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WWF: The WCW InVasion

Guest Ransik

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[quote]Disclaimer: This is fake... anyone who thinks this is real... go away.[/quote] [B][U][SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]THE InVASION[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] On March 26, 2001 the entire world sat in shock as [b]Vince McMahon[/b] appeared on WCW Nitro backstage in the opening moments of the show to declare to the world that he just purchased the company earlier in the week. Vince said that later on in the night, just as RAW went on the air he would speak live in front of the WCW crowd... live to the WWF crowd and the entire world on what was going to be in store of the future of WCW. The first hour of Nitro showcased the "Night of the Champions" which saw WCW's finest all retain their Titles, except for Booker T who won the WCW Title from Scott Steiner in the opening contest. At 9pm, Vince stormed down to the ring with a look of sheer satisfaction... pointing to the WCW logo and yelling; "It's all mine!" McMahon then began to insult everything about WCW including it's past and present, saying that the mistakes of Ted Turner and his corporate CEOs allowed him to purchase WCW for less than 5% of what it was worth in 1998. Vince then declared that he had not yet signed the deal, but in 6 days at Wrestlemania Ted Turner himself would walk into a WWF ring and sign over all rights to over to Mr. McMahon himself. Almost on cue and to the shock of the crowd, [b]Eric Bischoff[/b] interrupted things, and for the first time we saw Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff standing in the same ring at the same time. An angry Vince called for security, but Bischoff took out a bundle of documents from his jacket. As Vince listened helplessly, Bischoff laid it all down. For several months, Eric said... he had been trying to negotiate a deal with several independents to finance the purchase of WCW, but it all fell apart when Turner's spineless CEOs decided not to renew Nitro or Thunder on TNT and TBS respectively. But history always finds a way of repeating itself, and Bischoff now holds another death grip on the World Wrestling Federation. Since Vince decided to be careless and not sign for the ownership of WCW, Eric went ahead and assembled the best lawyers that money could buy... and now the contract now states; "Owner of World Championship Wrestling and all it's subsidiaries; 'Eric Bischoff'!" A very pissed off McMahon stormed around the ring for several moments, but an idea suddenly flashed in his head. He told Bischoff that he came to Nitro tonight for one purpose and that was to put the final nail in the coffin of WCW and end it anyway! Bischoff now owns a dead-in-the-water, financially distraught company with no television or PPV time, so he tried upstaging him for nothing. Smiling brightly, Eric told Vince he was dead wrong yet again. He informed McMahon and the entire world that the way the contract was so foolishly set up was that the owner of WCW was entitled to 50% of WWF properties and licenses as well. Vince thought he could make himself completely invincible by forcing out stockholders of the WWF with the purchase of WCW but what reality is right now is that not only does Bischoff own 100% of the rights to WCW... but he owns 50% of the WWF as well! And with that, Vince McMahon fainted as the crowds on both Nitro and RAW cheered as loudly as was ever heard. With Vince being tended to by WWF agents that came to oversee the destruction of WCW, Bischoff looked dead in the camera and told the world that while one dynasty has now concluded a brand new era will be ushered in... but on his own terms. For a short while he'll let Vince live like a man walking to the gallows and run the WWF as he sees fit until the time comes when WCW comes storming in as a full forced entity, and the invasion of the World Wrestling Federation will be yet another "Eric Bischoff Production" that will have the world talking for years! For the next month, the WWF continued on with business as usual, but with Vince McMahon noticable absent from television. Wrestlemania X-Seven came and went, and we saw a brutal battle between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Ausin in the Main Event which saw Austin gain help from his new ally Triple H to defeat The Rock for the WWF Title. The following night on RAW, Triple H won the IC Title from Chris Jericho due to an assist from Austin, and the following week after that they defeated Edge and Christian... who had won the Titles at Wrestlemania thanks to Stephanie McMahon stepping up to the plate and doing favors for her husband while her father was away. By the end of April, the WWF was in chaos as wrestlers tried to get together in an attempt to thwart the newly formed "Power Trip," but with Stephanie holding all of the cards no one could stop the seemingly indestructible duo. A week before Backlash Shane McMahon appeared to try and put a stop to it, and used what authority he had to put Austin and Triple H in a Tag Team Title bout against Undertaker & Kane in the Main Event. Stephanie reluctantly agreed to the bout, and Undertaker was able to his his mind games to get into the heads of the Champions and get them riled up enough to agree to put ALL the gold on the line. If Taker and Kane won they would not only win the Tag Team Titles, but who ever made the pinfall would win the single's Championship the loser held. This was the opportunity Bischoff had been waiting for, and during the Main Event, just as Undertaker was about to put away Austin with the Last Ride... [b]Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page and Buff Bagwell[/b] hit the ring. Booker T knocked Kane senseless with the WCW Championship while Taker fought off DDP and Buff. As The Power Trip smartly got out of the ring (and very lucky to keep their Titles) Undertaker tried to fight off his attackers. As he gained the upper hand, [b]Eric Bischoff[/b] walked onto the stage beaming with pride and called for more troops. [b]Hugh Morrus, Chris Kanyon, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo[/b] all hit the ring and a 7 on 2 assault began on the Brothers of Destruction. As JR and King were screaming for help from the WWF roster, cameras in the back showed an all-out brawl between the two rosters. Cameras showed [b]Mike Awesome[/b] standing in the entry tunnel with a taser in his hand, sending shocking voltage through the bodies of anyone who tried to go out and lend a hand to Undertaker and Kane. As the Brothers were laid out with finisher upon finisher, Bischoff calmly walked down to the ring and announced to the world that the InVasion had begun and starting tomorrow night on RAW no one would be safe from the force of WCW!
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[B][U][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]ERIC BISCHOFF PRESENTS: MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] Tonight live on TNN, the "InVasion" that the owner of WCW and now co-owner of the WWF, Mr. Eric Bischoff, is set to begin. Last night at Backlash, Bischoff sent WCW out to fire the first shot on his war with the World Wrestling Federation. What we don't know if what Bischoff plans to do. Is he out to destroy the WWF like he started 4 years ago, or is he out to annihilate what the ever absent chairman Vince McMahon created? What we do know is that Eric Bischoff will be making history tonight, as for the first time on WWF programming we will not only see WCW competitors in the ring... but the WCW United States Championship will be on the line as Diamond Dallas Page is set to square off with the US and World Champion Booker T. Bischoff wants to show the world the superiority of the WCW product and is setting two of the greatest Champions in the company's history to go 1 on 1 to show the world what they were missing when they chose to watch Vince's circus over the WCW product. But that is far from the end of the story. What also seems to be going on is that Bischoff is setting up matches for RAW in order to try and gain the favor of those that used to work for him in WCW. Bischoff has publically stated this morning that the WCW Cruiserweight Championship was the most marketable Title that WCW ever came up with, and the WWF's inferior Light Heavyweight Championship is of no importance to him or his regime. In another historic bout, the WCW Cruiserweight Champion [b]"Sugar" Shane Helms[/b] and the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion [b]"Ice Man" Dean Malenko[/b] will be competing in a sidden death "6 Pack Challenge" in order to establish the one true best of the Cruiserweights. In the interest of fairness, Bischoff has selected 2 former Cruiserweight and Light Heavyweight Champions to be the 4 challengers in this bout to ensure only the greatest will emerge to carry the division of the new era. Those 4 challengers selected are; [b]Jerry Lynn & Taka Michinoku[/b] to represent the WWF, and [b]Billy Kidman & Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/b] to represent WCW. In other action, the APA will be taking on The Dudley Boyz in a #1 Contendership bout to determine who will next challenge the most dominant duo in WWF history; "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Triple H. Bischoff will also speak live to the RAW audience on what the future holds for the WWF, so you don't want to miss it! ----------------------------------- [b][u]CONFIRMED MATCHES[/b][/u] WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Diamond Dallas Page challenges Booker T. (C) #1 Contendership to the WWF Tag Team Titles The APA square off with The Dudley Boyz CRUISERWEIGHTS vs. LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHTS; One Supreme Champion Jerry Lynn vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Jr. vs Shane Helms (c) vs. Dean Malenko (c)
