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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Magenta"]Held in front of a sold out 5,000 @ the Missouri State Armoury[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Red"]My Way Or No Way[/COLOR][/B] Richard Eisen comes down to the ring and says that Playboy Jake Sawyer hasn’t been answering his calls all week. And that he’s left at least 7 voicemails. He tells Playboy that every title that SWF has to offer will be on the line at the PPV and that Randy Bumfhole doesn’t have a match. He says that if Bumfhole doesn’t fight the opponent that Eisen picked for him, he will be stripped of his title. He says the opponent will be Jack Bruce! He also says that someone has accepted the match against Christian Faith but since Faith is confident in his abilities, he won’t say who it is. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating:D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]A Hardcore Match[/COLOR][/B] Kurt Laramee took on Valiant in the next match. Valiant tried his best but the King of The Streets was just to much, finishing Valiant off with a powerbomb through a table. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Freddie Datsun vs. Lee Wright[/COLOR][/B] Freddie Datsun dominated Lee Wright in the next match which was a total squash. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating:C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]After The Match[/COLOR][/B] After the match Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole rushed the ring and attacked Datsun, Rich Money ran down and made the save helping Datsun get rid of Brave and Bumfhole. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Challenge[/COLOR][/B] Money gets on the microphone and challenges Bumfhole and Brave to a match against him and Datsun tonight! Playboy accepts on behalf of his boys. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Marc Dubois vs. Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] Perez sold well again, while getting pummeled. Dubois won easily with the Marc of Excellence. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Sexual Aggression vs. The Squid Squad[/COLOR][/B] Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore dominated the match, as the SS didn’t stand a chance against the better team. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hyping[/COLOR][/B] Remo is in the back with Playboy Jake Sawyer cut a promo saying that Remo was going to the be the next North American champion. They also had a stipulation to the match where the loser will leave SWF Supreme TV and only show up on SWF International. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith vs. Darryl Devine[/COLOR][/B] Darryl Devine looked very impressive for the second week in a row, looking very strong with his offensive arsenal but Sam Keith demonstrated how he can lock on the Proton Lock from any position, getting the tap out. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Squeeky McClean vs. Enygma[/COLOR][/B] Squeeky McClean picked up a submission victory against Enygma in the next match. After the match he refused to release the hold until the referee threatened to reverse the decision. Rating: B+ [B][COLOR="Red"]The Main Event[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money and Freddie Datsun vs. Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole ended in a no contest when Remo hit the ring right after the bell rang and the 3 men beat down the two. Freddie and Rich were both left a bloody mess as the show went off the air. Rating: B- Overall Rating: C+ and a Success [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF Supreme TV got a C+ rating last night, the fans thought the show was pretty good and enjoyed it. The got their lowest rating yet on America Sports 1 with a 6.99 rating. On TV-Mex they got a 0.00 rating. And in Japan on the J-Network East they got a .03 rating. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]MAW has moved up in size to small. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Eddie Peak has declined a contract with SWF as he wishes to concentrate on his DAVE career. He has signed a pay per appearance deal with DAVE. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling and SWF has come to a deal which will allow the two to share talent. SWF is looking to use some Japanese wrestlers for their show SWF International since it is only showed in Japan and the UK. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]The have already completed a talent trade with PGHW as “Dynamic” Noriyori Sanda will be appearing for SWF for three shows, Lee Wright will be competing for PGHW for 3 shows. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith has signed with SWF [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF is planning to have a few “huge” SWF Internationals before breaking the two shows up into two separate brands. SWF Supreme TV will be the much larger brand, as SWF international isn’t even shown in America. SWF is also thinking about bringing in a woman’s division for the first time ever. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF is looking to bring in 12 people from their development territory to get ready for the brand split. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [SIZE="7"]SWF International[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"][I]In front of 2,000 people @ Ricardo Montenez Ballroom and Live on Japanese Sports Vision[/I][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Pre Show-[/COLOR][/B] Kurt Laramee Wins a Battle Royal. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating:B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]SWF International[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]And Your Opponent Is..