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PWA - Re-Imagined

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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]The Return Of PWA : Chapter 1 - The Fall of PWA[/B] The following is based on my diaries about the fictional promotion Port-South Wrestling Association. Over the course of its 5 years, PWA rose from nothing and took out Ring Of Fire, and looked set to become the UK’s #1 Promotion. That is until TEW07 and Patch 1.3 came out. With TEW07, 21st Century Wrestling had a major revamp and tied up some of my main workers. Then 1.3 came out and my promotions size took a hit and I couldn’t justify the wages for my workers. The company was losing money badly and there seemed nothing I could do about it.. On top of that, I was trying to get through a massive story. I say massive as it lasted about 6 months in all and tied up pretty much all my main event stars meaning I couldn’t drop anyone. PWA was doomed. That was until the 2011 Ryland Effect. A well respected scientist known around the world for kicking Stephen Hawkings arse at a game of WreSpi2, Ryland had been working on a new calendar system. The calendar made it that each month was 28 days longs. This led to much praise by the working class as it made it so they get paid sooner each month. However people born between the 29th-31st complained but they were heckled for not having the guts to age anymore. Surely they should have been happy. In 20 years time, when they should be 50, they can still say they are 30. I mean seriously, you cant please everyone, can you. As a mark of respect to Adam Ryland, they world government allowed him a personal request. They allowed the year to be 2007 again ; a personal favourite year of his for some reason. So in the new Rylandian year of 2007, Adam B was looking everywhere for a way to save PWA. Enter Steve Haul… [B]To Be Continued….[/B][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]The Return Of PWA : Chapter 2 - From The Ashes[/B] With PWA crumbling around him, Owner Adam B prepared himself for closing shop. That was until he met Steve Haul. Steve Haul was a self made millionaire who claimed he made his money in the dot com boom. Nicknamed 'The Long Haul', Steve was a long time wrestling fan who had used his money to get wrestling training and now he was offering his cash to PWA. There were conditions to come with this purchase. The first was that he was sole owner of the company. Adam could stay if he wanted to but he would have to settle for regular wrestlers wages and earn his place there. And the second was that PWA would move from the UK to the US. California to be exact. Adam B agreed and the sale went through whilst Adam took on the wrestling name 'Clarity'. However a slight revolution in the ranks caused Steve Haul problems before even the first show. Some of the workers didn't like the fact that they would have to move to the states and opted out of there contracts. [CENTER][B]Relocated Roster:[/B] Clarity Donny Damage Glen Ward Humphrey Woolsey Joey Beauchamp Keith Adams Kelly Martin Kev Jordan Manny Morham Menace Merle O'Curle Laura McKenna Nina Pee-Wee Germaine Stephanie Hazel Rod Todd Rolling Johnny Stones Stevie Stoat Tim Reed[/CENTER] With the relocated roster and a new office, Steve Haul looked set to take PWA in a brand new direction[/FONT]
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][CENTER]PWA Holiday Special Preview: 2nd January 2007[/B][/SIZE] [B][I]PWA has moved stateside. Tonight in action:[/I][/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"]Kelly Martin takes on Menace for the Hardass Championship Merle O'Curle meets Tim Reed & Rod Todd defends the PWA Championship against Stevie Stoat. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]All that and more... Tonight at The Snake Pit or Thursday on ITV3[/B][/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"]PWA - Holiday Special Tuesday Week 1 January 2007 Venue: The Snake Pit Attendance: 833 IVR: 0.00 [COLOR="Blue"]Preshow Ratings:[/COLOR] D & E-
Steve Haul starts the show in the ring: [B]Haul:[/B] [I]"Welcome everybody to Premier Wrestling Association. PWA was an originally British wrestling promotion given an american twist. Over the next few weeks, you will see workers from across the globe compete here. But first. Enjoy this holiday special.[/I]" [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] D
[B]Match 1: Kelly Martin Vs Menace[/B] [I]for the Hardass Championship[/I] Oh heck.. None of the guys i got have much popularity in the states meaning that my ratings will probably stink. And to prove it... [CENTER]Menace defeated Kelly Martin in 9:22 by pinfall. [/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] F-
[B]Match 2: Merle O'Curle Vs Tim Reed[/B] Another match that the crowd cared nothing about. [CENTER]Tim Reed defeated Merle O'Curle in 8:56 by pinfall. [/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] F+
Rolling Johnny Stones comes out to the ring: [B]Stones:[/B] [I]"Hey USA. Im Rolling Johnny Stones and i have come to entertain. Tonight you will see me face Stevie Stoat to show you just how good i am."[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] E- [B]Match 3: Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Stevie Stoat[/B] [CENTER]Stevie Stoat defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 9:47 by pinfall.[/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] E-
