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War on the World

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[CENTER]TEW Presents – War on the World I know a lot of people aren’t going to like this but oh well =) January 2007 and Rich Eisen already has everything. He’s a millionaire, he owns the number one wrestling promotion in the world but something bothers him and it’s the fact that other promotions are still around, they still have a chance. Particularly TCW, they are close, even though he’ll never admit it he’s really scared and he’s decided to do something about it. He’s going to sign anybody and everybody he wants. He doesn’t care if he has 200 guys on his active roster and 1,000 guys at Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, his development territory. No, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that everyone else is hurting. So Rich, declared WAR on every promotion that isn’t a woman’s promotion in the USA and Canada. [/CENTER]
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The Roster [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Faces[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Heels[/COLOR] [B]Main Eventers:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Skull Debones Christian Faith[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Runaway Train[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jack Bruce Enygma Steve Frehley[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Remo[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Elmo Benson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Rich Money Sam Keith Joe Sexy Angry Gilmore Squeeky McClean Eric Eisen[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]Frederique Antonio Garcia[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Groucho Bling[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Marc Dubois[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Shrimp Lobster Warrior[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Big Smack Scott[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Brett Biggz[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Kurt Laramee[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Calamari Kid Robbie Retro[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Randy Bumfhole Akima Brave Kid Toma Bart Biggz Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]Lead Belly Grease Hogg Shady K Knuckles[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Mikel Alonso[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]The Guru "Playboy Jake Sawyer[/COLOR] - He signed on the first day. Weird. [COLOR="Red"]Jessie Dawn The Cheerleader[/COLOR] [B]Announcers[/B] Duane Fry Jerry Eisen Peter Micheals [B]Colour Commentator[/B] Ana Garcia [B]Referee[/B] Shane Stones Darren Smith Ric Young [B]Road Agent(s)[/B] Chief Two Eagles [B]Personality's[/B] Richard Eisen[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="YellowGreen"][B][SIZE="7"]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [I]It’s the first show of the new year and like everything else Supreme Wrestling Federation does, its going to be big. All four titles are going to be on the line this week![/I] [B][U]SWF North American Champion[/U], Rich Money [/B]will be taking on veteran [B]Jack Bruce.[/B] [B][U]The SWF World Tag Titles [/U][/B]will be on the line when [B]The Biggz Boys [/B]put the titles on the line against [B]The Samoan Wildboyz, The Dirty Whiteboyz[/B] and [B]Death Row[/B] [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] will be putting his [B][I]SWF shooting star[/I][/B] title on the line when he takes on [B]Enforcer Roberts.[/B] [B][I]The World Heavyweight Champion[/I][/B] will also be in action when [B]Runaway Train [/B]takes on [B]Christian Faith [/B]who is trying to be come [I]the first wrestler to hold the title 5 times![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="7"][B]SWF Supreme TV[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I][SIZE="2"]being held in front of 10,000 people @ Wisconsin Gardens, and showing live on America-Sports-1.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Match 1.[/B] Frederique Antonio Garcia beat Mikel Alonso in the battle between the former partners. An easy victory for FAG, he won the match with Romeo is Bleeding finisher. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]A New Alliance[/B] Big Smack Scott, Eric Eisen and Enforcer Roberts come down to the ring an announce that they are forming a new alliance and anyone who gets in their way will be splattered like a fly. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]SWF Shooting Star Title[/B] Zimmy Bumfhole comes down to the ring as Big Smack Scott and Eric Eisen exit the ring. Zimmy and Roberts put on a good technically sound match. But once Zimmy looked like he was going to get the victory he was attacked by Scott and Eric, leaving him down and out, costing Roberts the match by DQ. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]3 way Dance[/B] The next match featured Sam Keith, Marc Dubois and Randy Bumfhole. Another good quality match, Keith sat back and let the youngsters do most of the work, before picking his spots and pinning Randy for the one, two, three. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]The New Face[/B] “Playboy” Jake Sawyer comes out in a tux, playing up his Rich Snob gimmick. He states that tonight he will have a new client, his first day on the job. He also says he had to pay a “hefty” price to get this guy on his side. The fans boo. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Playboy Isn’t The Only One With Money..[/B] Rich Money taunts Jack Bruce, the interview starts with Rich’s back to the camera, he turns around and starts counting and throwing one hundred dollar bills at the camera. He says he has everything, the looks of a model, the money of a millionaire, the championship gold around his waste. He says there is one thing he doesn’t have, and Jack Bruce has it, he’s not sure what it is but he’s jealous of Jack, and tonight when he beats him one, two, three. He’s not going to be the cause of all the envy again. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B+ [/COLOR] [B]SWF North American Championship[/B] Rich doesn’t exactly what he says he was going to do but he it wasn’t as easy as he thought as the two man have a hard fought battle, Money finally got the advantage when his tag team partner, Remo came down to the ring and attacked Bruce. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Strength In Numbers[/B] We cut to the back and we see Steve Frehley being badly beaten by Big Smack Scott, Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen. The three men do their damage and then just turn and walk away like they didn’t do anything. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Tag Team Titles[/B] The next match was the 4 way for the World Tag Team Titles, it was a tough match to call as all eight men would get in the ring and brawl at the same time but Brett Biggz was able to pin Kid Toma when his partner Akima Brave turned on him with a Suicide Headbutt. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating C[/COLOR] [B]The World Title[/B] Runaway Train beat Christian Faith in the main event of the evening, finishing him off with the Train Wreck. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Overall Rating: C[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]SWF got a 8.33 rating last night for Supreme TV on America-Sports-1. The ten thousand fan attendance was a sell out and the feeling was the show was ok and their were a few extremist who really liked or hated the show. SWF was killed in the ratings by TCW, who were able to get a 27.02 rating, although they are on a bigger network. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]The Akima Brave Heel turn was talked about for a few months now, and SWF officials have finally decided to go with it. The turned worked great and was totally unexpected by the fans. Officials didn’t know that Playboy was going to sign that quick and had to go with the move on the fly. [/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]The feeling amongst the fans and insiders is that SWF roster is to small at only 36 and should be more like 39. That is sure to change as SWF is looking at brining in a ton of wrestlers to not only them but also to RIPW.