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A Return to Glory: World Championship Wrestling

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/eric_bischoff.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]February 2001[/B] Eric Bischoff wouldn’t exactly claim that the past two years were his best. The self proclaimed “savior of the wrestling industry” had been riding high since 1996, when he seized power in the wrestling industry through his invention of the New World Order and catapulted World Championship Wrestling to the top of the wrestling world. In the past two years however, Bischoff had briefly had any impact in the world of wrestling. In fact he was scarcely even seen at WCW events. In late 1999, a shake up at Time Warner resulted in Bischoff loosing his position of power within WCW. An eventual return to the company in April of 2000 saw the man sharing duties with Vince Russo, who Bischoff regarded as a “mean-spirited, creatively shallow individual.” Perhaps it was best for all involved that he would swiftly leave the company again just a short six weeks after he had returned. Although many fans might argue otherwise, given the choices Russo would make when left to his own devices. The turmoil caused by the shakeup in 1999 and the instability of Vince Russo’s booking decisions left World Championship Wrestling on shaky ground by the beginning of 2000. For his part, Bischoff contributed to the decline of WCW as much as anyone else. Blinded by his zeal to compete with the WWF, he offered guaranteed contracts and creative control to a select few on the roster. This proved to create a glass ceiling which few (if any) talented young wrestlers in the company were able to break through. Subsequently, the strangle hold the older workers had on the company resulted in the exodus of various promising young stars who defected to WCW’s rival, the World Wrestling Federation, out of frustration. As WCW continued to rely on the same nWo style storylines, the company continually bled money, and it was only because of Ted Turner’s affliction for professional wrestling that WCW continued to air on Turner Networks. This all changed in January of 2000 however, when it was announced that AOL, a popular internet service provider, and Time Warner, which had previously bought out Turner Broadcasting Systems and in effect WCW, announced a merger. This event would push Ted Turner out as the largest shareholder in the company and would in effect eliminate WCW’s built in protection. No longer shielded by Ted Turner, WCW was seen as nothing more than a “low-brow” drain to the company and by late 2000 the rumor mill was abuzz about the impending auction of World Championship Wrestling. What the rumor mongers could not have known, however, was that Eric Bischoff was prepared for such an event. And, always being a man of action, he had himself set up to once again be in control of the wrestling promotion he had already devoted the better part of 5 years to. Before the rumors of WCW’s sale had even materialized, Bischoff had already contacted Time Warner program manager Brad Siegel to inform him of his intent to buy the promotion. Bischoff had strategized that this early contact with the man responsible for TNT’s and TBS’s airtime would promote good will and help to facilitate a healthy relationship between the two. The timeslots on TNT and TBS were integral to his plan, and Bischoff knew that his already tentative financial backers would grow even more wary of pursuing this venture without the airtime already in place. It was here however, that Bischoff encountered the first setback in his power-play. Upon contacting Siegel he was informed that Time Warner television executive Jamie Kellner viewed wrestling as a blight to Turner Broadcasting, and in effect would no longer permit wrestling to be aired on either TNT or TBS. The news caused him more pain than any blow he had ever received in the ring. The news that WCW would need to obtain new television contracts was dire; with no airtime for WCW, his plans were put on their death bed before anything could even be put into motion. In fact upon calling his financial backers, the venture capital company Fuscient Media Ventures, Bischoff was informed that the deal could not go forward as planned. A man of steel resolve however, he was loathed to see his dream vanish before his very eyes. No, before Fuscient had even known what hit them Bischoff was already spinning the afternoons news into a positive light; selling Fuscient on the idea that a move from Turner Broadcasting would set WCW free to acquire a more profitable television contract with a network that would more readily support the WCW product. Bischoff sold and sold as only a man who had actually found success selling meat from the back of a van could. By the end Fuscient had agreed to continue backing the purchase of WCW, but their support came with stipulations. Two, to be exact. In his fervor Bischoff promised not only to secure a new television deal for the fledging promotion, he had also promised to provide the majority of finances needed to complete the initial deal. And with an asking price of 7 million dollars the price was hefty. A sound investor, he had ensured that he would have no want for money after his days with WCW had come to an end. However, to cover the purchase of the promotion, his nest-egg would be completely wiped out; and this was a personal risk that he was not prepared to make. And as the hard cold reality of the situation began to sink in, Bischoff decided to invoke plan B. If WCW was to be his, he was going to need a partner. There was only one man who Bischoff knew that had both the financial capabilities and desire to own a piece of WCW. And that is what brought Eric Bischoff to North Carolina, and a man in which he shared a mutual aversion. That is what brought Eric Bischoff to Ric Flair![/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/wooo3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][FONT="Impact"]TO BE CONTINUED…………[/FONT][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/House.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]North Carolina February 2001[/B] Eric Bischoff drove up the gravel pavement that led to Ric Flairs modest Charlotte home. Well, modest to those who only knew of the man through the flamboyant “Nature Boy” persona he portrayed on screen. In reality Ric Flair was not one to walk around strutting his stuff and offering random women rides on “Space Mountain.” At the same time, those that conducted business with the man would quickly add that he was every bit “The Dirtiest Player in the Game.” And it was for this reason that Bischoff hesitated and momentarily considered heading back to Arizona, before he conceded and finally pressed down on the little white button that would alert the Flair household that he had arrived. Half expecting to hear Straus’ “Also sprach Zarathustra” Bischoff was put at ease when the sound of a common run of the mill doorbell could be heard echoing just beyond the large oak door in front of him. Asking for help from a man whom he had butted heads with on more than one occasion was going to be humbling enough, but he would rather not have the man’s larger than life persona flaunted in front of him the entire time. “Hello, Mr. Bischoff, my dad’s in the office; I’ll show you where it is.” Bischoff was greeted by the youngest of the Flair children as the doors to the Flair household were finally opened. At 7 years old, Tasha was a bright and lively girl. As she guided Bischoff up the stairs and down the hall to Ric’s office she entertained Bischoff with talk of her dad’s and brothers work in the ring and things she was learning at school. The conversation continually changing from one subject to another without warning, Bischoff found himself amused by the ramblings of the precocious child; in fact he suddenly felt himself at ease for the first time that day. This all changed when Ric’s voice was suddenly echoing throughout the hall. “Well Eric, please tell me how this is all supposed to work out” Ric inquired as he almost threw Bischoff’s proposal back at his chest. The answer was one in which Bischoff had rehearsed during the drive to the Flair household, however, caught off guard he was forced to regain his composure and once again prepare himself to sell Ric on his proposition. All the while he couldn’t help but hand it to old man, using his daughter to lure him into a false sense of security was a stroke of brilliance and forced Bischoff to relinquish the upper hand. Ric had certainly lived up to his moniker and all Bischoff could do was smile at the man as he tried to regain his wits. Finally centering himself Bischoff smiled, thanked Flair for meeting with him, and suggested that they get comfortable. The two sat at a large oak desk, surrounded by memorabilia from Flairs vast and illustrious career; so much for not having the man's career flaunted in front of him. They began discussing the dire situation with which WCW found itself in and how together the two of them could turn the company around and eventually retake their place as the number 1 wrestling promotion in the US. Ric took in what Bischoff was telling him, never letting the other man see what he was thinking as Bischoff went over the details of Time Warner’s feelings toward WCW and the wrestling industry, and how in their overwhelming eagerness to rid themselves of the promotion they’d be willing to take far less than market value. Finally Ric ****ed an eyebrow and shrewdly questioned just how low they could have WCW for. “7 million? There’s no way that’s right Eric; if I recall correctly somebody signed up most of our main event with very large guaranteed contracts. Those cost's alone have to be well over 7 million. And I don’t suppose Time Warner will buy those out for us?” Of course Bischoff had known that, he was the individual responsible for the debilitating contracts to begin with. A fact that Ric was well aware of; if his large ****y grin was any indication. If these remarks were made in any other circumstance Bischoff would have walked out then and there, but the situation called for tact and if Bischoff truly wanted WCW he would have to endure the quips for just a bit longer. “Of course Time Warner won’t buy them out, they’d rather let them sit on the books then have to pay large settlements. And by the way, those contracts were a necessary evil, I did what I had to do to get WCW to the top and that’s what it took at the time. I wouldn’t make that mistake again, but there is no use whining about the past. Anyway, if we are able to iron out our differences and work out a deal; I have been assured that my……..our…....financial backers will buy out any contracts that we need. Hell, if Luger or Nash wants to sit at home and get paid by Time Warner for doing nothing that’s their choice, as far as we’re concerned we only have to worry about the guys we want back anyway.” Ric nodded his head in agreement, decidedly satisfied with the answer given. He looked over the proposal once more before raising his head to meet Bischoff at eye level arrogantly asking: “Now Eric, tell me why I don’t just by WCW myself?” It was a question that Bischoff had known was bound to be asked at some point during their meeting. And if Bischoff had any indication that Ric could buy WCW outright he would have never contacted the man to begin with. No, this latest ploy was simply a bluff on the part of Ric to try and assert himself as the alpha-dog in the arrangement. Without skipping a beat Bischoff, smiled and looked Ric dead in the eye. “Simply, because you can’t Ric. You’ve gained quite a bit of wealth in your time in the business. But the ability to buy WCW and buyout those guaranteed contracts that “somebody” handed out is beyond your means. It’s beyond mine too Ric, that’s why the only way either of us will own a piece of WCW is by working together and letting Fuscient handle the heavy lifting. It’s definitely not the way you or I wanted it but our hands are tied. So, you tell me, can we work together?” He had made the same impassioned speech about 100 times while driving to the Flair house, and he only hoped that he wasn’t too abrasive while doing so. Unfortunately he needed to show Ric that he was in fact in charge without putting the man off of a possible working relationship between them. As Ric leaned back in his chair and mulled over the situation, Bischoff’s palms grew sweaty, knowing that the decision of the man seated in front of him would ultimately decide his fate with regards to WCW. Finally Bischoff was put at ease as a determined Flair looked across the table and asked: “Tell me about how we are going to secure a TV deal?”[/FONT] [B][FONT="Impact"]TO BE CONTINUED…………[/FONT][/B]
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I'm intruged... and interested. I'll be reading. Great knowledge/research by the way. There is an awful amount of detail here, very impressive. Also it's good you did a backstory, I like a bit of background in a diary so, as already said, I'll be reading.