[B]Match 4: Joey Beauchamp Vs Rod Todd[/B] [I]for the PWA Championship[/I] [CENTER]Rod Todd defeated Joey Beauchamp in 9:51 by pinfall.[/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] E- Having picked up the victory, Rod Todd celebrates in the ring as the show ends. [COLOR="blue"]Rating:[/COLOR] F- [COLOR="blue"]Final Rating:[/COLOR] E-[/FONT] [QUOTE]Ouch. Not such a great show. I forgot that the majority of my roster was british and not known in the states. Furthermore ITV3 hate the new version of PWA and are threatening to pull the plug on us if we cant improve the ratings.[/QUOTE]
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From [U][COLOR="Blue"]pwa.co.uk[/COLOR][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]BYE BYE ITV![/B] In a surprising turn of events, PWA has cancelled the agreement with ITV3 to show their TV show. Ratings were said to be poor on the last few shows and owner Steve Haul claims that it was better to end the show now than leave a bad taste in peoples mouth. Haul claims that he will be in negotiations with US channels to get PWA shown in the Californian area in the next few months[/FONT]
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From [U][COLOR="Blue"]totalextremewrestling.com[/COLOR][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]ALL CHANGE AT PWA![/B] PWA seem to have established a 1 in, 1 out system of employment with a recent influx of signings. Coming in are: CH Threepwood, Dean Daniels, Dermot O'Logical, Dirty Frank, Marc Speed, Remmy Skye and The Idaho Punisher. Heading out are, Glen Ward, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Menace, Tim Reed, and Clarity. However the most surprising news today is that PWA managed to get the services of BURNING Exile on a short term contract. However with no TV show to highlight him on, PWA had better get some events scheduled soon.[/FONT]
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From [U][COLOR="Blue"]totalextremewrestling.com[/COLOR][/U] [B]PWA RETURN![/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"]3 Weeks after cancelling the deal with ITV3 to show PWA: The TV Show, Steve Haul announced on his website today that PWA was back on TV. Debuting on the Californian Local Access channel in the first week on March, the new show - called Premier Wrestling TV - is currently scheduled to be shown at midnight. Haul had this to say on the subject "[I]The deal with ITV3 just wouldn't work after the relocation. Fans in attendance at the event just didn't want to watch british wrestlers who they knew nothing about and the show suffered as a result. The new show will be in front of local people and on TV for local people which should be advantegous to everyone[/I]" Only time will tell if Premier Wrestling TV will be a hit on TV.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="5"]Wrestling News: [I]1st March 2007[/I][/SIZE][/B] [B]Leo Price Retiring:[/B] Retirement may be staring Leo Price in the face, but he remains positive, and friends say that he is actually looking forward to starting a new life behind-the-scenes of the business. [B]TCW Off Air:[/B] GNN Total Sports announced today that TCW Presents Total Wrestling has not been renewed for another season and is now off the air leaving TCW with no show currently on TV.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]On Premier Wrestling TV this week:[/SIZE] Ace Youngblood [B]VS[/B] Remmy Skye Battle Royal [I][COLOR="Indigo"]for the Hardass Championship[/COLOR][/I] Burning EXILE [B]VS[/B] Insane Machine Mainstream Hernandez [B]VS[/B] Rod Todd [I][COLOR="indigo"]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][B]Premier Wrestling TV[/B][/SIZE] - 2X01 2nd March 2007 Phoenix Heart Gym Attendance: 1,000 ([B]Sell-Out[/B]) IVR: 0.00 [B]Preshow Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="red"]D- & D[/COLOR]
[B]Opening Match:[/B] Ace Youngblood VS Remmy Skye While not an extremely good match it seemed on par with the rest of tonights shows. Remmy Skye defeated Ace Youngblood in 7:38 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. [B]Winner:[/B] Remmy Skye [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR]
[B]Battle Royal[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]for the Hardass Championship[/COLOR][/I] [B]Competitors:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]C.H Threepwood, Citizen X, Dirty Frank, Fate, Joey Beauchamp, Marc Speed, Masked Couger, Roderick Remus, The Idaho Punisher, Tully Arthurs[/COLOR][/I] Not a great match but it served its purpose in giving me a new Hardass Champion. The final four competitors Idaho Punisher, Fate, Roderick Remus and C.H. Threepwood, with Fate being the final elimination by the Punisher [B]Winner & NEW Champion:[/B] The Idaho Punisher [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR]
[B]Match 3:[/B] Burning EXILE VS Insane Machine I had high hopes for Burning EXILE which is why i gave him the longest match this evening. And i guess in a way he didn't fail me, scoring the best rating of the night outside the preshow. Burning EXILE defeated Insane Machine in 14:53 by pinfall with an Exile Driver. [B]Winner:[/B] Burning EXILE [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR]
