tyler put on a great match with Big Cat Brandon at Back in Black, and Geidroyc is my main focus to push at the moment, I figured that a match with Tyler could help him that little bit. It certainly came off well, and ended at 15:47 mark when Tyler got the pin after interference from Acid, continuing their feud. [b]C+[/b] [b]Overall Thoughts:[/b] I was really impressed with myself after this show, as I knew that the majority of the fans had gone home happy, and the show might have even increased by popularity in the South East. I was happy that I had found a good chemistry match in Art Reed and Eddie Peak (that could be a good reference for the future), and was also really happy with the Gonzalez/Minnesota and Geidroyc/Tyler matches. And, uh, we’ll forget that The Latino Kings even existed for tonight, kay? [b]Overall Show Rating: C[/b]
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Friday Week1 Jan07 [quote=CZCW.com - In the ZONE!] For those of you who couldn't get a ticket for last nights SOLD OUT show at the Simmons Center you can catch a full show report and FREE internet download of the show on the website. [B][CENTER][SIZE="2"]CZCW Welcome to the Zone[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/CZCW-weekly.jpg[/IMG] Live in front of 300 people at the Simmons Center, South California![/CENTER] Show opens with [B]Citizen X[/B] coming out with the Microphone. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] * He launched into a verbal assault on [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] and how he's tainting CZCW by aligning it with Corporate Mainstream whores such as [B]NOTBPW[/B]. * X said he was going to prove a point tonight and start the revolution against the Corporate strucutre that was strangling and draining all the life out of wrestling. * He was going to do so by taking out [B]former DavE wrestler Matt Sparrow[/B], who X see's as the figure head of the slow introduction of those who have been exposed to the Mainstream Culture. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Citizen X[/B] -v- [B]Matt Sparrow[/B][/CENTER] * [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] recieved a somewhat warm welcome from the 300 strong crowd in the Simmons Centre, apprently there were plenty of [B]DaVE fans in the crowd, as a small DaVE chant started up[/B]. [B]Citizen X[/B] was quick enough to catch on to it and worked the chant to his advantage as he started to mouth off about how fickle the Mainstream Crowd was. * The match itself was pretty back and forth, with Citizen X pushing Matt Sparrow futher then most would have expected, with a few close falls that kept the crowd guessing. [B]Matt Sparrow looked to have been working on his Technical Skills.[/B] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Matt Sparrow defeated Citizen X in 9:51 by pinfall with a Bird Brain Buster.[/COLOR][/CENTER] * [B]Citizen X[/B] got into [B]Pee-Wee's[/B] (the ref) face after the match claiming he wanted Sparrow to win and had counted faster on Sparrow's pinfall. X went onto say this wasn't over! [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="2"]Why Not Me?[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] * [B]James Prudence[/B] made his way to the ring, the fans quick to jump on his back, a few 'Nancy Boy' chants started up. Prudence finally thought of a comeback along the lines of 'That's no way to talk to a [B]Platinum Club Member[/B]', whatever that meant. * While Prudence never seemed to have the natural ability on the mic that [B]Donnie J[/B] had, he certainly tried his best and put across a somewhat decent promo. * Prudence went on to ask why Donnie J wasn't fighting him tonight. Prudence followed up by answering his own question saying that Donnie J was too scared to fight someone he didn't know if he could beat not, point out that Donnie J had beat [B]Mask Fox[/B] for the title recently in November. The inevitable happened and Prudence got around to asking for a [B]title shot[/B] before leaving much to the delight of the crowd at the Simmons Center. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D+[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]CZCW Tidal Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cougar Mask[/B] and [B]Remmy Skye[/B] -v- [B]Air Force 1[/B] (Flying Jimmy & Snap Dragon)(c)[/CENTER] * Not much build up on the night, though it had been mentioned on the CZCW.com website for much of the week. The crowd however seemed to enjoy it. * [B]Flying Jimmy[/B] stole the show, putting in a strong performance, apprently his dancing everynight in the club pays divid ends in the ring. * The most notiable thing about the match (apart from [B]Beach Babe Bunnie[/B]'s skimpy Bikini) was [B]Citizen X[/B]'s run in tripping [B]Remmy Skye [/B]while the refs back was turned, which led to [B]Flying Jimmy picking up a cheap pinfall for the victory. [/B] * Citizen X pointed at [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] who was sitting at the back commentating and said 'I told you this wasn't over, there's a whole Society of people out there that will rebel against you! THE TIDE HAS TURNED!' * Snap Dragon and Flying Jimmy didn't seem to mind Citizen X's interference and for the most part seemed to stand their agreeing with his statement. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Air Force 1 defeated Cougar and Skye in 12:24 when Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Air Force 1 make defence number 1 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles. [/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D+[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="2"] Technical Fault?[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] * The lights in the Simmons Center suddenly cut out, before a voice spoke over the PA. At no point did it reveal who it was, though it did have something to say. * It went on to say that a [B]Plague[/B] was on its way, a Plague that was designed for one thing; the extermination of everything rotten with CZCW. It said that it had enemies that it was going to remove and nothing they did could stop it from happening. They could hide in air tight rooms, wear Hazzard Suits for the rests of their lives, but eventually they would succumb to.... THE PLAGUE! * The lights came back on to a half hearted cheer. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] MAIN EVENT[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="2"]CZCW Coastal Zone Championship title[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fox Mask[/B] -v- [B]Donnie J[/B](c)[/CENTER] * The crowd seemed somewhat hot for this match, though in fairness it didn't really stick out from the rest of the card as everyone seemed to have had a strong night. * The match itself was fast paced for the most part, though [B]Donnie J [/B]seemed to tire towards the end (no doubt a lack of stamina due to his time as a Tag Team). [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Donnie J defeated Fox Mask in 15:42 by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach. Donnie J makes defence number 1 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D+[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="2"]WHY!?[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] * As the crowd cheered for [B]Donnie J[/B] as he stood in the ring with the title, [B]James Prudence[/B]'s music played over the PA system. The crowd again chanted 'Nancy Boy'. * Prudence had a mic, this was going to be interesting. * Prudence first laid into the crowd again calling them '[B]Cheap A-Holes[/B]', clearly he's been to heel school 101 over the winter months. He called them jealous that they would never be good enough for the platinum club, before finally turning his attention towards Donnie J. * Prudence said that he knew Donnie J would win and had predicted as such earlier in the show. [B]Prudence asked why Donnie J wouldn't fight him[/B], citing that he was 'too scared' or prefered 'comfortable matches against easy opposition'. * [B]Donnie[/B] took a mic and stood in the middle of the ring looking at Prudence. Donnie said that despite everything that's happened over the last few months since the break up of the tag team [B]he could never fight 100% against Prudence.[/B] He went on to say that he saw [B]Prudence as a twin brother and life long friend and could never lay a hand on him.[/B] * [B]Prudence[/B] called Donnie a dumb retard and said that he'd prove to him that they were no longer friends. Prudence blamed Donnie for his downfall and lack of gold, Prudence came across quiet jealous, but said that gold did really matter to him anymore since he was a member of the 'Platinum Club', something Donnie would never be able to join. * The Segement ended with Prudence saying he'd get a title shot one way or another, and he'd prove to Donnie next week that they were infact enemies. The crowd seemed very into this segment, with alot of Jerry Springer type 'oohs' and 'aahs', as well as a huge '[B]FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT[/B]' chant breaking out several times. [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Lime"] C-[/COLOR] [CENTER] [B]Show Rating[/B]: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D+[/COLOR][/CENTER] [/quote] [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Backstage - After Show[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Boy was Cliff beaming after the show, he seemed very happy for himself. "Donnie, Jimmy, you guys were great out there, the crowd are reallying buying the heat between you two!" Cliff said, clearly not noticing that the guys were hardly talking to each other after the show anyway. Could it be there was some underlining legit heat, or were they just trying to keep an element of Kayfabe? It'd be interesting to find out. I had to admit though, it was a very solid show to kick the year off with, I couldn't wait for next weeks show, things did indeed look very promising. Something seemed to be biting underneath at Anderson though, whatever it was he wasn't prepared to reveal it just yet.