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Thanks, I appreciate the support. :D I have quite a bit of backstory, mostly because I enjoy writing these sections so much and because I'm still setting up the database to how I want it. I've never written a real world diary, but hopefully, my love for WCW comes through and I can make it an enjoyable and interesting read. So, thanks for reading..................the next part will be up on Friday :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/FortMyers.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"]Fort Myers, Florida March 2001 Throughout the past month Eric Bischoff had been trying to secure a television deal for World Championship Wrestling with no luck. Meeting after meeting, the network execs were reluctant of airing wrestling on their stations; hell even MTV went so far as to say the WCW product would hurt their reputation. Apparently the network responsible for naked 20 year olds running around shagging anyone in their paths couldn’t handle the stigma of airing a wrestling match. Rejection after rejection, Bischoff began to see his dream once again slip away from him. At one point he even got desperate enough to contact Jamie Kellner, the man responsible for canceling WCW programming in the first place, in a last ditch effort to persuade him to reconsider. As was to be expected the meeting was quite unsuccessful. By the end of February Bischoff was resigned to cancel his attempt to take control of WCW, as by his own admission without a television deal the promotion was practically worthless, when unexpectedly the largest wrestling promotion in the US, WWF, made a very foolish mistake. And it was through this mistake that Bischoff finally got the inclination that there was in fact light at the end of this tunnel. “Good he’ll be here within the hour; I’ll see you in 10 minutes then” Jerry Lawler hung up the phone with a sense of excitement that he had been lacking in the last few weeks. Accustomed to a life on the road touring with the World Wrestling Federation, Lawler had grown restless in his short time at home. On the verge of going stir crazy he found himself to be quite ornery, which frequently resulted in constant spats with his wife Stacy. More and more he found himself blaming Stacy for his growing discontent, as if it were her that forced him to resign from the WWF announce table or her fault that the writing team was foolishly taken in by Joanie Laurer’s lies about his wife’s locker room demeanor. This coming from the person who insisted on squashing everyone in the Women’s Division so she could look strong enough to compete with the men. When the decision came to that Stacy would be let go, because her ego would be uncontainable if she were to get any more popular, Lawler did what he thought any decent husband would do and left to join his wife on the unemployment line. A decision in which, although he’d still stand by, was threatening to kill him through sheer boredom. In an attempt to relieve himself of the boredom that followed unemployment Lawler had attempted to contact WCW and join up with the promotion soon after he left the WWF, however, the turmoil surrounding the company and his somewhat strained relationship with Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara prevented any such occurrence from materializing. Not that Jerry was hurting for work; in fact he had fielded about a dozen offers from various independent promotions as soon as news of his resignation had hit the dirtsheets. However, his heart was not in it to go back to joining the independent circuit; he wanted a role on air, where his work as a color commentator could be heard by the masses. And with the state of his wife’s relationship with the WWF and his with the powers that be in WCW the likelihood of him returning to a nationally televised promotion was looking less and less likely. That was of course, until he fielded an out of the blue phone call from one Eric Bischoff. It was then that Lawler fully appreciated all the late nights he hung around to help his buddy Jim Ross. If it weren’t for this interaction with the Executive Vice President of Business Strategies he would have had nothing to offer Eric Bischoff when the man came calling. Eric Bischoff stepped into the charming home of Jerry Lawler and his wife Stacy, expecting to get a lead and to begin negotiating contracts for both Lawler and his wife in return for their participation. However, upon entering the home and being greeted by Lawler, Bischoff was taken aback to not only find a lead, but to actually have the USA Network’s Director of Original Series Development, Bill McGoldrick, sitting in front of him ready to talk about a deal. Bischoff had in fact tried to contact USA in his pursuit of a television deal, however, at every turn he was met with resistance due to the networks hopes of luring WWF, which had relocated their programming to Spike TV, back into the fold. Throughout it all Bischoff was never able to meet with anyone higher than a Program Manager, and after growing increasingly frustrated with the events had written USA off as an option. To actually be sitting with an executive that seemed interested and willing to air WCW programming was a pleasant change from the experiences Bischoff had in the last few weeks. Bischoff and McGoldrick quickly exchanged pleasantries and looked for a place to talk, as it was apparent both men were anxious to discuss a possible working agreement for their respective companies. For his part, Lawler knew when to make himself scarce, and as his role in the deal was over he left the two to negotiate amongst themselves only infrequently sending Stacy in to see if they required anything from their hosts. Throughout the meeting Bischoff was quite impressed with Bill McGoldricks knowledge of the wrestling industry and in particular WCW. It was apparent that McGoldrick and USA had given up on their attempt to lure in the WWF and were now looking for a replacement that could draw in the ratings that WWF programming did for the network; and one thing was for sure syndicated sitcoms and their own original series were not the answer. The only hurdle was that USA was wary of committing to a company whose ratings were in steady decline and had seen so much upheaval in the recent past. Throughout it all Bischoff was his usual charismatic self, regaling the USA executive with his business plan for WCW and relieving the man of any fears of the company bleeding money as it was allowed to under the Turner umbrella. He even went so far as to give his honest explanations for the downturn of WCW and offered that having experienced them he’d now know how to avoid and fix these problems Setting McGoldrick at ease with the news of Ric Flairs and Fusient’s involvement, Bischoff could see the concern being lifted from the face of the USA executive, and as Bischoff revealed more and more of his business strategy he knew that the deal was as good as done. It was almost midnight before Bischoff and McGoldrick had finally settled all the little details of their potential deal. Finally the two weary men agreed to finalize the deal after the sale of WCW was official, since the proposal would be enough to ease Fusients concerns and provoke them to go forward. Bischoff left the Lawler household letting his host know before leaving that not only would he but also his wife were guaranteed to be handsomely rewarded once the ink was dry and he was back at the helm of WCW. As Bischoff climbed into his rented Buick, he picked up his phone and put the final steps of his plan into motion. As he waited for Ric to pick up he couldn’t help but smile to himself, pleased that although rocky his plan worked out in the end. “Ric, you awake?.....Yes, I know what time it is, but this is important, the “King” came through in a big way, I’m going to get on a plane and head to New York to sign the papers with Fusient………Yeah I know it’s earlier than we thought………..I know Ric, we won’t sign anything without you but, first you need to let Brad know that everything’s a go. Alright, see you in New York”[/FONT] [B][FONT="Impact"]TO BE CONTINUED…………[/FONT][/B]
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Jesus F'n T!tty F'n. This is a brilliant backstory. The King came through. Long live the King! I was always interested in what plans Bischoff had with Fuscient so it'll be interesting to see it played out on USA Network. Good luck with it Ima, this looks a fantastic backstory. Viva la WCW!