[B]Interlude:[/B] Stephanie Hazel comes out just before the main event and fires T-Shirts into the crowd so i could see there reaction to her. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Main Event:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez VS Rod Todd (c) [I][COLOR="Red"]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I] Todds lack of popularity in the states killed this match i think. Mainstream Hernandez defeated Rod Todd in 12:56 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [B]Winner & NEW Champion:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Final Show Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Bookers Notes:[/B] [I]I got hit by lack of angles and lost some popularity but that was to be expected. I had to find out if i could get any good matches from these people. I really felt sorry for Rod Todd. The guy spent years in PWA:UK and had managed to become my main event star winning the belt away from Adam Matravers and upon relocation to the states and the influx of american workers, Todds been relegated to Opener. Its why i had to have him drop the belt.[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]On Premier Wrestling TV this week:[/SIZE] Matt Sparrow VS Insane Machine Des Davids VS Idaho Punisher [I][COLOR="Red"]for the Hardass Championship[/COLOR][/I] Burning EXILE VS Joey Beauchamp Mainstream Hernandez VS Tully Arthurs [I][COLOR="red"]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I] Plus appearances by Ace Youngblood, Roderick Remus, Steve Haul & Laura McKenna[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="3"]Premier Wrestling TV[/SIZE][/B] - 2X02 9th March 2007 Venue: The Snake Pit Attendance: 1,000 [COLOR="Red"](Sellout)[/COLOR] IVR: 0.00 [B]Preshow Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]D & E-[/COLOR]
Steve Haul is backstage, with C.H. Threepwood, Joey Beauchamp and Marc Speed. [B]Haul:[/B] [I]"Look, you three have been standing here arguing for about an hour and you all seem to think that each of you should be the #1 contender for the Hardass Championship"[/I] [B]Threepwood:[/B] [I]"Hell Yeah"[/I] [B]Beauchamp:[/B] [I]"Hell Yeah"[/I] [B]Speed:[/B] [I]"Hell Yeah"[/I] [B]Haul:[/B] [I]"And quite frankly i dont think any of you have what it takes to beat Idaho but since im a fair man, you three can face off next week. Now get out my office"[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR]
[B]Opening Match:[/B] Matt Sparrow VS Insane Machine Thats a better match. Good ol' Matt Sparrow. He defeated Insane Machine in 4:33 by pinfall with a Bird Brain Buster. [B]Winner:[/B] Matt Sparrow [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] The bell rings and a Roderick Remus rushes into the ring. Matt Sparrow, though, looks none too pleased with Rod Remus - violently pointing a finger into his chest while complaining about Roderick. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR]
[B]Match 2:[/B] Des Davids VS Idaho Punisher [I][COLOR="Red"]for the Hardass Championship[/COLOR][/I] Better get used to the D's i guess. The Idaho Punisher defeated Des Davids in 7:57 by pinfall. [B]Winner:[/B] The Idaho Punisher [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR]
The camera cuts backstage where we find Ace Youngblood. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Youngblood:[/B] [I]"So that concludes the interview. Just one more thing. Tell me in one sentence just why you want to be my tag team partner."[/I] [B]Stones:[/B] [I]"Because back in england i was main event caliber just management refused to push me. Now i want to show the americans just who i am and i reckon a team with you could get us both in the limelight"[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR]
[B]Match 3:[/B] Burning EXILE VS Joey Beauchamp EXILE's position on the roster is looking a little shaky right now. However he defeated Joey Beauchamp in 4:56 by pinfall with an Exile Driver. [B]Winner:[/B] Burning EXILE [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR]
[B]Bikini Contest[/B] Steve Haul is in the ring with Stephanie Hazel and Laura McKenna. He leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Only the crowd is divided so Steve Haul declares the meeting a tie. [B]Winner:[/B] Draw [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR]
[B]Main Event:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez VS Tully Arthurs [I][COLOR="red"]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I] Could Hernandez not be as good as i thought. Or was it Tully dragging this match down. Mainstream Hernandez defeated Tully Arthurs in 7:45 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [B]Winner & STILL Champion:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Insane Machine comes to the ring: [B]Machine:[/B] [I]"That was a poor excuse for a match. How about i take that belt off you next week"[/I] Hernandez is shown mouthing off at Insane Machine as the show goes off the air. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Final Show Rating:[/B] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]E+[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][B]Wrestling News: Week 3 March 2007[/B][/SIZE] [B]Stone Siblings Tournament Win[/B] Last night saw The Stone Siblings win three tag team matches in a row to claim victory in the annual NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup tournament held by NOTBPW. This marks the third time they have won the tournament. The event drew 2,000 fans but the feedback was lukewarm; it doesn’t seem to have gone down particularly well. Sean McFly put in the star performance of the show.[/FONT]
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