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[size=6][b][u][color=red]WWF MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/b][/u][/color][/size] [b]Presented by your favorite WWF co-owner: Mr. Eric Bischoff[/b] Monday, Week 1, May 2001 Attendance: 15,000 [b]Dark Matches[/b] -K-Kwick defeated Justin Credible with a muscle buster he refers to as "Truth or Consequences." -Too Cool defeated Hardcore & Crash Holly when Scotty rolled up Hardcore to get the pinfall. [i]RAW begins with a shot of most of the WWF locker room standing in the back watching on several different monitors, and we then see two separate locations where the WCW roster are watching as well. As the buzz begins out in the crowd wondering what's going on, we need not wait any further as the original theme from "WCW Monday Nitro" begins playing, and the partisan WWF crowd boos the arrival of [b]Eric Bischoff.[/b] The owner of WCW and co-owner of the WWF is all smiles as he makes his way to the ring, ready to finally address the world after a month of waiting in the wings until last night's Backlash.[/i] [b]Eric:[/b] Oh you know you love me and you can boo all you want, there is no one coming out to save tonight's broadcast from the "evil regime" of one Mr. Eric Bischoff. You see earlier this afternoon the prodigal offspring of the McMahon family tried entering the building, and they were immediately removed from the property by security per my request. And we all know the billionaire himself... Vincent Kennedy McMahon is now in a straight-jacket somewhere bouncing around a padded room, so guess what? Tonight and for the foreseeable future I'm in charge of the WWF, and what ever I say goes! [i]The crowd boo heavily, and some garbage starts to be thrown toward ringside.[/i] [b]Eric:[/b] Tonight begins the real war in the World Wrestling Federation. If any of you thought the Monday Night Wars was cold-blooded you haven't seen anything yet! This will be a fight for survival. Only the best of the best will dominate this company... and those who can't keep up will be thrown onto the streets where they can go wrestle in gyms for the rest of their lives. But the question is; Which side do you pick? Do you stay on the side of the WWF where the ever so fearless leader left the sinking ship, or do you stick with the one true conglomerate giant... the ones who began the InVasion... the ones who began "The W.A.R. Campaign?" That's right you heard me... "We Are Right." World Championship Wrestling knows how to please the crowd and feed the masses and we did that for years until Time Warner decided we were "too edgy" for the network. So Vince McMahon stole our ideas and used them to catapault himself on top... not that I can blame him for it. I was then relieved as my duties in WCW where former WWF writer Vince Russo then destroyed the legacy I created from the ground up. This man took everything I worked for and not only turned into a shell of it's former self but then took out a hammer and crushed that shell like it was a piece of crap. WCW then went down the toilet... and oh yeah... they BEGGED me to come back, but even I couldn't fix what Russo had done. But now this InVasion... this W.A.R. will come full circle... [i]Almost on cue, the music of the WWF Champion began playing and both [b]Steve Austin & Triple H[/b] stormed down to the ring, weighed down by their 3 Championships. Stone Cold demanded a second mic as the crowd were torn on who to cheer and who to boo.[/i] [b]Austin:[/b] Now you listen here you stupid waste of human life. I know who you are and I know what you've done but what you've done son, is you've entered the territory of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H... THE most dominant duo in the history of this business. What's going to stop either one of us from laying your scrawny little ass out righ here and now and sending you back to the hole you came from? The answer; nothing at all so you have 10 seconds to tell the both of us the best reason you can think of as to why we shouldn't stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry! [b]Eric:[/b] You want to know why Austin? Hey Helmsley I can see you creeping up behind me, I'd back off before you make the biggest mistake of your career. You want a reason huh Champ? I'll give you two very good reasons why you should mind your business and get the hell out of my face! Number one; if you lay one hand on me... BOTH of you will be stripped of all of your Championships and suspended without pay until I see fit to bring you back! Now secondly, you wouldn't want to land yourselves in that kind of hot water, because what would your opponents for tonight's Main Event say or do to you both if you deny them the satisfaction of destroying the both of you? [i]An irate Triple H takes Austin's mic and gets right in Eric's face.[/i] [b]HHH:[/b] You know what Bischoff? You can send any of your WCW rejects at us, we are already dominated 3 divisions here in the WWF and there isn't a damn duo you can pull out of your ass that can stop us. You can keep my wife out of this arena and you can stop Shane McMahon from doing anything to stop you... but you can't pull one duo out of that southern cesspool organization that can take either one of us down! [b]Eric:[/b] Tsk, tsk... I'd watch youself there Hunter, or do I have to play the video footage showing you getting beaten up by a teenager by the name of Alex Wright from Starrcade 1994? No? I didn't think so. Now... I never said anything about a tag team from WCW coming after either one of you. I am how ever a very fair man and after my actions last night caused a lot problems, I decided to make things right. So tonight, you two jokers better suit up because you're going to be putting those WWF Tag Team Titles on the line against the two men who battered the both of you last night; The Undertaker & Kane! [i]Austin grabs Bischoff by the jacket, but Kane's pyro goes off, and the [b]Brothers of Destruction[/b] make a B-line to the ring for the Power Trip. Taker and Kane toss both men from the ring as Bischoff roots them on, but Kane snaps his head in the direction of Eric, and grabs him by the throat. The crowd roars for Kane to do it, but Bischoff can be heard warning Kane of the consequences, and Undertaker grabs his brother's arm and tells him to get out of the ring as we head to a commercial break.[/i] [b][u][color=red]UNIFICATION MATCH WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP WWF LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP JERRY LYNN vs. BILLY KIDMAN vs. TAKA MICHINOKU vs. CHAVO GUERRERO Jr. vs. DEAN MALENKO (c) vs. SHANE HELMS (c)[/b][/u][/color] The WWF and WCW boys stood together in opposing corners to begin the bout, surveying the situation in front of them. Taka fired the first blow, wanting to get the match underway. For the first few minutes everything was a blur as all 6 men tested the waters by tossing each other from the ring one by one until on Helms was left standing. The WCW Cruiserweight Champion began taunting to the crowd but his arrogance allowed Kidman to roll him up, but Chavo made the save. All the WCW boys began arguing, and the WWF competitors singled each man out and began to go to work. This lasted for most of the match as they kept interchanging opponents until finally Jerry Lynn backdropped Kidman and Taka out of the ring, and hit them both with a suicide dive. Chavo followed up with a senton dive over the top, which left the 2 Champs in the ring. Helms went to the top to dive on the 4 men on the floor, but Malenko got up to the top and went for a superplex. As he hit, Helms was able to pull Dean into a small package, but the Ice Man reversed the fall, and managed to pick up the 3 count to merge the 2 Titles after just over 12 minutes of action. [b]WINNER & NEW WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION: DEAN MALENKO[/b] [i]In the backstage area we see [b]Eddie Guerrero[/b] looking around for the man who beat him for the WWF European Title a couple weeks back; Matt Hardy. Eddie does find Matt, but he does walk by his nephew [b]Chavo Jr.[/b] who is headed back to the WCW locker room. The two stop in their tracks and stare at each other for a few seconds until Chavo begins to walk away. Eddie grabs him by the shoulder, and the two stare at each other some more until they finally shake hands. The two then smile as they begin walking off in separate directions until Eddie is stopped by [b]Tazz.[/b] [b]Tazz:[/b] Oh I see how it's going to be. WCW trashes the legacy of your family and thef irst thing you're going to do is go back and join the guy in charge is that right? [b]Eddie:[/b] You got it all wrong esse! Mi raza is muy importante than this ridiculous W.A.R.... InVasion... what ever you wanna call it. My blood is a hell of a lot thicker than anything Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff can ever throw at me, and you saw what Chavo did out in that ring tonight. He has the Guerrero blood in him, and I don't care what side he's on. [b]Tazz:[/b] Just remember Eddie, I know how you Guerreros are. I will be watching you like a hawk and if I think for two seconds that you're going to run out on the WWF, I will be right there to choke your ass out, is that understood? [i]The two of them get in each other's face, until Eddie smiles and walks off.[/i] [b][u][color=red]WWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP PERRY SATURN vs. RAVEN vs. RHYNO (c)[/b][/color][/u] As Raven makes his entrance, he takes a kendo stick from his cart of toys and charges in the ring, blasting Saturn with several shots until the Champ Rhyno runs down the ramp without an entrance and begans to wail on Raven. As those two battle it out Saturn rolls to the floor and retrieves a garbage can and sneaks back in and knocks both out with shots to the skull. Saturn then sets the can down and lifts up Raven for the DVD, aiming for the trash can but before he can set off the maneuver we see Buff Bagwell, Mike Awesome and Chris Kanyon bolt down to the ring. They each grab weapons out of Raven's shopping cart and begin to take shots on all 3 WWF superstars. Eventually Raven is able to hit a low blow on Bagwell, and this allows Rhyno to hit a Gore, but Kanyon quickly nails Rhyno with the Flatliner and actually tries to win the Hardcore Title! Saturn kicks him off the cover, and all 3 head to the ramp while the WCW guys stand in the ring begging for them to come back and fight. The referee decides to throw the match out as the competitors involved had decided to ban together rather than fight around the 7 minute mark. [b]NO CONTEST[/b] [i]After a commercial break we see [b]Saturn & Raven[/b] walking around looking for any WCW guys they can get their hands on when they run into [b]Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit[/b] who are having their own argument over whose side they're on.[/i] [b]Benoit:[/b] Alright look I've had enough of this! We can all stand here pissing and moaning about what company we're going to work for or we can just say the hell with it and go find these "invaders" and take them out! [b]Jericho:[/b] And exactly what army are you going to conjure up by waving your magic wand huh? Or are you trying to lure us over to the WCW side so we can all get our asses kicked? Yeah, don't think I don't nkow what you're trying to pull here, jerky. 4 on 20-something... yeah I can see us winning that fight real damn easily. What are you going to do, wish for a monster who can just destroy everyone in his path? I know exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to cause a wave tonight like only Y2J can do! [i]And on cue, [b]The Big Show[/b] walks up as the crowd pops.[/i] [b]Big Show:[/b] Are you 4 done? Whose side are you on... are you going to turn on me... boo hoo. You want a monster? Well be careful what you wish for because now you've got one! But do you think even with a 7 foot, 480 pound giant on your side that the 5 of us have any chance against an entire organization? We need a plan and we need unity. Right now we don't have either one so until someone decides on what to do I say we just let Bischoff have his fun. The 5 of us know what Eric is capable of doing and if you think the army he has right now is it... you're wrong. He has more waiting in the wings to annihilate any one of us if we try to be heroes and... [i]Big Show stops in mid speech, looking off camera. The others follow his glance and the 5 of them look in complete shock as Show still looks puzzled. Raven raises the chair he's carrying up, and the crowd goes nuts as we see none other than [b]Rob Van Dam[/b] walk up. He looks at the 5 of them for a few seconds and smiles.[/i] [b]RVD:[/b] Nice to see you all again, although I've only seen Big Show on TV before and I must say he does look a lot smaller than in real life. But anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone watching at home. My name is... Rob.... Van.... Dam. [i]After RVD is done doing his familiar thumb point, he pats Saturn on the back and walks off as everyone stands stunned.