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Thanks for the compliments! Tristram if my diary is even half as good as yours, I'll consider it a major success. Viva la WCW, indeed :D And thank you for creating the database Tommy; I always wondered what would have become of WCW if they continued on. Just moved to a bigger house this weekend and have to get the office set up before I can run the first show. But the backstory will be completed shortly and then the fun stuff really begins! ;)
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[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWTorch.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][U][I]WCW Making Moves?[/I][/U] Word is World Championship Wrestling has sent out feelers to various Indy stars in the last week. We here at Pro Wrestling Torch highly doubt the accuracy of these reports as Time Warner has been reported numerous times to be shopping WCW to the highest bidder. Time Warner has also been rumored to have gone so far as to impose a hiring freeze on Brad Siegel, the man currently responsible for making personnel decisions for the fledging promotion. Among those rumored to be headed to either WCW or WCW developmental promotion NWA: Wildside are: Chris Hero CM Punk Tony Mamaluke Shannon Spruill (who was released by WCW in February) Super Crazy And Teddy Hart (nephew of Brett Hart) Whichever the case you can rest assured that PWTorch will keep abreast of the situation and will report as soon as anything can be confirmed.[/FONT]
[SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][U]Talkback[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"] [I]Imarevenant:[/I] Woot! First bitches! Oh and LMFAO!!!!! WTF!!!!
[QUOTE][I]TheWholeFnShow:[/I] Very productive post there revenant, as for the rumors this sounds fake, has anyone heard about any of this?[/QUOTE]
[I]WWFan:[/I] Who cares? WCW is second rate anyway, and whose even heard of these guys?
[QUOTE][I]nWo4Lyfe:[/I] Sht pu u WWF mark!![/QUOTE]
[I]TheWholeFnShow:[/I] Seriously we all know WCW’s days are numbered. They need to get rid of Hogan and Nash and sign Rob Van Damn, then maybe they’ll have a chance.
[QUOTE][I]WrestlingIsReal:[/I] Yeah, at this rate, WCW is going to be bought up by WWF or something [/QUOTE]
[I]nWo4Lyfe:[/I] Dat wuld never happen!
[QUOTE][I]MrDobalina:[/I] Yeah there’s no way any of this is true.[/QUOTE][/SIZE]
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Its a nice backstory, I thought that you were going to try to make this diary hard by taking a show on a south east network which is why you were talking to Lawler. It would of made it a little harder for you and more fun. You say that you can fix the downfall of WCW, but don't just go out and fire all the high priced guys. You have to remember that alotta these guys were/are friends of Eric Bischoff. You can't just not take some contracts and take others. If you do cut people you should do it in game so that you have to pay to release them. One thing that I didn't like is the way that you just signed some of the most talented indy guys, I mean you're trying to cut cost and you can't really do it by releasing guys because you'll have to pay them. But you go out and sign guys?? I'll be reading though, this diary is obviously well written and well thought out. Keep up the good work.
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[QUOTE=PoisonedSuperman;198799]Its a nice backstory, I thought that you were going to try to make this diary hard by taking a show on a south east network which is why you were talking to Lawler. It would of made it a little harder for you and more fun. You say that you can fix the downfall of WCW, but don't just go out and fire all the high priced guys. You have to remember that alotta these guys were/are friends of Eric Bischoff. You can't just not take some contracts and take others. If you do cut people you should do it in game so that you have to pay to release them. One thing that I didn't like is the way that you just signed some of the most talented indy guys, I mean you're trying to cut cost and you can't really do it by releasing guys because you'll have to pay them. But you go out and sign guys?? I'll be reading though, this diary is obviously well written and well thought out. Keep up the good work.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the interest I appreciate it :D As for your concerns, I thought about putting WCW on a local station, but honestly, Fusient wanted a TV deal and it was the lack of a TV deal that made them back out of purchasing WCW in the first place. I don't think a local deal would have prompted them to go through with buying the promotion; it just wouldn't have been profitable enough in the long run for them to do that. And believe me the WCW mark that I am, my fun with this game comes just from being able to play as them, whether I get D's or A*'s it doesn't matter to me. No worries on the hirings/firings of the high priced talent in WCW; all cuts and hirings were thought out beforehand and I think you'll be satisfied with them. As well, everything I've done was done in game; I've only used the Editor to assign television contracts and to add more future promotions and workers. As for the indy guys, well, they don't really cost much, since they aren't known at this time, so there are no big worries there. But to not have anyone in development to replace the many older workers I have on this roster would have been very shortsighted. There is something to be said for cost-cutting tactics but you shouldn't let them get in the way of developing for the future :cool:
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Atlanta.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]Atlanta, Georgia March 2001[/B] “Ric, that makes no sense whatsoever!” Eric Bischoff was irate as he looked across the table at his business partner. The two had been arguing for what seemed like days; they had just completed the purchase of the second largest wrestling promotion in the US and were in the midst of deciding on their full roster. The two had extremely different views concerning who to keep around in the new incarnation of WCW and were only proving to aggravate each other as each man stubbornly stuck to their guns. “You don’t want Nash, you don’t want Luger, or Steiner, or Sid, or Shane Douglas. Damn it Ric, you want to get rid of half of our top draws. And who are we going to bring in? Those young guys we just signed have potential but the fans don’t really know who they are and they certainly aren’t ready to carry us right now” “We have plenty Eric, Booker, Me, DDP, Sting, Goldberg; we can carry this thing without them around to hold everyone back like they have been. We don’t need them anymore.” “But why just cut them loose? Look we can still use them to put over some of our younger gu…” “Because they’ve shown they’re willing to do that?!” “No, but, when we buy out their existing contracts we sign them to new ones without the creative control clauses, this way we avoid the problems of the past. We can’t just let them loose so they can go show up with Vince in 6 months.” “That’s a nice dream there Eric; honestly do you really see guys like Nash or Hogan accepting a buyout and a contract without creative control?” “You let me work on them, they’ll listen to me, it’s not like we are going to bury them right; they’ll trust me. You need to talk to Sting, he shouldn’t be much of a problem though; but can you try to get through Goldberg’s thick head while you’re at it.” “Fine, we can use Hogan and Nash, and I never said we shouldn’t try to talk to Goldberg and Sting. I just don’t want things turning out like they did last time. Sid and Luger are of no use to us though and I don’t think we need them. And Douglas is as good as out of here, I’d like to tell him myself actually.” “Ok, fine, we can do without Lex, but Sid is injured, we really should wait until he’s back to cut him loose.” “That’s funny coming from you; why don’t you leave him a voice message?” “That was a low blow Ric……..but fine if you want him gone bad enough, you’re gonna have to do it. I don’t want to walk down that road again.” “Fine, I don’t care, it’s just business; he’ll get over it. So are we set?” “Well;………..I think we need to keep Shane around Ric.” “Hell no! Not in my company!” “Come on Ric; it’s just business right? We can use a guy like Shane around, he’s great on the stick; and I’ve got plans for him. Hell, we can even use the bad blood between you two in a storyline.” “Not only do you want him in my company, but, you want me to work with him too? You must be kidding, Eric.” “I’m completely serious Ric, we can really use him, and you know it.” ….. ……. ……… “Fine, you can have Shane, but, you know what I want.” “………He’s not ready Ric, he needs more time at Wildside.” “I don’t care, he’ll do fine. You get Shane, and David comes back to prime time; why’d you think I fought so hard to bring Shannon and that Crowbar fella back? They had a good thing going for a while and he and I would like to see it come back.” “Ric, are you forgetting the whole thing with Stacy and the pregnancy. You think the fans are just going to forget we did that; how are we supposed to strut those 3 out there like nothing ever happened?” “You’ll figure it out Eric, maybe you can include them in your big plans with Shane.”[/FONT] [B][FONT="Impact"]TO BE CONTINUED…………[/FONT][/B]
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[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWTorch.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][U][I]Fusient Media Ventures?[/I][/U] The mystery surrounding World Championship Wrestling continues as Time Warner has announced the sale of WCW! Not only did they announce the sale of their flagship wrestling promotion but they also announced that this would be the final month that Turner Networks will be airing WCW programming; making this Monday’s Nitro the final episode of WCW on the network. The venture capital company Fusient Media Ventures has been confirmed as the procurer of WCW; however, who exactly has spearheaded the purchase is anyone’s guess. Random speculation has everyone from Vince McMahon, to Vince Russo, to Eric Bischoff as the man behind the purchase of WCW. The idea of McMahon buying the promotion through a venture capital company is absurd at best however; and reports of Eric Bischoff having been seen at WCW Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia in the last week has raised more than a few suspicions. Along with this revelation, WCW announced the releases of Lex Luger, Sid Viscious, The Wall, Prince Iaukae and Alan Funk (Kwee Wee). When asked who at Fusient was responsible for these releases and the recent interest in independent workers such as Chris Hero a representative of WCW responded by telling us that “You will all find out in due time; for now we are concentrating on WCW’s last Monday Night Nitro on TNT; expect WCW to end it’s run with the network in style, as every WCW Championship will be on the line.” PWTorch’s take on this situation is that most likely Eric Bischoff is the man responsible for this turn of events and we would be surprised if it turned out to be anyone other than him. As to what his plans with the company are, that’s anyone’s guess, but judging from the recent interest in younger wrestlers one can only hope that bringing in fresh new talent is part of the plan. As always PWTorch will continue to keep you updated if any other developments occur. [/FONT]
[SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][U]Talkback[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"] [I]Imarevenant:[/I] I told all you bitches last week that this would happen!!!! Oh and…….. FRIST!!!1!!!!
