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Backyard Wrestling Signup

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excellent idea just found out about the game and bought it right away . No other sports simulator quite like it. anyways i want in on this Name- Couke Saquer Short Name- Picture (From C-Verse, just give the worker name of who you want to look like)-dan dalay Gender- Male Birth Month- Feb. Year (1986-1990)- 1978 Nationality- French Available- All Locations Bio Couke Saquer, Not real name but stage name pronounced Coo-k-sack-eer was a big time player in the porn industry. After hundreds of top selling titles such as baby got balls and Your not actually my mother! he kind of just disappeared from the movies. The fame started to get to his over sized head and he thought he was to good for the movies. 1 year went by as he slowly faded out from the porn industry because of his shrinking genitals that were getting smaller day by day because of his rapid steroid use. Since then hes off the juice but still massive . Oh ya and he had growth suppliments for his wee man to Style (from choices at the bottom)- 80's muscle man Size- Large Heavyweight Finishers (Type)- running clothesline Heel and Face Performances (Must add to 100)- face 30 -heel 70 other skill menace, brawl Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 1 grade)- Mic, Acting, Charisma, Star Quality. Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 2 grades, Not same as good skills)- selling, Stamina
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