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MAW: The dark days

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/hod4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"]background image from:[url]http://www.home108.com/mousebranche/wallpapers/Darkness.jpg[/url][/SIZE] [QUOTE]"Welcome fans this is Merve Ernest welcoming you to another exciting evening of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.." "Shut-up peon...This is as it has been for-ordainnnnedd FORRRRCCEEE Wrestlinnnnnggggg!!! I am your Force heavyweight champion, JIM FORCE...buy JIM FORCE merchandicceeeee. I want the son of Cord to come OUUUTTTT!!!" Jay Cord comes out. "Son of Cord, was last month the best you can DOOOOO???? You want to help old POPPPPPSSSS? Fight againnn this week...against one who has grown in the FORCE...one who has seen the light side.....maybe you too can grow in the force son of Corddd. YOUUUU will fight Erik STronggggg."[/QUOTE] [B]Jay Cord[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Another massacre. Strong held sway for most of the match. Cord showed signs of improvement from the last months show, but he was definitely outclassed by Strong in the ring. Strong began toying with Cord after firmly establishing control. Force even left the slaughter to return to the back. The finish came as Cord tripped as Strong came off the ropes with a flying forearm. Strong flew over the prone Cord and hit the canvas hard. Cord in trying to get up rolled on top of the dazed Strong for the 1, 2, 3.....at the 11 minute mark. As Cord realizes his victory the Hillbillies quickly come out to gain revenge. This brings out the Mean Machine and Ricky Douglas to clear the villians out. [QUOTE]Mean Jean grabs a mic. "Well kid, You are one lucky man. But I'd rather be lucky than beat....now to my business...Devine there is nowhere you can hide...I will get you and destroy you. Hillbillies, you want to fight...next month at MAW The Legacy, face myself and Jay Cord, if you are men?"[/QUOTE] [B]Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Danny Rushmore w/Corp. Doom[/B] Douglas is one of my bedrocks on the roster. He has really worked hard to help young guys get over and develop, weather as tag or singles. This week he is given another big man to help, yet this time he gets the prize. Douglas pins Rushmore at the 12 minute mark. [QUOTE]The Rat Pack is out next, Nevada Nuclear takes the mic, flanked by Ric Sanders and Titan. "Jim Force, you have angered the wrong group. You interfered and then won my title. You beat a never-has-been last month. Now you are ducking me. I'm not C.H. Threepwood who runs away....I'm not the TyPHoonnneyy who is a lot of hot air. I'm the real deal...I'm the big bang...I'm Nevada Nuclear....." Force's visage comes on the big screen, Blonde Ambition is behind him. "Little man with little boom. Nuclear is not the Force...The Force goes deeper....Next month at FORCEWA Legacy...I will have a challenge for you to overcome to prove you have enought force to face me......."[/QUOTE] No 1 contenders to the tag team titles [B]Rat Pack II w/Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition w/Darryl Devine[/B] Another nice tag match. Both of these teams have gelled well and they have a nice chemistry in the ring. Flash Savage really looked good tonight, but Raphael and Ric Sanders stole the show. The finish saw Sanders pin Savage at the 18 minute mark. [QUOTE]Darryl Devine is forced to make a hastey retreat as Mean Jean and Nevada both chase after him.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane Championship match [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (c) vs. [B]Oscar Golden w/Corp. Doom[/B] Another great match that saw both men battle tooth and nail. both managers preformed well at ringside with great interaction, but not too much to take away from the inring work. Golden preformed well, but began to get flustrated by DeCipher's ability to counter holds. The finish saw DeCipher lock on the UnBreakable Code for the submission at the 27 minute mark. Hell Monkey did try to come down to interfere, but he was intercepted by John Greed on the ramp, with a nice side brawl near the end of the match. [QUOTE]Sheik Mustafa grabs a mic, "One title defended and the tag titles will come home. Tonight Savage Warriors, Tribal Force you will fall to DOOOMMM!!" His tag team of Death and Pain make their way down to ringside for the tag title match. Corp. Doom grabs a mic of his own. "Shiek, Mustafay...what do you think you are doing? I carried your sorry butt for many years in our Axis of Evil and now you claim you have a team of 'Doom'....I am Doom and my team is the Force Tag Team champions!!!" Out come Tribal Force...and intense staredown is threatening to boil over at ringside between all six men. Finally Jay just calls for the bell for the match to start and the teams tear into each other.[/QUOTE] MAW/Force Tag Team championship [B]Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom[/B] (C) vs. [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] This was an out and out brawl from the word go. All four men really got a chance to show how tough and destructive they could be...Java and Pain really got a nice pop from a top-rope suplex that shook the entire ring. The finish saw Death gain an upperhand on Java. As Death was comming off the ropes Corp. Doom grabed the leg, tripping Death. Java quickly tagged Tribal Warrior and held off pain for the 1, 2, 3....winners and still tag team champions....Tribal Force. [QUOTE]An irate Sheik attacked Corp. Doom and the 6 men battled to the back to end the show.[/QUOTE]
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MAW The Legacy 2010 Preview [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/Legacy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background image: Fire Pro Legend Wrestling Bout game (Japan) Matches: Nevada Nuclear vs. ? Nevada Nuclear vs ?? Nevada Nuclear vs. ??? Split in the Axis of Evil Corp. Doom vs. Sheik Mustafa Snap Dragon vs. Oscar Golden
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MAW The Legacy 2010 March results [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/Legacy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Our show opens with Jay Cord coming out to address the crowd. Just as he begins to speak.....Jim Force comes and blindsides the youngster. "YOUuuuuu, YOUUUUUU, Son of Cord...you will NeVVVEERRR have the ForchoRRRIIIAAANNNSS to challenge the FORCE. YOUUUUU cannnoott fight destiny...Force is Forever......Buy JIM FORCE MERCHANDICE....NOW NEVVVVVAAADDAAAA PUUUKKKEELLAAEEERRR...you want me? BE-WAARREE what you ask for....Tonight you will have a gauntlet to run....not 1, not 2, but 3 matches to determine if you are worthy of the Force...." Force then kicks a slowly rising Cord back down, before strutting to the back. Snap Dragon comes out to check on Cord, before his match.[/QUOTE] [B]Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden w/Corp. Doom[/B] Dragon and Golden have developed a good chemistry over the last couple of years. They both flew and dazzled. The Blondes tried to come out and interfere, but DC Rayne was waiting and fights them off. As he is fighting with them, Mic Muscles comes out and blindsides the poor Rayne, 3on1 is too much, the distraction cost Snap as Oscar rolls up the Dragon for a quick 1, 2, 3 at the 16 minute mark.... [QUOTE]Nevada Nuclear comes out to run the Blondes off, but then hears his name over the sound system. "Nevaaadddaaaa, IT BEGGGIINNNSSS." Erik Strong runs out to be Nevada's first opponent.[/QUOTE] Gauntlet match 1 [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Strong has really grown with Corp. Doom and Force pulling his strings, but Nevada is a force not to be reckond with. Nevada hits the Mushroom at the 8 minute mark for the win. He doesn't have long to catch his breath as the voice hits the system again.."PUKELAARRR, meet your doom...." Out comes Danny Rushmore for the second match. Gauntlet match 2 [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Danny Rushmore[/B] Nevada and Danny traded powermoves for the start, with Danny trying to draw the match out. Nevada looked to be down after a devastating closeline, but no he was playing possum. As Danny went to the top for an unusuall flying move, Nevada jumped up and caught Danny for a huge powerslam...Nevada quickly hits the Mushroom Cloud for the pin at the 12 minute mark. [QUOTE]Just as Nevada's hand is raised the Hillbillies try to enter the ring area, but they are met by Nevada's stablemates from the Rat Pack, Ric Sanders and Titan. The Rat Pack makes quick work of the burly Hillbillies. Nevada obviously tired, stands tall with a mic, "OK Force, send your last flunky so I can get this cake walk over with." Force's visage comes up on the big screen, "You will fight the last match on my time as it was ordained by the Hamm-RRUUUBBIII Code. YOU will have to SWEEAATTT in FEEEAARRR for awhile." Nevada and the Rat Pack soak in the crowds cheers and finally leave the ring[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Out comes Sheik Mustafa with Doom...."Tonight, it is a legends war. Our troops have fought, but you Corp. refuse to let them determine the outcome. Tonight the generals fight. We were once allies Corp. We were the AXIS of EVIL. YOU have chosen to aline yourself with pscho and now you will pay. I know you Corp. I know your moves and your mind. Tonight you will fear the Sheik as countless foes before you have."