[QUOTE][I]TheWholeFnShow:[/I] There you go again. And if I recall correctly your exact quote from last week was “LMFAO!!! WTF!!!” As for the article, I agree, and will be very surprised if it’s anybody but Bischoff behind this. At least they seem interested in some new talent.[/QUOTE]
[I]nWo4Lyfe:[/I] at lest it not Vince!!!!!!! WVW 4 Lyfe!!!!
[QUOTE][I]WrestlingIsReal:[/I] This is quite obviously a WORK; how are you all falling for this?[/QUOTE]
[I]UrDumb112:[/I] Yeah, they somehow convinced AOL Time Warner to announce the sale of one of their subsidiaries as an elaborate wrestling storyline; retard!
[QUOTE][I]MrDobalina:[/I] What exactly is WVW?[/QUOTE] [I]TheWholeFnShow:[/I] WCW or WVW, they need to hire Rob Van Dam. YOU HEAR THAT BISCHOFF; HIRE RVD!!! [/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/action-wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]Panama City Beach, Florida March 26, 2001[/B] Eric Bischoff peeked out from backstage, eager to check out the crowd of rowdy young college students that packed Club La Vela for WCWs final telecast on Turner Networks. What he saw was only strengthened his optimism, the crowd had been into the program all night and the match between the teams of Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero and Lash Leroux was an all out spotfest, that continued to get the crowd riled up and ready for more. The fact that Bischoff was the driving force behind the Fusient buyout was already expected by most fans and reporters, however, the fact that Ric Flair was involved was sure to set the wrestling world on its ear; and the hot crowd in attendance would ideally give the announcements made tonight a buzz that couldn’t be matched in a press release. Flair and Bischoff had already met and explained the deal to the boys in the back. And for the most part things ran very smoothly, with most everyone re-energized and re-focused to put WCW back on top. Those that seemed to have reservations about the new situation either had strained relationships with Flair or Bischoff, or were worried that the two would return to form and allow the old-timers to hold back the wealth of potential on the roster. The concerned individuals were few however, and there was not much they could say to alleviate their fears, thus, Bischoff and Flair promised to show them that the company was changing. And that is what this night was all about, because for every worker on the roster with these concerns there were thousands of fans at home that shared them. Bischoff had given a countless number of promos in his time at WCW, but none, had the importance of what he was to say tonight. It was this fact that both made him sweat a little under the collar and made him giddy with anticipation. “2 Minutes Mr. Bischoff; good luck” “Thank You, but this has nothing to do with “luck.” **That old familiar nWo music blares from the speakers** Eric Bischoff climbed into the ring, flashed his signature smile at the audience and basked in the applause of the crowd for just a second. It had been a long hard road to get there and Bischoff let the feeling of accomplishment wash over him, before he began to speak. “Well, it seems that most of you have heard the news that “new management” has taken over WCW. That’s right you are looking at the New CEO of World Championship Wrestling! Myself along with my silent partner, have decided that the last regime was flushing this once proud company straight down the toilet. We’ve had two non-wrestlers holding the Heavyweight Title, we saw 4 of our future stars leave to that other show, we alienated the biggest star this industry’s ever had, and the once prestigious cruiserweight belt was held by some fat guy pretending to be the competitions announcer. The fact is this company is long overdue for a change, and a shift in focus to what brought us here to begin with. We’re here to entertain you and ultimately bring you good wrestling! Nobody wants to see me, or Tony Shiavone, or Vince F****n Russo holding a championship belt! And, that’s not the way things are going to be run as long as I’m in control here. You want to see wrestling, not convoluted storylines? You want to see the Booker T’s, the Jeff Jarrett’s, the Billy Kidman’s, and the Rey Mysterio’s get a fair shot around here? Then keep watching! Because, this is a new WCW, this is My W…..C…….W!” Suddenly Eric Bischoff was interrupted by "Dawn" from one Also sprach Zarathustra. As the crowd went wild; Ric Flair strutted to the ring and grabbed a microphone of his own. “Eric Bischoff……your “silent partner”…..does not want……to remain Silent! Woooooooo!” Flair bounces off the ring ropes. “Your “silent partner” is a stylin’ profilin’ jet-flyin’ limousine ridin’ son of a bitch! WOOOOOO!” Eric Bischoff stood there with a heated look on his face as Ric Flair strutted around the ring, playing it up, woooo-ing for the fans. “I hear all this talk about “YOUR” WCW. You didn’t expect me to just stay in the background well you had all the fun now, did you. I’m as much a part of WCW as anyone in the back, and if anyone is going to change this company it’s me! Wooooo!” “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down Ric. You were supposed to let me handle the CEO responsibilities while you focused on wrestling and reaped the rewards of our investment.” “Woooo! Ric Flair……..plays second fiddle to no man Bischoff. And I’ve already gone ahead and booked the Main Event for tonight. In this ring Wooooo!.......for the WCW Woooo!..........World Heavyweight Championship, you’re going to see Scott Steiner defend his title against Booker T! Woooooooo! But that’s not all I have to say Eric, you see, starting in May, WCW will be back on the air, Wooooo! May 7th Wooooo! Monday Nitro! Woooooo! Is on the USA Network Wooooo! Woooo!” Eric Bischoff continued to look irate as Ric Flair danced and strutted around the ring, the fans eating every word of eat. “Well anything else you want to tell them Ric?” “Woooo! Since this is a “New WCW,” there is only one way to set things off Woooo! Just like the Universe started with a Bang! Wooooo! April 22, on Pay-Per-View, Wooooo! WCW will be reborn in The Big Bang! Wooooooo!” Eric Bischoff dropped his microphone and walked out of the ring, visibly angry as Tony Shiavone commented; “well it seems Ric Flair has stolen the show, and I’m not sure how well Ric and Bischoff are going to be able to work together! In any event we got ourselves a Main Event coming up after the break; Scott Steiner, Booker T, The WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line coming up next!” …. …….. ……….. Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair met up backstage and watched on a monitor as Booker T pinned Scott Steiner for his 4th reign with the World Heavyweight Championship. Judging from the crowd reactions the announcements went better than expected. Their first event as co-CEO’s of WCW had went off without a hitch and the two men beamed with pride as Tony Shiavone read off the card for April’s pay-per-view event.[/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER] [SIZE="5"]WCW The Big Bang[/SIZE] Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman © vs. The Yung Dragons [SIZE="3"]For the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] “Above Average” Mike Sanders vs. Ernest “The Cat” Miller “Suger” Shane Helms © vs. Shannon Moore [SIZE="3"]For the WCW Cruiserweight Championship[/SIZE] Hugh Morris vs. Chris Kanyon Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo © vs. Team Canada [SIZE="3"]For the WCW Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner Booker T © vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page [SIZE="3"]in a Two Falls Fatal 4-way for the WCW United States Championship and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE] [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Imarevenant;201189][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/action-wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]Panama City Beach, Florida March 26, 2001[/B] Eric Bischoff peeked out from backstage, eager to check out the crowd of rowdy young college students that packed Club La Vela for WCWs final telecast on Turner Networks. What he saw was only strengthened his optimism, the crowd had been into the program all night and the match between the teams of Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero and Lash Leroux was an all out spotfest, that continued to get the crowd riled up and ready for more. The fact that Bischoff was the driving force behind the Fusient buyout was already expected by most fans and reporters, however, the fact that Ric Flair was involved was sure to set the wrestling world on its ear; and the hot crowd in attendance would ideally give the announcements made tonight a buzz that couldn’t be matched in a press release. Flair and Bischoff had already met and explained the deal to the boys in the back. And for the most part things ran very smoothly, with most everyone re-energized and re-focused to put WCW back on top. Those that seemed to have reservations about the new situation