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Oh dear I'm new to this

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This game confuses me highly. I have a great time playing it but I can never seem to get anywhere with 21CW. I hire (fairly) decent wrestlers (for the area) but then all the matches come out at low ratings. Is there a guide somewhere that gives an idea on how to find out what wrestlers work well together as well as any other info you guys seem to use? I'm several months in now and getting nowhere whereas I see all your posts and you're up through the ranks and everything! Any advice for a new player is much appreciated.
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Hmm. I'd suggest that you should start getting to know the game with smaller, non-Sports entertainment promotions, 'cause they can sometimes be hard to handle, especially the storylines and angles. I remember having great trouble with those in the beginning, in TEW05. So what I would do, is to start with something smaller, like MAW or more easier CZCW. But that's just my opinion.
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[URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21038"]Advice For Beginners[/URL] Try this link for some advice. If you're getting D grades with 21CW then that is good for them. As long as your popularity goes up you should be happy. As FINisher said, try a non-entertainment promotion to get to grips with the game without worrying about storylines. I learned the game using Ring of Fire as they don't require any storylines. However, they lose money fast.
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Yeah my first game was with RoF which was pure wrestling but I got fed up with being bitched at for having storylines and just felt that there wasn't much fun going on in the fed - plus yes they were haemorraging money. Regarding 21CW, they tell me sometimes that it raises our popularity, but recently I've been having it tell me it's lowering. I can't see where I'm going wrong and I think that's the main issue. I will check that link out - thanks for the advice so far.
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One more thing; is there a way to find out how well wrestlers will work together without putting them in a match first? I'm trying to compile a list of guys who work together well but it's hard to do it trial and error. Is there an attribute that causes clashes?
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There are two ways to see if guys work well together: 1. Put them in a match and hope for a pretty good/great chemistry note and pray you don't get the dreaded "don't click". 2. Use House Shows. But you need written contracts for them which you don't get until you are national. Also of note is that weather workers work well together or not is generated randomly when you first start a game, so that it is different each time.
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If you're speaking of if they'll have good chemistry, then the only way is as WrestleManiac said. If you're just looking for a way to tell who you should put together in a match that might not suck, there are two way. The first one is simple, talk to your road agents via the button on the Booking Screen. Select the a wrestler you're interested in, and your road agents will give you a general rundown of their ability ("John Doe is decent in Rumble skills"), how much better they may get ("John Doe can get much better in Rumble skills"), and a general idea of how you should book them (""John Doe's best at Rumble Skills, so he should be put with other hard hitters"). It'll also tell you if they'd be any good in angles. The second way is to go to the Your Promotion screen and from there look at the Roster. From there you should be able to see each wrestlers skills and Style. The basic set (Rumble, Flying, and Technical) are averages based off related skills (Chain Wrestling, Mat Wrestling, and Submissions make up technical, for example) and are displayed as a letter grade (from E- to A*). By looking at these grades, you can get a general feel for how skilled a wrestler is. A wrestlers Style reflects what sort of in-ring product he offers and can give you a general idea of what sort of opponent to give him as well (A Luchadore and a Cruiserweight will work fine together, a Luchadore and a Psychopath... not so well).
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Also, for the use of your dark match's can be used for this without much negative impact... These do not effect your show's performance, although they can bring the crowds mood down, and thus, effecting the first match or two for your main show. Surprised no one mentioned Dark Match's? Is there a reason, or just didn't think of it?
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[QUOTE=panix04;196431]i agree, genrally i use my dark match's for experimenting and fill the rest of the card with match's i know are going to draw.[/QUOTE] Exactly, although you generally don't know for sure the first couple of shows, but after a few show's you surely know some that work... SO you use them as your high spots of the show (High as in Where you want the show to do better), and then the rest of the show can be made with "intellectual guessing", lol. I like to use new signing's right off the bat in Dark Match's too... Or, Sometimes I will do like WWE, and book them in the first match of the show against the main title holder. I only do this if I'm sure that my title holder can ussually pull out a good show no matter who they are working against. Sometimes you get a great message that you can use for future use when doing this as well. Another reason I do this, is I don't want to waste my title holder in a Dark Match. Another thing that SOMETIMES works... If you have someone that is good together already, Say Worker A and Worker B really clicked out there... ALot of times if you put Worker C against either of them, and get a good message, they end up being compatible with both of them (not always).
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Cheers for the help - things aren't improving much but they are stable. That's okay with me. Two questions: 1. Why does Jeff Nova get over so much and get C ratings for everything even with little momentum? 2. Is there a place to download more user created storylines? Like a pack or something - I don't have the imagination to keep coming up with my own and could use inspiration.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;196929]Sorry mate, I'm an idiot; how would I go about importing storylines and that? If I changed my database info wouldn't I have to start a new game?[/QUOTE] You can have multiple databases you can switch between them in game. I have 7 atm, one of them purely for importing from. Note you must have the right database selected in game to load a save game. I'll let someone else explain how, cause I'm lazy.
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