[/QUOTE] Legends match [B]Sheik Mustafa w/Death and Pain[/B] vs. [B]Corp. Doom w/Java and Tribal Warrior[/B] Jay Fair began by sending both the tag teams to the back. He wanted to try to keep control of this match. This was not these two in their prime, but they are both semi-active. Mustafa really put the Corp on the run for the first part of the match. Corp Doom did get some offence in and both men sold each other well. (I hope the young men in the back are watching and taking notes on ring psychology). The fans were really into this old school drama. The end saw the two tag teams come back out battling around the crowd....Sheik took his eyes off the match for a split second, but long enough for Corp. Doom to look in the Facist Spike....Submission win by Corp, when Mustafa passed out at the 15 minute mark. Both men were worn out at the end, but an excellent match for these two old timers. [QUOTE] The two big brute tag teams are battling all over the arena. Really giving the fans and up-close and personal view of a battle. Corp. Doom grabs a mic in the ring and breathing heavily "DeCipher, I want you next month for your Hurricane title or I will destroy your helpless Sheik." DeCipher charges out to the ring...He stands nose to nose with the sadistic Corp. and shouts on the mic, "Sie, Sie" Doom leaves the ring as DeCipher checks on the fallen Sheik.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As the ring is cleared Jim Force comes to the ring. "OH PUKULEAR....YOuuuu Have one more match tonightttt. YOu have survived so far, but now you will face another CHAALLLEENGEE...COME ON DOWN......Nevada Nuclear comes out and Force vacates the ring as Nevada climbs in. As Nevada eyes Force, Darryl Devine come running out. He is Nevada's third opponent.[/QUOTE] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine w/Jim Force[/B] Another great matchup. Devine and Nuclear really clicked well. Nevada's skills have really grown as he sold being worn out from the previous two matches of the night. Devine kept flying and moving wearing poor Nevada down even more. The finish came when Nevada who was quite winded, finally caught Devine off the second rope and hit an inverted backbraker. Nevada quickly covered Devine for the pin at the 18 minute mark. Nevada has won his shot at Jim Force and the MAW title next month at MAW Spring Dawning. [QUOTE]The exhausted Nevada slumped in the ring and Jim Force enters and begins putting the boot. Jim also calls the troops from the back as, Tribal Force, Force Wave, and Erik Strong begin attacking the defenseless Nevada....then the calvary arrives as the Rat Pack, DC Rayne, Snap Dragon, and Jay Cord enter the ring and run the Forcelings out. The show ends with Nevada struggling to rise with the help of the ropes.[/QUOTE]
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MAW Spring Dawning 2010 preview poster [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/golddawn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background pic from: [url]http://jilleliz.com/tmplt/648x764golden_dawn.html[/url] Corp Doom from Renders Thread by Hearts4Life: [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19622&page=177[/url] The card: MAW championship Jim Force (C) vs. Nevada Nuclear MAW Hurricane title DeCipher (C) vs. Corp. Doom Hillbillies w/Darryl Devine vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer and Jay Cord Orient Express w/Persephone vs. Oscar Golden and Hell Monkey
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MAW Spring Dawning 2010 results [QUOTE]The show starts with Jim Force talking to Darryl Devine backstage on the bigscreen. "Tonight, destiny continues....there will be a revival [I]mumble mumble mumble[/I] of Doom, Corp that is and the end of the Pukular...you my DeVI-NE friend, YOU MUST el-mi-nate the son of Cord." "I'm on it Mr. Force. Tonight we will fulfill your dream...with all three MAW titles..." "NOT M-A-W, but FOR-CE titles, but then the WORLD...."[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]"Good evening fans...I'm Merve Ernest welcoming you back to another exciting night of your monthly Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. I have one update to give to you...our owner suffered from a heinous assualt a few months ago at Where It All Begins Again 09. He has been really rehabing hard to make his way back out. His wants to say thank you to all the fans who've sent him letters, cards, and well wishes. He also wants you to know the RIP will be back for blood soon. On to tonight....three main event-caliber matches for you...Mean Jean and Jay Cord team up to face the Hillbillies. Will Cord and Machine be on the same page? What does Force have in store after his directive to Darryl Devine? Also tonight, last month Corp Doom showed glimpses of his past greatness, but can the 52 year old match the youth and vigour of the Hurricane Champion, DeCipher? Will this be the Spring Dawning of Corp. Doom? And finally, after an epic 3 match gauntlet...Nevada Nuclear, who has been thrawted by Jim Force in the past...gets a shot at the coveted MAW title...will he end the reign of the Force? Tonight will tell the tale. Lets get right to action."[/QUOTE] [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Hell Monkey and Oscar Golden[/B] Yuki and Outback are really up for an upset tonight, but Oscar and Hell Monkey are too much....Hell Monkey hits a hell fire kick at the 15 minute mark. [QUOTE]Oscar seeing Persephone, decides it time for past payback....as he begins to stalk her toward the corner out comes Mickey James and Puma Boy to the rescue...They hit the ring scattering the Forcelings....Puma goes to check on Persephone, when Mickey James nails him. Oscar comes back into the ring and powerdrives Persephone....The scene ends with Oscar and Hell Monkey welcoming the newest Forceling.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]After the mess is cleaned up out come Mean Machine with Karen Killer and Jay Cord. Jean takes the mic first, "People wonder if you can trust me kid? After the history I've had with your old man, I would too. But this is different. MAW is my territory...My Home....and some psychobabling freak thinks he can come in and mumbo jumbo take over...I have my differences with RIP, but he is mine to decapitate....so I stand with Cord to fight off this cancer that has entered MAW....tonight these redneck-hicks, but soon it will be you Force." Jay takes the mic, "First it is an hon-n-nor to be in the ring with you Mr. Catterly. I've been real lucky so far, but what I don't have in skill I have in heart. What you did to my daddy...was unforgivable, Force...This Son of Cord is coming for you."[/QUOTE] [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer and Jay Cord[/B] vs. [B]Hillbillies w/Darryl Devine[/B] This was a decent match....Mean Machine was dominate on both Hillbillies, but when Jay came in, he was overwhelmed. The Hillbillies cut him off and began to decimate the young Cord at the urging of Devine at ringside...but even though tons of punnishment was dealt out...Cord kept rising back up...the finish saw him make the hot tag to Mean Jean who cleaned house before getting the pin after a mood swing on Pete at the 9 minute mark. [QUOTE]Devine cannot believe his eyes...quickly he motions to the back and Corp Doom comes out....the two quickly outmanuvers Mean Jean, till John Greed and DeCipher run out to make the save. DeCipher and Corp stay out for their match. [/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane Title match [B]DeCipher w/John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Corp. Doom w/Darryl Devine[/B] Doom really tried, but he was not spring chicken......alot of hype, but Decipher really killed the old man..DeCipher did his best to help Doom rest, but it was no use....Decipher quick pin at the 9 minute mark. [QUOTE]DeCipher and Greed celebrate as poor Corp. Doom was recovering.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is shown of Nevada's three victories last month to earn this shot at the gold....Jim Force then comes out acting like a maniac...[/QUOTE] MAW championship match [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] This was a great match. Nevada has really grown. He carried Force to his best match. Yet Nevada didn't have the where-with-all to overcome...THE FORCE....Force gains the pin at the marathon 22 minute. (Nevada was going to get the nod in this match till he was late for the last two months and then went on air with bad feelings for John Greed and Jean Catterly, i really hated that, but punishments are due.)
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MAW Shatterpoint May-2010 preview poster [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/shattpoint2010.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background: Phoenix Nubula by Greg Martin from [url]http://web.pdx.edu/~heredia/nova.jpg[/url] complete card: MAW championship Jim Force (C) vs. Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss MAW tag team championship Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom vs. Rat Pack II John Greed vs. Darryl Devine DC Rayne vs. Mic Muscles Hell Monkey vs. Yuki w/Persephone Jay Cord vs. ???
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MAW championship [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss MAW tag team championship [B]Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom[/B] vs. Rat Pack II John Greed vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]DC Rayne[/B] vs. Mic Muscles [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs. Yuki w/Persephone [B]Jay Cord [/B]vs. ???