either had strained relationships with Flair or Bischoff, or were worried that the two would return to form and allow the old-timers to hold back the wealth of potential on the roster. The concerned individuals were few however, and there was not much they could say to alleviate their fears, thus, Bischoff and Flair promised to show them that the company was changing. And that is what this night was all about, because for every worker on the roster with these concerns there were thousands of fans at home that shared them. Bischoff had given a countless number of promos in his time at WCW, but none, had the importance of what he was to say tonight. It was this fact that both made him sweat a little under the collar and made him giddy with anticipation. “2 Minutes Mr. Bischoff; good luck” “Thank You, but this has nothing to do with “luck.” **That old familiar nWo music blares from the speakers** Eric Bischoff climbed into the ring, flashed his signature smile at the audience and basked in the applause of the crowd for just a second. It had been a long hard road to get there and Bischoff let the feeling of accomplishment wash over him, before he began to speak. “Well, it seems that most of you have heard the news that “new management” has taken over WCW. That’s right you are looking at the New CEO of World Championship Wrestling! Myself along with my silent partner, have decided that the last regime was flushing this once proud company straight down the toilet. We’ve had two non-wrestlers holding the Heavyweight Title, we saw 4 of our future stars leave to that other show, we alienated the biggest star this industry’s ever had, and the once prestigious cruiserweight belt was held by some fat guy pretending to be the competitions announcer. The fact is this company is long overdue for a change, and a shift in focus to what brought us here to begin with. We’re here to entertain you and ultimately bring you good wrestling! Nobody wants to see me, or Tony Shiavone, or Vince F****n Russo holding a championship belt! And, that’s not the way things are going to be run as long as I’m in control here. You want to see wrestling, not convoluted storylines? You want to see the Booker T’s, the Jeff Jarrett’s, the Billy Kidman’s, and the Rey Mysterio’s get a fair shot around here? Then keep watching! Because, this is a new WCW, this is My W…..C…….W!” Suddenly Eric Bischoff was interrupted by "Dawn" from one Also sprach Zarathustra. As the crowd went wild; Ric Flair strutted to the ring and grabbed a microphone of his own. “Eric Bischoff……your “silent partner”…..does not want……to remain Silent! Woooooooo!” Flair bounces off the ring ropes. “Your “silent partner” is a stylin’ profilin’ jet-flyin’ limousine ridin’ son of a bitch! WOOOOOO!” Eric Bischoff stood there with a heated look on his face as Ric Flair strutted around the ring, playing it up, woooo-ing for the fans. “I hear all this talk about “YOUR” WCW. You didn’t expect me to just stay in the background well you had all the fun now, did you. I’m as much a part of WCW as anyone in the back, and if anyone is going to change this company it’s me! Wooooo!” “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down Ric. You were supposed to let me handle the CEO responsibilities while you focused on wrestling and reaped the rewards of our investment.” “Woooo! Ric Flair……..plays second fiddle to no man Bischoff. And I’ve already gone ahead and booked the Main Event for tonight. In this ring Wooooo!.......for the WCW Woooo!..........World Heavyweight Championship, you’re going to see Scott Steiner defend his title against Booker T! Woooooooo! But that’s not all I have to say Eric, you see, starting in May, WCW will be back on the air, Wooooo! May 7th Wooooo! Monday Nitro! Woooooo! Is on the USA Network Wooooo! Woooo!” Eric Bischoff continued to look irate as Ric Flair danced and strutted around the ring, the fans eating every word of eat. “Well anything else you want to tell them Ric?” “Woooo! Since this is a “New WCW,” there is only one way to set things off Woooo! Just like the Universe started with a Bang! Wooooo! April 22, on Pay-Per-View, Wooooo! WCW will be reborn in The Big Bang! Wooooooo!” Eric Bischoff dropped his microphone and walked out of the ring, visibly angry as Tony Shiavone commented; “well it seems Ric Flair has stolen the show, and I’m not sure how well Ric and Bischoff are going to be able to work together! In any event we got ourselves a Main Event coming up after the break; Scott Steiner, Booker T, The WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line coming up next!” …. …….. ……….. Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair met up backstage and watched on a monitor as Booker T pinned Scott Steiner for his 4th reign with the World Heavyweight Championship. Judging from the crowd reactions the announcements went better than expected. Their first event as co-CEO’s of WCW had went off without a hitch and the two men beamed with pride as Tony Shiavone read off the card for April’s pay-per-view event.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Two things..... First thing: WOOOOOOOOOOOO Second thing, predictions Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman © vs. The Yung Dragons For the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship [B]Rey and Billy, although I don't know if they're just too good for the tag title's[/B] “Above Average” Mike Sanders vs. Ernest “The Cat” Miller [B]Sanders[/B] “Suger” Shane Helms © vs. Shannon Moore For the WCW Cruiserweight Championship [B]Helms[/B] Hugh Morris vs. Chris Kanyon [B] Diamond Dallas Kanyon[/B] Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo © vs. Team Canada For the WCW Tag Team Championship [B]Team Canada[/B] Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner [B]Goldberg, Rick Steiner blows[/B] Booker T © vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page in a Two Falls Fatal 4-way for the WCW United States Championship and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship [B]The ..Ch..Ch...Ch.. Chosen One[/B]
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I have to say, there's a whole lot of ways those matches could go. I like the combination of pairing off Morrus versus Kanyon, those were always two guys that in my book were wouldas, couldas, shouldas in WCW, in other words, guys that were underrated by the bookers and given ridiculous pushes/storylines. I mean, Kanyon was on top of the world in my book when he Diamond Cut DDP, but boy, even given that good storyline situation, they botched up both him and Mike Awesome something shocking. Keep it up mate, I 'm really looking forward to seeing how this pans out.
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[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWTorch.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][U][I]Clearing up the WCW Situation.[/I][/U] We’ve been bombarded by emails from readers regarding whether or not the events of the final Turner Networks WCW Monday Nitro was a work. With the cat finally out of the proverbial bag, Fusient Media Ventures owner Brian Bedol has issued this statement “Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair are in fact the co-CEOs of World Championship Wrestling and we expect, with their expertise, to provide wrestling fans throughout the United States with quality programming on the USA Network.” We were also able to get in touch, briefly, with Eric Bischoff himself. Here’s what he had to say: “Yes, myself and Ric Flair are working together to right the wrongs that have occurred in this company over the last two years. We are confident that under new ownership we will have the freedom to get WCW headed back in the right direction. And that starts with Monday Nitro on USA, this is a network that greatly supported wrestling in the past and rather than put up roadblocks they will help us put out the best possible product that WCW can. As for secondary programming, we currently do not have a contract with any other network and as such, WCW Thunder will be no more. However, we are working hard to contact the networks and are confident we’ll find a home for another 2 hours of WCW programming; in the meantime WCW: On Tour will be touring the United States and putting on a special show every Wednesday. You can check the WCW website to see when On Tour and Nitro will be in your town.” Well that’s it folks, Bischoff and Flair were the individuals behind the Fusient buy-out. As of now, I’m skeptical of how well these two will be able to get along given their history together. Either way, WCW has the pay-per-view this Sunday, and will begin Nitro programming on May 7th. As for Thunder, I wouldn’t expect to see it or any other television programming from WCW until June or so, as I’m sure most television networks will want to scout out Nitro and see how well they do ratings wise before taking a chance on WCW. [/FONT]
[SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][U]Talkback[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"] [I] nWo4Lyfe:[/I] Dey shuld try an get on Fox or ABC!