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[center][img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4601/davedotcomvz9.png[/img] [b]Danger and Violence Extreme Weekly Update Sunday, Week 1, January 2007[/b][/center] [i]- DaVE Danger Zone TV got a 0.83 rating on East Coast Today on Friday night. We’d like to thank everybody that tuned in to the show and remind you to tune in every Friday night at 11:00pm for your weekly dose of Dangerous, Violent and Extreme action. - We welcome Mid Atlantic Wrestling aboard to the DaVE team, as this week they came to a development agreement. MAW will now be the promotion for DaVE’s future stars to train, and groom themselves to become future DaVE Unified Champions. - DaVE is happy to welcome it’s two newest workers to the roster – Black Eagle, CZCW star (known as Plague), and Ultimate Phoenix, known for his work in CZCW and MPWF. Expect more signings over the coming days. - DaVE has come to terms of the release of Hector Galindo, member of The Latino Kings, and Nathan Coleman, who signed with DaVE in December. We wish them both the best in the future.[/i]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="4"][SIZE="5"]Kable's View[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [SIZE="3"]So there I was sitting in Starbucks mulling over the weekend rags with [B]Citizen X[/B], he wasn't so much interested in knowing what was going on in the world rather then he enjoyed laughing and making jokes about it. However, I could help but wonder what this scene would have looked like to a fan on the outside looking in if we had bigger exposure. Here we are, a member of the 'Corporate' CZCW announce team and Citizen X - figure head of the rebellion against Corporations and all things Mainstream - sitting in possibly America's #1 Corporate Mainstream Franchise machine 'Starbucks'. Sitting side by side drinking our superdoopertrooper caffe whats it, leeching free internet from the Wifi hotspot, whilst reading from some of America's most loved rag sheets. The ultimate break in kayfabe. Thankfully we weren't that over as a promotion and there were maybe 300 - 500 people in the South West that had even been to a CZCW show. As for the reason me and X were sitting in Starbucks, well it wasn't anything romantic so put the pen away Dave Meltzer, I had been put in charge of Citizen X's storyline against CZCW, which ultimately left Cliff (Anderson) free to book the Donnie and James fued. We were going over some ideas when someones mobile did some damn annoying ring tone, it sounded somewhat similar to the TCW opening credit theme music. Ironically it was X's, he cringed and looked embarresed '[COLOR="Teal"]I better change that...[/COLOR]' he said answering the phone. He didn't need to tell me who it was, I could hear his voice coming out of the phone loud and clear; it was Cliff. "[COLOR="Teal"]X? X?! Is the Kid there?[/COLOR]" He shouted, X looked confused as to why Cliff had phoned him to ask for me. I'd tell him later what happened to my mobile. "[COLOR="Teal"]Ergh yeah Cliff he is...[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Teal"]PUT HIM ON![/COLOR]" X slowly passed the phone over and shrugged. "[COLOR="Teal"]Hi Cli..[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Teal"]KID! Did you know about this?![/COLOR]" He balled down the phone. "[COLOR="Teal"]Know about what?[/COLOR]" I asked back not entirely sure what he was on about. "[COLOR="Teal"]Come on Kid, you're the internet generation, thought you'd have read this crap by now. On the DaVE site....[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Teal"]Hang on Cliff, I'll check now.[/COLOR]" We loaded up the website and we knew straight away what Cliff was so pissed about. [B]Plague[/B] and [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] had signed on, apparently without any warnings from [B]DaVE[/B] or from the workers themselves. "[COLOR="Teal"]Ah, I see. I had no idea, Cliff[/COLOR]." I tried to work out why they had never told Cliff they were going to sign with DaVE, but then in the same moment I was trying to work out why Cliff was getting so worked up about it. DaVE weren't in direct competition with us and it wasn't as if they had signed them up to a Written Contract, hell those days were far from DaVE at the moment. Besides, Ultimate Phoenix didn't even have a program within CZCW and Plague had only just started to get one developed, which he did himself. "[COLOR="Teal"]Talk to them, Kid, you're my eyes and ears in the locker room, since Farrah can't be there 24/7![/COLOR]" Before I could say anything back, Cliff hung up the phone. "[COLOR="Teal"]He finished?[/COLOR]" X asked before starting to laugh. "[COLOR="Teal"]What's so funny?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Teal"]Ah, just how much Anderson over reacts to everything.[/COLOR]" He took a drink from his mug then continued. "[COLOR="Teal"]I knew him before he took over CZCW, we had crossed paths a few times in a few different promotions, he used to work as a ring announcer. Actually, now I think about it, he always tried to get into the inside of wherever he was working, trying to put over ideas and claim others as his. Trust me when I say this, Kable; Cliff Anderson has a tongue like a snakes and a brain like an evil genious. Take what he tells you with a pinch of salt.[/COLOR]" X finished taking another drink. "[COLOR="Teal"]If he's that bad, why do you work for him?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Teal"]He pays me.[/COLOR]" X said simply, and to be fair it made sense. "[COLOR="Teal"]Besides I've got better things to do in life then to hold grudges and make enemies, such as... level this damn rogue to 70![/COLOR]" He glared at this laptops screen "[COLOR="Teal"]I'm actually surprised Eagle didn't leave sooner[/COLOR]," X continued. "[COLOR="Teal"]He never really came across as a big supporter of Anderson's takeover. Think he might have had his own ideas about taking over CZCW or something, not sure probably shouldn't guess about it[/COLOR]" While X continued to level his damn rogue to 70, I sat and though about why DaVE would sign Plague and Ultimate Phoenix, it wasn't as if they were hardcore workers. Could DaVE be trying to branch out and start up a cruiserweight division? Or did they know something about Plague and Phoenix we didn't, were they actually hardcore Superstars hidden in a sea of Spot Monkeys and Luchadores?[/SIZE]
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[center][img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4601/davedotcomvz9.png[/img] [b]DaVE Danger Zone TV Preview[/b] [img]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3065/acidsx8.jpg[/img] [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2726/erictylerfq9.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3816/jackgiedroycbl6.jpg[/img] [img]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2543/chriscaufieldqk3.jpg[/img] [b]Acid & Eric Tyler vs. Jack Geidroyc & Chris Caulfield[/b] Last week on Danger Zone TV Acid screwed Jack Geidroyc out of his match with Eric Tyler in hopes of getting a rematch for the Brass Knuckles title. This week, Geidroyc teams up with Chris Caulfield as the pair go up against Acid and Tyler. [img]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/4125/guidezs2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3548/scoutny6.jpg[/img] [b]The New Wave get their answer![/b] Last week Guide and Sout demanded a rematch for the DaVE Tag Team Championships. Phil Vibert has told [url]www.dave.com[/url] that this week on Danger Zone TV, he will give them their answer! [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/6954/shawngonzalezte2.jpg[/img] [b]Shawn Gonzalez speaks on his loss to Joey Minnesota[/b] After losing in his rematch from DaVE Back in Black last week, Shawn Gonzalez has something to say to Joey Minnesota. [img]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/5444/eddiepeakin0.jpg[/img] [b]The Champ is in Action![/b] Eddie Peak will be in 1 on 1 action this week on Danger Zone TV! [b]And Much, Much More![/b][/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TCW-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]A TCW Exclusive - Tcw’s New Signings[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Hell Monkey[/COLOR] – This guy is 28 years old and hugely over in japan but he is hardly know her ein the US. Things look set to change though because he has signed with TCW, this guy has the talent to make a HUGE impact. That’s exactly what he will have to do when he debuts against Bruce The Giant. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR]– The Future is here and he is EXCLUSIVE to TCW, this is probably the most exciting signing of the batch. Jett is only 20 years old and has a HUGE amount of potential. This guy is one to watch so make sure you tune in to see him in action. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] – TCW.com has found out that new signing Frankie P will be teaming up with TCW mainstay Aaron Andrews as The Legends Of The Future. Will these two manage to gel as a team of will they end up on the scrap heap. Tune in to TCW TV to see whether they will take the tag divisions by storm. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] – This guy is young, and Mainstream. He will be heading over to TCW and just like everyone else on this list will be hoping to make a huge impact. Could Hernandez be the future or will he just end up another statistic. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] Jack Griffiths[/COLOR] – He has only joined TCW on a PPA and has also recently joined USPW. It will definitely be harder for him to make an impact that it will in the USPW. At 31 years of age he has not got as long a future but it could be just as bright. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] American Elemental [/COLOR]– A Young high flying American, he is unusual for an American in that he wears a luchador type mask. This guy may not be what American wrestling fans are used to but he has what it takes to get the job done due to his speed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Angel De Mexico[/COLOR] – In a similar mould to American Elemental but this guy is a true luchador hailing from Mexico. A high flying, risk taking son of a gun this guy will cause a stir amongst the established roster who wont be used to this style. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/PlayboyJakeSawyer-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]PlayBoy Jake Sawyer[/COLOR] – The only person signed by TCW who is not usually an in ring performer, he will be a manager to the stars. This man has the mic skills and the charisma, but does he have the ability to take his clients to the top. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Adam Matravers[/COLOR] – A young British worker with huge amounts of potential and TCW is the best place to showcase it. This guy will be a force to be reckoned with in the future, but how soon will he take his opportunity. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Joey Poison[/COLOR] – A Canadian worker who is a good all rounder, he may not have youth on his side but he has experience. However it takes more than experience to beat some of the best TCW has to offer, will Poison run wild or will the TCW roster have the antidote. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Joanne Rodriguez [/COLOR]– TCW is starting up a Woman’s division, could J-Ro be the girl to spear head the division. There will be a woman’s title….will she be able to claim herself as the first woman’s champ of TCW. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish [/COLOR]– A very talented individual Wanda could be the sort of signing that will make TCW’s new woman’s division a huge hit. She has the talent and the looks to prove herself as the dominant female. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/NeneEbina.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Nene Ebina[/COLOR] – The third and final woman signed so far, we have been told that there will be even more people brought into the woman’s division. Nene is another talented member for the woman’s division and also has the ability to become the first TCW Woman’s champ. [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RogerDodger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] Roger Dodger[/COLOR] – Although he is considered an in ring worker, TCW have signed this guy for his gift of the gab. Dodger will be TCW’s new Colour Commentator and we are sure he will liven up the already grade A action.