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MAW Shatterpoint 2010 Results We begin with action right away: [B]Yuki w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Hell Monkey w/Oscar Golden[/B] Yuki is a promising young wrestler who is trying to break into singles comp....Hell Monkey was just too much....Hell Fire kick at the 12 minute mark ends Yuki's fight.... [QUOTE]Oscar seeing the helpless Persephone goes again to bring terror into his old foe...Pesephone is quaking with fear...Oscar locks Persephone in a full nelson, then turns her for a DDT. He would continue except he stops as Jim Force, Corp. Doom, and Force wave join Hell Monkey and himself in the ring. Officials quickly stretcher Persephone to the back. Corp. Doom grabs the mic, "Hillbillies, Lord Force wants you to enter the ring." Al and Pete make their way out to the ring looking somewhat afraid. Jim Force takes the mic, "[COLOR="Red"]You two, puddles of SLIMMMM, you were givennnn the Chan-ce of a life-timmmeee. To Aid the RI-SE of the For-CE, buy JIM FOR-CE Merchandise, You have failed...you are not strong in the For-ce...That which is not strong with the Force is CON-SUM-MED."[/COLOR] Suddenly, the arena goes dark, then a bright light explosion hits the ring. As the regular lights come back up.....only two pair of overalls are left in the place of the Hillbillies. The rest of the Forcelings look horrified, except Jim Force...."[COLOR="red"]Let that be a Les-son for you...do-not- fa-il!!"[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Mic Muscles w/Corp Doom[/B] This was our brawl of the month. Both men have potential, but both have some growing to do...Mic took an early advantage, working his power moves and allowing the Corp. to get some cheap shots at ringside, but Rayne finally took control and took the pin after a Mother's Storm at the 15 minute mark. [QUOTE]Force comes back out after the match and begin an incoherrent rant, only to be interrupted by Jay Cord. "[COLOR="Blue"]Force, you've come in and tried to run my family in the ground...I will avenge my father. I will end your ranting..."[/COLOR] Force turns to Corp. Doom, "[COLOR="Red"]Doom...destroy the Whelp of Cord."[/COLOR] Jay climbs in the ring and prepares for a fight.[/QUOTE] [B]Jay Cord[/B] vs. [B]Corp. Doom[/B] Jay put up a good beginning, but the Corp. was too much. The sadistic maniac was spurred on by the Hillbillies spectacle earlier and really put the punnishment to the young Cord. The fans really tried to rally Cord, but Doom but punishment after punishment to the young man. Finally at the 9 minute mark the ref stopped the match. Jay was listless. [QUOTE]Doom was not through. He began dishing out major punishment to the young Cord...even going outside the ring for the stairs and dropping them on Cord's head...Corp. shoved Jay Fair away, Fair called for a reversal..giving the match to Jay Cord...Finally Mean Machine comes out to run the villian off. Jay Cord is stretchered out.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]John Greed comes out next. "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Fans, I must say, you've given the Boy Toy alot of support lately. And I've been training hard. See I have a number 1 contenders match against the Divine Devil- Darryl Devine tonight. I've hit the Gym, the tapes, and ring preparing. Tonight will be our next step to ending the cancer of the Force."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] No.1 contenders match [B]John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] An excellent match...Devine was at his best, especially after the object lesson Force gave earlier for failure. Greed though was even better. His extra work in the gym paid off as he caught Devine in his new figure four leg lock- The Temptation-for the submission win at the 32 minute. Greed will now go on to face the winner of tonight's main event at MAW Redeming the Lost next month. [QUOTE]The Rat Pack II (Ric Sanders and Titan) come out next to hype their shot at the MAW tag team titles.[/QUOTE] MAW tag team championship [B]Tribal Force w/Corp Doom[/B] (C) vs. [B]Rat Pack II[/B] The action starts with Titan and Java trading big man blows. Both men tried to overpower the other. The real excitement came as Ric Sanders was taged in. Ric used his grappling to keep Java off balance. It looked as if there would be new tag team champions, but alas, Corp Doom showed why he was ringside....his distractions were enought for Tribal Warrior to gain the pin on Ric at the 14 minute mark. [QUOTE]As Tribal Force and Corp. Doom celebrate their defense out comes Sheik Mustafa and Doom (Death and Pain). A wild brawl ensues as the four behemoths battle to the back. They went into the fans at one point, giving the ringside fans and upclose brush with MAW action.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Nicole Kiss is standing by in the back with Snap Dragon and DC Rayne. She hypes the high flyer for tonights main event and DC wishes his partner luck on gaining the gold.[/QUOTE] MAW title match [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. [B]Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss[/B] A big lack of chemistry in this match hurt us. Dragon keep Force at bay with quick, flying assaults, but Force was 'destined'. He caught Snap with a vicious closeline, turning him inside out. Force was angry at Snap's early success, so he began to work the hurt dragon over. Force finally put Snap into a 'rack-type' submission move, but Snap slipped out and rolled Force up..1...2...Force powered out. Force then dropped a knee on Snap's head, big leg drop and pin at the 15 minute mark. [QUOTE]Force wasn't finished...he called out Mic Muscles and Hell Monkey, before the villians could get to the ring they were met by DC Rayne and John Greed. Rayne and Muscles were battling as Greed slamed Monkey into the gaurdrail. Force's attention was on Nicole as Greed entered the ring and put the Temptation leg lock on the champ...."Is this a sign for next month?"[/QUOTE]
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MAW Redeeming the Lost (June 2010) preview [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/redeem2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background pic from: [url]http://insomniac199.tripod.com/redemption.jpg[/url] complete card: MAW title Jim Force (C) vs. John Greed MAW tag team titles Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom (C) vs. Doom w/Sheik Mustafa MAW Hurricane Title DeCipher w/John Greed vs. Erik Strong w/Jim Force Mean Jean Catterly w/Karen Killer vs. Corp. Doom Dream Team (DC Rayne and Snap Dragon) vs. Force Wave (Mic Muscles and Danny Rushmore) w/Corp. Doom Black Typhoon vs. Ric Sanders
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MAW Redeeming the Lost 2010 results [QUOTE]Our show starts with a video of the closing moments of Shatterpoint 2010....where John Greed locks on the Temtation leg lock on Jim Force....Will MAW be redemeed from the clutches of Force?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Out next is Mean Jean Catterly with Karen Killer. "People, I want to show a clip from last month." A clip rolls of the slaughter of Jay Cord by Corp. Doom. "That was uncalled for. I know, I've had my differences with Rip, but Jay is like a brother to me...this week, Corp. Doom, you will find out what I learned a long time ago...you can't keep a good Cord down...." Out comes Jay Cord wrapped and with a crutch. Jean continues, "Tonight Corp. I will give you some payback for my little friend."[/QUOTE] [B]Mean Jean w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Corp. Doom w/Darryl Devine[/B] This wasn't a speed demon match, but it was chock full of psychology. Back and forth the action went, with a great story that the fans ate up...(who would have thought these two would click?) Mean Jean wins at the 9 minute mark with a mood swing....at ringside, Jay stops Devine from interfering with a mood swing of his own. Jean, Jay, and Karen celebrate the victory...and their deepening friendship. [B]Black Typhoon[/B] vs. [B]Ric Sanders[/B] Typhoon has been in a slump lately....and tonight was no different....Sanders is a rising star for us...if we can keep him....Sanders ended it quickly with a submission at the 11 minute mark. Sanders celebrates as Typhoon is being heckled by a slim fan ringside..."Looks like the bling is gone....all that power to waste...." [QUOTE]The Dream Team (Snap Dragon and DC Rayne) are out with their manager to hype their match next.....Force Wave, their opponents interrupt...starting the fight a little early.[/QUOTE] [B]Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Force Wave w/Darryl Devine[/B] Snap Dragon was really selling his injuries from last months beatdown...playing the face in peril for a good bit of the match. He was able to make the hot tag to Rayne who proceeded to clean house. Unfortunately Rayne knocked Rushmore into Jay Fair. This allowed Devine to get involved...nailing Rayne with a chair. Devine puts Muscles on top and rivives Fair to make the 1, 2, 3.....As Devine is smiling Nicole gets a good shot with her shoe to his head, before being forced to flee...(Devine is having a bad night.) [QUOTE]Oscar Golden is out next with a video of how he has gotten the last laughs on Persephone....the powerdriver and DDT from the last two months. Erik Strong is out with him and hypes his Hurricane title shot tonight.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane title match [B]DeCipher w/John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Erik Strong w/Jim Force[/B] Another excellent match by our young eager talent. Strong and DeCipher worked well together with a nice spot fest turned story match. Jim Force is busy trying to sell his new Facepaint spray-on kit, by Actarius, to the ringside fans, so he misses DeCipher cinching the submission win at the 22 minute mark. After the match...Erik is writhing and Greed is going to celebrate with his friend. Force nails Greed with the can, then sprays Greed's eyes with the face paint....Greed falls to the ground clutching his eyes....DeCipher quickly comes to his friend's aid. [QUOTE]Officials come out to help John Greed to the back where you can be seen about....out come Sheik Mustafa and Doom (Death and Pain) to hype they are back and they want to regain their titles from the Tribal Force.[/QUOTE] MAW tag team championship [QUOTE]Tribal Force w/Corp Doom[/QUOTE] (C) vs. [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Doom is on fire tonight as they begin to devastate the big savage team. The action gets really brutal and to the point that Tribal Force bail and head to the back....giving Doom the countout victory at the 9 minute mark, but no titles. Doom gives chase.... [QUOTE]We see back stage as John Greed is being attended to while screaming, "[COLOR="Blue"]I can't see, That punk blinded me...[/COLOR]" On Cue Jim Force comes out to the arena..."Looks like your champion can't compete....that means the Force will win by forfiet..Long Live the Force...Buy Jim Force products..." Force is interrupted in his celebration as John Greed's music comes over the system...and out comes John Greed, who is obviously having trouble seeing. Medical staff and DeCipher are trying to stop him, but he will fight tonight.[/QUOTE] MAW championship match: [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. [B]John Greed[/B] Greed's acting has really improved over the last year and half.....he sold his being half-blind well. Force began the match by toying with the challenger- hitting cheapshots...getting back. Finally Force decided to end the match....He came off the ropes, leg drop, 1...2....Greed is up....He begins to pummel Greed, pin...1...2...Greed is up....Greed is taking a beating, but he will not stay down....Force begins to get flustrated and shakes the ropes to call on the force....Greed slips up rolls Force up....then slides into his Temptation leg lock in the middle of the ring.......Force cannot get to the ropes.....Darryl Devine tries to come out....stopped by DeCipher.....Corp Doom tries to come out, stopped by Mean Jean.....Force Wave try to come out...stopped by Dream Team.....Force taps...we have a new MAW champion....John Greed has redeemed MAW with a Temptation........
