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WWE Vs WCW - War's End

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[B][COLOR="Red"]*Phone rings*[/COLOR][/B] Wotto: Hello? [B]Vince: What the hell do you think you are doing?[/B] Wotto: Vince, it's 4am, what on earth are you on about? [B]Vince: You! You sold this story! What is said backstage is left backstage! YOU KNOW THAT![/B] Wotto: I didn't sell anything. [B]Vince: You're a liar. Who do you think you are, HUH?! Get a job here and you think you rule the world[/B] Wotto: Vince I've been part of the creative team for over 2 years man.. [B]Vince: I don't give a DAMN! You're fired..[/B] Wotto: Ok.. [B]Vince: Ok? What do you mean ok? This is the end of your career as you know it..[/B] Wotto: Well not really, you know, WCW did put up a decent fight when you two battled it out for my signature. [B]Vince: You son of a bitch.. I have you under written contract..[/B] Wotto: Clause 2 Vince.. read it [B][COLOR="Red"]*Vince shuffles through paper*[/COLOR][/B] [B]Vince: Look, erm.. this is a situation we can work out you know..[/B] Wotto: Oh yeah.. [B]Vince: Look I'll tell you what, Judgement, you have the day off, we'll have a back-up write it, you don't have to be involved if you don't want..[/B] Wotto: No, I'll book it. It is my job you know.. [B]Vince: *Laughs* anyways.. I best get some rest, bye Paul.[/B] Wotto: See ya. [B][COLOR="Red"]Hangs up.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Dear Journal After the argument with Vince.. I asked myself.. "Why didn't I just leave?".. Truth is.. I love this job, and I have a family to feed. I wonder who told that website about the argument though? Love Paul.[/COLOR][/B]
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[B][SIZE="4"][i]Pro Wrestling Fanatics.com[/i][/SIZE] Troble backstage in the WWE?! At the request of the WWE we have removed this story. We admit to our story being innacurate and will make sure this doesn't happen again. In other news, Buff Bagwell to win the WCW World title? WTF.. [/b]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/smackdown.jpg[/img] [SIZE="4"]Smackdown! Preview:[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Last stop 'til Judgement Day[/SIZE] This week on Smackdown we will see Chris Jericho face JBL with the winner going on to face either Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit at Judgement Day for the World Heavyweight Title. Who will advance? Who will get their chance at making history, becoming the first ever World Heavyweight Champion of Smackdown? [SIZE="3"]Undertaker update[/SIZE] After being piledriven through the announce table last week at the hands of the Big Show, Undertaker (for the first time in his illustrious career) had to be stretchered out. Will we get an update on the condition of the phenom? Will Big Show explain his actions? Tune in to find out![/COLOR][/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/smackdown.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Blue"]WWE Smackdown! Thursday, Week 2, May 2001 MCI Center 12,256[/COLOR] Cole: A huge welcome to all our WWE viewers as we are just 3 days away from Judgement Day! Heenan: Where in my opinion JBL will win the World Title.. Cole: I don't think there's many people here tonight who would agree with that.. Heenan: JBL would.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/MattHardy.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JeffHardy.jpg[/img] Vs. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Christian.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raven.jpg[/img] [B]The Hardy Boys Vs Christian & Raven[/B] Good tag team match, and a solid start to Smackdown! Matt Hardy picks up the pinfall for his team with a twist of fate at 12:54. [COLOR="Green"]B[/COLOR] Cameras cut backstage to the General managers' office. Shane: RvD? What the hell is Raw playing at?! And.. Stephanie: Shane, why do you always keep going on about Raw? Yes their show was good but we need to be different, Smackdown needs to be innovative it needs to be fast paced, it needs to be... Shane: SHUT YOUR MOUTH STEPH! SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Stephanie: No I won't Shane! That's why tonight we will see the Light Heavyweight Title back on Smackdown!.. I am bringing to Smackdown some of the most exciting wrestlers on the planet Shane.. Infact, one of them debuts.. NEXT in the first Smackdown! only Light Heavyweight Title match.. *Shane storms out..* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFLightHeavyweight.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JerryLynn.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TeddyHart.jpg[/img] [B]Light Heavyweight Title Jerry Lynn Vs Teddy Hart[/B] Great match with a lot of fast paced action.. the crowd just wasn't into it. Teddy Hart picks up the win after a quick small package to win the Light Heavyweight Title at 9:12. [COLOR="SandyBrown"]C+[/COLOR] Cole: Winning gold on his in-ring debut? What a start for Teddy Hart in the WWE! Fast and furious smash-mouth action only available on Smackdown!.. And we have just learnt that at Judgement Day Teddy Hart will defend the title against another Light Heavyweight Debutant. Heenan: That's the way I used to wrestle you know? All the flips and stuff.. Cole: Oh really?.. Heenan: Yeah, I once did a triple vault moonsault, followed by a flying sharpshooter.. if it wasn't for my damn knee injury.. Cole: A what moonsault? flying sharpshooter? Heenan: Just get on with the show Cole.. [B]*On the titantron a video is shown replaying Big Shows actions last week and announcing that Undertaker was legitimitely injured and it could be a long time before we see him again*[/B] WELLLLLL.. WELLLLLLLL IT'S THE BIG SHOW! [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BigShow.jpg[/img] *Big Show makes his way down the aisle to the ring and demands a mic* "You know, ever since last week I've heard the same things over and over again.. 'Big Show, why did you do it'.. 'I thought Undertaker was your friend'.. I AINT GOT NO FRIENDS! Undertaker always wanted to be the main man, it was always the same with him, he liked you if you weren't a threat. As I sat in the locker room before last week's show I realised.. I was no longer a threat.. I'm 7ft tall.. 500 pounds, and I was no longer a threat.. you see Undertaker, what I did was something I had to do.. not just for me but for everybody back there.. and you know what.. when I felt your neck and back cracking due to the Piledriver.. I enjoyed it.. I enjoyed it a lot.... So Undertaker, if you're the 'locker room leader' you say you are.. I'll see you at Judgement Day.. or else someone else will have to pay.." Big Show leaves to major heel heat. Break the walllllllllls DOWN!.. Cole: Who is going to make it to the final with a chance at the being the first World Heavyweight Champion?! Bobby Heenan: Was you born shouting Cole? Calm down.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ChrisJericho.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JBL.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Semi Final.[/B] [B]Chris Jericho Vs. JBL[/B] The in ring action was average at best, Chris Jericho's momentum and overness made this match appear better than it was. Back and forth action with JBL holding the tights for the pinfal..1..2..Chris Jericho rolls out and immediately locks JBL in the Walls Of Jericho for the submission victory in 14:27. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Chris Jericho advances.[/B] Chris Jericho grabs the mic.. "Tonight babay.. The ayatollah of rock and rolla has cemented his place as the man who will lead the Smackdown! revolution.. At Judgement Day I will once again be the King of Bling Bling.. the World Champion.. Kurt Angle .. Chris Benoit.. believe it babay the year of Y2J is upon us.." We cut to backstage where Shane is on the phone.. "But Dad you don't understand.. she's gone crazy"... "what do you mean I should let her just do her thing.. she's killing your company Dad".. *Shane kicks the camera man out of the room* Cole: What a cry baby Shane is.. As soon as things get rough he calls his dad.. what a whiny little.. Heenan: He can fire you.. Carry on.. Cole: .... Heenan: Michael Cole just called you a bastard Shane.. Cole: You annoy me.. weasel.. Heenan: WHAT DID YOU SAY? Cole: Ladies and gentleman big news on the Judgement Day card.. Stephanie McMahon has announced that we will see the Dudley's Vs The Hardy's in a Tables match for the WWE Tag Team titles! [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFHardcore.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Rhyno.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/img] [B]WWE Hardcore Title Rhyno Vs. Hardcore Holly[/B] Average match, Rhyno hits Holly with a vicious chairchot before hitting the Gore for the pin in 8:24. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C+[/COLOR] Christian is backstage outside the general mangers' office.. he knocks politely before walking in.. "Hey Steph.. you know last week, a fluke happened.. I was erm beat.. but the World Heavyweight Title isn't the only Vacant Title at the moment.. how about Judgement Day.. you give me a shot at the new WWE International Title.. hey Steph? Huh, what d'you say?!" Stephanie: "Ok" Christian: "Ok? Cool".. Stephanie: "Oh yeah.. one last thing, your opponent will be the loser of the next match.. Kurt Angle or the guy who made you tap last week.. Chris Benoit!" *Christian thinks about it for a second before leaving with a huge grin on his face* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/KurtAngle.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Semi Final. Kurt Angle Vs Chris Benoit[/B] Great technical wrestling on show.. awesome match .. both wrestlers go back and forth and each man has the advantage for a fair ammount of time. Finish comes when Chris Benoit locks in the cross face which Kurt Angle rolls out of and with the help of his feet on the ropes pins Benoit at 20:17. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]Kurt Angle Advances.[/B] Kurt Angle celebrates outside the ring as Chris Benoit looks on with a mix of anger and shock as Smackdown goes off the air.. Overall Grade: [COLOR="Green"]B[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER][img]http://www.bodyslamming.com/wwe/pics/judgmentday.jpg[/img] [SIZE="5"][B]WWE Judgement Day Card[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]World Heavyweight Title Match[/COLOR] Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Jericho [COLOR="Blue"]Special Challenge Match[/COLOR] Big Show Vs. The Undertaker? [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Light Heavyweight Title Match[/COLOR] Teddy Hart (C) Vs ???? [COLOR="DarkOrange"]WWE International Title Match[/COLOR] Chris Benoit Vs. Christian [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Hardcore Title[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Triple Threat Hardcore Match[/COLOR] Rhyno (C) Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. Raven [COLOR="DarkOrange"]WWE Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tables Match[/COLOR] The Dudley Boys Vs. The Hardy Boys[/B][/CENTER]
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World Heavyweight Title Match [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Vs. Chris Jericho Special Challenge Match Big Show Vs. [B]The Undertaker?[/B] Light Heavyweight Title Match [B]Teddy Hart[/B] (C) Vs ???? WWE International Title Match Chris Benoit Vs. [B]Christian[/B] Hardcore Title Triple Threat Hardcore Match [B]Rhyno[/B] (C) Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. Raven WWE Tag Team Titles Tables Match The Dudley Boys Vs. [B]The Hardy Boys[/B]
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WWE Judgement Day Card World Heavyweight Title Match [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Vs. Chris Jericho Special Challenge Match Big Show Vs. [B]The Undertaker?[/B] Light Heavyweight Title Match [B]Teddy Hart[/B] (C) Vs ???? WWE International Title Match [B]Chris Benoit[/B] Vs. Christian Hardcore Title Triple Threat Hardcore Match Rhyno (C) Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. [B]Raven[/B] WWE Tag Team Titles Tables Match [B]The Dudley Boys[/B] Vs. The Hardy Boys
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World Heavyweight Title Match Kurt Angle Vs. [B]Chris Jerich[/B]o It will probably be Angle, but I'm pulling for Jericho Special Challenge Match Big Show Vs. [B]The Undertaker?[/B] Light Heavyweight Title Match Teddy Hart (C) Vs [B]????[/B] Special challenger will be who beats him WWE International Title Match Chris Benoit Vs. [B]Christian[/B] As much as I like Benoit, time to push Christian Hardcore Title Triple Threat Hardcore Match [B]Rhyno[/B] (C) Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. Raven WWE Tag Team Titles Tables Match The Dudley Boys Vs. [B]The Hardy Boys[/B]