[/i] [b][u][color=red]THE DUDLEY BOYZ vs. THE APA[/b][/u][/color] With a shot at the Tag Team gold on the line, all 4 men hold nothing back and spend the majority of the match just beating the hell out of each other. Neither team really gets any kind of advantage until about 5 minutes in when Faarooq drops Bubba Ray with a hard spinebuster and tags in Bradshaw where they hit their double powerbomb, but can only get a 2 count as D-Von comes in to make the save. For the next couple minutes Bubba tries to fight his way to a tag but keeps geting cut off. Faarooq, on the apron, sees Bubba will get the tag after hitting Bradshaw with a neckbreaker and runs in and kicks him hard in the back. As the ref admonishes Faarooq, Bubba makes the tag and the crowd goes crazy. But the ref not seeing the tag, turns around and orders D-Von out of the ring and as he complies, Bradhsaw nails Bubba with the Clothesline From Hell and covers to get the 3 before D-Von is even aware of what's going on after about 13 minutes of action. [b]WINNERS: THE APA[/b] [i]When we come back from break [b]Kurt Angle[/b] makes his way down to the ring to some steady booing from the crowd. The Olympic gold medalist and 2000 King of the Ring goes straight for the mic.[/i] [b]Kurt:[/b] You know something, over the last 18 months I have gone from a nobody in this company to having the most spectacular rookie year this business has ever seen. The King of the Ring... defeating The Rock for the WWF Title... NOBODY has ever done what Kurt Angle has done in this industry minus one man, and you don't see that bald headed son of a bitch now do you? But no, the man who employed him is running around here claiming to be the greatest mastermind in this history of professional wrestling and sending his goons out to interrupt everythig here in the WWF. Well you know something? Eric Bischoff wants a war, he wants an InVasion? What kind of man would I be if I didn't lead the WWF against WCW? I'm an American hero... I an Olympic gold medalist, and there is no one back there worthy of leading the World Wrestling Federation in this InVasion against WCW who can even lace my boots. So for all the boys in the back who are willing to fight by my side, your Olympic gold medalist will be proud to lead you all to victory! [i]As Angle is annoyed by the boos, they suddenly turn to thunderous cheers as the music of [b]The Rock[/b] begins playing. The Brahama Bull storms down to the ring and after some slight posting, rips the mic from Angle's hands.[/i] [b]Rock:[/b] You... the leader of the WWF? *laughs* The Rock thinks that's the best damn thing he's heard all week. Ladies and gentleman, give this man a hand! He'll be performing 3 live shows a week and 2 on Saturday... give him a hand! But in all seriousness, who in the hell do you think you are? Do you think that because you defeated The Rock for the WWF Title that makes you a great leader? The Rock won the Title back from you in case your memory is as bad as your comedy. The Rock is a 6 time former WWF Champion, and The Rock would STILL be the WWF Champion if it weren't for that Pinnochio wannabe Triple H costing The Rock the WWF Title at Wrestlemania. Do you really think winning a couple Titles makes you something special? The Rock thinks that the millions.... and millions watching around the world tonight would beg to differ. But it's okay, the people no longer have to be put to sleep by you trying to talk yourself up to being the savior of this company. The Rock and the people know there is only one man for the job. Pinnochio and that bald headed sum'bitch are too busy with "Night of the Living Dead" to worry about what's going on around here, but The Rock sees it all and everybody here and watching at home knows there is only one man to lead the people and the WWF against "We Can't Wrestle"... and this simply put the most electrifynig man in sports-entertainment today; The Rock! [i]The fans begin a "Rocky" chant as Angle covers his ears and begins stomping around the ring, but all the fun and games are cut short as [b]Eric Bischoff[/b] appears on the Titan Tron.[/i] [b]Eric:[/b] Did I hear you two correctly? You're planning a mutiny on your boss? Tsk tsk... that'll never do. You see, in case neither one of you get it yet... I'm in charge. Two companies under one umbrella called Titan Sports; WCW and WWF> I own 100% of WCW, and 50% of the WWF and what that means gentlemen is that I own 75% of the company that signs your paychecks. I've been a fair man all night, and I can't even begin to understand what your issues are. I allowed 6 men to compete over one of the greatest prizes in this industry... and granted one of the worst... the WCW Cruiserweight and WWF Light Heavyweight Titles. I did this company a favor by getting rid of the Light Heavyweight Title... it no longer exists because of the blemishes it holds and while the WCW Cruiserweight Title had some of it's own it has a legacy that will continue. I also was fair in allowing the Brothers of Destruction a chance to get revenge tonight and try to claim the WWF Tag Team Titles. But since I have two men who don't see it that way, here's what I'm gonna do. This coming Thursday night on Smackdown I'm going to put the two of you in a match, and do you know what the winner gets? The winner gets to keep their WWF contract... and the loser will have their contract transferred over to WCW! You heard me right! Since you two hate WCW so much and want it gone and are completely insubordinate to your boss... one of you is going to be forced over to working for the side you hate! Now how's THAT feel? [i]Bischoff disappears from the screen as Angle & The Rock stare across the ring from each other. Angle walks over speaks to The Rock, but we don't hear what they're saying to each other. The Rock swats Angle's hand away from him and goes to leave the ring, but Kurt pulls him back and delivers an Olympic Slam. As the crowd chants "Angle sucks," Kurt spits on The Rock and walks off to the back.[/i] [b][u][color=red]THE HARDY BOYZ vs. EDGE & CHRISTIAN[/b][/u][/color] The crowd is solidly behind Jeff and the European Champion Matt Hardy in this bout as the action gets underway. A few minutes into the bout and the Haryz are cooking, getting several near falls on Edge before a daredevil springboard by Jeff is met with a dropkick by Edge. Tagging Christian in, they go for a stacked superplex on the younger Hardy, but Matt came in and hit a double ax-handle on both his opponents. This sent Jeff to the outside and as Matt leaned over the top rope to check on his brother Edge ran full force and jumped over the top rope, catching Mat on the way down with a hangman neck snap. Matt doubled back, and Christian nailed him with the Unprettier and took the 3 count on the European Champ around the 7 minute mark. [b]WINNERS: EDGE & CHRISTIAN[/b] [i]Backstage we see a shot of WCW's double Champion [b]Booker T.[/b] He's finishing up lacing his boots while the live crowd boos and chants "WCW sucks." Booker picks up his belts and begins to walk out of the room when his opponent [b]Diamond Dallas Page[/b] walks in.[/i] [b]DDP:[/b] Yo Champ! Tonight is the night my man. The 3 time... 3 time... 3 time WCW Champion goes agains the reigning 4 time... ah you get it. Anyway man I just wanted to come out and say good luck to ya tonight because we know what we're going to have to deal with out there. I just wanted to make sure if it hits the fan you have my back no matter what goes on in the ring. We both know there's a few dozen WWF superstars just looking to come kick our asses, so if anything starts let's stick together so we don't end up sharing a hospital room, alright? [b]Booker T:[/b] Dawg lemme tell you something. You don't have to worry about a thing. We've got our boys ready to go just in case someone decides they want to commit career suicide, so let's go do this thing! [i]The two head out of the room as we go to a break.[/i] [b][u][color=red]WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE vs. BOOKER T (C)[/b][/u][/color] The crowd is very vocal with their disapproval at the bell seeing this match, but eventually they start geting into it and begin cheering both men on as they try to get the victory to leave with the US Title. About 8 minutes into the bout DDP is able to hit a sit-out powerbomb onto Booker, but he's able to roll his shoulder up just before the 3 count. Signalling to the crowd for the Diamond Cutter, some boo and some cheer as DDP tosses Booker into the corner, but as he follows in Booker hits a Harlem Side Kick which also takes out WCW's head referee Nick Patrick. As DDP and Patrick lay on the mat, Booker T decides to show off with the Spin-A-Roonie but before he can do so, Chris Jericho runs in through the crowd and picks up the US Title from the announcer's table. Jericho then begins to pose with the belt, but he quickly retreats as the WCW Tag Team Champions Palumbo and O'Haire run down to ringside along with Hugh Morrus. Jericho jumps the guardrail, tossing the US Title and bolts as WCW gives chase. Booker is paying no attention as DDP makes his way to his feet unawre of what has gone on, and when the Champ turns around DDP leaps to his feet and connects with the Diamond Cuter to pick up the 3 count as a groggy Nick Patrick registers the fall at around 10 minutes. [b]WINNER & NEW WCW US CHAMPION: DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE[/b] [i]In the back we see the WWF Champion [b]Steve Austin[/b] alongside the Intercontinental Champion [b]Triple H.[/b] The two are sporting their WWF Tag Titles around their waists and their singles Titles on their shoulders as they walk down the corridor on their way to meet The Brothers of Destruction coming up next... after our commercial break of course.[/i] [b][u][color=red]WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION vs. THE POWER TRIP (C)[/b][/u][/color] The American Badass spent for the first few minutes of the match knocking Triple H around the ring until Hunter was able to get a thumb into the eyes and hit the Phenom with a high knee. Tagging in Austin they began to put the boots to Taker, and Austin kept control for some time until he was caught with a boot to the jaw. Taker then tagged in Kane and the place went crazy as the Big Red Machine came in throwing off thrusts to the throat and tossing Austin to the floor. Kane then hit a powerslam on Hunter but could only get a 2 count. As more time went by Triple H was able to bound back and he caught Kane with a spinebuster but as he went for the Pedigree Kane managed to lift him in the air and walk over to The Undertaker to make a tag. With Hunter stuck upside down on Kane's back, Austin came in to try and make the save but Taker caught him with a chokeslam. Meanwhile Triple H was able to distract Kane and send him into the steel steps on the outside, and hit him with a Pedigree on the floor. Undertaker knocked Austin down with a clothesline and rolled to the floor as Stone Cold grabbed the leg of the ref. With his attention turned, Triple H hit Taker low and blasted him with the WWF Title. Hunter shoved him back into the ring, and a now bloody Undertaker is hit with the Stone Cold Stunner and covered for the 3 just past the 18 minute mark. [b]WINNERS & STILL WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: THE POWER TRIP[/b] [i]As RAW went off the air the triumphant Champs were on the rampway as the Brothers both sat up simultaneously and stared them down.[/i] [b]OVERALL RATING: B-[/b] [b]TV RATING:[/b] 35.41
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Hey I liked the show Ransik. It's amazing that the WWF had all those talented guys, those talented writers, and yet guys on the internet can handle the invasion storyline vastly better. Kudos. I'll be following. Edit: I liked the way you highlighted the wrestlers' names throughout the show. It made it easy when I went back through. Good idea.