[QUOTE][SIZE="2"][I]TheWholeFnShow:[/I] Are you serious? They are lucky to be on USA to begin with, there is no chance that the big networks like ABC or NBC are going pick up a wrestling show. They should target a smaller network like Sci-fi or Bravo or something that would be grateful to get the ratings WCW would give them. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
[I]nWo4Lyfe:[/I] Scifi to small and y wuld dey wnt a wresling show
[QUOTE][SIZE="2"][I]WWFan:[/I] You people are still talking about WCW? Who cares! The Big Bang is going to suck anyway, have you seen the card? I mean who puts, Kanyon, Hugh Morris, and The Cat on a show that’s supposed to generate interest for them. They need to bring back Hogan and Macho Man, at least then they have some names that will put people in the seats! [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
[I]MrDobalina:[/I] You’re right WWFan, well they’re at it why don’t they get King Kong Bundy, Roddy Piper, Big John Stud and Koko B Ware too huh?
[QUOTE][SIZE="2"][I]TheWholeFnShow:[/I] WWFan why are you here in the first place if you don’t even like WCW? And nWo, I still don’t know why I waste my time trying to talk to you.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [I]BigBadBootyDaddy:[/I] Hell yeah, Steiner going to take both the us and heavyweight belts on sunday. Holla if ya hear me! [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][I]WWFan:[/I] No reason, just here to see the eventual epic titanic sinking disaster; it’s almost as good as watching WWF.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [I]Imarevenant:[/I] FIRST!!!! [SIZE="1"]edit: damn........NINTH!!![/SIZE] [/SIZE]
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Excellent stuff! Second thing, predictions [B]Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman[/B] © vs. The Yung Dragons For the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship “Above Average” Mike Sanders vs. [B]Ernest “The Cat” Miller[/B] [B]“Suger” Shane Helms[/B] © vs. Shannon Moore For the WCW Cruiserweight Championship Hugh Morris vs. [B]Chris Kanyon[/B] Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo © vs. [B]Team Canada[/B] For the WCW Tag Team Championship [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Rick Steiner [B]Booker T[/B] © vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page in a Two Falls Fatal 4-way for the WCW United States Championship and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship [I]Jarrett for the US then the Book retains[/I]
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Really liking your diary mate! If the shows are as good as this build up then this is gonna be real favourite of mine. Particularly like the "talkback", and worryingly, it's pretty realistic on most wrestling websites I've seen (this one exluded). My predictions; WCW The Big Bang [B]Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman[/B] © vs. The Yung Dragons For the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship [I]Both Rey and Billy are too good for the titles, but with the same token making them lose in the first show of the New Era of WCW would probably harm them.[/I] [B]“Above Average” Mike Sanders[/B] vs. Ernest “The Cat” Miller [I]Sanders mic skills alone make him worth pushing, could never really get into the Cat.[/I] [B]“Suger” Shane Helms[/B] © vs. Shannon Moore For the WCW Cruiserweight Championship [I]Another guy who needs a real good push, and it should start with a successful title defence[/I] Hugh Morris vs. [B]Chris Kanyon[/B] [I]If Kanyon doesn't win I'm leaving these boards for good. Okay, maybe not, but I won't like it. Really, really liked Kanyon and always saw him as a potential WCW Champion[/I] [B]Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo[/B] © vs. Team Canada For the WCW Tag Team Championship [I]I liked their tag team a lot, and O'Haire needs a good pushing.[/I] [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Rick Steiner [I]Gooooooldbeeerg, Goooooooldbeeeerg. IMO, It would be pretty damaging to have him job in your first event.[/I] [B]Booker T[/B] © vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page in a Two Falls Fatal 4-way for the WCW United States Championship and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship [I]Booker to cling on to the World title, as he is the most deserving here. Jarrett to take the US. This is what I think we'll happen, but I would give the US to Steiner, so he can be used to put over younger, more talented youngsters that are approaching US Title standard (Rey Rey, Billy The Kid, Sean O'Haire etc)[/I]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Web%20Pages/BigBang.png[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Live from the TD Waterhouse Centre in Orlando Florida[/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Venues/td_waterhouse.jpg[/IMG] [LEFT][B][U]Welcome to the New WCW![/B][/U] [QUOTE]We open up the show with Tony Shiavone: [COLOR="Navy"]TS:[/COLOR] “Welcome to The Big Bang, live from the TD Waterhouse Centre in Orlando Florida. This is Tony Shiavone along with…..well…..nobody; seems I don’t know where Scott Hudson, or Stevie Ray are.” Sounds of the nWo music start playing: [COLOR="Navy"]TS: [/COLOR]“Well in any event, looks like we’re headed to the ring, where Eric Bishoff has an announcement. Maybe he knows where Hudson and Stevie Ray are?” Bischoff walks out, flashes his ****y smile, and grabs a microphone; after a pause he begins to speak: EB: “Last month I told you all that this is a new WCW, this is my WCW. Well tonight I’m here to live up to that promise; not only are you going to see a 2 Falls Fatal 4-Way for the US and World Heavyweight Championships; not only are you going to see Goldberg; not only are you going to see the WCW World Tag Team Championship defended here tonight, but there are some personnel changes I’d like to let you in on as well. Because we couldn’t claim to be the number 1 wrestling company in the world without the number 1…….. Eric Bischoff rolls his eyes as music begins playing and the crowd all at once breaks into a chorus of “Woooooooo” as Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]RF:[/COLOR] “Eric, now what did I tell you about this being “Your” WCW? You aren’t trying to keep the ol’ Nature Boy from having any fun are you; because I seem to remember two names on the contract stating just who was in charge around here. And if there are any announcements to be made then they sure as hell should be made by a stylin’ profilin’ jet limousine ridin’ son of a bitch like myself, Woooooooo! So, Orlando………say hello……to the new member of your WCW announce team, Wooooooo!” The crowd erupts as Jerry “The King” Lawler comes out from backstage and takes his place next to Tony Shiavone in the announcers booth: [COLOR="Navy"]TS:[/COLOR] “Jerry, it’s a pleasure to have you sitting beside me here in WCW.” [COLOR="Purple"]JL:[/COLOR] “Well thank you Tony, I’m just happy to have a job where I’ve been appreciated like a “King” should be, hehe” [COLOR="Navy"]TS:[/COLOR] “Well looks like they are throwing you straight into the fire; we’ve got Palumbo & O’haire versus Team Canada for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship coming up next” [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][U]Match #1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ChuckPalumbo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/MikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG] [B]Palumbo & O’haire [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Team Canada[/B] [SIZE="3"]For the WCW World Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] *Palumbo was a little lost out there *Fortunately O’haire and Team Canada covered for him *Mike Awesome and O’haire matched up very well, both being very agile big men *Awesome eventually puts O’haire down with a flying shoulder block *Awesome dominates for a bit, whips O’haire to the corner *Awesome and Lance working on him in the corner *Lance tags in; starts stretching O’haire out *O’haire fights back *Makes the eventual hot tag *Palumbo clears house and begins taking it to Lance *Lance Storm being isolated in the corner *At about 8:30 mark a man in a Ski-Mask walks down to the ring *No one but the announcers notice him *Palumbo and O’haire still have Lance in the corner *O’haire enters the ring without a tag *He tries to put the boots to Lance, but is swung around by the ref *Ref telling him he didn’t make a tag *O’haire and Palumbo arguing with ref *Ski-Mask guy pulling something out of pocket *Lawler says it’s brass knuckles *Ski-Mask guy pulls Awesome’s feet out from under him *Awesome’s chin hits the ring apron *Awesome knocked out cold by Ski-Mask guy *Meanwhile Lance fights out of the corner *Goes to tag, but only sees Awesome laid out underneath a guy in a Ski-Mask *Jaws at the Ski-Mask guy long enough for O’haire to make a real tag and nail him with a german suplex *O’haire up on the turnbuckle, ready to fly *Seanton Bomb! and the accompanying cover *O’haire and Palumbo retain thanks to the Ski-Mask guy [/CODE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: Palumbo and O’haire with a Seanton Bomb at 9:47 [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]Adding Insult to Injury[/B][/U][/LEFT] [QUOTE][LEFT]After the match, the guy in the Ski-Mask grabs a table from underneath the ring, he sets it up and rolls Mike Awesome on top of it. [COLOR="Navy"]TS:[/COLOR] “Well, Jerry, I don’t know who this guy is or what Mike Awesome has done to him; but I sure wouldn’t want to be Mike Awesome right now” says Shiavone as the Ski-Mask guy climbs the turnbuckle. He throws his arms out, lets loose a guttural scream, and then launches into the air; crashing down on Awesome and the table. With Awesome down and out the Ski-Mask guy gets up and says a few inaudible things to his unconscious victim before Lance Storm comes to in time to see the man walking away. [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [LEFT][B][U]Merely Average?