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[CENTER][img]http://www.bodyslamming.com/wwe/pics/judgmentday.jpg[/img] [B]WWE Judgement Day [COLOR="Blue"]Sunday, Week 2, May 2001 Enron Field 32,700[/COLOR][/B] *Fireworks and pyro go off as the Judgement day theme plays in the background* Michael Cole: Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to the first ever Smackdown only pay per view. Bobby Heenan: Chris Jericho going up against Kurt Angle? I can't wait Cole.. Cole: Not only that, there will be five titles on the line tonight, in what's looking to be a spectacular evening of WWE wrestling. The Hardy Boys make their way out to tremendous applause, they are followed by The Dudley's who get a mixed reaction and the first contest is under way.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWETagTeam.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/MattHardy.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JeffHardy.jpg[/img] Vs. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BubbaRayDudley.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/D-VonDudley.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]WWE Tag Team Titles[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Tables Match[/COLOR] [B]The Hardy Boys Vs. The Dudley Boys[/B] Jeff and Matt Hardy gain the early advantage in this match. After that it's back and forth action before Bubba hits Jeff Hardy with a chair which seems to knock him out cold. D'Von is sent out to "GET THE TABLES!" and does just that.. Both teams try unsuccessfully to put their opponents through a table.. The finish to the match came at around 15 minutes when upon entering the ring with yet another table, D'Von gets hit with a baseball slide from Matt knocking the table into D'Von's face.. Matt Hardy sets the table up outside the ring and places D-Von on top.. meanwhile in the ring Bubba irish whips Jeff Hardy into the corner.. however! Jeff spots the opportunity and in two swift moves jumps himself up to the turnbuckle then delivers a Swanton Bomb crashing through D'Von and winning his team the tag team titles! [B]Winner and new Tag Team Champions: The Hardy Boys.[/B] [COLOR="Yellow"]C+[/COLOR] Cole: Wow! What a match that was! Bobby what do you think of our new tag team champs?.. Heenan: Well, what can you say.. They're good but they're crazy.. you know I sometimes feel that these humanoids will only be satisfied when someone commits suicide out here.. it's downright disgusting.. back in my day.. Cole: Last week you said you were a great highflier..moonsaults and all that.. Heenan: Why do you always have to lie? Cole: Anyway ladies and gentleman.. Stephanie McMahon is waiting backstage waiting to reveal not only the WWE World Heavyweight Title but the WWE International title.... *The camera simply pans over both Titles as Stephanie is heard in the background arguing with Shane.. "Why do you get to show off the titles, huh" .."they were my idea SHANE, that's why.." *Shane kicks the camera man out of the room* Teddy Hart makes his way down the aisle to a minimal pop.. he stands in the ring waiting for his opponent.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WilliamRegal.jpg[/img] William Regal makes his way out on the stage with a microphone in hand.. the crowd look confused.. "No, you've got it all wrong.. I'm not going to come out here and fight a peasant like this guy in the ring.. oh no, and anyway.. due to a combination of good genes and a family history which includes no midgets I doubt I'd make the weight.. however, as a former commissioner of the WWE I still have some pull around here.. and I've convinced Shane to hire this man.. he is incredible.. he is ENGLISH! he is now my client.... Jody Fleisch" *Crowd looks confused as Fleisch enters the ring, most in the arena have never heard of him, let alone know who he is* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFLightHeavyweight.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TeddyHart.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JodyFleisch.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]WWE Light Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/B] [B]Teddy Hart [COLOR="DarkOrange"](C)[/COLOR] Vs Jody Fleisch w/ William Regal[/b] Great high flying action. The lack of crowd heat, however, let the match down. Both workers impressed as William Regal looked on from ringside. Teddy Hart dropkicked William Regal off the apron after Fleisch's manager distracted the ref.. Hart then hit the Hart Attack on Fleisch at 12:42.. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C+[/COLOR] After the match, William Regal gets in the ring.. he drags Jody Fleisch to his feet and in the same movement knocks him down with a stiff left hook to the face.. Fleisch gets up after a few seconds sporting a beautiful black eye and busted nose, Regal then hugs Fleisch who looks genuinely pleased as they leave the ring together with Regal repeating.. "just part of the learning curve, sunshine.. just part of the learning curve".. Cole: Is that what they do in England..? You know managers hitting their clients? Heenan: I don't know, why don't you go ask William Regal.. The crowd goes crazy as the camera turns to Chris Jericho getting his hair ready backstage.. Jonathan Coachman walks in for an interview. Coach: Chris, you could be just moments away from winning your first World Title.. what is going through your mind? Jericho: Right now?..I'm trying to get my hair right Coachio.. I want to look good for all my Jerichoholics as I walk out of here World Champion babay.. Coach: You're opponent is Kurt Angle, a man who you are familiar with.. how are you going to prepare.. Jericho: How am I going to prepare Coach? I don't prepare.. I just am. You see Coachman, tonight is when I fulfill my destiny, tonight is where the myth becomes the legend, tonight is when the true paragon of virtue becomes the main man, the world champion, the king of the world babay! Now get out of here ass clown.... WWEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW! [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BigShow.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TheUndertaker.jpg[/img] [B]Big Show Vs. The Undertaker??[/B] Big Show walks to the ring in his wrestling attire.. clearly ready for action.. Cole: What an ******* this man is! HE KNOWS THE UNDERTAKER IS INJURED!.. Heenan: DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO SHOUT! Big Show grabs a mic.. "Undertaker, I know you can hear me.. get your ass out here.. RIGHT NOW, I don't care if you can't walk, ride your little cycle down here, I don't care just get your ass out here right now.." *Keep Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Rolling* Huge pop from the crowd..but there is no sign of The Undertaker. His theme music plays again but yet again there is no sign of the phenom. "Undertaker, remember what I said last thursday on Smackdowm!? I know you were watching! .. DAMN IT! I KNOW YOU ARE WATCHING YOU COWARD! This is on your conscious Taker! On your conscious.." Big Show walks back up the ramp to the backstage area before returning a few seconds later with a scared Tajiri on his shoulder. He proceeds to pound Tajiri over and over again with stiff right hands. He then picks Tajiri up by the throat and chokeslams him off the stage and through the tables below.. Cole: My god! Big Show just killed him..!! Heenan: And it's all because of Undertaker, the coward! Cole: How can you say that Bobby?!.. How can you say that!?!? Heenan: Because it's true Cole! Backstage Christian is being interviewed.. "Christian as 'WWE International Champion'? You know I like the sound of that.. I may not be in the Main Event because of you Benoit, but believe me, that won't stop me leaving here tonight with gold around my waist! " [B] *Benoit's theme music hits*[/B] "What? Coach, is that Benoit's theme? What? the match is now?!?!.. the plan isn't even ready yet.. I mean erm I need to make a phone call...." [B]Christian's theme music plays[/B] "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!" Stephanie appears behind Christian as he prepares to dial the number of this 'mystery person'.. Stephanie speaks up.. "If you want to ensure this match goes ahead you will make your way to the ring.. NOW" .. Christian hangs up the phone and makes his way to the ring like an 8 year old boy who has just been sent to bed early.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/generic_international.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Christian.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]WWE International Title[/COLOR][/B] [B]Chris Benoit Vs. Christian[/B] This was a good match with both workers sharing the offensive in the early stages. Benoit begins to work on Christian's arm before deilivering 3 straight German Suplexes.. 1...2.....Kick out! Benoit attempts to clothesline Christian who ducks and Benoit inadvertantly knocks down the referee.. Christian gives Benoit the Unprettier but the referee is down.. another referee makes his out! 1.....2...........Kick out! Christian bangs his hands and feet on the mat like a spoilt brat.. Benoit immediately locks in the crossface............Christian reaches the ropes!..just.. Benoit releases the hold.. Christian then takes control of the match and goes up top.. Christian attempts a crossbody dive which Benoit rolls out of straight into a pin.. 1....2.................3! at 17:46 [B]Winner and new WWE International Champion: Chris Benoit.