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MAW The Silver Stair preview 2010 [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/silverstair2010.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background pic from: [url]http://iasos.com/audioclp/StairwayToHeaven-D-4d.jpg[/url] complete card: MAW championship match (rematch) John Greed (C) vs. Jim Force MAW Hurricane title match DeCipher (C) vs. Ric Sanders Jay Cord w/Mean Jean Cattley vs. Darryl Devine Mean Jean Cattley vs. Hell Monkey Raphael vs. Puma Boy
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MAW The Silver Stair [QUOTE]We start off our show with a video of the closing moments of MAW Redeeming the Lost 2010, when we crowned a new MAW champion when John Greed pinned Jim Force.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Next Darryl Devine comes to the ring..."Last month was a blasphamy...the Son of Cord dared lay a hand on the Devine one and the scion of the Force was unfairly cheated of his title...tonight I will destroy the young Cord forever....and the rightful champion will regain his title."[/QUOTE] [B]Rapheal w/Oscar Golden[/B] vs. [B]Puma Boy[/B] Two young men working on climbing the Silver Stair tonight. Both have excelled in tag action, and tonight they showcase some of their high-octane skills. The two were putting on an awe inspiring spot fest, but Oscar decided to try to interfere. Persephone appeared at the entrance way to distract Oscar...Puma Boy takes advantage and hits the Puma Pounce for the 1, 2, 3...at the 15 minute mark. Golden proceeds to give chase to Persephone to the back. [QUOTE]Puma Boy calls for a mic, "Thank you. You all know that I had a great teacher who helped to bring out the young warrior in me....but now that teacher has betrayed his own honor. At first I tried to reason with you Mickey, but you keep up your foolishness. So Mr. James, I will bring you back to the light and redeem your honor, even if I have to beat it out of you...whenever you are ready."[/QUOTE] [B]Mean Jean Catterly w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] Another awesome match for one of our veterns and a relatively new-comer for us. Hell Monkey and Jean brawled and traded moves for the solid 35 minutes...unfortunatly the time limit ran out giving us a draw...both men warily eyed one another, but you could see a hint of respect. [QUOTE]We switch to a backstage view on the big screen. Oscar Golden has traped Perspehone near a doorway. Persephone runs in. Oscar gets in before she can lock it....but then you hear sounds of fighting inside and screams....finally the door opens and Persephone steps out..."Ok guys finish what you are doing, I'll wait outside..."[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The big screen then goes to footage of last month when Jay Cord hit a mood swing on Darryl Devine.[/QUOTE] [B]Jay Cord[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Cord has shown tons of growth, but Devine was in control for most of this match. He looked to be toying with the young Cord interested in inflicting pain and punishment. Jay Fair was hit when Devine came off the top rope with a drop Kick on Cord. Fair down allowed Mean Jean to come out and nail the mood swing on Devine and place a limp Cord on top...Fair recovered to count the 1, 2, 3.... Jean comes back down to pull Cord out as Devine comes to. Devine is irate as he realizes what has happened and he has lost to the young whelp. [QUOTE]We switch back to a view of the backstage area. Jim Force is dressed in a strange robe, with Corp. Doom and Hell Monkey sitting to either side. It seems as Force is going through a strange ritual, chanting with this two lackeys repeating him. Darryl Devine burst in the door, knocking over one of the strange candles and shouting. Jim Force is angry at his ceremony being interrupted...Just as he begins again...in burst Oscar Golden covered with bright yellow paint....the word F-A-I-R-Y written across his back. He is visibly upset also and knocks over the same candle that Devine did. Force shouts incoherently and leaves....Devine and Golden follow behind....Corp. Doom and Hell Monkey are left in the room alone as they burst out in uncontrollable laughter...rolling on the floor you could hear mumblings of 'Golden Fairy' in the midst of the gufaws.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We switch to another part of the backstage area showing MAW John Greed and MAW Hurricane champion Decipher both warming up, with John psyching DeCipher up for his Hurricane title match.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane Title Match [B]Decipher[/B] (C) vs. [B]Ric Sanders[/B] This was another good in ring match. Sanders tried move after move, but DeCipher had the counters. The end came as DeCipher came off the ropes and rolled Sanders into the ankle lock for the submission victory at the 18 minute mark. [QUOTE]John Greed comes out and celebrates with his friend on his victory.[/QUOTE] MAW Championship Match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Jim Force[/B] Force came out a ball of fire crashing everywhere, but Greed escaped time after time, around the 9 minute mark it seemed that Force was running out of gas. Greed then went to work. Showcasing skills developed during 4 1/2 years of toiling throught the roster.. Greed finally locked the Tempation leg lock on at the 18 minute mark gaining the submission victory......Greed goes to celebrate with DeCipher and the fans ringside....... [QUOTE]Suddenly, their is a loud voice..."YOU HAVE FAILED..." Jim Force looks visably shaken, shouting NO!!! Then an intense bright light floods the ring....when it lifts...Jim Force is gone.......[/QUOTE]
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MAW There and Back Again 2010 preview poster [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/thereandbackagain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] August 15, 2010 Deleware Auditorium Full Card: MAW championship: John Greed (C) vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer MAW Hurricane Title: DeCipher (C) vs. Erik Strong MAW tag team championship Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom (C) vs. Doom w/Sheik Mustafa ex-partners battle Puma Boy vs. Mickey James Jay Cord w/Mean Machine and Karen Killer vs. Mic Muscles w/Corp. Doom Oscar Golden vs. Arthur T. Turtle.