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I've never been a fan of using pics in my Diaries. The most I've ever used is either a logo at the start of the show or a pic in a sig.
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[B][U][SIZE=6][COLOR=green]WWF.com NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] With the recent signing of many WCW superstars, the WWF has decided to trim the fat down in their developmental system in order to make room for new incomnig wrestlers on both the main roster as well as down in Heartland and Ohio Valley. In fact the WWF is proud to announce a new agreement with [b]NWA: Wildside,[/b] as a deal was struck earlier this week to showcase new signings on their programming. The WWF will be sending wrestlers to Wildside who they feel could be breakout stars sooner rather than later due to Wildside holding 2 shows per week. Young [b]Randy Orton[/b] who is a 3rd generation wrestler, son of the famous Bob Orton Jr. won the OVW Championship last night from Flash Flanigan. People seem to be very high on Orton, and this run with the gold is going to show them if he can handle the pressures of being atop the company. With several Time Warner contracts being ironed out, the InVasion could get very interesting in the next couple of weeks. The WWF is doing their very best to buy out several contracts in order to boost the star power in this W.A.R., and we could see another group go against WWF and WCW very soon if things go according to plan! With [b]Judgement Day[/b] just over 2 weeks away, officials are ready to announce a few matches for the event tonight on Smackdown, so you definitely want to stay tuned to see what's going to unfold! Will we see WWF vs. WCW, or will Eric Bischoff save it for another day? [B][U]SMACKDOWN'S CONFIRMED MATCHES[/U][/B] LOSER GETS A WCW CONTRACT Kurt Angle vs. The Rock DDP & Booker T. vs. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit Eddie Guerrero vs. Al Snow WCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Hugh Morrus & Chris Kanyon vs. Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (c) The Big Show vs. Buff Bagwell
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  • 2 weeks later...
[b][u][size=7][color=blue]WWF SMACKDOWN![/b][/u][/size][/color] Thursday, Week 1, May 2001 [b]Dark Matches[/b] -Shane Helms/Billy Kidman/Shawn Stasiak defeated Chavo Jr./Mark Jindrak/Johnny The Bull when Kidman pinned Chavo with the Kid Krusher. -D-Lo Brown & Steve Blackman defeated Kai En Tai when D-Lo hit the Lo Down on Taka. [b][u][color=blue]WWF WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP TRISH STRATUS vs. TORI vs. CHYNA ©[/b][/u][/color] Trish and Tori decided early in the bout to try and double up on Chyna in order to take her out of the match, but as they managed to take her down with a double DDT they began arguing with each other on who was going to try and pin her. This led to a shoving match, and this allowed the Champion to get back to her feet. Chyna knocked their heads together and threw Trish from the ring, and then quickly hit Tori with a double underhook suplex and floated over to get the 3 count at 6:26 just before Trish could get in and break it up. [b]WINNER & STILL WOMEN'S CHAMPION: CHYNA[/b] [b][u][color=blue]WCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP HUGH MORRUS & CHRIS KANYON vs. SEAN O'HAIRE & CHUCK PALUMBO ©[/b][/u][/color] This was just a bsic tag match, and the crowd really didn't give a damn one way or another about the contest seeing as how none of the 4 men in the ring were really big stars in WCW. Morrus spent most of the bout dominating until Palumbo caught him with a shoulderblock from the top rope. Morrus then tagged in Kanyon who was subject to a beating from the Champs. Morrus tried to intervene but he was hit with a double suplex, and Palumbo caught Chris with a superkick, followed up by a Seanton Bomb for the Champs to retain at 5:35. [b]WINNERS & STILL WCW TAG TEAM CHAMPS: CHUCK PALUMBO & SEAN O'HAIRE[/b] [i]When we come back from a commercial break we see [b]The Dudley Boyz[/b] backstage in a brawl with the #1 contenders [b]The APA.[/b] They're outside in the parking lot fighting between cars with neither side gaining any kind of clear advantage over each other. With all 4 men distracted with each other, they don't notice [b]Edge & Christian[/b] burst onto the scene armed with lead pipes, and they jump Bradshaw and D-Von first. After taking them both down they go after Faarooq and Bubba Ray, but they see them coming and stop them with a few shots of their own. Faarooq takes a pipe from Edge and knocks him in the ribs with it while Bubba throws Christian head first through the window of a nearby car. Before this can continue any more, several officials head out to the mayhem and start separating everyone while some medics attend to Christian.[/i] [b][u][color=blue]THE BIG SHOW vs. BUFF BAGWELL[/b][/u][/color] At the bell, Buff decides he's going to start prancing around the ring and mock Show. The crowd obviously boos Bagwell, and Show simply grabs him by the head and nails him with a headbutt. Big Show then toys with Buff for a few minutes until Bagwell is able to get off a few right hands. He runs off the ropes and tries to hit a cross body, and Show just catches him in mid-air and hits him with a front slam, and follows it up with the Chokeslam to pick up the win at 5:24. [b]WINNER: THE BIG SHOW[/b] [i]Backstage in his office, we see [b]Eric Bischoff[/b] looking over a stack of papers with a huge smile on his face. He slams down his pen in glee, but that quickly stops when his door busts open and we see our trifecta Champions [b]Triple H & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/b] enter the room.[/i] [b]Austin:[/b] Are you proud of yourself now Eric? All of your little planning and scheming and all you've got to show for it is the bottom of the pile in WCW cause none of the top stars want anything to do with your little crusade? On top of that, your stupid games this week are really starting to piss me off! [b]Eric:[/b] Steve... *smiles* first let me remind you that even though you are the WWF Champion as well as one half of the Tag Team Champions I think I need to remind you that I now own 75% of this company, and there is no one and I repeat NO ONE who can stop me from doing what ever I feel is necessary to better the product and this company. [b]HHH:[/b] Look Bischoff! You do not run this company... WE run this company. We are the most dominant duo in the history of this business. Hulk Hogan... Andre The Giant... no one has done and acheived more than myself and that man standing in front of you with a look of destruction in his eyes. Now you have two choices here Bischoff; you either give us what we want or we're going to take it! [b]Eric:[/b] I wasn't aware you wanted anything. But hey, I have got something for the both of you. Judgement Day is coming up in just over 2 weeks time, and both you gentlemen need to defend your singles Championships. You have both been defending the WWF Tag Team Titles so much that you have a laundry list of challengers waiting for a shot at both the WWF and Intercontinental Titles. So what I have done is sign both of you to defend your Titles at Judgement Day. [b]Austin:[/b] Oh and just who did you line up? Elix Skipper... Jason Jett... oh no wait I got it! It's Booker T right? Gonna try and make your boy the first man to hold both the WWF and WCW Titles at the same time? Line them up son! Any one of your boys will get their lights turned off just like that! [b]Eric:[/b] Do you really think I would just throw away a huge money match between you and my WCW Champion Steve? Get real. No, I've got a better opponent in mind for you, one that you know really, really well. In fact the more I think about it the more I think your attitude needs some adjusting. So when you step inside the Steel Cage with [b]The Undertaker[/b] at Judgement Day for the WWF Title you can be sure I'll be watching you get your ass handed to you! [i]Triple H begnis laughing, but quickly cups his hand over his mouth when Austin glares at him.[/i] [b]Eric:[/b] Oh don't think for one second I forgot about you Hunter. But hey, you did forget that Undertaker has a 7 foot baby brother named [b]Kane,[/b] who YOU'RE going to be defending the Intercontinental Title against at Judgement Day, and to make sure you don't try and weasel your way out of it, it's going to be No Disqualification! Now both of you, get the hell out of my office! [i]Austin turns to Triple H and mockingly laughs in his face and storms out of the room as Hunter trails behind him.[/i] [b][u][color=blue]WILLIAM REGAL & TAJIRI vs. RAVEN & RHYNO[/b][/u][/color] Regal and Rhyno began the match by trading around some heavy blows until Tajiri tags himself in and begans to hit Rhyno with some stiff kicks but he is quickly flattened with a hard clothesline. Later on in the bout Raven hung Tajiri up on the top rope and went for the Evenflow but Regal interjected himself and took Raven out with a knee to the face. In the end Regal finally got the tag from Tajiri but after cleaning house, Raven tugged on his foot from the outside, and Regal walked into the Gore by Rhyno to pick up the win at 8:27. [b]WINNERS: RAVEN & RHYNO[/b] [i]Backstage we see [b]Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/b] talking far back down a corridor, and we cannot hear what they're saying. After several moments the two of them shake hands, and Chavo walks off. Eddie then starts heading towards the camera smiling, when out of nowhere [b]Tazz[/b] bursts onto the scene and starts attacking him. Tazz hits several hard crossface blows to Eddie's face, and then starts choking him out in the Tazzmission until several officials come out and separate them.