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The Wrestling Crowns (C-Verse)

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From the hardest of the hardcore to the most technically sound, from the all knowing veterns to the new kid on the block. They all need to be appriciated for the efforts and be respected for everything they put into this buisness. Here by I open The Wrestling Crowns! Thats enough poetic ramblings for one day. The Wrestling Crowns is going to be tournament based, which will hold a tournament every two months for different styles in pro wrestling. These events will be - Deathmatch Crown (Feburary) - High Flying Crown (April) - Vetern Crown (June) - Youngsters Crown (August) - Tag Team Crown (October) - Technical Crown (December) Now all workers (if possible) will be signed under short term deals so they are only signed up for one appearance/short period since they will only be used once a year. The promotions product will change in conjunction with the upcoming event style. The promotions starting size will be Regional The tournament style will be changed periodicly aswell to give more interest and also more possibilitys that just the regular style tournaments. The upcoming tournament is the Deathmatch Tournament that will work like this. (btw, for anyone who knows the Tournament Of Death 5 style, its basicly that)The first round will be four three-way matches in which the wrestler who gets pinned will be eliminated. The second round will be a four way between the survivors in which two are eliminated. The final is another four way in which it will be one pinfall to win.
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So two months of creative meetings after creative meetings, signings after signings. The line up for the Deathmatch Crown is as follows Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West in a Light Tube & Barbed Wire Ropes Death Match Bully Benrubi vs. Dallas McWade vs. Primal Rage in an Ultraviolent Light Tubes & Barbed Wire Spiderweb Death Match Brett Fraser vs. Danny Rushmore vs. Dog Fyte in a Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match Biff The Bruiser vs. Danny Paterson vs. Larry Wood in a Barbed Wire & Panes of Glass Death Match Who will make it to the semis, the finals and who will have the deathmatch crown placed on their head, Predictions Please!
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Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali vs. [b]Sgt. Bubba Lee West[/b] in a Light Tube & Barbed Wire Ropes Death Match Bully Benrubi vs. [b]Dallas McWade[/b] vs. Primal Rage in an Ultraviolent Light Tubes & Barbed Wire Spiderweb Death Match Brett Fraser vs. Danny Rushmore vs. [b]Dog Fyte[/b] in a Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match Biff The Bruiser vs. Danny Paterson vs. [b]Larry Wood[/b] in a Barbed Wire & Panes of Glass Death Match Semis Winners: Wood and Sgt. Bubba Lee West Champion: Sgt. Bubba Lee West
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Dean McWade vs. [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West in a Light Tube & Barbed Wire Ropes Death Match Ali is killer I even like dhim as Leroy buy as Sayeed Ali he is the future and a major star for 4C. He shoudl take this match hands down Bully Benrubi vs. Dallas McWade vs. [B]Primal Rage[/B] in an Ultraviolent Light Tubes & Barbed Wire Spiderweb Death Match All these guys suck but atleast Primal Rage has a cool name Brett Fraser vs. Danny Rushmore vs. [B]Dog Fyte[/B] in a Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match Shortest match of the night as Brett can't go more than 6 minutes without being exhausted. Dog Fyte is the kiler here he may be smaller than rushmore but he's got the tools and the talent to win. Biff The Bruiser vs. Danny Paterson vs. [B]Larry Wood [/B]in a Barbed Wire & Panes of Glass Death Match Just cause wood is the second ultimate vetrean Psycho Hardcore Brawler next to what's his name from WEXXX, not Ryu the other guys who's like 57 and still taking sick bumps.
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As the event got closer I knew I needed Announcers, Road Agent and a Referee which I could keep for all tournament. I chose: Announcer: Marv Everest Color Commentator: Lawerence Young Referee: Ryan Holland Road Agent: Curt O'Malley [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Arial Black"][U]Deathmatch Crown[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Dean McWade vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West in a Light Tube & Barbed Wire Ropes Death Match [/B] A Great Opener. Sgt. Bubba Lee West took matters into his own hands early on by taking McWade out with a huge running clothesline which took him out of the ring and began desicrating Sayeed with light tubes, holding him into the barbed wire and smashing light tubes on his chest. Causing a large amount of blood. He then uses his foot to push his face into the wire. Sayeed eventually rolled out under the ropes. McWade took his chance when he took a collection on 5 lightubes taped together to his back. Sayeed came back in with 2 chairs setting them up side by side, he then took out McWade over the top, grabed Bubba and G.B.H. Drivered him onto the open chairs. Before he got the pinfall McWade hit the canadian lariat out of nowhere for the three. [B]Eliminated: Sayeed Ali Rating: C+[/B] [B]Bully Benrubi vs. Dallas McWade vs. Primal Rage in an Ultraviolent Light Tubes & Barbed Wire Spiderweb[/B] The match began with Primal attempting to take on both men, to no success and was the first to feel the wrath of the barbed wire spiderweb. Bully and McWade no matter what they tried couldn't get the other in the wire. Primal got to his feet and with a double clothesline they both went into the wire. Primal set up light tubes in the corner. He turned into a sick chair shot from Bully. Bully took Dallas and T-Bone explosion suplex into the corner through the tubes. He ducked Primal's clothesline and powerbombed him into a