[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] Benoit celebrates his victory and Title win outside the ring as Christian is left arguing with officials.. Cole: Benoit is the WWE International champion! And Christian got exactly what he deserved! Heenan: Christian was screwed! If his plan had come off It'd be Christian who would be Champion.. he's a smart guy you know.. Cole: But that leaves the question.. what was Christian's plan? *Kurt Angle is working out backstage, looking focused and ready for business* "Mr. Angle.. we have a delivery from a Mr. Jericho" .. says a boy who must be no older than 12.. "What? Give me that damn thing.." Kurt Angle opens it up to reveal a bottle of 'Hair Loss' shampoo.. "What? this is funny, huh?.. Hey mail boy, I want you to deliver something.. how about a message to Chris Jericho.. tell him I'm going to snap his damn ankle.. and don't ever come in my room again!" "Ok, sorry Mr Angle.." *Boy leaves* "Freakin kids.." *Kurt Angle continues workin out* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFHardcore.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Rhyno.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raven.jpg[/img] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]WWE Hardcore Title[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Hardcore Match[/COLOR] [B]Rhyno [COLOR="DarkOrange"](C)[/COLOR] Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. Raven[/B] Very good hardcore match. Rhyno is easily the most dominant competitor in this match and he shows it. Finish comes after 14 minutes of hardcore mayhem.. Rhyno hits the gore on Holly.. 1...2..Raven breaks it up and hits Rhyno with the Evenflow DDT.. Raven then pins Holly.. 1...2....3 [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Winner and new WWE Hardcore Champion: Raven.[/B] A video is aired replaying the World Heavyweight Title tournament and hyping up the final.. Backstage we see Chris Jericho walking to the ring.. he's muttering "It's my destiny babay.. destiny" Breaaaaaaaak the WALLLLLS DOWN!!!! Chris Jericho comes out to an awesome ovation.. He is followed by Kurt Angle who gets major heel heat.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ChrisJericho.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/KurtAngle.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Final.[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/B] [B]Chris Jericho Vs. Kurt Angle[/B] Easily a match of the year candidate. Both wrestlers go all out and put their best on show. Equal ammount of offense for each competitor early on before Angle busts Jericho open on the ringpost. He wraps Jericho around the post and puts on a figure four leg lock which he breaks at 5. Jericho makes a fight back but the work Angle did earlier on his leg limit his options.. Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits Angle with a cross body.. Both men are down.. Chris Jericho gets up and waits for Angle.. Chris Jericho attempts to kick Angle.. Angle catches his boot.. Jericho is hopping on one leg.. he attempts the enziguri which Angle ducks and catches Jericho in the Ankle Lock!! ... Jericho looks like he's going to tap.. he's going to tap.. he's going to tap.. he grabs the ropes!.. Angle looks pissed off and picks Jericho back up.. small package by Jericho ...1....2.......Kick out... Jericho is bleeding all over the ring and Angle begins hitting him with stiff right hands to the open wound.. Jericho out of pure desperation swings an arm at Angle which Angle ducks and spins Jericho round for the Angle slam...1.............2................................. KICK OUT!!!! The crowd can't believe it and neither can Angle.. Angle looks like he's going to cry.. Angle locks in another Ankle lock..... Chris Jericho looks like he's going to pass out... NO he rolls through!!.. Walls Of Jericho.. and it's Angle who is going to tap.. Angle's going to tap.. Angle swings a desperate arm at the rope..he can't reach! ..he's going to tap.. ANGLE TAPS! ANGLE TAPS! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho.[/B] A bloody Chris Jericho is clutching his belt with tears in his eyes as Judgement Day goes off the air. Overal Grade: [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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I guess the winner of the predictions was keefmoon (Not only the greatest drummer ever but knows his wrestling too :D ) well done.. hopefully next time there will be more predictions. :cool: Any comments on any of the shows so far? Things you liked, maybe disliked.. it's my first ever go at this so any feedback is brilliant. cheers.