[/i] [b][u][color=blue]AL SNOW vs. EDDIE GUERRERO[/b][/u][/color] With Eddie barely able to stand from the attack by Tazz before the break, Al is able to just basically do anything and everything without so much as a shot of offense coming back at him, but he is unable to put Guerrero away no matter what he tries to do. After getting some consultation from Head, Al slams Eddie and goes up for a moonsault but Eddie rolls out of the way and quickly rolls up Al with a Mahistrol cradle to pick up the quick 3 count as a shocked Snow argues with the ref at 7:59. [b]WINNER: EDDIE GUERRERO[/b] [i]We go backstag where a fuming [b]Kurt Angle[/b] is pacing around at the interviewer's position.[/i] [b]Angle:[/b] You know what really, really pisses me off? I've been here all day preparing for my match tonight with The Rock. All day I have been mentally and physically preparnig myself for this encounter where I'm gonna send him to the wolves in WCW, and that prima donna isn't even in the building yet! It sickens me to know that millions around the world look up to this man and he doesn't even have the decency to show up to the arena when the rest of us do! Well you know something? Eric Bischoff doesn't make me mad... no... far from it. In fact this is a great opportunity to put myself back into the race for the WWF Title. When I pin The Rock tonight I show the world why this Olympic gold medalist will always be on top in this industry. You won't ever see Kurt Angle flying the colors of WCW, and you'll find that out tonight! [b][u][color=blue]ROB VAN DAM vs. K-KWICK[/b][/u][/color] The debuting Van Dam is met with a mixed reaction, but most fans are chanting "EC-Dub" as the match begins. It's what you can expect out of a debut match. Kwick gets the early advantage and hits some unique twisting shots and leg lariats but he soon uses one dance move too many, and RVD catches him with a feint heel kick and hits rolling thunder for a 2 count. K-Kwick fires back upon getting to his feet but RVD leaps off his feet and grabs him behind the head, falls to his back and drills his knees into the gut of Kwick. He then springs to the top and connects with the 5 Star Frog Splash to make his WWF debut successful at 5:57. [b]WINNER: ROB VAN DAM[/b] [i]In the back we see WCW Champion [b]Booker T[/b] arguing with the man who took his WCW US Title on Monday night; [b]Diamond Dallas Page.[/b] [b]Booker:[/b] What the hell is your issue man? That turncoat Chris Jericho left WCW a couple years ago and the minute he shows his face you decide to jump me and steal my United States Title? Just whose side are you on anyway? [b]DDP:[/b] Listen here... Champ... I didn't even know that Jeircho had been out there until we got backstage and you started throwing a fit at me just like you're doing now. Just face it man, the better man won in that match and while I'm glad to be a 3 time WCW US Champion I just wish that the WCW Title had been on the line. [i]Booker gets right up eye to eye with DDP and scoffs in his face.[/i] [b]Booker:[/b] You could never, and I mean NEVER take the WCW Championship from me. I'll deal with you later, I've got some revenge to dish out on Jericho and if you get in my way tonight or turn on me I'll be finding your ass. [i]With that Booker leaves the room as DDP rolls his eyes, and then begins laughing.[/i] [b][u][color=blue]NON-TITLE MATCH PERRY SATURN vs. TRIPLE H[/b][/u][/color] Triple H dominates early on in the match but the IC Champion is taken back soon as Saturn reverses a suplex attempt and then spins up to his feet to deliver a t-bone for a 2 count. Hoping to get himself into a Title picture, Saturn hits Triple H with an armhook jawbreaker and then hits a big elbow from the top rope, but Hunter kicks out just before the 3 count. Saturn goes back to the offense but Triple H catches him off the ropes and slams Perry's face off his knee and quickly hits the Pedigree out of nowhere to pick up the win at 9:58. [b]WINNER: TRIPLE H[/b] [i]As Hunter celebrates in the ring, [b]The Undertaker[/b] appears on the Titan Tron which stops Hunter dead in his tracks.[/i] [b]Taker:[/b] Judgement Day will fall upon those who refuse to believe they can ever be defeated in battle Hunter. In 17 days Steve Austin is going to fnid out that every man can be defeated inside a Steel Cage when he goes face to face with the American Badass. You how ever my friend will meet a different fate. Your fate will come at the hands of my little brother Kane. At Judgement Day I will ride down to the ring and two evil minds will collide over the richest prize in the game and you will have to walk through hell in order to try and keep what you hold dearest. Tonight how ever...you can start that journey. [i]Undertaker disappears, and the pyro goes off and [b]Kane[/b] storms down to the ring, but Hunter bails and heads off through the crowd as Kane stands in the ring staring down at the IC Title belt that Hunter left behind.[/i] [b][u][color=blue]CHRIS BENOIT & CHRIS JERICHO vs. BOOKER T. & DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE[/b][/u][/color] Benoit and Jericho staryed from their usual technical moves and decided to just brawl with their WCW enemies, and they did well for the first couple minutes until a rake to the eyes by Booker stopped Jericho in his tracks. Getting some revenge, Booker knocked Jericho down a few times before hitting a side kick and tagging in DDP. Page came in and fired off some shots, but Jericho caught him with an enzugari and got a much needed tag out to Benoit. the Rabid Wolverine came in firing on all cylinders, and managed to trap DDP in the Crossface, but Booker came in and kicked him in the back of the head. This brought Jericho back in but he was quickly tossed to the floor, and Booker hit the Axe Kick on Benoit, and then put a groggy DDP on him for the 3 count at 11:40. [b]WINNERS: BOOKER T & DDP[/b] [i]When we come back from break we see [b]The Rock[/b] enter the building completely pissed off. He's far from ready to compete, and we see Michael Cole run up to him.[/i] [b]Cole:[/b] Rock what's going on, everyone's been looking for you all day long and... [b]Rock:[/b] *stops in his tracks* You listen to The Rock and you listen good! The Rock was supposed to be here hours ago but when the flight that The Rock was supposed to be on was boarding, it turns out someone decided to mess with The Rock's ticket and bumped him later in the night! Now The Rock knows it was Kurt Angle and do you know how The Rock knows that? Don't you dare answer that you little geek if you don't want to get a slap upside the head... The Rock is speaking! After talknig to the fine looking lady at the counter, she told The Rock some goofy looking guy wearing a gold medal had The Rock's flight changed and if you'll excuse The Rock he's gonna go whup some monkey ass! [i]The Rock walks off to the ring with no ring gear on as Cole stands around looking nervous.[/i] [b][u][color=blue]LOSER GETS A WCW CONTRACT KURT ANGLE vs. THE ROCK[/b][/u][/color] Dressed in his street clothes, The Rock hits the ring as a surprised Angle gets rady, and the two trade blows for quite some time as the crowd roars and chants for the Great One. The Rock gets the upperhand on Angle and just completely takes control of the match, quickly hitting a Samoan drop, but only for a 2 count. The Rock then tosses Angle to the outside and they fight there until the ref hits a count of 8, and The Rock rolls into the ring and back out to break the count. This goes on for several minutes as The Rock tries to bring his point home until Angle is able to trip him up and send him face first into the ring post. Kurt then rolls him back into the ring and hits him with a German suplex, and then mocks The Rock by telling him to bring it on. Angle then undoes his straps and waits to hit the Olympic Slam, but The Rock counters by getting behind Kurt and throwing him off the ropes. Angle runs right into the official and both men go down, and The Rock throws up his hands in anger and continues to go back on the attack. Moments later we see Hugh Morrus and Buff Bagwell hit the ring, but The Rock takes care of them. The crowd roars as Big Show storms down to the ring, and Bagwell quickly gets out of the way. As Hugh and Buff watch from the outside, Show and Rock stand together and beg for anyone to get in the ring. Then in a shocking move, Show turns around and grabs Rock by the throat and drills him with a huge Chokeslam as fans boo him heavily. Show then exits the ring and high fives Morrus, and WCW's nwe turncoat walks off as Angle drags himself onto the cover as the ref wakes up in time to hit the mat 3 times and declare Angle the winner at 14:32. Victorious, Kurt rolls out of the ring and heads to the announce table and picks up a WCW t-shirt that was hidden under the table. He rolls back in the ring and drapes it over The Rock as the show goes off the air with Angle celebrating and WCW's henchmen on the stage laughing it up. [b]WINNER: KURT ANGLE[/b] [b]OVERALL RATING:[/b] B [b]TV RATING:[/b] 36.3
