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how do i use these pushes?

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[QUOTE=Goldenskillz;195914]Using the war ends data, i have been able to use Eddie G as a personality in matches. Although some time si get the message he has been used to match but it only happens every other show. On a side note i cant figure out to get his auto push to be a blood active wrestler.[/QUOTE] Check the settings for his "favored role" and make sure "wrestler" is set to ""usually", and that personality is not.
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[QUOTE=Goldenskillz;195914]Using the war ends data, i have been able to use Eddie G as a personality in matches. Although some time si get the message he has been used to match but it only happens every other show. On a side note i cant figure out to get his auto push to be a blood active wrestler.[/QUOTE] Eddie's contract is set to 'Inactive Wrestler' to simulate him entering rehab in May. If you want Eddie as an active wrestler, just edit his contract to Active Wrestler.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;196022]Eddie's contract is set to 'Inactive Wrestler' to simulate him entering rehab in May. If you want Eddie as an active wrestler, just edit his contract to Active Wrestler.[/QUOTE] That would be why, its not a case of i need him as a wrestler but more a case of i have no idea why he isnt one. I looked at his bio and he is set as wrestler usually everythin else none so i was kinda stumped. Im fine with him being personality i just couldnt work out why he was one.
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