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You have to do that in editor (in game or out of game) because for some reason you cant do that in product screen. In the in game editor go to your promotion, product and change womens division to intergrated. you can do it in the normal editor but then you need to start the game again.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;191598]how do i set up my fed so i can have posative match reaction with ladies vs gentleman. I am trying to build up a talented female as a true wrestler in my cruise weight division, but the crowd keeps complaing. thanks[/QUOTE] With Patch 1.3, "Integrated" was added as a women's option. Unfortunately, no promotion in the CornellVerse is set to "Integrated", so there is only one way to get what you want, that being to change it yourself. Logically this should be in Product, but it's not. You have to go to the Editor and then to Product, and that's where you can change it. You see, "None" used to mean "Integrated", and there was no setting for not allowing women to wrestle at all. That was changed in the patch, so now you have to change it manually.
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