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[COLOR=green][B][U][SIZE=5]WWF.com NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [b]Lita[/b] is the recipiant of a verbal warning from WWF officials this week as she didn't show up to Smackdown this week until halfway through the program. Lita was originally scheduled to take part in the Women's Championship Match on Thursday night but due to her not showing up, officials made it a Triple Threat instead of the scheduled Fatal 4 Way. No excuse has been given on why she showed up so late, but rumors are if it happens again she will be suspended. As the World Wrestling Federation expands to new heights and with a heavily overloaded roster with the purchase of WCW, the entire roster is under evaluation in order to "trim the fat" and bring the roster down to a managable size. Writers have been trying desperately to include as many of the wrestlers in the programs as possible but there are just far too many. So far 4 competitors have been released from their contracts, and many more are rumored to come over the next few weeks; [b]Bull Buchanan:[/b] With the end of Right to Censor, there are no plans in the foreseeable future for the man, and he was given his release earlier this week. Negotiations could emerge for a new contract in the future, but who knows. [b]Johnny The Bull:[/b] Without much character to speak for, the former WCW Tag Team Champion has pretty much been floundering in House Shows the past few weeks, and has been let go. [b]Billy Gunn:[/b] Without Road Dogg or DX to work in, there's really nothing that anyone can come up with for Gunn to do and without a whole lot of vocal skills to cut promos with, he has been granted his release. [b]Rikishi:[/b] After his heel turn went incredibly bad last year when he turned out to be the man to run down Austin, Rikishi has just floundered ever since, and no one can think of any way to save him from such a horrid heel turn. As with Bull, negotations may take place in the future, as people in corporate are still high on Fatu. Officials have been trying desperately to get [b]Ultimo Dragon[/b] to sign with them this week and be one of the major components to the new Cruiserweight Division, but Dragon has rejected the final offer given to him in favor of signing with All Japan. But as it turns out, the WWF has signed almost 2 dozen new talent to developmental contracts and split them up between HWA, OVW and Wildside. Reasoning behind this is if they feel someone new should be called up to the main roster there will be a wide variety of choices to pick from and they want at least 2 or 3 performers ready to go at all times as well as to better develop their in-ring skills. Among these performers are [B]Christopher Daniels[/b] who played one of the Conquistadores last year as well as former ECW TV Champion [b]Super Crazy.[/b] Several women have been signed as well, and hopes are some will be added to the floundering Women's Division by the end of the year. This past weekend the HWA held an event which saw 2 former WCW wrestlers claim Championships. [b]Kaz Hayashi[/b] laid claim to the vacant HWA Cruiserweight Championship and [b]The Wall[/b] became the HWA Heavyweight Champion. Finally, plans are big for RAW this coming Monday night, and an announcement will be made by the end of the weekend announcnig two huge match-ups for the show as well as others taking place so stay tuned for further details! (So anyway, what does everything think of the first week?)
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Well if I'm gonna do the InVasion I'm gonna do it the correct way and that means a LOT more WCW stars than Vince brought in, they just haven't all shown up yet. ;)
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[B][U][COLOR=red]RAW PREVIEW[/COLOR][/U][/B] With just two weeks left to go before Judgement Day, Eric Bischoff has set up a double Main Event this week on RAW. While Triple H will face Kane and Austin will face Undertaker at the upcoming PPV, this coming Monday night the bouts will be reversed in order to hype up the big Title bouts! How ever this coming Monday night neither the WWF or IC Titles will be on the line as Triple H faces Undertaker and Steve Austin goes 1 on 1 with Kane, but you can be sure the Brothers of Destruction are going to be getting some revenge! After their bickering Thursday night on Smackdown, we will see Booker T. put the WCW Title on the line against the man who beat him one week ago for the US Tile; Diamond Dallas Page. While both are on WCW's team, neither man seems to get along with the other. Will we see DDP clean Booker of all his gold? Our illustrious owner has also guaranteed that new faces from WCW will show up Monday night. A whole list of competitors are lined up to trigger a bigger war with WWF, and just who did Bischoff get ahold of? [B]CONFIRMED MATCHES[/b] -STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN vs. KANE -TRIPLE H vs. THE UNDERTAKER -WCW CHAMPIONSHIP DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE vs. BOOKER T (c) -WWF EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP JUSTIN CREDIBLE vs. CHRISTIAN vs. EDDIE GUERRERO vs. MATT HARDY (c)
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[B][U][SIZE=7][COLOR=red]WWF MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] Monday, Week 2, May 2001 Attendance: 15,000 [b]DARK MATCHES[/b] -Lance Storm & Chris Kanyon defeated Too Cool when Storm made Sexay submit to the Maple Leaf. -Molly Holly defeated Trish Stratus with the Molly Go Round. [b][u][color=red]STEVEN RICHARDS vs. TAZZ[/b][/u][/color] Richards got in a few shots at the beginning of the bout but Tazz quickly caught him with a hard clothesline. Tazz then dumped Richards on his head with several different types of suplexes but as he was getting ready to put on the Tazzmission, Chavo Guerrero Jr. ran down to ringside and tried to get Tazz's attention, but Tazz paid no attention to him. Eddie than ran down to the ring and tried to pull Chavo away, but he jumped on the ring apron. Eddie jumped up as well, and Tazz turned around and thought they were both after him, so he knocked them both down. Richards then tried to sneak up on him, but Tazz quickly stepped aside and locked on the Tazzmission to get the win at 5:48. [b]WINNER: TAZZ[/b] [i]After a short break highlighting the two Title matches for Judgement Day, [b]The Rock[/b] storms down to the ring with a sour look on his face. He quickly grabs a mic and after pacing a few times he finally speaks.[/i] [b]Rock:[/b] That.... overgrown... sack of monkey crap! Let's all get one thing perfectly clear right here and right now! The Rock will never, and The Rock means NEVER fight on the side of WCW. The Rock's contract can say what ever it wants to say, but The Rock will choose who to fight, when to fight, and how to fight. Eric Bischoff can walk around like Vince's Mini-Me all he wants to. What The Rock wants is that fat sum'bitch Big Show in the ring at... [i]Jumping the gun, [b]Big Show[/b] walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos wearing a new WCW t-shirt and the boos get even louder when [b]Eric Bischoff[/b] walks out onto the stage as well, and proudly hands a mic over to his new aquisition.[/i] [b]Show:[/b] What's the matter Rocky? You don't want to be a team player? It's too bad really, you and I could be one of if the most dominant forces this business has ever seen. But you know what? Personally I would rather kick your ass rather than fight beside you. [b]Eric:[/b] And that's why at Judgement Day it's going to be a match between two WCW guys... you heard me Rock... you're under WCW contract now... at Judgement Day. If you don't want to fight on the winning side than you're going to just be humiliated and beaten into submission until you realize who you need to be working for. [i]Having heard enough, The Rock slides out of the ring and grabs ahold of a steel chair, and Bischoff stands behind Show. Rock charges up the entry ramp and Show tries to hit him with a right hand, but Rock ducks it and jams the chair into the gut of the 7 footer and cracks him on the back. Rock then glares over at Bischoff, who tears off running backstage, and The Rock gives chase as Show stumbles back to his feet and follows.[/i] [b][u][color=red]DISCO INFERNO vs. Mr. PERFECT[/b][/u][/color] The crowd didn't really know how to react to Disco, but were shocked when Mr. Perfect made his way down to the ring. The crowd rallied behind Perfect especially when Disco tried some dance steps to try and get the crowd on his side. The match itself was nothing special as Disco kept trying to get the upperhand on Perfect only to be countered at every single turn. Eventually Disco hit a jawbreaker, but Perfect was able to swipe a dropkick attempt away and after hitting a swinging neckbreaker, he put him away with the Perfect-Plex at 6:55. [b]WINNER: Mr. PERFECT[/b] [i]Backstage we see [b]Edge & Christian[/b] skulking around and bandaged up after their attempted assault on the Dudleyz and APA went sour this past week on Smackdown.[/i] [b]Christian:[/b] I can't even feel my brain anymore. And what the hell is up with Eric Bischoff huh? I get my head thrown through a car window and you get assaulted and he doesn't even strip Faarooq and Bradshaw of their #1 contendership... what a bunch of BS! [b]Edge:[/b] And now we to fight those 4 at Judgement Day? I mean gimme a break, we should be the ones fighting for the WWF Tag Team Titles, we never even got our rematch, and we're being forced to compete injured while our assaulters get off with nothing? But hey, let's stick it to them huh? Tonight you can win the European Title and show everyone that even though we're injured we're still the best this company has to offer! [b]Christian:[/b] Yeah... I suppose so. It's up next and I'd just as soon call it a night right now, but the European Title is just sitting there waiting for me to go and take it! I need to suck it up... conquer them all... and claim my rightful spot as the #1 man in uh... Europe? Ah nevermind, let's just go this thing. [i]Holding onto his head, Christian pats Edge on the stomach and he doubles over in pain. Not paying any attention to that he just hurt his brother, Christian walks off toward the ring.