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YWE: The Experiment

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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]YWE: The Experiment[/B][/SIZE] [I]The new diary by Clarity[/I] A smokey darkened room somewhere where a man stands behind a blinding light: [B]????:[/B] [I]"Mr Tanner, we have a proposal for you. One that i think you will like. For years now, SWF & TCW have been cherry picking workers for there promotions and leaving some underappriciated and unemployed. They then try work secretly for backyard promtions all the while claiming unemployment benefits from the government. This needs to stop."[/I] [B]Tanner:[/B] [I]"So you want me to keep an eye on people for you. Cool, I'l be a private eye.. ooh as long as i get a trenchcoat & fedora"[/I] [B]????:[/B] "No Mr Tanner, thats not what we have planned." [B]Tanner:[/B] [I]"Awwwwwwwwwww"[/I] [B]????:[/B] [I]"Dont worry Mr Tanner. Im sure you will be happy with what we have planned for you."[/I] [B]Tanner:[/B] [I]"Can i still wear a trenchcoat & fedora doing that instead?"[/I] [B]????:[/B] [I]"Eugh... If you must. You have been picked to run a little experiment for us. You will be given $500,000 and a mandate to fulfill. We want you to take those men deemed not good enough for the big leagues and get them off benefits. Simply put, we are giving you your own wrestling promotion"[/I] [B]Tanner:[/B] [I]"Kick ass!"[/I] [B]????:[/B] [I]"MR TANNER!!!! Please listen carefully because we will be watching you. We want you to take the 16-25 year olds and give them a job. Once they hit 25, you must let them go regardless. If they cant make it into a big promotion by then, they probably never will."[/I] [B]Tanner:[/B] [I]"And what do you guys get out of this"[/I] [B]????:[/B] [I]"We, as in the government, will then not have these leechers taking tax payers money and will actually be contributing themselves. Its good for the country"[/I] [B]Tanner:[/B] [I]"But why me though"[/I] [B]????:[/B] [I]"You will find out.... In time. Now its time for you to leave and get about setting up the....Youth Wrestling Experiment"[/I] And with that, the bag was pulled back over Tanners head and he was dragged away. [B][I]Next Up- The Experiment Goes Public[/I][/B] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/ywe-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="6"]Youth Wrestling Experiment Opens Its Doors!![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] In a turn of events shrouded in mystery, youngster Billy Tanner has announced the opening of the Youth Wrestling Experiment or YWE for short. "[I]YWE is all about todays youth[/I]" Tanner said. "[I]We give them a place to work on their skills in a safe working environment before they get taken by the big league, chewed up and spat out with some kind of injury[/I]" Tanner also stated that YWE hopes that a TV company will pick them up in the near future to showcase the future of wrestling. The current line up is unknown at the moment and the first show is scheduled for the end of the month. [B][I]Next-Up: Time to get some workers[/I][/B][/FONT]
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