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]RIPW’s Reach Down show was put on last night the show went down as follows Raphael and John Greed Defeated Jerry Martin and Lion Heart D- Aristocrat defeated Brendan Idol D+ Atlas defeated Kentucky Bill D- Nevada Nuclear defeated Mikey James D+ Valiant Defeated Justin Sensitive to retain the RIPW Championship Title D Overall D[/COLOR] [COLOR="PaleGreen"]Pat Deacon has been signed to be a road agent for SWF. The following wrestlers were also signed: Larry Wood, Mick Muscles, Alex Braun, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Steve Flash, Grandmaster Phunk, Valiant, Freddie Datsun, Crippler Ray Kingman to be a road agent, [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]These wrestlers were signed to RIPW: Harry Wilson, Devils Daughter, Thomas Morgan, Tracy Brendan, Too Hot, Jen Neptune, Tempest Appleby, Oscar Golden, Hector Galindo, Steven Parker, Julian Watson, Stevie Grayson, Jungle Jack, Hell’s Bouncer, Katherine Goodlooks, Mary Beth Chase, The BIG Problem, Announcer, Terry Smith, Mark Smart, Mikey James, Murderous Mikey, Panda Mask II, “Rolling” Johnny Stones, Masked Cougar, Sayeed Ali, Valentine, Slim V, Stan Manna, Whippy The Clown, Snap Dragon, Kentucky Bill, David Poker, Zeus Maxmillion, Steve Smith, Britney Hollywood, Angel De Mexico, Calamity Joan, William Hayes, Trauma, Weird Waldo Odlaw, Mainstream Hernandez, Shooter Sean Deeley, Jesus Chavez, Adrian Garcia, Jerry Martin, Nevada Nuclear, Suzanne Brazzle, Joss Thompson, Rhino Umaga, Christian Price, Melody Cuthill, D.C. Rayne, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Dean McWade, Sara Silver, Des Davids, Kazuma Narato, Rockin’ Ryan Turner, Remmy Skye, Danny Patterson, Puerto Rican Power, Sara Marie York, James Prudence, Insane Machine, Brendan Idol, Matt Sparrow, Air Attack Weasel, Raphael, Nathan Black, Cal Sanders, Justin Sensitive, BJ O’Neill, Mexican Beast, Emma Bitch, Dallas McWade, Joey Beauchamp, Jacob Jett, Frankie Perez, Alexis Littlefeather, Eddie Howard, Jack Griffith, Frankie Dee, Doug Peak, John Greed, Aristocrat, Darryl Devine, Roger Dodger, The Natural [/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]SWF Supreme TV got a .20 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary[/COLOR].[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday Week 2, 2007 [SIZE="1"]Held in front of 5,000 people @ Gorski Ballroom, and shown live on America-Sports-1[/SIZE] [/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Demanding a match. [/B] Akima Brave is with Playboy Jake Sawyer in the middle of the ring. Brave is wearing a flashy white suit with a black shirt. He’s rolling dice in the corner, showing that he now has a gambler’s gimmick. He and Sawyer make a challenge to Kid Toma, saying its not a challenge it’s a demand at SWF When Hell Freezes Over. [/COLOR] Rating: C [COLOR="Red"][B]Dirty White Boys vs. Alonso and Retro[/B] The Dirty White Boys throw their weight around in the match, dominating the thrown together team of Alonso and Retro, picking up an easy victory. [/COLOR]Rating C- [COLOR="Magenta"][B]6 Man Tag Action The Underwater Union vs. The Three Man Reign of Terror[/B] Another squash match that say The reign of Terror really destroy The Underwater Union, one at a time, taking them out person by person, before getting the victory. [/COLOR] Rating C+ [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Randy Bumfhole[/B] This match was an open match, that saw some great wrestling in all aspects, through the air, on the ground and in the stand up. Garcia picked up the victory though after hitting the Romeo is Bleeding.[/COLOR]Rating B [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Just Like Last Week[/B] Playboy Jake Sawyer comes out to the ring and once again says that he will have a new client tonight, he says the guy will be on Supreme TV during this broadcast so everyone should watch there backs. [/COLOR] Rating D [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]Jack Bruce vs. Sam Keith[/B] Sam Keith was beat by Jack Bruce despite locking on the proton lock. After lasting 3 minutes with the lock on without submitting, Keith got fustrated and let go of the old, allowing Bruce to roll him up for the one two three. [/COLOR]Rating B- [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Same Tricks[/B] We cut to the back where Big Smack Scott and Enforcer Roberts are beating Skull DeBones. Roberts has handcuffed him to the door handle and the two are just wailing on him. [/COLOR] Rating C+ [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]SWF Shooting Star Title[/B] Marc Dubois was the challenger for this match, Zimmy and Marc put on an impressive match. Zimmy got the victory when Marc was disqualified because Zimmy’s brother Randy rushed the ring and attacked Zimmy. He pulled some money out of his pocket and shoved it into the mouth of his brother. Playboy Jack Sawyer appears at the top of the ramp and Randy leaves with him. [/COLOR] Rating C+ [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]An Open Challenge[/B] Runaway Train comes out with his manager The Guru and they issue an open challenge to anyone who feels they can beat Train one on one for the World Championship to meet them at SWF When Hell Freezes Over. [/COLOR]Rating A* [B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]High Concept vs. The Almighty Dollar[/B] We had a good contest for the main event of the night, a very open match which saw The Almighty Dollar jump the bell when Groucho and Elmo were asking each other if either one made a deal with Jake Sawyer. It was an even match most of the way but the strength of Remo was ultimately to much for High Concept, The Almighty Dollar picked up the victory with High Concept’s finisher, game over. [/CENTER][/COLOR] Rating B Overall Rating C+ And Hurting My pop.
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[CENTER][SIZE="7"][B][COLOR="Magenta"]SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]Being held in front of 7,356 people @ The Friedman Building, and shown live on America-Sports-1[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Red"]Challenge Excepted [/COLOR][/B] The show starts with Steve Frehley in the back parking lot, he says that he accepts the challenge laid down by Runaway Train and he will stop at nothing to get his world title back. He picks his bags up and walks into the arena. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B=[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hyping An Interview[/COLOR][/B] The announcers say that tonight there is a special sit down interview with Freddie Datsun from earlier in the week that no one will want to miss. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] FAG had little trouble in this match, as Steve Flash was just his wrestling buddy, taking slam after slam, Garcia got the easy victory. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Another Attack[/COLOR][/B] Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen are shown backstage beating down Lobster Warrior, when Jumbo Shrimp and Calamari Kid show up the two men run away. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Kid Toma vs. SGT. Bubba Lee West[/COLOR][/B] Kid Toma gets his first victory of the year over West. It was a pretty even match but Toma came through in the end. The announcers hyped his match vs. Akima Brave which is now just 2 days away. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Towers of Power vs. The Squid Squad[/COLOR][/B] The debuting Mick Muscles and Larry Wood upset Jumbo Shrimp and The Calamari Kid, Muscles did most of the work, finishing the job with a power bomb. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Playboy and The High Rollers[/COLOR][/B] Next we have an interview with Playboy Jack Sawyer, both Randy Bumfhole and Akima Brave are standing behind him a in casino dressed in white tuxes as they are both using the gambler gimmick that was giving to Brave last week. Sawyer reaches into his pockets and pulls out stacks of money in each hand, as he hands it to both guys. He sips from his martini glass and speaks to the camera as the two wrestlers turn around and shoot some craps. He says that in two days the world will see what Playboy Jake Sawyer is about and they will see that he only aligns himself with winners, and with his money he could have any winners he wants. But there’s a reason he went after Randy and Akima and everyone will see why. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Another Attack?[/COLOR][/B] We cut to the back where The Three Man Reign of Terror start beating down Robbie Retro, The Biggz Boyz make the save and challenge the men to meet them at the Pay Per View for the tag team titles. Big Smack Scott smiles and shakes his head yes and he backs away. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Squeeky McClean vs. Groucho Bling[/COLOR][/B] This was a very technical match, that saw both men dominate at different times during the match. McClean was able to get the victory with The Clean Out submission hold. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Remo vs. Valiant [/COLOR][/B] Valiant was cheered when he came down to the ring, announced as the latest graduate of the SWF Training Camp, which would be RIPW. Valiant had a lot of offense in the match but what was more import is that he could take a beating as he was mad to make Remo look good. Remo picked up the victory but not without a fight. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Datsun Interview[/COLOR][/B] Next we have a sit down interview with Freddie Datsun as promised, its given by Peter Michaels. Datsun talks about how he is happy to be back and he is sad that he ever had to leave the fans, that’s what he missed most about SWF was their fans. He talks about being known as one of the greatest SWF North American Champion of all time but before he can move on with the interview… [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]He Is Attacked[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money attacks him as he is talking and starts beating him with the title, no one is there to stop him and Datsun is a bloody mess. Rich Money starts yelling, saying how he is the greatest North American Champion of all time, and in 2 days, Freddie will get to see it first hand because he’s going to end his career before it ever restarts. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Main Event[/COLOR][/B] The main event this week is a three way dance, featuring Marc Dubois, Jack Bruce and Sam Keith. Its an open match but once again Sam Keith picks his spots, standing back letting the action take place before moving in for the pin fall victory after Bruce laid out Dubois. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Overall Rating [/COLOR][COLOR="Magenta"]B- and [/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Pop increase[/COLOR][/B]!![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The rating for last nights SWF Supreme TV on America-Sports-1 was a 8.81 and was held in front of 7,356 people, most of them fans. Viewers thought the show was pretty good and they enjoyed the show. TCW got a 27.87 rating. Don’t look for Larry Wood and Mick Muscles to team up much longer, they may get a few more matches but they were very sloppy and had timing problems last night. [B][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="7"]SWF When Hell Freezes Over Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Akima Brave with Playboy Jake Sawyer vs. Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] Two weeks ago on SWF Supreme TV, Playboy Jake Sawyer, the self made millionaire made his unexpected debut for Supreme Wrestling Federation. He had something interesting to say, saying that someone on the roster joined him. The rumors went flying around the back but no one thought that Akima Brave would be the man to join him. Brave hit his own tag team partner with a suicide headbutt, costing them not only the match but also the tag titles. Sawyer and Brave have been saying that Toma has been holding him down, we will see who was holding who down tonight! Heat: D- [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rich Money vs. Freddie Datsun for the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/B] Just two days ago on Supreme TV, Freddie Datsun was making his much hyped debut, giving an interview with Peter Michaels. During the interview Michaels asked Datsun what he felt about people calling him the greatest North American Champion of all time. Freddie said what he thought and that was quick to anger the current champ, Rich Money who attacked Freddie and left him laying in an ocean of his blood. Nobody even knew Rich was around, but that’s the thing when your dealing with Rich Money.. You never know. Freddie Datsun has gone to Richard Eisen and asked for this match to be a first blood match but we are yet to get a decision from the boss. Heat: D+ [B][COLOR="Red"]The Biggz Boyz with the beautiful Jessie will take on 2 Members of The 3 Man Reign of Terror for the SWF World Tag Titles.[/COLOR][/B] Big Smack Scott, Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen have come together to watch each others backs since the beginning of the year, and ever since they have been doing whatever they want to do. From attacking Steve Frehley, Skull Debones, Lobster Warrior and Robbie Retro. The Biggz Boyz seen enough and chased them away, offering to put their belts on the line in a tag team match at Hell Freezes Over, which was an offer that Big Smack Scott couldn’t refuse. So we will see the Biggz Boyz take on Eric Eisen and Big Smack Scott. Heat: D+ [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Randy Bumfhole with Playboy Jake Sawyer vs. Zimmy Bumfhole for the SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR][/B] Just two weeks ago, Playboy Jake Sawyer was up to his old tricks again, telling the world that another wrestler would be joining him and that the man would be on the show that night. Little did the world know that the man was already on the show as Randy Bumfhole already had a match that night. Randy attacked his brother during the match, in the second surprising turn in the same amount of weeks. They say that blood is thicker then water but it seems like money is thicker then blood. Heat: D- [B][COLOR="Red"]Enforcer Roberts vs. Skull DeBones[/COLOR][/B] DeBones was an innocent victim when Roberts and his crew attacked him, assaulting him for no reason. Roberts is the guy in his group who wasn’t luckily enough to be a part of the tag team match, meaning he has to face DeBones one on one. And we all know what happens when Skull DeBones isn’t happy. Heat: B- [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Steve Frehley vs. Runaway Train with The Guru[/COLOR][/B] The only two wrestlers to hold the title since 2005 meet again, for the world title. Who will walk away in this meeting? Heat: A*[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"]SWF When Hell Freezes Over![/COLOR] [/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="3"]Live from the Oregon Gardens, live on Pay Per View[/SIZE][/I] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]A First Blood Match[/B][/COLOR] Jerry Eisen comes down to the ring and welcomes everyone to the show, he says that this is going to be one of the best Pay Per Views SWF has ever put on, and it only gets better from here. He runs down the card and says that he has made a change to the Freddie Datsun vs. Rich Money match, and it will be a first blood match. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Backstage Beatdown[/B][/COLOR] We cut to the back and Frederique Antonio Garcia is beating down on his opponent tonight, Jack Bruce. Agents and wrestlers pull Garcia off. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]The SWF World Tag Team Titles[/B][/COLOR] The fans were all over Big Smack Scott and Eric Eisen as they don’t want to see either of the two men wrestle. The big guys simply dominated the match but in the end ultimately lost when they were DQ’d for using chairs to smash the skulls of the Biggz Boyz. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: C- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]A Rich Hype[/B][/COLOR] Rich Money gives an interview saying he doesn’t care if he has to face Freddie Datsun in any kind of match, he will not lose. He says that he has already made Freddie bleed and he will make him taste his own blood once again. He goes on to talk about how nobody wants to see a handsome guy like himself bleed and he will work his hardest to give the fans what they want and make that “scumbag” bleed. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Valiant vs. Larry Wood[/B][/COLOR] Valiant was once again hyped as being the newest member of the roster to graduate from Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. Valiant easily dominated the match but he didn’t take to many risk as he was protected, Larry Wood did a good job of selling in the match, which saw Valiant pick up his first victory in Supreme Wrestling with the V Split. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]FAG vs. Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] Bruce came out with taped ribs and Garcia went right after them as if it was a bull’s eye. He dominated early in the match but Bruce was able to make the comeback and the two put on a good show, exchanged moves, and blows. But Bruce wasn’t able to over come the rib injury, when Garcia reversed his New York Minute finisher and hit him with Romeo Is Bleeding. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Playboy[/B][/COLOR] Playboy Jake Sawyer was on next and he hyped up his two “high rolling money making machines” Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole, he says that neither one will have trouble with their matches tonight and then they would hit the casinos, with the new SWF Shooting Star Champion and the greatest Samoan to ever embrace the wrestling world. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: D[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Akima Brave vs. Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] Akima Brave dominated Kid Toma, showing his new mean streak he never let up, dominating from start to finish while Jake Sawyer played to the crowd the whole time, yelling and acting like he was going to slap a few of them. Brave toyed around, showing off for the crowd during the match as well. He finally finished the match with a Suicide Head Butt. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Skull DeBones vs. Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] This was yet another squash match as Skull DeBones just hammered Roberts. He beat him quick but was attacked after the match by Roberts partners. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Hyping The Main Event[/B][/COLOR] Runaway Train and The Guru hype the main event. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: A*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]SWF Shooting Star Title[/B][/COLOR] Randy And Zimmy were given a lot of time to show case their talent as they went twenty minutes. Zimmy tried to shake his brothers hand before the match but was smacked for his troubles. The match was very open and very back and fourth if you blinked you might of missed a move. Playboy who was on the outside, managing his man, was able to distract Zimmy by grabbing his leg, causing him to turn around. Randy quickly rolled up his brother and grabbed a handful of tights and we have a new champion! [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]SWF North American Title[/B][/COLOR] Freddie didn’t even wait for the bell to start this match as he jumped Rich Money in the aisle way. This match took place all over the building, from the locker room area, to the crowd and a little bit in the ring. Both men were given a lot of time to show their offensive arsenal. Rich Money picked up the victory when Remo who was hiding in a closet door in the back came out and hit Datsun with a hot iron. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Celebration![/B][/COLOR] Remo picks Rich Money up on his shoulders and carries him through the back and into the middle of the ring, where the two guys celebrate like they just won the super bowl going completely over the top. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B][/COLOR] Runaway Train and Steve Frehley put on a show for the crowd in the final match. The match was open and both men looked really strong. Steve just wasn’t able to overcome Train though as the champion retained with the Train Wreck. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [I]The show goes off air [/I] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Overall Rating: B- [/B][/COLOR]and hurting the pop =([/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]News and Notes [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF got a 6.62 rating for last nights SWF When Hell Freezes Over on Pay Per View. They are happy with that, but do think they can do better. Just over 12,000 fans attended the show and they seemed to like the show. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]With SWF Nothing To Lose just 3 weeks away, there is already talk about who will be going against who. The feeling is that the company will make the matches for pay per views, right after the last ones and build up to them. But for now nothing has been set. [COLOR="Magenta"][B]- [/B][/COLOR]SWF Supreme TV got a .21 rating in the UK. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]-[/COLOR][/B] Mario Heroic has singed a development deal and will be reporting to RIPW in a week. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]Lead Belly has moved up on the card, he made a big jump from opener to midcarder, there is no word on weather SWF plans on going with this or just leaving him in the midcard. SWF Shooting Star Champion, Randy Bumfhole has also moved up to a midcard position. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF officials feel that they need a few more faces on the card, as they have a lot more heels, they would prefer to bring someone through the system but are looking at all possibilities. With everything that happens in SWF you new know what’s going to happen as things change day to day, minute to minute. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="7"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]live from Connecticut Symphony Hall and Shown live on America-Sports-1. 8,502 people are in attendance[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][B]Challenge[/B][/COLOR] Freddie Datsun starts the show by sitting in the middle of the ring, his eye and half his head are wrapped up. He talks about his face, and how he has 3rd degree burns on his face from being hit with a hot iron and he says he wants the man who hit with the iron in a match. He the doctors won’t let him fight for at least 2 weeks, and that’s perfect timing for the SWF Nothing To Lose Pay Per View. He says if Remo is any kind of man he will meet him in the ring. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Who Wants To Face The Phunk?[/B][/COLOR] Grandmaster Phunk comes down to the ring and ask the people if the recognize him as they boo, knowing he was the former manager Danny B. Bling. He says that he’s been back for almost 2 weeks and hasn’t had a match yet, he says that he’s been over looked by SWF management all his life and he’s tired of it so tonight he will face any member of the SWF roster. He drops the microphone and waits for someone to come out, out walks Valiant. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Valiant vs. Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] Valiant comes down and Phunk picks up the microphone and tells him to introduce himself to the crowd, as Valiant goes to speak GMP smacks him and continues the beat down, dominating the match. After a huge slam, Valiant was getting up to his knees and Phunk went for his Pimp Slap but Valiant ducked and Grandmaster spun around, allowing Valiant to get a quick roll up for the victory. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Squid Squad Vs. The High Rollers[/COLOR][/B] Randy and Akima dominated this match from front to start, showing off their new found attitudes throwing Calamari Kid and Jumbo Shrimp around at will. They twisted their body’s every way that they would turn. But the match wasn’t over until Zimmy Bumfhole and Kid Toma hit the ring and attacked their former partners, costing The Squid Squad the match. I don’t think they are going to care much as it saved them from an ass whipin. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Brawl Continues[/COLOR][/B] The 4 men continue brawling all across the arena through the crowd with Playboy following closely behind. The fighting stops when Akima Brave throws both men face first into the doors that lead to the outside of the building. Jake, Brave and Randy just walk away from the carnage. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Alex Braun vs. Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] Alex Braun makes his SWF debut and it’s a good one as he faces off new jobber Larry Wood. This match was a relative Brawl, Larry was able to get in more offense then he usually does but it still wasn’t enough. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]I’m RICH too [/COLOR][/B] We cut to the back and Rich Money is standing with a cigar in his mouth, he talks about how everyone is all over Jake Sawyer and how rich he is, how much money he has, how he can just buy talent. Money says he’s the man who brought Remo in, he ask the crowd if they think that was cheap? He then pulls out a hundred dollar bill and lights it on fire, lighting his cigar with it. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]FAG vs. Retro[/COLOR][/B] This match was just used to continue Frederique Antonio Garcia’s push as he absolutely dominated Retro. Hitting him with the Romeo is bleeding. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Motivation?[/COLOR][/B] We see Dawn the Cheerleader cheering in the locker room, she says she knows that he can do it but we can’t see who he is, the camera turns around to reveal Steve Flash, who she is now managing. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Flash vs. Dubois[/COLOR][/B] Marc Dubois was Steve Flash’s opponent, this was a very even technical match that had its fair share of brawling and even some high flying spots. The match was won by Dubois who was able to hit the Marc of Excellence. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]A celebration [/COLOR][/B] The ring is filled with balloons and party favors, Rich Money, Jake Sawyer, Akima Brave, Garcia, Randy Bumfhole, and Alex Braun are all out side the ring clapping as Runaway Train comes down to the ring to celebrate his victory at SWF When Hell Freezes Over. The men celebrate as if he just killed Bin Ladin. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Main Event Remo vs. Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/B] This was a hard fought match between the young and the old but when Rich Money slid a chair into the ring for Remo to use on Bruce, Freddie Datsun hit the ring getting Bruce DQ’d. But Datsun was hit with the chair for his humanitarian efforts as the show goes off the air, Bruce is checking over Datsun and Remo and Money are laughing on their way up the ramp. [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Rating: A*[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] (should have increased)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Magenta"][B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]News and Notes[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]SWF are looking for new tag teams and have 3 new teams working together at house shows to see if they work well together, if they do don’t be surprised to see them on SWF Supreme TV soon. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Darryl Devine and Frankie Perez are expected to be called up to SWF soon, despite not have a match in RIPW yet, the reason is SWF needs more faces on the roster and these two are very good, talented faces. Others who were looked at included Steven Parker, Jack Griffith and The Natural. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]SWF Supreme TV got a 8.93 rating last night. The highest to date this year. The fans thought the show was pretty good and they enjoyed it. Again the final rating for it was B-. 27.09 is the rating for TCW. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Big Smack Scott who has been working without a gimmick since he signed with SWF, has finally been given a gimmick. No surprise here as it will be a bully gimmick. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]In the UK SWF got a .21 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]A new promotion European League of Professional Fighters has opened up in Central Europe. They are no threat to SWF. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]In hopes of being used more on SWF TV, Joe Sexy has changed styles as he will now be using an entertainer style. He was using more of a brawler style. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Cameron Vessey, the son of Larry and the nephew of Bryan has entered the wrestling world and SWF is interested in bringing him in to RIPW. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Carlos Gonzalez has also entered the wrestling world. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Networks are scheduling and SWF would like to be on more networks and maybe even debut a new show, but first they are trying to renew their contract with America-Sports-1 as it is in its final season. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"]SWF Suprme TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [SIZE="1"]Being held in front of 8,517 people @ Evanovich Riverside and showing live on America-Sports-1.[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Making Another Move?[/COLOR][/B] The show opens with Bart Biggz walking out of a lockerroom with a handful of cash. On the door, is a taped signed that says Playboy. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Scott and Roberts vs. Alonso and Braun[/COLOR][/B] Big Smack Scott and Enforcer Roberts destroyed Mikel Alonso and Alex Braun in the opening contest of the night. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Kid Toma vs. Randy Bumfhole [/COLOR][/B] This match ends in a no contest with Zimmy Bumfhole and Akima Brave enter the ring causing all 4 men to do battle. Ana Garcia and Peter Michaels repeated put over that the two teams will be meeting at Nothing to lose. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Hyping Himself[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money comes out and hypes himself, calling himself the greatest champion in the history of SWF. He says he has a match tonight but he doesn’t even know who its against because it doesn’t matter to him. When you look as good as him, have as much money as him and are in peak physical condition like him, “regular” people don’t matter. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Steve Frehley vs. Grease Hogg with Lead Belly[/COLOR][/B] Hogg and Belly repeated distracted the referee allowing them to use double teams on Frehley but Frehley was just to much, using his power and punching ability to fight out of the attack. Allowing him to pick up the win with Frehley’s Comet. Grease Hogg had a lot of time on the offensive during the match. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Stay Away[/COLOR][/B] Brett Biggz is backstage and he warns Playboy Jake Sawyer to stay away from his brother. Jake says he has no idea what Brett is talking about. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Hype[/COLOR][/B] Next there is a hype video hyping Valiant’s young career from the start and his opponent for the night SWF World Champion Runaway Train but the match is non title. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Brett Biggz[/COLOR][/B] Garcia picked up another victory, looking very impressive against Biggz. That gives him 6 wins for the year, his lowest rating so far has been a B and I hope this match isn’t less then that. Of coarse he finished him with a Romeo Is Bleeding. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Make A Decision [/COLOR][/B] Rich Money comes out to the top of the ramp and he ask Bart Biggz who was in the corner of his brother if he has a made up his mind yet. Then he says he better of made up his mind because now is the time. Bart declines and throws Rich’s money in the crowd. Rich challenges the Biggz Boyz to a tag team match at SWF Nothing To Lose for the Tag Titles. The Biggz Boyz accept. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Match Making[/COLOR][/B] Richard Eisen makes an appearance and says that since Runaway Train doesn’t have an opponent for Nothing To Lose, he’s going to give him an opponent. A man that he has beaten before, a man that things that he can’t be beaten again, and that man is Christian Faith. The fans cheer. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Sitting In The Crowd[/COLOR][/B] The camera shows Freddie Datsun sitting in the front row, and the announcer hype his match against Remo. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Remo vs. Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] Remo dominated Steve Flash in the next contest, he taunts Freddie Datsun every chance he gets but Datsun doesn’t hop the barrier, he just watches from his seat. Remo wins with The Destroyer. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Interview With The Champion[/COLOR][/B] Runaway Train and The Guru give an interview next, Train and Guru taunt both his opponent for the night Valiant and his opponent for the Pay Per View Christian Faith. The Guru says Train could beat them both without breaking a sweat. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Train vs. Valiant [/COLOR][/B] Surprisingly they let the rookie hit a few moves on Train, but they didn’t even budge the big guy. Train wins quickly with The Train Wreck as shows goes off the air, Guru and Train celebrate in the ring. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"]and hurting the pop. By far the worst rated show segment wise. But the shows are becoming more of what I want them then just throwing out the best guys and getting great matches. Oh well[/SIZE].[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF Supreme TV got a 8.83 rating on America-Sports-1. Again the feedback from viewers was that the show was pretty good and people seemed to enjoy themselves. TCW got a 27.37 Rating. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]SWF has resiged with America-Sports-1. They have signed on for 6 seasons! Which is one of the longest contracts ever signed with a television network. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]For the fans of SWF in Japan, SWF has signed a deal to be broadcast in Japan at midnight local time on Tuesday’s on J-Network East. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]SWF got a .21 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary for this week. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]-[/COLOR][/B] There is trouble in the development league of SWF, Stevie Grayson was a local television network in Rhode Island and he said that Terry Smith and himself do not get along any more. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]-[/COLOR][/B] For the Mexican fans out there, SWF Supreme TV will be available when the new network schedule is released. The show will air at midnight local time, on TV-Mex. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]Supreme Wrestling Federation will be airing a brand new show on Japanese Sports Vision, the show will be called SWF International. The show which will air for 5 seasons, will be on at midnight on Fridays. It will be an hour long show. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]SWF International will also air in the UK, on UK Broadcasting Prime. You catch the show on Friday night/Saturday morning at 1:00 Am. The deal is for 5 seasons. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]Grease Hogg has moved up the card to a midcarder after the performance he put on this week. Also moving up the card was superstar rookie Valiant. He also moves up to a midcard position on the roster. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]Cameron Vessey has official signed a contract with SWF, he will be reporting to RIPW ASAP. SWF officials believe he has what it takes to make it big in the wrestling world, but only time will tell. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR="Red"]The American Independent Show[/COLOR][/B] took place yesterday, SWF did have a few scouts watching the show. The show went down as follows: [I]Crash Lewis defeated Candy Floss [B]E[/B] Stormette defeated Miss Mexico [B]E[/B] Keith Vegas defeated Gentleman Jim King [B]E-[/B] Randall The Vandal defeated Al Coleman [B]E[/B] Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Leo Davis E TJ Bailey defeated Little Bill Lebowski [B]E[/B] The Idaho Punisher and Rod Remus defeated Lazy Joe and Threepwood [B]E+[/B] Ben Williams defeated Crockett Tubbs [B]F+[/B] Dermot O’Logical defeated Ace Youngblood in the main event [B]E+[/B] [/I] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]- [/COLOR][/B]TCW wrestler Steve Gumble’s contract is up and SWF are going to make a move for him. Not because the particularly want him but because they want to hurt TCW in any way possible. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Being held in front of 5,000 people @ Gorski Ballroom and showing LIVE on America-Sports-1.[/SIZE][/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mick Muscles vs. Robbie Retro[/COLOR][/B] Retro came down doing his disco dance and tried to have fun at the expense of Mick but Mick wasn’t to enthuised about this. Muscles and Retro brawled throughout the match with Mick picking up the pin fall victory. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hype [/COLOR][/B] Christian Faith has an interview next and he hypes up his match with Runaway Train in two days time at SWF Nothing To Lose. He says he truly has nothing to lose, and Train has his belt, which is his whole life to lose. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Who Will Rich’s Partner Be?[/COLOR][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Next was a ten man battle royal that included: Angry Gilmore, Calamari Kid, Elmo Benson, Grandmaster Phunk, Joe Sexy, Kurt Laramee, Larry Wood, Mikel Alonso, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, and Valiant. [/SIZE][/I] Angry Gilmore won the match, and he will go on to be Rich Money’s partner at Nothing To Lose. The last 4 guys were Gilmore, Valiant, Laramee and Calamari Kid. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]But You’re my Partner [/COLOR][/B] In the back we see Joe Sexy arguing with Angry Gilmore, telling him that he’s his partner and that he shouldn’t be the partner of Rich Money. Gilmore tells him not to worry. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash vs. Rich Dubois[/COLOR][/B] In a re-match from last week, Dubois again picked up the victory, the match was very open and Flash even hit his finisher but Dubois was able to kick out, stretching him out with the Model Solution. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hitting A Girl?[/COLOR][/B] After the match Dawn The Cheerleader is in the ring checking on Flash when all of a sudden Sam Keith comes down to the ring and locks on the Proton Lock. Dawn screams in pain, when Flash starts to get up, Keith lets go of the hold. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Death Row vs. Zimmy and Toma[/COLOR][/B] After a hard fought battle which saw all men in the ring for most of the match, Zimmy Bumfhole and Kid Toma were able to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Video[/COLOR][/B] We see a hype video of the destruction that Big Smack Scott, Eric Eisen and Enforcer Roberts have done in the past few weeks. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Train Hypes[/COLOR][/B] Runaway Train hypes up his match with Enygma later tonight, The Guru puts over the fact that Train is a fighting champion and even though the title isn’t on the line he’s still going into the ring tonight, something that can’t be said about Christian Faith. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean[/COLOR][/B] The next match was a complete style contrast as the big brawling Frehley took on the technically sound Squeeky. The match ended in a double count out. After the match Peter and Ana said that these two would meet again at the PPV. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Runaway Train vs. Enygma[/COLOR][/B] The main event only lasted 3 minutes as Enygma quickly took the upper hand but Train only had to hit one move and he did, finishing the match quickly with the Train Wreck. Runaway Train and The Guru stand in the middle of the ring as the Pay Per View goes off the air. [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Overall Rating: B [/COLOR][/B][I]and increased the Pop.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="7"]News and Notes[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] - SWF Supreme TV got a 9.88 rating on America-Sports-1, by far their highest rating of the year. SWF hopes to keep the ball rolling, and the ratings going up. Most people that were at the show liked it for the most part. - In some huge news, TCW, has fallen in size. They are not at cult level and SWF will def. Take advantage of this, as they are waiting for TCW to make their roster moves. - Kurt Laramee contract is up with SWF, both sides would like to get something done. “The King Of The Streets” hasn’t quiet fit in with SWF yet but they feel that he can become useful over time. [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]SWF Nothing To Lose Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Steve Flash with Dawn The Cheerleader vs. Sam Keith[/B] Just 2 days ago at SWF Supreme TV, without notice and for some unknown reason Sam Keith attacked Steve Flash’s manager Dawn The Cheerleader, locking in the infamous Proton Lock. Steve Flash has vowed to get revenge on Keith but will he be just another victim to the unbreakable proton lock? [B]Heat: D+[/B] [B]Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole with Jake Sawyer vs. Kid Toma and Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] Ever since Jake Sawyer came to SWF during the first show of the year, he’s been buying talent ever since. Sawyer says he only buys winners so it shouldn’t of been a shock when he bought the services of Randy Bumfhole and Akima Brave but it was considering they were apart of two of the fastest rising tag teams in our sport. The two now team up to face their former partners who won a match this week on SWF Supreme TV. They are both looking to avenge losses at last months Pay Per View. [B]Heat: D+[/B] [B]Freddie Datsun vs. Remo[/B] During Freddie Datsun’s comeback interview to the SWF, Remo’s good friend Rich Money interrupted, taking exception to something that was said during the interview. The two had a match and when it looked like Datsun was going to be able to take control, out came Remo, hitting Datsun with a hot iron, causing his skin on his face to peel. Freddie asked for this match but sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for , a lesson Datsun might find out tonight! [B]Heat: C-[/B] [B]Brett and Bart Biggz with Jessie vs. Rich Money and ??? [/B] We found out this past week that the mystery man would be Angry Gilmore when he outlasted 9 other superstars to get the chance to become Rich Money’s tag team partner. Gilmore’s full time tag partner, Joe Sexy wasn’t to happy but nonetheless the tag team titles will be on the line when The Biggz Boyz take on Money and Gilmore. The fued between the Biggz Boyz and Money all started when Rich tried to buy Brett’s brother Bart. Trying to trick Brett, Rich Money taped the name of another millionaire, Playboy Jake Sawyer on the door. It all didn’t matter in the end though, as Bart declined the offer. [B]Heat: C-[/B] [B]Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley[/B] These two veterans, had a match of the year candidate this week on SWF Supreme TV, the match ended in a double count out though as neither man got back in the ring. Tonight they will have a chance to settle the score once and for all, who is going to win when McClean and Frehley meet again. [B]Heat: B+[/B] [B]Runaway Train with The Guru vs. Christian Faith[/B] Christian Faith, the only 4 time world champion is trying to improve his record to 5. But standing in his way is one of the greatest champions of our time, Runaway Train. Train and his manager The Guru have been playing down Faith, acting like he’s no big deal. But the fans know, and deep down Train knows that Faith is a force to be reckon with. [B]Heat: B+[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"]SWF Nothing To Lose[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="1"]Being held in front of 15,000 people @ Illinoise State Park, LIVE on PPV[/SIZE][/I] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Keep the Faith [/COLOR][/B] As the show begins we see a pre-recorded promo from Christian Faith where he says that tonight he will become the new SWF Champion. He says that he has Faith and he just wants the fans to keep the Faith in him. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Eric Eisen vs. Elmo Benson[/COLOR][/B] Benson was in control for most of the match but Big Smack Scott and Enforcer Roberts came into the ring, causing Benson’s partner, Groucho Bling to try to get in the ring, referee Shane Stones seen this and stopped Bling, allowing the 3 men to have their way with Benson. Eisen picked up the victory. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]A Challenge for SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/B] Joe Sexy comes out to the ring in street clothes, not looking happy. Peter and Ana talk about how he’s not scheduled to be here as he grabs as microphone and tells Rich Money that next week on Supreme TV after Angry Gilmore carries Rich Money to the tag team championship, that Joe wants a match for Money’s North American Title. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Frankie Perez vs. Marc Dubois[/COLOR][/B] Frankie Perez debut in SWF was a solid one to say the least. He and Marc Dubois split the time on the offensive and they are both very good wrestlers in all phases of the business. Once again the Model Solution is too much for another wrestler in SWF as Dubois makes P-Dawg tap out. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Attacking Thyself?[/COLOR][/B] Kurt Laramee is walking down a hall way in the back, talking to himself. He’s telling himself that he’s hardcore, he says it over and over again, saying he’s hardcore. He says he’s the King of the Streets before picking up a trash cane and hitting himself in the head over and over again. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Get My Back[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money and Remo are walking pasted Laramee and the camera picks up on them. Money tells Remo that he’s not sure if he can trust his partner tonight, so he should make sure he has his back. Remo tells him that he does have his back and the two head in the same direction. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Sam Keith vs. Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] Dawn The Cheerleader was visibly shaking up as she came down to the ring, not doing any cheerleader like moves. Holding her back and arms as she came down with Flash. It was a different side of Flash that we were yet to see in SWF as he attacked Keith right away. Flash looked really strong throughout the match but Keith was able to lock on the Proton Lock after taking a beating. Keith looked over and smiled at Dawn as Flash tapped out. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Hyping The Next Match[/COLOR][/B] Next we see a video of Remo vs. Freddie Datsun, taking a look back from last months carnage at the PPV all the way up to this show. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Freddie Datsun vs. Remo [/COLOR][/B] The next match was a bitter brawl, Datsun started out the match with a patch type thing over his eye. Remo was able to rip it off and attack the face of Freddie. Datsun was very limited and they protected him well. But Remo was able to pick up the knock out victory, after 3 straight power bombs and Datsun not answering a ten count. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Hype…Again[/COLOR][/B] Playboy Jake Sawyer is in the back with Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole, Jake says that Brave and Randy will run threw both of their former tag team partners in the match tonight. Playboy says that there is even bigger news as he has signed one of SWF bigger names and they will show their alliance at SWF Supreme TV. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole vs. Kid Toma and Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR][/B] This was an easy victory for Randy and Akima as they took Zimmy out of the match early, throwing him into the steal steps, and then tying him to the ring steps. Akima and Randy then had their way with Toma. Akima finished him off with the suicide headbutt. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Celebrating [/COLOR][/B] Akima Brave, Randy Bumfhole and Playboy Jake Sawyer celebrate in the ring as confetti falls from the ceiling, Sawyer pours some champagne for the trio as they drink in the middle of the ring, pouring a little on the tied up Zimmy Bumfhole. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]The Biggz Boyz and Jessie[/COLOR][/B] Jessie and The Biggz Boyz give an interview where they hype up the match against Angry Gilmore and Rich Money. They say that they have been partners their whole life, and they aren’t about to lose to a tag team that just came together for one night, and tonight they will feel the full wrath of the Biggz Boyz. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Darryl Devine vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia [/COLOR][/B] This was a quick match which saw Devine give a few flashy moves but it was dominated by FAG, as he was able to get the victory with the Romeo Is Burning. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Brawling In The Back[/COLOR][/B] The camera quickly cuts to the back and Steve Frehley and Squeeky McClean are battling in the back, the two are throwing fist and rolling around on the floor. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/B] Angry Gilmore and Rich Money came out to different entrances but they came together during the match. The two men worked well together hitting many double team moves such as suplexs and double power bombs. Money and Gilmore had the match one as Money was going for a pin when Gilmore and Joe Sexy who charged the ring started to beat down Money. They left a beaten Money in the ring and Bart Biggz takes the pin fall victory! [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Not Again!![/COLOR][/B] As the Biggz Boyz are on the top ropes celebrating their victory when Sam Keith comes down to the ring and pushes them off the ropes and on to the floor. He grabs Jessie and locks her in the Proton Lock! She screams and cries out in pain as agents come out to stop him. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]The Champion Is Confident[/COLOR][/B] Runaway Train and The Guru give an interview in the back and they talk about how Christian Faith isn’t the only one who has faith. The Guru says he has complete faith in Runaway Train to destroy Christian Faith. The say he’s just another bump in the road, and like the millions of other bumps Train has run over throughout his career, he will not be slowed down, let alone stopped. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley[/COLOR][/B] The two men went right after each other before the bell as McClean attack Frehley, they eventually made it in the ring but ended up outside it again as the two men brawled into the crowd, the referee had no choice but to count both men out, as they refused to get back in the ring. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/B] The fans were chanting like crazy for Christian Faith as booing as loud as they could for the champion, Runaway Train. The two men went all out for the match, showing everything that they got. Faith went up to the top for the Leap of Faith but.. but nothing as he hit the move and the referee counted to three as the fans went crazy. Faith posed for the fans with the title as the show went off the air. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]should have increased my pop. I thought this was going to be a great show when I wrote it but[/I] whatever. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] SWF Nothing To Lose got a 6.41 rating on Pay Per View. SWF are relatively happy with this number. Again the feedback has been that people enjoyed the show. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Steve Gumble has signed a development deal with SWF, and will be leaving TCW for RIPW when his contract is up. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]SWF Supreme TV got a .23 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Kurt Laramee who we told you last week contract was up with SWF, has received offers from both DAVE and 4C, SWF does not see these promotions as trouble and still hopes to sign Laramee. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Bart Biggz has moved up to midcard on the roster sheet, he’s been working in the upper cards of shows anyway, so this is really no surprise. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Sue Danes has been signed by SWF, she is expected to be used as part of the commentary team for SWF’s new show SWF International when it debuts. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]North Of The Boarder Pro Wrestling, one of the many promotions that SWF are at War with has moved up in size. They are national in Canada. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Lee Wright has signed a deal with Supreme Wrestling Federation, he has one week to finish up in NYCW. [B][COLOR="Red"]- [/COLOR][/B]Hell Monkey has signed with SWF and will be reporting to their development company Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. [B][COLOR="Red"]-[/COLOR][/B] Burning Exile has signed a contract with SWF, the contract will allow him to work for other companies. Although he will not be able to work for any company that SWF is at war with. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"]SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"][I]Being held in front of 5,000 people @ Lowe Ballroom and showing live on America-Sports-1[/I][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Playboys New Playboy[/COLOR][/B] The show starts with Playboy Jake Sawyer in the ring by himself, he says that at SWF Nothing To Lose he would be adding a big addition to his group of playboys. So without further ado, Playboy brings out his new client, Remo. Playboy says that Remo didn’t help Rich Money at SWF Nothing To Lose because he told Remo not to. He also announces that at SWF Awesome Impact! Remo will be getting a shot at the SWF North American title, no matter who the champion is. He says that he and Remo hope the champion is Rich Money but he wouldn’t mind taking on anyone. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]The Biggest Opportunity of Your Life[/COLOR][/B] Next we go to the locker room of Sexual Aggression, Joe Sexy is sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, looking down. As Angry Gilmore walks around him in a circle, telling him that this is the biggest chance he has ever gotten tonight against Rich Money. The more Gilmore says, the more pumped up that Sexy gets. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Jack Bruce vs. Randy Bumfhole with Playboy Jake Sawyer[/COLOR][/B] These two wrestlers have pretty similar styles, it was a fairly open match that say Jack get a little more offensive that Randy. Randy wasn’t able to seal the deal though as Bruce would fend off an attack from Akima Brave to pick up the victory. [B]Rating: A* [/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Sam Has Something To Say[/COLOR][/B] Sam Keith comes down to the ring and says that Rich Eisen has informed him that the Biggz Boyz have requested a tag team match against him and a partner of his choosing. Sam says he accepts the challenge at the Pay Per View and that he has a new tag team partner who will be here next week. He says his partner has been in jail since 1996 and he’s getting out this Saturday. Keith says he’s in jail because he loves woman, even a little more then me if you know what I mean so Brett, Bart it would be best if you left your little girlfriend in whatever hospital she’s at. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]High Concept vs. The Dirty White Boys[/COLOR][/B] TDWB dominated early in the match but the speed and flying ability of High Concept was to much for the bigger duo as Elmo Bensen got the victory over Grease Hogg. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Beat Down![/COLOR][/B] Rich Money has just arrive in the building in his limo as he usually does, when out of no where, Remo, Randy Bumfhole and Akima Brave attack Money and leave him down and out. This completes the turn of Rich that was started at the last show. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Squeeky McClean vs. Darryl Devine[/COLOR][/B] This was a technical masterpiece for those of you who are into that kind of thing. McClean was able to pick up the victory but the “rookie” Devine put up a strong fight until the end. Ana and Peter announced that at the next Pay Per View it will be McClean vs. Steve Frehley in a no count out match. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Andre Jones vs. Enygma [/COLOR][/B] Jones didn’t stand a chance as Enygma dominated him in a very short match, where nothing note worthy happened. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]An Attack??!!![/COLOR][/B] Enygma is walking backstage after his victory when Big Smack Scott, Enforcer Roberts and Eric Eisen attack him. Leaving him a bloody mess. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Angry Gilmore vs. Valiant[/COLOR][/B] Angry Gilmore dominated Valiant throughout the match but Valiant was able to pick up some steam but his momentum was quickly stopped when Kurt Laramee hit the ring and smashed Valiant over the head with a garbage can. Valiant won the match but definitely didn’t win the war as Kurt had his way. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Give Me A Microphone[/COLOR][/B] Kurt Laramee gets on the microphone and talks about the big wigs at SWF holding him down, not letting him wrestle the way he knows how to wrestle. He says he is hardcore and hardcore is Kurt Laramee. He’s the king of the streets for a reason and SWF is soon going to find out. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Hype[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money gives an interview hyping up his match with Joe Sexy, he says that he will not lose, even though he was attacked earlier today and that he will go on to face Remo and keep his North American Title for however long he feels like being champion. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/B] Joe Sexy and Rich Money both looked strong, sharing the offense and showing the crowd what they have. They worked the crowd hard, trying to get them behind Rich. Money hit his finisher when Angry Gilmore and Remo came down and got Sexy DQ’d. The 3 men beat Rich down as the show ended. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ ****![/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]News and Notes[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]- [/B]Brett Biggz showed up late to the show last night, most wrestlers in the back thought it wasn’t a big deal since he wasn’t on the show but he was warned not to do it again by SWF, since they don’t want wrestling coming late all the time. [B]-[/B] 8.33 is the rating this week on America-Sports-1. Fans didn’t think that the show went down well. TCW got a 27.02 rating for their show. [B]-[/B] Kurt Laramee has resigned with the company. [B]-[COLOR="Red"]RIPW Couterpunch[/COLOR][/B] [I]From Bikers Paradise[/I] Rockin’ Ryan Turner beat Murderous Mikey. [B]Rating: E[/B] Johnny Stones and Thomas Morgan defeated Cal Sanders and Trauma. [B]Rating: D[/B] Frankie Dee beat Joss Thmpson. [B]Rating: D[/B] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Tempest Appleby and Aristocrat. [B]Rating: D+[/B] The Natural picked up the win against Danny Patterson. [B]Rating: D+[/B] The Heartbreakers retained their tag belts against Valentine and Smarty. [B]Rating: D[/B] Snap Dragon beat Zeus Maxmillion. [B]Rating: C-[/B]Puerto Rican Power Beat Stan ‘The Man’ Manna. Rating: D- The Big Problem went over Des Davids. [B]Rating: D[/B] Dean McWade beat Harry Wilson. [B]Rating: D[/B] Nevada Nuclear picked up the victory vs. Hell’s Bouncer. [B]Rating: D[/B] Remmy Skye is the new RIPW Champion after beating Jack Griffith. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Overall: D+. My child promotion can put on a better card then me :-p[/COLOR][/B] [B]- [/B]Ed Larkins, better known as phenomenal E has signed a deal with SWF and will be reporting to RIPW in one week. [B]-[/B] SWF Supreme TV got a .20 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary. [B]-[/B] Steve Gumble has officially left TCW for RIPW becoming the first victory for SWF in their war against the world. [B]-[/B] Mikel Alonso, Lobster Warrior and Groucho Bling have all moved up the card. [B]- [/B]Larry Vessey, uncle to SWF training student Cameron Vessey contract with PGHW is ending and SWF has asked Larry to meet to discuss a contract.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][SIZE="7"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]live from Louisiana Auditorium and showing Live on America-Sports-1[/SIZE][/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Death Row vs. The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR][/B] The Biggz Boyz picked up an easy victory over Death Row. Jessie was not by the side of her boyz, as she was selling the injury. [B]Rating:C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Attack of The Champions[/COLOR][/B] A man in a orange prison jump suit jumps over the railing and begins beating on Bart Biggz, as Bret goes over to help his brother, Sam Keith comes to the ring and locks on the proton lock as they other man locks on the camel clutch. [B]Rating:C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Steve Flash vs. Akima Brave[/COLOR][/B] This was a quick match that Brave was put over, with the suicide head butt. Flash sold well as he always does. [B]Rating:B- [/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Darryl Devine vs. Burning EXILE[/COLOR][/B] EXILE made his SWF debut in a loss to Devine, both men got to put a lot of offense into the match. Most of the match was fought through the air, with a lot of flips and planchas. Devine was able to pick up first victory in SWF. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="Purple"][B]Sexual Aggression vs. High Concept[/B][/COLOR] These 4 men were given 15 minutes of television time to put on a show and they did, with guys flying all around the ring, mayhem was insuing as the referee couldn’t get control of the match, when he was finally able to, Joe Sexy hit Groucho Bling with a lead pipe. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Hype Video[/COLOR][/B] A video is played featuring Remo and Rich Money, hyping up their various success as both a tag team and single competitors. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Jack Bruce vs. Marc Dubois[/COLOR][/B] These two men put on a technical master piece, the match which should be a match of the year candidate was very open and ended with Bruce picking up the victory with the quick finisher, New York Minute. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Who Wants A Shot?[/COLOR][/B] Christian Faith gives a promo in the back saying that he is making an open challenge to anyone, in the SWF locker room, anyone from any where in the world to face him because Christian Faith has the faith to beat anyone in the industry. [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Fredrique Antonio Garcia vs. Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] Garcia had his way with Perez showing the world why he is the fastest rising star in SWF right now. Garcia finished the match of coarse with the Romeo Is Bleeding. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Attack[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money is arguing with Playboy Jake Sawyer in the back when out of no where Remo comes up behind Money and lays him down and out. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Main Event[/COLOR][/B] Remo walks towards the ring when he is done laying Money out for his match against Steve Frehley. The match was a good brawl between the two but its called a draw when Akima Brave and Randy Bumfhole come in and attack Frehley while Money comes in and goes after Remo. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Overall Rating: B+[/B] and improving my pop [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="DarkRed"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]- [/B]There were 7,956 people in attendances at last night SWF Supreme TV. The show which got a B+ from the so called experts, drew a 9.71 rating on America-Sports-1. Also the fans in attendance thought the show was Awesome and went down really well. TCW got a 27.15 rating for their show. [B]-[/B] Eddie Peak, the DAVE unified champion’s contract is expiring and SWF has a lot of interest in him. Look for them to go hard at him and most likely bring him in. [B]-[/B] Two employees of SWF contracts are ending, Peter Michaels and Knuckles, expect both of them to be brought back. Canadian Golden Combat has made an offer to Michaels. [B]- [/B]Former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Sean McFly’s contract with North Of The Boarder wrestling is coming to a close. It is not known if he will come back as he is married to Victoria Stone who’s family owns the promotion. He could leave though if it is okayed by his wife. It’s a similar situation to David Beckham going to play in the MLS. [B]-[/B] SWF Supreme TV got a .22 rating in the UK this week. [B]-[/B] Knuckles has official resigned with the company. [B]-[/B] Larry Vessey and Sean McFly have both turned down SWF and resigned with their respective companies. McFly is with NOTBPW and Vessey with PGHW. [B]-[/B] SWF International will premier this week, don’t miss it! The announcing team will be the former voice of SWF Duane Fry, Sue Danes and Jerry Eisen [B]-[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith has entered the wrestling world, the former football standout has been contacted about a deal. [B]- [/B]SWF Supreme TV has only one season left on UK Broadcasting Secondary. [B]-[/B] Peter Michaels has resigned. [/CENTER]
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