[/i] [b][u][color=red]WWF EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FATAL 4 WAY CHRISTIAN vs. EDDIE GUERRERO vs. JUSTIN CREDIBLE vs. MATT HARDY (c)[/b][/u][/color] As the other competitors get into it at the bell, Christian slinks out of the ring and stays out of the action yelling to everyone his head hurts too much. In the ring, Eddie convinces Credible to take out the Champion and they begin to work over Hardy, taking turns pummeling with several moves. Guerrero tells Justin to finish him off and Justin hits Matt with That's Incredible, but then Eddie tosses him to the outside and goes for the pin, and Christian quickly gets into the ring and breaks up the count and quickly exits once again. Pissed off, Eddie follows Christian, and he takes off running around ringside. Meanwhile, Credible gets back in the ring and watches to make sure Eddie and Christian aren't paying any attention to him and raises his arms in victory, thinking he's got the Title won. He leans down to pick up Hardy, but Matt quickly pulls him into a small package and gets the shocking 3 count at 6:15 to retain the Title. [b]WINNER & STILL EUROPEAN CHAMPION: MATT HARDY[/b] [i]In the back we see [b]Raven[/b] sitting down in the corner of a hallway staring at a poster depicting; "WWF vs. WCW... InVasion: The W.A.R. is on!" He really doesn't move aside from blinking, but then we see [b]Saturn[/b] walk up and start staring at the picture as well. After several moments he looks back at Raven, and then back at the picture.[/i] [b]Saturn:[/b] Not big on art are you? [b]Raven:[/b] On the contrary, Perry. How ever, my mind is stuck on this W.A.R. "We Are Right".... right about what exactly? Racking my brain over it for days and still there is no real conclusion over what this war is really about. Supremacy, idealism, the need to be the best? Perhaps that is the case, or it's just blind sheep following the shepard to slaughter. Maybe they don't want to think for themselves anymore and will just follow what ever the media and Eric Bischoff want them to think. *stands up* But we've been everywhere Saturn, we've seen it and we've done it all. [b]Saturn:[/b] So what are you saying? There's no right side to be on? [b]Raven:[/b] Exactly. This is a war, and no matter what side we choose we won't be on the winning side because there's going to be casualties regardless. But you and I, we've had our wars and we've had our good times. We've been the most bitter of enemies and the greatest of allies, and only we know what we need to do. While they all fight over what they believe is the truth, you and I can sneak in the proverbial back door and gain the fame and fortune we know we deserve. [i]After thinking it over for a few moments, Saturn gets a smile on his face and pats Raven on the back.[/i] [b]Saturn:[/b] You know what my friend? I've never heard anything so simple and brilliant at the same time. Let them all fight over which company is the best, and we clean up after they all fall. [b]Raven:[/b] And on that note, let us go figure out our first strike. [i]They head off down a hallway as RAW heads to a break.[/i] [b][u][color=red]SHANE HELMS/MIKE AWESOME/KONNAN vs. CHRIS BENOIT/DEAN MALENKO/JEFF HARDY[/b][/u][/color] The crowd is somewhat shocked to see Konnan come out on WCW's side, and he quickly makes an impact by grounding Jeff Hardy and keeping him in the WCW corner for most of the bout as they trade tags in to wear down the young Hardy even more. Eventually Jeff is able to counter an inverted facelock by Helms and roll through to get the tag out to Benoit who comes and chops everyone down off their feet while Malenko drags Helms to the outside and begins ramming his back off the apron. In the ring, Benoit hits everything that moves until Jeff gets to his feet and catches Konnan by surprise with a dropkick to the floor. Jeff then dives onto him while Benoit quicly traps Awesome in the Crossface. Awesome holds on for some time but eventually taps out at 11:29, and as Benoit celebrates we see a masked man jump the guardrail and start assaulting Malenko. Benoit sees this happening and heads out to help, and the camera, fans, and Benoit are shocked to see it's [b]Rey Mysterio Jr![/b] Rey quickly heads back the way he came as Benoit shockingly checks on Dean. [b]WINNERS: CHRIS BENOIT/DEAN MALENKO/JEFF HARDY[/b] [i]When we come back from a break [b]Chris Jericho[/b] makes his way down to the ring to address the fans.[/i] [b]Jericho:[/b] Can you feel it? Y2J has become the single biggest thorn in the side of WCW, and its not over yet... no sir. What I want is something everyone that ever gets into this business wants and now is my time to strike and take it! You all remember when Triple H screwed me out of the WWF Championship? Yeah I bet you do! But do you know what else has eluded me? The WCW Championship, because that sanctimonious son of a bitch Eric Bischoff never wanted Y2J anywhere near his Main Event and in any position to carry the ball for the company. You know why WCW failed? Because Y2J bailed to come to the WWF! Kevin Nash... Hulk Hogan... Bill Goldberg... Sting... no mention of me anywhere is there? Hell no! Before I become the biggest star in the history of the WWF there is one thing I need, and that's to become the WCW Champion. But noooooo.... tonight we get to see two guys who can't stop bitching at each other like a couple of children fight over it... don't they have enough gold between them? Share the wealth I always say? But you know what? Judgement Day is around the corner and I have got nothing at all better to do than to make history and end the reign of that washed up has been named Booker T! And do you know what will happen if I don't get my way? Yeah that's right... I will be there every single time a WCW Title is being contested and I will make sure that nobody ever gets any kind of fair chance to claim any WCW Championship as long as I'm breathing. I put up with it for years but no more! Do you hear me Bischoff? Either give me what I want, or I will be there every single time you think you've gotten rid of me! How long can you put up with it Eric? Huh? You'll give me what I want.. believe me! [i]Jericho tosses the mic back to Lillian Garcia and heads back to the locker room as a Y2J chat starts.[/i] [b][u][color=red]NON-TITLE MATCH THE UNDERTAKER vs. TRIPLE H[/b][/u][/color] Taker barely gets his bike shut off before Triple H jumps him and drags him to the ring, but Undertaker fires back with several blows and rocks Hunter in the corner. As the match moves on Undertaker keeps control firmly until Triple H manages to catch a low back kick to Taker out of the ref's vision. Hunter then begins to pound away on the head of the American Badass and then drops a knee across the temple for a long two count. Hunter then tries to wear down Taker enough to hit a Pedigree, but is blocked when he tries to hit a facejam. Undertaker then tosses Hunter off the ropes and connects with a big boot and goes for a Tombstone, but Hunter pulls himself free and kicks him in the gut. Hunter hooks him up for the Pedigree and starts taunting the crowd, and Taker uses this to backdrop Hunter. When Triple H gets to his feet, Undertaker boots him in the face for a second time, and after stumbling off the ropes, Triple H is caught and nailed with The Last Ride, and Undertaker hooks the leg to get the 3 count at 12:56. After the bout, Undertaker stands over Triple H and motions he'll become the WWF Champion in the Steel Cage. [b]WINNER: THE UNDERTAKER[/b] [i]Backstage, [b]Kurt Angle[/b] is walking by several wrestlers including [b]Too Cool & Kai En Tai.[/b] They all glare at him as he walks by and shake their heads in disappointment.[/i] [b]Kurt:[/b] Hey you know what? You can wipe those stupid looks of your faces! Do you think for one second I was going to allow myself to go to WCW in order for your hero The Rock to be saved? Get over it, it was him or me and it sure as hell wasn't going to be. [i]The 4 of them seem to be getting ready to say something back, but they all get wide-eyed and take off running. Angle stands there, proud of himself thinking he scared them off. Kurt then backs up a couple steps and runs right into someone... someone huge. He stands there facing the other way kind of surprised, and then reaches arm back and feels a massive arm. Angle then turns around right into a right hand by [b]Scott Steiner![/b] Big Poppa Pump floors Kurt and puts the boots to him, and locks him in the Steiner Recliner. As Angle starts to lose consciousness, several officials come in to try and break it up, but they cannot pull Steiner off Angle. We then cut to commercial as Steiner begins swearing a little too much for the censors.[/i] [b][u][color=red]WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE vs. BOOKER T (c)[/b][/u][/color] Like last week the crowd is unsure of who to cheer for, but this time around they start pulling behind Booker. The match itself is pretty good as both men pull out all the stops, knowing a loss for either could ruin their leadership status on the WCW side. About 10 minutes into the match Booker is able to hit the Book End on DDP, but can only get as 2 count as Page kicks out. Booker then tosses him off the ropes and goes for a spinebuster but gets countered with a DDT. Raising himself up slowly, DDP pulls up Booker and lands a pancake, but both men are exhausted and cannot get back up. As the ref hits the count of 7, DDP is back up and waits for Booker. When Booker stands he's met with several rights and lefts, but as DDP goes for a discus clothesline Booker ducks and kicks DDP in the gut and hits the Axe Kick. Just before the 3 count we see Jericho enter the ring and blast Booker T on the back with a steel chair, causing an immediate DQ at 14:24. Y2J assaults the WCW Champion several times, and when DDP reaches his feet he gets a chair to the head. Jericho then retrieves the WCW Championship and holds it high into the air and then slams it down onto the stomach of the Champion before walking off. [b]WINNER BY DQ: BOOKER T[/b] [i]In the back we see [b]Triple H[/b] laid out on a couch, and the WWF Champion [b]Stone Cold[/b] walks over to him with a disgusted look on his face.