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MAW There and Back Again 2010 [QUOTE]Our show opens with a video of Greed's sucessful defence of the MAW title last month, then the strange disapearance of Jim Force after the match.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Next MAW champion John Greed comes to the ring to a nice ovation...."[COLOR="Blue"]Hello my Temps....Greed is in the house....Seriously though...Mean Jean Cattley, you have done it all here in Mid-Atlantic...two time MAW champ....been in more title matches than anyone else here...but now is the time of the new breed...now is the time for new sin...its time for JOHN GREED!!!"[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Puma Boy is shown coming to the ring for his match...he is all business tonight.[/QUOTE] [B]Puma Boy[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James[/B] The master and the student square off in this nice high octane battle. Puma comes out with a vengence tonight over the betrayal of his trainer....James equally wants to put his student back in his place...Nice spots back in forth that end with a Puma Pounce off the top rope at the 18 minute mark, giving Puma the victory.... [QUOTE]After the match, Puma lifts his ex-partner and trainer.."Look Mickey, you've taught me alot..you brought me into a new phase of my career..turn back to the light.." Puma sticks out his hand...Mickey James looks to be reaching to take it, when he clocks Puma with a savate kick....James then leaves Puma down and out...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Oscar Golden is out next. He still has some bright yellow paint on him from last month,"Persephone..you little two-bit tramp...you think its funny...traping me 3on1 and then the audacity to paint on the Golden one? Just watch what is going to happen here tonight...it will be a message for you and your new boy-toy."[/QUOTE] [B]Oscar Golden[/B] vs. [B]Arthur T. Turtle[/B] This is major squash for the get go....poor Turte is making his debut and takes a real lickin. Golden send a definite message to Persephone and her new client.....Pin at the 6 minute mark. [QUOTE]Sheik Mustafa is shown backstage looking worried....He comes up to some of the backstage crew asking, "Have you seen Doom tonight? Have you seen Doom arive? Where could they be?"[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Hell Monkey, Erik Strong, and Corp. Doom are sitting playing cards with Mic Muscles standing behind them. In comes the yellow painted Oscar Golden. Oscar tries to get bossy, but the four stars fall out laughing at the blonde.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jay Cord is shown getting ready for his match....His father Rip comes into the dressing room, "Son, I'm really proud of you. You've made quiet a few strides, and you came out and stood up for the family. It will be an honor to go out with you tonight." Just then the door opens and in comes Jean Cattley. There is an akward moment as the two old enemies stare at each other...Finally Jean speaks "Ok, Jay, you ready...its time for us to go." "Sure thing Jean. Pops watch me tonight. Jean's got my back." The two leave Rip standing in the dressing room looking perplexed and angst ridden.[/QUOTE] [B]Jay Cord w/Mean Jean and Killer Karen[/B] vs. [B]Mic Muscles w/Corp. Doom[/B] Jay looks good in the first few minutes of the match. He gets in some good shots at the monster Muscles, who selling has improved. But the big man is too much, coming back and giving poor Cord a pounding. Mean Jean was too distracted by Corp. Doom to help his young friend as Muscles hits a backcracker to pick up the pin at the 12 minute mark. [QUOTE]Corp. Doom takes the mic, "Well young Cord is down....Now on to business. Where are Doom? Are they chicken? Come on out MAW tag team champions." Out come Tribal Force. "Looks like the 'Death' and 'Pain" have turned Chicken tonight....Forfiet win for the champs." "Now hold on a minute, Corp." Out comes Rip Cord looking extremely pissed. "I don't recall you being in charge here. I am. These people have paid good money to see your two lard A**es get pummulled in a cage..and that is what they will get...Tonight they will face- The Dream Team with Nicole Kiss for the titles in the CAGE." Snap Dragon and DC Rayne come out as the cage is lowered.[/QUOTE] MAW Tag Team championship cage match. [B]Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom[/B] (C) vs. [B]the Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss[/B] As good a match as you can get with Tribal Force involved. The last vestiges of Force power get their brute on early, traping poor Dragon on their side as DC is being held by Corp. Doom from the outside. Nicole comes up and smashes Corp. Doom with a chair...Now DC evens the odds, but it seems the big Savages are too much even for the Rayne man. Brutality is taken to a new level till a forgotten Dragon climbs to the top of the cage to hit the SWOOP (superfly) on Java. The fans are in stunned silence...Dragon gets up...he starts to climb again as DC has Tribal warrior distracted. At the top...Off goes Dragon again with a Swoop on Tribal Warrior. He has trouble getting up. DC grabs his partner and moves to the door of the cage...out they come for the win at the 16 minute mark. New MAW tag team champions....the Dream Team. [QUOTE]Nicole celebrates the tag title win with her team in the ring with the fans....[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is shown hyping DeCiphers Hurricane title reign since WIABA 08.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane title match [B]DeCipher[/B] (C) vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] This is a rematch for these two young stars who really tore it up again. DeCipher looked great in the ring tonight, but Strong was a man of destiny. Back and Forth action always seemed to leave Strong in the right place for a nice move. After several near falls, DeCipher looked to snatch victory, but no Strong reverses a roll-up and gets the 1-2-3...new Hurricane champion Erik Strong....... [QUOTE]Erik grabs a mic as Corp. Doom and Hell Monkey come out...he shouts, "I shocked the world...I shocked the world."[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Mean Jean is shown heading to the ring for his title match, when Rip Cord stops by him. "Jean, I know you and I have had our differences in the past, but leave my son out of this...Don't use him to get at me." Jean replies, "Rip, What are you saying? I was there for Jay, when he needed someone. Are you jealous?" Jean notices Jay standing behind his father. "I was there as Jay fights his battles, but you- now you come out, I think you don't trust your own son?" "Look you JackA**, I know you...I know what you're about.. he's young and idealistic...I know whats best for him." Jay speaks up startling his father who didn't know he was there. "Oh so I'm too dumb to know who are my friends. I need you to pick my friends and my fights....we will see dad....Jean has been training me and fighting with me for you...and this is how you repay him? Let's go Jean you have a title to win."[/QUOTE] MAW Championship match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Mean Jean Cattley w/Karen Killer and Jay Cord[/B] Mean Jean looked in great shape tonight. He really was primed to go at his third title reign, but Greed was equally as desparate to hold on. This back and forth match had many near falls, with Jean hitting a Mood Swing at the 18 minute mark, but 1, 2, and Greed kicked out. Jean quicky went back to work on Greed and hit another Mood Swing...1, 2, Greed gets his shoulder up....Mean Jean begins to look angered...but quicky goes back to work...throwing Greed into the ropes....Greed ducks and catches Mean Jeans legs. Greed quickly hooks on the Temptation leg lock...in the middle of the ring...Jean is fighting, reaching for the ropes.....but no he has to tap at the 34 minute mark....Greed retains the title. [QUOTE]The fans hold thier breath as Jean gets up and looks really angry. Greed prepares to fight, knowing Jean reputation, but after a short staredown, Mean Jean extends his hand....he and Greed shake hands as Jean raises Greed hand in victory. The fans go wild...Rip is shown angry at the entrance ramp.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]It looks to be a happy ending, but no here come- Oscar Golden, Hell Monkey and Erik Strong out to attack the three faces ringside. A nice brawl ensues, but the heels quickly route and retreat to the back.....Greed, Jean , and Jay Cord all salute the crowd...[/QUOTE]
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MAW The Approaching Storm 2010 [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/AP2010.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Card: John Greed and DeCipher vs. Hell Monkey and Oscar Golden Mean Jean and Jay Cord w/Karen Killer vs. Tribal Force w/Corp Doom MAW Hurricane title Erik Strong (C) vs. Puma Boy Mic Muscles w/Corp Doom vs. Black Typhoon