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[QUOTE=wotto29;196555]I guess the winner of the predictions was keefmoon (Not only the greatest drummer ever but knows his wrestling too :D ) well done.. hopefully next time there will be more predictions. :cool: Any comments on any of the shows so far? Things you liked, maybe disliked.. it's my first ever go at this so any feedback is brilliant. cheers.[/QUOTE] Yay I won! What is the prize?! :cool: :p I liked the joke, but Keith Moon wasn't the greatest drummer of all time. Just my favourite! Anyhoo, another argument for another time. I know how hard it is to write a first time diary, I'm doing the same myself at the moment, but the potential is there for this one. The write up of the shows are good, but I just feel like... I dunno... maybe there should be something a little bit more? Like outside of kayfabe stuff? A bit of background on it? This is just my opinion however. But thought I'd give you it cos I know for my diary I like all sorts of feedback, good or bad, happy or sad! So anyway... what do I win?! :p
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;196567]Yay I won! What is the prize?! :cool: :p I liked the joke, but Keith Moon wasn't the greatest drummer of all time. Just my favourite! Anyhoo, another argument for another time. I know how hard it is to write a first time diary, I'm doing the same myself at the moment, but the potential is there for this one. The write up of the shows are good, but I just feel like... I dunno... maybe there should be something a little bit more? Like outside of kayfabe stuff? A bit of background on it? This is just my opinion however. But thought I'd give you it cos I know for my diary I like all sorts of feedback, good or bad, happy or sad! So anyway... what do I win?! :p[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback mate. But yeah.. I agree with the backstory stuff. I'm thinking of a maybe.. "how I got here" which I hope will work.. And as for what you win.. erm.. you win my vote for diary of the year! :D
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[QUOTE=wotto29;196572]Thanks for the feedback mate. But yeah.. I agree with the backstory stuff. I'm thinking of a maybe.. "how I got here" which I hope will work.. And as for what you win.. erm.. you win my vote for diary of the year! :D[/QUOTE] Oh wow thank you! You know how to PM me if you want; and 2001 is an era I would love to have done had Tristram not not done the absolute best that could possibly be done with a 2001 mod!
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raw.gif[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Raw Preview:[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Men At War[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Last week Vince McMahon cheated The Rock out of the WWE Title, despite Mick Foley's best efforts as General Manager of Raw to have the match end in a fair manner. It was meant to be the match that finally proved who the better man was, instead it became a battle of the wits between Foley and McMahon. How will Mr McMahon react to Foley's actions? What condition will The Rock and Stone Cold be in? Tune in to find out! [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B]Mr. Monday Night?[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] After the savage beatdown Rob Van Dam received last week at the hands of Edge, you have to wonder if he still thinks he made the correct decision in signing with WWE Raw. Will Rob Van Dam get revenge? Will Edge continue to prove that he truly is Mr. Monday Night? [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Huge Intercontinental Title Match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] After Triple H stole Kane's belt last week, he demanded a title shot, which he's been granted. Will Triple H be our new Intercontinental Champion? Will Kane retain? ..and even if he does, will he [I]leave[/I] with the belt? [COLOR="Red"][B]Don't miss WWE Raw![/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]Dear Journal Whoa, well what can I say? I went ahead and booked Judgement day, and I must say the evil genius that is Vince McMahon was right again. The crowd was hot and the matches were excellent. Many wrestling websites have described it as the best ppv of the year thus far (if you don't include Wrestlemania, of course), Dave Meltzer from wrestlingobserver.com also gave the Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle match a 5 star rating! The first 5 star rating for a match in America since 1997! What a night! The PPV buyrate was a 9.11, which to be honest is better than I expected and isn't bad at all.. No rest for me though, not that I mind, Raw is tonight and I'm thinking it's going to be a good show, infact I'm sitting here with the booking sheet on my desk right now, waiting for Vince to walk in so I can run it through with him. Vince has that admirable quality, he can see things that others don't, he can add the tiniest detail to an angle or match that could turn it from decent to good and from good to great. Speaking of Vince, despite our problems I honestly consider him a friend.. I just think he needs a good rest sometimes, I mean the guy works 24/7, he hates traitors to the business which was why he was so mad at me last week.. what's in the past is in the past though, and after I explained the situation he apologised.. god have mercy on the guy who sold the story to that wrestling website if Vince finds out! In 2 weeks Smackdown is in my hometown so I'll get to spend sometime with my family which will be great.. you know after a while you get used to being away for long periods of time.. it's the price you pay for loving this business.. Somebody has just informed me that Vince is on his way up, I can't wait to show him my Raw.. There's some crazy sh*t that I just know he'll love.. I hope. [RIGHT]Paul Wotto [/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B]
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