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"]Coming up next week on [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TotalWrestlingTV.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Bruce The Giant vs. Hell Monkey[/COLOR][/B] – YIKES what a debut match up for Hell Monkey. Does this guy really stand a chance if so will he be able to take that chance. This match is more about how Hell Monkey handles a match up with Bruce than if he is able to win. A win for Hell Monkey could constitute as the upset of the year. [B][COLOR="Red"]Giant Tana vs. Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] – Another seemingly impossible debut match, Jett has been hailed as THE future of wrestling. However at 20 years of age he may not be experienced enough to overcome the huge size advantage that is in Giant Tana’s favour. Jett is small compared to most of the roster but he is dwarfed by the overall weight of Tana. Is this once again a case of not winning but putting on a good show. [B][COLOR="Red"]BLZ Bubb vs. American Buffalo[/COLOR][/B] – Two men who are known for their ability to brawl rather than their ability to pull out spectacular moves but these two men will be fighting for a spot on the upper teir of the roster. BLZ is a huge power house but so is Buffalo and both men will be able to take some punishment…which man will eat it all up and destroy the other? Tune in this Tuesday to see for yourself. [B][COLOR="Red"]Liberty vs. Genghis Rahn [/COLOR][/B]– Another two men who are not know for their in ring superiority but that doesn’t mean neither men knows how to get it done. Liberty will be considered the favourite here but as we have seen in the “hardcore” past of Genghis he can take a huge amount of punishment and come out the other side as the winner. These two will both be trying to prove that despite their age they still have what it takes to compete. [B][COLOR="Red"]Troy Tornado vs. Mainstream Hernandez [/COLOR][/B]– The third scheduled debut match for TCW TV this Tuesday pits debuting Mainstream Hernandez against a TCW superstar in Troy Tornado. This will be a tough challenge for both men, Mainstream against such a formidable opponent and Troy against a talented but unknown youngster. Tune in this Tuesday to see these matches and maybe even more, although these are the only 5 matches scheduled they could be the only 5 or there could be 5 more. The only way to find out for sure is to tune in and see for yourself. An update on Tommy Cornell, after being put through the entrance ramp last week there were fears Tommy C could be permanently injured. However TC escaped injury and only suffered bruising to his back, he will make an appearance on the show this Tuesday to speak about his lucky escape.
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[CENTER][B]Held at V.Thompson Arena in front of 7,338[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TCW-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"]TCW presents [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TotalWrestlingTV.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B]Segment 1 [/B] – Tommy Cornell comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and thanks all the fans for their support through out the week. Luckily after what Bruce did to him at the end of the last show their hero was not badly hurt. The fans boo him immensely as he carries on saying although he was put through the stage he was lucky in that he did not break any bones but his back received severe bruises so tonight he will not be wrestling. This brings out his opponent from last week RDJ who says TC just keeps feeding these fans bull ****. RDJ says Bruce is backstage but has been ordered at least for now to not lay a finger on TC because RDJ want to take TC apart himself. Tommy C says last week he beat RDJ and kept his title, and that makes RDJ obsolete he has no reason to even be here tonight let alone out here right now. TC proves his worth but all RDJ did was prove he can’t match up to the champ. RDJ says he may have lost but that doesn’t mean he can’t beat the champ, he admits that the better man won last week but things change fast. He asks TC if he forgot who it was that beat TC to end his last title reign. It was none other than RDJ, and he held it for 11 damn months which proves he has what it takes. That’s why he has some “good” news for TC. At Malice In Wonderland Tommy will have to defend his title against Ricky…..in a barbed wire match Cornell complains about how he had already beat RDJ but the match has been finalised, RDJ told him they could meet in the ring tonight but TC goes on about being to bruised to wrestle. [CENTER] [B]Rating B+ [/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/BLZBubb.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 1 – BLZ Bubb vs. American Buffalo [/B] [/CENTER] This match was about 2 power houses going head to head, no fancy skills just straight up fighting. BLZ charged into Buffalo from the first bell and caught him with a very vicious lariat and got a very close count within the first 10 seconds. BLZ then set Buffalo up for another lariat but Buffalo ducked and rolled out of the ring. BLZ followed but wound up driven skull first into the steel steps. American Buffalo then made his way back into the ring hoping to get the count out victory. BLZ managed to get in on the 6 count much to the anger of Buffalo who went straight to work on destroying BLZ. After 5 minutes Buffalo had been able to limit BLZ’s attacks but was getting ****y and BLZ slipped out of a delayed suplex. BLZ then connected with a press slam followed by a splash for a 2 count. Both men traded power moves and control of the match continuously but neither was able to get the 3 count for the win. Finally Buffalo had been beaten and bruised but out of nowhere hit a 360 power bomb but only managed a 2 count. He let his anger take over and BLZ took advantage of his lack of focus and managed to connect with a Hades Bomb and got the victory. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]BLZ Bubb defeated American Buffalo in 9:17 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb. [/COLOR] [B]Rating C+[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 2 [/B] – Troy Tornado cuts an interview about how he beat TCW’s very own has been last week. Liberty just doesn’t have what it takes at this level any more and should just give it up. Troy is the new star of TCW and will be TCW’s World champ in no time. Liberty used to be one of the best stars in TCW but those days are long over, so from now on people will remember Liberty for what he truly is, a washed up old has been. [CENTER] [B]Rating A [/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 2 – Bruce The Giant vs. Hell Monkey [/B] [/CENTER] This was a huge mismatch, the small debuting Hell Monkey going one on one with the 8 th wonder of the world, Bruce The Giant. To be fair to Hell Monkey he gave it his all but the huge size difference meant that no matter what Hell Monkey tried he could not get Bruce off his feet. Bruce just stood there for about 2 minutes as HM tried clotheslines, dropkicks, elbows, cross body’s, springboard heel kicks and even a hurricirana. Finally Bruce had enough and reversed the hurricurana into a bone crushing power bomb. Bruce then dragged Hell monkey back to his feet effortlessly with one hand and chucked him with one hand over the top rope and he came crushing down ribs first on the guard rail outside. Bruce could have left him and it would have been over but he wanted to pin Hell Monkey in the ring, so he went outside and dragged his lifeless body back towards the ring. Hell Monkey lay there as Bruce signalled for a chokeslam. However Hell monkey didn’t budge so Bruce picked him back up only to be caught with a elbow to the gut. Bruce grabbed his gut and HM hobbled to the top rope and went for a moonsault on to the standing giant. However he was to bruised to get enough velocity behind it and was caught and hit with a HUGE piledriver. Bruce seemed happy enough to end it like that and pinned Hell Monkey for the win. Monkey may have lost but he showed heart to keep trying till the end. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Bruce The Giant defeated Hell Monkey in 6:39 by pinfall with a Piledriver. [/COLOR] [B]Rating C+[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 3[/B] – Sam Shipp is in the ring with Bruce The Giant. He says that he brought Bruce in for one reason and that was to destroy Tommy C. Bruce has not done that so he is afraid that Bruce is no longer needed. He is not fired, because he was never on an official contract but if he does turn up there will be hell to pay. [CENTER] [B]Rating C[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 3 – The Legends Of The Future vs. The Machines [/B] [/CENTER] Aaron Andrews and Frankie P teaming up for the first time and have immediately been told to prove themselves by facing the tag team champions, with the titles on the line. The Machines had the clear advantage and immediately went about dismantling Andrews with some clever double team moves. They worked on Andrews legs preventing him from getting any offence or making a tag to Frankie P. Wrestling Machine #1 came close to winning the match for his team when he hit Andrews with a spinning orange crush. Frankie P managed to break the pin up only to be caught with a super kick to the back of the skull. With Frankie Perez down they went about dismantling Andrews once more taking out his legs. Wrestling Machine #2 connected with a diving headbutt for a close call. With Andrews still down both Machines went up for a double diving headbutt only for Frankie P to drag Andrews out of the way. With both Machines down Frankie P dragged Andrews to their corner, got on the apron and took Andrews hand and tagged himself in. Frankie P then went about destroying Wrestling Machine #1 hitting 2 german suplexes and a diving DDT. He then hit Machine #1 with Perfect Parity but the referee did not count the three. Thinking the win was in sight he was confused and released the pin and argued with the official. Angered he shouted only to be caught out of nowhere with a flip over neckbreaker from the top rope for the win from Machine #2. Machine #2 was the legal man not Machine #1. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] The Machines defeated The Legends Of The Future in 8:48 when Wrestling Machine #2 hit a top rope flipping neckbreaker. The Machines make defence number 2 of their TCW World Tag Team titles. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B-[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 4[/B] - Wolf Hawkins comes down to the ring and he tells the fans to bow down before their new TCW International champion. Wolf not only beat Rocky G last week he also beat Rick Law and he is insulted. Insulted that Wolf is put in the same talent bracket as Rick, Wolf is superior in every department and it’s a damn disgrace that both men are labelled the future. Wolf deserves that tag but Law has not earned it and he never will. However that does not matter because its now plain for all to see since Wolf is the TCW International champ. He says enough withering on about inferior subjects, tonight is a night to rejoice and he DEMANDS that every fan in attendance bows down before him immediately. Suddenly Rick Law’s music hits and he charges down to the ring only for Wolf to bail. Law gets on the mic and says Wolf is to much like his mentor TC and is full of crap. These fans will never bow before Wolf because Wolf is an arrogant piece of trash. Law asks the fans who they would rather see as the TCW International champ and they the vast majority cheers in favour of Law. Rick Law then asks if they would like to see Wolf put his money where his mouth is and defend his title against Law at the very next PPV. However as Law soaks in the cheers in favour of this idea he is blind sided with a title shot to the back of the skull. Wolf then proceeds to beat down Law mouthing off that Law does not deserve to be in the same ring as Wolf let alone get a title shot against him. [CENTER] [B]Rating B-[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [B] Match 4 – Giant Tana vs. Jacob Jett[/B] [/CENTER] Jett was making his TCW debut but had a huge weight disadvantage although no way near as bad as Hell Monkey vs. Bruce earlier. Jett caught Tana with a few spinning chops to the chest and bounced off the ropes and went for a leaping clothesline only to be caught in mid air for a DDT. Tana then locked Jett in a Boston Crab, his weight applying HUGE pressure on the back of Jacob Jett. Jett fought through the pain and finally managed to get to the ropes. Tana then proceeded to beat Jett down hitting 3 consecutive back breakers, wearing down the spine of Jett. Jett managed to fight back then he caught Tana out of nowhere with a leaping heel kick. Tana was sent tumbling through the ropes but managed to hang on and stayed on the apron Jett bounced off the opposite ropes and charged at Tana but he just calmly stuck his foot between the second and third ropes and Jett felt the force of his boot on his jaw. Jett’s running momentum caused him to continue and slide out of the ring landing hard on his back once more. Tana clambered outside and hit a spine buster on the cold matted floor leaving Jett writhing in pain. Tana then dragged Jett back into the ring and connected with a spinning sit down slam for a close call. Jett then managed to roll out of the way of a splash but also missed with a spinning heel kick and got a leg drop for his troubles. Tana’s weight knocked the breath out of Jett but he manages to get his foot on the ropes to avoid the 3. Jett rolls to the outside whilst Tana remains in the ring grinning knowing he has Jett shaken. In one swift motion Jett jumped straight onto the apron, immediately onto the top rope and connected with a springboard dropkick. Jett follows that up with a face buster for a 2. With Tana obviously shaken Jett took advantage and one Jett Take Off later it was all over. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett defeated Giant Tana in 7:33 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B-[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 5[/B] – Authority figure Sam Shipp is back out in the ring but this time he is here to talk about tonights Main event and this months PPV. So far this evening two matches have been announced for the PPV and they are Wolf Hawkins vs. Rick Law and Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson. These matches will be for the TCW International title and the TCW World Championship respectively. Sam also says Tommy C was complaining that he can not wrestle because of bruises…..that’s not how things roll in TCW. That is why tonight the main event will be Tommy Cornell teaming up with his protégé Wolf Hawkins to take on……Ricky Dale Johnson and Rick Law. [CENTER] [B]Rating B-[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 5 – Troy Tornado vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [/CENTER] The third scheduled debut match pits Mainstream Hernandez against TCW superstar Troy Tornado. After Tornado’s comments earlier about being world champion material the last thing he would want is to lose to a debuting youngster. Troy immediately went after Mainstream but he showed Troy he is the real deal by reversing and avoiding every move he attempted. Troy finally managed to make contact with a T-Bone suplex putting Mainstream down. Tornado remained on top and hit Hernandez with swinging bottom. He however wasn’t finished and set Mainstream up for a Judgement slam only for Mainstream to slip out and connect with a neckbreaker. Mainstream kept Troy on the run by constantly moving and not allowing him to hit any moves that would put him on the mat. Troy caught him with a stiff elbow to the jaw that knocked him down in the corner. Troy then went for a charging boot in the corner but Mainstream moved leaving Troy in a whole world on pain. Mainstream then got a quick roll up but Troy mustered up the strength for a kick out. Mainstream remained in control hitting Troy with a hurricurana followed up with a 360 splash from the top rope. Troy kicked out but Mainstream remained in the driving seat, he used his agility to draw Troy into making rash decisions and then hitting him hard with moves focusing on the skull. Mainstream connected with a spin around DDT but only got a 2, he then locked troy in a rear naked choke. Troy managed to escape by standing up, with Mainstream still applying the rear naked choke and sending him crashing back first into the top turnbuckle. Troy then hit a basement dropkick right to the face of Mainstream. He dragged Mainstream to his feet and connected with a jaw breaking Superkick, he then followed that up with the Star Maker and the debuting Mainstream was defeated. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Troy Tornado defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 10:47 by pinfall with a Star Maker. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 6[/B] – Bubb is shown backstage happy about his win but ranting on and on about how it is not enough. Suddenly he just picks up a nearby lamp and launches it the length of the hallway smashing through a far away window. BLZ then proceeds to smash anything and everything that is close by, he snarls that he may have won but he is about to get even more brutal. With that he spears the camera man and as the camera drops to the floor he reigns away with right and left hands. smashing up the first things he finds. [CENTER] [B]Rating B[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 6 – Genghis Rahn vs. Liberty [/B] [/CENTER] Two men who love to fight and that is what they will be doing here, fight. Liberty will be the favourite but don’t count out Genghis who has proven before he can take a brutal beating and walk out with the win. Liberty started the match in control hitting Genghis with power moves making sure he kept “The Arizona Assassin” grounded. Rahn however wasn’t in this fight just to make up the numbers and he fought back hitting Liberty with a particularly stiff headbutt to send him reeling. Genghis then went about dismantiling Liberty’s power base by hitting a discus punch to the knee. He worked over the knee not allowing Liberty to use his power to his advantage. Liberty attempted numerous comebacks but whenever he went to take Genghis down he would find away to take away the knee leaving Liberty howling in agony. Finally Genghis hit a DDT to the leg of Liberty almost snapping it in half. This grounded Liberty once more but this time he didn’t try and fight back just clutched his knee, but he did kick out when Genghis tried to cover. Angered Genghis stomped away at the knee trying to disable his ability to walk. Liberty caught Genghis with a European uppercut whilst sitting, but was unable to get to his feet quick enough and got a knee drop to the back of his knee for his troubles. Genghis once again beat down the right knee of Liberty hitting various moves leaving Liberty in immense pain and without the ability to stand. Genghis messed up when he went for a leg drop to the knee but Liberty rolled out of the way and used the ropes to pull himself up and stand on one leg. Genghis charged but got a fist to the skull, then a hopping headbutt. Genghis was stunned and although only on one leg Liberty used his strength to hit a Liberation Slam and this match is over. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] Liberty defeated Genghis Rahn in 11:34 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.. [/COLOR] [B]Rating B[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Segment 7[/B] - Liberty remains in the ring standing on one leg and grabs a microphone as the beaten and bruised Rahn rolls out of the ring and slumps to the floor outside. Liberty says he heard the comments Troy made earlier, and maybe one day Troy will be TCW’s world champ but regardless a world title match is already booked for the PPV. That leaves both men without a match so why don’t they settle their differences at Malice In Wonderland. He knows Troy doesn’t believe what he said earlier but Troy has a chance to prove he deserves a title shot by beating Liberty at the PPV. Sure it isn’t going to happen but Troy can at least try, and if he really meant what he said earlier Tornado would end up with a lose to a TCW has been. It’s in Troy’s hands now it all depends on if Troy has the brass bahoneys to back it up. He then uses the ropes to remain balanced still seemingly unable to put pressure on his right knee. [CENTER] [B]Rating B [/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Goldenskillz/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 7 – Ricky Dale Johnson & Rick Law vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins in a Ladder Match [/B] [/CENTER] The main event of the evening and what a main event it is, Tommy Cornell is teaming up with his old protégé Wolf Hawkins to take on two of the biggest stars in TCW today, RDJ and Rick Law. Tommy C came out shirtless for the first time tonight and it was plain for all to see the big purple and black bruises that covered up almost his entire back. Things were not going to be any easier for TC as this is a ladder match up as if he had not taken enough punishment already. Neither teams would have much experience tagging together so this would be a tough challenge for all involved. Right from the off TC and Wolf bailed to the outside