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MAW The Approaching Storm 2010 [QUOTE]Our show opens with a video of the sportsmanship shown by Mean Machine after the MAW title match last month with John Greed.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Erik Strong comes out with his new MAW Hurricane title. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Fan's it's been a long time coming, but Strong has become the man...I ended the masked wonder's title reign, but bare in mind...I am the new man...the new breed...I am the Hurricane man...."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]Mic Muscles w/Corp. Doom[/B] vs. [B]Black Typhoon[/B] Typhoon, Eddie Howard, was never in this match. He seemed a step off and Mic took advantage to showcase his power. Mic picks up the pin at the 11 minute mark. [QUOTE]Black Typhoon is looking to leave dejectedly, when the same slim fan from June starts to heckle the wrestler. This time the fan even goes as far as to get into Typhoons face. Security finally calm the man down, and Typhoon is escorted to the back.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We go to a backstage scene. Rip enters Jay Cord's dressing room again. Jay is playing a video game. Rip asks, "[COLOR="Blue"]Son, why aren't you warming up for your match? Well I really need to talk to you."[/COLOR] "Dad, I'm ready. Last month was a fluke....I've been training with Jean and we are ready to take out these two clowns." "[COLOR="Blue"]Son, that's what I want to talk to you about."[/COLOR] "Dad you said enough last month." Just then Jean enters the room. "[COLOR="Green"]Ready to go, champ?"[/COLOR] "Sure." Jean and Jay leave Rip standing alone once again. Rip has another angst look on his face.[/QUOTE] [B]Jay Cord and Mean Jean Cattley w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom[/B] Jean starts off for his team and holds his own against the savage warriors of the force, but when he tags in Jay the momentum switches. The savages cut the ring in half for poor Jay, pounding the youngster. Jean tries to come in to make the save, but only takes Fair's attention allowing the Tribal Force to hit double team manurvers. The end came as Java hit the Spear on Jay giving a pinfall win at the 14 minute mark. Rip comes out to ringside to check on his son. Jean also rushes to check on his young friend. The two share a strange stare, but then concentrate on the mutual concern. [QUOTE]The Dream Team come out next with Nicole Kiss. Whoa!!! Mid-Atlantic. We have survived. We have won back the MAW tag titles from those force junkies. Now most of you remember what it was like last time we held the titles...P-A-R-T-Y.....no different now." "[COLOR="Red"]Whoa, whoa big man."[/COLOR] Out comes Sheik Mustafa and his charges Doom. "[COLOR="Red"]You were only in that match due to the fact that my team was misderected by a false driver. We deserve a shot at those titles."[/COLOR] "Sheik, you and I have had our differnces before, but I am an understanding woman...you want a shot...my men have no problem beating your two behemoths." "[COLOR="Green"]Hang on on minute missy."[/COLOR] Here come the Firm with Karen Killer. "[COLOR="Green"]My boys have been battling in MAW forever. We deserve a shot at that title."[/COLOR] Firm and Doom seem to be squaring off, when Rip Cord comes out. "[COLOR="Blue"]Wait a minute. Last I checked MAW is still mine. The last bozo who tried to claim otherwise went up in a puff of light. Since I call the shots and I'm an old fashioned kind of guy...I say you settle this in the ring tonight. Tonight we will have a four way for the number 1 contenders to the tag titles. The winner will face the Dream Team at Where It All Begins Again next month. Who's in? Firm, Doom, Blonde Ambition, and the Tribal Force."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Puma Boy is out next thanking the fans and telling them how honored he is to be fighting for the MAW Hurricane title tonight.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane Title Match [B]Erik Strong[/B] (C) vs. [B]Puma Boy[/B] This was another showcase of talent growing in our ranks. Strong was solid looking good tonight, but so was Puma. Both men traded move for move till. Finally it ended with a draw as the 30 minute time limit ran out. The fans showed appreciation, but Strong was angry. [QUOTE]Rip comes back out. "[COLOR="Blue"]Now that was wrestling. I say you too do it again at Where It All Begins Again. This time a 60 minute time limit." [/COLOR] The Fans roar their approval.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Corp. Doom comes out, but this time he is wearing a plain homespun brown robe. He seems to be carring a book. "He will RE-Turn!!!!" Then he leaves the same way.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Oscar Golden and Hell Monkey come out next. Oscar takes the mic. "Dude, what was up with that?" Hell Monkey just shakes his head. "Well back to the show. Tonight you see the re-emergence of the winningest wrester in MAW history. That's right Oscar Golden. And tonight with Hell Monkey we will destroy this UnHoly Alliance. And we will prove why we deserve a shot at the MAW title."[/QUOTE] 4-way for no. 1 contenders to the MAW Tag titles [B]Tribal Force[/B] vs. [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition[/B] What a slobberknocker. The blones played it smart and kept to the side as the other three monster teams beat each other to a pulp. Doom and Firm first teamed up on the Force Savages, but soon Firm and Doom rekindled their old anamosity. Firm and Doom began to brawl to the outside and up the ramp. This left a fresh Blonde Ambition with a recovering Tribal Force. Raphael and Flash both put their hearts into the match, but Java and Tribal Warrior were too much. Tribal Warrior gained the pin on Flash Savage at the 14 minute mark. [QUOTE]We are shown backstage footage where Doom and Firm are continuing to brawl oblivious to the end of the match.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]MAW champion John Greed and DeCipher come to the ring. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"I tell you Cipher, you hear a new one everyday. But you know what Oscar, I like the sound of that...Greed and the Demon- once foes...now the UnHoly Alliance.....Well one thing I know...every time you two have faced us...it has been only one result....our win. Tonight is no different. Tonight we prove why the UnHoly Alliance will survive this Approaching Storm."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]The UnHoly Aliance (John Greed and DeCipher)[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden and Hell Monkey[/B] The four top men in my promotion right now. It was a nice battle, but something of a letdown. DeCipher was off his game and Golden didn't preform up to standards. But it was action. DeCipher missed a Cycle kick off the ropes allowing Hell Monkey to tag in. Hell Monkey really became a fleet footed assaliant keeping DeCipher off his game. Monkey wore down the ex-Hurricane champ, but no DeCipher escaped to make the hot tag. John Greed came in and cleaned house on the heels, but inadvertantly knocked Hell Monkey into Jay Fair. This allowed Oscar to hit Greed with a chair...not once, not twice, but three times....Oscar went for the pin, but Jay was not up yet. In came Persephone. She taunted Oscar....Oscar gave chase...Hell Monkey quicly entered as Fair was reviving to lay on Greed..1, 2, 3...Hell Monkey pinned the MAW champ in a tag match. [QUOTE]Oscar turns to late. His personal plan for demanding a championship match now gone as he did not get the pin. He rushes and begins argueing with Monkey. Monkey pushes Golden and leaves.[/QUOTE]
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MAW Where It All Begins Again 2010 [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/MidAtl1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MAW: Where It All Begins Again 2010 A new begining calls for the unveiling of our new logo.....This has been a historic year for MAW and this card should be a microglimps of that: MAW championship match John Greed (C) vs. Hell Monkey Last month Hell Monkey pinned the champ in a tag battle. Can he repeat that in singles and garner the belt? MAW Tag Team championship The Dream Team (C) w/Nicole Kiss vs. Tribal Force w/Corp. Doom The Dream Team ended the Force grip on the titles, but Tribal Force overcame two matches last month, including a brutal 4 way battle to earn a shot at regaining their titles. MAW Hurricane title Erik Strong (C) vs. Puma Boy Strong ended the long reign of DeCipher, but his first defence ended in an amazing draw. Can Puma Boy and Strong repeat their performance in a 60 minute match? Losers leave MAW for good The Firm w/Karen Killer vs. Doom w/Sheik Mustafa Two factions that have battled up and down the area. Now they both feel the other cost them their shots at the titles....Cord wants some conclusion to this, hence this match. 10 lashes match Oscar Golden vs ??? w/Persephone Oscar Golden and Persephone have been battling for years. Now Oscar has agreed to meet Persphone's mystery man in a loser gets 10 lashes match. The son and the beast: Mean Jean Cattley and Jay Cord vs. Blonde Ambition Cattley took young Cord under his wing, but is he really turned to good? Are Rip's fears for his son founded?