[/COLOR][/B] Richard Eisen is again in the ring at the beginning of the show, he welcomes the fans of Puerto Rico and the fans watching around the world to the debut show of SWF International. He says that tonight we will see the debut of the man that will be going up against Christian Faith at SWF Awesome Impact! His personal friend, and former University of Minnesota defensive end, Bulldozer Brandon Smith! He also says that a Japanese superstar will be at Awesome Impact and he hopes that Playboy Jake Sawyer and Randy Bumfhole are listening because that message is for them. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Bulldozing![/COLOR][/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith comes down to the ring to with brown hair and a brown goatee to make his debut against the “ice man” Alex Braun. Smith looked very impressive running through Braun like nothing, hitting all types of suplexes and power moves before finishing him off with The Bulldozer, which is a football shoulder block, similar to the pounce. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]#96JG1006 vs. Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] Sue Danes gives out Sam Keith’s prison buddy’s name as she said she was told early in the day by a very reliable source. #96 has no trouble with Frankie Perez finishing off with a death sentence, which is the exact same move as the jack in the box. The man didn’t show any emotions during in the match it was quite obviously that this man meant business. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Another Squash[/COLOR][/B] Runaway Train makes his first appearance in SWF since losing the title against Christian Faith in a match against Lobster Warrior, Warriors speed was able to get him out of some sticky situations early in the match but as long as your in the ring, your to close to Runaway Train who dominated most of the match, finishing it off with The Train Wreck. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money took on Burning EXILE in the next match, Money whose gimmick has changed tried to shake hands with EXILE but was smacked for his for efforts. This was a very good match, showing all three phases of the wrestling world, technical skill, high flying skill and brawling ability not to mention the charisma of Money. Money won the match as he usually. After the match he helped EXILE up his feet, and shook hands with as many people in the crowd as he could. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Champion Hype[/COLOR][/B] Next is a hype video for World Heavyweight Champion Christian Faith. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: B+ [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]This Is Gonna Be A Barn-Stormer![/COLOR][/B] Next up was a one fall 5 man match! Featuring Enygma, Enforcer Roberts, Squeeky McClean, Jack Bruce and Skull Debones. The five men really went all out for the first main event of SWF International, working the crowd well. All 5 men were able to hit their finishers on each other, with Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean showing an alliance for most of the match but after seeing an opportunity, McClean hit the Clean Out for the victory. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Overall Rating: D+ [/COLOR][/B] [I]=( but should of increased our popularity. [/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Black"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B] - [/B]Last nights debut show of SWF International was worse then what SWF expected and the fans thought that the show didn’t go down particularly well. SWF got a .08 rating on UK Broadcasting Prime and a 0.02 rating on Japanese Sports Vision. [B] -[/B] SWF Supreme TV got a .22 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary. [B] - [/B]For those of you who don’t know by now, #96JG1004 is former Indy superstar Jack Griffith. [B] - [/B]SWF wanted to use Sean McFly or Eddie Peak to be the man to face Christian Faith at Awesome Impact but when neither one of them signed they hit the panic button. Remo was next in line but seeing as he was already on the roster, they decided not to go with that idea. Bulldozer Brandon Smith is a very good young prospect and apparently Richard Eisen is very high on him and it wouldn’t be surprising to see some gold around his waist real soon. [B] -[/B] Rich Money’s gentleman’s gimmick didn’t go down to well last night and this could lead directly to him losing the title. [B] - [/B]SWF may add an announcer from SWF International to their Pay Per View staff, if it does happen of coarse the obvious choice is Duane Fry.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]The Mark Report[/SIZE][/B] [I]For Supreme TV[/I] The show starts out as it always does with Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia running through the card and telling us about the pay per view!! Man they really do, over do the hype for the pay per views. Squeeky McClean was the first man out this week, and they finally let this guy touch the microphone, it was quite a surprise how he could actually hold my attention. I also thought that a boring guy in the ring would be a boring guy on the microphone but I guess not. McClean said that all the people at Evanovich Riverside are either drunks or drug addicts and McClean is Squeeky McClean, he would never ever touch any of that stuff and that makes him better then everyone else. He says that tonight he will be facing a drunken drug addict just like all the fans. So his opponent was Steve Flash and I don’t even think I have to write right here to tell you who won the match. I mean has Steve Flash ever won a match? Where did they find this guy? They