and both grabbed one of the two ladders each, then both men charged the ring ladders in hand. Wolf was however met by a dropkick, hitting the ladder straight into his face and sending him sprawling back outside. TC on the other hand brought the ladder smashing home straight into the ribs of RDJ sending him to the mat gasping for air. Law went to the air of his partner and managed to duck a ladder shot meant for his skull. Tommy C turned straight into a superkick, but he thrust the ladder forward so Law jarred his knee on the ladder rather than connecting with Tommy. The next few minutes of the match consisted of TC using the ladder to protect himself and wear down his opponent whilst Wolf collected his senses on the outside. Wolf finally got back in the ring but paid for it, Tommy C seeing a shadow behind him turned and caught Wolf square between the eyes with a ladder shot. Stunned TC stood distracted for a moment allowing Rick Law time to grab the other ladder on the outside. TC however was alert and had the other ladder ready only for RDJ to sneak up behind and connected with a back cracker. With both men down Rick Law laid the first ladder over the two downed men preventing them from getting back up. Meanwhile RDJ set up and started to scale the first ladder. Wolf still woozy managed to poke Law in the eyes and TC pushed the ladder straight into Laws face. Wolf was now bleeding really heavy all thanks to his partner. Cornell went straight after RDJ and pushed the ladder so RDJ landed crown jewels on the ring ropes. Wolf and Cornell went about double teaming Rick Law to ensure he was in no position to fight back. With Law in the corner, Cornell charged. Law managed to move and Cornell went full pelt into the corner. Law then brought the ladder down hard on Cornell’s back but he had forgot about Wolf who connected with a neckbreaker to Law. Wolf was now the only person still standing and he set the ladder up, but as he went to scale the ladder an obviously pained RDJ grabbed his leg preventing him from climbing. Wolf managed to fight free with a few stomps to the head, but as he went to climb again Law came charging in with a high knee right into the side of Wolf’s skull, the whiplash effect on Wolf’s neck was devastating. Law himself then scaled the ladder himself and almost grabbed the belt for himself. However once again TC sent the ladder crashing down this time however Law was the one on it. He was sent tumbling over the rope to the outside and landed hard. Tommy C and RDJ were now the only two standing and the crowd was electric as they psyched themselves then charged. They meet in the middle and began trading blows. For the next few minutes Tommy C and RDJ went at it full pelt but neither could get the other down and as soon as one reached for the ladder the other would cut them off. Whilst Cornell and Johnson went at it Wolf began to stir, and whilst they continued to fight he slowly but surely began to scale the ladder. RDJ noticed but when he went to stop Wolf, Tommy grabbed him and held him back. RDJ struggled to break free and finally a elbow to the jaw released him. He quickly scaled the ladder and soon Wolf and RDJ were both reaching from the ladder. TC however wasn’t prepared to lose and was willing to sacrifice his own partner as he once again tipped the ladder sending his enemy RDJ and his partner Wolf crashing to the floor where both lay motionless. TC then went to grab the ladder for himself as it dangled over the ropes, however as he did a groggy Law grabbed the lop half of the ladder from the outside causing the bottom half to swing up and connect solidly under the jaw of TC. With all 3 other men down and out Rick Law quickly set up the ladder and after fumbling like mad whilst TC dragged himself up the ladder he was unable to grab the case. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] Ricky Dale Johnson and Rick Law defeated Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins in 19:55 when Rick Law retrieved the item. [/COLOR] [B]Rating A[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Overall Show C+ [/COLOR] [/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [SIZE="6"]"Backstage Reaction"[/SIZE] [/CENTER] * First things first the main event tag team ladder bout was by far THE match of the night. Everyone was ecstatic with how it went down, it was both brutal and exciting at the same time. Some of the bumps these men took were crazy especially poor wolf who we can confirm spent the next 4 hours in the doctors office with severe head pains. These 4 men put on one hell of a match and it has certainly made the future look bright for TCW. * All 4 of the debuting stars impressed with their match ups although there is sympathy for Hell monkey having to work with Bruce as a man have his size there is not options for him to do in that kind of match. Jacob Jett especially impressed having such a good match against Tana although Tana has become known for performing above and beyond for a guy of his size. * The Legends Of The Future although working together tonight as a team for the first time have showed that their pairing up has loads of potential. Only young in the up coming years they could really set the bench mark for all following tag teams to follow. Their match with The Machines was as good as was expected, and many feel that in a few years when L.O.T.F are more experienced as a team this could be a fantastic match up. * So far the PPV has only 2 matches booked and they are Tommy C vs. RDJ for the TCW World Title and Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins for the TCW International title. There will be more announced in the coming weeks and Liberty vs. Troy is a possibility depending on what goes down next week. * The overall reaction to the show backstage is that this match was MUCH better than last weeks show, with loads of debuting stars and impressive match ups ignoring the stellar main event things are looking bright for the under card and upper card of TCW. However some fans were said to have been upset that there were to little dangerous spots although any one who watched the ladder match would suggest otherwise.
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[quote=CZCW.com - In the Zone!] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/newsbanner.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="2"]Goodbye Frankie Perez![/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] CZCW.com recieved some news today that [B]Frankie Perez[/B] is set to join [B]TCW[/B] next week in an exclusive deal. While it is sad news that Frankie will be leaving us, it wasn't before he put in some hard action packed matches fighting for the [B]Xtreme Coastal Title[/B], holding it on one occasion for 3 months. The Coastal Zone will miss ya Frankie! [CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]Preview for CZCW Welcome to the Zone[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Due to a double booking of the Simmons Center [B]CZCW Weclome to the Zone has been moved to a Saturday night[/B] until the forseeable future, anyone who has already bought a ticket originally for Friday's show, can get a full refund from the Simmons Center Box Office, or use it for Saturday Night's show instead. CZCW would like to apologise for any problems this may have caused. HOWEVER! Those that do turn up Saturday will be treated to a collection of great matches. [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Main Event[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] -v- [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] Frankie Perez' last match with CZCW before he heads off for TCW couldn't come against a better opponent in Ultimate Phoenix. [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fox Mask[/B] -v- [B]James Prudence[/B][/CENTER] Last week Fox Mask got his rematch with Donnie J for the CZCW much to Platinum Prudence's utter disgust. This week will see Prudence releave some of his fustration and anger towards Donnie J's reluctancy to give him a title shot released against Fox Mask. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Citizen X[/B] -v- [B]Matt Sparrow[/B][/CENTER] Last week Citizen X suffered a defeat to the man he considers a 'Mainstream Invasion' in Ex-DaVE wrestler Matt Sparrow. X was quick however to blame the defeat no Pee-Wee's biased counting in favour of Sparrow, claiming PW counted faster for Sparrow's pinfall. This week a rematch has been signed with a different Ref, can Citizen X reclaim a victory back? Or will Matt Sparrow put an end to Citizen X's rebellion against the Mainstream and Corporation before its even started? [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] -v- [B]Flying Jimmy Foxx[/B][/CENTER] Flying Jimmy got the pinfall over Remmy Skye last week in a tag match for the Tag Titles after some outside interference from Citizen X. What will the outcome be in this one on one encounter be? [/quote] -- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Kable's View[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]Despite what I had wrote on the CZCW website, that was another part of my job since [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] had labelled me as 'one of the internet generation', CZCW didn't really wish [B]Frankie[/B] the best in TCW. Infact, Cliff Anderson almost blew a fuse when he read alleged internet reports that Frankie Perez had claimed he was [B]glad he was leaving CZCW[/B] and would never return. I guess what [B]X[/B] had said at the weekend was somewhat true, [B]Cliff was a little prone to over react to things that didn't go his way.[/B] However, say what you like about Cliff he wouldn't pull out of delievering a match he had already promoted to the fans. Perez -v- Ultimate Phoenix would still go ahead, though it was anyones guess what would happen in it, considering [B]Phoenix had signed on with DaVE[/B] and [B]Perez had turned his back on CZCW and ultimately Anderson.[/B] In some ways I can understand Perez wanting to leave CZCW, after talking to X about him over the weekend, it was made pretty clear to that [B]Perez wasn't money motivated but rather performance motivated.[/B] Frankie wanted as many people as possible to see him put on a great match, he ultimately wanted to become a headliner in Japan. That was never going to happen if he stayed with CZCW, at least at the moment. It's not as if we've sat back and allowed the 'bigger' promotions to come and double book our talent infront of our noses, far from it. We've managed to get some very interesting replacement stars in replace of those who can't be there all the time. Talking of DaVE that was the real reason behind us moving from Friday Nights to Saturday Nights. Having already seen the Simmons Center get book and our preferred day of Thursday not being an option due to several of the roster now working for DaVE that night, we had to book it for Saturday Nights, we're expecting a drop in attendance. Whatever went down Saturday Night, Cliff had made it clear to everyone that they turn up before the show - booked or not - for a 'little talk'. Things would be interesting.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/USPW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [b][size=3]presents[/b][/size] [b][COLOR="blue"][u][size=5]American Wrestling[/b][/u][/size][/color] [i]Recorded in front of a sold out crowd of 2,000 fans in the North Carolina Biker Museum, Mid Atlantic, U-S-A![/i][/CENTER]