collection of tubes. He went out the ring and set up 4 chairs next to each other next to a car which was part of the set. Took Dallas up to the top, only to be powerbombed off completly demolishing the chairs. Dallas got the 3. [B]Eliminated: Bully Bunrubi Rating: C-[/B] [B]Brett Fraser vs. Danny Rushmore vs. Dog Fyte in a Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match[/B] If for every light tube they broke in the match they got a buck, then they would be right up there with Bill Gates. Lots of light tube shots were seen and Brett's shoulder was badly cut from the tubes. Dog set up a chair on elevated on top of two chairs. Dog then took Brett to the apron and piledrived him on to it causing the ladder to bend and break in the middle for the 3. [B]Eliminated: Brett Fraser Rating: D+[/B] [B]Biff The Bruiser vs. Danny Paterson vs. Larry Wood in a Barbed Wire & Panes of Glass Death Match[/B] The match began with all 3 taking a seat and just taking shots to punch each other to see who could take it. Danny couldn't be bothered anymore and press slammed Larry over the top to the hard floor. Biff layed Danny out with a hard punch. He then went for an irish whip into the glass only for it to be reversed and Biff smashed through the glass. Danny went outside to powerbomb Larry on the floor only to be back bodydropped. Larry wraped his hand in barbed wire and just went to school on Dannys forehead, busting him from ear to ear. Biff came out the ring and head butted Larry, Larry shouted 'come on!' and it took Biff 7 headbutts to eventually colapse. Biff picks up Larry and scoop slams him on a barbed wire board. Biff takes Danny and slams him on top of Larry causing more weight pushing him in the wire. Biff goes up on the apron and throws all his body weight in a splash ontop both of them, once again driving them in the wire. It took a while for any movement to bee seen, obviously Biff was the best off and got up first and then took Danny of Larry and throwed him in the ring and went for a pin, 1..2..3/4 kick out. Biff creates a contraption on the outside with two chairs elevation a piece of glass on top. He goes to press slam Larry over the top rope on to it, but Larry got out, kicked him in the stomache and put Biff on his shoulders, Biff got out, Danny comes in and throws a barbed wire contraption at both of them, knocking out Larry but Biff was still on his feet, he kicked him in the mid section picks him up and powerbombs him over the top through the glass contraption, Danny gets the 3. [B]Eliminated: Biff The Bruiser Rating: C[/B] [B]Dallas McWade vs. Dean McWade vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Primal Rage in a Barbed Wire & Panes of Glass Death match[/B] The announcers hyped up the fact would the McWades work together but they stayed out of each others way and Dallas took on Bubba and Dean took on Primal. Dean went to town on Primal with some lightubes and Primal's painted face quickly turned red. Dean hit the lariat to defeat him. While Dean had no problem the competitivness of Dallas & Bubba found its way into the crowd. Bubba hip tossed Dallas onto a merchandise table. Bubba dragged him up to the car on the set. Here comes Dean who hits Bubba right between the eyes. Dean & Dallas double Razors Edged him onto the windscreen for the pinfall [B]Eliminated: Primal Rage & Sgt. Bubba Lee West Rating: C+[/B] Dallas ended up getting a cut wrist in the match, but should be able to work the main event [B]Danny Patterson vs. Danny Rushmore vs. Dog Fyte vs. Larry Wood in a Lemons, Light Tubes and Ladders Death Match[/B] The match began even before Larry got to the ring, they showed off there suplexing skills as each man used a unique suplex on one of the others. Larry gets to the ring without any of them noticing and just throws the ladder and Rushmores head. He collapses, he gets in the ring only to be double teamed, but Larry fought back knocking down Patterson, Dog jumped on Larrys back only for Larry to run backwards into the ring corner which had light tubes in it. Rushmore came in with a chair and layed out Larry with it, Danny slams him down and put several light tubes on his chest. Went up top only for the light tubes to be throwen in his face, causing him to fall backward through a table to the floor. Dog got up and threw a ladder at Larry, he picks him up, puts him on shoulders and death valley drivered him on his knee. Rushmore somehow gets up, lays out Dog and takes a stable gun to his head. He then uses a broken piece of light tube and uses it to cut Dogs head. He gets the box of lemons and sqeezes one on his cut. Rushmore powerbombs Larry into the corner. Patterson comes in and goes for a roll up, Rushmore gets out easily and clotheslines him down, he goes outside and sets up a ladder on the guard rail, picks up patterson and northern light suplexes him through it for the 3. Inside the ring Dog picks up Larry, Larry then rolls him up for the 3. [B]Eliminated: Danny Patterson & Dog Fyte Rating: C-[/B] [B]Dallas McWade vs. Danny Rushmore vs. Dean McWade vs. Larry Wood in a4 -WAY Light Tube Ropes, Fans Bring the Weapons Death Match[/B] Dallas and Dean worked with each other in the early going, but Wood & Rushmore knew that they would not be able to survive and worked together to take out the McWades. Larry set up 10 lightubes between two chairs took Dean to the top and superplexed him to the floor through the contraption. Danny did the same but did it on top of a near by table. Rushmore and Larry stared down each other in the middle of the ring. They went hit for hit with neither going down, Larry went for two running clotheslines, neither took him down, he then went for another but ran into a boot. Rushmore picked up Larry above his head and press slamed him over the top through the chairs, light tubes and the table. Rushmore got the 3 to win the deathmatch crown! [B]Winner: Danny Rushmore[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B]
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