should pay me a couple thousand dollars and let me be a punching bag to the stars. It took just under 7 minutes for McClean to pick up the victory with a clean out. I almost fell asleep watching McClean do his technical moves. I mean man why doesn’t this guy learn how to fight like a man or fly through the air? Ana and Peter kept talking about the Pay Per View and how McClean will be facing Steve Frehley! I’m excited for that one and can’t wait for McClean to get his ass kicked. We went to commercial, did any of you guys see that new wendy’s commercial? Man that new chicken combo meal looks good, anyways back to the action. Zimmy Bumfhole is in the ring waiting for his opponent when Frederique Antonio Garcia comes out damn I hate this guy! He never loses a match, he’s the polar opposite of Steve Flash. I thought this was going to be another dominating match but these guys went for almost 17 minutes. Impressive! Zimmy Bumfhole did pretty well but Garcia is just too good for a wrestler like Zimmy. He kind of sucks without his brother, I would be pissed if my brother turned bad against me and stole my title. Especially since he’s with that loser Playboy Jake Sawyer, why doesn’t that guy use his money and buy some fans! Anyways back to the match and just as I suspected Frederique picked up the victory with a Romeo Is Bleeding. As I said before I don’t like the guy but that move is a hell of a move! I don’t see anybody getting up from that, EVER. I don’t think either one of these guys are in a match at SWF Awesome Impact because Ana and Peter didn’t talk about the Pay Per View for once. The champion comes out for an interview to a standing ovation, the fans love Christian Faith and I must admit so do I! I mean he was the man back in 1998 but now he’s kind of old but its all good, at least we got the title off of Runaway Train. Faith thanks the fans but before he can say anything else, that new guy Bulldozer Benny Smith or something like that, I didn’t really catch his name came into the ring through the crowd and was destroying Faith with some cool looking Suplexes and slams! Then he through him into the ropes and ran off the adjacent side and hit his bulldozer! It looks devastating. I mean I know this guy is a new guy but he might beat Faith. The announcers are again talking about the pay per view, Jesus I can’t wait for the next commercial break. Ana says something about Faith might be the shortest World Champion ever. I’m interested to see this Bulldozer guy I guess that he made his debut on SWF International. I’ve been thinking about moving to Japan so that I can see more SWF action. Sam Keith and Valiant were in the ring during the next match and I made a trip to the kitchen for about 3 minutes to get something to eat and drink so I missed most of the match. But hey, if I’m going to miss a match why not miss a match where one of the stars is going up against a no body? It took about 8 minutes for Keith to lock on the Proton Lock, you know what Ana and Peter were doing? Asking if the Biggz Boyz have a counter for it. I’ll tell you right now that they don’t. I mean I have never seen anyone escape it and I don’t plan on seeing one of the Biggz Boyz breaking it. I read on the internet that his partner is Jack Griffith and that he fought on SWF International! I mean why don’t I get to see SWF International? Its not really that fair. By the way one of my friends who buys tapes and hangs out on message boards all the time told me that Jack was one of the top guys back in the day. But then he went to rehab. I tried to tell him that he went to jail for assaulting a girl but he wouldn’t listen to me. He said that I don’t know what I’m talking about because I don’t go online and read stuff all the time. I mean I watch every week, I order ever Pay Per View, I know what Sam Keith said and he said that the man was from jail. So yeah, whatever! Now I’m all pissed. The Dirty White Boys came down for the next match, they are very scary looking, every time I see them I think they are going to beat up the fans! But the next team to come out is one of the greatest teams of all time! High Concept! I love Groucho Bling and Elmo Bensen. I mean they are just having so much fun and they remind me of my younger days when I watched sesame street! I really which they would add a big bird character though, that would be really fun. The White Boys where really too strong from High Concept, they kept throwing them around like rag dolls. I was scared for a little bit, but High Concept didn’t let me down! They pulled down Grease Hogg’s pants and he had a thong on!! LOL, then Elmo layed down behind him and Bling pushed him over. They tried to get the pin fall but it didn’t work. All four men jumped in the ring and then it was getting good, their were body’s flying every where. Over the ropes, under the ropes, through the ropes, some were by the persons doing it’s own admittion and some weren’t. The two men to get back in the ring were Groucho and Lead Belly and Groucho was able to hit the Game over and get the one, two, three! I stood up and screamed I was so excited. Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore were next up, as they were in the back doing an interview. They said that they are the greatest tag team in the history of SWF and they are sick of being looked over week after week. They said that they should be the tag team champions but everyone who holds the titles duck them. They said that the full force of Sexual Aggression will be felt really soon, at SWF Awesome Impact! When Sexual Aggression takes on High Concept. They said that High Concept is going to wish that they never asked for this match. Sexy said if anyone wants to know what it feels like, to ask Rich Money. Next up was Steve Frehley I was excited! You know that he’s going to win, you can never bet against this guy. Trust me I found that out the hard way a few times. But his opponent was Marc Dubois. I mean I don’t Dubois, he’s a bad guy but even I have to admit that he’s one of the best wrestlers I have ever seen in my life. He’s one of the top talkers on the roster too. I think talking is way more important then being a wrestler but some people like wrestlers so Dubois is the best of both worlds, if only he would get away from the dark side. This was a good match, I really enjoyed it, and the Pay Per View is really pumping me up as Ana and Peter talked about Frehley vs. McClean again! I think that match is going to be the best match ever. I know their last two have ended in draws but their aren’t going to be any draws this time! Awesome Impact is only 2 days away! I think I might order it right after this show ends. Dubois was really giving it to Frehley, I have never seen anyone do so much damage to the man. Dubois hit the marc of excellence and I was on my way to the bathroom, as I heard the crowd roar from a kick out, so I ran all the way back to the living room and seen Steve hit Frehley’s Comet! This match is over. Frehley wins!! The next match was the exact match that I hate, a technical match. =( Man these are so boring. Jack Bruce was the first one out and I was super excited as I love this guy, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like him. He’s one of the best but I hate Enforcer Roberts. I mean he’s a cop and he does bad things! That’s why when something happens I handle it myself, I don’t call the cops because you can’t ever trust them. They are bad guys. Anyways I missed most of the match as like I said before I had to use the bathroom. When I got back already 8 minutes had passed and Bruce hit the New York Minute but the referee was knocked down. Then Big Smack Scott and Eric Eisen came in and they beat Bruce down! They woke the referee up and ran all the way to the back. Roberts went for the pin but Bruce kicked out!! Wow that was intense! I was scared for a minute there. Bruce and Roberts get to their feet and Bruce hits another New York Minute! This time Ric Young, see I told you I watch all the shows, I even know the refs! But anyways, he didn’t get knocked down and he makes the 3 count! During the match Peter Michaels said that Bruce would be going up against Randy Bumfhole and some guy name Noryouri Sandra or something like that for the SWF Shooting Star Title. I never heard of Sandra he must be on SWF International. Man I really need to move to Japan. Peter and Ana run down the card for the pay per view and tells everyone that they hope to see them there as the show goes off the air. Right after the show my boy, the one that I was talking about earlier called me and asked if I seen the last match, I told him I seen some of it and he said why didn’t I watch all of it, I told him I had to use the bathroom and Roberts is so boring with all his submissions. He told me that I was crazy and that was the definition of a 5 star match. Yeah, whatever he says. My favorite match was the tag team match by far, what was your favorite match??[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Ratings Segment by Segment[/B] Squeeky Hype: [B]B+[/B] McClean vs. Flash: [B]B-[/B] Garcia vs. Zimmy: [B]B[/B] Bulldozer Attacks Faith: [B]C+[/B] Keith vs. Valiant:[B] B+[/B] Tag Team Match: [B]B[/B] Sexual Aggression Hype: [B]C+[/B] Frehley vs. Dubois: [B]B+[/B] Main Event: [B]A*[/B] [B]Overall: B+[/B] and upping my popularity. [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]News and Notes[/B][/SIZE] [B]- [/B]SWF Supreme TV was live from Evanovich Riverside last night, there were 8,469 people in attendance at the 10,000 seat building. The show was rated a very high B+ and SWF is very happy with this. The feedback from viewers was that the show was awesome! And they are more then happy to hear that. On America-Sports-1 were the show is shown live, it got a 7.55 ratings, a VERY good rating compared with past weeks. On TV-Mex in Mexico not a single person tuned in and they got a 0.00 rating. In the far east on J-Network East, SWF Supreme TV got a .04 rating. [B]- [/B]In some huge news TCW Presents Total Wrestling has been kicked off the air! Meaning that SWF Supreme TV will be the only show on Tuesdays. They are very excited about this as it means they could get huge ratings. [B]- [/B]SWF Superstar Darryl Devine has split up with his real life girlfriend and former Valet, Seduction. Apparently Seduction named Devine’s lack of commitment to her and his commit to SWF as the reason for the split. She was said to be very upset that he wouldn’t ask SWF management to get her a job. [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]SWF Awesome Impact is tonight![/B][/SIZE] The matches for the card are as follows [B]The Lady Lovers[/B] (#96JG1004 and Sam Keith) [B]vs. The Biggz Boyz [/B]for the SWF Tag Titles [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Jack Bruce vs. Noriyori Sanda[/B] for the SWF Shooting Start Title [B]High Concept vs. Sexual Aggression[/B] for number one contendership for the tag titles! [B]Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley[/B] – No count out or DQ match. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Christian Faith[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [B]Rich Money vs. Remo[/B] for the SWF North American Title and lost must leave SWF Supreme TV for the SWF International Brand when it is formed. [I][SIZE="2"]All this and more!! Predictions are welcomed but its all good if you don’t want to.[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [/CENTER]
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