[/B][/U][/LEFT] [QUOTE]With the carnage at ring side cleared up, Ernest “The Cat” Miller makes his way down to the ring, does a little dancing and, picks up a microphone. [COLOR="Navy"]EM:[/COLOR] “How many of you came here to see The Cat Dance? You know WCW couldn’t have a big bang without the most entertaining wrestler in WCW history. But who is this that I’m up against; “Above Average” Mike Sanders? Above average? Really? Above average is the best you could do? I’ve seen a lot of nick names in my time; Mr. Perfect, The Chosen One, The Greatest, hell even Moolah was Fabulous. But Above Average is all you’ve got? That’s like being the tallest man at a midget convention. What’s next, mostly adequate, sufficiently ordinary, nothing special? Whateva! Somebody call my momma! Because I’m about to put my “Above Average” sized 14 foot in Mike Sanders ass." [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/MikeSanders.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ErnestMiller.jpg[/IMG] [B]“Above Average” Mike Sanders [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Ernest “The Cat” Miller[/B] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] * Mike Sanders came out heated running to the ring before his music even started *It’s amazing how well these two work together in the ring *The two begin an all out brawl to start the match off *Eventually The Cat took control with a series of martial arts type strikes *He dances a bit, nails Sanders with a roundhouse kick to the stomach *Has mike reeling *Thrust Kick! *The Cat with a pinfall attempt *Sanders kicks out *The Cat can’t believe it *Picks Sanders up by the hair *Sanders fights back with punches to The Cat’s stomach *Sanders rallying *Hits a neckbraker, takes control for a bit *After a while The Cat starts fighting back *The two are exchanging blows *Another Thrust Kick by The Cat *Sanders catches it! Spins The Cat around *Nails the 3.0 *Covers The Cat for the *1…. *2…… *3 [/CODE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: “Above Average” Mike Sanders with a 3.0 at 9:45 [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR][/B][/I] [/CENTER] [LEFT][LEFT][B][U]Distractions?[/B][/U][/LEFT] [QUOTE]Kidman and Rey Mysterio are in the locker room lacing up their boots for their Cruiserweight Tag title defense coming up next, when Konnan comes in and starts talking to Rey. [COLOR="Navy"]K:[/COLOR] “Yo, Rey, you see that tag team match. I’m telling you, we could be the World Tag Champs without a doubt. With your speed and my strength, no one would stand a chance. What do you say dog? We can do this!” BK: “Hey, Konnan, that’s cool that you want to go after the belts, but can you save it for later; me and Rey are trying to get ready for our match right now. We don’t need the distractions. [COLOR="Navy"]K:[/COLOR] “Alright, I see you two are busy, just think about what I said Rey, we could easily take out Pump and Chump over there; and what could be better than World Tag Team Gold? Konnan leaves the locker room, as Billy Kidman eyes him on the way out. With Konnan gone Kidman decides to have a few words with Rey as well. BK: “Forget what he said man, we have the belts on the line here, you don’t need to be thinking about anything else. Who cares about the World Tag belts anyway, these are the only belts we need.” [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [B][U]Match #3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWCruiserweightTag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWCruiserweightTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ReyMysterioMask.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/BillyKidman2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] The Yung Dragons[/B] [SIZE="3"]For the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] * Billy Kidman was a little off in this match (Maybe he was thinking about what Konnan said) *In any event there is a lot of flying around in this one, so much, that Shiavone had trouble keeping up with the action *Both teams trying to isolate one of their opponents in the corner but they are all just to fast for it to work *The referee looses control at one point as all four men are flying in and out of the ring, with no semblance of a tag anywhere *Highspots galore as all men are not shy about throwing their bodies around *Match ends when Rey Mysterio hits Jimmy Yang with a bulldog *Kaz immediately rushes to interfere, but is met by Rey and a missile dropkick *With Yang down, Kidman lands a shooting star press *Rey makes the cover *1 *2 *3 [/CODE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman with a Shooting Star Press at 10:18 [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/I] [/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]You Love Me, You Hate Me[/B][/U] [QUOTE] Jeff Jarrett is walking through a hallway when he rounds a corner to see DDP leaning up against the wall. [COLOR="Navy"]DDP:[/COLOR] “Oh my, why if it isn’t the Chosen One. Where are you headed in such a hurry?” JJ: “Get out of my way Slapnut, before things get serious around here.” [COLOR="Navy"]DDP:[/COLOR] “Serious? I’d say things are already serious. You have me, Steiner, Booker T, and you in the main event for the World Championship; how much more serious can it get? Just let me give you a little advice, when were out there, make sure you stay the hell out of my way, because there’s one thing I can guarantee tonight and that’s someone is going to feel a big BANG!” [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/Goldberg.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/RickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Goldberg [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Rick Steiner[/B] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] *Goldberg dominates early with some punches and chops *After a Bodyslam, Goldberg gestures to the crowd *Goes to pick up Steiner, who nails him with a lowblow *Steiner trying to beat Goldberg down with brute force *Ax Handle shots to the back *Kicks to the midsection while he’s down *Steiner gets Goldberg in a weak looking Steiner Recliner, he (Steiner) just looks a little off tonight *Goldberg starting to fade but…. *No, he trying to stand; Steiner can’t stop him *Goldberg up; Steiner hits him with a stiff right *Goldberg shakes it off, screams in Steiners face *Nose to Nose, Steiner throws a punch, but blocked by Goldberg *Sidekick *Sidekick *Steiner up for the Gorilla Press into a Spinebuster *Goldberg setting up, Steiner trying to stand and……. *SPEAR! *Goldberg, motioning to the crowd; picks Steiner up… *In the air…. *and he’s down with a Jackhammer *1 *2 *3 [/CODE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: Goldberg with a Jackhammer at 4:32 [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B][U]Can You Dig It?[/B][/U] [QUOTE] Backstage is Pamela Paulshock with Booker T: [COLOR="Navy"]PP:[/COLOR] “Tony, I’m here with the US and World Heavyweight Champion Booker T. Booker, you have the huge task of facing 3 other men in the ring tonight all gunning to take away both your belts; how confident are you that you will come out of there still holding both championships?” BT: “Well Pamela, the thing is, WCW was built on guys like me. Ric Flair, Sting, we all paid our dues in this business and persevered through. And the thing about people like us is that we continue to fight through, and when things get tough, you won’t catch us backing down from any challenge. These belts, are what I’ve fought my whole career to get, and it’s going to take a lot more than 3 men to take them from me. If Scott Steiner or DDP or whoever thinks they are going to walk into my ring and take one of these belts without a fight, they better think twice. Cuz Booker T don’t back down from anybody. Now, Can You Dig That, Sucka!” [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/BillDeMott.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Kanyon [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Hugh Morris[/B] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] *The Innovator of Offense had his hands full in this one *Kanyon and Morris start things off with a tie up *Kanyon trying to overpower Morris *Morris tosses Kanyon to the floor *Kanyon taking a different approach now, *Running at Morris and attempting a clothesline *The deceptively agile Morris easily ducks, follows with a couple rights *Whipping Kanyon to the ropes *A Shoulder Block gets Kanyon down *More offense from Morris follows *After a Russian Leg Sweep, Kanyon is down once more *Morris looks to the turnbuckle *No Laughing Matter *Kanyon rolls out of the way *The Innovator of Offense takes control *Hitting Morris from all angles; he can’t overpower him, isn’t much faster; but is using his creative style to keep Morris off balance *Kanyon easily in control now *Gets Morris down with a dropkick *To the turnbuckle? *Kanyon goes up for a flying elbow! *It hits *Picking Morris up…..and…. *Flatliner *1….. *2……. *3 [/CODE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: Chris Kanyon at 9:46 [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]Righting a Wrong[/B][/U][/LEFT] [QUOTE][LEFT]Once again Eric Bischoff is going to attempt to make an announcement, this time however he has the WCW Television Title with him: [COLOR="Navy"]EB:[/COLOR] “I’ve been hearing a lot of people questioning just what will be different this time around. And I have to say that “different” is the wrong word, no, what we at WCW want to do is highlight our strengths. And if WCW was known for anything it was the quality of our Cruiserweight division. In the past the Cruiserweight Championship was opening fodder, and while I wouldn’t say it wasn’t respected, I will admit to not highlighting WCW’s great cruiserweight competitions as I should