[/i] [b]Austin:[/b] Jesus Christ son! Get the hell up! You're the Intercontinental Champion! What, you couldn't even handle a beating from The Undertaker? Couldn't pick up the win without help? Look at you! You look like a piece of garbage sitting there acting like you can't even move! Guess I'm going to have to take care of business all by myself. But you don't worry, you just sit there and whine and cry about it, and let Stone Cold line up that big burned freak in sights and WHAM! Lights out jackass! [i]Austin picks up his WWF Title and heads out of the room looking completely pissed off.[/i] [b][u][color=red]NON-TITLE MATCH KANE vs. STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN[/b][/u][/color] At the bell Austin begins to throw several shots at Kane, but he's up to the task of brawling with the Champ and backs Austin up into the ropes with several shots of his own. The match itself goes back and forth the entire time as neither man can put the other one away no matter how hard they try. Kane's top rope clothesline and Austin's Thesz Press aren't enough as both men desperately try to pick up the win. Stone Cold came out of nowhere and nailed Kane with the Stone Cold Stunner, but with his disgusted attitude he deicded to spit at the crowd and mock Kane rather than go for the cover. When he finally decided to try and get the win Kane sat up and the crowd went crazy, and Austin rolled to the floor. The Champion picked up his belt and rolled back into the ring and tried to turn Kane's lights out, but the Big Red Machine ducked the bullseye on his skull and grabbed Austin by the throat and drilled him with a massive chokeslam. Kane then scooped Austin up and dropped him with the Tombstone Piledriver to pick up the 3 count at 13:44 as everyone went nuts seeing Austin go down cleanly. As Austin went off the air, Kane set off his pyro and Undertaker walked out onto the stage and saluted his brother as the Brothers of Destruction showed their domination over the Champions. [b]WINNER: KANE[/b] [b]OVERALL:[/b] B [b]TV RATING:[/b] 36.48
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[B][U][SIZE=7][COLOR=green]WWF.com NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]JUDGEMENT DAY IS UPON US[/U][/B] With 2 1/2 weeks time until Judgement Day comes to you live on PPV, we know of several match-ups already signed for the big event. The double Main Event will feature [b]Stone Cold & The Undertaker[/b] for the WWF Championship inside a Steel Cage as well as [b]Triple H & Kane[/b]... no DQ for the Intercontinental Championship. We also already know that we will see [b]The Rock vs The Big Show[/b] in what Eric Bischoff is now calling "a battle in WCW" as well as [b]The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The APA.[/b] Eric Bischoff has now signed 4 new matches to take place at the upcoming PPV: [b]30 Man Battle Royale:[/b] Bischoff has declared that there are too many Championships circulatnig around, especially on the WWF side of the competition. This Battle Royale will pit 30 superstars from both WCW and the WWF against one another to merge the European and Hardcore Championships. Bischoff is not a fan of the 24/7 rule applied with the WWF Hardcore Title, and has declared the winner of the Battle Royale will be the undisputed WWF European Champion. Matt Hardy and Rhyno are none too pleased with this decision, and Bischoff has declared neither Title will be contested until the Battle Royale. Only 8 other competitors have been announced for the bout thus far, and they are; [b]Rob Van Dam, Mike Awesome, Perry Saturn, Raven, Chris Benoit, Buff Bagwell, William Regal & Mr. Perfect.[/b] Don't be shocked if there's a few surprise entrants! [b]Booker T vs. DDP vs. Chris Jericho:[/b] Already fed up with Jericho's antics in the WCW Championship picture, Bischoff has decided to cave in and give Jericho what he wants... only he's got to fight against both the WCW US Champion and the WCW World Champion to try and claim the top prize in WCW in this Triple Threat Match. [b]Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner:[/b] This morning Angle was reported to have goten into a very heated phone conversation with Eric Bischoff which to led this match being signed. Will Angle be able to handle the largest arms in the world or will Big Poppa Pump choke Kurt out? [b]Tazz vs. Eddie Guerrero:[/b] After all the miscommunication between these two over the last couple of weeks, they will go head to head at Judgement Day. Tazz believes Guerrero is going to defect to WCW, but is Eddie's head only with his raza or does he have another agenda? [B][U]IN OTHER NEWS[/U][/B] Another WWE release hits us on this fine Tuesday morning. [b]Haku[/b] has been released from his contract, as the former WCW Hardcore Champion was only on a PPA deal and with all the new stars coming in, there are casualties to be had with the roster. Fans in Japan are buzzing today as former 3 time All Japan Triple Crown Winner and 5 time Unified Tag Team Champion [b]Kenta Kobashi[/b] has inked a deal with New Japan. What in the world will come of this shocking deal? Kobashi was apparently the main target of NJPW, and one has to wonder if they're out to get any more big names! In other news, [b]Joey Styles[/b] recently turned down a contract with the WWF, stating he felt no need to work for the company. Joey will begin work with UPW shortly as lead commentator. That's all the news for today, stay tuned for a Smackdown preview coming up... when ever I feel like it! (Note: This is not the final card for Judgement Day, so no predictions yet please!)
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[B][U][SIZE=5][COLOR=blue]SMACKDOWN! PREVIEW[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]TAG TEAM MAYHEM[/U][/B] Several tag team bouts have been scheduled for this coming Thursday night on Smackdown, which will showcase both the WCW and WWF Tag Team Championships on the line. First up Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo will be putting their gold on the line against a team that was on the verge of capturing the WCW Tag Titles on the final broadcast of Nitro; Lance Storm & Mike Awesome. Will they be able to capture the gold on this second chance? Also, The APA will finally get their chance to become the WWF Tag Team Champions as they go up against Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H. Will the recent bad luck for the Champs continue this coming Thursday night? After his debut and attack on Dean Malenko this past Monday on RAW, Mysterio will see his WWF debut this Thursday night as he set to be in a 6 Person Tag along with Konnan against Malenko, Benoit & Trish Stratus. The only thing is... who is going to be teaming up with Konnan and Rey? The WCW competitors have promised one of the WWF's own will betray them to join "the winning side." After his brutal assault on Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner will also debut in the ring as he takes on WCW's Hugh Morrus. With the mood Steiner was in Monday night, does Morrus even stand a chance? And in the Main Event, Eric Bischoff has ordered that The Rock team with Big Show to take on Kurt Angle in a tag team match. Angle was told to find himself a partner on Tuesday morning and tonight he has told WWF.com that he has chosen none other than Rob Van Dam to be his partner! When asked why... Angle replied that "I know what the man can do in the ring and against these top 2 athletes I could think of no one better... he just better not turn on me or I'll snap his ankle!" --------------------------------------------------- [B][U]CONFIRMED MATCHES[/U][/B] -The Big Show & The Rock vs. Kurt Angle & Rob Van Dam -WWF Tag Team Championship The APA vs. Steve Austin & Triple H (c) -WCW Tag Team Championship Lance Storm & Mike Awesome vs. Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (c) -Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit & Trish Stratus vs. Rey Mysterio Jr., Konnan, & ??? -Hugh Morrus vs. Scott Steiner ------------------------------------------------- [B]BONUS QUESTIONS[/B] 1. Will RVD align himself with WWF or WCW in the end? 2. Will the Brothers of Destruction stay out of the WWF Tag Title Match? 3. What WWF Diva has apparently defected to WCW? 4. Will there be any more surprise debuts and if so... who should we expect? Thank you to all those who predict!
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The Big Show & The Rock vs. [B]Kurt Angle & Rob Van Dam[/B] -WWF Tag Team Championship The APA vs. [B]Steve Austin & Triple H (c)[/B] -WCW Tag Team Championship Lance Storm & Mike Awesome vs. [B]Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (c)[/B] -Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit & Trish Stratus vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr., Konnan, & ???[/B] -Hugh Morrus vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] 1. Will RVD align himself with WWF or WCW in the end? WCW 2. Will the Brothers of Destruction stay out of the WWF Tag Title Match? Yes 3. What WWF Diva has apparently defected to WCW? No one cares... I wanna say Lita. 4. Will there be any more surprise debuts and if so... who should we expect? Goldberg hasn't debuted yet, right? Battle of the balds Austin vs. Goldberg
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