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MAW Where It All Begins Again 2010 results [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/MidAtl1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Our show opens with the new logo on the big screen. Then we go into a video of Hell Monkey's pin on MAW champion John Greed last month in a tag team match.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Next we have a video of a new athlete coming to MAW...Pirato swinging in soon.[/QUOTE] [B]Mean Jean Cattley and Jay Cord w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition[/B] Mean Jean and Jay work well together tonight, but the Blondes seem to be under a gun. Jay works Flash over, then tags in Jean who really begins to show the dominance. The end came when Jay hit the Mood-swing on Flash to pick up the pin at the 13 minute mark. Jay and Jean really celebrate with the fans.... [QUOTE]Oscar Golden is really looking angry as Persephone comes out to the ramp. Oscar looks and begins to move up the ramp. "Uh-uh =-uh" says Persephone shaking her head..."I have someone for you tonight" Out comes...Steven Parker...the mystery challenge man to face Oscar tonight.[/QUOTE] 10 lashes match [B]Oscar Golden[/B] vs. [B]Steven Parker w/Persephone[/B] A nice match from two original roster members. Parker has been fine tuning his skills while out of the ring and his and Persephone's interaction was great. Oscar did look good out there tonight, but it was Parker's night to shine in his future gimmic. Parker picks up the win with a future shock at the 17 minute mark. [QUOTE]Persephone is all giddy as Parker holds Golden for her to give the 10 lashes. The fans really loved this bit. Oscar howled and looked great running back up the ramp afterwards promising revenge.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We switch to backstage footage of Rip Cord trying to congratulate his son on the victory tonight, but seems to be interrupting Jay and Jeans celebration.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Sheik Mustafa comes out with Death and Pain to hype the loser leaves MAW match tonight with the Firm.[/QUOTE] Losing team leaves MAW [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] This was a brawl from the word go. Sheik and the Firm have been going at it since the Dev Inc days. Murderous Mickey looked good tonight, Pain looked good tonight, and Death was a star in tonights match. Back and forth action as all 4 men gave it their all. Karen and the Sheik has two humorous scenes interacting, but most of the action came from the four brawlers. The finish came when Ricky Douglas caught Pain in a sleeper. Death was caught up with Mickey outside and was unaware of his partner's predicament. Shiek tried to interfere, but Karen caught his leg. Jay Fair raised Pain's hand once, twice, three times. winners the Firm. [QUOTE]There is utter silence as shock registers. Doom has been a popular team and the fans new this would be their last night in MAW as they had signed on with a Canadian group. The 1,000 fans in attendance gave a standing ovation in salute to the big bruiser team.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We are shown Black Typhoon sneaking into the arena tonight, till DeCipher asks "What's up?" Causing Typhoon to run to his car and squeel off.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]DeCipher and MAW champion, John Greed come out next. The UnHoly Alliance point out that it took alot of outside help for Hell Monkey to pick up a tainted win. Tonight it will be easy money as "it pays to be Greed!!"[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Puma Boys comes out and promises the fans he will fulfill his dream tonight to wear gold. Erik Stong is right behind him rattling last month was a fluke.[/QUOTE] 60 minute time limit Hurricane championship match [B]Erik Strong[/B] (C) vs. [B]Puma Boy[/B] Another intense drama match tonight as both men showcased their strenght-flying. Strong really carried his end, but Puma showed flashes of future greatness. Strong had controll for most of the match, but he could never keep Puma down. Shooting Star..1..2...kick out...swanton...1..2..kick out. Finally at the 46th minute Puma monkey flips Strong coming off the ropes to gain the pin.... [QUOTE]Post-match Strong sits in shock as Puma celebrates with the crowd. DeCipher even comes out to congratulate the new champ.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Hell Monkey comes out alone to hype his life-long dream to one day wear gold...tonight it is destiny as proven by the last match.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]As Hell Monkey finishes, out come Corp. Doom and Tribal Force to hype their tag title shots tonight.[/QUOTE] MAW tag team championship [B]the Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss[/B] (C) vs. [B]Tribal Force w/Corp Doom[/B] Another contrast in styles as the two brawlers and the finesse of DC and Snap Dragon clashed. Tribal Force took an early advantage, but Rayne finally made a hot tag to Snap who flew. Snap came with the Dragon's Breath finisher on Java at the 14 minute mark to pick up the win. [QUOTE]DC Rayne,SnapDragon, and Nicole celebrate ringside with the fans. Suddenly, another bright light floods the ring, blinding everyone. Once the light dies down, Tribal Force have disapeared. Corp. Doom looks on in fear...everyone else in stunned silence.[/QUOTE] MAW championship match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] Hell Monkey started off using shortcuts to gain an advantage, but Greed was a force to be reckoned with. Greed seemed to match Hell Monkey's arial attack and to continue to use a mat approach. Finally after a good back and forth struggle Greed picks up the win with the Temptation leg lock at the 21 minute. [QUOTE]John Greed is celebrating, when suddenly he looks up. He runs over and pushes Hell Monkey out of the ring as the blinding light hits again right where Hell Monkey was lying, but where Greed is now. When the light fades, John Greed is gone.......[/QUOTE]
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Here's a quick look at where we are now with MAW near the conclusion of 5 years. Platform: TEW 2005 Owner: Rip Cord H. Booker: Jimmy Fox Size: Regional Bank: 115,000 MAW champion: John Greed MAW Hurricane Champion: Puma Boy MAW Tag Team champions: The Dream Team (DC Rayne and Snap Dragon) w/Nicole Kiss Roster as end of October 2010 Main Event: [COLOR="Blue"]John Greed Snap Dragon DeCipher[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hell Monkey Oscar Golden[/COLOR] Upper Mid-Carders [COLOR="Blue"]DC Rayne Mean Jean Cattley Steven Parker[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Oscar Golden Ric Sanders Black Typhoon Corp. Doom Mickey James[/COLOR] Mid-Carder/Lower Mid-Carder [COLOR="Blue"]Jay Cord* Puma Boy Antonio Yuki El Diamante Azul[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ricky Douglas Pirato Erik Strong Danny Rushmore Titan Murderous Mickey Rapheal Flash Savage[/COLOR] Openers [COLOR="Blue"]Arthur T. Turtle Carl Edwards[/COLOR] Referee: Jay Fair Anouncer: Merve Ernest Managers: Sheik Mustafa, Nicole Kiss, Persephone, Karen Killer Teams: the Firm: Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mickey (C+) the Dream Team: DC Rayne and Snap Dragon (C) Blonde Ambition: Flash Savage and Rapheal (C+) UnHoly Alliance: John Greed and DeCipher (F) Rat Pack II: Ric Sanders and Titan CC: Mean Jean Cattley and Jay Cord This Jay Cord was created as he never came out during my game...I really liked the son storylines I read in other diaries so I took the stats from the 2007 demo and knocked them down some and created him.
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Where are they now? Notable MAW alumni who have moved on and achieved: Zeus Maxmillion: Dave Unified Title (8 defences) Mainstream Hernandez: TCW All Action title (2 reigns- 7 defences and counting) Jack Giedroyc: NoTBW Unlimited Action (1 defence) C.H. Threepwood: CGC Canadian title Des Davids: Midcard status at SWF
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M [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/survquest.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Full Card: MAW tag team championship The Dream Team (C) vs. The Firm MAW Hurricane championship Puma Boy (C) vs. Erik Strong Oscar Golden vs. Antonio Mic Muscles vs. ???
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MAW Survivor's Quest 2010 (Nov) results [QUOTE]Our show opens with a video replay of the disappearance of John Greed after the main even. New we see Hell Monkey being confronted by DeCipher: [B]DeCipher:[/B] "[COLOR="Blue"]What happened? What did you do to Greed?[/COLOR]" [B]Hell Monkey:[/B] "[COLOR="Green"]What are you talking about? I didn't have anything to do with that. That light was coming for me.[/COLOR]" [B]DeCipher:[/B] "[COLOR="Blue"]Well if you didn't, then John saved you. You owe him and you should help me find out what happend to him.[/COLOR]"[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Next we are shown the Rat Pack II talking backstage. Rick Sanders is shown telling Titan that he is own his own now.[/QUOTE] [B]Mic Muscles[/B] vs. [B]Carl Edwards[/B] Edwards is a nice newcomer signed by us, but he is no match for Muscles' power and experience. Muscles wins with the muscle buster at the 8 minute mark. [QUOTE]A strange man dressed in a flowing red shirt and bandana along with an eye patch and hip boots is shown following and old piece of paper throught the backstage area. When he runs into some of the works he screams "ARRRGGG!!!"[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rip Cord is seen trying to talk to his son Jay, but Jay brushes off his father to go with Mean Jean to a party.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Oscar Golden comes out with the members of Blonde Ambition. "Five years ago, we came together to rule MAW. We came together to prove that we had talent, we came together to quit being overlooked. Alot has happend in that time. We won the tag titles on multiple occasions, but last month was a travesty. Last month we sucked. I, Oscar Golden will not take that lying down. First things first....Flash, come here. Flash you and I have always been close, but you lost to baby Cord. We can't have that any more. Flash you are fired!!" "What? you can't do that Oscar." "I can and I did. Now because of our friendship, I'll let you leave." "Let me leave? I do what I want when I want." "Have it your way then. Meet the newest member....the man who makes us Blonde Ambition V3...meet Jerry Martin." Out comes Jerry Martin and Flash stands for a moment before hightailing it to the back. "Jerry you have a match tonight against a hussy's flunky. Go get him."