have. So, in an attempt to right that injustice, we here at WCW promise to emphasis this championship much more, and that begins now. You will no longer see announcers, owners, managers or any other non-wrestler even getting a shot at this belt any longer. In fact Cruiserweight is just the name of one of our Championship belts, no, it’s WCW’s new Division!” Bischoff holds up the Television Title for the audience to see: [COLOR="Navy"]EB:[/COLOR] “And this is our new WCW Intercontinental Cruiserweight Championship, which we will run a tournament for starting in May. As for tonight, well you get to see, the first title defense for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship when Shane Helms defends his title against Shannon Moore, next.” [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [B][U]Match #6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWCruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] [B]“Suger” Shane Helms [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Shannon Moore[/B] [SIZE="3"]For the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship[/SIZE] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] * Shane Helms and Shannon Moore just don’t click *Must be why 3-Count flopped *In any event they were still able to put up a decent match *They both looked tentative in there *Shiavone claiming it’s because they are so familiar with each other because of 3 Count *We’ll go with that *After finally loosening up Helms and Moore go through their spots *Nothing spectacular but still an entertaining match *Shane Helms landed a Vertebreaker for the pinfall [/CODE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: “Suger” Shane Helms with a Vertabreaker at 14:45 [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]To Be The Man…..[/B][/U][/LEFT] [QUOTE][LEFT]Not to be outdone, Ric has an announcement of his own: [COLOR="Navy"]RF:[/COLOR] “Orlando Florida, Wooooo! I was watching in the back, and couldn’t help but feel that something was missing. I mean we’ve seen Goldberg, great Cruiserweight matches, Eric Bischoff, a “King”, and we have DDP, Booker T, Scot Steiner, and Jeff Jarrett coming up; what could possibly have been missing, I asked myself. And that’s when it hit me. We can’t have WCW without the Ol’ Nature Boy stylin’ and profilin’, wrestling in the middle of this ring; Woooooo. But who could come out here and try to beat the man. Whose name means as much to WCW as the Nature Boy’s?” The crowd breaks into chants of “Sting” “That’s right, WCW can’t start off in a Big Bang without a knock down, drag out classic between the two people that embody this company! So Sting if you’re back there, come on out so we can blow the roof off and show everyone what WCW is made of! Wooooooooo! [COLOR="Red"]A*[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [B][U]Match #7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/Sting.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sting [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Ric Flair[/B] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] * Match starts with Ric Flair hitting his signature chops on Sting *Flair struts and fails to notice Sting unfazed and coming up behind him *Sting nails Scorpion Deathdrop on a celebrating Flair *Quick Cover *1..... *2....... *Kick out by Flair *Sting dominates for a bit *Flair flopping *Flair whipped to the corner *Stinger Splash coming up *Flair ducks out of the way as Sting flys into the turnbuckle *Flair taking control with chops and lowblows *A suplex by Flair *Flair in control, working on the legs with a series of stretches and knee drops *Obviously setting up for a Figure-Four *And Flair goes for the figure four, but Sting gets to the ropes *More damage to the legs by Flair *Flair picking Sting up *Ready to deliver a stiff right *Sting blocks it! *He follows quickly with a flurry of punches *Kick to Flairs gut *DDT *Sting limping around but back in control *Sting hits a flurry of punches *Whips Flair to the corner *Another Stinger Splash attempt *It hits! *Followed by a Flair Flop *Sting tries to lock in the Deathlock but, obviously has no strength in his legs as Flair powers out *The two lock up *Sting throws Flair down to the ground *Flair on his knees, begging, we know what’s coming *But No! Sting lands a seated dropkick *Has Flair back up; Suplex followed by an elbow drop *Flair back up *Sting attempting a German Suplex *Flair blocks it by hooking the leg, throws an elbow *Sting dodges, lets Flair go *Backrake by Sting *Woah! Out of no-where a Scorpion Deathdrop *Cover for the win *1….. *2……. *3 [/CODE] [I][B]Winner: Sting with a Scorpion Deathdrop at 19:39 [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]Pre-Match Hype[/B][/U] [QUOTE] A video airs showing various match-ups between the four opponents in the main event. [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [B][U]Match #8[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/belts/WCWUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/BookerT.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] [B]Booker T [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Jeff Jarrett [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Scott Steiner [COLOR="Red"]VS.[/COLOR] Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [SIZE="3"]In a Two Falls Fatal 4-Way for the WCW US Championship and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE] [CODE] [B][U]Match Notes[/U][/B] *The four men circle each other for a bit sizing each other up *DDP goes for the surprise Diamond Cutter on Jeff Jarrett *JJ counters shoves DDP off straight into a stiff clothesline by Steiner *This sets things off, as they pair up into Booker/Jarrett and Steiner/DDP *Pretty much just punches and clotheslines for a bit *Things get real interesting when Booker T hits DDP with an Axe Kick *This leaves Steiner and Jarrett the opportunity to double team Booker. *Steiner and Jarrett are doing a job on Booker, hitting him with double suplexes and powerbombs *You would think they are a tag team with how well they are working together *They continually beat either Booker T or DDP down to the mat and then redirect their focus on the other man *Alternating back and forth over and over again *Finally with both Booker and DDP down Steiner locks Booker T into the Steiner Recliner *As Steiner is doing this Jarrett goes for the quick cover on DDP *The ref begins counting the pinfall, before Steiner lets go and pushes Jarrett off *Jarrett and Steiner begin arguing, which becomes a shoving match *They don’t see DDP recovering *The shoving continues until Steiner punches Jarrett *Before they can continue though, DDP is up and is about to hit the Diamond Cutter on Steiner; but Steiner counters it into a Full Nelson Slam *As Steiner gets up, Jarrett comes from behind and lays him out with The Stroke *All men are out at this point and Jarrett covers DDP for the *1….. *2……. *3; *and the first fall, giving Jarrett the US Championship *Jarrett gets up and quickly jumps on DDP again for a second cover *1…. *2….. *Booker T makes the save! *Jarrett and Booker square off, as Steiner recovers *Steiner is pissed and helps Booker with Jarrett *DDP is up and gets in the mix, eventually leading to him and Booker squaring off *Steiner still taking it to Jarrett *Steiner is just overpowering Jarrett *Booker T and DDP still going at it *Booker gaining momentum, whips DDP to the corner *Steiner out of no where, leveling Booker T *Steiner, kissing his bicep, drops the elbow on Booker *Steiner up, eyes DDP *Picks DDP up by his hair and…….. *DDP nails the Diamond Cutter on Steiner! *DDP gets up does the “Bang!” for the crowd… *Only to walk straight into a Bookend! *Booker covers DDP *1…. *2…… *No! Jarrett makes the save *Jarrett picks Booker up *Lands a couple rights *goes for a clothesline….. *Booker ducks *Kicks Jarrett in the stomach *Bouncing off the rops; Axe Kick *Spinnaroonie *Booker picks up Jarrett and… *Bookend *1…… *2……… *3! [/CODE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett wins the WCW US Championship at 10:54 and Booker T retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at 24:49 [COLOR="Red"]A*[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]Overall:[/B][/U] [QUOTE]Reports from the crowd are that Eric Bischoff was on screen a little too much. And apparently someone in PR is going to get canned as the Shane Helms/Shannon Moore match was erroneously billed as Shane Helms vs. Shane Douglas. Overall the show was received very well, however, I suspect the error in booking accounted for the overall ranking of a: [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [/LEFT] [QUOTE] [SIZE="3"]WCW The Big Bang Quick Recap[/SIZE][SIZE="2"] [B]Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'haire[/B] defeated Team Canada[SIZE="1"] to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] [B]“Above Average” Mike Sanders[/B] defeated Ernest “The Cat” Miller [B]Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman[/B] © defeated The Yung Dragons[SIZE="1"] to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] [B]Goldberg[/B] defeated Rick Steiner [B]Chris Kanyon[/B] defeated Hugh Morris [B]“Suger” Shane Helms[/B] © defeateed Shannon Moore[SIZE="1"] to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship[/SIZE] [B]Sting[/B] defeated Ric Flair [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] defeated Booker T, Scott Steiner, & DDP for the WCW US Championship [B]Booker T[/B] © defeated Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, & DDP to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"]ooc: Many thanks to Wildcat for the awesome Big Bang poster.................and me and Keefmoon think entirely alike apparantly......you win a nice big cookie Keef, just don't let my avatar see it :)[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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