1) I wish Sam Strong would let me have some opening pyro..... after Sam Strong, Micky Starr and Danny Jillefski welcome everyone to the show I ([b]Kestrel Rose[/b], in case you forgot) come out from the back to a ripple of boos. I apologise to the fans for the way I treated everyone last week, but most importantly I apologise to [b]Lex Appeal[/b] for giving him the biggest break of his career at such short notice last week when I made him face Bruce the Giant in a USPW title match. So I call him out to apologise to him face to face. So I apologise to him by basically repeating what I just said and then say that as a reward I'm going to give him another match this week, with no titles on the line. If Sam Strong sees Rip Chord levels of potential in Lex Appeal then so do I... [b](E)[/b] tonight Lex Appeal will have a match where you can showcase your skills against..... [b]Bruce the Giant[/b]. [b](C)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Oscar.jpg[/IMG][b] VS [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Lex Appeal vs Bruce the Giant[/b][/u] [i]Non-title match[/i] [/center] 3) I like being the bad guy, its a strangely easy role for me to play. In short this match was another squash win for Bruce that once again managed to make both men look pretty good. Well... mostly it made Bruce look good really. A giant chokeslam predictably ended the match in Bruce's favour. [b]WINNER:[/b] Bruce The Giant defeated Lex Appeal in 4:28 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. [b](C-)[/b] 4) But I'm not as much of a bad guy as people seem to want to paint me either, I'm a fair boss. [b]The Demons of Rage[/b] once again made a move to attack Bruce after the match but I spotted them coming and ordered them, with all my powers in USPW, to not lay a finger on Bruce or face the consequences. [b](B-)[/b] By time my threats had settled in the Demons were looking full of.. well, full of rage obviously but I informed them that they would get what they wanted eventually if they listened to me. I informed them that tonight they would have a tag team match against [b]The Lords of War[/b] and if either of the Demons got the fall in the match that they would face Bruce the Giant at [b][color="red"]USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams[/b][/color] for the [b]USPW World Championship[/b]. However if they failed to win the match I would be forced to "consider my options" regarding their worth in the title scene. It seemed to go down pretty well with the crowd. [b](C-)[/b] 7) Backstage we see [b]Corporal Doom[/b] walking towards the ring when he is stopped by a loud order being yelled at him "HALT!" Another man walks into shot and asks the veteran Corporal to identify his name and rank, which is confirmed before the newcomer hands over some papers to him. The newcomer then identifies himself as [b]Sergeant Bubba Lee West[/b] and tells the world in general that he is now been assigned as Doom's superior officer. After a short rant about how he runs his unit (which seems to consist of only himself and Doom) he says that he doesn't expect his men to do anything he won't himself, which is why he's taking over for Doom in his match tonight. [b](D+)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/SgtBubbaLeeWest.jpg[/IMG][b] VS [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Sgt Bubba Lee West vs Darryl Devine[/b][/u][/center] 8) Having already pulled rank on his new charge, Sarge was quick to educate him and the USPW crowd on how he handled himself in the ring. With an aggressive no nonsense, smash mouth style he stayed on top of Devine from the opening bell, refusing to allow him to unleash his high speed attacks. Devine eventually ended up becoming cannon fodder when Sarge hit him with the... Cannon Fodder. Damn! [b]WINNER:[/b] Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Darryl Devine in 9:43 by pinfall with a Cannon Fodder. [b](D-)[/b] 9) Sarge and Corporal Doom marched to the backstage area but everyone's attention was drawn away from them as two men jumped the safety barriers... well, I say two men. One of them was almost seven feet tall, weighed well over 300 pounds and attacked Darryl Devine with an animalistic fury I couldn't help but enjoy. Referee Baby Jamie (who I may rename) was bullied by the man identified by Sam Strong as [b]Barry Kingman[/b] into ringing the bell to start an impromptu match after the savage beatdown. [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][b] VS [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/LarryWood2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Darryl Devine vs Kaos[/b][/u] [i]impromptu forced match[/i][/center] 10) [i](thanks to Marcel Fromage for the awesome pic!)[/i] This was obviously short and was pretty much just adding injury to injury.... although Kingman provided a couple of insults for Devine after the inevitable happened. After a short spell in a torture rack move which was then dropped down in a dangerous looking move, the man identified as Kaos then hit a thunderous chokeslam (Kaos Theory) on Devine to pick up an easy win. [b]WINNER:[/b] Kaos defeated Darryl Devine in 1:31 by pinfall with a Kaos Theory. [b](D-)[/b] The carnage was surveyed by the crowd and the announce team as Kingman ordered the monster backstage, with Sam Strong in particular using his expertise on the microphone to hype the newcomers and the damage they caused. [b](C+)[/b] While Devine is helped out of the ring my our huge staff of "trained medical personel" we are backstage with [b]Shane Sneer[/b] and the USPW World Tag Team champions, [b]Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles[/b]. Sneer says that if they ever want to be big stars then they can't afford to blow this one like they did last week, ordering them to not lose the belts tonight! [b](D+)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/generic_junior_hvy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG][b] VS [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]The Towers of Power (c) vs Freddie Datsun and Jim Force[/b][/u] [i]for the USPW World Tag Team titles[/i][/center] 13) Last week saw the only two members of the modern day version of the Sneer Corporation lose control and fail to beat their opponents tonight in singles competition. This week saw them defending the tag belts as a kind of punishment. With Sneer barking orders from ringside at his men the match was an old school style brawl that seemed to suit everyone in the ring. But things didn't manage to stay in the ring as everyone ended up brawling together. Mick Muscles was the legal man when he spilled outside with the illegal Datsun and the two brawled while our strict referee once again applied the rules to the letter and counted them out. [b]WINNERS:[/b] Freddie Datsun and Jim Force defeated The Towers Of Power in 11:20 when Mick Muscles was counted out while fighting Freddie Datsun. [b](D-)[/b] 14) Things might've ended there in the old USPW but thanks to the edge I'm bringing in, they didn't. Rushmore got the advantage over Force and took him out in the ring, allowing both men to then take out Datsun with chair shots at ringside. Sneer then orchestrated the two over to the announce table where Strong was doing a good job of putting the attack over and within a few moments Jim Force was driven headfirst through the table with a spike piledriver courtesy of the USPW Tag Team champions. For whatever reason, the crowd didn't like it much... tough. [b](E)[/b] Officials stopped Rushmore, Muscles and Sneer from doing any more damage and sent them backstage. From the back [b]Captain USA[/b] comes out to try and help his regular tag partner as he's being helped backstage. Someone gets a microphone up close to the as USA tells his partner he knew it was a bad idea to let him team with Datsun. Force replies with some semi-coherent babbling about being Jim Force and being powerful and a galaxy far, far away.... the fans liked this more than the attack. Seems I have a lot to learn. [b](C-)[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG][b] VS [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/WarlordAgony.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/WarlordPain.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]The Demons of Rage vs The Lords of War[/b][/u][/center] 16) The announce team collectively put over the importance fo this tag team match as part of the USPW World title scene, saying that whoever wins must go a long wasy to getting a shot at Bruce the Giant's belt. [b](C)[/b] And sadly, that was the best part of the match. The two legendary tag teams have been legends for a very long time now and the devastating duos ran through their famous spots and tag routines as if they'd been doing it for 20 years... which they have. Despite some tension being teased between the Demons of Rage as it came to the end, nothing happened when [b]Demon Anger[/b] went for the fall after the big finish. [b]WINNERS:[/b] The Demons Of Rage defeated The Lords Of War in 8:49 when Demon Anger defeated Warlord Pain by pinfall with a Demon Double Down. [b](D-)[/b] 17) Leaving barely any time to put over the importance of the result, I made my way out in front of the crowd for the second time tonight. The crowd didn't really show their appreciation but I told them that right now I was about to debut two men who could one day be the USPW World Champion. I personally handled the ring introductions as we headed into our exciting main event match of the night. [center][size=6][color="blue"][b][u]*Tonight's Main Event*[/color][/size][/b][/u] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG][b] VS [/b][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Jack Griffith vs Jungle Jack[/b][/u][/center] 18) Perhaps it was a mild oversight on my part to debut two guys called Jack against each other but I knew what I was looking for in my main event and I knew that these two could pull it off. Each man can tell a good story in a ring and put on a brawl ten times more exciting than our museum of stars can do these days. While I didn't let them go totally wild, instructing them to keep the action in the ring as much as possible after the shenanigans earlier in the night I let them get away with as much as I thought possible. The end result was exactly what I predicted, a brawl with some passion and skill. Jungle used his high energy wild style to fend off every attack possible and Griffith showed the old school fans that you don't need to be a coward or a monster to be a damn good heel, you just need to be a bad ass. Neither man backed down in this match as Griffith repeatedly tried to utilise a Fujiwara armbar. Griffith escaped a Jungle Jackhammer and surprised Jungle with a move announced as the Jack in the Box (D-Lo's "Sky High") that managed to keep the wild man's shoulders down on the mat for long enough to end things. [b]WINNER:[/b] Jack Griffith defeated Jungle Jack in 16:55 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. [b](C)[/b] The show closed with Jack Griffith in the ring looking down at Jungle Jack, each man with his eyes locked on the other following their hard hitting contest. [b](D-)[/b]