[/QUOTE] [B]Jerry Martin w/Oscar Golden[/B] vs. [B]Yuki w/Persephone[/B] The Blonde Bommer was another addition to our roster. He and Yuki have good chemistry to give them a fairly good match tonight. Jerry and Oscar were just too much for the faces as Jerry comes off with the Canadian Goose for the pin win at the 14 minute mark. [QUOTE]Oscar grabs the mic again post match. "Well Persey, I hope you get used to this. This month it was Yuki. Next month Rapheal will take down your precious Steve Parker. Now watch my match."[/QUOTE] [B]Oscar Golden[/B] vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Two men who haven't had the best streaks going lately trying to right their respective ships. Oscar was really rejuvinated tonight though and he viciously lays into poor Antonio to gain the submission win at the 18 minute mark. [QUOTE]As Golden and his cohorts celebrate in the ring, Antonio limps back to the back, but he keeps looking to the crowd with a strange look in his eyes.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Karen Killer comes out with Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mickey to hype their title shot tonight against the Dream Team.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rip Cord comes to the ring with DeCipher and Hell Monkey to hype the search for the missing champ: John Greed. DeCipher and Hell Monkey will review the tape for clues later on.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The strange pirate dressed man notices a despondant Titan back stage, "Ahoy, matey. What be ur reef? Nev'r mind come with me in search of 'Booty'" Titan shrugs and follows the strange man down the hall way.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Erik Strong comes out next declaring how he will destroy Puma boy and regain his Hurricane title tonight.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane Title match: [B]Puma Boy[/B] (C) vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] The third match was a step down from the last two, but Strong really held his end up. Strong looked to finally have Puma down at the 21 minute mark, but Puma reversed a roll-up to gain the surprize defence. [QUOTE]After the match, Strong looked to take out frustrations on Puma, but Antonio ran to the ring. As Strong walked off, Antonio turned and decked Puma.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Nicole Kiss comes to the ring with the MAW tag team champions- Snap Dragon and DC Rayne. "That's right my fine people...Dream Team party time like its 2010.....that's the time to party till the end. Now the Firm comes out all big and tough...well know this boys...the Dream Team is ruff..."[/QUOTE] MAW Tag Team championship [B]Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss[/B] (C) vs. [B]the Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] Two teams laying it all on the line tonight. DC and Douglas put on a clinic and both men looked great, but no one could gain an advantage. the match ended in a time limit draw at the 45 minute mark. Post match both men seemed to be in a tense stardown, till they shook hands in a show of sportsmanship. [QUOTE]DeCipher and Hell Monkey come out ready to view the tape from last month in slow motion for clues...Just as we get to the part of the light, out come Mickey James and Erik Strong. both men lay into the amature slueths with baseball bats as Corp. Doom wearing a strange Druid cloak directs them.[/QUOTE]
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MAW The Shadow Rising 2010 [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/shadowrising10a.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We are moving into our sixth year....the card: DeCipher and Hell Monkey vs. Erik Strong and Mickey James MAW Hurricane title match Puma Boy (C) vs. Antonio Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Mic Muscles Jay Cord vs. Oscar Golden Steven Parker vs. Rapheal DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss vs. Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer
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MAW The Shadow Rising 2010 [QUOTE]Rip Cord is looking worried as he approaches the dressing room his son Jay is in. He starts to go in, but overhears Mean Jean and Jay talking. Jay: "My dad is really getting on my nerves. He's always thinking the worst of you. Jean: "You've got to understand, dude...I always showed him my worse side. He hasn't seen the new me. But cut him some slack. Lets go ahead and set up tonight's party...for when we finish our matches.." Rip decides to walk away.[/QUOTE] [B]Steven Parker w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Rapheal[/B] This was a glorified squash. Parker really showed Rapheal what wrestling was, mercifully ending it with a future shock at the 9 minute mark. The match also saw Jerry Martin come out and try to distract Parker, but was quickly nullified. After the match Martin tried to attack Parker, but was chased to the back. [QUOTE]We go back stage where we see Black Typhoon complaining about the heckler to a stage hand, when Pirato and Pirate Titan come by in their swashbuckler attire. Pirato stops as he comes by Typhoon, "Landlubber, hav' ya b'sein' some booty hearabouts?" Typhoon looks at the strange man with a wierd expression, "Go away punk. I've got other things on my mind." "Sos you wantin to challenge? So be it. Next month, my matey- Titan Reefer will trim yours sails. Now off to seek booty!!"[/QUOTE] [B]Jay Cord[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] Golden looked to take advantage of the inexperience of the younger Cord, but it was not to be early on. Jay has been learning alot from Mean Jean over the last year. Golden eventually used underhanded tactics to take advantage of the situation though. He looked to be cruising to a victory, till Persephone came down to ringside. The distraction was enough for the young Cord to roll up Golden for the pin at the 14 minute mark. Persephone laughs at the irate Oscar while going back up the ramp. [QUOTE]Rip Cord is shown talking with Shiek Mustafa backstage. "Yes I know we will have to do something about the Greed situation. Tonight we will make some anouncement."[/QUOTE] [B]Jay is being congratulated by Mean Jean. Mean Jean then heads to the ring for his match.[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Mic Muscles[/B] The young monster bruted his way to an early advantage, as Jean bumped quite well for the youngster, but the crafty vetern found a way to turn the tide and get the advantage using the big Muscles' own momentum against him. Jean looked to have thing well in hand, but Oscar Golden comes out next looking for revenge for his loss to Cord. This brings Jay Cord out also. Jay and Oscar are fighting ringside, when an inadvertant whip, through Jay toward the ring triping Mean Jean coming off the ropes. Jean goes down, giving Muscles a chance to hit the Muscle buster and gain the pin. After the match, Jean looks distraught and Jay tries to apologize. [QUOTE]We see a video of the draw for the tag team titles last month between the Dream Team and the Firm. Nicole Kiss hypes DC Rayne in his match against Ricky Douglas tonight.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Antonio comes out for his shot at the MAW Hurricane title tonight, but he is not alone- Ric Sanders comes out with him.[/QUOTE] MAW Hurricane Title match [B]Puma Boy[/B] (C) vs. [B]Antonio w/Ric Sanders[/B] Antonio's turn was cemented tonight as gained the advantage using dirty tactics. Puma looked down and Antonio reveled in inflicting punishment. Then at the 21 minute mark, Puma hit his Puma pounce out of nowhere and quickly got the 1, 2, 3 before Sanders could interfere. Sanders and Antonio quicky started beating down the winner. [QUOTE]Corp. Doom dressed in a druid cloak is shown talking to Micky James and Erik Strong. When Doom notices the camera he quickly goes the other way, but is heard to say..."Tonight is the night of prophesy."[/QUOTE] [B]Hell Monkey and DeCipher[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong and Mickey James[/B] This was a spotfest fromt he word go. The action saw all four men in ring for most of the match. DeCipher and Monkey seemed to get the upperhand, when Strong and James ran to the back. DeCipher and Monkey gave chase. Jay Fair had no choice but to call the match a no contest. We see some of chase backstage, before coming back to the ring for Ricky Douglas. [QUOTE]Ricky Douglas and Karen Killer hype Ricky's match tonight with DC Rayne.[/QUOTE] [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer[/B] A nice even match with both men showcasing their skills. Both men gave and both men took. It looked to end the same as their tag match did last month, but out of nowhere Ricky Douglas hits his Razor's Edge DDT and gains the pin at the 19 minute mark. Both men are exhausted, but receive a nice applause from an appreciative crowd. [QUOTE]Rip Cord comes out next. "Thank you fans for coming out. As you saw, our MAW champion John Greed has disappeared. We are investigating, but we have no new clues. I hate to say this, but we need a champion present to defend his title. If John Greed doesn't show by the end of next month's MAW Battlefield Earth, then I have no choice but to declare the MAW title vacant." Sheik Mustafa comes running out in a major hurry and directs Rip's attention to the big screen. On the screen we see Hell Monkey and DeCipher still giving chase to the villianous pair, when the come up on a strange room. A large sign reading 'BEWARE' is over the door. DeCipher comments he'd never seen this room before. The two enter as they hear Strong laughing from the other side of the door. FLASH a bright light comes from the room, and then when the camera goes in...only Erik Strong is standing there laughing. "What is this?" Rip yells. Just then Corp. Doom comes out to the ringside area with a mic. "It is too late, the prophesy has been fullfilled. HE IS HERE!!!!" Another bright beam of light flashes in the rafters and then standing there is a Dark robed man. No one can see his face, becaus of his hood. He holds out a shiny red light/blade. A metallic voice is heard. "[COLOR="Red"]THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE HAS ARRIVED[/COLOR]" The bulding is then plunged into darkness. When the lights come up only Rip and the Sheik remain.[/QUOTE]
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MAW Battlefield Earth 2011 preview..... [CENTER][IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x175/bgbuff/battlefield2011.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background picture from:[url]http://image06.webshots.com/6/1/77/24/82617724LmfPNi_fs.jpg[/url] Will John Greed show up or will he be stripped of his title... complete card: Murderous Mickey w/Karen Killer vs. Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss Mean Jean Cattely and Jay Cord w/Karen Killer vs. Blonde Ambition V3 Oscar Golden vs. Mic Muscles Pirate Titan w/Pirato vs. Black Typhoon Steven Parker w/Persephone vs. Arthur T. Turtle
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