[b][u][center][color="red"][size=4]Quick Results[/b][/u][/color][/size] • Bruce The Giant defeated Lex Appeal in 4:28 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. [b](C-)[/b] • Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Darryl Devine in 9:43 by pinfall with a Cannon Fodder. [b](D-)[/b] • Kaos defeated Darryl Devine in 1:31 by pinfall with a Kaos Theory. [b](D-)[/b] • Freddie Datsun and Jim Force defeated The Towers Of Power in 11:20 when Mick Muscles was counted out while fighting Freddie Datsun. [b](D-)[/b] • The Demons Of Rage defeated The Lords Of War in 8:49 when Demon Anger defeated Warlord Pain by pinfall with a Demon Double Down. [b](D-)[/b] • Jack Griffith defeated Jungle Jack in 16:55 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. [b](C)[/b] • Overall Show Rating - [b](D+)[/b] • [b]USPW American Wrestling drew a [u]5.54[/u] rating on Sports America[/b][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
[CENTER][b][u][size=3]Today's Final Thoughts[/b][/u][/size][/CENTER] If you're a fan of the sport side of "sports entertainment", tonight probably wasn't a great night for you. If you're a fan of the entertainment side of "sports entertainment" then I'm pretty damn sure you got your money's worth. Especially considering this was free on TV across the country. Although it may not be for long... it seems that the network aren't happy with our ratings. I blame Sam Strong... here's why. 1. Our ratings are up from an average of about 4.1 over the last few months to a 6.32 last week and a 5.54 this week. 2. The network didn't seem to mind their ratings terrbly much before when Sam Strong had total power around here. 3. Sam Strong doesn't like me and wants me to fail. Seriously. I know he seems happy enough to put things over on TV and he's been working out pretty well as a colour commentator so far but I don't think he even wants to be doing that much work. I think being so near the ring and not being in it makes him itch for competition again. Also, he knows if he can possibly get rid of me then he will and I don't think he's afraid to sacrifice USPW's success to do so. Is it so wrong of me to want to run a promotion that has a chance of succeeding? Its not like we can rely on the SWF and TCW to give us their veterans when ours retire over the next few years. And lastly... Kaos is Larry Wood. And of course Barry Kingman is also the son of the legendary "Crippler" Ray Kingman which is what probably helped make Sam Strong sound so convincing when he put them over. They have old school pedigree. Crippler is working for us backstage, helping people put matches together and whatnot. I can only imagine what our matches would have been like tonight if we hadn't had him helping tonight. Stay tuned to USPW folks, I'm sticking with my principle of not revealing the next card ahead of time. [b]USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams[/b] so far has just one match announced as Bruce the Giant defends the USPW World Championship against Demon Anger but more matches are expected to be announced soon! With more surprises guaranteed by me (I never disappoint) be sure to make sure you don't miss the next edition of [b][COLOR="blue"]USPW[/COLOR][COLOR="red"] American Wrestling![/COLOR][/b]
[CENTER][i]Kestrel Rose[/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Multiplayer/Event%20Stuff/USPW_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
[i]PS: Have fun rotting in the SWF Shooting Star division Devine. Maybe I'll give you a job when you come crawling back, maybe I won't. Only one way for you to find out.[/i]
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I had now been working on the Danger and Violence Extreme team for over a week, and was really starting to get into the swing of things. I had familiarized myself with most of the workers, and even signed a few new ones that I’m hoping can some day be worldwide names. We arrived at The Den in New England, and the amount of people turning up surprised me considering how far away we were from home. But wit success comes pressure, and due to the surprising amount of fans that showed up, this meant that we had to put on a show to remember for these fans. [center][img]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6144/dave4ne.png[/img] [b]DaVE Danger Zone TV Thursday, Week 2, January 2007[/b] (Held at The sold-out Den in front of 2,000 people)[/i][/center] [b]Dark match: Black Cancer vs. Mikey James[/b] I figured that I’d let two of my newest workers go out there before the show and have a bout, but unfortunately, the two didn’t seem to click all to well and the match seemed awkward at places. Black Cancer (who some of the fans recognized as Black Eagle, or Plague from CZCW) got the win after 7:31 with a Fatal Disease. [b]E[/b] [b]Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach[/b] Two of DaVE’s upcoming stars in would ring would be a seller, I thought, and I seemed to be correct. The two put on a great match, which the fans really loved. At the 10:40 mark Minnesota got the victory after slipping out of a Bach on Your Back, rolling up Sammy and grabbing a handful of Bach’s tights for leverage. [b]C[/b] Joey Minnesota is celebrating his victory, when suddenly the music of Shawn Gonzalez hits the PA. The Lone Wolf makes his way down to the ring and gets a microphone, betting to claim that Minnesota showed a better display last week, and that the cuts on his forehead prove it. Gonzalez, one of DaVE’s veterans, then said that he’d love to step into the ring with Joey again some time, before offering a handshake. For a second it looked as if Minnesota might accept, but just as he extended his arm he showed disrespect by turning his back on Gonzalez, and exiting the ring. [b]C+[/b] [b]The Preachers of Extreme vs. The McWade Brothers[/b] The Preachers of Extreme (yeah, finally thought of a name for Bouncers & Century) looked good out there, but the fans still didn’t enjoy it much, like last week. Perhaps it’s that I haven’t been putting them up against appropriate opponents, maybe this team just wasn’t meant to be, but I’m not giving up on them just yet. The POE got the win in 5:38 after they hit their new double team move, The Devil’s Prayer. [b]E+[/b] The New Wave make their way down to the ring, and say that they’ve given Phil Vibert an entire week to make his decision, and that now they demand the answer as to whether or not they get their rematch. “I’ve known you two guys for a long time,” Phil Vibert says. “And if there’s one thing that I can say about you guys, it’s that you’re always up for a challenge. So next week, on DaVE Danger Zone TV, you will have to select one member of The New Wave to go up against one member of the New Jersey Devils, who they will choose. If the Devils win, then they have every right to deny you a rematch. On the other hand, however, if you guys win, then not only do you get your rematch at Counter Culture, but you also get to choose the match type!” Scout and Guide look at each other and grin, knowing that there’s a good chance that this could go in their favour. [b]C[/b] [b]Eddie Peak vs. Vin Tanner[/b] As promised, the DaVE Unified Champion was in action, and against Vin Tanner. As it turned out, these two guys had great chemistry, but unfortunately I basically told the road agent to have Peak dominate the match and only have Tanner get a bit of offence, which may have ruined a good situation. Hopefully one day these two will be able to take each other on in a thrilling match, and raise the standards much higher than they did tonight. Eddie Peak got the victory with a Peak of Perfection after 9:01. [b]D[/b] Carl Batch got the mic and prepared for his usual post-match rant. Earlier in the week I had been told that Batch had signed a written deal with Supreme Wrestling Federation, and that this would ultimately be his final DaVE show. I decided to make something positive out of the negative with this angle, and try to get Eddie Peak over that much more. Carl Batch ranted on about how neither him nor his client were afraid of Chris Caulfield, but then made the mistake of claiming that ‘he held the power of Danger and Violence Extreme in the palm of his hand’. Eddie Peak seemed to take exception to this comment, grabbing the mic with a look of disgust on his face and claiming that he has his own man, and Carl Batch didn’t have any power at all. He then proved this statement correct as he quickly booted Batch in the gut and hit him with the Peak of Perfection. The fans cheered, but Peak managed to keep his heal heet as he told the fans to ‘screw themselves’ before he left. The DaVE diehards had also presumably heard about the deal that Batch had signed with SWF, as they began to chant “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye!” as he left the arena. [b]C-[/b] [b]Hardcore Tag Team Match: Acid & Eric Tyler vs. Jack Geidroyc & Chris Caulfield[/b] You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me – after a night of quite a few relatively bad matches, this was the one that I expected to make the crowd’s night memorable. Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t stand out as awful… but it didn’t seem to stand out as good, either. Chris Caulfield got the pinfall over Acid after 15:40 after connecting with a Danger Drop. After he got the victory, he turned to the camera, and delivered an angry message to Eddie Peak, claiming that “he’d feel the Danger Drop within the next month, and it will be the cause of him losing the Unified Championship”. [b]D[/b] [b]Overall Thoughts:[/b] Damn, definitely not what I wanted to send these awesome fans home with. I won’t beat around the bush, this show sucked, and I was fully aware of it. I’m not gonna get upset over one bad show, lets face it, everybody has their bad nights. I’ll just hope that I can pick it up next week. [b]Overall Show Rating: D[/b]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]Anderson's Angery Aura[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]I sat there with the wrestlers, everyone of them had turned up to hear what [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] had to say. Most of the guys had a strong guess in their mind what he was going to say and had turned up to see the vein in his temple throb. Some hadn't a clue and had been asking me for the last 20 minutes what to expect; I was in the same boat as them, I wasn't fully sure. It was obvious that he was going to mention the current trend of [B]CZCW stars being added to 'bigger' promotion[/B] rosters in recent weeks, but just how he was going to address that was the question. [B]Citizen X[/B] had said last week that Cliff Anderson was well known to over react to situation that didn't go his way, so for the most part I was expecting the exploding kettle routine. I had also read reports that Anderson was a very self centered person, and would often manipulate those around him and take credit for all the good that happened in whatever company he was with. This may or may not be the reason he moved from one indie to the next for so many years before finally buying CZCW. Another 10 minutes past, it was an hour before the doors would open and the crowd would enter the Simmons Center, finally Cliff Anderson walked in. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Glad everyone could make it[/COLOR]," He said, he looked right at [B]Frankie Perez[/B] before scanning the room, laying a gaze on [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] and [B]Plague[/B] before moving on. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]I just wanted to say a few things before the show tonight.[/COLOR]" Credit to Plague, he never once broke away from Anderson's gaze, if anything there was some sort of silent mini stare down between the two in the three seconds their gaze was locked. I'm not sure, but I think I may have missed some hidden history between the two; I made a note to ask X later, he had been my beginners guide to CZCW in the last two weeks. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]As I'm sure everyone's aware, tonight is Frankie's last show with us before he moves on to TCW.[/COLOR]" There was a silent moment as no one was sure weather to congratulate him or not infront of Cliff. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Well done, Frankie.[/COLOR]" Cliff said, the room was slightly shocked. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]I'm sure you'll do well in TCW[/COLOR]. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Also, Phoenix and Plague have signed with DaVE, which I was able to watch on Thursday Night. And, I have to say, their show was poor. Take note, that the bigger promotions out there aren't putting on half a show then we are. I want you to go out there tonight and perform like you were performing infront of a national TV crowd.[/COLOR]" Cliff finished. Cliff had been right though; most, if not all, of them companies more popular then us, with more exposure, had been putting out some pretty poor efforts compared to our consistant shows over the last year or so. If only we had that exposure, a TV deal or something, then at least everyone on the West Coast would know more about CZCW. The way Cliff was talking, something inside me felt like that it wouldn't be too long before CZCW was washing up on a TV set soon. [/SIZE] -- [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/CZCW-weekly.jpg[/IMG] [B]CZCW - Welcome to the Zone![/B] [I]Sold Out in front of 300 people at the Simmons Center[/I].[/CENTER] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] -v- [B]Flying Jimmy Fox[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Remmy Skye in 6:57 by pinfall with a Flying Foxx.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]In what could have been a good match, [B]Remmy Skye[/B] was off his game again. That makes 2/2 for Remmy on blowing a match, which is a shame as Remmy has all the potential to be a star. [*]It Also makes it 2/2 wins for [B]Flying Jimmy[/B] over Skye. Jimmy seems to be on a roll, maybes that's why [B]Citizen X[/B] was at ringside the whole of the match. What is X up to? [*]Whatever X is up to in the long run, he certainly played it obvious tonight at ring side, helping Flying Jimmy pick up another win over Remmy Skye. [/LIST] [/quote] [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Flying Jimmy[/B] won so que his techno night club beat dancing, Citizen X watched on but didn't seem to impressed. It's strange how over Flying Jimmy's dancing has become over the years he's been in CZCW. He would probably make for a very interesting champion outside the Tag Division one day. [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="YellowGreen"][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]Citizen X[/B] climbed into the ring with a mic, much last week, and launched a verbal attack on [B]Pee-Wee Germain[/B], CZCW's head (and only) ref. X placing all the blame over his lost last week against the Coporate Whore that Pee-Wee, claiming that Pee Wee counted faster for Sparrow's Pinfall. [*]X went on to say that he'd fight [B]Sparrow[/B] again tonight and he'd get the pinfall. [*]Citizen X then went onto say that Pee-Wee wouldn't be reffing the match tonight, but an old CZCW faithful would be... none other then... [B]FARRAH HESKETH![/B] [/LIST] [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B] [quote] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FarrahHesketh.jpg[/IMG] w/ Special Guest Referee [B]Citizen X[/B] -v- [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] w/ [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] as Special Ref [I][COLOR="Red"]Citizen X defeated Matt Sparrow in 9:35 by pinfall following interference from Snap Dragon.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]Citizen X[/B] and [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] put on another close back and forth match, that went down the line until [B]Snap Dragon[/B] came down to distract the Ref while [B]Flying Jimmy[/B] clocked Sparrow from behind letting Citizen X pick up the win. [*]The matches between Sparrow and Citizen X seem to be capturing the imagination of the CZCW crowd, how have found it easy to slip into. [*]Citizen X was quick to claim that this win evened things up in terms of 'dodgy' wins for each other. [/LIST][/quote] [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [B][COLOR="Orange"]D+[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [B]James Prudence[/B] -v- [B]Fox Mask[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]James Prudence defeated Fox Mask in 11:53 by pinfall with a Surf's Up.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]What a [B]STINKER[/B]! [*]It was hard to find who was at fault with this match, but one thing was for sure, [B]Prudence and Mask just can't put a good bought on between them[/B]. Call it contrasting styles, similar weaknesses, who knows. Ultimately though it's a great shame and lost for CZCW that two of their most talented, and popular stars, can't seem to work a good match between them. Only time will be able to tell what will happen in the future between the two. [/LIST][/quote] [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the match [B]Prudence[/B] took a mic and called out the Champion [B]Donnie J[/B]. He said he had just defeated the man Donnie J had defeated last week and should therefore be [B]in line for a title shot[/B]! [B]Donnie[/B] told Prudence that he wouldn't be able to defend the belt with full justice as he couldn't force himself to lay a tough fight against someone he still called a friend. Prudence nearly lost control at being denied again and Donnie still claiming they were friends. "[B]We're not friends, you screwed me when you went for the solo gold![/B]" He shouted. Donnie said that even though things between them were difficult at the moment, they had been friends for so long that he was sure things would solve themselves out soon enough and they'd be a tag team again. Prudence told Donnie to shut his damn mouth, and that there was no way a member of the Platinum Club would lower themselves to be friends with a cheap ass like Donnie J. Prudence went on to say that he'd prove that they were no longer friends, doing anything to get the point across. [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Orange"]D+[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="4"]MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] -v- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] -v- [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ultimate Phoenix defeated Frankie Perez in 12:35 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]A great match between the pair, which was what CZCW had always had planned for this evening. The match was originally billed as a NO1 Contenders Match. [*]Much credit has to be paid to Perez for this professionalism during this match, as at no point did he undersell or stiff out Ultimate Phoenix. Perez took it like a man and at the end of the night went down to stare up at the lights for Phoenix to get the win. [*]The match was pretty much a standard affair with Phoenix getting long stretches of attack on Perez, however there was alot of 'improvised' spots between the two in the ring in the form of exchanges and face offs which the fans did enjoy. [/LIST][/quote] [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="YellowGreen"][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CliffAnderson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/CZCW%20Diary/roster/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the match [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] climbed into the ring with the Microphone and began to interview [B]Frankie on his depature from CZCW[/B]. [B]Citizen X ran down from the curtain and layed into Frankie Perez[/B] calling him a [B]mainstream sellout[/B] for leaving CZCW. Cliff Anderson made a beeline from the ring before Citizen X thought about attacking him. X went on to say this is exactly the kind of thing he was fight against, the Corporations raping the Indipendants of all its talent and making them into ManBots of the Mainstream. [CENTER][B]Rating[/B]: [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U] Final Show Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D+[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER]
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